The Brussels Post, 1888-12-7, Page 54
3,1106 ci
nwiner,------c-••-e� crew• .
It lo with much plenvnre. we announce
the fact that \Vin :Smith of thio vtlle: e,
now al Caodovu h '\lo . . irte anneeiOlt d
gutting a school '''"•9 ;,ear Lake Erie
at a salary of a S' •. ti. Sanith pos-
000000 the 'morel ' . nb0 posh to make a
good teaobei a. i every HOODOOS ID TIM
Pose's sincere tt l.•,..
The auniver0alv'-=1vice' of the Metho-
dist church will be held on Sunday and
Tuesday, loth and 181,1i mute. Rev. W.
ill t.
The good sleighing lime livened up trade
The show by Prof. I3ox Brown was a
"give away."
This week Itev. M. Then= is attend-
ing the Synod at London.
Rev. M. Swann, of I32060010, will co -
copy the pulpit of the Methodist ohurali
next Sunday,
Ono of tho throe seotion hands on the
railroad has been dropped during the
winter months.
Work is being pushed energetically fn
having the material secured for the new
Methodist oburoh.
Next Sunday anniversary sermons will
be preached by Rev. W. J. Taylor, of
Mitchell, in Trinity eburob. On Mon-
day evening the same gentleman 10 an.
nounced to lecture on "Habit."
W al ton.
Rev, Mr. McKay onoapied the pipit in
Duff's church last Sabbath.
There are quito)A number on tine Bike
Ilst in the village but, as yet, none aro
The teachers proposo holding a publia
examination on Friday, Deo. 22nd, to
which all are oordially invited.
Wo are sorry to bear of the serious ill-
ness of Miss bfartha Campbell but hope
that elm will soon have a ehango for the
Dan Colophon receiver! a Ricin from n
horse which will °online him to the
house for some time, Mr. 0alliger, an
old blacksmith, has charge of the shop.
Tho Godorioh Signal, in referring to
the Hollis concert, says: -"The playing
on the musical glasses by Mrs. Sage was
a revelation to the large majority of those
present, so far as harmouions sounds
were concerned, and was in itself well
worth the price of admission."
Miss O'Connor, the wall.known and`
much esteemed music teacher, intends
having a Christmas tree, on Christmas
Lvo. If you wish to give any of your
ohildrep or friends a Christmas gift you
have a chance to put it on the tree. In
addition to this a lengthy programme is
being prepared.
Asn 1ov-th.
Good sleighing.
Lots of produce coining to market.
Several weddings are on the tapis
this month.
Tho Methodist church revival meet-
ings at Alma are much enjoyed and are
proving very successful.
Dr Scott has purchased the valuable
residence of Frank Sperling. Ire has so -
cured a most desirable home.
Mr. Carruthers, science master in the
Seaforth Collegiate Instituto takes e,
similar position in Parkdalo in Jan.
1u. It Counter was tendered a supper
last Friday evening at Kennedy's hotel
on the eve of Mr. and Mrs. Counter's re-
moval to Winnipeg. A good time was
enjoyed. ,
On Tuesday evening a presentation
and farewell tea was held at the residence
of W. M. Grey in behalf of Mr. and Mrs.
Sperling, who moved to Wingham this
week. G. L. Bull, L. D. S. was called to
the 'hair, after tinging and prayer. They
were presented; with a beautiful silver
fruit receiver from the Sabbath school
at the hands of Mrs Coulter, after which
followed epeeol,es from Messrs Brownell,
Dr Smith, C. Clarkson, B. A., and Gray,
in which kind references were made to
the assistance rendered by Mr. and Mrs.
Sperling in theBnnday School and ahuroh,
and great regre was expressed at the re-
moval. The pl asant gathering broke up
at to seasonable hour with many hand-
ehalltngs, etc.
Win eei1a r.
The Fisk Jubilee singers will be hare
toward the end of the month.
John Kerr has some mammoth Span-
ish onions—ono weighing 2 Ibe. 5 on.,
and four weighing seven and one.quarter
The nomination for councillors for the
different wards will all be held in the
town hall at the sane hour on the even-
ing of nomination day.
