The Brussels Post, 1888-6-29, Page 5JuN11 2(), 1888.
11 #1"ixt .1j C.WVia,
tti'it11 Lauf..
A oer'.•0 year old child of 0, 11f, Netvane
fell frier an upstairo window a few days
ago brtmlting its jaw and knookhtg out
several toe*.
A w dt it 1, fox hound, the property of
John it ge, , was shut by Chief 1'otty-
pieee the ether day, The dog had
bitten, ote, of leis ehilrlrou.
ilei ,.tet from rho oddfolluv;.i r.rgau.
i7lttt ar.t at !.unknow, Teostvatar, Crowle,
Wro:rjeier and Maitland Lodge of Wing -
ham' mot here on Tuesday to elect a dcs-
de sty, Tho one 01100011 wan 1V. F,
Jconeliire, of Wiagluant, IIo wilt bo
linted by the Grand Master.
ho limes seyo:--D. D. Wilson's egg
tonin mado a sudden rcmaway turn at
tags Queen's on Tuesday and burled
twelve boxes of oggs off the wagon on
chief Petlypieco's doorsteps. The wagon
polo was Hien broken, Each box eon.
[nitwit about 120 iloaon. About 0110 half
were broken, The damaged boxes and
! broken eggs wcro rejected and the driver,
T. Riclutrd=.on, continued his journey
next cltcy strongly prejudiced against con-
tinuo(' runaway horses for egg wagons.
NI- Ise:tub rook. '
A ball club is being organized here,
Taco innprovenlonts to Knox church
aro to bo commenced shortly.
Wo notico that under tiro Crooks Act
there is more drinking and consequently
more drunks.
Tho pic-nio in Porter's grovo, north of
tho villago, will bo hold to -day (Friday),
it is a rico place for a days outing.
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne gavo an excellent
address on the Books of the Bible at tho
meeting of the Young Peoples' Christian
Association, last Friday cooping.
Mitchell cC Williams, our blaolcsnnith
and waggon maker, aro doing a largo
trade in tha different linos. They have
turned out a largo number of waggons
and buggies this season already.
On Friday aftornoon last about seventy
or eighty farmers from the surrounding
country were in our village. They oame
to assist in raising the new flax mill.
Thos, Newsome and Wm. Gorden acted
captains for the occasion. Tho mon
being called to their respectivo sides all
went to work with a will and in a few
]tours the timbors were put together and
the structure raised without accident or
mishap. Newsome's side ooming out
victorious. Tho building ie 80x50 feet,
and two stories high. F. Raddatz is the
Roy, A. Y. lIartloy returned from his
trip on Thursday.
Road work is about completed and
some rondo aro bettor some are worse.
Hotel licenses havo been issued. We
notice Mr. Senits has boon granted ono.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of Wingham, were
in the village Sunday last. They aro al-
ways welcome as they wore onco Bluc-
Itev. A. Y. Hartley preached in Toes -
water last Sunday evening, in the ab-
sence of Mr. Linton, who was at Assam.
bly, Halifax.
The station has been ro-plastered this
week. It malice a vast improvement
and will bo gladly acknowledged by the
travelling public.
Mr. Anderson, son of Wm. Anderson
of the boundary lice, a residont of St.
Thenar„ was visiting his father and
friends in this neighborhood this last
Mrs', Conk ,van certainly surprised
when returning to the house on Tuesday
evening she found an envelope addressed
to her on the table. It was front hor
many well wishers in Blnovale congrega.
tion, and contained a neat little roll of
bills, with a note bidding her farewell.
Rev. J. S. Cook arrived home safely
from Mcorefiold on Saturday bringing
with him a 10017 torso, buggy and set of
harness. Mr. C. preached his farewell
sermon to a orowded church and woe lis-
tened to with great attention. Tho rev-
erend gentleman based his remarks on
the odds of the benecliotion. ' On Wed-
nesday Mr, C. and lady go to their• new
charge, liensal]. They have the best wish-
es of their many friends.
ILA est o Ne• ci 1 .
The band is hard at work drilling
and practising for coning competitions.
