The Brussels Post, 1888-8-3, Page 8S FLIES! HOW TO OET RID OI'' r1'HEM. For this purpose we have INSECT POWDERS I whereby you can kill every Ay in a room in a vet v shirt time. We have also Wil. son's Ply Pada, Shoo Fly Paper and DE ID ele'S StRli DEATH. Vice have you tried them. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, P,a4t,eller, and Taney Goode Dealer, Brussels. NO REMEDY Fives such universal satisfaction as the COUGH REMEDY manufactured in Soaforth, eaIlcd •'-e•--LUMSDEN & WiLSON'S ' p Firt aRo al Gl carated� balsam of Its wonderful virtues have created a demand Mr the Preparation from all parts of the Province, Druggiete sell it. Price 50 ens. I7.Oms, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eotTIMEN ExrERe1ON, W. G. eC n. n, Trains leave Brussels Station, uort and south as follows: - Going South. Going North. Mali..............7'02 a.m. I Mixed x'80 auxExpress 1145 a,m• Mali..............3:00 p.m Mixed 8:55p.m. I Express 9:46p.m !mall Stio5 aftenu. A ehiefs among ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. _ ^ An0EMT. Cougars. meeting next Monday evening. Janet Ice Cream on Saturday night. A. Goon, 52 Oo1LvzE's famed Manitoba Floor for sale at THousoles. 48- HESDQuenxEns for binding twine and machine oil. B, GEnny, 3- SIYTY vents will pay for TEE Pos'r from now till January 1st 188e. ANY quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln. Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. W. 1'. $ELLT, Propr, Exentvalue in Crockery and Glass- ware, Finest white Granite Sets import- ed 02 at Thomsons, 47• THE flax mill machinery has received a thorough overhanliug and the mill will commence work next week. SUTTEE & Lcos r shipped a car load of counters, shelves and Sttings for new buildings in Chesley, on Monday. G. A. DnAr3AN disposed of one of his Jersey tows and a calf last week to John Hanna, the well-known creamery man, of Seieforth. SAnnATE School excursion to Kmear- dine on Wednesday, lith. All should go. See advt. as to running of trains and passenger rates, Fon SALE. -Two new buggies and a now lumber wagon will be sold cheap for cash, or wood will be taken next Fall in payment, F. C. ROGER'. TDB splendid showers of Tuesday have been a great blessing to the country and, although too late to benefit some crops, will do an untold amount of good to others. Tim Brussels Band expect to take in the tournament in Walkerton on Wednes- day and Thursday of next week. They go as a visiting band and will not com- pete for a prize, Tins Banssels Salt Works are having trouble to keep up with the hundreds of orders rushingin, The Enterprise Works cannot be beaten and F. 0, Rogers, the energetic proprietor, would not study long about a second pan if prices were a little better. TUE question of putting a atone base- ment under Knox church was dis- cussed last Saturday afternoon. It was decided to arrange to have atone, sand, &o. hauled next winter and do the build. ing next spring. A basement would add 0017 materially to the convenience of the church and congregation. Tete Guelph daily Berard of Monday says :-"In addition to the regular re- ligion exercises, whioh were conducted by tho Rev. D. Macgregor, a epecial musical service was conducted by a por- tion of Bt. George's church choir, at the General Hospital Sunday afternoon,' Miss Lille O'Connor rendered a sacred solo entitled "Calvary," and also sang '-Ashamed of Christ," This young lady is rapidly becoming a favorite in this eity, and her rich and powerful voice showed to good advantage on this oc- tation," 612 nes,-Several weeks ago A. Veal offered a bedroom suite to the person guessing the Dumber or nearest to the number of peas in a glass jar at his furniture store. The result is reported as follows : Wednesday of this week is generally known as Arthur Veal's day, "August the one," Boar mother, I write upon you tiiet a few lines. Tllo pea bot- tle was opened and the peas counted by J. H. Young and contained 012 peas, Jas, Denman, of Brussels, was the win- ner of the bedroom suite, his guess be- ing 007, It was two peas nearer the correct number than any other. The guesses ranged from 310 to 075. rime -About 8 aem. Monday morning the Fire Brigade Was called to the flax mill, A. Wilson, assisted by Walter Smith and P. ,Heel were engaged in finish- ing up the repairs to the machinery and had used a hot iron in burning