The Brussels Post, 1888-8-10, Page 7a re 8 11 EB 8 n n en •m tat g, ge Dir an fn )or for ly. he nd, my dly nd ed eke an be- ht - on said 00 TOW who ho Tith ATM )on• ,old heir rock Wee !hey old e m 6, 0180 ,0th, rive ;heir con - 1 apt on•rapt 0 and &tib cork nab• ving 1,01• who the 16 as ibly into, out two 8 off nips. foIn hove have the Wino II 1o8 AUG. 10, 1888. Oa4r+ vatusgswoosmatammesoonvoloomagam 1 if l7 J_lTll and frequently he tho moues of preventing , The WOInon of India, I A Woliderfal Offer, Blame, evenly n Thd ea bed shouldnd be bode to b t I The women iu towae anti villages %hove ! Por many Viers the mnuofaoturer' of Dr, Able() On the Care of Infants Darin,; or all ahildrou undnc four years 01 ago at aly bile coott 01800 rattly sho,v thole toot mid Sage's f]as,rrh itomedy havo offdred, in tho better °heads Dever, Some travol10re good faith '0900 reward for m Daae of Nasal j most im )orrnnt eau3tuP agonbx "Peak of Choir pooping at uta from their voile Catarrh lvhiull Choy 0aonot Dura. The Rein. J Weather. times. " The poor, who dwell in hot, stifilug, mala• is Clpe oho e of th Effluvia laud or"anis vapors ore of or from behind their l obtleod wlndowx. Prom 0dy 10 sold try dt uy,;iatm at only u0 coots. It domes bcumea, whish !rah ulr and vooli 1 T d - P what 1 have sees and Dau learn From peoplehas fairly atteinad a wor'!d•Wide reputation, bre0000 80oin to avohl, are the ut d1 whom disease and death 8eardlt cub there summer deya, And it is the helpt 88 Retie babies in those places who have moot reu600 to dread the cumin of the hot reason. They pay the death pennity for their hod sur, roundingx, and Duffer for the sine and in. dieoretione of their pmrunte, Right hero a Word of advice Dan be given winch, if heeded, may save many of those _Wiliam fano the tortures of sicknoae and the sadness of death,. True, 0o long as it ie necessary for some people to live in houses where pure air ie almost unknown tho rate ut infant mortality will bo abnnrnlnlly high, yet a libtle knowledge and a liotle oars sou the part of those who havo uhargo of children will greatly reduce it. What follows may claim the attention of rich as well as poor, for riches do nob always bring window, and the children of well•to•do parents are frequently the viotima of the oarolessnese and tho igooranoe of mothers. Throe important things in oonneotfon with the ogre of children should ahvayo be remembered- eloanlineee, pure air and pro. per feeding, Muoh injury 1s don children by overfeeding them, In the first month or so of a child'" life frequent feeding is nem. miry. Ito stumaoh is ino8pabl0 of hard work, and that organ meet gradually be. come 880on0tom001 to the duties nature in tended it to perform. For this reason small quantities of food are taken at time and the feeding moat odour at short intervals. At first let the intervals be two or three hour° long. At six months the child 0honki bo, fed not oftener than five times a day. A child will often seem hungry when a little water will 0ati8fy it, Give pure water or barley water. Do not accustom your child to feeding during the night. This may enaily bo avoided by beginning rightly. 11 the child awakes and erica give only water. It will soon go to sleep again, and if it is not given food it will certainly learn not to expoot it. This plan is butter for the child, and it saves the mother and every one eiee abont the hoses a deal of trouble. varioue n some t a opo an ovory who suave long lived here moll ooquetrios are oaeepied dwel liug from daily cooking, and only indulged in by the Nanton girls Mantling organic sub8bmico8 0atm'ate all textile fah• girls) of a low order, or by n Will worse alas(. mos told beeotua a fruitful 80811'010 of dieoaso. The education of it woman 18 scull that she Vontilatioo 18 080°8tia1 to 088811064) 11080 ho0eetly thinks her0off degraded should oho noxious vapor0, and every room should ho ormib!ter fan" to be80ou by 0 me10 • rarely thoroughly aired each day by a outreut of neitdone, even to418011er-fu law or (mother- floated; if there isriugingintheears,doer need, fresh air milli dent to renovate }be atmos• in•law, oopooially if the brothor•in-law be hacking or coughing to