The Brussels Post, 1888-11-16, Page 5Nov. 10, 1888.
ttniS IN7 s'9 S .474( 2 0,. ....,a„•.,.^veCRH'"+11X:42aNinr"'ons!l'rT.7e5....gentn„,,— m ..m r
Fa3a [>l.
The Stet Mead Sabbath School intend
holding an entertainment on Ohriatmas
eve. Ono of the leading features will bo
Jaeohu (adder.
On Wednesday of last weak Geo, A.
Boyd and Mina Annie E. Adapts wore
united h matrimony by Rev. J. Forgo-
eon, of Attwood. Thorn aro others on
the Het yo:,
Knox Out item—This building was
moved a little to the north after whioh a
splendid sinus foundation was built un.
der it by Wm. Dark. Tho struoture was
then veneered with brink by D. Lowery,
who also dtd the plastering. Ile did a
good job. D. Zimmer had charge of the
carpenter work and painting and did it
in his usual sstisfaotory style. The
ohureh is now 45x00 feel, with a splendid
high ceiling. It is lighted at night by
18 lamps and there is seating capacity
for about 400. It is a model country
Mee Clara Dark, who lives a ehort
distance east of hero, was united in
marriage to Robt, Gordon, on \Vednes.
day afternoon.
Nto rr-ite.
Thos. L'arrow's sale was well attended
on Friday last.
111r. Wood, Honest], hal been ongnged
in Johnston's school for next year. Sai-
nry, 5310.
On Wednesday of tide week Jas.
Aitkons, of this township, left for the
Northwest. Ile took a complete outfit
with him for farming.
The marriage of Ohne. Egan and Miss
Mery'Russell did not take pine) at the
Queen's hotel, Blyth, bot an the 11. C.
church in that village.
'Robert and James Sbeddan, who went
to California a few weeks ago, aro set-
tled for the present near San Bernado.
They appear to like the country very
Nothing pays so well as advertising,
though lust week when your correspond -
out made note of the lost wood, it was
not intended as an advertisement, yet the
wood is found.
Rev. Mr. Godfrey, Salem, engaged the
attention of his hearers on Sunday last
on the subject of "Elijah." Although
the roads were bad the congregation was
a very fair one.
A son of Jos Smith Left Brussels for
Mrnitoba last Tuesday. He went per
the C. P. 11. through excursion from
Harriston, purchasing bis ticket from T.
Fletcher, Brussels.
Mem Acr.—Joseph Stubbs, 5th lino,
had a lot of apples stored in a vaoant
house on his farm, lash week, awaiting
the packers. Some contemptible sneak
visited the premises at night, broke the
fastening on the door and left it open.
As there wore a number of Mr. Stubbs'
cattle in the field it appears quite evi-
dent the object was to let them in to
destroy the apples and gorge themselves.
"Old Clouty" will never get his own un-
til he secures such despicable sinners as
the perpetrators of such acts.
lf.,i>ato'w el.
The Fisk Jubilee Singers will be here
next Monday evening,
Moyer & Co. have purchased the Frnft,
r ed and Grooerybusiness from
H. H'Pc Hagerman.
The town council is asking for a 2,000
candle light power dynamo contract with
Electric Light Companies, to hold good
for three years.
Some miscreant entered the orchard
of Widow Gordon down the boundary
and completely girdled the bark on
parts of three valuable apple trees.
This Thursday being the last oheese
fair of tho season it has been deoidedto
hold an oyster supper in the evening to
the buyers. The spread will take place
in the Grand Central. A number of
promiuenb dairymen are expeoted.
The Standard says :—On Saturday
last some members of the family of Mr.
Taylor, jeweller, appear to have had a
narrow escape from being poisoned.
Some meat bad been cooked for dinner,.
wbiob upon being tasted, was found to
have a peculiarly bitter taste. Upon
making thu discovery the meat was
thrown out without having been partaken
of. What followed would seem to bear
oonolusive evidence that there was
poison on the moat. Mr. Taylor's New-
foundland clog got some of the meat and
shortly afterward showed signs of being
poisoned. Notwithstanding that efforts
were made to save him, the fine animal
soon died. A second dog owned by Mr.
