The Brussels Post, 1888-6-15, Page 8PAZ, GREEN* VLXSUS - POTATO BUGS I T can supply you with the hest English Paris Green for the protection of your Potato Vines. Guaranteed to give satisfaction 'Wllell used according to directions. G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, bookseller, and Fancy Goods Dealer, Brussels, NO REMEDY gives knoll universal eatisfaotion as the GOU.111 REMEDY manufactured in Seafortll, called LUM51)EN& WILSON'S—s-, p°N°NN' fc aI Ol car&ted Balsam of Fir Its wonderful virtues have created it demand for the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 80 els. 17 -Gros. GRAND TRiUNR RAILWAY. SOLT11E14N ExroesION, W. G. dr 13. E. Traiusleave Brussels Station, wort and south as follows:— Citing South. Going North. Ma.II 71020.m, I Mixed 0'30 a.112Lxpreee......11:45 a.m. Mall 8:06 p.m Mixed 8150p.1u. I Express 0:45p.ni WErtal Rehmt.cins, A chiel's amaug ye talon' notes An' faith he'll Arent it. Hoe Biscuits. ADAM Goon. Corny Comer in session this week: Sri Tons pure Manilla Binding Twine at 13. Gneee's. 48. OGuvie's fanned Manitoba Floor for sale at Tuo2sox's. 48. Vieemot Square never wag in better shape than at present. TEIETEExpoundsof the best granulated sugar for $1 at Thomson's. 47 - CASES of Wigwams, Slippers.Plow S11oe8 rcccived, very Cheap. AAn11t Goon, Ones000 and lemons 25e. per dozen. Pine apples 20e. at Coats' Grocery. 47 W. 11. Wri.sox is putting his house east of the foundry in a thorough state of repair; Afro quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln, Brussels, for 11 cents a 'Mahal. IV, P. Ramer, Prop. WM. BL•tsnELL is at tending the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Order of Foresters this week at Ilamilton. Ow1xr, to lengthy notices of Guelph conference, and Huron Co. Council several matters of interest are crowded cut. A LITToE daughter of Alex. d'amieson's died on Monday morning and was buried on Tuesday. the parents have the sym- pathy of their Mende. JOSErn LA= has disposed of his house and lot on Plore. street to John Angus. Mr. Laird and family will, probably, re- rIovo to California before long. "Caunisms."—This well known stallion, the property of George Whitely, of Sea - forth, will be at the Central Hotel stables, Brussels, on Tuesday nights and will re- main until 11 a.m. Wednesday during the mason. 47.4 Tma big time at the Salvation Army barracks, Brussels, is expeoted on Satnr. day, of this week, acrd Sunday and Mon- day of next week. Adjutant and Mrs. Sweetman and representatives from the neighboring 0o1Z1s are expected to take part in 1110 proceedings. TInI Entertainment Committee on be- half of the Cricket Club dcsiro to return their hearty thanks to the ladies and gentlemen trlio so kindly e081000). them gentlemen their aerogram on the 5th Inst, Also • ucoro thanks to the members of Brussels Band for their valuable aid: A xxw awning Ilan beou put up by he. Broadtoct. PEST 112130111110 Oil and Binding Twine at 33. Gnnne's, 48. Pr-cr,.trr01s 20e„ P111110s 15e, per quart. Cheap. A. Good. 411 Tumor wee no service in Melville ohnroll last Sabbath evening. GET yam: Binding Twine before it is all gone, 33, Garay. 48 - Miss 1. E, Kann arrived home from Da8hw00d last Monday, Mos. Grou0r .SSANDER., of Flint, 14ticli., is visiting with her parents in Brussels. A New sign "Brussels 'Woolen Mills, Bowe a Co," bas boon paiuted on the factory, Peen I1,130, of Hamilton, was fu town last week. Ile talks Boma of r0turuiug to Bru8eola, COLONEL A30)21:n paid 130088013 an official visit last weep and inspected the armory of No, 5 Co. .i0>r,A 1131030 In Crockery and Class - write. Finest white Granite Seta import- ed $2 at Thomsons, 47- A summit of our tolvliseeoplo will tako advantage of the excursion to Toronto on Friday of tbis week. Tun energetio captain of No..1 Com- pany is fast gutting his mel: enrolled for camp at Stratford next week, Geo. Menem, a student at 1)cntietry, i8 in town thla week on a visit to hie brother E. A. Martin, L. D. S. TEE Enterprise Salt 'Mirka ,83114 con- siderablo difficulty lseepinl/ pace with their orders as the salt turned out is of a superior quality. 