Wear the throat, ex, photo and to remove all minorities, older than her husband, A well-to•l° Ilia• peotoratloo of °fronsivo matter, together with 'lyil.Tlllhtl 111.910,98(0, don, with 4txbrclhorn, all younger thou him'. scabs from ulcers, the wino beteg tihanged With the first a pearanoe of teeth in a stilt', told mo he had seldom over seen the ;sad ha" a nasal Wain; the breath 01)018168 ; P Noe of a sing/emit= of hie misters in-law, and emelt and Mete impaired ; sweatiest of die. child "orale food other than milk beoomoe when he hod dorso eo It wars under ?nattier Meese, with mental depresriou, a Miming cough Bud general debility, yon are auffer- mg from nasal ootarrh. The more compli- cated your disease, the greater the number and cliveroity of symptoms. Thousands of eases annually, without manifesting half of the above oymptoms, result in consumption, and end in the Lrav8, No diocese is so mem mon, more deceptive and dengoroue, lean undsretood, or more unonwossfully treated by physicians. If you have dull, heavy headache, obntrua Mon of the 00.001 protegee, diouharges falling from the bead into the throat, 8000timee profile°, watery, aulacrid, at others, thick, te0l00i0Ua1 mucous, pet ul0nt, bloody and Putrid ; if the ems are weak, watery and io• noceaeary, Owe 16 a cruet of bread to exor- eiee upon, and lob it 000asionally anek a emu m018,0008 rellmaturity perntleaible, Thie but it la pied" of ca00 bopf, 7.'owarde Cho alone of mixedhup with tha no aim eir religious requa aerial iron en e, the first your elle tooth l'hould be annul Religion ham a very powerful hold overt an regularly. A failure in tine regard wil usually mean that something io wrong, The food may not be au natrltioa8 as necessary, or there inay be soma defect) of digestion, The ohild'e digestion frequently shows sigue of woaknes0 after an attack of cholera in- fentum, and sometime" when there has been no positive sickness, The child does not gain in weight pLd strength as it should, the color le pall and the bone" show Rigns of imperfect development. Thio is seen in their tendency to bend in the well-known "bowlegs." Under those oireumstenoes the head, too will assume a decidedly square appearance, Well, therm symptoms are well marked. They point to the olfaction known as rickets, which is always. duo to had nutrition resulting from improper aur• rounding". The diet souse be made richer in bone -forming material. Tho obild trust also havo plenty of exercise and pure air and sunlight. Some medicine is usually needed, and when the condition de• earibod manifesto itself, the parent" should consult a physioian before the malady has gone eo far a" to produce malformations The acute diseases which n15lfot children innummer are, as a rule, short in rhoh' course. What is a slight sickness today may turn out a fatal nue tomorrow. Nor this reason no disturbance of a child's digestion should be neglected. A physician should bo oon- sulted as soon n0 possible. w1IAT TIME 01OT180110 81101.11.8 EAT. An to the kind of food beet suited to young children, it may be accepted as an axiom that unless the Mother's milk positively dis- agree with her babe itis better than any arti- fioial preparation. Tho rule is that that child will thrive beet and have the beet chance of life which is nourished at its mother's breast, Even if the milk at first seams to disagree with the child, it will usually be found that title is duo to removable cause". By atten- tion to or disregard of hygieniorules the milk may bo mode healthful or injurious. The mother with an infant at breast should al- ways remember that fact and regulate her diet accordingly. She should avoid sour foods and drinks, and alcoholic stimulants, for thee° have a direct effect upon her milk. Highly seasoned foods should not be oaten, Pepper has a tendency to dry up the milk supply. A little ripe, but not over -ripe fruit, will do noharm, but Dare must betaken that it is not green r decomposed. Tbo objects to be obtained from the mother's feeding are to build up her own strength and to produce) a plentiful supply of wholesome milk for the child, Eggs are usually excellent. Milk is good and so is cocoa and Memo. Tender