The Brussels Post, 1888-11-2, Page 4t
New Advertisements,
Locl—Goo, Birt,
Local—Mrs. Kirk.
name for sale—Jno, Roddick.
Look hone—Uriah McFadden.
]"found lost—Joseph Ballantyne.
Pocket book lost --Mrs. D. Liviogcton,
t tae ` 1ntszelh Vat.
1'NIDAI', NOT'. 2, 1888.
Wnosn interests were the teachers of
East Huron considering, we wonder,
when et the recent Convention they voted
to hold the next meeting of the Amami -
ration at Clinton, the very extreme of the
inspectorate ? The probabilities are that
scores of the teachers will not attend Ana
to please the whims of a few who worked
the case lip no small amount of injury
will be done the Association.
Ie. appears they do the "combination"
businere in the Old Country as well as
this. The latest is the Salt Trust, and
this democratic body hoe raised the
price of common salt, which was sold at
the very low figure of 00 c=ots per ton, to
$2.25 per ton. Quarried salt, for export
has risen from $2.00 to $3.75. Judging
from the tone of the English press there
is trouble ahead and the British Pallia•
ment will be asked to pees such legis-
lation as will control, to a certain extent,
this and similiar monopolies While they
are about it they might as well try and
secure our white elephant, the N.P., and
they could strangle them all at the same
IT is now China's turn to threaten re-
taliation, and it has this advantage over
Mr. Cleveland, that it has something to
retaliate for. Where there is no injury
the word retaliation is morally false and,
therefore, morally weak. The American
people have never been afraid of para-
doxes and contradiction. The cry of the
bird of freedom from its peroh on the
national standard about human equality
found sarcastic echo in the ory of the
slave. It is less barbarous, but not less
contradictory, to bear religions orators
growing eloquent on Eastern platforms
about the land that has opened her doors
to the down -trodden of all nations at the
very moment when heathens are plead-
ing vainly for admission at its golden
gate. Africa could not retaliate for
slavery but China can retaliate for ex -
THEY are having a nine little time in
Manitoba over the railroad squabble. The
C.P.R. is playing the dog in the manger
trick and although the injunction is in
their favor at present the new road will
be built in spite of all their obstructions.
Attorney•General Martin stated that it is
the intention to continue conatrpction of
the Portage extension by building a spur
from the proposed crossing to the main
highway, and teaming supplies and ma-
terial over it. His idea is to ley some
track west of the C.P.R. branch and
then get a locomotive dragged around to
it over the main highway. Truoke will
then be used to convey rails up
to the C. P. R. track and, in
fact, to run rails right over the track.
It must look childish indeed to see a C.
P.R. railway locomotive either "anchor-
ed" or running backward and forward
at highway crossings to hinder men from
hauling rails, &c., for the construction of
the new road across the C.P.R. track.
We wonder what the thousands of dol-
lars granted to the Canadian Pacific
Railway by the Dominion Government
at a recent session was for ? A meeting
of the Manitoba Legislature will be call.
ed at once to discuss the situation.
On Thursday November let, the
amendments to the Municipal Ant re-
specting bonuses to manufacturers be.
came law, and the evils of the system
will now bo almost annihilated. The
following are the sections of Mr. Balfour'°
Bill, which passed the House: -
10. The said Act is amended by adding
thereto the following as section 820 (a):—
820(a)7(1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in the preceding seotion of this
Act the vote of two-thirds in the affirm-
ative of the ratepayers, who are entitled
to vote upon any by-law granting aid to
or for promoting the establishment of at
manufactory or manufacturing establish.
ment, or for lending money to such com-
pany, parson or establishment, or guaran-
teeing the payment of money borrowed in
any munimpality, shall be necessary in
order 10 the carrying of the bylaw, and
the words "two fifths," where they appear
in the said preceding section shall not
apply to the passage of each by-law, and
for the purposes hereof the said motion
shall be read as if the words "two thirds"
instead of "two-fifths" were inserted
(2). No municipality shall grunt a bonne
to a manufacturer under this seotion who
proposes to establish an industry of a
similar nature to one already established
in such municipality without any such
(8) No bonus ()hall be granted by a
municipality to secure the removal there-
to of an industry already established
elsewhere in the Province.
(4) No municipality shall granta bonus
in aid of any manufacturing industry,
whore the granting O4 entail bonne wOu1d,
for its payment, together with the pay.
anent of similar bonuses already granted
by said municipality, require an annual -
levy for principal and interest, exceeding
tonpor cent. of the total annual rntlnici-
pal taxation thereof,
(0) This section shall not apply to the
districts of Muskoka, Parry Sound, Algo•
ma Last and Algoma West, or to any of
the municipalities therein, nor shall it
affect any heretofore adopted or
passed, the vote taken thereon or the
bonds or debentures issued or to be issued
in pursuance thereof.
ALnrwr complaints are "rade, by per-
sons hauling grain to Brussels, of the
bad condition of the gravel road north
and south of this place. For some oras.