Taylor also took ill and died the next
morning, and a hound owned by Mr.
Daum, a neighbor, also fell a victim to
poisoning on Saturday afternoon. Itis
supposed that all three dogs ate of the
meat, as none of it could be found after-
ward', If the meat was poisoned, whioh
the death of the three dogs would lead
to believe, how it became so is a mystery
whioh Mr. Taylor is unable to explain.
We understand that it had been paroling -
ed from a peddling bntoher a day or two
proviona. Tho family have reason to
congratulate themselves on their evident-
ly narrow escape.
'Vint,,; htatret-
A new briok station house is talked of
by the G. T. It.
The brick work of the new chair fac-
tory is completed,
A. water tank is being eroded at the
C. P. R. station.
The Wingham Liberal Association in.
tends Bolding regular monthly meetings
foe the winter. The first of the seriee
will be held on the evening of Tuesday
the 20th Met,
Tho electric machine is to be put into
the factory of Gilchrist, Green & Go.
about the end of this month. They pur-
pose putting in one street light on trial.
ltfeasre. Gilchrist, Green & Go. aro ging
to take a 25 light machine. We under-
stand that Borne 21 lightg have been
.Amongst those who have been engaged
to sing at the Thanksgiving entertain.
mint to be held under the misplace of the
Wingham Presbyterian Sunday School,
in thePresbyterian aburolt, we notice the
names of Miss Grace V. Meikle, of the
Toronto Conservatory of Musio, Miesee
Lalla Berry and Jean hammy, of Luolc.
At the annual meeting of the Wing -
ham Liberal Association 'efficeee were
thOsen as follows; President, W. Scott,
1 et t foe, S. Graney ; 2nd vice, Wm. Dere;
'eceetary, W. 1tobertgon ; 'Treasurer, J,
Inglis Ward Committees, No. 1, W.
Rids, No. 2, J. A. Morton ; No. 8, 0.
McKenzie ; No, 4, 1R, Elliott. Or, Mao•
donuld gave a pithy and stimulating ad.
dr'se, urging r:•'ui r meetings of the
organization to b., 1,1 to dine LIMN publio
matters. .
The 1irnee s ; . ,., Npaaking of the
W. C. T. U.: --Thin erganirabion agreed
to pay a month's rent for the Nadler
family who aro being deprived of their
home as they are unable to pay rent, It
was also agreed to place it quantity of
suitable reading matter at the railway
stations ; also to writ quauti lieu of read.
ing matter to some of the lumber eampe.
Efforts will also bo made to induog all
the ellurohes to lige unfermented wine in
sacramental occasions. Wo believe a
good deal of misunderstanding prevails
as to the work being done by the W, 0.
T. U. and their self-denying efforts, and
they have to contend against a greet deal
of ignorant prejudice which ought to be
dispelled. This is a labor of love.
(i seers%
A good deal of grain is now being
tamed to market.
Some of our large bridges are in need
of a tow new planks.
Local weather prophets predict a long
open fall. Time will tell.
Wonder if the contract for the Town-
ship Hall has been let yet 7
Heavy rain storms, accompanied by
thunder and lightning, passed over this
section last week.
The different Literary and Debating
Soeieties are reorganizing for the win-
ter months.
Don't forget the , entertainment in
Turnbull's school house on Friday even-
ing. Go and give the foot -ball club a
lif t.
Capt. Laing, of the Salvation Army,
who was enjoying a holiday with friends
in this locality, has gone to Quebec.
She is an earnest worker.
Lewis Holler has disposed of his farm,
lot 89, oon. 12, to his son-in-law, Jae.
Denman. There aro 145 aeree in the
farm and the prioe pot on it was 94,000.
Mr. Holler erected a substantial dwelling
last summer.
The last of this season's make of cheese
of the Morris and Grey factory, amount-
ing to 340 boxes, bas been purchased by
Thos. Ballantyne, M. P. P. Stratford, for
the Liverpool market, at 10 cents per
pound. It will be shipped on Friday.
Nothing but the patrons' cheese remains
at the factory.
LN Luox.—Duooan McLwuoblio, who
left here last spring for Cyprus River,
Manitoba, has bad a splendid crop this
season in the Prairie province. He
threshed 900 bushels of wheat, 860
bushels of oats and 180 bushels of barley.