meat, if in a perfect "tate and wall cooked, makes excellent food, but it should be taken with other foods indicated 81)060, BO as not to put too much work upon the digestive or- gans, It may be remembered that prefer- m:mea in food must always be ooneulted, for the appoaranoe, odor and tanto of food is of nutritive value. The mother should avoid, as far as possible, worry and excitement, and itis highly important that sho dons not sup. jest herself to overheating. All these things directly afloot the quantity and quality of the milk supply. AIBTIFIOIAL HOOD FOR BABIES, When on account of the quality or in- sufficient quantity of the mother's mlik Boma other food tenet be provided for the child i6 is very important that 120 mistake be made in selecting the substitute. Goat's milk comes nearest to the infant foal of na- ture, but to many people that le out of the question. Besides, even if obtainable, ib ie somotimee difficult to got children to drink Hon account of its strong odor. After this comes cow's milk. This, i" di 1f cealb to obtain in oitiea in a puts state, and the qualiby, of course, is not uniform, To people living in the city, and e"peoially people '1n humble circumstances, it isnot easy to got ono Dow's milk. It is therefore customary with physician" tor000mmond condensed milk, be- came it 10 more uniform, lea" liable to do- oomposition and purer. Whore cow'" milk is used it should he freshly boiled every time the bottle is filled, The boiling des- troys any disease germs lurking in the fluid and renders it less liable to irritate the de- licate stomach of the baba. Weaken it with water, and add a little lime water, This aid" digestion and prevent" the said stomach to which young ohildrou are so li- able. Many artifial foods for infants aro advertised nowadays, bob probably none of them aro equal to milk properly prepared, Avoid nursing bottles with long rubber tube". Milk will oolleob in then and turn sour in spite of the utmost efforts at cleanliness. Whey cannot be thoroughly cleaned. Suoh bottles have produced many CMOS of intestinal derangement, Tho simpler the bottle the batter, A plain bottle with A l;anker's Paladin. a rubber nipple is all that is 80080anry. A4anehooria appears to be the paradise of Have two bottles, and while one is in use bankers. Our Consul in Nowohwangoaysthat keep the other in a strong solution of it iswell-khown wealthy mandarins and mar. bicarbonate of soda after it has been ohante, not oaring for their wealth to be too long. scoured out. Do not use a nipple known, matte deposit" with bankers without too long. It soon becomes saturated with yoking receipts, and that it is a curious foot the milk and should be thrown away, that rather than risk the toes of capital so These utfon"shouldnot bodisregarded. deposited by its becoming known to the Diseaseoegerms are mete, and uncleanliness paternal Government, to whom probably suoh aids their rapid development. Cara inh o0. tial rightly belongs, no intermit is derived these matters makes the difference between P g Y g ' a healthy and a aioltly child. from such deposits, except of course for Cha Thera is a difference of o inion among banker's own investments, At the death of i' a depositor his heir may not know that 100,• p11)01 Diane as to the a 813010 il'ibyof giving 000 tools, more or less, are deposited in enure giving n aloohmal liquids, Some advise bank or other, From such onuses as thee°, giving a a very small gwhiske nob twenty ea 0 this authority, native banker" beoome four a boamon the l of whiskey iu l agree y Y, NEEDED IN EVERY STABLE. -Ropers Peer- adies ; #our hours, on the hottest days. All agree very rich, _ less lloelf'Oirltlnen6.