1Vu3T struck that post , ,3111 int stlga- tion busiuess we hove heard so much about lately? It somehow failed to ma- terialize, Funny isn't it? D. 1C. E DWARDS and wife and Mrs. Stow- ell, of Los Angelos, Cal., were visiting at S. Rivers this week. Thoy aro making a holiday trip among old friends. MEET TOWN started for Winnipeg last Wednesday per 0, P. R. where he ex- pecte to make his Moine for the future. We will be pleased to hear of Lim doing well in the !Vest as bo deserves to suc- ceed. Tree Goderich Caledonian Society beat all the preliminary arrangements made for their annual games on Taly 2ncl, and are counting on a big day. Pull par- ticulars will be gleaned by reference to their programs. LAST Monday Wm. Blashill sr. passed away after a brief illness at the advanced age of 75 years. He bad enjoyed good health and was a great worker for an old gentleman. The funeral took place 011 Wednesday afternoon. Tea postponed garden party of the I, 0. G. T. will be held nest Tuesday even- ing, June 19111, on Dr. Moleaughtoe's grounds. Ice cream will be served, Pro- gram to consist of musical and literary selections. The well known 33rue8018 Baud will be in attendance. Tun Livermore (Cas.) Herald of May 81st says in speaking of a former Brus- selite who learn8d the "Art preservative" in commotion with Tun Pose : W. F. Scott, foreman of this ofiieo clearly pair. el his claim to the title of champion all- around athlete of the Paeliio Coast, at the Caledonian games at Caldani last Saturday, 8o WW1 nine first, one second and three third cash prises, the total amounting to a trine over a hundred dollars. How> s "wonderful" show has come and gone and was denominated by many who saw it a fraud. Their stay en Bros. sols was not a very profitable one, we Imagine, and the sooner the public "MP' on these hind of shows the better. The usual accompaniment of "shell" trick- sters was 011 hand and salted a number in this looalitr, We have no sympathy to lavish on the individuals who try to beat a man ethics own game. We thiuk, however, that any local man who will "cap" for these gamblers and thus lead the unwary into a snare is a smaller individual than the proprietor of the table. The show went to Millbank from Brussels. 08116ET Noses.—Harry Dennis goes with the Listowel club to Philadelphia and New York next week. --The Listowel Banner in speaking of last.week's match with Brussels says 1-0010 cricketers went to Brussele last Thursday to play e, match with the 3311108018 club and met with the first defeat they have load for a long time. Their oppouente had a strong team whilst i•1x of Lietowel's players were colts. Only one innings each was playod, Brussels getting forty-two runs and Listowel thirty-eight. Tho Stand- ard says :-.11110 Listowel cricketers vf8it. col Brussels last week, and experienced their first defeat this season,—The Port Elgin club is playing the home teats as 'o go to 131098, It one to T1sr:nn Will be no service in Knox the ''doral: nest 5111)1)0.111, 17th in8t„ but elm Rzbbath School will be spell as usual. dor 1,1r, Knoehttil .n anacancad 80 address the a s! 'he »metin g 1T'cd esday, ties 20th end J. mato Betz on Wedl:u"day, 2701, inst.,George Gra Iii»bio tel 13131 ilio chair each evening. the Rev. (1, Branson Howie leaves town thin cart week f,0 e. few days. llonte-r Gw avnxci an,l eaules Nllnnlo, f McKillop, came out for a day's fishing. 