On, we know not, the usual expenditure
of $200 in gravel has not been made this
year, although we believe both Grey and
Morris Councils did not object to the ap-
propriation of this sum. Brussels bas a
good market, that's a settled fact, but
have eve any right to have our grain
trade diverted to other towns for the look
of a little attention being paid to the
leading roads ? The small amount ex-
pended other years, although altogether
inadequate to the amount necessary to
do the work properly, kept the road in
the worst places in fairly good repair, but
this year even that is nob forthcoming.
In ease we have an open winter or brok-
en weather this Fall and next Spring the
necessity of attention to this very im.
portant matter will be more apparent
than now. Of course we are aware that
a small amount of statute labor was done
this year but it is not a drop in the buck-
et of what is required. Who is to blame
for this apparent neglect? is the question
that is asked. This is a subject of in-
terest to not only the people of Brussels
but to all persons who have to travel the
gravel road, and it is too bad to allow
this public: highway to be neglected for
the sake of a few hundred dollars.
Creareaa•din.m N e -w .
Sarnia has a smallpox case.
Judge Monk, of Montreal is dead.
Wiser's distillery at Prescott was de-
stroyed by fire.
The C.P.R. has reduced its grain rates
from Winnipeg
General Laurie, Conservative, was re-
eleoted in Shelburne, N. S., by a majority
of 45.
The steambarge City of Montreal, of
Colborne, has been wrecked in Lake
Dr. Mallory was nominated by the
East Northumberland Reform Conven-
tion for the Commons.
It is stated that Geo. Sleeman has
made up bis mind to run for the Mayor.
alty of Guelph next year.
Great efforts are being made to do
away with the toll -gate on the Port Bur-
well Road near Tilsonburg.
No new cases of small -pox are report-
ed in the townships of Georgina and
North Gwilliamsbury, Ont.
Brantford carried by-laws to raise
$180,000 end $10,000 for water -works and
drill shedpurpoees respectively.
Berlin will be entitled to a third Dep-
uty -Reeve next year, and will then have
four representatives in the County Conn-
The Markham village by-law, to raise
$7,500 in debentures for water works,
was voted on and carried by a majority of
Judge Killam has given judgment in
favor of the C.P.R. and continued the in-
junction against the Manitoba Govern-
A. D. Stewart, late Chief of Police of
Hamilton, has opened out an office at
Toronto where he will carry on a general
anotion and commission business.
James Goldie, of Guelph, has re-
ceived from England a pair of swans, the
first ever brought to that vicinity. They
will form quite an addition to his birds.
The Orangemen of Kincardine receiv-
ed 081 from the Grand Trunk as their
commission from the receipts of exur-
sion trains to Kincardine on the 12th of
July last.
Ilon. Edward Stanley is expected in
Canada during the winter, to aesums
the duties of to His Exoe11-
ency, and he will probably be accompan-
ied by his bride.
At Owen Sound the steamer Campana
was seized on Monday for an infraction
of the customs laws, but was subsequent-
ly released on a small bond, and left
there) on time on the following afternoon
for Port Arthur.
A swindler styling himself Rev. F. J.
Styles, who has been ingratiating him-
self to the good graces of the people of
the bank county of Frontenao during the
last fete months, has eloped with the
daughter of a farmer.
a match at throwing the sixteen -pound
hammer took place on Friday at the
Exhibition grounds before quite e crowd
of people for $10 a side between Wm.
Mills and John McPherson, the shot put-
ter. McPherson won with a throw of 88
feet 10 inches, against Mills' 82 feet -1
Word has been received at Ottawa that
the Northwest Land Co. has refused to
pay municipal as well as educational tax-
es at Calgary. The Company, on appeal,
lost their suit as regards school taxes,
but have won the suit to compel them to
apay ppThe case will bo
pealed toOttawa,.
The New York Herald devotes 2i col-
umns of space to a series of articles on
"Canada's Grip," showing that the only
navigable channel in Detroit river is in
Canadian territory and all the cost of im •
proving that channel has been paid by
the United States. The Herald also
publishes a map of the Lime•Kiln Cross.
ing. The Hsarld says :—"Froin the
standpoint of a retaliation policy, the
feature of chief importance is found in
the fact that the only channel navigable
for large vessels lies in Canadian tent.
tory and if channels are to be closed by
anybody, Canada holds the trump card,"
Miss Hannah Boyd, the girl who was
arrested in connection with the Galt
poisoning case, and who was remanded
to the Berlin Jail, where she has boon
confined for the bast week, returned home
to her parents to Hamilton Monday in
oempany with her, JIr.
Hinds, who was influential in obtaining
her release, No evidence of whatever
nature was forthcoming against Mies
Boyd in regard to the poisoning of Meta
Cherry, and the meet that could be sae -
pedal against her was rho was thought
to know tornething which would give
90510 sort Of chto to the perpetrators of.
the outrage.
