The Brussels Post, 1888-12-7, Page 6Heeen Rules tor rer(eellon. Seven is the perfect number, and if the font:ming seven rules aro faithfully °Unread. they would do tiornething toward making perfeot man. . • 13eforo then openest thy mouth think, Firet--What thou abaft epeok. Seconds-a:Why thou slIonlilst epeak it. Third—To whom thou art nbent to speak. Fourth—Concerning whom or what thou art about to speak. Fiftli—What will result there from. Sixth—What benefit it can pro. duce. Seventh—Who may bo listen ing. Novelties in Jewelry. Grouse claws mounted in eilvor aro being worn as brooches, Enamel violets, with &amen centres, are seen iu Ince plus. I Children's bib pins in Roman gold, with email juvenile limits, are neat. Silver wigs set with diamonds nail other precious sconce are all the rage out West. A delicate spray of purple Mace, with diamond centres, forms a very pretty breast -pin. Hairpins with amber shell beads set in with knots of small diamonds are easy worn. New lockets of polished gold have their furface delicately traced with enamel lines. Diamonds of rich yellow, cinna mon, and pink tints e.re very much sought after Met now. Novelties for the holidays include napkin rings in the form of maseive gold band bracelets with buckle claspe. A large silver locket, having in the centre an emerald surrounded with diamonds, is a recent iin- pOr tattoo. Two interlocked hearts mouuted kith pearl.. on a knife edge setting i$ a late acquisition to lace -pin novelties. A new queen chain has as; a pen- dant a small gold flask down which runs a row of diamonds and rnbies diagonally. A large opaque sapphire of a single star pattern, anti smoky gray in color, is a magnificent necklace pendant. Two pigeons, with their Intake olinolied and. bodies formed of gar. net clustere, is a hairpin bead of a recent manufacture. A114116 sleeve buttons of dull t gold with the inner pan formed of small Grecian squares and the 'corners ribbed are a novelty. A slender gold thread one -ball it Moll long, suspended from the ears h axd. knotted at the end with small D pink pears, 18 a startling innovation T M ear ornaments. Something out of the common in D breast -plus is a knife edge bar up p, on which are two diamond studded kittens facing each ether and play- in fully diaportiug with a pearl. ,yiro Advice for \Vivo. (hlil Be gentle and firm with children, V: tit THE BRUSSELS YOST mvolotrxwma.m=m2=-..r Beware of the first dieagme Donn be always tensing bit Money, and keep the • bonseho) ; peneet well eritinn your allow • And first be as kind and courteous . tta your husband as you woro he was your lover. Then you need to look up to bite ; do not uow look down upon Yet vitotites, merit. Money to Loan. n for I „•, . ......a1=411(WaXIM=111F01.1.111Q.,=?1:0(31IfroiF.FICM.O.,. R. pL IT m Notice of 11.0212,0Val Li ex- ' anee Money to Loan on Farm Pro - when perty, at LOWEST RATES, A matter of SOMA weight—pro ing to a 200 pnand widow. Whets a cat gives au outer ment from the top of a wall, it the cat wn ,tbieot to -it's the Wall The melancholy days have c the forest leaves ere deed, wintry Waste are whietling, Goes tho Price" of bread. A bright little gir' of thee°, er I it clotul enveloping the moon, "Auntie the moon is going to a now;tsee 'em pull the sheet np o 1 the _ ROBERT ARMSTRONG PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS DICKSON & RAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. tieheral Blacksmith, Haviug leased the store httely whales to intimate to the public generally I vacated by Mrs. Alexander I that he deell all kinds of Oluonornithing in a Workmanlike Iktanner. made te'Order, Repair11 ing promptly Executed. there. A. Call Soltaited, r..eiteineinber the Stand -Neel% 11101: DiaboX, 01 S. Plum. Wagons, Buggies, Sloighe and Catters have Romoved my 1311E411088 I make Speeia ty of Burets -shoeing. Returned to Brussels. ALLAN LINE. p eing stud kep ver 11302023-WIly Frank, dear, w ia tho matter ? Did you bave a droaui ? Frnitk (in his crib) -N I (.1 dreamed 1 baa a big bag of eau. dy and w.tvelsed wallets!, eatieg it "It's terrible!" exclaimed .111 old lady, upon reeding 01 a p...netture burial., "and I know that whon I die I'll be worrying ell