-A rapid euro for hard that it 04,0657 to bake too much Dr.WM. and eontaotodhoofs, and also the best remedy A.Hammond, and many °Chore with him, 11erViline. What ]s it known for 80) 00chee, 0ore0 and all kinds of think even the smallest amount of alcohol ervilmno f0 combination of the most • akmn diseases on mon or beast. Sold by d°al• injUrioU6 to dliildren tinting the period when owerful pain relieving aubotailoco known. era everywhere, If unable to procure it at their brains are growing. You Will err on j orvilblo i8 nab a no0truln, bub a prepare, home, anyone sending 80e. in stamps to the the safe side if such things be avoided, boron whiohhob reoeivod from 1llembOTn of mannfaatnrar0 (Samuel Rogers ACo„ 'Te- bbe 01.00011110 lion medicalprofon8fon, clergymen, the press, rotate) will receive a sample '1 Ib, box per In this oonnootion a hint may bo given on and others most elltInteloOtle ead0r°anion, return mail. the alothin of Wnfants> They should bo 11 suffering from pain of any kind, external x1 oontomporary 'peaks slightingly of the -neither overdre80ed nor tinderdressod, The 0r 10081, Pt",I•iorviline a trial. Nervf1ino ballet gide ; f6 nays "they put on air0," 0106. A- 011111838, D,0. La,0). clothing should nob bo so heavy as to cause euros boothaohe, cramps, neuralgia, ethos! Don't discourage thele, for Ileaven`8 sake; o I1 iV! a Yt disooln£ort nor to ligh t as to permit their &llnoat instantly. Troal bottles 10 e n , let them put on something. °Wellin bold. In our ohne eable olimat° large bottles 05 cents, at druggists and Bus 1 Oaonn GUnu 00000 In one minute SUFFERING from tea Aide of early nett habits, the R g resalb of ignorance end folly, who end thems0lvoe whore cool nights Often amble warm s dealers everywhere. ggY When a oat gives an entertainment from wank MR, Who and re'broken exhausted; en frau thetas of and holden cis diffi aro have to occur ini a the top of the wall lb inn t tlto oat we objeob Obn tilos, who neo ),token down from Cho thetas of few hours, it is dfliiouly to pave Cho clothing Whether General Boulanger live or die, ,y, Ws the wens. abuse or ovmr•work, noel is mdvna0ed life lent tree aa,,Iwayqo riht. Mattern will bo much Dim lit and thnlikolihoods all ab pr00°06 6r° that ' o0neequonces of youthful exams, mond for and rend fled b noir a flannel band around pho ho will five his reputation1s one, Isle matt PO8plo Who nr0 80111000 to bad breath, foto theta M. V. 1111600 a Treetlne On the Dionne of lien, The abdominal thrown, oovorinf the digestive eon afford to be ridiculoua� ospeoiaity in ;;e 1�elleved any mingg Dr. of the SSt mach Ul64 h two 20. eitemp3e tl`dddr se ¢ any °ddr°neon receipt of organs. a7rbieWilll ward oil midden � ohillo Franco, 6h Ofd and Glad remedy, Ask your Druggle6, 11. V. LOBOS, Willington St, E., Toronto, Ont. Cain's Wife. Where did he get her ? Who was her brother? Bad she a 81Bte1' 1 Had she a mother? Was she pro-Adamic- Born before h+story-' With her identity Shrouded in mystery? Maid of Phwoicia ? Egypt, Arabia, Africa, India, Or sun -kissed Suabma ? Who was her father ? Was he a Viking? Cruising about Just to his liking ; Out of the Whencenese, Over the water, Into the Whore Bringing h is daughter g iter NativeOf Norway, Denmark or Sweden? Lured by the chorme Of the Garden of Eden? Blonde or brunette ? Rounded or slender? Fiery or frigid ? Haughty or tender ? Why are her graces Unknown to fame? Where did Cain nleeb her ? What wan her name? Whisper it softly - Say, can it bo The lady wo "eek Was R. Haggard's "She?" Toll me, ye sages, Students of life, Answer my query - Who was Lain s wife? -[Chicago News. the men, who are generally more or lass edit. oatorl, for now common schools are through- out the country. Bat the women aro wholly uneduoated exbepb fu religious rhos and duties. With them their religion le all chs• patio and powerful, leading them in the pest to the burning piles of their dead hus- bands. -_ Miniotornn0. d Money, One of the moat celebrated divines in New York oity is a millionaire, and the great 511111 of money of which hs fs possessed was whol- ly minted by himself. In Toronto the names of clergymen are very frequently met figur- ing an principals in real estate trunefer0. In these oear0 of money worship do we not oontionally eco mitimter8 of the Gospel rushing along in the nerd chase of Cho almigh- ty dollar "isle by nide with those who sit at their' fees as diaoplea J Amid the duties of their holy calling they find time to edit pep - ere, given lectures, write novels, "peculate fn stooks and real estate, run farm", and in various ways engage in money -making pur- suits. Is not the master becoming weak whon he follow" his pupil's ideal ? How