The Brussels Post, 1888-6-22, Page 88
IHSZsxxusmsz ^fit
.,P„_1 a./ ,.
1' can supply you with the
best English Paris Green
for the 1)1'tltectioll of
ycgtr Potato Vines,
Guaranteed to give
satisfaction when
used according
to directions,
uggirt, Bookseller, and F.alloy Goods
Dealer, Dtuseeis.
gives:nch universal satisfaction as the
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
aeaforth, �aiird
r''''''--LUMSDEN&WILSON'S—r "i
�OOOI �G.o_c��.'O' 'o ie.0 OO Unu�O: OM•1
4oya1 Gl eorated Balsam of
w on Ofo nuc'! nerno o
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
17-emDruggists sell it, Price 60 cts.
SJCTEEr.N EUTzustox,
W. a, & 0, 0,
Traiaeleare Brussels Station, uort and
south as follows: -
Going South. Going North.
Alen 7:02 a.m. i Mired 2:30 040
Express 1045 a.m. Mai1...............3106p.m
Mixed 8:55 p.m, I Express 9:45p,m
7,0 Cal ` .cies tuns.
A chiefs among ye talrin' notes
Au' faith he'll prent
Tn2 boys aro uractieing for the tub
11.00 0n July 2nd.
COTTAGE to rent, also rooms over A. R.
Smith's store. Mes. Srnacalx,
• TEE Great Boot d: Shoe House shows
200 pairs prunella boots this week.
A. Kano has been laid up for repairs
this week. The book of Sob should be of
sums comfort to hint, however.
Neer week we will publish an interest.
ing letter from our recent townsman
Thos. Town. Tt will repay perneal.
Snswr found. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying for this
notice. Apply at Tim Posr Publishing
TEE theomoweter bas been waltzing
around the nineties during this week.
Thursday morning at 8 o'clock it was
82 0 in the shade.
J. B. WxLEINs0N writes from Escanaba,
Mich., that he has secured a good job
with his old ellen], G. E. Whybrew, a
former resident of Brussels, and likes the
place well.
No shop license will be granted in
Brussels this year. The fee is so high
no man can make it pay if he adheres to
the law, So people say who are sup.
posed to know.
Is response to the advertisement otfer-
ieg $5000 worth of Brussels debentures
for sale the Clerk has received an offer
of 1091 for them. Another offered 106.
Our credit is good yet.
TEE grab kiln of brick at the Brussels
brickyard is now ready for use. A sam-
ple brink was left at TEE Poem Pablishiug
House and ie pronounced by competent
judges to be a good sample.
CArr. liars and Company started for
camp, at Stratford, on the noon train
Tuesday. We imagine some of the boys
wish before this that they had not been
so keen to enroll their mince.
" GA1inxsaz."-This well known stallion,
the property of George Whitely, of Sea -
forth, will be at the Central Hotel stables,
Brussels, on Tuesday nights and will re-
main until 11 amt. Wednesday during
the season. 47.4
Gsanzie Paenr-Knox Chinch Home
Mission Society will give a garden party
on Dr. MoNaughlon's lawn on Friday
evening of next week, 29th ins(, Musical
and literary program. Refreshments
served during the evening.
TOE injunction applied by Postmaster
Grant to restrain the editor of the Bud-
get from continuing to publish libels on
him has been granted, the same to hold
good until the trial. Lawyer Aylesworth
appeared for the plaintiff and Lawyer
Echlin for the defendant.
Wane about the Board of health ?
There are several yards that do not show
that mush Cleaning up has been done,
Has the Inspector reported? This hot
weather is the time every attention should
be paid to the removal of everything or
anything calculated to breed disease,
Loon. To conn rnEns.-Tho em'eul]o is
now working sad havoc amongst young
plums, causing destruction much sooner
than fruit growers generally imagined.
The most effective way of destroying the
pest is to spread sheets upon the grass
underneath mho trees end jarring the
trees suddenly with either an axe or
mallet, when the pest will come tunib.
ling down, when they can bo easily des.
eroyed. This should be attended to at
once io rave the plum crop, 110 env an
OI1i fruit glower,
tlxrrT rare Winn PEorrn.--Lacrosse,
ns; it is usually played, is one of the
yougbest and meanest games over played
and is more suited to Indians or (rarities
than white people. The Wingbam Ad.
vane Captains the following in their re.
port of a recent match between Wingham
and Lueknow clubs ;•---"After playing
about fifteen minutes A. K. Cameron,
Wingltam's beet horns player, had his
zipper lip split open and was forced to
leave the field. " " Toward the
t close of the match R. McAlpine got e
crack on the head which canted him to
leave the field. Tito Sopoys sbonld
ohango theft natno to the Slashers or
alae change their taboos, for they play
everything but Menefee,"
Srss.wosuiuns' are awning to the fro
Mrgs Enrrn isn:t t is 1101110 from N
Wahine chine Oil and Binding Tw
at B. GEnnr'S. 48.