153•. rind Mrs. Janes Scott, of Roxboro', parents of stirs. James Grieve, and Archy Scott, r,f Scott Bros., Seafofth, also paid vis1t9 'They all made their home with Mr. and Mrs. Grieve dosing their stay. if you want any potlatch' on how to lift ..11(1 /and a spookiest trout havo i, talk with ;Minnie. TM:air is fall of moon about n big ack bear hemi 68511 along the Maitland near Alex. Lelgatty's. The local 11inero4s w0T0 i1 hot pursuit but have not succeed. rd in capturing lane. Handy got a shot int him but the facet of it oceans to bo that ',ruin enjoys the sport and is supposed to kayo c o':sed the gravel road near thetown to rohmnto amusement to tho ileo. pie of the Rh tonof Morrie, " F310 ttho, epcct to bear from his bearshfp again. resp Bacons/mi.— On Wednesday, 27113 inst. $80. the Boot Minn Farmers' Inetitttto will $181 run an excursion to Guolph where tho day ing will be spent at tho Ontario Agricultural by o (.'ollege. Thin will afford tho farmers of anen this locality a splendid opportunity of tho Boeing for 1113 11001v08 this much taikcd of C of institution and as the President, Prof. 1 by Millis, is 133.81.0 of fho excursion funning cliai ss'erytlling will be (lotto to make tho stay 1 guar at the Royal city pleasant and profit- ablo. Low rates have boon 800nred from rho 0;' T. 11. and tho excureioni803 ab13.)11 hav0 from 011t 10 o'clock a, m. until after 0 p. ul, to look about them; Jivery- bodyy sllotild arrango to go. 1:''hrthcepar. , That tiotherm will be given Beat week, collo( A GOOD story is told on our postmaster.postmaster.seems James Broadfoot, of the Eonn- y Restaurant, ran into Cm post office get change for a $5 bill. Mr. Grant s busy with 0110 o1' two other parties at time nod after Banding out tho ngo from the proceeds of an1011ey or. he was issuing, turned around to get amp and forgot to lift tho V. A tow es after (loss than five) Si1n0n n0, his brother, finding the money on floor as=.ed hits whet was the proper 180 to take. Ho advised advert'eiag it and tvas straightway proceeding to do so, when ascertaining that the lnon0y was found in the P, 0. immediately be. fore, it dawned upon bins, it was tine $u" 11e dict not got for tho ohnugo and which had blown off the wicket. IIe verified it by counting his cash and of coat',1e claim. ed and received tho lnls6ing note. Since the above was written we hone that cer- tain bnsy.bodioa Ism tried to make e, point Ont of tide. Bettor mind your own business if you have any and 11 don't med- dle with what closer not concern you. ]1IIs la :,a_=.--La8t Tuesday (vcni0g tho 5th annual mooting of the Brasile Branch of the Women s Foreign 'Miss- ionary Sooiety was held i11 Knox Church. Itov. dem. Rose, 33, A. occupied the chair and gave a brief review of the worst Accomplished eiuco the inauguration of Society in 1884, The receipts of tho ;active yeah were, 885.05 in 1804 ; i)4 in 13385 ; 8128.52 in 1880 ; and 45 in 1887. Tho following intore8t- program toad then proeented t--MUBio vitt little girls ; :!:Report of the 121)11 al mooting of the wo0tern nation of Women's Foreign Miesionery Soddyon roman, (told 111 Guelph, On April 1101, 13/ Ira, Maloolm ; music by Knox elmeoh r ' reoitattion by W. 33. Dickson ; totic 1137i8se8 Stawart,ltoss, Wilson rind Alexander ; paper on Missions by Ms, Deadman ; music by Melville aura choir ; recitation by Aggio Shiol; address by Roy. 0.33. lfowtc; music by eight littlo girle ; rcatlintt,g by Charles on mem by Knox church cluck' ; .tion and 73anedin0iou, THE BRUSSELS POST AINI1 151, 1888, Tams up the Dominion flay celebration, COTTAGE to rent, also rooms over A. 11. Smith's store Inas. fermium, hams