can a teacher of religion, of morality, a soarohor for the truth, maintain his high purpose" when the accumulation of a forcuuo 18 his ohiof aim? How can he Inetru01) his diselples not to lay up treasures on earth when he is gathering his own grain into barns? Money is gond; money is important, but wealth is not for the prophet or teacher who would rightly lead men up to a higher plane of thought and action. A Curious Incident. Some interosting information with re. ferenoe to a very obvious incident whioh scoured during the Pranoo•Gorman war has just Oome to hand. In 1570 throe French visitors established themselves at a hotel in a well known German town, where they retrained several months. Being in want of fund" and enable to pay their bill, they were compelled 60 leave a paokage which they had broughb from France in bhe hands of the laudl0rd In satisfaction of his claim. Thie upon examination was found to contain a aunlpt uouelydesigned state chair The name of .Napoleon was embroidered upon the silk covering of the back and soot, and, on the occupant pressing his hands upon the fi"ely carved gilt arias, a musioal air woe played by an instrument concealed within the upholstery. Tho caro of this remarkable piece of furniture seemed the only ocenpatlon of the strangers, who are supposed to have boon awaiting the advance of the Fronoll army, and, in the event of its proving victorious, would doubtless have conveyed the chair to Berlin, where, it is presumed, it Was to have been used as a throne by the Emperor Napoleon, The chair remains in possession of the widow of the Frenchmen's boat, -London Tithes. A Battle With Weasels. A most unueual oeourrenee happened the other day on the farm of R. W. Coving ton near the pity. A Mr, 81 ohnson and a negro who works on the farm fount' in the wood" a Hook of twenty-five or thirty weasels. They were all together, and seemed to r000gniee the tact that in union is strength, as they show• ad a diepoaition to hold their ground when approached by the men, and showed fight all drawn up in battle array. This \villa seen incredible to most people, but it is. nevertheless quite true, as Mr, Covington himself investigated the report given him by the mon and found it correct b Y seeing the weasels with his own epee. Tha weasel, , as known, is a small animal, about six inches long, and by no means common in this section, but it seems there is a colony of them on Mr. Covington's farm, and more, perhaps, than are contained in all the rest of the country. A boy may groan, and from eioknese moan, from the church or the school to stay ; but there's no pain so deep him from oiro00 can keep, because he ain't built that way. A Cure for 1►rOnknnneex. The opium habit, dep0omania, the morphine habit norvoue prostration nauecd by the Ube nt tobaeoo, wuketulneos, mental depression, softening of the brain, eta., premature old ago, lose of vitality caused by mer•exertion of the bruin, and lose of natural 0trength front any cause wherever. Men- 3'ouug, old or mfdd10 aged -who ere broken down from 8113, of the above causes, or any cause raot,nnution vi above Bend your address and 10 cent, In stamps for Lubon'e Treatise,In book form, of Disrusee 0f an Borate Bent nestled flan, and 9e0ure front otoervatim,, Boratedreae M, Y. Limed, 07 Wellington street Fait Tnrootn, Ont, "Mother IS always telling lee nob t0 bolt my food," amid a small boy, and now she ha) gone. and bolted up the oupbuald that ha got all the victuals." Whenever year 8tomacn et Bo0at) gal on, of n, lar, saucing B111nueneso, Dyny,lear, or I00,8000100 and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr Den'ie's Stomach Sitters. 8e,0 falblly ,nedl.Mo,., 9b Drwrrleto. an tante, " Well, Pot, Jim didn't quina kill you suith that brickbat. ,lid ho 1" " No ; but I wish he had," " Wnet for ?" 'r 81 I could have seen bin hung, the villain." 