The band has elected E. F. Gersten•, an
honorary member, and business manager.
The band has recently had several mem-
bers added, now having sixteen instru-
Tho Advance is authority for the fol.
lowing harrowing tale :—Josie Bow, who
is staying with his uncle, F. Korman, of
the Central hotel, •had a very little dog,
which a few days ago, took a notion to
chew off one of its feet, which it had
completed when discovered and was
working away at its log, What the
F. Campbell, of Dungannon, will preach
on ',Sabbath. After dinner has been
served on Tuesday evening Rev. T. M.
Campbell, of St. Marys, will deliver his
excellent feature on °Cod 0820 the
Queen." A good time is assayed.
Any ono wishing to see it good example
01' "How the Crooke Act works," should
have been on the 1st lino, Morris, about
daylight one morning last week. Tho
sight was onoagh to make any man al-
ined shudder. A human being, hatless,
muddy, wild looking and blood allot eyes,
lying in a fence corner, on a cold frosty
horning. lie said he bad come from
Bluevale, Gan anyone mention a case
litre this under Scott Act?
There has been aonoidorablo time over
lost cattle lately. David Patter; of the
boundary, has been hunting for a stray
animal for a long time. A. B. Jackson
also has had a long hunt for three. One
day this week Mr. Jack>;on found one of
his ab Jos. McKinnev's 0n the boundary
and was told that two morn had boon
taken away from there by a 5th lino man,
Mr. Jackson wont over and soon proved
that they were his, Mr, Patton in big
hunt came to Ira Etohor's, Bluevale, and
learned that a stray beast had been talcon
1 Alex, bliskimmins is Imine on a visit,
11, J. Webb, formerly bleeksnitlt at
Sunshine, removed his furniture and
+other tatted/ it t0 hrntertb.
The debating soeioty mooting ut
1'la'rio's Reboot tuns is progressing nice.
ly and it la expected a fresh intermit will
be takeuiin it preparatory to some com-
bat., with neighboring soeiutioe,
Aeunitss AND 1'waesx1APl0N.—At the
rosidouoo of John Wheeler a number of
tli fi 1 1 friends of C C
the Sabha
Ilood gathered on Thursday evening of
last week to show their heart -felt grati-
tude to ono who had for so long time
labored among then. When the friends
had all arrived Cl, R. Stubbs proeontod
1112. Ilood with a complimentary address
while David Hogg accompanied him with
te beautiful purse and a gold fountain
pen in behalf of the Sabbath School,
The nddrose praised Mr. Hood for the
way he had attended and helped tho
echool as scholar, sooretary, teaobor and
Superintendent. Mr. Hood, though
taken by surprise, made a very suitable
reply. Ifo said the address spoke too
highly of him for it was the teachers
that had made the way clear for him in
helping him. After the presentation the
company amused themsolveswith games,
vocal and instrumental music, do, until
tea when all partook of the bounties
which had boon prepared by the ladies.
blr. hood, who will be leaving in a short
time for Michigan has the best wishes of
alt his friends and we trust and hope
that he and his may long be spared to
look !lack with sweet recollections upon
the days spent in Sunshine Sabbath
by a lith line n12n, so 111r. Patton went 130n2En To DEA•rtl.---A most distressing
over and also identified the beast on hi.'. event transpired an the 7111 lino of this
Mistakes will occur. towuship on Thursday morning of this
week, whereby live persons lost their
lives and two others were somewhat in-
jured. It would appear that Mr, and
Mrs, Dwyer ammo to live with their
daughtor,Mre John Cloonan. On Thurs-
day morning, about three o'clock, the
house wbioh is a log ane, was found to
be on fire. Mrs Clennan got one of the
children out and returned for the others
but never was seen again alive. Mrs
Dwyer, lire Clennan and throe children
were burned to death. Mr Dwyer got
out but is said to be badly burned. How
the fire occurred or why the people did
not get out we know not at the time of
writing, but the indications are that the
roof must have fallen in. Mr Cloonan
enddenly dissappeared last spring and
has not been hoard of since. It is sup-
posed he went to the States.