out a hole in some wood, Quirk as flash the fire ignited in tho kind of wooly substance , aboub a flex trill and before the mon had time to think the flame ran up the inside , of tho building to the roof. ].'ails of water were soon at hand and with this , aesistance the fire was kept incheck un. 1 til the engine got to work when the fire was speedily ducked out. It would have I boon a very nerions lass to Brussels open the outer rising firm hail the mill been I destroyed et thie soason of the year. THE .BRUSSELS POST Nointee particularly new on the been ball tournement platter. (eremel Lr meeting eervioe and coin. munion at the Methodist olmrch next Sabbath, Tut Cheapest Yet. Adam Good Bells Soap at a penny a bar and gives clothes pias for nothing. 2. Sixes: cents, in advance, pays for Tnu Poor for the balance of 1888. lteeom- ntend it to your neighbor. Plasos AND Oncags,-A. good energetic) and reliable agent wanted in Brussels or vicinity to sell Bell organs and pianos, either on salary or commission, Address Scott Bros„ Senforth. 3.3in REMISSION 1 Excursion I ! To Etagere Falls and Grimsby Park, on Saturday, Aug. 11. A thence to stop over at Grime. by and hear Sem Jones lecture and preach. Tickets good for three days. Train leaves Brussels at 7:02. Tickets only $2.00. All go ! go ! ! go ! ! ! 4, LAW' Monday Joseph Clegg shipped a lot of prime cattle to Glasgow, Scotland, They went .per steamer "Aloedes" oh Thursday of this week. Thin melee Mr. Clegg's 1501 ear load this seeeon. A. R. Roberteon, the veteran stockman, went along with the lot. This is his seventh trip on this boat. Til. Brussels Voters' List was complet- ed last Monday and has bean posted np this week according to law. There aro 27U voters in Part 1, 74 in Part II, and 12 in Part III, 3110 in all. 113 are quail - ,Sed to serve as Jurors, The municipality is divided into two polling cub -divisions instead of three this year. Tnrnberry street being the dividing line. SottE people sometimes wonder why occasionally notices of births, marriages and dentis are not found in the paper. Simply because they are not sent in. Newspapers are expected to pick up all the news they can, but it is hardly to be 'apposed that reporters will invade or hunt around people's private houses or sleeping apartments for such items. Hexons, -We aro pleased to notice that Advid, son of Mrs. J. W. Shiel, of Brus- sels, was awarded a 1st scholarship for General Proficiency at the University of Toronto. He also took honors in five subjects. Charlie, soa of Wm. Bishop, was also successful in writing for ma. trieulation, standing well to the front. Brussels should feel proud of her students at the various collegee. Dien.- Last Monday evening Miss Ettie Langdale crossed the bourn from whence no traveller returns, after a brief illness of little more than a week. She was e, devoted Christian young lady, whose place in the Sabbath service, Sun. day school, &c. was not often vacant. The close of her life was a very peaceful one and her bright testimony of trust in the Saviour will do a great deal toward lightening the sorrow of her friends. Pleurisy was the first trouble with the deceased, followed by a complication of troubles, ending in typhoid fever. The funeral took place on Wednesday after- noou, the interment being made in the Brussels cemetery. Psnsoxees,-Mrs. A, G. Deadmau, sr., left for her home at Delaware on Monday of this week. -Mies Louise Livingstone is visiting Miss Rachel Alexander. -Mrs, Ed. Town and daughter, of Flint, Mich., are visiting relatives and friends in town. -Mrs. Weir and son, of Guelph, are visiting Mrs, G. A. Deadman. -Rev. G. I3. Howie and Master Georgie Deadman are in Toronto this week. Rumor has it that the rev. gentleman is away after "Mrs. Howie." -Miss Kincaid, of Wing - ham, was visiting Miss Lottie Smile this week. -Miss Francis was celled away to Kansas last Monday to see her mother who is dangerously ill with heart disease. ..airs. Harry Town started for Winnipeg lest Monday. She took the 0. P. R. steamer Athabaska at Owen Sound.— Mrs. Fairfield and children arrived in town on Monday afternoon. -Mr. and Mrs. Rush, of Clifford, epentlate Sabbath with Geo. Love. -Y. Y. S. Xirk jr. has taken a situation in the "Star" office Goderich. He's a good compositor. -Ed. Creighton wits home last Sunday. He is filling the position of relieving agent and is at Kincardine now. -Miss Eliza Oliver and Mise Annie Calhiok are visit- ing friends at Toronto this week. -Mise L. Green, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. D. C. Ross. -Howard McCulloch is spend- ing part of his vacation with friends at Goderiah.