The Brussels Post, 1888-9-14, Page 1Volume 16.
Number 9.
'1'o 1'NXttT.1N401111116N0.
Bxell.•sloa on !AS, 4 1r11unn—Vl4lt to the•
Reform atory—A Little too !Hough
For most People on Board.
To the ]Editor of Tata 'Pon.
1)1.,)11 S u ,--I enclose you a brief nos
oounb of n pleasure trip from Owen
Sound to "Penotong" which may bo in-
terosting to some of your readers :
We left the wharf at eight o'olook with
haldlrerehiefs flying. Evoryono se0mel
blyth and gay. When wo woro out
about twolve m11es the captaln said, it's
too trough, I can't go to Penetang, so I
will run you to Wiarton, but the orowd
gave vent to one unanimous emphatic
"no." In abn1T1 holt an hour tho pilot
again turned the vessel toward the west
proposing to rent to Lion's Head but the
voyagers bocamo so excited they sooner!
about to try Poter'e little game of "trip.
ping tho light fautaslir on the fleecy
rolling deep," Well, said the captain,
with the usual emphasis peculiar t0 cap-
tains, I'll run tlto -- — ship to Colling-
wood and I'll bo sent to -•---- if every
- Ono of you won't wish I'd run
back to Owen Sound before you're ton
hours older. Well, we reaohod Cape
Mich, that is the northwestern limit of
1 ottawasaga Bay, on which Collingwood
is 01tuated and again rho mu1inotla spirit
of our cargo 1e0ant0 manifest for all dos
minedto go to Collingwood and seemed
almost ready to consign captain and
Drew to watery graves if they offered the
toast opposition. Sono were so fearless
they offered to aro to the bottom with the
old boat but for my own part I am glad
we ]rept on top especially after thoy sO1l-
ed the water so much with the cargoes
of their hold. Alter much arguing and
morn lying about "what I wont through"
and most awful swearing wo tacked about
the bay for Poietang. Just horn began
the fun predicted by the contain. Many
a blooming fico was "sickened o'er with
it pale emit of thought" and in ten min-
utrs every state room was full and every
available foot of hand tail was wildly
clutched as 1h0 passengers, at least the
female portion, poured their sorrows or
' into
nil sun cls
r breakfasts1 P
• t
r Col 0
soothing d
c1. Obrlcan't tell you half.
11 slakes inc laugh s0 I can hardly writs
to mink of the fun. It was very rough,
not clangorously you know, but disagree-
ably. The sea gulls flapped their snowy
11,1114,03 above us and tittered wild, weird
cries 110 if to echo the walla of dspoud•
envy which arose from our docks. Thr
litt0 fishes lookod up with th+ it dreamy
eyes from the glassy waves as if 10 sty,
"011 ! give of; a root, enough is as good
as a feast," broad is good and cake isn't
Lod but when you start to vomit boots
and shoo strings it's rathor much. At
length wo gut in the shelter of the Chris
tion Island and the poor people rested
from their labor and all along our course
their works did follow thorn, 011 1 I
wish yon could have seen the beautiful
scenery monad there at those islands.
Tho great stormybillows all crusted with
foam are just behind us aid wo rode on
a sheltered bay with scarcely a ripple on
alto surface. To our right is tho main
shore rising high in tino air—o, bold
promontory of rook 000000(1 with groat
giant pine trees. To oar loft is Chris-
tian Island, the largest of the Christian
group, with a low shoal of barren rock
running out a half utile toward the main-
land with a tall gray atoms lighthouse on
Cho very point, A little further on Ilopo
and Beckwith Islands, two mora of the
Christian group, aro to he seen. The
ehnuue1 between these islands and the
shorn is about a mile wide and to full of
sen gulls that wheel and tarn about the
boot continually. Now they will settle
down on Cho water 1ilio a dock and cat the
broad we throw to them and then again
they rise and soar away with ono swoep
of the wings. Their flight seeans so oaoy
and careless it almost mak0a one jealous
that you can't follow them, but of coarse
you can't unless you're morn angelic
thin the average mortal. They fly so
near you can sou the wpbs botween their
toes and the oolor of their eyes. Tho
plumage of the young birds is puro whito
but they grow tlarkor as May grow oldor,
First the tips of the wings turn gray and
finally tho bird is all changed 10 a rattler
dirty drab color. We reached lllatandasll
Bay at half past ono and atennerl along
finely past or rather in sight of Midland
to our left and round IYlidlmnd point to
our right into Hog's Boy on which Peae-
tmig is situated. Oh I I n0000 saw a
more holland bay. The hills ri0o gond.
ually Orem the edge to a greab height. The
bay is so narrow and winding that you
sown loso sight of the open water. Yon
0OCnn to be saiiing On a 0ma11 pond that
tanswor0 the n0are51 to Cho daeoriptive
"mirror" of any plane 10001' saw. You
Blow this northern orator is so clear and
blue. There aro two small Wanda in the
middle of too bay with a lighthouse on
ono And summ00 hotel on the other.