NOTE.—Simco tho above was put in typo
we learn that the fire was on the Dwyer
farm, abort half a mile from the Blyth
gravel road. Tho house was a small log
building with a window in the upstairs of
only one pane of glass. The family was
sleeping upstairs. Tho fire was at the
foot of the stairs and ant off all means of
escape. It was Mr Dwyer who rescued
the child, it is said. Both were badly
A public meeting for the purpose of
discussing mg'ieeltural topics will bo held
in the Town hall here on the 10th of
J'onnary. Ono or two of the Professors
from the Ontario Agricultural College
are expected to be present. Thera should
be a big rally, The two following days
will be spent in Brussels.
Tho following was the programme
presented at the local union Sabbath
School Oonvention,held here last Friday,
Nov. 80:—Opening Exercises. Aim and
Soape of S. S. Work. Introduced by
Pearson Ross, Bolmore. Helps and
Methods of 8. S. Work. Introduood by
W. M. Robinson. Should the S. S. bo
Self-Sustainidg? Introduced by W. 0.
Hazelwood. The S. S. the Hope of the
Church. Introduced by Rev. A. 13.
Smith. Temperance in the S. S. In-
troduced by J. H. Mollardy, of Belmore.
Development of the Missionary Spirit in
the S. S. Introduced by T. W. Gibson.
Address to Children by Rev. Mr Totten.
Address to Parents by Rev Mr Brown.
Teacher iu and out of school. Rev. Mr.
Wright. Question Drawer. Er Walker
and Mr Cowan.
The skating rink is being put in shape
for skating and curling.
Five cars of cheese were recently ship-
ped from this station, valued at 812,000.
A week ago last Sabbath a public im-
mention took place. A hole was cut in
the ice at the river and there the condi-
dates wore immersed by Dr. Gunner.
The Mayor and Reeve ofListowel have
been at Hamilton gathering information
about the electric light system. It is
proposed to substitute electrte lights for
gas in that town.
The Standard Bays:—The people on
the boundary east of Listowel haye been
pleased to see Miss A. McAllister, who
has been home on a two weeks' visit
previous to her departure for Africa
This noble young lady has been engaged
for the past three years in missionary
work iu Buffalo and elsewhere, principal-
ly in Buffalo city, and has now gone as a
missionary to the Dark Continent, to
t1,,,,rry the blessed gospel to those whose
privt,:4es in that respect are very few.
Her mission is Eftrated in Liberia, on
the west coast, about twb b;mdred miles
south and east of Monrovia, seri almost
directly n. n. coat of Cape Palmas. It
will be very warm, especially when the
sun is north of the equator, her mission
being situated only about three hundred
and fifty mil's from the equator. She
will sail from Now York about the 14th
of December. During her short otay
here she took a very motive part in the
speoial services now being held iu Bunt's
church, several evenings, coeduotiug the
meeting. The annual Mi*eionary moot-
ing was held here on Monday evening
last, at which she and Rev. Mr. Nugent,
of Listowel, delivered addressee. She
had taken such an interest in the work
hero, aocl had so won the hearts of the
people by her voluntary aaor111ce in giv-
ingcaoso of such a grange freak was we up her needed,reat to attend them,
g that,elthough many private eoatributione
must leave for some ono butter posted in to her ammo had boon given her, sono of
dog -nature than we are. her friends determined to raise a purse,
by contribution, anti present it to her
previous to her departure. So after the
mooting Nd. H. Harvey rend an address
and presented her with tho purse.