Mns. F. 0. Roams begs to thank the
Ladies for the large amount of patronage
accorded her last week during the days
of our Millinery Opening. Every Lady
who paid us a visit pronounced it to bo
without exception the finest display ever
seen in Brussels. Owing to the large
crowds during our opening days some
Ladies may seemingly not have received
proper attention, if so we owe them an
ample apology and hope with our beauti-
ful display, which will bo continued the
whole month, to receive the orders from
those Ladies who have not yet made their
ivfiss GREEN, our obliging and tasteful
Milliner, feels justly proud of the high
onconiums passed on her and for which
she begs to return every Lady her sincere
M. s. . C. efllttl oge Ran
Brussels, Oot. 0, 1888.
If you Want a Nobby Suit
THE LSA®91d1 li€I�EtfllNAN9
We have the Finest Assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds,
Overcoatings and Pantings that can be shown in Brussels, also a
splendid and well selected stock of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats
and Caps are of the Latest Shapes. A11 will be sold at Moderate
Suits Got Up in Latest Styles
and Fits Guaranteed. Give Ds a Call and be convinced of what
we say. All Tweeds bought from us will be cut Free of Charge.
Hear What the Poet Says:
Arrah Pat phawt is that you see walkin down sthrate ?
Sure its Mike with a new suit from head to the fate ;
And where did the spalpeen get fitted so nate 2
Why up at Broadway—at 38.
Thim Ross by's get us such illigant Tweeds,
And everything else that a gintleman needs ;
They can fit you up like an Ould Country gint,. •
And begor they'll not chats you for nova a clot.
They'll suspend you with Braces the loiko couldn't bo,
Put a shirt on your back that will fit to a tee
Their gloves and their stockings sure niver will wear
And their tweeds are warranted never to tear.
If you want hat or cap, or even a collar,
Jist call on the boys it will save you a dollar :
Por bedad its the truth I'm sphakin to you,
There is everything there that is stylish and now.
200 AOItII laAI1M1�0It SALE.
l 4.0rst-oln the County
o for sola in to ,
being Township
of Morrisin the Oauntyot 13 erso,
bnd lout south bellaof north half lots ss & 80
and south kelt of 10 to sth con., eon talnt mostly fclq repos mere n 1596, le"u saran meetly
clear of There and in a good state of mil ti.
vstlon, se an s is young banning orchard a
A btu 'itaderneatht, ' 1GexfarmieslEgn-
ated within a mile of the Village of Arueees
anrlisagood farm for grain or stookrale-
tng as leis watered with the river alaitiand
and never failing spring creek. Possession
will be given at any time. 1i'or further par.
Haulers apply to the promises or to A. 11,
ROBERT80N Brussels, P. 0.
Nov. 2, 1888.
Morris, on reasonable tonna. In order
to oleo the affairs of the ()stat° of the late
W. G. If lepton, the executors ober the fol.
lowing valuable lauds for Bale North
half of Lot 00, Oonosssion 0,l'ewnship of
Morrie ooetelning 00 nom. On this lot is
°rented a good Triune barn w-tSlt stone touu-
datisn, good ershnrd, well nndpnmp. 11sar.
1y41is101,rod, and HI on the grave road
°leso]y Adjoining tbo 1111555 of Itrussole,
This Ism in a vnlnablo ono, is well folioed
band in a good stat° 0f ealtivation, ifor
l'lruesels 1?. 037, Manny Jlll0ril0Bs., iVieterta
etivan P,, 0,, or Intuit 8nitxn, Maple Lodge
1', 0,, Mladlosnx County,
Sterling Maohino 0 1 is daily becoming more widely and favorably known Those
who try it continue to use it. No other 0i1 is more suitable for general use. It is
well adapted for all
1�ill IVIachinery,
Reapers, Mowers
all Threshers !
.sk Your
for it I
illanvjsfetltred Ly McMillan, Kittredge sl• Co., Petrolea ; Branch at
,Stratford, 0li10910.
H. F. McArarsrrnt, Ethel ; J. Tsunr Ns, Bluovale.
ervr ....:711=51.37741.0.117..41A9.1,771. ._aameanxravssxn113nsamrx9,7zv.+,eerears,.:,m
FT1HE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at
.J- the old
Egg Plmporinuni N OTHE R Brussels Post Office.
Farmers and others can depend upon getting from
J: .L .L. us the very highest Market Price Ix Casm
this season as we aro going to ship extensively and require large
Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels.
�s. Wra. Ballantyrie l Soa.
have much pleasure in informing all my
old friends that my clanghter and grandson
will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me
last year and I hope they will redeye Iiberal patronage. ..
We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to
the fact that we have loft in 501310
and are now able to do better Work than has been done in
the past and as good, if not better, than most
We will endeavor, to the best of our ability,
to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at
Shortest Notice.
Those Parties having WOOL would do well
to give us a call before going elsewhere.
We have a fine Assortment of
Il�r�r�a4id�d ria u6m�V7 �aiy �
Ls1t1a's chdSlaltii° ~l,
• d: e lAde\I ALV eGitl S,
Hopin you will favor us with a Call, We
are, Yours Truly,
GEO. HO :E & Co.,
Bout. 11, 11n 1041. BRUSSELS.