-We have in our possession a very interesting sketch of 1eReminisoen- ces of a trip through Egypt" by A. G. McDonald. The author was one of the number selected to go to Egypt the time the British troops were endeavoring to relieve General Gordon and the little book spoken of gives bis experience of the trip. We hope to give it to our readers through the columns of THE Pour. Mr. MODonald is a nephew of Mre. Robt. Dickson and T. R, and Simon Grant and was an old resident of Brus. sols' -Mrs. Storm, of Woodetook, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. F. S. Scott, -Barn- et Varcoe left Brussels last Monday even- ing for Gladstone, Manitoba, where ho has engaged for the summer. Barney is a good steady going boy. --Ws regret to bear that the wife of James Barnhill, sou to John Barnhill, of this town, died at Colton, California, last Saturday, The deceased was a Miss Turnbull, formerly ofMoleillop township, Huron Ca, Ont, W. Shaw has been "rusticating" in Blyth for the past week. -Percy Jackson is in Toronto. -Silas Jackson has en- gaged with P. Scott as journeyman blacksmith. Somebody's glad. -Mr, and Mrs. Derry and Mr. Couch, of Cornwall, England, are visiting , at T. Webber's. They purpose remaining in bhie country. --Operator Hyde, who reoently came to Brussels from Shakspeare, took ill on Saturday night et hoe boarding house with what appeared to be hemorrhage of the lungs, Ed. Creighton, who happened to be home, went to the depot and wired the Stratford operator (the latter oflico is open both day and night) and the young man's parente were able to get hero on Sunday afternoon. We aro pleased to hear the patient is doing en well as could be. expeoted and will likely be moved to hie home shortly. There was a rumor afloat that he was dead on Monday. Geo, Hogarth, relieving agent, xe filling the vacancy at Steatite station in the mean. twice -Miss MoGili, of Chicago, is visit- ing Mrs. Malcolm, -Mat. R. G. Wilson was called to Innorkip this week owing to the illnose of her father, --Geo. Love, implement dealer, intendegoingto Mani. toba next Tposday.--harry Metcalf, of Guelph, was in town on Thursday. ---sirs, Langdale, her two sons, Harty and Geo,, end daughter and son-in-law were in Bromide this week attending Miss Lang - dale's funera1,-Councillor Graham, who is off on a plcas010 trip, reports a father unusual run of bad look in connection with his trip 1rp the lakoo, 1Ie is having A good time, SrsctAu, value ill Tea, a 75 vent hook given with a lb, and a ball et Tea, ADAti (1003', Teti funeral sermon of the late lilies Langdale will be preached in the Metho- dist church next Sabbath evening. Her - vice eommeuces at 0:30 o'clook, PEopt.m persiet in sending us items withoab goy name attnahed and we per• silt in refusing to publish thorn. We al. ways want the nem as a guarantee of the reliability of the item. Tue. eleel c" base hull club will go to Walkortenl on Thursday of next week to play a =toll with the Fergus club for a $00 prize, We expect them to give a good Recount of themselves on that oo• *01011. TN:IX/S.-On Friday afternoon of this week a tennis natant will 'be played on ))r. McNatigliton's grounds between Blyth and Brussels. The following will, in all probability, handle rho raoquete for Brussels :-Rev, W. T. Cluff, Harry Dennis, J. Hargreaves, W. M. Sinclair, D. C. Ross and either A. Straehan or J. W, Shaw. THE Canadian Peelle° Bailwgy Compa- ny have published a pamphlet of summer tours on their road, both oast and west, giving historical sketches and illustra- tions of various points of interests in the Dominion as well as maps and tables of rates over Canadian and American lines of railway. It will prove a valuable ram• panion to anyone who contemplates taking an outing this year. Been liara.