The regular annual meeting of the
Liberal -Conservative Association of
Wingham, for the election of officere,eto.,
was held here Monday evening and was
well attended, Stirring speeches on the
politioal events of the day worn delivered
by A. H. Mosgrove, H. W. 0. Moyer,
Wm. Clegg and Dr Ohisholm,aftor which
the following officers wore cleated: Presi.
dont, E. L. Diokinson ; Vico-President,
Ward No, 1, Thos. Agnew ; Vioo-Prosi-
dent, Ward No, 2, R. Hill ; Vice -Presi-
dent, Ward No. 8, Dr. Chisholm; Viae -
President, Ward No. 4, R• Malndoo ;
Secretary, Wm. Plenty. The following
delegates were then appointed to attend
the annual convention of the Bast Riding
of Huron Liberal -Conservative Aesooia-
tiou, to bo held at Brussels on the 10111
inst.: Dr.'Tanlyn, Wm. Clegg, R. Mc-
Indoo, 112. W. C. Meyer, R. Hill, E. F.
Gerster, T. Agnew, W. Black, Dr. Chia -
holm, H. Kerr, A. Roe, S. Tonhill, 0.
Lloyd, T. Bell and 1. Hanna.
Quito a member took advantage of the
Saturday, 'heap faros to make it their
market day.
Tho eaeramont of Sao Lord's Supper
will bo edministeaod in the Bluevale
Presbyterian choroh next Sabbath.
Jas. Thompson, teaobor, has been ab-
sent the last day or two, on account of
the illness and death of his,
at Bruesele.l
The friends of John Farrow, mail
clerk, L. I'1. ttc 13., will bo pleased to
learn that ho is improving in health, and
that it will not bo nooessary to amputate
his log, as at drat intended.
Mr, and Mnr. Powell, of Lueksow,
woo visiting friends in the neighbor.
hood last Sunday, Mr. Powell hail given
up hie teapbing and is now i30111nd tho
counter. May he have mncli 0800000.
Vanstone Bros. commenced removing
the maohinory from Sunshine this week.
It will be shipped to Southampton from
A great deal of ruining around has
been clone this week on the snow but
thorn was hardly enough for all praatioal
Tho infant son of Chas. Bozoll died
last Saturday morning and was buried
on Sunday afternoon. The little fellow
was seven weeks old.
Tho debate, whioll was to have been
held ]net Friday evening hi the township
hall, was postponed until Friday evening
of this week, owing to the absence of
some of tho speakers.
To quiet faiso rumours the following
certificate is published. It speake for
Wingham, Nov. 21th, '88.
Ilbis is to certify that I examined a
young blank mare, 8 years old, for Robert
Armetreng and found that oho was
poisoned. WM. Eton, Ct. S.
The annual publio examination in No.
8, Morris, 2nd con., will bo held on Fri.
day, Dec. 14th. Besides the usual sohool
Imam a good programme is boing pre-
pared by the scholars. A cordial invita-
tion is extended to all.
A paring bee was hold at the home of
S. Pail, 2nd eon. 'Phe apples were un-
dimmed and pertain other oporatione pork,
formed, which would require the service
Of a quar1erer, a corer, a stringor,o,. drier,
all of whia)1 woro available, Mr, and
MO Paul succeeded in holding the reins
of government and the young folk.' say
they will go ago;u,
JL Oaive for sale. Apply to ADAM SCOTT,
Si lr t 16, con. 4, Morris. n10 -t1
611rnE Boar "Grand Trunk," will be
kept for sorvioe on lot 11, eon. 6, Grey.
Terms 51.00, to bo paid at time of service,
with privilege of returning if necessary.
1t,.4" A. SEIAW, Proprietor.
ns of the undersigned, lot s, con. 1:,
Grey, on or about Oot. 1, a rod now, about 0
or 7 years old. The owner ie requested to
prove property, pay chargee nod take her
away. 10.48 1100. 013TT.
of the undersigned, lot 14, 0011, 0, Grey,
on or about Oct. 10th,a red heifer and it
roam steer, either one or two years old. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay
expenses and take them away. ROBERT
BALL. 18.4x
"Young Obampion," imported by 17d.
D.Goorge, Putnam, Ont„ will bo kept for
eerviao on lot 24, 000,11, Grey, Terms 01.00,
to bo mild at time of eorvfee, with privilege
of returning if necessary.