They purpose taking part in several
tournaments this summer,
Flags were flying at halfmast mar
Mess Bros, factory and the Queou's Ho
tot several days out of rospoct for the cto-
ceasod Emperor of Germany.
About thirty feet of tho now basement
wall of talo Inose building was destroy ed
owing to the rain gutting into the mortar
between the newly -laid stone.
Our cricket club was hardly strong
enough to mance much out of ilio Ameri-
can tame they played with. Somme of
the boyo made tip-top scores, howover,
esp0eially Gy. Hacking.
Tho ordination services of Roy. Alex.
MoLood, a graduate of the Congrogation-
al College of B. N. A.,. Montreal, were
oondnoted in the Congregational Church
here on Tuesday, the 20th inst.
Rev. Georg° Bio'hardeon, President of
the Guelph Conference; who has labored
in the Methodist church i11 this town for
the past three years, loft for his new
field of labor---Goclerioh-this weak.
L. 0. L.-Postore aro out for tho
grand Bi -Centenary Orange Celebration
to bo hold hero ou the 12th July. Somo
seventy lodges are expected to take part,
including , tho following Counties and
Distriota : Counties of North and Sonth
Perth and North Huron, and Districts of
Guelph, Mount Forest and Durham, bo=
sides eoveral lodgoe of Young Britons,
and a number of brass bands. The
speakers announaod for the occasion are
Bo. H. A. L. White, Post GrandMastor
of Ontario West ; Bro, Webb, D.G.Cbap.
Britieh America ; Rov, Bro. Megahy of
Soaforth ; Bro. 33, S. Cools, D.M,, Iiow.
is ; Bro. TI. Pennine, P, C. 111. North
Huron ; S. 11. Hessen, M. P. 1 B. Roth.
woll, ; Boyds. Turnbull, Robins and
oIhor rodidont ministors. Mayor 33710170f
will doliver an address of welcome, Dr.
Burgess, County Mastor of North Porth,
'will ocoully rho obair.
Gl',. 0,3'`.
Tho flax crop is looking well in thio
Miss Vennio Bill is Moine for her sum.
ma holidays.
It is reported that a young bear has
Leon captured, and is now a prisoutl,
near tin cast end of tho 1201 lino,
A gond dein huts been done dile season
or the different liners in Uho lwwc y of tree
planting, fowling, and olhertviso Untidily.
ing the farms.
Phe Immo wort, of Iloury Bnll'a now
residence lo well on toward complotion
and tho briciclayr;rs aro rustling the !work
thin nook, D. Lowery has tho job,
Tiles, Newsome, 0111' popular framer,
Isar, a large number of contra110 of now his own laud, Ile began rut the line be.
baron this seae0u. lio rain,: all the twoen tin neighbor, east of flim, and biro.
buil,lings with tackling, and has now a toll, and had part of the posts in. wbcon
largo gang of men working, The work ',onto midnight scoundrel came and pulled
io being pushed along vigorously 111 order out the posts raid oarriel off tins tools'.
to havo tho buildings ready for Lllo soot. One article was found in the ltallland
sun's 070p, river, a spa00 in a field some dietaneo off
Bins, Doman McLauchlin, jr., and and another spade and ollavel has not
Mee Kato Moimnohlin started for Cy. been found yet. A. eeoand visit was
press !liver, liars., last Tuesday, Don- nulclo by the thief and rho remaining
n r 1 wore it > user o
and 1♦IOIJanehllrl ttCCOmllani0rl them to t0 Ie maned nil that 50 0 boing mod t
Toronto. Tire. Samuel Slomnon and oompleto rho job. A. great pity auoh
daughter and Miss Maggio McDonald malicious villains eon not always be
warn also ilassengero on the name train. caught.
Their cleshrcation will be Carberry, Corr suer, -We had s splendid timo at
Ilvnnar,.0„-Another of those happy tho social at Ebenezer ohuroh on our 2nd
and interesting events which so frequent. line, -I am very glad to see by the papers
ly occur in this neighborhood tools plane that Mr. Reid, of stone school, baa been
on Wednesday the 27111 iinot. al rho ro. sn0cossful abide examination. Mr. Ste•
siilono of John Cash, lath oonoossion, wart is holding or going to or talking
when his oldest daughter Lizzie 11. was about Holding an examination before the
nitod in marriage to Win. Lawson, of holidays. -The Inspector, Mr. Malloob,
Grand Rapids, Michigan. Tho ceremony has been through our wny this weolr, I
was periormod at 0 a, m., by Rev. D. B, am sure he found ovorything satiofaotory.