-Tuesday afternoon the Gorrie and Wroxeter juniors played the return match with the juniors of Brussols on Victoria Square. Only three of the visiting team were in the vino that playod at Gerrie last week, a of amongst the persons drafted in were Johnston, Williams and Kaake, who play with the senior olub. None of the home team be- long to the best club. Up to the 5th innings the game was a good one and was hotly contested, the score being 1 to 1, but in the 5th Thompson's arm gave out and their opponents pounded out e runs, and they kept increasing the score until the olosegof the game, when they ware credited with 31 runs. Williams' pitolung was a puzzle to our lade and, with the exception of McNaughton, R, Bose, Thompson, Meadows and Mo. Lauolllin, the team scored 0. "Chick" Grower made a dandy catch. This, with Williams' home run, were about the only notioeable features of the day. Spine very gross errors were made on both sides, Had Thompson's arm not failed the game would, no doubt, have been a close one even giving the visitors the pick of the old players. 2nd Baseman Nash, of the "Unions," umpired the game most satisfactorily. The scorers were Hunter and Edgar. The following is the 'of- ficial" score 81-400, R. 0. Germ's. R. 0. R, Ross ............... 3 5 Johnston 4 5 Tho teen 3 5 Yonnge 1 4 McNanah ton '3 1 Irving 3 4 T. ltnes.............. 0 4 )tanks.. 4 3 Fergus°o 0 4 William q 1 1 ttrorttr n 4 Palaha,' •' 1 Jam ns 0 3 Wiggles 4 3 Meadows 1 2 lying 3 4 MOLanetsltn 1 a Baurlerson... 1 4 leanings, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 Riaasels .,.-...., 0 0 0 1 0 1 1. 5 3-3 Gerrie 0 0 1 0 9 4 4 910-11 "135 Dion'T Gttr Tuan," -The "aristo- cratic," but slightly seedy, individual who conducts the Brussels Budget and who sees fit to describe himself as Arthur Henry Newton Jenitins, had his career of mud slinging choked the other day when Pete Scott, whose name had been "playfully" inserted it the libellous mnen- ner characteristic of our contemporary, threatened the fellow with 8 well deserv- ed bhraehing if the offence were repeated. Mr. Jenkins, who is not a "tall man with his hands," although formerly, we under- stand, an officer of the Hussars, "you know," hastened to perform the great sneak act and concluding that "now was the time for disappearing" "bobbed up serenely" in Blyth, where his unsavory reputation not being so well known as at home, he managed to get Myles Young, J.P.to take an information against Mr. I,800tt for intimidation, the penalty of which is placed by the law at 0100 or 3 months In jail, and an ad. anions]. information having for its ob- ject the binding over of Mr. Scott to keep the peace. On Monday last the case Dame up for trial at Blyth before Justices Young, Kelly, Neelands and Armstrong. Several Brusselites attended to see the game, which was called at 2 o'olook sharp, Jenkins being his own lawyer and Scott being represented by E. E. Wade. The eyidenoo was taken at considerable length, the witnesses being Jas. Dron and Gus. Gabel, who both gave evidence in favor of the defence, although called for the progeoution. Cross examination elic- ited the fact that the innocent and im- maculate gentleman who has such a hor- ror of anything in the way of intimid- ation, had actually threatened one of his own witnesses (Mr. Goebel) that howould, unless satisfactory evidence Was forth. coming, write •-lin up in connection with a recent Scott Aot ease. Wo trust that the County authorities will not allow this impudent and barefaced caea of tampering with a witness to go unpun- ished. The evidence being all in Dlr. Wade addressed the bench at aonelength showing the trivial nature of the alleged offenoe, the fact that tbs aot did not at all apply to ;mob a ease as this, Jenkins' guilty cowardice in not daring to face a forum of his own towns- people, the fact thee all the evidence, except Jenkins', was virtually in the defendant's favor and that he was flably contradicted in several essential points by hie own witnesses, while his own glaring attempts se intimidation made him a litter object for cen- sure by the Court than sympathy, Jenkins replied in a lengthy oration, whioh we expect to see described in the Budget as a model of rhetorical effort. This it certainly was, barring the fact that it had almost nothing at all to do with the case in hand. Mr. 3. did not, however, feel rho want of a lawyer, being strongly supported by a sense of his own over maetering ability, and the Mee ehowy, but more valuehl% amide -nee unbluehingly rendered him by one of the magistrates who adorned (0) the bench, The case was dismissed with costs, Subsequently the emend case was taken up, when a determined effort was