2041 00NRAD WORM, Proprietor,
Por gale, ."eighe 1,400 pounds and is
21 yoars old. The marc Is supposed to be
in Coal to a, imported 'horse. Also a heavy
draught colt, 8 months, o?•- Both took
A1ciBAaol2,W¢iot11toot)_n; 2, •1010
.11. Boar for Sorvioo: Tho uudersignekl will
]seep the thoro-brad Berkshire 13022, Sir
Robert Bruce," broil by J. G. Snell, of Ld-
monton,Ont., for service on lob 1, con. 7;
Grey, Terms--al.Oi to bo paid at time of
sort ice, with privilege, et returning,if n coos -
10 3m x Proprietor.
Stage leaves Gotrio about 6180 0. in., reach•
ing urussele abort 8;80 a. m„ and will arrl vo
at Soafortb about 11180 a, m. Returning will
leave soaforth 12)1004 3:30 p. u1., renob tug.
Brussels about 8141', in time to connect with
trains going north end south, ' Also make
connections with 0, P. R. at Wroxotor and
(10201e. S, WALSII, Proprietor,
i '?*moi TZ a _% 1
Caveats ,Ito, issues and Trade Marks scoured
and all other patent causes in thoPatent
Chico end before the Courts promptly and
oarofollyattended bo. Upon receipt ofmod-
el or okoteh of invention, I make careful
examivation,and advise as to patentability
Free of Charge. Lees moderate, and T make
no charge unless patentis enured. Inform-
atdon, a viae end epeaial references 'out on
application. X. LITTELO, Washington
DA., U,B. Patent Offloe. 10-
Morris, on reaouablo terms. In order
W oG eoglagstop itch' exeoutore offer litho ifol
lowing valuable lands for Bale North
half of Lot 60, OoneesaiOn 6, Township 0f
a good frame barn with stone ifaun-
dation good orohard, well andpnmp . Noon
1q all cleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoining the village Of Btu seals.
This farms a valuable ono, is well fenced
prices in a good state of cultivation, Per
Boti100ls 5. terms, t Bins to Nxxntis, Viet ria
square P, 0., or among Same, :Maple Lodge
P. O„ Middlesex Counts%
UA,' A drat-oht0e farm for Bale in the
Townentp of Morrie in tho County of 13 anon,
boing south half of north half lots 26 & 20
and eolith halt of 20 in 0th eon., containing
2131 mores ruor0 or 1060, 126 eons mostly
dear of stemp0 mud le a good state 01 Guth,
vatlee. 'Mato is a young bearing ornhar0,a
goof] house and haute born 06 s 66 foot with
stone stable underneath, Tho farm issitu-
ated within a mile of the Village of Brnaetls
end le a good farm for grain or stools VAS -
AA 1ti0 watorod witll the river blattland
and envoy failing Spring '20011. i'oasosoion
Will be given at any thio. For !STOW US1
Mentors ali11 on the
It01311T80N linage]s, 1'. 0, 1-0
a lag
In 502euance of the powere of sale eon-
tained in a certain mortgage (which will
bo produced at time of gale) there will bo
offered for sale by Public Auction, at tho
American Hotel, Brussels,
Wednesday, Dec, 19,'88
AT 8;80 O'CLOCK 11{ TIED AP10112002,
All and singular the South half of Lot
Number 80, in the 7th Concession of the
said Township of Morris.
This desirable property i$ situate about
one and ono -half miles from tbo Village
of Brussels, and is said to have a log
house and and
in fair state of repair
upon ft, The soil is said to be of a good
clay loam, about 80 acres of which are
under outtivation.
The above property will bo sold sub.
ject to reserve bid.