08018808000 liars R0N0Won 00800x01 grey and faded heir to Its natural dolor and prevents falling out. The armrest objeob to a man should be his wife, but it ie not unfrcgoently her clothes. el. P. 400 It wan Fast Color. "I'm afraid that calico will fade," she ob. served se she looked at it in a doubtful way. " Oh, no, ma'am," (t Ever tried it ?i1 "Yee'en. A woman who had a dress of this pattern fell into the river and her body was not fished out for a week. Tho color hadn't aborted in the least, I assure you," "Never morning wore to evening but some heart did break," says Tennyson ; and the part that i11 health often plays iu Moat. wreck is too groat for computation. Uter• foe tlieordore especially beoloud the spirits and sap the springs of vitality and nervous force. Por those diebressing diseases funot- Tonal irregularities, unnatural discharges, coustant pain", week back, 1aesit0de, dull. nem, sickening 90naatioue, ill romper, and all weaknesses and derangements peculiar to females, Dr. Pierce'" Favorite Prescription ie a perfect specifio. Sold by druggists. <' Wall, Dickson, I sec you have another girl baby at your home." "Yes." "1 thought the next onowustette &boy." "Well, it was, but It wasn't" When drawl disease, with Iron hand, Bangs its dark n,nnlle over thee, Ensue its all•onOlnviog hand, With Golden Modioal Discovery, Dr, R. V, Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery euros coughs, colds, and consumption if taken in time. Of druggists, mom. KNITTINGC , O'00tmr,l° ttnl.MAGNINES DENTS WANTED for the Inn roved Model Washer and Bleaeher. Price 88. Address 0. W. DENNIS, 0 Arcade, Toronto, Out. ORK AGENTS VIANTEI►•-••EAGLE' items/ Wnahr r. Address GEO. 1). FERRIES, 87 Church St, Toronto. FOKALL• 8000 a week 100expeue09 lars paid. 0.VIC�EKYt Auguand sta, Maine. AGENTS WANTED El an eroE 12; hold Specialties. Address Skoog eros Tor0uOrto, Ono ONn EY TO LOAN on Panne. Lowest Rates, No delay. Correspondence solicited. E. Ty. D. 10I1T1,51118 Financial Agt., Jllsfebathed 1860. 72 Ring•el. E„ Toronto. ANA PIA N B1'810108 112/11118111.1T1'.CPubll0 Library Bulldingo,Torooto. Students from Brine!. Columbia, California, Kansas, Illlnols, and quite a number of other States and Provinees, now 10 attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. TI108. 4ENGCUGH, CHAS. B. BROOM, President. See'y as Manager, f -10RO\TO Cuff log School -Scientific rind re. JL llahle systems to"ght whereby stylish, perhot• fitting garments are produced. Cutters h9vh,g trou- ble should aware my systems and ensure image sue• cess. E,.tire satisfaction gnatante0a. Shirt 0)stem taught separate. A rare chunee for gong men to acquire a lucrative protesnloo. S. COSamAB, Prop., 120101,0e St. Terms on application. tory OF THE BIBLE -By animus Forma. Profusely 'Reignited -Soler Marvellous - Nearly 40e 0011. Sand 0050 for a eupy, and go to work. Agnate wanted. Address, A. O. WATSON, Manager, Toronto Willard 'Dent De 0.100,31, Tnrontn, kJ Ste a ships. eailincywceis11 y' between Montreal and Liverpool, Saloon tinkers, Montreal to Livorpnel, 1.10, 800 and 800. Return tickets, Sen. 900 cud 0110 a 001111ng to steamer and ae1ommodation Inter- mediate, 9J0 ; Round trip tickets 800. Steerage, 090' Round trip tickets, 840. Fur further particulars and to Ramiro births, -apply to H, E, MURRAY, Genera. Manager, 1 Custom BOuse Square, Montreal, or to the Local Mania in the different Towne and Cities. LEATHER GEL TIN G. BEST VALUE 1N THE 1)011IN1ON. F. E. DIXON Ss CO., Makers, 70 !ting Street East, Toronto, S0'Send for Price Lists and Dismounts. ALBERT COLLEGE, JOELLE1'1L.I.E, ONT., Is being greatly enlarged find improved at n cont of several tho0eand (i,.ltnre. Sbudeu+s in attendance gem BRITISH COLUMBIA MANITOBA, 1111CBi. GAN, NEW 'OBI,. VFat ONT, in addition to 1)01)100-" Axeou sure, mydear, that ONTARIO aid g,UEB1(0. a 110 urpaseed driven.the ladies' cabin is on this side of the boat?" (ages at modorota rates. W11.1, Ki •OPEN Dao titer-" Wil of bourse, mamma, Don't 01111008» t V, SEPT. 000,, 0888. Bend 108 oirou' g y, lore. Address, y°0 see it is crowded with men 1" 11801'. W. P. DYER, M.A., principal. Ocean Steamship Passengers, Via New York, should taste the Erie Rail- way, as it is not only the shortest and beet line, bub laude people close to the piers of the loading steamship companion. In buy. ing tickets, ask for the Erio, Pasteur has jurat recommended that all dogs not held by a string on the streets of Paris be ]tilled by the pollee, Alma Latlieel