O011,VI 's famed Manitoba Floor
sale at Tnotrsox's, 48,
Miss .40010 Oliver, of Toronto, is ho
for a bolidayamvisit.
A La addition is being put to
auditorsauditorsof the Central Hotel,
Dos'•r forget the excursion to the M
farm at Gusiph next Wednesday.
C=ET your Minding Twine before it
all gond. 13. GEltnr. 48-
J. W. Susie is expected home from
ronto for his holidays next week.
An quantity of fresh Iime at the K
Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel, W.
Timmy, Prop,
13 Las, Granulated Sugar for $1.
Pickles 16'c, per quart. Pure Coffee 2
per lb. Ante Goon.
I7axrsn,--Either a general servant
a burse girl. Agply at gmae to
60. kilns. W. T, Cr,rn•x,
WAr sen Coags has disposed of the No
York grocery to J. L. Sturdy, of Barri
ton- The latter took possession tit
Wr.. congratulate Editor Clinks,
the Listowel Banner, alibis well deserdesert.and recently acquired title 'of Bechtel
of Arts,
horns. Trios. Junes:: and A. Glaei
were ceiling on old friends in town la
weep. Sir. Glazier was at ono time st
Gone(' in Brussels.
TOE Guelph Mowery rays: Miss
O'Connor, formerly of Brussels, occupie
her place as choir leader in St. George
church for the first time yesterday He
singing provoked mush favorable co
A. H. IdtrsonAvt, a n'ell.known ba
baliist, now living at Whitechurch, ha
been engaged as umpire for the base ba
tournament here on July 2nd. This
should prove satisfactory to all the club
competing for the $80.
Wit are indebted to the Seoretary o
the Stratford celebration committee, on
July 2nd, for a complimentary badge
but we are pushing games and sports a
home this year and we consequently ad
vise people to come to Brussels on the
day and take in the fun.
at. Six Tons pure Manilla Binding Wineon. at 11, Grain's. 15.
or• Illus. Wlmur:n and daughter wore visit.
lug at Wingham lost week,
ine ' Wn give an extended report of the death
of the Emperor of Germany on page 0 of
for thisisoue.
EXIT), value in Crockery and Gloss.
me ware, Finest white Grauito Sets import.
ed $'d at Thomson's, 47.
the Mits. Penmen Mooser and Henry
Mooney, jr., ate away visiting sink rola.
odel tires neer Shelbourne,
11'fus. lfx,Erenee and hiss. W. II, Kerr
is were enjoying a visit with old friends at
Stratford ilia week,
To- ONE week from next Monday will bo
the day celebrated for Dominion day.
int. Big tints expeoted in Brussels.
1'. Ora old townerean Jas, Bennett leas
none 05 a prospecting tour to California,
00. His family still resides in Dnndas,
Oo. RES•, J, L. Iimn will occupy the pulpit
of Knox church next Sabbath in the ab.
or fiance of the pastor, Rev. G. B. Howie.
110TEn,,ttes, letterheads, envelopes, hair
heads, statements, tags, Se, supplied at
w close prices et Tun Pox Publishiu�'
e• house,
is WE neglected to acknowledge our
thanks to the Clinton New Era last week
of for advance proofs of the Co. Council
ed prooeediugs.
or Tun report of the County Sunday
School Convention, held in Exeter on
er Tuesday and Wednesday, of this week,
st will be given in our next issue.
a• NIxarEEo excursionists lett Brussels
for Toronto last Friday. 47 went from
7., Wingham, and the whole number of ex.
d cursioniste on leaving Listowel was 104,
's Posrac schools will close on Friday,
r July 6th, and re -open in rural sections on
m- Monday, August 20th, and in incorpor-
ated villages, towns, dm, on Monday,
se August 27111.
s JAMES Ross and Harry Dennis are
11 away at Plnlacielpllia and New York
playing cricket with the Listowel team.
s We expect them to give a good account
of themselves.
f Ix is stated that A.. Bauslaugh is likely
to purchase the Seaforth photo. gallery
and remove to that town in the course of
t a month or so. He is all A I artist and
- we don't like to lose Him from town.