made to "scare" from the bonoh those rnagisfeatos who had not oxpressad open sympathy with Jonkins. These gentlemen, however, remained firm to their duly, and Jenkins, who, by dile time, was feeling rather ''sick," refused to go 0n with this case, which wag also dismissed with costs. Moral -"Don't bite off more than yeti can chow." Since Monday Jenkins has been busy deferring many of the most respectable people of Brussels, Who duly "appreciate" hie style of building tip the town, err. C'fullltbiolra Nu vr«• Tho lied River Valley Railway is corn• plated to Morris, lion. Mr, Mowat intends to leavo for home on the 16th of August, least Elgin Reformors have nominated J, O Dance, 8 South Dorchester. Tho proposed railway from Winnipeg to Portage 1a Prairie has been located, The captured Frog Lance church bell swinge over the fire station at Millbrook. Surveyors have comtnouend to locate the C. P. R. route from London to Wind. sor. It in reported in 11'innipoe that Mr. Dewdcey will be the Tory candidate int Cardwell. A Nova Scotia syndicate proposes to lease Sable Island for horeo.breeding and other purposes. Jamie Guest t1 Co„ wholesale liquor dealers, Montreal, have assigned, with liabilities of about $200,000 A Halifax rumor has it that Minister of Justice Thompson will go on the Supreme Court Benalt and Sir Adams Arclubitld will succeed him as Minister. The long talked of appointment of Mr. Dominos, as Dliuister of the Interior, and John IIaggart, M. P., as Postmaster Gen- eral, has at length been officially announc- ed. W. J. Goalie, 4th concession of Ilope, heel his team in the woods, and was us- ing an axe cutting a stick of timber when, by some means, the axe slipped and struck one of thohorses, breaking tho jaw of tho poor animal and knocking out several teeth. A most disastrous fire occurred nt Mild- may on Thursday, morning of last week, by which the large roller hili, sat' mill and private residence of Messrs. Elicit & Schmidt were totally doatroyed. In the roller mill were about two thousand bushels of wheat and a large quantity of Hour. .A. very largo gnautity of lumber was else destroyed. Burning shingles were carried a groat distance and were the cause of two or three small fires in the village, which wore luckily extin- guished before gaining any headway. The loss is estimated at 520,000; insur- ance $5,000 At 11:10 Tuesday night at Palmerston fire was discovered in the rear of the Oddfellows' block, owned by H. McEwing and occupied by Lewis Knott & Son, hardware merchants, and the I. 0. 0, F. and R. T. of T. lodges, The G. T. R. and town fire brigades, with the assis- tance of the hook and ladder company, succeeded in confining the flames to the one block. The following are the losses : -Knott 2 Son, loss on stook by fire and water between 55,000 and $6,000, insured in the Royal for 52,000 andin the Lanca- shire for 52,000 ; loss on building about 5300, covered by insurance. The fire was evidently the work of inoeudiaries, as it wail atarbed in precisely the same part of the building as, the one which or- iginated in Lynclh's li3,rdwere store three evoke ago• Both fires tore /iwe-verve in the rear, where the coal oil and var- nish wore stored, The Empire says : Inland Revenue officer Johnston, of Ottawa, arrived in Toronto on Tuesday from the west, where be has been inspecting the salt mane. factories. An Act was passed during the last session of the Dominion Paella. mcut requiring that salt barrels should be of a certain standard, which was fixed at 280 pounds. The Act also required that the gross and net weight should be marked on the barrel or package. A penalty clause was also inserted in the Act, fixing a fine of 510 for every barrel of short weight end other infringements. There came to the notice of the depart- ment at Ottawa many complaints of light weight, The former standard wee 280 pounds, but through carelessness or some other cause the weight bad dwin- dled somewbat. The object of Mr. John- ston's visit was to see that the provisions of the Act were properly enforced. He had visited all the salt blocks of the west. At Kincardine he found a glaring case of light weight. The mannfaoturer was brought up under the Act and lined as a test case, In every case where small barrels were found the officer compelled the packers either to take the barrels back or have them repacked. Dealers and consumers