College. ST, THOMAS, ONTARIO, Hag a fully equipped Commeroial Depart- ment in which a complete Graduating Course is given with Diplomas and Certificate/Ito suceeeal.l students, Book-keeping, Phono- graphy, Type -Writing, tba thoroughly 'boom taught. Rates from $40 to $50 por terns 'loom, se end up wards per farm. Both elm amt ptwat° including board and tuition, For 06 pp.1 tnstmedan. rupeemayanter 1roilyduestd are mu d,ugad ro artlonntol . nnnrd noel room pxovidad. F1tY:E AD, Calendar address, Principal Austin, B. D. b centres, concerts,;l rElementary c. harmony giving rtitinionnAuon mann t On n nlleeli0n• 'fie Obojlng prlvamestod sb08 al nomas ondenco foe 0810 tt is ,,articulhrly requnstad tbak nlFeorraspold0aca [or Cho Consarvatnryj'� t nddresaed 16Stw,1neI. F7filrE80 JHOOetor Cob Yonge Street end Wilton Avo, TLRONTO. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'OAUSLAN D & SON 76 Icing St. W., Toronto. Toronto Conservatory of !Aux fon. G. W. Allan, President ' OVER60.0 PUPILS FIRST SEASON Vhmnhy 8l ldop0s10 o 1, 0101,130 50 TEACHERS a t , gI1 fres naninna+utoaraarmony, (0010dtng piano vola r t n, viols ei l l- ipso, harmony, I hunt!° C 1jiirn100 adiI Dlpl"nu1s. Spurgeon Woe °neo asked whether amem- ber of a brass band could be a true C1lrlsbian. His answer was : " k ea, I think he might, but not his next door neighbor." C ollege Il .l161ILTON, CANAD I• Flr,t of Ladies' Colleges. Has grndua ed °Ver 200 in full course. Full (aoul1f00I11Lltera81 ro, Langur,. gex, Bolonoe,Muslc and Art LargesLCotlego Hu klieg n 1)01,tulon, Opens Sept, O, IHSS. Address Principal, 1S TIS THE BEST For Young Infants it Is n perfect euletitnto for mothcr'e tank, often cecina lire; for the Invalid or Dyspeptic it es of tau grooved vacuo, 01 in THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOQD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. (50 Mettle Tor an Infant for 01.00. A Cabinet photo, of Atn0. Dative Tnrn1OTs- throe beautiful children --Fent t0 the mother of mg 1081,7 born within n year. Ahn a valuable pnwphlut 00 Cho Ogre Of Infante nod Invalids, Bold by Druggists. 200., 50o., 51.00., WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. MONTREAL, P,1), SELF -THREADING NEEDLES ° Novelty Nove Novelty out l In •tuntl3 th,eemed u•flhm 1 paining tin ad through the rye Aran10 rain money sal. g them. Sample perk<t by nail 15t dna" pnrkvte 01 u0 001,11. ,, 010011 Re et it ring (•°..Toronto, Ont. 1,R 'cycles OVER 1011 Beyond • !land lticyol0s 101000les and Tricycles. Send for List and Cntnlogo'. lgonto wanted in avers town. MONTREAL. ST. 1111031AS ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT IRON FENCING WORKS. Send for Designs and Pri10s. k GNr��GG1�G1NW �� ,..'.t` JOSErH LEA lll� Bou 0(0100, J, &J 'FAVOR , •-P AT IsN'rED AND VAULT DOORS, &C, SAFES 'Paro&lu serf° warn.. BRAVER UNE of 5 o'1NAltlSDIPS. ..-0010180 1.0001,0' hxrWar,N- MONTREAL. AND LIVERPOQ{.. Hahn,,, 1 1,1.18, $4q, 900h $d0, R00008 990, 990 $1110, 1110(101mi ate. 98'4 Steerage, 9:0. Apply to 13. E. MURRAY, General Manager, 1 010810m House Square, Montreal. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO SPORTING GOODS. The Cheapest Huse in Canada for Guns, Rifled, Oertridgos, Fishing Tackle, Bose Ball Ctowie std Sportsmen's Sup- paea of every kind. Olt.TIM MOVE* O7E'3E'31E711;.: On r -rept of $12.50 we will express to 0406 address, a DOUBLE:-IseLoIOL BREECH110001NG 51101 GUN, with fine I .ndnated e't el barrels, oiled stock A good gum Far cam, pry ere. And to • ol00 w ill ,hip to ; • any ddreos, n 22 cal,11IFLE that will shout accurate- ly for 1111 feet, W M'DOWALL & 03,, 51 KING ST. E., TORONTO. Manufacturers of the Ihighest Grades SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE MARKS, FACTOILIES AND SALS80000101 420 to 428 King St, West, TORONTO E. 0 QOODERHAM, J, C. COPP,. M800(0,. Seo: Press. Will Re -Open SEPT. 3rd, 1888 Dee Ing t obtain a Business Education, or become iennthet "Shorthand and Typewriting, should at BR TISB AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Tonga street, Toronto. For Circulars, oto„ Address C. O'DEA. Secretary CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. ARTIER wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Farms, Irma he acres upwards, with immediate possession, call Or write to G. 1. 