1 Amour 20 car loads of splendid betiding
stone has been placed at our station by
M. Shine, of Grey. It is said that Brus-
eels stone is second to none for building
purposes, and is held in great demand.
Tim garden party, under the auspices
of the I. 0. G. T., last Tuesday evening,
on Dr. MoNaughton's lawn, was quite a
successful affair. There was about $20
realized. The Band discoursed a num.
ber of choice selection.. during the even-
JAMES It sLLy has disposed of his water-
ing cart to J. Lott wbo took op the work
of watering the streets last Tuesday. Mr.
Kelly has done the worts very well for
the past three or four seasons and we bo•
Bove the new proprietor will attend to it
Tun G. T. R. has resumed the sale of
Saturday excursion tickets to Kincardine,
and our Brussels agent has arranged for
the same privilege to Goderiob, It
formerly only extended to Wiugbam,
Now Brusselites oat take in Goderich
and back at the Wingham rate 01$1.00.
Ox Thursday night of last week the
railway station at Kincardine was broken
into, the We blown up and about $26
taken. The company's money, which
was in a stnall leather bag in the front of
the sate, was blown out, with part of the
safe, papers and tickets, on the floor of
the office and 110.5 over -looked by the
burglars, and was found next morning.
The bag eoetainee about 8128.
Tni Toronto Empire rises to remark
-"The bold defiance of a country mu
temporary to the terrors of a libel suit
expresses itself as follows; "We want no
humbug, but will prove everything we
have asserted. Let him trot out bis libel
suit, and next week we will publish the
full text of it. We have not done with
the animal yet. and will in future pub.
lig' some episodes of his career that he
would rather have unwritten." The
"animal" has yet to be heard front."
The country contemporary has likely
heard enough to satisfy him for the pre.
sent and since the granting of the injunc-
tion the surplus gas will have to be dir•
ected in another quarter. How would it
do to give "Fin." Scott, TOE Posr and
the town ministers another close?
TOE NEw P.tnx.-A meeting of persons
interested in the purchase of the old
Driving Park was held on Wednesday
evening. After spending considerable
time in the discussion of the subject the
following Board of Provisional
Directors were elected :-Donald Mc-
Lauohlin, Wm. Grieve, Robt. Graham,
R. Leatherdale, D. Strachan, A. Koenig
and F. S. Scott. It is their intention to
epplyfor a charter, push the canvas for
the remaining shores required and secure
thr property to the town. Thereappears
to be an almost unanimous wish that the
Agricultural Society should work in
cordially with this proposition so that
our Fall Shows may bo boomed and their
success for the future not be interfered
with by the counter attraotions of adjoin
ing towns.
Horsy, LICENSES Ix EAST Hnnox.-The
following persons are entitled to receive
licenses for the sale of spirituous and
fermented liquors in the places mention-
ed in the said district of East Huron :
John Brown and John Kennedy, Ford-
wich ; John Lomonby and John Scand•
rstt, Belgrave ; John Askett and Lauch-
lin Campbell, Gorrie ; Robt. McMinn,
Newbridge ; John Goften and Wm. John-
ston, Wroxeter ; Wm. Beirnes and Chas.
Sage, Walton ; John Burton, Ethel ; C.
Dames and J. C. Tuck, Cranbrook ; Thos.
McEwen, Jamestown ; Wm. Ward.
Molesworth ; Koenig te Goebel, Stratton
Bros., T. O'Neil and T. Hall, Brussels ;
Wet. VanEgmond, Constance ; Bol. Mc-
Namara, Leadbury ; Jas. Fulton, Win-
throp ; Thee. Crawford, Dublin ; Ben.
Saulte, Bluevale.
The meeting meeting advertised to be held in the
Council Chamber of Juno 18111 finding
the Chamber occupied for other purposes
adjourned to Hargreaves drug store.
Present -R, Graham, Pros. ; A. Good
and J. R. Grant, Directors, and J. M. Mc-
Intosb. Minutes of meeting held June
4th read and adopted. Moved by A. Good
seconded by J. M. Molntosh That con.
sidering that this meeting' was duly ad-
vertised i11. The Brussels Posr of the 8th
and 16th insia,, and 00 a majority of the
shareholders have absented themselves
from this meeting, we do not think it
prudent to take luny decisive action in re-
gard to the affairs of tiro Maitland Skat-
ing and Curling Rink Co., and that the
Directors, having refused to give their
porsonal bond to the Loan Company for i
the payment of the mortgage, as asked
for, that the Secretary notify the Com-
pany of the decision of this meeting, and
that these minutes be published in the
next issue of Tan Posr.--.Carried.