Tho Itoforinmtory is upon a high bank to
our left as wo mune in about two milds
from the town. Its tin roof glist0n0 in
tho sunlight rind can bo 0oeu too 0)1100
away. The village i10olf has gooatly fin.
proved lately. Thoy olafm to have a pop-
ola1ion of 2,000 but that iucludos Cho Bo.
formatory. Now as to the Reformatory
itself. Wo took a 'bus and drove out.
Tho soil 10 vory light, the dust eiftod
down our bunks and into cur, oyeo at a
groat rate. The lteformato'y consists of
livo largo buildings built around ft largo
court yard, Tho main building is built
of stole 44111110 four aorta; high, The
lower flat con111100 too bath rooms, which
soom to horsed very little, 1(41011011, balm
strop, pattrioo,110., tke, The second and
third fiats at the south end oon1a111 the
bedrooms. Two largo baro -floored, bare-
walled, barred.wludowOd rooms with cots
arranged in rows side by siclo. "rho
amallor boys sloop down staire std Cho
larger 01100 on tho third 11111. Tho ro0)110
aro very 0hoorlo00, the floor and walls
aro clean but the straw ticks aro musty
and the budding dirty. In the north and
of rho building aro tho 00410010 and just
think of tho folly. 'dress little 3000190
as bad as you get 1110nt with faoes liko
Satan, tho moot oft atom, and h0a;ts, .
know, a0 fail of wiokcdno3a a5 al egg is
full of meat, Tltooe 0eamp0 and off•oconr-
blg are taught in sopalato sohoolo, Prot.
octant and Oatllolio, Tho upper flat con-
tains the two church rooms. A Catholic
priest and an Iipioaopolian minister aro
paid by 111e Government to reform, those
poor youngsters. I told the monagor I
thought a Salvation Army captain would
do as much good as both of them. i
am sure a captain would do more in it
month than the others would nocom 1-
fish in ton years. Along the north side
of Cho court yard aro two buildings, din-
ing room and play (?) room. 'rho tables
were Spread for ton, Thoy have rough
board stands around which night boys
sit on benches. Thole 0nppor 00110101011
of dry bread—lots of it, and good tea and
coffee, That play (?) house. Ob I my
such play. The boys were mar01101 in
double filo and paraded around a bit then
walked 0111 again and that is tiro extent
of their play. Tho oflleero must bo very
strict, I guess, for tho boys just jump
whren xpolteu to. At tho south oast silos
of the wort yard are largo throe story
high brick buildings containing the work•
shepd at C1rpoitter, 0110°, lowness, tailor,
arc., (1e. Thorn are about 200 boys mow
in coufhlentont chiefly for theft, but
ammo that means they aro despot•ntoiv
bad boys and the theft was not their only
°franca but tho last net which brought
their punishment. I am certain Cho in-
fluence, 1s rather for evil than for good on
the minds of the boys. Their clothes
are tattered Choir lands and faces aro
as dirty as the ground, tbolr hair looks
as if never comped. I beldovo a half good
boy would come out almost all bad after
a few year's oouflnolnont More. Wo loft
Penetang at 7 for Owen Sound whom we
arrived at half past three after a sail of
about 100 miles. I wish I could describe
that roturn trip. You know what glut.
tons some folic make of themselves at
such times, well these wino no exception.
They ate apples half groan, berries, slates,
figs, pie, carte and pickles, and milk that
had soured on the way up. Woll, they
fortified themselves, so to speak, that
is they loaded themselves up to the brim
and wore ready when the "swell" carne.
The wind had started to blow harder at
sun dove and it got so cold no one could
stay on deck so they huddled in tho stats
oohing 1111.1 diningYJ°Ills a
rooms a
poorer!. thou
1 ' •lamentations upon )011 t1t
e half
stifling air. Thoy laid themselves o1
the tables ail under the tables, on tho
floor, or any ptaoo where their disturbed
stomachs could nab loss like the troubled
sow —"continually casting up, dam.," you
know the tort. 1: can't toll yon all the
fun, time, patieuco and pallor woni(d
fait. I 11111111 Ishould divide this effusion
into chapters nlrea ly. Why wasn't 1
sick ? 1Vo11, I really hadn't time and
thea I didn't eat onough to overload a
man -of war. The captain teas right.