He sold 820 bushels of wheat, from the
mill, for 81.00 par bushel. Mr. Me. has
68 acres plowed ready for next spring's
Otavannz DONS, — David Campbell,
who lives on lot 8, oon. 7, a well known
farmer, has a Dolt one and a half years
old that got ruptured soon after foaling.
The intestines would protrude through
the belly at times as large as a man's
head. Various remedies were tried but
so fruitless were they that the owner of
the beast once turned her out in the field,
expecting her to die. F. W. O'Brien,
V. S., of Brussels, was consulted and
about a month ago he operated on the
rupture. The intestines were restored to
their proper plass, the wound sowed up
and after the loose, baggy skin was re-
moved it was a so stitched and the ani-
mal is now about as well as before the
aooident happened. liOr. Campbell is
loud in the praises of the veterinary
from Brussels and says be did the work
cleverly and most satiafaotorily.
OBSERVATIONS.— Knox thumb, Oran -
brook, was re -opened on Sabbath of last
week. Rev. W. Cavan, Principal of
Knox College, Toronto, proaohed two ex-
cellent sermons, morning and evening.
IL was a beautiful day. There must
have been 000serably over four hun-
dred present in the morning and the
number was not much less in the even-
ing. The congregation bad increased so
much of lute years that the ebureh be.
name too small, and consequently plans
were set on foot to have the building on•
larged and otherwise completely reno-
vated. All this bas been oerried out to
the letter. It is now a brick veneer, and
in appearance, both inside and outside,
is as fine a country ohurch as can be
seen anywhere, with seating accommo-
dation for about three lu rrdred and fifty
Persona. Rev. D. B. McRae, the present
incumbent, has been the pastor of this
congregation for about twelve years, and
under his ministry the congregation has
been very prosperous. He is much
loved by his people,—It is a remarkable
fact that while men destined for other
callings and professions in this country
have received, early in life, an education
calculated to assist them in the prosecu-
tion of their pursuits the farmer has
been overlooked in the great same of
popular education. Statutes and appro-
priations in the interests of the agricul-
turalist are among the last things which
will engage the mind or enter into bhe
schemes of the partizan legislator, yet it
is the hand of the neglected farmer who
fills, by his labor, the spoon of the capi-
talist, Where is the statesman, phnl•
osopher or politician even so blind as not
to perceive that should the plow stop and
the farmer relax from hie work but for a
single year not only would all these
boastful professions pease, but life it-
self, Over all this beautiful earth deso-
lation would be spread wide and deep.
Tient farmera are slow to become united
for the furtherance of their own interests
cannot be denied, but there is a growing
tendency to getout of the old ruts, and a
change may be looked for in the near
future. If farmers, as a body, onoo bo.
carne united how easily and how soon a
different order of things would be brought
about.—About this time Literary and
Debating Sooieties are being organized
for the winter menthe. The leading
spirits in moat eases are young men.
The meetings are generally held in the
school houses, in the rural dfetriets, at
any rate, To begin near the beginning,
the matter will be talked up for some
Erne e,1 threshing, paring bees and other
bees, when finally a meeting will' be ar.
ranged for someloertain evening, Hay-
faving learned that the trustees will not
object to the use of the sohool hone rho
pemoipal business of this mooting will be
the election of officers, chasing a subject
for debate, the evening oil which it ie to
take place and preouting lamps and oil
00 as' to have proper light on the subject.
The olrroere, generally, eensist of a Prosi•
and Gemmittop of management, of about
ettntl numbs t 01 ladiae and gpntiome
N th aon'lo snob onbjoit is °Wiiolr is the
happier, married or single life," for a
beginning, 'These meetings mo kept up
with inoreasod interest all winter, during
which some very vexed ginietlons aro dia.
demmi, welt as Imperial Federation, in-
ilnpl ndenes ani l Annexation. A literary
ant r'ainnient lig bola. oroasionelly, when
readings, recitations and dialogues are
rendered in good style, to the edification
and amusement of many. These who
take part aL'tttesu meetings seem to eohuul
up very fast, Why. the majority of oar
loading men owe a great measure
of their success to debating societies such
as. them --The advisability of erecting a
Township Ball is being freely disoussed
just now, pro and con, Tho Grits are
nut disposed to think it is a Tory dodge,
neither do the Tories think it is it Grit
sohomo. It dose not seem probable that
a move will be made t11ia 'mason, but if
the will of the majority be carried out a
suitable building will be created early
next season. Candidates will have to
govern themselves accordingly.