Moline, Cranbrook, in the presence of a -A pic.nio is to bo hold near horo on
largo number of invitod friends. Tho. July 2nd and all ere invited to come and
bride was supportod by her sister Miss enjoy themoelves, Thcro aro a few wed -
Sarah Cash, while Geo. Mo0baggan, of huge to take place in our neighborhood
Stratford, performed tho duties of grooms. shortly, so Dame humor says, -It is very
plan. Tho brido was the recipient of warm picking potato bugs and as I told
many beautiful gifts which ahow in no Bob I would rather rnake dresses all my
small degree tho high esteem in which life than live in a potato patch. Tho
she was hogld by her friends and relatives. weather scorns vory favorablo for tho
After all 'had partaken of a sumptuous bugs and they aro thriving wondotlnlly,
wedding breakfast, all drove to Brusoole, I am burnt as black as -well I don't
where Mr. and Mrs. Lawson left on the know that any word would express the
noon train for their home in Grand dogreo of blaoknese, but it will take all
llapido amid showvers of rice and slip- the powders, plasters, syrups, &a. to put
pers. We join with a largo circlo of me on any foot again and havo mo as
friends in wishing them a long, happy good looking as before. Yours truly,
and prosperous life. Blinn,
Tnono'•nnzu Cninssn,wss.-The Glas. Tho social at Ebenezer last Friday was
goo paper says: -"Thomas MaLanchlio, in every way a success. The Sunday
farmer, of Brussels, Ontario, Canada, who School is 520 bettor off than it was be-
i' on a visit to Scotland, and desirous of fore and the people of this edition and
getting a good stook of pure-bred Olydes. surrounding country are better pleased
dales to take out with him, has boon sec. with themselves than they have been for
oesslul in his endeavors. After making a some time. In fact it was almost a rule
run over rho country, ho has found what that wbon this corner held an entertain-
he was in quest of in the west of Saarland; mont it was sero to be a failure. Alter
and he has purchased six dos colts, which this, however, an announcement will
ho will take out with him in the ship draw a large audience every time. A
"Aboide," of the Donaldson Line, which bountiful feast was provided by maladies,
sails from Queen's Dock, Glasgow, this and anyone who did not refresh the in -
week. Throe of the colts he has bought ser -man, it was their own fault. Mr.
were bred by Dugald McKinnon, Poteath Barwaeh, the pastor, ocoupied the chair.
Farm, West Kilbride -a neighbor whose Speeohes wore delivered by Rev. Air.
fame as a breeder of Clydesdales 10 known Paul d; B. Gerry, of Brands. The latter
far beyond his native shire. One of them took for his subject, "I'11 be there." Mr.
is out of "Maggie of Poteath," 'mother of Paul spoke on'How to succeed in life.
"Loolino," the first prize -taker, as a two. Both gentlemen were listened to with
year-olcl Silly, at the Ayr shote in 1878, great tutored. Recitations wore given
and an animal which has since distill- by the children,' all of which refloated
guishod herself in America by winning great credit on themselves, as follows 0 --
Rewind. prizes
Rewin !prizes in Chicago. "Maggie" is Maggio Fraser, "A Girl's Protest"
also mother of rho celebrated "Lasa of Anna Budd, "A nervous girl" ; Minnie
Gowrie." Another of the colts is out of Sollars, "Woman's work"; Mary Erring -
"Fanny," mother of "Montrave Lady," ion, "Sparking" ; Jemima Garnisa, "In.
and darned by " Poteath Maggie." dependant man Lottie Sellers, Miohi.