Tonna and conditions made known on
day of Salo. For further partioulars
apply to
g�ar a Oreve
'CTex 0.wru' Eallattor,
BEA'rrr. fiu.tnwn a, BLAan-1
5T020 S! GATT. f •
58 Wellington St. East, Toronto.
Toronto, Nov. 28, '88. 21.2
MORTGAGE SALE Priv "te Funds td
—IN TEM -•
.fro rJ senaag o, c aoetiar8'.
in pertinence of the powers of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage (which will
be produced at time of sal') there will be
offered for Sale by Public Auction, at the
Wednesday, Dec. 19, '88
At $:330 o'olotk in the afternoon, all and
singular the South half of lot number 22,
in the 8th concession of the said Town-
ship of Morris, containing 100 000200 00020
or loss, This property is situate about
six and a half miles from the Village of
Brussels, aocoseible by good roade, and
about 85 acres under cultivation. Upon
the property fit said to be a frame dwell.
ing house and barn, with stone stabling
beneath the latter, in good state of repair.
There is a small orchard of about as ooze
upon the property.
The above premises will be sold enbjoot
to reserve bid.
Terms and conditions made known on
day of sale. For farther particulars
apply to
11. 9I. til1rt1YVICI{,
stenos', 4'hadwie0, 01!1trnal0alc.0 Galt.
58 Wellington St. East, Toronto,
Dated at Toronto Nov, 28th,'84.
Sterling Mallin' Oil is daily becoming more widely - and favorably known. Those
who try it continuo to use it, No other Oil is more suitable for general use. It is
well adapted for all
Mill YIaohinery,
Reapers, Mowers
and Threshers 1
Ask Your
for it !
ibIaltlfaetui'ed by McMillan, Kittredge tC -r I'etrolea ; Branch, at
Stratford, Ontario.
H- F. MCAS:LISTER, Ethel ; J. TIMMINS, 131,107810.
� 'S
Have been placed in my handy
for Investment on real estate
No' - opi.missiou.
Borrowers can have loans sola
plated in Three . Days if tfilu
,S'uliritor, Brune%w
of Private Funds have,j ust been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three clays if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE.
In order to pay increased attention to
my ready-made boot and shoo trade and
Grocery business I have disposed of my
CUSTOM : BOOT nqd 73010E ttlIAINER5 tit
Min. PETER. RITCIIIF., w110 will continue it
in the same place. I desire to return
thanks for the large share of patronage
which I reoeived during the past seven
years and ask for an indrease to my sue-.
cessor, Mr. Ritchie.
Having purchased; the Custom Shoe
business of Mr. Good, 1 am prepared to
attend to the wants of the Public.
My five and a -half years work in Brus-
sels is a guarantee of the satisfaction E
am prepared to give, not only to old
customers but to as many new ones as,
give me their patronage.
no11-tf P. RITCHIE..
Bead what People who.
have used the
SAY 1130111 IT.
Ma. I. V, PEAR, Druggist,
DEAR Sm: I willingly give my testi-
menial in favor of the A B 0 Remedy,
as by its•use, and only one dollar's worth
at that, it restored to me my wife, who
had been wasting away for eight or nine
months, and for whom there seemed no
help. I tried doctor after doctor, travel-
ling ninny miles and laying out a great
amount of money to no good, till I .tried
there remedies and her cure was miracu-
lous, for she lost all coughing, spitting
and wasting, and in its place gained
health and strength, and brought happi-
ness to our home. Recommend it to
everybody and use my name as author-
ity. WitLIAtt DT5E0.
Winthrop, Feb. bird, 1888.
It is Unequalled in Lifting the
Phlegm and Easing the Cough.
Sold by Druggists or, on all
orders of 2 bottles, sent free of
charge by Manufacturer,
1. V. Fear,
Druggist, S'ea fortlt.
r=c'A'riec. (11.00per Package.
Brussels Roller Mills.
being now iu full operation the Propria-
for is prepared to supply the publio with.
the bust gradoe of
Roller Flour,
Cracked Wheat,
Graham Flour..
A11 kinds of Mill Fad always on had,
and for sale .at reasonable rices for
"E9ILi'IleIISal 4 will .d (1 that
they are doing the very best for Siam.
elves by patronizing It, with their Grist.
ing nli chopping.
•l to any moon takin • 6b0 1on11ds 02.
1 .. i b 1
t"oro. -
'"N ,rt3e