Trim GEAST Idents. -What about time
whole text of the libel salt ? Why wag
it not published ? Why all this bluster
if he didn't intend to do it ? There wag
always something clroadfnl going to hap-
pen but they do not somehow seem to
materialize. The editor says "It is now
time for our friends to either endorse or
reinldiete the course we have taken,"
"That's: jcat it, Mr. Jenkins, you novel'
had nor novo? could have true Naiads as
you do not live so as to deserve them
and if by some accident you wore to as
Vire such you could 1101 keep them. No,
your would-be friends will, now that tboy
have led you into the fire, allow you to
scramble out the hest you can, Those
who could help yon, you Irmo alienated
long since and tiro fallowing you now
have aro powerless to sustain yon either
=rally or pccuniarly, You aro indeed
in a pitiable plight. You have 'not
wisely but too well' done mho dirty worts
which others dare not do and now you
are oonclernned to eat "crow," repudiated
by all honest, honorable people, Conger.
vative5 and Reformers alike, and desert.
ed by those for whoa yell teeth (willing
to do the dirtiest of dirty erode,
Timm aro n number in town who are
at the present moment liable to be $nod
$20 and costs for neglect in calling upon
Town Clerk F. S. Scott and register
their births, marriages or deaths, We
cannot understand why people should be
so stupid in this matter. It se important
that the vital statielios of every muniai-
pality should be coned. The record of
registration may some day be of great im-
portance and value as a court record.
The municipal clerks in townships,
towns and villages are instructed to pros-
ecute those who neglect registration, and
no doubt some melees citizen will be
made an example of.
Tim GimAI I801AO Dooms.- Thos.
Speer, M. D., Surgeon, d:o., Bead offoe,
St, Thomas, the groat East India physi.
Mau and surgeon, for treatment of eltron-
io diseases and diseases peculiar to
women, for which he le so well qualified,
will bo at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
on Tuesday, Jeno 26th, one day only,
8 a, m. to 6 p. m, Persons suffering from
diseases that have baffled the skill of the
local physicians should not omit this
favorable opportunity of seeing him. He
has been educated in nearly all the best
colleges in Europe, has been in the army
of the United States and the British
army and bas circumnavigated the globe.
Consultation free. Remember the date
and come early. One day only in each
mouth. 80-1
Jnnn,EE,-Lt aocordanoo with announce.
meut the Salvation Army hall a "big go"
on Ssburday, Sunday and Monday
Saturday evening and Sunday's
meetings wore conducted by Mee. Sweet -
Man in the absence of Adjubaub Sweet -
/32021., who wee unable to take part in the
Bervfoes owing to illness, Monday even-
ing an ice cream gonial was given in the
Council Chamber previous to the jubilee
which leas held in the Hall. The ollow-
ing officers with their corps were pmeee nt;
--Capt. Luke and Cadet, Listowel; Capt.
Yerex and Cadet Jordan, Wroxeter
Capt. Mallory and Cadet, Blyth. A1.
though the attendance was somewhat be.
100 the average on such occasions the
meeting was full of enthusiasm which ie
oharaeter]stio of the Amy, The singing
by Blind Jenny, of Clinton, and Capt.
Mallory was well rendered. Capt. Luke
nnado an earnest appeal to those who
were enrolees and indifferent with regard
to their higher intonate. The Adjutant
took charge of 1110 jubilee, supported by
his better half, who pLosso5505 consider-
able ability. Proceeds amounted to $10,
Class ret titian ItrarvyN.
Glencoe bus a hattdsouo new pcstof,
lice building.
Glen. Middleton will inspect the Elia.
gars militia damp.
July the .11th is the date fixed for tlto
Manitoba Provnneial oloetions,
MoGerigle, Ilia Cltioago boodlor, is res-
Golfing at Banff Hot Springs.
Tho Mercier eanditleto was elected in
Chicoutimi and Saguenay Monday.
Parolee, oxpoots 10,000 O0angemot
there at the 12th of July demonstration.