Buns, of 1110 Ltmknow Sontl- nel, sotto and cilildi'en were in town hist Tu65003'. A much needo4:rain fell Saturday and Sunday. With warm weather uow growth will be very vivid. A number of our oitiz0118 visited Sea - forth during the past week to attend the 80310iem8 of Guelph Confortmee, T1n1 County Sabbath School Con- vention 8011m011oe5 its session iu Exeter on Tuesday of next week. A good pro- gram is pr8pared for the mooting. ISM. FArnrrlor,n, of Wingliam, Inas ahargo of A. I3auslaugh's photo,' gallery during the absence of the proprietor. ON Thursday 0Ulan 00;11144 Sturdy, from MOKillop, Rab fined $8 and omits for assaulting his neighbor named Paisley. The eaeo was tried before Reeve Me- Crsoken. A Co1PL11 of 33ruse018 youths were n before the beak for defacing fences with p0olcc0 knives, Tido should be a warning to all others as the authorities are deter. mined to put a stop to this kind of work. Nem Tuesday afternoon, at 2:80 o'clook, the Directors of the Agricultural Society and the shareholders in the 11010 Park will meet in the Council Chamber and decide about the ground, A full attend. once desired. B. Gsnpx and Councillor Graham went to Guelph last Monday on the railway delegation concerning the proposednortb• ern route of the 0. 1. 31. The Guelphites are very non -committal and leave it all to the C. P. R. Rev. A.. D, PhD omen, of Seafarth,. preached a very able sermon in Knox Church last friday aft0r110on at 2.80, The CO 11111211111011 80lvlee was held on Sunday. Rev. G. Bowie proaohiug both morning and ovoniug. On Monday Rev. Mr. Mo(2aarrie, of iViogbam, proaolled. Canadian News. Lord Lansdowne bas cabled 450 for the Hull sufferers. The burned -out families of Hull aro in want of assistance. The new C. P. R. bonds aro now quot- ed at four per cent. premium: There will be trouble hereafter in gutting insurance companies to taste risks in Hull. Tho Bruce Herald says that Tiverton contains only one ratepayer that does not belong to some ssoret society, He must feel lonely enough to sock ro lodge in some vast wilderness. Last Friday evening while Robert Eng- lish, one of the most wealthiest and most prominent farmers of Burnt River, and his son were placing traps for wood- chucks, the son mored along the river bank unknown to his father. The father seeing his brown hat beside a bush, and mistaking it for a woodchuck fired 1n- stantly killing his son. The charge hav- ing lodged in the stead. The fathor is almost prostrated with grief. The Dundalk Herald has the following light account of a serious affair:—Sandy McAuiey and S. Beamisb had a little en- counter with each other on Proton street laat Monday, in whioh the two combat- ants became very much enamored with each other, huddling together and grasp. ing 0110 another to their bosoms. Mc- Auley took a fancy to lleamish, and when his mouth came near to Beamisb's faro 11e bit therefrom about an inch and a half of fiosh, widening hie mouth to that extent. When the fun was over a dootor wits called in to stitch up rho mouth of 33eami0h, whose knuckles were skinned and one finger put cub of joint. Sandy got a black eye in return for the bite, and several other little bruises that made up for his 000 great familiarity. F00030 TUB GUEST 11888gni'=53 '1'O C:EI'IISEHHAIiS, Tho following is a synopsis of Rev. G. 13. Howie's address last Sabbath evening : "And as they wore eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it and brake it an$ gave it to his disciples and said take oat this is my body. And Ile took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying, drink yo all of it for this is my blood of the 11813 Testament whioh is shed for many for the remission of sins." Some 8113 days boforo tho