I•Ivery'one said thank the Lord or tri ink
somebody or so rothing .ellen we touched
thu wharf and felt sure we woro home,
bat 11 ens several clays before yen could
persuade 0onl0 of tial passengers of that
"Carmona" (that was our boat, a fine
side wheeler) that the earth had not
changed its nature 01(1 coo -ed to be terra
,tlrtlitt. Y00114, Ilxc0n5I01I0T.
Amino, merino,' to the Foresters. Preach -
NI in lit. .John's Chnrelt.
Last Sabbath afternoon St. John's
church was fillocl to the down with a very
attentive congregation, assembled to hoar
the incumbent, Itov, W. T. Clulf, preach
to the Porostero. There were some 00
or 80 of the 0. 0. 14'. present, among
them being a nulnb0r from the adjacent
Courts. Tho very interesting discourse,
which we aro pleasotl to bo able to place
before our readers,was based on the 27th
verse of alto lot chapter of Jame0:
"Pure religion and undefiled before
God and the Father, is thio, to vioit the
fatherloos aid widows in their afflictions
and to [coop himself unspotted from tho
The immediate design of this epistle
was to animate the Jewish Christians to
support with fortitude and patfencu any
sufferings to which they might b° 0x -
posed and to onfo'oo the genuine doos
trines and practices of the Gospel in op.
position to the errors and vio-0s that pro-
vailod among thein. The principal sou0co
of these errors and vices was a misilltor
protttion of St. Paul's doctrine of justili-
Oa1lon by faith without the deeds of the
law, 1. e. 0s the apostle meant it without
the oboorvanoo of the rites and co'onlon-
ie4 of tho Mosaic dispeosation. But
from this some had uuwarrantlbly inforr.
001 that mortal duties wore not essential to
salvation, tlhatnas long 00 they had faith
it mattered not what their aotions were,
11e1100 many abandoned themselves to
gross vice and profligacy. Now the know
Cud; it must hove been a total miscon-
ception of the meaning of the npo0tle
that would result in arch lives. We know
that if a ratan bo posoesso)1 of 1, living
faith in the Lord ,Thous Christ, 110vo an
implicit confidence in the merito of this
sacrifice alma; as his only hope of pardon
and reconciliation with God if he look
upon Christ as not only bis sacrftloo for
sin but also as an example of Godly lifo
such a belief will undoubtedly result in
a life righteou0 and holy whos; first aim
o bless
mot next t
glorify 1
would be to 6 to
Y Goda
his fellow creatures. Now although it
was oast' q
L • for them to understand that no
faith could bo valuable 1)1110440 it brought
forth the good fruit of universal obodi•
!moo, yet ovil inclinations led them, as
it is to bo feared they lead malty to clay,
to mistake Cho nlattor so that they con-
tented themselves with a speculative doe.
trine and formal dv,otiou and thought
and spako ill of all those who either
differed,fronl thele in religious tents or
laid any great stress on moral practise.
Now had the apostles indulged imagina-
tions and bohaviour so tagreoablo to
corrupt incilnanons Moo, would undoubt.
edly have gained by it a much larger
number of disciples. But they hod not
so learner' Christ. "Trach of them 00
opportunity offered diligently momsod
this dreadful perv¢rsiol of the doctrine
"acoordiu to G6dliuoss" but none with
warmer zeal than the apostle St, Jones,
who, presiding over the champ at Jerusa-
lem, must limo had the most experience
of it. Throughout his whole epistle he
pleads earnestly for Clio observance of alto
moral duties of religion, urging his
hearers to apply, tho procepbs of tho Lord
,loons both to tho govoramont of appetites
and passions and the regulation of their
intercourse with titoir fellow creatures.
Ho urges tbom to be "floors of the word
and not hearers only, d000iving them-
selves," and ends the first ohaptm' by
defining praotiial roligion in tin° words of
tho tort. That religion which shall
pose for pure and undefiled in Cho sight
of our heavenly Father is not that which
consists in good words, glorious shows
and holy professions, but that which
(19910ves itself in actions, in visiting the
fatherless a1(1 widows i11 their affliction,
in relieving tho distressed and in looping
ourselves free from the dsfilemonts of the
wor111,1 oat Cho lusts of the Rosh, the
lost of the eye and the pride of life. The
original word here 'rendered religion
etrietly signifies Diving worship and
intimates that no kind of roligious sot: -
vices paid to tho Deity can bo of any
avail 14 we noglcat the royal late of
cbarlty. It should bo observed that tho
apostle does not set down the whole of
roligion but all ominelt part and in;
ebanoo of it as that without \vhinh all
roligion is va1n. Ho inbimatos that sots
of charity, when they flow from a 00.
ligious principle, are as acceptable to God
as acts of township, and that charity and
purity, 1110 relieving of tho afdiotod rand
tho pros0l'vation of our inward purity
most go 10gother or God will accept
neither. 1 -le is describing, not tho
principle of religion, but the effects of
religion, and therm offoots aro fully d10.