Service was held on Thursday (Thanks-
giving day) in the Pr, sbyterian church.
Robt. King and Miss Stell King wore
on a visit this week to their brother -in.
law, Mr. Powell, Luoknow.
Duncan King, Turnberry, has had
several cows lately, that have tried to
choke themselves eating apples.
The eider mills are very busy this
week. Saoh an amount of cider was
never heard of before around here.
A tea -meeting is to be held in the
Presbyterian ohurch Isere on Tuesday
next, A good program is propel ed.
On Tuesday oyouiug Rev. A. Y. Bart.
ley announced a series of addresses on
the book of Hebrews in future for the
prayer meetings.
A danoe was held ab It. MaPherson's
this Wednesday evening. They "(entitle -
Homily tip -toed" to the hum of the fiddle
till near morning.
Mies Caeemors, Turnberry, gave heart
and hand to Mr. Cantleton, of Manitoba,
on Wednesday last. May they run across
no blizzards' in the matrimonial country.
Armand Hartley, Zurich, spent Sun
day in Bluevale. Mr. H. will return in
better spirits to "wield the birch" and
train the young "idea" how to shoot than
At D. W. Campbell's magic lantern
entertainment on Tuesday evening the
proceeds amounted to 812. Considering
the evening it was good, but considering
the entertainment given the turn out was
very poor.
Rev. Mr. McKibbin began service in
the Methodist church last Sunday after
an interval of a few weeks. The subject
of discourse wee the parable of the sower.
The address was listened to with a great
dual of attention. Next Sunday even-
ing an address to young men will be
given. All interested are invited.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley's sermon on Sun-
day was en the subject of Papal aggrss-
sfon. Ills text was from Rev. chapter
11, verses 7 and 8. The 900th annivereery
of the Spanish Armada ; the Pope and
Ireland ; the Jesuits in Quebec ; the
Prssideolal Election and the school
system of Ontario were all referred to.
Then the attention of the hearers was
direoted to the text. In iconolusion the
rev. gentleman called attention to the
fact that these bodies were not to be
buried bat that they should finally
Sportsmen on the St. Clair flats com-
plain of au unusual scarcity of ducks.
Tbie is attributed to the low water in
extensive marshes there, it being difficult
to ]runt through them as heretofore, even
in the shalluweeb pant or duck boats.
Mud hens, however, are quite numerous,
and this generally unmolested bird is
now bagged in the absence of better
Lambs for Salo. JNO. RODDIOX.
10-8 Lot 4, con. 18, Grey.
Carpet Bags at once. Good price
Paid. 3100. VAB000I,
17-2 Weaver, Brussels.
V' V At Servant. Goad wages to one
experienced. Apply at onoo to
18- 14.1OS. E. E. WADE, Brussels.
er Wanted on farm, family of three, no
'obildren. Apply at once to
U. OroaADDlHN,
18 tf Lot 1, 000.12, Grey
I. 'Poacher of 011 Painting, Rooms at
Mr. talox. Wilson's. Princoos street, Oleos
days, Thursday and Saturday.
soNs In Drawing, Landscape Painting
and Pointing on Velvet. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 0•tf
liJJ of the uudoraigned, lot 14, con, 0, Grey,
on or about Oot, 10th a rod heifer awl a
roan steer, either one or [two years 010. The
owner is requested to prove properly, pay
cayenne and. take them away. 1t013k1BT
BALL, 18-4x
d Boar for Sorviee.—Tho undersigned ll
keep the thorwbred Berkshire Boar, "Si,'