cruoifiotion our Lord came from the far North or .!last and entered Josuealem on tho fist day of the week. It woe on this occasion that he was mot by tho nlultitadc which cried out "Hosanna to the Son of David : blessed is IIe that oomoth iu tho name of Iho Lord," It was on this eventful clay that He entered the temple and cast out all them that sold and bought in the house of Gocl. On Tuesday, thleo clays before Use cruoifictiou, our ,Lord WOO standing boforo tho whole Jowieh 11ior. =ay tvho had assembled together for the purpose of plying sum with gneetione hoping thoreby to find soma cause where- of they could a00use Hine. It was 011 this =argon that the Lorcl pronounced. tho eight woes against the Sc1'ibos and Pharisees. The Wednesday following was a rest day and on Thursday, the 1:lth day of Ilio month, tbo Lord partook of tho pa88over fu tho tippet chamber with His disciples, during the 0our80 of which feast He gave to hie peopl8 of that day and tide clay also, an ideal mostpreoions. It woe also at thio time that tho Lord Savo ut0oranoo to tho di8cours0 com- mencing with "Lot not your heart bo troubled ye ',olive in Goat bolicvo also lh m0, &c.1 Tho time w110 1103. feet drawing hoar when the Lord would bo taken cootie's) and11011 away to bo eruof. food. 'Whet 3.o have bean taught to nail the Lord's sapper was hero instituted. 311 A148 now already Tato in the evening tvhon Alas and Isis disciples loft tho upper room and l'otr'acod their stops aoroOS the brook Ilodron to filo Mount of 0livos in the Garden of Gothsolnano, Josue then loft Ilis dl8ojple8 tholes and went a little Author on to bo Mono and 3.105110 with His heavenly father in prayor and as Ho p1ay01, being in ani agony, Ile said Fath. or if it bo p1oseible let this 0114 pose from me, novorthclese not my will but thine bo done and tlloro appea1cd au angel un. to hint atrongtherling 11im. "To that fool Um tempter's. 1)owor. Co to dark (lothsomano, Your 11,edeolnor's conflict eon Watch with Him ono bitter hour," "Jesus coming to His disoiples found them asloop and said unto them could yo not wattcn With me ono flour, '43188011 and pray therefore lost yo enter into tompteti0n, Coming tho Second time Ito found then) steleop and now 'wee the proof fulfilled, "Illavo trodden the wino. mesa Menlo and of the people. tltm'e was none With me. Coining the thud liouo arid finding them aslo8p Ito solidi unto thous "Sleep on now and take your root behold the hour 18 at hand ain't tho Son of Man is bother/dicta tho boucle of sin- ners, rise let 110 bo going Witold he is at hand that doth betray me," and lvhilo he yet smoke, Midas, one of 111e twelve, cause and with hint a great menial/10 with swords and staves and Judas with a profane kiss botr'ayod the Masten', for 110 had beforehand said 'ehoeoever I kiss that mains is IIs, In a ehorl time after this event Jesus was standing beforo Au' nias, the deposed high priest but yet very powerful, aril hove was commenced the settee of examinations, abuse and iusu118 the Lord un4orweab while He was boing examined before Caiphas, the aotual high10i00t. 'What do we find boing enacted in the court without ? Peter in ilio at of 'denying his Lnrd, the disciple sotto said, "though T -should die with Thee yet will I not deny Thee," and the Lord turned and looked 011 Peter. Wbat a look ! how it must have pierced into tho inmost 0001 of Peter; what confusion of mind it must have wrought, no wonder he hasten081 out and wept bitlorly. Potor bad just risen from the Lord's table. Ilavo any of you fallen in the way Peter ,lid ? I need not tell you that you have not holed your Lord hi words, but have you domed Him in will, in pnrp000, or deed ? "Let hits that tlyinketh he staudoth tako heed