"Montrave Lady" has spoken well for gan courtship Lottie Budd, "My re -
herself hitherto. She tools first honors citation." A reaitation, "The Bridal
in her class this year at Ayr show, and Wino.Cup" by Miss South was well ren.
she is likely to hoop her place in all Dom- derod. A reading was also given by F.
petitions this season with the greatest Harbley. Tho singing was very nice and
Baso. Both of these colts are sired by along with tho rest of the program was
"Springhill Darnley." The third colt is heartily applauded. The children of the
clamed "Georgina,' granddam "Fanny," school, under the direction. of Miss Bela
great•granddam "Maggio of Poteath." R00, sang two ebortusos. A quartette by
The Tiro of "Georgina" le "Darnley," Maggio Fraser, Emma Bosman, Wesley
Biro of third colt is "Stud Book Laddie," Roe and David Jewitt showed that they
by "Novo:: Behind." Wo hope these will had worked faithfully and the hearty re-
ad bo got safely over the Atlantic, and caption they met with was well dasorve11.
bo the nucleus of a stook of good stud A duett by 1lliasos Cora South and Alias
horses that will redound to the credit of Jewitt and chorused with bass by Lowie
breedor and owner." lir. 11IoL. arrived Jowitt was well rendered. The choir,
safely last Tuesday. Ile had to leave with Miss Thynne as organist, Misses
one of the colts in Montreal as ho was King and Roo, soprano, :glean Anna
too sick to travel at that time. Further Fraser and Laura Sellers, alto, Messrs.
reference will bo made to this imports. Jewitt and King, bass, interspersed the
tion again, prooeodings with solos, duetts, trios, quar-
-_____,_ tabuns and chornseo.
nil SOA . To tho Editor of Ter, POST,
A number from this locality visited SOMEONE 11,10 Bnunnausn.-As I have
the Ontario Agricultural 'College last never troubled your before I will ask a
Wednesday. short space in your valuable columns.
'Miss Ella McNeil, assistant toachor in Sinoo the wonderful medical examination
our school, was able to resume duties in S. S. No. 0, Morris, my children being
last Wodnesday. branded by that gentleman with having
Airs. Covony, of Mitchell, has boon vie- the itch, wrongfully, I at once had thorn
iting her daughter, Mre. Cato, for Una examined by a physioian who under -
last few weeks. stands his business, and found they were
Airs. Watts, of Clinton, formerly a re- perfectly free from it or other contagious
sidont here, was visiting her brother, W. disease. Several persons have informed
Simpson, last week, ole that it has been the country talk, also
George Robertson it working at the talked of in the most of the stores in
tailoring in Atwood now. Geo. is going Brussels, about my family having it and
to make an A 1 tailor. sending ohildren to school in that con -
John Eckmior is improving the appear- Sitio'. hero I beg leave to stats that
num of his rosidenee by putting on block none of my family ever had itch or any,
siding and °rooting a vorandab in front. other infectious disease, I think my
William and David Milne !nave return- word will stand es good as the word of
theired from trip
report black flies and mosquitoes They
l e malicious !! circulatedorson who
afable report.If my children had bean
plentiful in that district. unfortunate enough to catch the itch I
The eacramont of the Load's Tepper would havo kept it no sooret but would
was dispensed in tho Presbyterian ohnroh havo tried my utmost to havo them
last Sunday. Rov. F. Ballantyne, of cured, It is no disgrace to catch -the itch
Walton, preaohecd on Saturday, and Rev. but a vory great disgrace to keep it. One
D. B. Molina, pastor, conduoted tho sor- thing I do not understand, the medical
vines on Sunday.
Annie Maunders, who attonds the Sun.
clay School, Methodist church, won a
prizo (a bible) for committing t0 mem-
ory the most versos during the last quar-
ter. Sho committed to memory 345 ver-
ses. Tho prize w00 given by Mre. D.
Bokmisr, teacher of tho ease.
Tho annual pio.nio of the Presbyterian
Sunday Sohool will be held in Dilworth's'
.:•tv a asn.,xanntravxt aye r4s
feature 0,2 the da 's proeoodings was tit. examiner wya', Wilted by o pane cit of a
fall of James Ireland front the 'tone wall child (laid to he ono of the worst oneee,
wlilalr °masionod the brooking of ono of how Ibe potion! WOE? IT said "Very
his arm' and a general rhaking op. Mfr, bad, very bad, over a dozen naso',.