The population of Bent county ie note
41,126 00 eotnparod with 31,2111 in 1887,
no Quebec Logislatut'e Monday p
stinted an address to the Governat'-G
TitoIliglt Court of the Canadian Or;
of Forester,' is to nest in London n
The Half-breed murderers, Gaddy a
Bacotte, were haugod at Regina 1
Hon. Cr If, Tupper, Minister of 111
ine and b'isherios, was elected by ace
million in Piotou.
President Blaine and Broker Cox
to be examined by commission in Buff
regarding Central Bank matters.
On Wednesday nighb last some person
or persons deliberately and maliciously
girdled thirty-five fine maple trees on the
farm of Samuel Patterson, lot 46, eon; 1,
Brantford Township.
Toronto Methodist Conference has a
total membership of 8(',,728, increase,
2,063 ; moneys raised for circuit pur-
poses outside of tnissionnry and minis.
torsi support fonds, $218,000.
A eontraot for tranahippiug between
5,000,000 and 5,000,000 bushels of grain
per annual has been made by the King.
stow and Montreal Forwarding Company
with a wealthy Minneapolis firm.
Nam Council aro coneiderin4 the
taking of a roto for expending 81,700 for
an Industrial Homo, to Ito situated on a
fiftyaore farm between Sandwich and
Amlierstbtug, on the Detroit river.
Itis understood that garrisons for the
forts at Viotoria and Ifsquimalt, B. C.,
will be provided by the Dominion Gov -
'eminent, in return for the Imperial Gov
eminent having supplied the armament.
Moro than 1,726 dozen eggs ware ex-
ported from Eagan to Detroit, by way of
Windsor ferry, on Saturday last. The
cost pride of these eggs, as stated by the
pedlars who took then( to market, was
something over 81,020.
Recent antelope from Bombay state
that produce has been coming in freely,
especially reheat, the receipts of whioh
are 1,125,000 bushels for the week, and
the total since January 1st is now only
800,000 bushels behind last year. The
heavy p'trchasos of one or two large
operators have bad the price up above
the reach of small buyers.
An information was held the outer day
against James Philip, grocer, of Fergus,
for selling goods in his store after the
hour of six o'clock in the evening, in de-
Sanoe of the provisions of the Early
Closing By-law. Mr. Muir, who appear•
ed for Mr. Philip, pointed out fatal de-
fects in the by-law, and consequently the
charge against Mr. Philip was dismissed.
The Galt Reporter says : The old
enemy is bound to have a warm time of
it in the Galt District of the Methodist
Church this next year. Rev. Mr. Iles.
tard has beau appointed to "blister" Him
in Aberfoyle, Rev, Mr. Popper will "pep-
er" him in Linwood, while Rev. Mr.
Salton will make the raw parts smart in
Waterloo 1 More power to their el -
The nest steel steamer for the C.P.R.
lake traffic is to be built at Owen Sound.
She will be 80 feet longer than the Atha-
baska. This will givo a great impetus to
that town as the contractors the Polson
re- : iyZ.7" :7— ,x.101
Celtlirlernb e M:Pt/ t,r BVEn, wets,
ler Full Wltaat 05 1 00
ext Spring Wheel
ud Omits
ast Peas,,,,,• „ ,., „
Butter, tubs and ro11s,. „
tr. .1e, gip) per dozen
la. Flour per barrel..
aro ITV per ton.
Hides per lb
Iron Works Company, of Toronto, are in
correspondence with the Mayor as to
establishinga permanout shipyard and
shops for iron and stool steamers in
Owen Sound.
Henry Murphy, of Rochester, sold a
cow for $30 to a farmer from Gosfield,
and to prevent her from tanning too fast
in driving her home they put a rope on
her horns and then to her foot, and let
her out. The one began to run and fell
wibh her head against the ground and
broke her neck. She died in a few min-
utes. Seeing their bad luck Mr. Mur-
phy gave them back $5.
There is to be seen on lot 0, 6th con-
cession, Matohedash, says the Orillia
Times, a living curiosity. It is a lamb
with a wooden leg 1 The animal's limb
was frozen in early spring, and his owner,
a man of undoubted genins supplied the
need by the dexterous shaping of a piece
of timber. The lamb is quite contented
and will skip around like any other well-
bred lambkin, scratches bis ear with his
wooden log, and behaves in a general
sense, moat comicaIIy.
One of the carriages of Lord Stanley
which arrived on Saturday from Quebec'
and remained at the Canadian Paoifis
Railway depot until Monday is an im-
pressive vehicle. The bottom of the
carriage is similar to the otdinary turn.
outs used hero, with a covered top, but it
ie lung in a peculiar way. There aro
four high steel springs aetaohed to the
axles of the vehicle. The body of mho
Carriage dose not rest on those, but on
leather straps whioh pass 'between them.