tlleref010 lost he fall." Now Caiplla6 and the chief priests and elders sought falso witness against Jesus to put Him to death but found none and it seminal l yet that Jesus was to escape unharmed, Caiphas couldn't bear tho thought and up he rise; and addresses Jesus, "Now I call on no witness, I appeal to your hon• esty and piety, are thou the Christ Um Son of God ?" There were times when the Lord could let cirouuletanoes and evonte answer all question= put to him, but now ho coofeeses and Paye, "Thou hast said, nevertheless I say unto you horeaftor shall ye see the Son of 11fan sitting fn the right Hand of power and coming 10 the clouds of heaven." Then said Caiphas, honoring to his colleagues, what further need hove we of witnesses, behold new ye have heard Him blaspheme and they answered He is guilty of death. Though He was condemned to death yet had no assembly of Jo1v8 the power to put to death so they took him to Pilate, the Roman governor, and obtained his consent. Now they, who only six days before had hailed Josue crying "Hosanna to the son of David," were now thirsting for His blood, They denied the Holy One and Just and desired a murdorot granted unto them instead and Pilate then said, "What shall I do with t111s Jesus which is palled Christ 2" and they cried, "Crucify Him! crucify Him 1" and Pilate said "I am innocent of the blood of this just person see yo to it," and they 131183.011031 rho blood be on us and our children and so this prayer has been fearfully answered. Then Jesus Wag scourged again and bruised and bleeding as he 1118, wall forced to carry the boavy cross upon which he was to be crucified to ilio place called Golgotha. Men they arrived et Golgotha the cross was placed flat on the ground and the Lord was strotohed on it and tho nails driven iuto His hands and feet, it was now Ho was heard to call "Fatbor forgivethom for they know not what they do 1" :Chea the soldiers lifted the cross upright and with as inuo11 violoneo as they could bring to beer dashed it into the hole in the ground prepared for it. From this position the Lord loons and spies the blessed Virgin'lvlary and says unto her "Woman behold thy Sou 1" the belov- ed disoiplo John, who was standing close by Then turning to one of the thieves that was crucified with Him, who repont. ing asked for mercy said unto him to -day thou shalt bo with me in Paradise. How marvellous even on tho cross the Lord speaks and dispenses blessings, The chief prieste and elders and those who went and came reviled Him saying "Thou who destroysth the temple and 111 three daye bnildeth it up again save thyself and come down from tho cross." "He saved othors &o." There was fulfilled the prophecy. All they that see me laugh me to scorn, they shoot out the Hp and 8110118 their heads saying He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him let Him deliver Him 808i11g he delighted in Him. Again the Lord spooks when dark• ne85 has covered the land, "My Clod 1 &o." Then a ray of light comes to the soul of the crucified Lord an(1 Ho ex- claims, "Father into, ,ho." Novortheless they that mocked Him still remained unrepentant and under tho miring aftcl'- noon sun of ilio East the Lorca still hangs to the tree. Heesam.tves—McL.tnsee—In Paisley, on the 7th inst., by Rov. S. Johnston, Mr. W. A. Hargreaves, of Toronto, to Miss Ida, nice of Dr. MoLorcn, of Paisley. =z00% BLAsono ,—It, Brunets, on Juno Iltb Win. Blasboll sr„ aged 73 yearn, and 0 months. 3AMIr05021,--In Brussels, on the lith hist„ lasso Gertrude, daughter of Alex. Tamierou, aged I yoar, 8 months, 25 days. COlte0CTED CAI,EFULLY EV11111! WEEK, Fall Wheat 011 08 Spring Wheat 90 1 00 Oats 48 00 Pens ..1 05 70 Barloy 60 70 Potatoes .. 