should see that they get the proper weight -280 lbs. Wn,soy,-In Brussels, on July 25th, the wife of Mr, Alex. Wilson of le son, (still born.) Wenn—L1 Molesworth, on July 26th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Ward, of a Baugh - ter. =mem Lexon.uao-In Brussels, .on July 80th, Ettie, second daughter of R.H. Lang- dale, of Ramble, aged 25 years and 0 menthe. Beinerant—In Colton, South California, on July 2861, Janet Turnbull, be- loved wife of James Barnhill, former- ly of Canada, Tien/us-In Grey, on Monday, July 3011, Mary Jane, wife of the late Benjamin Tindall, aged 4.8 years and 3 months. AuREnv,—At Mountain View, California, on July 21st, Edward Aubery, formerly of Morris township, in his 41st year. CORRECTED CAREFULLY TWEET {VEER. Fall Wheat 98 07 Spring Wheat 80 07 Oats 48 50 Pees 65 66 Barley 50 60 Potatoes 120 00 Butter, per Ib 13 00 Eggs, per dozen 15 00 Apples, per bushel 66 00 Hogs, dressed 0 50 '7 00 Beef 4 50 6 50 Hay 7 00 8 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 5 50 Slieopelcins, each 40 75 eneeeeTt3S17Y+S M -es v1CSr,1"S, comlltamnn m inimm=L= EVERY weze. Fall Wheat 06 07 Spring Wheat 00 97 Barley 50 60 ()ate 48 60 Pea'\65 06 Bettor, tubs and rolls.,,14 15 Eggs pot' dozen. 10 00 Flour par barrel.....,..., 5 00 00 Potatoes ... .,. •...,,70 80 Hay per ton., ..... ..,7 00 8 00 Ilideeper lb,.. ,,4 Sat Stilt per bbl., lvholesalc.,. , 60 80 Shoop skins, each 60 1 00 Wool, per lb... 18 22 Perk...,....... ,..•.. O 25 0 60 AUG. 3, 1888. esztorrzszrereccitzterierairierziazzortztrummtanosizentrarettemeanntionattegrninnreazZaziatu Toronto Sept, 10 to. 22. Rest Huron,13rtsesels, Oct. 4 and 1, East Wtewanoeh, Bclgravo, Get, Oth, Provincial at Kington, Sept, 10 to 15, Fall Shows will be hold this seasons as follows : Exeter on Mun0ay and Tuesday, Go- tober 1 and 2, Western, at London, from the 20tH to the 29th of September, Clinton on Wednesday, 'Thursday and Friday, Sept. 10, 20 and 21, South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday and Tuesday, Sept, 17 old 18. Goderich on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and friday, Oct. 2, 3, 4 and 5, 'Fil F PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ON LY 'Until further notice the cost.of Jn S ervicureey 13of011.1"‘3; l Tho $&0laornug0h-pay il 1r2 Oe1 pile nt time of sorvi0otrith the vVerrwi U ;trivilege ul retnrnins Ilf 0L0 0• nary). The labove applies to /� 10)' 90108 oxenut JOrecy s which 65 1 wilt he 35,10 Cosh, 0+, A, D1..41)13.934, Druggist, ike., )1rgsRals, Ontario, 4111 1 di1 rtl:;BRJ'WS C ovents,Ro• issues sad Trade Marks scoured and all "tiler patent Onuses in the Patent Office and before Oho Onnrts promptly and anrofully attended to, Upon receipt of in oil. el or stretch of invention, I make careful nxamivatias,and advise as to patontabilitY Free of Charge. Foos moderate, and i make no charge u uncus patent is neeureo. Intarut- ation,advice and special references sant on npplleatinn. J. 3t, LI1`TF.L L, Washington U.S. Patent OAyoe, 10- BANKING, 1\{oINTOSII L1 M0TAO GA1UT, BANKERS .:. BRUSSELS Tr/Snead rt. Ge3erre1 1Bct,thing Business, NOTES DISOOUNTI:D, ('nnadiao noel United 8 totes Ilrafts bought an tl sold. Interest allowed on deposits. Collections made on favorable irruls,l: Canadian Agents--DMEnrRA.'T's BAYR OP CANADA. - Now Yorlt Agaots—) 11'onTEnt AND TaAn- I,ile NATIONAL It,t ii. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. IAT M. SINCLAIR, ROLIOIT- nr, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Loo, 0111co : (lrnhanes 133aok, 1 door north of Hargreaves' Drug Store. I'rivato puede h, Loan. L" E. WADE, BARRISTER, Al) • Solioibor• aid Notary Public,. Coo. vevnncing, Collections red forming. afr. Wade will attend in clone, every Wrloce• city at two o'clock, T' ICHSON S: HAYS, (Leto with Garrote S- Prouiltonl, (lode. rich) Barristers Solicitors, Conveyancers, Cc, 011104, Oranto Moak, Jimmie. Money to It, S. HAYS, W. 13. DICKSON. A. M. TAYLOR, B. C. L„ BAR- E Dlokson & Taylor, Barristers, __Solicitors, &a, Manning Arcade, Bing Street Toronto. Money to loan.. _ I West, Torn• S. 311822111. Scheirer, etc., of tin arm of REAL ESTATE. COMFORTABLE DWELLING, lJ tvibb good garden attached, to rent. Co nbre' location. Ap pry at TUE PosT Pa b. lt ailing House. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE A. few splendid, improved farms for solo in the township of Grey, Morris and MsIbttlop. Apply to A. DELGATTY, CO. Auctionoor,Brns5Ols P. 0. VARA FOR SALE.