played. They two said to consist of two
elontonts : gumming the diotrossetl, and
maintaining oar own innocence. Had
bo intended to sot forth 111e motives and
principles of roligion ae they ought to
exiot in the bomb of the Christian he
would undoubtedly have mentioned Love
to God and I!'afth in Cho Lord aeons
Christ, for from tltoso Christian prin.
oipla0 must spring evarything that is
good and aooeptablo in our actioOO,
Theo two oomprohansivo duties of
benovolotco and self-gavevoment aro 00
ilnpo04001 that without then thoro oar;
be nothing Mob dosorvos Cho name re.
ligion. 11oli9io11 is not a system of ;mem
ttlativo opinions nor a ritual of forms ted
0000moni05, but it consists in that love of
God as a being porfootly holy 111 Himself
and good to us, and that rovOrenOo for
Him ail tir0 author std rotor of tlto
univer00 whioh loads men to gook Itis
favor by hrlitltting His 01441410 and ()boy.
nag His laws. If then leo mintier try to
beaomo 011011 INS IIs i0 nor do such things
a0 110 0or»mand0 what protonoe 1tavo two
tfslr calling 0111004000 101igi0)15 poople,
Wo hollow) in Slbn w0 say, so do the
cdovile (Jaamo0 II, 10.) We worship Ilia
but utterly in vain (MAtt. XI, 0,) while
Wo Continue•to ho what 11(006 bo forev0r
repugnant to Ilim, viz., 1101(1nd to 0110
follow creatures or immoral in our own
oonduot, What dooire eon we 11av0 for
the reward tahleh lie prontis08-11eavOn.
ly 1104)9111005 --when tho tempos 1ee00.
sary to flnalify us` for enjoying 14. is 411.
.Local NeW0 Items. '
A nom, mile running rano will take
place on the Brnssols moo 001000 on Sat-
urday afternoon, at 11 o'olock, between
Beattie Bros. roan "Billy," of Brussels,
and Jas. Northgravo's Allis R alkor,'
of Listowel. The purse is 0100 and the
race will be the best two hoots in throe.
Both horses two lively jumpers.
Tno Calgary Tribune of the 6th fuel,
gives an a0Ognnt of a base ball tourna-
ment in that town in which W. 3. Hollis
day, an old Brussels boy, twirled the
sphere for the home club, Acorrespond.
eut writes : The Donald pitcher did not
prowl 0nah a torror as was oxpoctod. His
analysis, as a matter of foot, does not
copal even Ilalliday's, who, up to Cho
time of Oho match, did not profass to
pitch ovou a little hit. Wo believe that
with re90lar practice for a month Cal-
gary would be abbot to wallop either of
tho outer teams.
3losn Run.—Tho baso ball tournament
at Listowel on Thursday of this week
was attended by a largo number of spec-
tators although there Were only three
boll clubs to face the music. The 'Echoes'
chow Cho bye and the 'Maple Leaf' club,
of Guelph, and the 'Ebntns,' of the some
city, were pitted against ono mother for
Cho forenoon game. The moult was a
bad dofoat for the latter by a soot•° of
11) to 8. After dinner Clio Echoes' and
'Maple Leafs' faced the music. After 01
closely contested gams tho score wn0
given as 7 to 1 in favor of tho Loafs.
Lmwboss, of Galt, pitched for Guelph.
Brussels and the 'Ltnlns' woro playing
for 2nd prize 0,0 we wont to pres0,
Amino Promo 0u3''.—The ioo cream
businoso for 1888.—Caledonian gorses. --
The long credit system.—.Banging on the
front ggato in tho ovoning.—People trying
to do businoos without capital or expert.
once.—Tho idea that alto Yankeos can
s0ar0 Canada, especially when we hold
tho reins at Cho St, Clair canal, Detroib
river and Welland canal.—Old style of
running Fall shows and exhibitions.—
A fair and square political oont0ot in any
aonslittloncy.—Tho n0000sity of uphold-
ing bho liquor trains.—YOpngrtors "gadd-
ing" the streets until 10 and 11 o'olooli
at night instead of being home and in
bed.—Tho 1001(0te indulged in by some
soft hoaclod individuals at thu door of the
Salvation Army barracks: The 1100055.
ity of ko4)ping a bank a000ui1 union
times brisk tip,—Busm0a8 mon trying to
do busino08 without ativortising and lot-
ting tho people know what they have to
roll.—Farewell 01pp000 and midnight
carouses. --Tho idon of people thinking
Choy oonld got along without Tont Post.
Hon. G. W. Roos has received the do.
glee of L.L.1). from St. AntlrOW'e llnivo -
Hon. Edward Bioko has givota 02,000
for scholarohipo in the Dapottmont of
Political Soignee in Toronto dluivorsity.