Snforn' barn acoonnmm,tation will Lo firet. S: r'a'ge to arty duly nix (1111101%m gut
elite' when the now bnikling is 70m. u„tiuce, Puler, are, or who aro Smother
ploL ids? I havo no fault to Mel with the
Ateifew day' ago Mr, rituihs commenced7'1nstees having the srchooi examined.
to put up posts to motto a fence through 11 ',tomtit have boon done in the Spring
as P. w,nd,l trays eared a 1,t ,.f trouble
b eoe•c rho lien au,I tc 1,104 uuunr:nted
tuts, it. Sonro medical 111.e1 should live
to the country fur a month to got au.
quaff nlod with tato moequit es SO as to be
olds t•, disc ern between th1 11.11 and their
Liu', hoping, Mt...Editor, von will par-
don me for nccupying'n numb of your
valuable spare. 1 remain yours, de.,
Guts, 33. Mums.
Morrie, Jtlliu 26th, 18803.
grove, on Monday July 2nd, Rofrosh.
monts will bo served at noon, after which
addresses will bo given by Dr,Macdonald
M. P., of Wingham, and Revs. J. T. Lo -
gear and D. B. McRae. A good tdmo
may bo expected.
The store of W. Simpson & Son was
broken into last Monday night, and
quantiby of goods (tho value of which is
soareely known yet) 0705 stolen, Two
ons !icings looking characters were seen
in the villago on Monday, and it is sup.
posed that they wore the perpetrators of
tho theft. The till was broken opo' and
the change in it abstracted.
Connell meeting last Monday.
Mrs. James Kingston, of Nebraska
wvas visiting with 1Nirs. Airtime ilingeton.
'Mr. Hingeton is now a M. D. in the west
and io doing well,
Team remand oallod out tis mon this
Weak and 'lade a big improvoaont on
tho road. Mrs. Ferroud, wo aro glad to
say is on tato mond.
James SpoIe had s barn raising on
Tuosday which was attendod by a largo
'umbar. frons tho adjoining country. J.
Wanner and D, Smith woro °boson cap-
tains incl the work tvae pllshacl right
along and in tho rano thorn was hardly n
half rafter diffcroloe. 1131 u nfortnuato
1 S. -bast 1looday I accompanied
my children to school and handed tho
toachnr the curLinnet° from the examin.
ing doctor. This with eimiliar papors
from the other 4 pumila were read to the
school staling they had no such cl]souee
and Ana teacher then welcomed tho
sohclnrs back. C. 13. I1. ,
Leona Dare's Daring.
ll,mging by Alar Teeth from it Balloon
In Slid -Air.
Wo greatly doubt the ''oral tight of
Mims L' rout Daro, the mronant, who as.
°ended from the Crystal Palace on Mon-
day, to risk her life as she does, even for
the wilco of getting a living by the ex-
hibition of her courage. According to
her own account, which was voriliod by
50,000 spectators on Monday, she ascends
some mile and a half into the air (3,000
metres is hor own estimate) hanging to a
balloon by her own teeth, wvhioh aro un-
usually strong. An iron bar is attached
to a trapeze suspended from the car, to
ono and of which an india.rubbor mouth-
piece, or ball of that snbstanoo, has boon
fitted, Miss Dare puts her mouth over
this, closes her tooth and is carried up by
the balloon, supported by her teeth alone,
to a height at which she is invisible from
below, then she signals to two exper•
lanced assistants in the car, who lowor a
ladder, by which site ascends, being, of
oourso, trained to all acrobatic feats,
through a trapdoor into a basket, "then
the basket is dividod into two compart-
ments by a shawl, and behind this parti-
tion I ohange my ballooning oostumo,
which of necessity is very light, into an
ordinary walking dress, so as to be able
to go home without inconvenience when
we descend." Miss Dare deolarea that
she suffers no inconvenience beyond a
surging in her ears, which lasts for soma
time after sho has descended, and that
through long oxeroise her teeth and jaws
have become excoptionally strong and
trained to bear tho excessive fatigue
which, it is plain, mast fail to their
share; but it is obvious, nevertheless,
that her lift must be in the most ex-
treme peril. She dons not like the bal-
loon, she says, to start "with a jerk" -e,
remark betraying her consciousness of a
most ugly possibility. Tho slightest
faintness, the smallest dofeot in the bar,
the shock of a moment's toothache, and
she would fall among the gaping crowd-
dead, we can but trust, before she remedi-
ed tho ground, bnt in any event crushed
out of all recognition. -Pall Mall Ga-
d;r0ssoral IN owt4.