—THE SUB • scmmnu offers his valuable 100 acro farm, being lot 0, con. 10, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sale. Thera are about 60 sores cleared and In good heart. There is log house, good bank barn, boning oretlnrd, and all the necessary conveniences on the Promises. For further particulars, as to price, terms, eta„ apply to the Prouriotot•, LHOS.HI$L0P, 8 lore P. O., N.N.T.. or to 2-tf DOUGALD STRAOBAN, Brusaota TARSI IN GREY '1'OWNSFIIP • Fon size,—Boise lot 14, con. 10, eon - Wiling 100'wrrs, It is partly clearer, the b..t.:,eu ,c rl 1. 11 nbore,i. .0 uavur railing creek crosses the plaza and itiswelladoppt- ed for either farming or grazing. I will like- wise tell 40 acres, being oust part of lot 14, Gamna, nearly all oloorod and in a good state of oalttvation. A. good frame barn with a gond 51000 stable underneath and a never failing well is also on the placo. For further peretcnlare apply so the proprietor on the Waco. This lot is onposito the oth- or GEOl;GE AVERY, Proprietor. 1.tf ARA FOR SALE.—THE UN- DSnafaxrsD offers for sale the north oast quarter of lot 118, concession 0 aforrls, County of Huron, containing 50 soros. The land in of first quality and in a high state of cultivation. well fenced and under -drained, 45 acres cleared. Now frame bowie, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walla, 3 wellls, good barna and shed, orchard, eta. Eight aoree of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the oot'perabiou of Brussels, Suit- able berme will bo given. Title perfect. SA311160 GRIEVE Owner, 86. - Box 268 Brussels P. 0, (100D FARM FOR SALE IN VI Morris, on reasonable terms. In order in elves the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. HWeston, the executors offer tho fol- lowing vauable lands for sato North half of Lot 50, Concession S, Township of Monts, oontaining 90 acres. On this lot is erected a good frame barn with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well andpninp. Near- ly all olsared, and as on the grave road closely adjoining tho village of Bru mole. This farm is avaluable ono, 14 well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For :Bmines and terms apply to TWOS. BELLY, russols 1'. 0„ Homs JTNaze$s, Victoria Square P. 0., or JAtros SMITH, :Maple Lodge P. 0., Middlesex County. 20 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. V t J —A flrab.elaes Isrm for sale in the Township of Morris in the Coo litre f Boron, being south half of north halt lots 25 & 20 and south half of 20 in Gbh eon., containing 200 acres more Or loss, 125 normo mostly clear of stumps and in a good state of culti- vation. Th oro is a young bearing orchard,a good house and hook barn 66 x 50 feet with stone stable underneath. Who rnrrn is che- ated within a utile of the Village of Brussels end is a good farm for grain or stoop rola. tog as lti s watered with rho river Maitland and never failing spring oresk, Possession will bo givou at any time, nor further par- ticulars app] en the premises or to A,1,. ROBERTSON}, Brussols, P. 0. 0-tf F,1 ARM FOR SALE 011 TO RENT 1 Tho north half of Iot 2a con.8, township of Groy, oontaivlug fifty eons, more or hoe,about 15 Oslo% °leered and in good order, Comfortable dwelling and oxooll ant been and stabling oituatod wlthiu about i miloo of Ethel village, in aood locality And oonvon- tout to river. 38 offered for sale on favorable torus as the proprietor is unable to obatinue farming. If not sold will be leased for term to be agreed upon to a good tenant, and an. rangonent can bo rade ihnt rout be payable in improvements, The property is now 111 good shape dor a tiurobasor or blooming ten- ant. For terms, Ivo., apply on rho promisor, or to WM, /WALED ON, 4t[y--_� Ethel (Ont.) P.0, FARM FOR SALE. Tttolllxocutors of rho estate of the tato WILLIAMMaONi{Y, itiestnett, deceased, now offer the following vatnablc lands inr sato, viz.:-J.'ba north half of lot 27, and the west half of the north half of lot 28, both in 'ilia nth concession of the Township of Morris, Comity of Minn, containing 350 ,lords. About 110 acres pro cleared and in good condition, the greeter par) bong in grow, The balance Os Well timbered, ohioity tvitl, beech and Maple, This farm lo faVorabi y situatedcon mile o1 the village of 13ruseols, 10111011 affords an exoellont Market. There is upon the promotes is good frame barn and house an. orchard of choler, fruit Woos, 11 nater taiting� sprig g, also a good won avd pump, tied good feucos, This property will be sold in one or two percale, to telt intending pntohasors. Purchaser till be allowed to enter and have oto of house on premises at any Lima after hary Ott and to do fail plowing. Furl posses- sion Will bo givorn at 1st November next, For tering mud fertile?, particulars apps to the unrlotsi((jjnod Exonitcrs, or to eel Mt,ettnc, Esse, Brussels, Ont. George 09Yrdlil', 111,,,' sots. Pirko* .N HU) i Dead utBrussols,Jetelath, 1553. 