The following toachoro from 'Perth are'
attending the NOrnnal School, 'T ovont01
Mina Dalo, Henderson, 1(1011101.0n, kill.
or, Nekton and Wright, There io not a.
r.alo teacher front I.'ort1, atterttling rite
dulgo? But a person humans in hoart braced Its terms, some way of detecting
and careful in tho goverumont of 4110 ap• impostors, who would share in its hone.
otita5 and passions cannot, ordlnarly fits without sharing in its dutio4 and re.
P 1 sponsibilitien, anal this was tits only
speaking, bo far from the kingdom of available way. In the early days of Cho
God, Tho sum of the whole matter is Christian church n great cry two raised
this, that "Faith without works is dead," among the heathens about the "myster-
and that charity, except it proceed from ioo" of the Christian faith, They thought
love of our floavenly Father and a desire that some infernal ritoo or inhuman
to do His will, can nover commend no to sacrifice most surely be- known whore
God. Now, 1 have 5ole01ed this text and Chore was this mystery, but when they
have thus dwelt upon its moaning and knew Christianity as it is they saw how
applieatiol as honorer' by befog per-
aboard wora their Edeas, how on-riligious
to preach to you, my brethren. their thonghts concerning it. So when
1 thought no text could bo more appro. mon know more about Forestry andun-
priat0 than that which has boon 01)00on deretan 1 its 911090ees bettor they will
as the motto of our Order and to ]seep know how fo011011 worn their idon of
before on that which 01)x411 bo the aim wrong or injustice in c01111eotion with it.
of ourinrliyi,lual livor. 1 was, morn- Wo have the spirit and 1115 inclination
over. influenced iu Chu selection by the to do good to the Manic world but, nn-
fact that it donne10 our views to otos° fortunately, 0nr fivaneoo do not beep
who are not of os and also calls upon us step with our inclination, and we are,
to consider, in their fall force, tate vows therefore, )10109011011 to 11mtt the sphere
which we have taken upon ns. It shows of our anion, but when men 0',11411 have
the world what the try to du ; it teaches Universally Iolruod tho benefits of F,,r-
u0 what we °ug1111n be, karat I wish to estry then will we gl:a:biv nta.n 000 doors
say a few words roep':oting the efficiency to the world nod the :mood word secrr4
Order in this work to those
of ourwhoshrll no m000 be 111:41,1 in our Courts.
do not belong to it. We all know that Another obje!,ti o n:enea is that if men
no society, or church even, eon bo in. woro to invest for thomselves Cho 1non0y
d by the en1itlet of in• sxpendsd in court door and fens they
fallibly judge
stividual members that sono ande0 41)10 001)1.1 make for their families as ample
obse.rvstiou. They !nay reprevalt, to
provision as by means of forestry. If
certain extant, its nuns, but worry 011011 this 110nteltimr be a good ono there are a
they misrepresent them. Vol; anent, groat many unwise people in this world
for iustanae, judge of Cho dOceriuo or ills• praying premiums to insurance 0001011es,
cipliu° of a (`i1RL0441 by th:• 140tl0)10 of and 0 great number of such societies
80)501)001000109 mottlbera. '1'hes° 100plo thriving in our midot of which we have
troy oven bo sincere and zealous 111 their no nosh. But oven if this objcation is
efforts 00 carry out tine slaws of their valid the persons acing it overlooks a
church orsoeioty,butyon will find that the psaminout feature in our Society which
aims of the church or 000ioty are always will commend it to everyone but the
paver and better than the offorts of its most selfish, i, e. that with the same
members would repre00nt them. This amount of motley it does twice
follows from the fact that while tho the aamgnut of good that is done
"spirit is willing tho 00011 is weak" ; that by the individual investing. It
"while we would do good Dull is pr°pent not only provides for the tndivitl-
with us" ; that wbile 1t is comparatively nal but in an equal degreo for the other
Oast' to frame holy and good desires it is member+ of the Society. A man must
very hard, owing to the temptations that be tiro very e09enco of selfishness who
beset us, to carry then out in action. would refuse to help a brother when it
While, therefore, the onndnet of the mom• eau bo Iloilo at tho same cost incurred in
hors of the 0.0.I'., the self denial monis making provision for his own family.
footed by them for the good of others will This objection 14, however, altogether
I ant certain, compare very favorably founded on selfishness and is therefore
r ob.