110bsot Bruce," bred by S. G. Snell, of 111d-
monton,Ont„ for service on lot 1, con. 7,
Grey, Terms -61,00 to bo paid et time of
service, with privilege of returning,if nacas-
18 Bm s Proprietor.
P Ti T
Caveats jamas as d Trade 'corks soonred
and all other patent *mum in rho Patent
Office and before the Courts promptly and
carefully attended be, 'Upon raoeiptofmod-
el or sketch of invention, I make careful
examinabion,and navies, as to patentability
lrree of Charge, Foes moderato, and I make
no charge unless patent is soeursa. Inform-
ation, advloe and special roforonooa snub on
apoltdation. J. R. LITTIOL L, Washington
3)0.,U,S,i'atent0illoe, 10 -
being the south half of lot number
00 In the 4810 ooneetiden of the 'township of
niorris, known as the llonnestsad of Archi-
bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine nom,
Ninety mores ora dearest, the balane° word-
ed with valuable timber, bfxeellenb build.
lags, largo mallard of diode trees, soil in
good condition and la situated one and a
quarter miles north of the Village of Siwe.
sola, on the mein gravel road 'Thin fa ono
of the finest homestead farms in the county
of Huron and will be oold at te bargain and
r It Por furtherpn tonna to tuft pa a asen
parnoutt, apply ig thee, Toronto A. at.
1!AYLOIt, ritnunin(i�f Araadq Toronto, or t0
AROIHIl3ALD'1'AY0AIt,Sn„ on tee prem.
1500, - tf•
SAMS1011OcatosNONANNIMAN211farcaNESENITAIMMINVOIr+t71601INITANe IONSIINASP :.tieSAL2:7•xa4amxRai&n'rrar rtr,'*1•.•a't;=01
611011 1'REn)nl'iit4 toy 1C11111',
sin 01 110 P,nahip : tf.,rris, ire the
County of 110 n Yr,tn,'sv�I) h, i on or
about tht nighteuctir i1*y „t .in:let, 1Ns0,
and others leaving 4Itis 1,1,1111..:00
iaestt aro
herrbhruled to Vend u
bb it uuvcrituunth , by in "ovum esun, b000,
tc Hush 11.01100tt or )tichurd iiewioyy lox-
eeutorr, at llruuueis 1'.u., m to A, llnntar,
1trosuuls, Agent G r the eai4 1 i,4,ntani, title
sec, ane e l fr. su., 0110,, 1,11 pnrnsulara
tholr alai us cod tl,n 0e0nrttlus lif nulyl
hold Lyy Ibcu), sad oleo that luyrnetlaiely
after Clio salt date the ,onsets of the said
doosase,i 010 be distributed among the par-
11ue eutfqudtheret."haring ros).rd only to
olabas of whioh ttie Executors or their
Aleut have then notice, and tho ratter -Ws
will not Its liable for any assets on dlstrll et•
ed to any person of whose rinbn they shall
not have had notice, A, IIUNi'1lt,
Al.gfor Executors.
Dated at Brussels this Kith clay of Oobober
1888, n14.4lue
cgrAl IZCZ 4 Y wai,b,
In the metier of the Estate of GI;ORGINA.
OAIKLEY, Minot the Township of Cray. in
the County of Huron, Widow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given in parsunuoo of
Section thli'tysix, Coup, ono )mudrad and
ten of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all Creditors and othrr persons lowing
claims against the estate of Georgina Oakley,
late of the township of !Grey, in the Comity
of Huron, widow, who died on or about the
With day at September A.D. 188s, are hereby
=W111,00100 send by post `prepaid) or to de-
liver to Messrs, Dickson & Hays, of the V311-
age of Brussels, 10 said County or Huron, Se-
iteitore for Triennia Oakley mud Georgie
Nicholson, the ixeuuters of lite last will
and testament of the said 0 acrginu Oakley,
deceased, on or before the 12th day of D),.
antenna next, a statement el their claims,
addressee and deseriptlono and the :foil ipar-
tioulsreand innef of their claims or de-
mands upon the said estate nnd of tb0 se-
oaritias (if any) hold by them, and that after
the maid 12110 day or Deoambar the said Ex-
ecutors will proceed to administer the estate
and diatribnta the matte of the said Georg-
ina Oakley amongst the settles untitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which the said Executors etiallthen have
notice, andthe said Executoro will not bo
liable for the said assets or any part thereof
so distributed to any person or parsons of
whose claim they shall not hove notice at
the time of such distribution,
Dr tad at Brussels this 9th day of Nevem.
her A.D , 1888.