51 ALEX. HUNTER, CLERIC. OF the Fourth Division Court, Co. Enron.. Conveyancer, 'Notary s'ndnuaneenFundinvested and to loam 00,18ot/ono made, Ogler] 1 n Gra- ham's Block,Hrussols, 8RT CUNNING",414, PC$ 11501i0008, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS, WM. F. °ALE, M. D., C. M. Memberoftho College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontnaio by examination. Office and ltosideno-Main St, East, ionto Onbarto, TA. McNAUGHTON, M,D„ ti •. M., L.R. 0, P. Edinburgh, 11, C. 1'. S. Ont. At Hargreaves' Drug Store from 0 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1330 to 4 1,, in. At other hours may be found nt the rosldouee formerly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill street, DENTAL. ]Li7F lee TIoTAtThe . G. L. Ball, L. D. S., Benny Graduate and al, 11, C. D. 0. Toronto, Yib,Ltized Air given B. 13, Merles, D. 1). S., Assistant Operator Ol'FtcE--ll Dyers 111000, Soaforth. DUN ItTi9C. ^\V.J. Fear L,D S. Graduate of To- rontoSchoolof,Dentistry, All oper- ations guaranteed. OIBoo--Cady's 111ook, Seaforth, Artifolal teeth, g ret quality, Duda guaranteed at,for 313,00 per sot„”, lDEC 1V TINT. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Turouto, NITnos CURE Gas administered for the palnteze extrac- tion of tooth, OFFOC13.--Gurfcld Work, ISRITOSELS. AUCTIONEERS. ("1 EORGE KIRKBY, LICEN- sun Auotionoer. Sales oonduotetl on reasonable terms, farms and farm stools a suooialty, Orders lett at Tun Po ST Publish- ing House, Brussels, or scut to Walton post office will r000tve prompt attention. ALEX. DELGATTY, AUCTION - ie prepared to attend to salesou tho shortest notice, A specially Matto of sales of thorough -bred stock. Terms made known by applloatiou tc Tam Peep Publish. ing House, where orders May be loft, or address to Brussels P 0, %RAYMANN, AUCTIONEER, • is always ready to attend sales of farms, farm stook, fire, Terms cheerfully rouged Oatin Tom !P.O.ook aPublloh C."6 dobe use Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. ���ccc••• 31. MaORAC1.EN, ISSUER • of Marriage Lioonsoe, Office at bis Grooaryeeurnborry Strout, ISS 0`00NN0R, TEACHER of Piano and Orgon. Tonne on oppli- oation14, and1�Friday aatldrs, D. Campo ovary l% Walton -pN.I3ARRETT, TONSORIAL Artist, ghost, next door eolith of A. M, kiel{ay C Oos, hardware store. Ladies' and children's hair cutting n opootalty. A choice stook ofaigars kept. AisfaIgAIR, ISSUER OF MAR• ..* rings, ',lemma,by appointment of Moue -Governor, Commissioner, dna„ Q. B, Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. Oltloo et the CranbrooltPost Moo, Iii, RODDICK, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental painter, Graining Gilding, Sign and Decorative Painting in ail its branches. Shop Blinds done up in style. Paper finegulug 15 5p50ireey. Shop ono door south of if. Buyers' Carrlago W onto, �W. O'BRI + N, V. S,, HONOR • Gradual°of the Ontario Votorinarn College has rearmed the preottoo 01 Joh Nutt, V.s„and is prepared to Croat all die oases of domootontetl animals on soiontiflc audappDroved prinolplas. Treatment of (sol. lento tole a epo0falty Office two .doors North of Bridgo,Turnborry etroe t. TEAYED FROM THE PREM. R. fees of Olio uncloreig0Od, lot 7, eco. 7, Gray, onor,abont June tat, 5yearitn s, Tbrsa of Cham arc bonfire, rod and whit° lin color, one of the doom 11 a hrhnit6 and the other WO aro a reddish twin?, Any information feeding to their rosevnly wits ba thankfully 10081104. 130131.1110918. 1.11 Bruisolt,1 .0. i 1 01 51 et. et tb ,n at th th wr Sir to 01 Nr a' to pr tit On as eu to An to t '11 of c)0 n cu 31( 20 bt aR f fo ie 1. 1.' or, til tit A. A vL 011 is' nL el ui 111 1� AI tl t. it ni IL hl 1 r' of Nr ' fe n 0 t o, n ar tt w L 0 tr Al i a 0 I 3'