of our notice, Another 1 titerundeserving0
• of ai o
rebels Y
h net
with th t of the t a
U,u vo'ont or fraternal a
the two0th ]
o tton
and a valid one, -could it bo
' not a sato
• Society
of our Order mast bo judged by the purr prover, is that out is It
ity of its motives a1(1 pnrpOoes and its one. Some mon estimate 4110 stobility
efficiency for norrying theta out. Thus of au institution altngothOr by the
jndgod I run certain it will stand second amount of capital at Its disposal. I (al-
to to) Order lin ,W1 amongst tis. It is mit that all other gnaliticatiols ba)ug
1101, howov 1', by any standard of human men thio should b , a prominent f1Ln400
excellence wo oro p0rn11ttnd to measure in forming our ofaimata. But I dolly
ourselves. We know ono iu 111)11le stand- that it is the modification most essential
and of ex0cllenc0 oven ilio Lord .Jesus. instability. 11 the methods of directors
Thos moas000l thoro is no room for or managers 111 as shady as it WENS MM.
praise. 1 d0, therefore, refrain from ored tb000 of 0011' of our b inks lately
praise of our Order, not because hnmau- 00011py'in, public attention wore I acts
ly speaking, I think it is undeserving of what dependence cut be placed upon the
it but beoause of the reason abated and stability giver by capital alone ? My
because I think it unnecessary, the friends the boot safo;uard to ally MAN.
simple statomolt of he stn's and lotion is to have men of sterling intog-
Purpuses of the monitor in which it rity and ability at its hood. Mon, how
has carried out its 90090800, what it ha0 est, upright and Go.l.foaring dirooting
duns in the past and is still doing being its Operations. If you would estimate the
stability of the C.
0nou:h, no T take it, to comments it to O.F. in this way' I will
any one needful or desirous of its help. be pleased to glom you 110 mums of cur
So I will try to show, briefly, bow our officials and I am confident that dress
Order trios to make it4 religion pra0110111 together with au account of what has
in visiting the fatherless, too., but before been done by the Order in the poet and
doing so I would notice ono or two ob. the amount of capital on hand at the
jeatfons that Etre commonly urged paeselnt tits° will a,sure you on thio
against our Society. In the first p10o0 point. Again, so opposits and varied
the fact of it.s being a secret rociety 10 are the objections raisod another clogs
alleged by some as a mown why good will have nothing to say to ns because
anti typo melt should haw; nothing to do wo are altogether s0lfish. That allege
with it. Thor" aro 501110 men in this that alb we oar° for is °ormelvos. This,
world upon whom the word '800000" my friends is not the case. There is not
seem. to operate in mach the some way if, pIrtiola of selfishness abort the Choler.
as a rod flag sloes upon a boll. They It is true a 00rtain sum is paid to a
nom to think there most be mouthing brother in caro of illness bat who would
very heinous transpiring wherever there wish to sharp its bonefits at that price ?
is secro0y. I oam0nt imagine where alloy Our thought is not for ourselves but for
got Cho idon, unless it bo from the s00r0t our wives and children. Our Order for
thoughts of their own hearts, most part is composed of men in ordinary
It is a pity, however, that they should oircumatanr.o0 trying to a000nplish in
lot their prejudioo 04111•y army their coin- this marmot: what they could not in o1y
mon sense. I have heard men 09801(ing other. Trying to molts provision for
of the mornbors of a secret society as mel their families when they shall be token
who by sono secret law of their Order from them. If this io sellislinos0 than
hero bound to dofehd each other in right Holy eeripturo counsels ail encourages
or wrong, through evil or good report. selfishness for 11 says "If any man. pro.
They omit to think of all 000ret sonioties vide not for his own and especially for
that as the Sootchmon sLLys : "There is tilos° of his own 1101)00110111 be has denied
something not canny about them." Now, the faith and is worse than an intidol."
I ask you to think how long any a0(11Oty (1 Tiin., 6:8.) Now a work abort the re.
receiving into m°mborship ]not of the gniromonts of members and the moral
highest ordor mongol; us, men of Intel• standing of our Order. Every oandi lot0
loomsl ability, men of honesty, piety and in order to bo admitted utast bo of sound
purity of life could stood if 00011 woro health, of good moral aharuotor and be -
the naso 7 I venture to say not olio year Bove in the exiet0000 of a supromo being
or even one month. I for one do not bo. the Crontor and Prosorver of the uli.