014..ULS0N, Mae Arthur's Block, Main street, Winnipeg. Information furnished free of obargo, and settlers assisted in making selection. Mortar to LOAN at current rates of interest. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Galileo. even Saturday to Llverpo• 1, and is sum. mer from Quebec every Saturday to Lfrarpool,oantng at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland • also from Baltimore, via Halt fax and St. John's, ear., to Liverpool fortnightly 11.8100 summer months. The steamers of the Olen. g°w „000 sail during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum. mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly • Glee. ow and Boston woet:y and Glasgow and Pltlladel• phla fortnightly. Far freight, passage or other Information apply to A. Schumacher s Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard re 08„ Halifax; Shea k Co., St. John's, NedWm. Thomp son 1 Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen .8'0o., (Menge Love a Alden, New York; H, Beguiler, Toronto; Aliens, Rae A Co., Quebec • Wm, Brookie, Philadel- phia ; B. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal, WhalelR c p G e8�Do JY Nervous Debility. DE, G0taY'S hponldo hen beau used for the pee fifteen years with groat success, In the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases miming from ea. messes, 0l 0r -worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing In th ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Petco 91 per box, or O hoxee for 96, or MU be Sent by mail on receipt of prtne, Pamphlet on apptloatlon 'I'74) (.FEI le hilt 1810 CO.. Tnrnnto. 285 -rouge Street, Toronto. The Cheapest plane in Canada for BAND INSTRUMENTS New and two ad -hand. Ageots foo • " BESS0N " and "HIGHAM BAND F 0ROB0ST5A MOM Repairing of Band In struments s epooialty. Send for Catalogue 10000 PRESENTS' TO MIST APPLYIx0, WHILE THEY LAST. We will send by mail nn 0p. pr"p,datu gift to each maiden, wife. mother or conk -ono to a family --tvho will try the 8READMAKER'S 80E800 POWDER Cut the red circle from the label and send it in letter stating honest opinion after fair trial. 1.lteo a 5, 10 or 26 aunt silo • ,rattle tho gift. Any gtt.a•r or storekeeper .knows where M get 1 t if asked for by yom-addreas- aCHURCIl]LL ter 00., 'TORONTO ST31/11VIER 3DzSOE;7DERS, Which Prove s0 Fatal to Children at this season of the year, have to be fought largely by euopling Riglll): Nutritious Food that tine weakest stomach can retain, and that will 1,11St11111 the strength against the drama upon the system, This is exactly what JOI STON'S JOHNSTONS FL 16.13E€F elaitus to be and to do. The most delicate infant 0r invalid oars take it nndtl101•011,^,hly tl%gest it, au(i its won(lcrful Strength giving properties have been in ria experiono. of thnussmds. Itis ealsily I►repilred, palattable, highly !nutritious, readily digested and is the beet food for young and old during the hot weather. FLUID BEEF Barnum Wire & Iron Woiks, Windsor, Ont Made from 3-16 Steel Rods, with Heavy Iron Frame anti Iron Foundation. We are offering the Fence at ex- ceptionally low prices. TBE BM AND CHEAPEST RENON. Bron Fence Cresting, Stable Fittings, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Work. Capital and Founds now over (43,000,000.' BEAD 0E01431 15 T4b1LO.I1T(8 ST., TORONTO. A Rome Con1p lny, Established October 1871, TO gate Data OOtoher 81, 1857, there has been returned : QO4A,240 00 To the heirs of Polley holders Bleath•elnlmo) 10,080 011 ro the holders of matured Endowment Polioses 08 400 00 To Polieyholdere on WHIMer of Pollolos To Policyholders for Cosh t,ro010 (including' those 5110oated and being paid ,,,., r, 409,500 02 TO Malden at Annuity Bonne 10,007 84 Loaned to Polloyhold0rs on the Security08 theirlolletee 82,204 OS 81,808,174 47 Polioses in Force over 10,000. Aettoltnt overt$15,t:(111,000 PRIISIDENT--IIos. Sin W. Y. Iiow000w, C.B„ V10E•BR.R'SID1iiS'S--W7tLtAM .1f1LLIogp Eso.; EDWARD 1IOOPitit, ESQ.' j. 111. 1f 11.AC0b011AL1b, Wanslgtng Director. Pol(1(00 le afodeltable filter b Teets ane lnd11(00(bl0 titter 8Imo,