the time TM in the grave for f ntr I havo been bur- ied alive." A German tells of a soldier finding lady's bustle ahich contaiued a large number of love letters. Bat it is not the drat young lady who has allowed her oorrespondance to get behind. "I 800 a new word is called for to describe a railroad accident," re- marked Sponger; "the word 'tales cope' is not considered appropriate" "Ten't it " replied Titnan; "then bow would collide-esoope do?" It is computed that the death rate of the world is 67 a initiate and the birth rate 70 a minute, and thie seemingly light percentage of gain 19 p e n hi of se wi mires to state that he 1111R again become a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such.as Rouse Building, Barn Framing, Mill Wrighting hat Re Will also 1nake a Specialty of Moe. bad ing Buildiegr. no. .Estiinntes Cheerfully Given. au talent to give a net uosaaee or ovulation 01 31020)1 1,200,000 Bouts Bch year. Lawyer—"Were there ally wit eds at your taarria.gle? " Lady— None, except the cat." Lawyer -- and the miniater? " Latly—No, bartos is a minietert he married toselr to me. " Lawyer—"I'll .ve to think this over with the aid etimulen ts." "What in the name of common nse, Jones, makes you go around th snob a heap of cotton atuffing your eare? " "Well, you soe e fact is that I dine out almosi very weenies; and the planoferte i hat one has to be prepared.' Tonmay—"She's the coolest girl ever met in my life." Bielsko— How so ?" Tommy—"Why 'id to kiss her and eomethiug iu er hair nearly put my eye out." lekke—"Well, what of that ?" ommy—"Nothing-but she said, hat's the kind of a hairpin I am.' 'wicket is trying to discover the dub of it yet. Young lady (iniaghtily disengag. 13 herself)—By what right, sir, do 11 presume to put your arm mid my ? Young man nbly)—None, I confess, but I mitt you would not object, ng lad,—Know then, en, that object, and most emphatically. that of course need not deter irons perteveriug. gaudy I" almost shrieked the ly tient, co elle entered tee or unexpectedly and found the g lady clasped in the arma of ing man who was kissing her th a much iu vogue 1101V after dinner Bev are of meddlers and tale. T en bearers. Bnt Learn to epeak in a gentle tono you of voice. Avoid moods and pets and fits 1.1 elder sulkiness. pari Never cherge a bad motive if a youn good one is conceivable. a yet Learn to govern yourselves and „1.1h to be gentle aud patient. had Learn to ray kind and pleasant oil tat every indioation that he had considerable practice. "What things tvitenever opportunity offers, hut Never speak or act in anger until Atn„ you have prayed over your words mar, or acts. ly fa Remember that valuable as is the . gift of speech awes is often more valuable. Never retort a sharp or angry word. It ie the second word that makes the quarrel, Study the characters of each and sympathize with all their troubles, however, small. Remember that you are married to a man, and not to a god ; be pre- pared for inspeefeetione. Once in a while let your husband have the last word ; it will gratify him and be no particular loss to you. Do not expeot too much from others, but forbear and forgive, as you desire forbearance and for. giveneets yourself. Even if your husband should have no heart, he is sure to laffVe a stone, gab, so be careful to lubricate the marriage yoke with well cooked dinners. Let him know more than you do once in a white ; it keeps up his WI respect, and yen are none the -worse for admitting that you are I not actually infallible. Be a companion to your husband, ; he be a wise man ; and if he hi oompanion. Raise his standar,'" rtli doesm this eau 2" 'Nothing u electron bet, aantie,' replied tido with a look of heroic, yr -like resignation on her love - co. "float. Go on Mr. Mc - /10 t, try to make him become you.r do not let hire lower Satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance, OBE, AtiMSTONG. PHOTOS TINT YPES 4, - For .173.0 - Cents. AB worn from the Smallest to Life site dolts In a arst..rlass manner, V If S of Residences, tie., at Reasonable. stifles. W. 3. Fairfield TOURS ROUND THE WORLD. 