Neve that leen have so universally dater- verse. These aro—briefly stated—the
ioratod 1411(1 to such a degree mote patron. regnirem011tO, So our aim as you sec is
iz0 and nlailit111)1 0)1011 abominations in to admit only those who aro mound not
our midst, and whits T 0nppos0 that in only in body but in mind and morals.
every society, as 10 e1ory church, yott No intcxioattug bovoragos ate allowed in
will find unscrupulous mon, mon (aloe any Court of the Order and drunkenness
to Choir profession, noon who will not hes. io a violation of bho endowment late.
itate to do wrong or aid others in wrong These latus aro not with no a dead ]otter
doing, yob although I know iothfn3 of but as far as Both fn u0 the enforce then!
any soatety except our own I venture to (tat Toast I speak for our owls Court) so
afilrm of those amongst us what is assnr- that oar oleo remain at least as good 110
odly truo of forestry that when men do we received thorn. Now with mord to
wrong and not thus they do 00 not In Etc- finanoial standing and boneflts of our
oordonoo with 1h0 rules of their Order Order. I cannot bettor plane tt1e111 bo -
but in aired; violation of them, Nay, I faro yeti than by quoting horn the last
may even say they aro bound by their olheial report. Siuoa 11)0 iu00p1ion of
vows not to do snob things for when it our Order, in 7.879, there has been paid
slat aids his brothor in wrong -doing ho out of its troasury in sink bololito, tuner.
is doing an injury to that brother and n1 Cxpe11000 and endowmOnt0 at death no
is, therefore, £also to hlo fra4001na1 vows. loss than $216,000, leaving at last report
Not only is there no evil hMddet under the handsono surplus of 1160,8]'3.8), so
tho word scorer bat if yon think for a that out: Order has raised itl tlto epa00 0f
1110ine111 you can go0 that secrecy is tame. 8 yoaro nearly 11272,000. Tho (treater
lut0ly 11000tea1'y in order: to accomplislo. part of it 1110 boon 0x90011od and all of it
our purposes. Every firm in town, pro-
will be 0xl�ondecl in doing good to cue
fcosional or moleantilo, every chs roll and )11001b0Tainp and families bookies 0(10 i11 -
fondly is in to certain soon IL secret s0- creasing yearly 11100100 1.6 auglttont the
dioty. You do not, thoroforo, imputo to surplus, This shows, my Mends, what
thew boil intentions or notions. Tho hos boon done in our mi115t for tho cause
11101Ohnet (loos not Imp his business ]sat. of tho fathorloeo and widows. What tho
tors private al 010 a privato mark for tho tittlo band of Porostoro has done in the
purpose of chording his ci0tomor0. way of hon0vol0nc0 is to record of
Ho 9ivo0 them value for their money. which our Order slay well be proud.
Those proaaution0..•0c necessary in order With regard to our Court hero we
to carry on a sl0o@:.0fol and, at tho same ltava !leen eingnlarly blessed, not ono
time, a logitinnato and honest busim0s0, 11101nb031 has boon talon front its by
and oo when tlto'!olosterO organizod a dontb. Illne00, of cotlr0o, thoro has boon
ward 005101y 11 woo not for the purpose and such sick bonofits as members wore
of preying upon Cho otttsfdo world from fairly entitled to have boor promptly and
regarding unolor cover of this secrecy, but to Iwo- fatly advaaced. Now, uidfvid•
toot itself loon outsiders preying upon ua1 betooflts. Beat in mind our Order is'
it, and to olabls it 11) do, 1n 1)1° most ono designed to benefit moll in ordinary
offootual manner, the good it had in 11itcuntstonees. The majority of us are
AM, 11 was 0ontp01106 l0 adopt roan, nei1h0r in poverty or a0ltten00. We
moans of knowing tttoso 10)10 1)116 om- know what the lose of 0110tlp&lion Occas.
Normal at Taranto this 0011891)) reotly contrary to that in 0111011 w0 111.
i0n011 by accident or illness moans to
such a man. Wliot the distress of mind
in soon 041000 18 when he 10alizeo that
his family's ninintonanOe is threatened
1110 know what burdens often oomoo with
returning hoalth in the shape of doctor's
bills. LCoro is whore our order shines.
Wo haws men whose duty it 1. to maks
enquiries and report illnoso that may
be amongst the brethren. Ttnmediatoly
a brother is reported siok it is the duty
of members that one or two should visit
lits doily and cure for him nod see that
no leant 15 negleetod. If necessary it is
their duty to sit up with trim and allow
the tired members of the family to rest.
Nor is that all, a certain soon per week,
recording to the 0tandiu9 of the Court,
is paid ,luring itis i4liem1 and in 44'1liti011
the hest midioal advice and attendance is
procured free of charge, tin that you see
m brother is relieved from a great deal of
tho distress 0ceasiuned by 111114)'x5 and
1mlped in many important trays if, whioh
be wonid not vein 110 not as Foroster.
ShOuh' the ilhmes terminate fatally o
certain mon is gfvi'n for funeral expenses
and this is further supplemented by the
51,000 endowment paid to the widow
or hoirs and I may just Day fu passing
that steps aro being taken to morose
this to $2,000. Now, my friends, 1 have
tried to give you not praise of thu Order
but as fairly us I could a statement of its
doings, its moral and financial standing
and iudividual benefits and 1 leave it to
you 1) judge whether or not it is a good
exponent of its motto, "Pune religion and
undefiled, ,lc." I may just say that
all those benefits aro moored
at the lowest possible cont. Member-
ship fees are grader. by a sliding scale. °
A roan pays according to his age on
joining. The cost runs from about 010
to 918. The cost of management to each
member during the Oxistenc0 of the
Order has only been 60 Cents per yam:.