18.4 Solicitors for sold Executors,
Valuable Farms,
In the Township of Grey, in the
County of Huron.
Under and by virtue of the respective
powers of sale contained in certain mort-
gages (which will be produced at time of
sale) there will be offered for sale by
Public Auction, at the
Saturday, Kove 17, '88
at 3 O'onocic In TMS AsrnnnooN,
Parcel 1, Lot No. 14, in the 15th Con-
cession of the said Township of Grey,
containing 100 acres more or less, and
Parcel 2, Lot No. 14, in the 10th Con-
cession of the said Township of Grey,
containing 100 acres more or lees.
These properties are situate about
seven and a -half miles from the Village
of Brussels, and two and )-half miles
from the ilia a of Crenbrook.
Upon Parcel No. 1 there is .said to be
a frame dwelling house and frame barn
(bank), with stono stables under barn, all
in good repair. It has good wells, and a
large government drain runs along the
roadway in front of lot. About 80 aores
are said to be cleared and in good culti-
vation, and thorn Is said to be an orchard
of about an sore.
Parcel No. 2 has about 80 acres clear-
ed. There is a small creek whioh waters
this property.
Terms and conditions made known on
day tof o sale. For further partcoulars ap-
Beatty, Chadwick, Rlaelrstook •C Halt,
68 Wellington Street East, Toronto.
Dated at Toronto lit day Nov. '88.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the publio generally
that he door all kinds of Blackamithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and putters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I matte a Sllooialty of Horse -shoeing.
A Call Solfolted. tt'Remember the
Stand—Neon TEE BamaE.
S. Plum,
Scotch 011ar
A Splendid Stock of Horse Blan-
kets, Halters, Whips, &c.,
&c., on Hand.
Our Collars always
Give Satisfaction,
1 lead the vale in giving good
value in
Trunks, Valises,
Satchels, Etc.
If yott want a set of LIGHT 0r
HEAVY Maxims, or if you want
Repairing done Catlin and ,See
y T �•ry�r q/ y FUNDS, /r 'l C I
Fm.A�TEL' t1 rNDS7r g1
h ttdll
of Private Funds have j ust been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can Have their loans
complete in three days if title is
Applylo E. E. WADE.
Private Fun�/d^1sto Loan,
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Coin-vzissioii.
Do:rowers eau have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
satisfactory. Apply to
Solicitor, Brussels.
Great Bargains al the
"Bee -hive" in
Teals arta
For the next 2 weeks.
W. H. McCracken.
Look to Your Own Interest and get your Gristing done at
Where you will got Flour second to none in the Dominion, and
yield per bushel equal to the highest.
Chopping Done chile You Wait,
Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour
Without Extra. Charge, if required.
.All Kinds of Grain Bought for Cash.
Oob 1, 8-m
Brussels Purinture E�poriuiu,
I have a splendid Steck of Furniture at my Show rooms,
TUTnberry Street, Braa.Ssels, consisting of Parlor and
Bedroom. Suites, Sideboards; Tables, Chairs, Lounges, AC.,
that cannot be excelled for wear, or valise. Always a big
Stock to choose from.
+oPJbiCX'. 13ACx`,9.II tee
As I have a very lame and well made stock of Bedroom
Sideboards I will sell them at /neatly reduc-
edrises. We have made a specialty of these lines and
now is the time to make purchases,
Hand -made Furniture a special feature of our bus-
iness. A. large stock of tip-top difoulclimsi for Picture
Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch, A Shoe
lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy artistes for kle. -
A full line of Caskets, Coffins and Robes always on
hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery, Wagon 11.1
connection with our Establishment.
I pay special attention to Cavity and <Arter'ial
.E7mballYLl•n i. Raving taken three series of lessons on.
Embalming from Prof. Renonard, of Kansas, and having a
Diploma for the same, I feel confident in being able to do
this work properly.
A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay Sz Co's patent
Linen Window Blinds to hand. Every housekeeper
should see them. T. tats/ are Dandies.
' Patronizing the Old .Estitblis'hed Furni-
il'JaVe money by ;,
tura Emporium. j� (�
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