1,1.1,0111.10.001.1io1d1c.11010.11,Iit This is the name of a hand- some BOOK OF TRA.VEL containing 846 pages and 8.24 ZW4C7PIEVL Eth702tIrfelVLS: It should be in every home in this Comity. Every young man should read it. ASK TO SEE TIIB SAMPLE. nirara White, Agent, 006.1) CILANIIROOK P.O. BRUSSELS LIME WO C'e I desire to inform the Public that I have Leased the well- known Bzossnms Intin Woaxs from Thos. Town and will run the business next Season. I will also continue to follow my trade as staTOINTIM tal:AteteiON, and am prepared to furnish esti- mates for Jobs, &c. BUILDING AND CORNER STONE always on hand. Satisfaction Guni.anteed. A, Specialty made ny llelcitlaylng and Plast,e el ng Lime. "S7C7 • 17.. team How many was that 2" PROPRIET0Ii. Canadian Nelms. Ridgetown has a Thirteen Club. BI -7E -HIVE Mr, Bennett, of Clopetown, has , 14 Ib citron. Leamington churehes are pilnig in the electric light. horned owl was sli •near Alymer the other day. Beech nuts are bola,' sold in Pickering at 25e, per qu '1. A. Brockville bakern has fallen heir to a, fortune in S., stinted. Eighteen inches • snow on the 0,2, 11, north of ea Superior. Renfrew con y bag bad good sleighing for ad past two weeks. This fall gobt. Long has shipped 134 carloadf of apples from Exeter. The 11,4 river at Winnipeg is fros. en bate, enough for teams to cross. A I,'ort Arthur man has found a Silver mine underneath hie dinitig oom. i3leutit For st 111033 '.V013b alt tlio 'Nay to New York to vote for Cleve. land. ' Good apploo ;u'e ol1i»g c eon dounty, Karim, for 10 cents It bushel. An apple buyer in Setiforth has paid $1,200 for apple barrels thl� setteen, CE Great Bargains al the "Bee -hive" in Tea and Crockery 1888. SLIMMER ARRANGEMEN 1888. LIVER'POOLIQUEBaSkIlViGE P11011 MattnlITCAD I smt.trim. rural 01,1111110 801,1, 12 ,Cironattian gent. 11 _... 1411111.11; Rept. 17 Pitlyaloain. tinet..20 E. Du nford. Sermstittat Son5. 20 Oot. 3 Surdminn ... . ..... °cc, 4 001.10 Parisi.' ...... Get. n Oct. 19 eiree,ian . .. ... net. 10 ikr1;111CIUNT TAYLOR. Oct. 84 Polync,.inu ... ,. ... 1-01. 95 Nov.1 .... . ... Sux t 010 tan Nov. 7 Flarainitm ''',,Y. 2 nes. Malerti Meek, !trawls. Nov.14 . ..... .... , rtleriniall ..... .......... , .Nov,ov10 V....._.?..!....!...!`.!"!!!!_et.r..2._.' _"*.:1"..._..-- _ — .._- --Z. ...7!.7",'...!..r.f!......."..........""..... . 8 1 have Purchased a Nice Line New Tweeds, of and will bc pleased to show them to the public. Give me a Call at the New Stand. Des. 7, 1?i88, act5=p„,,,nka,skaigatztarwaawcrvauwawmawc is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting' 011111 118 brtinelg-, as well as Sign and Ornamental Painting. He has had years uf experience and guarantees his work 'to give satisfaction. A rig well painted - is half sold. ^-^ Fthtimates and terms cheerfully' given, . a GIVE III111. A GALL. 10 114 shop in the old Poor Pub- lishing House, Iiiug street, Brus- sels. Rules of Passage by Roll Steamers. 80301(0 tiVETtitt- Cabin 800, e170 and .1871tecording to accom- modation, Servants in Ottittiu, 07)0 Inter- mediate 830, Steerage 01,,,Return tickets, Cabin, 8110, 8118 and ewe. Intermediate, 850, Steerage 840. r Pelyeesas, CireapStiui or other ex- tru,steemers. Cabin fifty, sixty and seven- ty clohar, according to aeoommodation. Re - tarn tickets, Macaw. one hundred and ton and one hundred and Virty dollars. Inter- mediate sixty dollars. Steerage forty doll- Paseceigors eau fthharn atmoutreal the day before withnu. increased charge. Go yourself or send for your frieds. Prepaid certificates ab reduced rates. For fall In- fotalatimialtPlY tO GRANT. Bromide. GUIS Giver Compl nt Dyspepsm, Biliousness, Sick lieadaohe, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism, Sldu Diseases, aid all irapuri ties of the blood from whatever cause arising. THE GREAT SPAUGni:c 71)n MEDICINE. (3crIt15. 