The steel syringe resemble enormous
hoops, somewhat flattened. Iu front of
the body of mho carriage is a high seat for
the coachman fully five foot abovo the
main part of the vehicle, and behind is
another neat for the footman away up in
the air, Higher than the front seat. Tho
entire Carriage is gorgeously gotten u
The wheels are massive, with silver plat.
od caps for the hubs, and the body and
boxes are emblazoned with the Stanley
ooat of arms. The appearance of the
vehicle created much interest at the de-
pot. Doubt wee expressed whether the
footman sitting on the basic seat would
get clear under the tolegraph wires over
the attests, 13o0ever, no accidents have
been reported. -Ottawa Journal.
BotroeonN.-On Monday, June 18th, the
wife cif Mr. C. Boworman, Mather,
• of the 1610 corn. of Grey, twin boys,
ono living.
Connex leonn.-At the residuum of the
bride's father on Juno 20(1, by Rev.
John Ross, B,A., Mr. John Currie to
Miss Eliza, yoongest daughter of
Mr, john Robb, both of Morris
Sst'rrzein.--Ab Cranbrook, of Tuesday,
June 10th, Christopher Switzer, aged
&i yeare,13mettle end 27 days.
tn:t:1A.:-P cnzaw'a:-m
nonnnc'rrib OA001110,4,1 rt'n111' 0121412,
l.",‘ 11 Wheat
Spring Wheat
on 1 00
413 60
07 68
Bexley 50 00
Potetoog.,.. .„.,..,.,130 70
'Butter, per lb..,„.„„,1.3 00
Eggs, por dozen.... , 12 00
Apples per bushel 05 00
Hogs, dressed 0 60 7 00
Beef ,........ ....,..,,. 4 50 5 60
Slay „ ...• 8 00 000
Wood, poo' coni,,...,.,,2 50 13 60
Sheepskins, oec:h.... ... 40 35
40 1 00
60 00
48 50
118 70
113 00
11 00
5 00 00
H 00 0 00
4 6,}
Salt per bbl., wholesale,,, 60 80
Sheep skins, each 00 1 00
Wool, per ib. 18 22
Pork 6 25 0 50
nt once to M1BS W. Id. BINULAIII,
coma first served. Apply to J. R.
SMITH, at A. M,Molfay & Cols Store.
dant, or to trade for young driving
horse. Apply to MOI0AY & Co, Hardware
Moroharbe, Br's sole, Ont. 00.3.
of Boit Wood Ranted at Mrs. Shiel's
Brick Yard, Brussels. Wood must be - do.
ityerod at ohne. JOHN CARTER,
50.1 Manager,
undersigned will hoop 31 thorough-
bred Durham Bull for service on lot 30,
con, O, Morris. Tonne 81.00 'with prlv1loge
of returning if ueeeesury. JAB, SPANK,
Proprietor. 31-311
Ens will bo r000lved up to the 2011,
inst. for the erection of .awoodshed at the
Schoolhouse In S.S. No. 3, Grey. Plans and
specifications may be soon et the house o/
the undersigned on lot No, 9 8th ooneesslon
Grey, June 13. 49.2 See, for Trustees.
O N LY Until t tho 0006 further yTet
Jersey hull will bo 82A0 pap.
S2,able at limo of eogvioo w1001 mho
00 prtvllsge of returning (1t voaas-
p H
envy). Tho above applies to
CA S wilt be 56,00 O eh ersoys which
G. A, DEADSIAN, Druggist, &o„ Brussels,
Ontario, 40 -
saloin the totrinship o (+aro Morrie anill
Muti0lop. Apply to A, DE00GATTY, CO.
Auot(onoer,Erltesels P. 0.
son 5)1.11 at a bargain. Par full part
blotllars as t0 price, 100nttOn, etc„ apply to
W. E. D1OTOWN, 8-tf
cupied by 01.. 2)eaui, Mill street present
stable, roll, oto. Ileac moderato, Also
eotntodious storehouse in roar of Postollice
lately occupied by Mr, Rod:Holt
37- J. 1t. GRANT,
farm, being lot aeon. 13,• Grey Township
Heron Co., fox sale. There aro about 50
acres cleared and In good heart. There is ft.