A littlo salt-douiul in tho matter of lux.
urieo, a little care in the matter of ex-
penditure will Doable all to make pro-
vision for the rainy day When illness
comes and etnabl0 you to loavo your
loved ones not in utter want. My friends
if mel would only bo wins and prudent
how mule• poor widows and orphans
r lumina -
t, saved the ehnnl-
i sv e
might e
tine of b 1
ur* throw
❑ all the
.1011 ellen theirmercies of the t • t
prol0eto s are moll: d away, and what
self-reproach men would be saved who
know. when too late, that their family
has nothing to loop forward to than utter
destitution. 1Vhatreor discropolcle-o may
bo found b_t vecu my preaching and
praotiee here, at least, I plead not guilty,
for not only do I try to 4x404 the banefits
of Forestry but also I aim to share in
it. allele; not rcoponeibiliti--e. Now a
last word to the brotltren. 1101 are all
interested in the g and and wolfaro of our
Order, Pernrt Eno to 110p1'r01 tato old
adage, "Nothing stt1cecls ]ilio m00000."
If we would have our Order grow and
thrivo and do the good it is capable of
0101119 the must matte its success ap-
parent, its benefits known. To this the
hater obtuse of oar text paints the way,
1li:eep yourselves unspotted from the
world." Not only try to livc::.'1 that you
may escape tiro dofilotnonts of thu world
but so that the world looking on yon and
eager 00 criticise you shall 1iur1 no fault
ill you. This can only bo (lotto by living
in Christ. Not only should the visit the
fatherless, 010. but Ivo should d0 it 100111
love of the 'plaster. Not only should we.
strive to show the outward practice but
to possess the inward principle. Not
only the ma❑ifostation but the spirit,
for as leen sometimes profess religion
who are utterly wanting in good deeds so
may men engage in duties enjoined by
religion withoct having rho Spirit of
Christ and of snob it is said they are
none of His. But when the two go to-
gether, when love for Christ, who laid
down his life to holp us, an100411s the
heart and expresses itself in works of
love to our fellow oreatureo then do wo
show to tho world tho true principles of
forestry and win its approbation and
what is of infinitely mors impOrban0e the
approbation of our Heavenly Father. Let
us always keep tlt0 thought boforo us
that wo are banded together to do God'o
work• whish He most gloriously 0xempli-
ltod in His own life on earth a❑d lot us
remember thatwo only perform the
dutioo of 0111: position as u•o are capable
of portorming Mom when we engage in
them with the thought that God's eye is
upon os and with the prayer for God's
Holy Spirit to direct and help us. We
may ahvays count on God's blessing if
mating aside the thought that our Order
is a more human institution tea look
upon its duties as duties enjoined by God
mud ourselves as His humble servaut0.
Itis thio lowor view of our duties and re-
sponsibility that tends to Voodoos) the
carslo5snes0 too often observabloamongst
Cts. As long as men look upon its duties
in this way thov will appear lulim9ort.
alt. My friends wo are not Ballad Mote
to a duty hat to a privilege i. s. to do the
work of our Heavenly Father, so my
brethren, lot no carry awny this thought
--that mfnietoring relief to those in dis-
tress thouglt good and oommondable in
itself can never aloud aomnisud Ito to
God. That in 11 is 5191144 in whose Iligh
Court w0 Hulot ou0 day stand principle
and practice must bo found together.
There to something higher and greater
than 10rostry, as tdto wholo is gr0at00
111011 a pnrt, itis Christianity, but both
are in neaord0uce fu proolaiming thio
groat truth that "1'uro roligion and un-
deitlod, cl.c."
Perth >, a ' ,�1 CComitydotes.
Thu Mitchell Advortioor says :--Iotnes
Wilson hos on exhibition, in his »mat
stall, a stalk of corn whioh was raised on
his own land, and mooning twolve foot
high. Its branehos oxtond six foot.
Lost year Cho totalassos0ment of Strat•
foal lnnonnted to 02,701,000; tlti0 yoar
it toots tip to 91,623,480, nearly dolblo.
The buildings aro vaittod at $2,600,075 ;
land at $1,010,880 ; p5rsen11l properly,
921'1,030 ; income, 4161,823 ; the grand
total taxabtO, loss exemptions under star
Ude, boin9 84,118,420. The 9opulat1011
is given at 34,1)70, whioh is considered be-
low the track.