Thi Rev. Air. and Mrs. Casson, of Mit.
choll, left for England on Monday.
An umbrella, said to be the largest in
the world, has been made by a firm in
Glasgow for the use of a West African
king. The umbrella, which can be elosod
in the usual manner, is twenty-one feat
in diameter, and is affixed to a polished
mahogany staff of the same length. The
canopy is nada of Indian straw, lined
with cardinal and white, has a scorn of
straw tassels, and a border of crimson
satin. On thotop is a pino.shaped straw
ornament, wltioh terminates in a gilded
cone. When in use, rho umbrella will
be fixed in the ground, and under its
shelter the potentate will be able to
entertain about thirty guests at dinner.
The following is the form of the
challenge issued by Duncan 0. Ross, the
champion all-roctud athlete and swords-
man t "Torre Hants, Inc., June 10. -
Hearing that a great many would -he
swordsmen are claiming the champion-
ship, I wish to say that I am the only
champion, by vlrtuo of having defeated
every man that I' ever met. I am still
prepared to meet any man living. I shall
soon be in Now York and issue a general
ohallongo to the world for swordmanship,
athletics and wrestling. Any one who
desires to meet mo can notify me, and
their oommunication will moet my im-
mediato attention. I also challenge Wm.
Miller, who claims the championship of
Australia, and who had so much to aa3
about mo wbon he was 11,000 miles
k Tiv'�,^�r••,n r.Se co.e w,ie.wa meats. rwu.2AZOTR ONOSOS T33r.. ,TOJO'0A'1C7 Ari G'. 07
from NIR. WALTER COATS at a good reduction I will
give- great bargains itt
t G'L.A.SSW.&:%, .
I have also a line stock of
Now Goods, Sugars, Teas, &Cr, o.
tom -which T am selling very cheap for.- ,tea'
Collie one c011,1e all and Secli50 at 80011 Bargain.
�iit0lit Le Study,
1 plexi door to Derry's Hardware, BRUSSELS.
. L ,+ ,i '
rtt„9., ETOo,
order to make room for
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the
:LS 8
who reduces the price of goods should be, patronized. We have re-
duced the price of groceries 10 peg' cent. and we require all in-
croaso of business to make up for loss of profit. If they public. do
not appreciate low prices there is no inducement to self cheap. If
you find a store willing to come down in price 'when ye.1 locution
how cheap you can get the goods at the Toronto Grocery do not bay
there but Come to the Toronto Grocery, because you Would have -
got no reduction but for the Low Prices at
THE cC, ' ' I la fid' ORCERYS
A VEr1Y--
that we will atoll in 15 and 10 lb. lots at Vie.
Wo keep the kettle boiling all the time. so that evoryoue can test
this Tea by malting themselves a cup. Wo will guarantee a saviug
of 20 per cent, on any Toa you may buy from us.
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
Brooms. --25e., We aro selling tho best 85c. Broom for
Soap and Broomsl'-25e., aucl a 800. Broom for 20c. 20
Boxos of Soap received. Soo the value we are giving in Soap.
Dingman's Electric Soap very cheap. London Electric Soap very
cheap. jubilee Bar Soap very ehcap.
�',va' �j Currants, Raisins, and
.l1 1I�'ruit at Lost Prices,
till kiiib.1 of Dried
CI'a nond C (ynodai 'P110so Cil,lllled Vegetables :l 3 for 2,5e.. arc
Goods..oing very fast. Salmon, ata =1 ., f.t11-
eters and all Canned Fish and Mea( at Gowest Price.
The best place to spend your looney
is at the Toronto Grocery.