log house, good bank barn, beating orchard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
premises, For further particulars, as to
prion, terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOS.HISLO», Clare P. 0., N.N.T.. or to
taming 100 acre , I5 is partly cleared �tfio
balance wall timbered. A never failing
°reek Crosses tho place and /big well adapPt•
ed for either farming or grazing. Iwilllike-
wisese1140eores, being east part 01101 14,
ooa,10, nearly all °leered and in a good
state o1 cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable underneath and a
never failing 'Toll is also on the Place- Fos
further particulars apply to the proprietor
on mho ulnae. This lot is opposite tho oth-
er GBORGE AVERY, Proprietor, 1.01
n nolle ma offers for sale the north
east quarter of lei 25, o011000 ion 0, Morris,
County of Ruron, containing 50 aeras. The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and elder -drained,
45 acres cleared. New frame house, B rooms,
mills house with °microbe walla, 2 wells,
good barna and shed orchard, etc, Eight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels, Suit-
able terms Will bo given. Title perfect,
JAMES G1.0IEVE, Owner,
36. Pox 258Brussets 1'. 0,
Morris, an reasonable terms. In order
bo olooe the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Hin6'ston, the oxeoutors offer tho fol-
lowing valuablo lauds for solo North
half of Lot 30, Concession 0 Township of
li.torris,containing 00 nerds. On this lot is
555005d a good irate barn with e10n0 foun-
dation, good orobard, well au clputp, Near-
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
This farmisiitvalu the
ones is wellriooead
and in a good state Of 0nitivatiou, For
prices and terms apply to TF1'OS. I01LLF,
Brussels P, 0„ aIsLtIuMs
JExxrx82,. Victoria
Pn0., bt ddlesex County names, •Maple Lodge
c. -A Arst-class teem for solo iu the
Township of Morris in the County of Heron
both touch halt of north halt lots 20 & 2d
and south half of 25 in 010 0011., ootitaiufug
200 sores morn or less, 125 ae1e0 mostly
clear of stumps and in a good state of oniti-
nation. Therein a young bearing orohard,0
good house and hank barn OS x OO feet with
stone stable underneath. Tho farm is situ-
ated within a mile of filo Village of Brussels
and is e.good fora for grain or 1110011 rale.
ing as it 'intend with the river Maitland
and never failing spring Drools. Possession
wall he given at any time, 03'or further par-
tioulare apply on mho promises or to A. h..
10013]014013014, Brussels, P. 0. 5.11.
TheExooutors of tho estate of the Tato
WILWAtr Moonitr, EsonIoo, do0oaned, n0w
offer the following valuable lands for sale,
vie, 4 -The north hair of lot 27, and the west
half of the north halt of lot 28, both in tho
Otto OOuooesiot Of Oho Township [of Morrie,
Cmtnty of Buren, containing 150 00100,
About 110 acme oro Oloared and in good
condition, the greater part being in grans.
The balance is well tlnbared,l oniony with
b000h and maple,
Th10 farm i5 tavorabiy tltnate ,1 witirilt ono
mile of 1315 village c1 Brussels, whioh affords
an excellent market, There is upon bhe
pr5031508 a goad tramp barn and house nu
°ra mid of goad
fruit Woe, n novor toiling
spring, alio a good wall mud S3lut and good .
Vita property will he sold in one or
two puerile, to suit intending perellasoro.
Ptrroltngerwffl bo allowed to enter and have
UM of been on promigos at any Limo after
h are oat and to 10 fall plowing, VIIII 3)05500-
51on wi11 be given et let November next.
Poo terms end further particulars apply
to the undersigned Executors], or to Joni
M0oiE1',1050, Br1100ols, 000, 11
ll Yea iu .0 yfU05, j llxaon'rono,
Dated at Brussels, Jeno 1010,1880, 00,
i1IciNT0s1I ,C 112nTA.GGAIIT,
BANKERS •;• 131111S871LS
Transact et General Banking
1101115 DIS00UNT14D,
Canadian and Mat,al 8 bites Drafts bought
and 00(1.
Iaiorott allowed eh deposits.
Collections nettle on favorable teruts,
Canadian Agents--,11eu8l,n,'e BANG Or
Not, Yolk Agents-Iar)' lvr':ns AIM Tsai,
Ens NATren/. beim.
STNOLAIR,,Ni adStouOorryLuIF0O0u0bI11lTton-
•OOrnnmyeoroklargreeves' Drug Store. privy t0 Runde to
J. Rofioltor'and Notary Pnblio. Oon.
coyanoittlt, Collections and Loaning. Mr.