03.) Havvaing LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small did easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA seta everywhere ; price 25 coats. IINION MEDICINE, Co., Proorletort, tanowro, CANADA. SIGN OF THE cotehdollar A Splendid ,Stock of Horse Blan- . ket , 7Hillters, Whips, &c., &c., 011 Hand. Ostir Collars always Give Satisfaction. lead the van in giving good value in Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Ek. If you want a sot of Lima or HEAVY HARNBSS, or if you want Repairing done Call in and See Us. H. DENNIS. T. FLETCHER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to sours your patronage. We aro opening out futilities 111 Gou& SLR WATCHES, SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable makers, fay warranted by us. ClocAs of the, Latest, Dositfns. For the next 2 weeks, a-lovvialtitrr : Wedding Rings, nadien Gem Rings, Breaches, Earrings, see. ISSUR IMIAH LNERNAlso have in stools '.full line of 'Violins and. h'iorn St3'111851. &C N. D. --tonna of Marriage Lienees. W H. McCracken, T. Fletcher, .„ If -V. Tlig rail /it WINTER TIAD1 or 1608-H. St e WE have one of the nicest assort- ments of COOK, BOX, PARLOR and COAL Stoves ever exthibited, and they will he sold at Reasonable Prices. Our "ORIGINAL" Cook Stove leads the Van, ampsTO hand a large Stock of new ,. LAMPS and lamp goods. We wish to call special attention to a new range of handsome HANGING LAMPS. They are dandies. ,r1 All kinds of Gran,ilware, Catler y (ilUt Slte.Z/ . ,ch GOOCIS always inStock. Our Stock of. Tinwaie to 41 ee er 'to tit bt rci 03 ly 1131 is always first-class and Goods we have not got in stock will be made up on Short Notice. .A floe Stook of Silverware always on Hand, People can save money by trading with us. Gall in and see our Goods. Sent '05 noll4f H,ZZYCE. OFT 4. TURX13 ETIIEL RI T ijUi FLOP IVIILLS. The undersigned having completethe eliltnge from tho t0110 to the celebrated HungariaikSystera of Grinding, has now the in ipst s -Ola s Running Ord,er and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as possible, Flour and Feed dilwayz o Zand. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. A Positivz. WM. 1VIILNE. alIIIF..(111F-7.,r(111121111 FACTS ,i,.: .:,.....,..,•., .}.,d,11,N ', ,(1..' A T L AGES. ,..,..,f,...-...,,,,,,,43 ,..,...i., 7.4.,,-.,,„ 1..vx.. -,7% ,r 1711 r7;3'...r.P,:i!,,:K...-:,1:...o.ICI .1NTC). 1E1, ;?. 41V'` './.' YO Iratar, ii",311 era estatit'ffe tr.E.Let, rev:stet testate, and 8014011 at Medicines, (0..474 .,,...:.•-, e,:ei i..e,,..t ;,..,.:.:(4)3 ,contsveigomu...ita at1'8ntie1'et3010, .t Deezar,t‘csnei, 018)11 SPrerworkt -Z•Ta, 7•.,.0::?:7.;1:.:,...,:.. A..C.,...:17:0 Who aro broken ikii,, I '1",1 OlIr, it "t.; VI'. :ol't, ! I' III fIc ,! ill ;tr... :1,L 0,1.43513 0111,01M neryonit ..e 3041.110„1, f.10111,)..c). v,tc I homed, 0131. 57ffIir V.1!4, .':''': :'.: I''1l'1 11?'1'-.V'tIt"1:.‘:c7`I'l,VVlll°106011701cifLgoanFaII1,7:1:. ,, 1`I ,:/111 tVl,11,,,•,l,NCiIe4 0±11»1001210: dedire for 8°1141.1,, 11 C. ,..,c , cl, I ,,,,.11.10, to I1N 1",11 III.III/I1II/1.1 00 a particular subject. cowardice, &sm., td, 1 ,' .. ..1).', ':.•, it, ,t, Joe, 01(1.1)123', excitability oi. temper, ever, smael401,t?e,ina't.7,11g,', °,,,',.',1,',,1,'',i;,','"!,,.',',!,!;11,.7,,,:' 1',.7(1111Itt/VI.11731:11ftir ;ITIZIMIIIIIII0.1,710001Perlilin'xgtil'i°1: 1001114.313, womblinp, et.4,tf.c,,t.lv, n.,E(01,.1,1,/t.,' (II`IIII ma, 010., aro on 8,1,1131:10)tia of Ibis (Entente habit, oftentimes intenton, 1 v a cqui tN. cl. In short, the amino of 110,1 force 1,11,1100 10,i6ii„ tension, every fanodot, Amu» la oermtepl, 1111. VgiellatiO "WriteliAtul 110 auptIrIntimeloirtg 81 )31015110 asylmns unite 111 ffccedt Its II) Ito 011.0(Itil 13± 0031.31,500 10)0 great, majority of Wasted 111150 Which come mules 11.s1r notice, if you xtre Incompetent for the ardnens duties of business, immitarir410.1 far Om oujoyinttits Of MO, No, 8 otters an escape from the effects of early vice, 5f, yon ,,,ro 0,,,A5c",1 111 years, No, 8 will give you fall vigor mid strength. If yen are trolten down, 1.1.,7e10133y and morally from early Indiscretion, the result of iptiorancePtie 1,1113', send yent address ALTO 001.1113311 stamps 701) 11, V. L1.711011'0 '.areatieefir Book Vows 0)1 3)380,305 of Man. ' mind 0,111 000510 from observation,. 1,c1t1ross 311 Golmiluticatictne tr, DX. '1'. LIMON. 48 Wellitorcott 81, 31,, 'Amman,. A Mtn Witinnii witdom Urea In a NOVO 511a4110, CURES MR/WM, 8031. THe 1101. -li .. , ). gari .11:44 4.tticif , IIt Of,/ 4:0,, 114 A PleAaP Clone, 12 13 111' to an wi ha 'de 'tit lo cf 00 ba ti 00 ex s ;sto sto of 13 ra 0 ..7 308 111 wit CO 110 '11 'to 11 of it ref, 170 11