Trade will attend in Ltorrie every 1Yrdnee-
day at two o'oloek.
(Late 01011 Darrow &Pxv1udl0ot, Oedo-
r(ch) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
.ie, Office, Grant's Block, Brussels. Mortar
to loan.
R. S. HAYS. W.73. DI(11001 .
�Ile. TAYLOR, 13, 0. L., 13AR.
. Armen, Solloltor, &D.' of the Arm of
D(okson 41 Taylor,
Solicitors, am, Ala ming Aromlo, Xing Street
West, Toronto. Money to loan.
the Fourth. Divyiision O ourt, Co, Heron,
Oand Insurance Notary
Funds' invested Soul and
ho loan, Oo,l0otlone/undo. Ofiioe Iu Gra
ham's D leak, llrnesols.
WM, F. OAIJE, M. D., O. M.
Member of the College of Physl,lans and
Surgeons of Cnemis by. oxamluat(oei,
011rioavdltesidauo—Stuinet. East,Etha
C.M., 21,10. 0. P. Edinburgh, M. 0, P.
S. Ont, At Hargreayos' Drug Store front
0' to 11:00 o.m, and front 1:30 to 4 p, m. At
other ]tours luny be found at the residence
fortoorly occupied by Dr, Mitchinson,
Mill street.
I>3821 TI OT.R y.
O. L. Hall, L. D. S., Honor Graduate anti
AI. 11, 0.,D. S. Toronto, Vitalized Air given
B.13, Merles, D. D. 8., Assistant Operator
Oy110E—Meyers Block, Seafortb.
A1F.TY :L I.aT,
517,0, Foar,L,D 8, Graduate of To-
ronto Sobool of Dentistry. All opor-
atione guaranteed. OAloo-Ondy'e
13100k, Saatortll,
Arb10oial tooth, Aratquallty, ands
guaranteed nt, for 812.00 per set,
DIE1t TI15T.
a .0., 21..C.A.R'i'107, 7� �, 3,,
Donor Graduate of the Boys' College of
DeGteadminister dforrthoo,ttainlesss'extrac-
of teeth.
OPI'0t' E.—tlnrnald ttlnak, 1l1tvg91:1Ls.
lA ane Auctioneer. Sales conducted on
reasonable torte, farms and farm stock a
specialty, Orders loft at Tun Posr Publish-
ingllouse, Brussels, or gout to Welton post
office will r000ive prompt attention,
tho shortest prepared
d to specialty mads of
sales of thorough -brad stook. Torte made
ns own bo
pwliere orders mays be loft,Publish-
adorers to Brussels P 0.
• Isa(ways ready 00 attend sales of
farms, farm stools, &o. Torras ollaortully
ranged 0 tan Tills Pos!n Sales
Hot se,
7 W . of Marriage Licenses, OAiee at his
Grocery,Tnrnberry Strout,
00 'Harm and Organ. Terms on appli.
and liridayant611nirs, D.mCampbell''a,111 altos
• Artist. Shop, next floor south of A.
hi.Ofaltay as 005, hardware store. Ladles'
and ohildi en's Hair oubting a specialty,
A choioo stook of oiaars koitt,
1,3.0 tinge 211001)008, by appointment of
Lieet-Goyornee ComntiOeionor, &0., Q. B.
0enyoyaaool•anslAgent Piro 1:nsuranee Cr.
01110e at tho OranbreokPoot OIG°D.
and Ornamental Painter, Graining,
Gilding, Sign end Do0Orative fainting in all
its branohos, Shop Blinds done vie in style.
Paper flanging to epoeialty. Shop 0150 door
South of J, Buyers' Carriage Werke.
a Gt•aclttatoof the Ontario Veterinary
Coils a has resumed tbo 10151ioo Of ,John
P0tt,V,S,,and isprepared to treat all die
eases of domeseioatorl animals on sol000llt0
oadappravod principles, Troatnlontof del.
mato reale a streoialty 01200 two doors
North of Bridge, Turnberry s tree t,
to suitable parties, amore with Com-
fortable and eommodiotls dwelling, Good
sellar, •i
novo of garden in bearing ap Phos,
gMmallfrultO. Good stable. 'hila'
constitutes ono of the beet nominee In On.
tufo far to good harnoss.maker, befog in the
Centro 00 a 5000d34 farming 000510n. Near-
est opposition Bluggolg, 7 11111 co' Listowel
Unties. Aunt O'er terns to D, tn. 0317,52',,
On tho premises, lil'rra.L, 20,