60 70 13t1tt033-per lb' 10 00 Eggs, por dozen 12 00 Apples, per bushel 05 00 Hogs, dvoesed ...... , , 6 60 7 00 Beef 4 50 r 50 *Ha0 Wool, por cord 2 50 3 0 0 50 Shoopskins,oa031 ,... 40 75 Msa,'aysM 1x,s avrai-aaast=rmies, eenn107nn ('13111,7111,113. nelorr mama Fall 'SVhoat ..,. ,,,, 911 98 Spring Wheat ... 00 1 00 Barley 50 70 Oats .. 48 50 Loan 00 70 Butter, tubs and rano., , , 113 14 !Cgs per d0zon ' 12 00 Flour per barrel,.,,,,.,,• 5 00 00 Potatoes ,, ... Y,0 60 Flay per toot,,,,,,,,,,,,; 8 00 i) 00 Ilidos por lb, 4 riaSalt Ism: bbl., wholeeale", , 60 80, Shoop 033010.,,,,,,skins, 00 1 00 Wool, per ib ' 18 22 Toric,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,, 0 25 O 831 TOE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Q1-101) TO It0NT,—APPI317 TO L./ 33 II. A, 31.45311 5, L.11.8, clEIiVANT WANTBD..—APPLY et 0006 to M111 W. 3t. SINCL.AIR, HES I++Olt SAKE,— PI1IST Como first e01ve1L A'+ply to J. 11, 80,11T0.8, nt.t, AI, leoif,ay & Co.'s Store. ITLL I'01t SERVICL--TUE uudlrslgned w1I1 lceoi a thor',ugtu• luod Derham 111,11 for Berrie° On lot 00, on, O, Morris. Terms 01.00 with prhilogo of returning if 110888sary, JAS, 14110I8, Proprietor, 114.31 n END7r s,—SEALED TEND• 1.:ue 3.111 bo r000h'od up to tbo 3ot1t Settoolltoueo li S.8 tNo,3, woodshed xltplans niid epooineations may be aeon at tho honso of the uodoreignedno lot No, 2, tali concession of Grey. ALEXAICDER 61>1313ABT, Grey, Juno 13, 40-0 ace. for Trustee r. 1/�'AIT'LAND RINK. --A GEN. oral mooting of the shareholders of the Maitland Skating and Curling Bink Co, of am seek is hereby oalle,1 for Mo;;mu', Jinn 10111, 030 s o'clock p. m„ in alto Connell Cil amber, 13russols, to consider the adt'lo• ability o1 disposing or tbo rink and trine' action of goner 1.1 business. J. 13A1tU1t1:AVLH, 110DT. (111A3IAM, Secretory, President ([r'O C0iTRArpOftn I ; Tontine will 1,o reo,dvad at the presby. torlan Manes, Wooton, op 0111 lilosntr, tiro UP day 0(Juav, for the painting and ri psirtng aY Duff's 00, arch, Spoclgoations may be eoe11 at the in ansa, Tao Managers do not bind 13108100180010 acnesi,, tho lowest or an tender, JA111(3 HMILLIL, -23.s Sooretary, N LY i'niit further 11otlao the 0ost of Service of my Tliorongh.brod ��,�� ,Ter soy Pull will be WOO par• nbl010 time of sorvioo 11th the p 117), gp h rabs,e tit cocoa - 0 yy eery). Cho above implies to 131 A 9Y will b45 00 Cnob ersoya whiph G. A. DEADSIAN, Druggist, &0., Brnsesla, Ontario 1e. 1'= b LAS, (, from the Waemo Roott Of the Grand Trunk Railway Co., Baussoee, an advert tfsiug oard, "Battle of Sedan." Any per - eon giving Information as will lead to the conviction of tho thief will bo maitabiy rewarded. Apply to • T. G. DAVEY, Manager London Advertising Co. or AGENT G. T. 11., B10Cs8133s. REAL ESTATE= 01Iz)OBTn]LE DWELLING 5021 BALE at a bargain, Por Intl part Maulers as to price, location, oto., apply to 'SV.13.1)103i80N, 8-tf OUSE AND LOT POB SALE Brussels. to Rent ltouso in Isu 11 (3 Blood Dart of rivals. For further parbiolllars apply 00 A. J. LO mow, 1rosaols, or to It, HPARLINO, Winghn m. 38. TLToUSL TO BENT. --THAT comfortable pottage at present 00• ospiod by E. Beam, 11111 etraet. Large 10t, stablo, ,roll, oto. Rent moderato, Also commodious storehouse in rear of Postoifiso lately occupied by Mr, Roddick. 37- J. It. GBANT, �IABMFOR HALE ,—T13E SUP• oilers oovaluable oo11.18Grey onshp Enron Oo,, for salo, Thrive aro about 50 soros cleared and In good hoart. There is n 1og1101160, good bank barn, boating orchard, and all the necessary e0nyont8noes on 8310 prgmi8ea. Por- tnrtbor partioulors, an to i1r10o,0orws, oto„ apply to the Proprietor, PROS. 11I8LOP, Clare P. 0„ N, W. T,. or to 2-80 D03GALD 8TI0400AN, nruesels WARM IN GREY 'TOWNSHIP Iron sAZO,—Boma lot 14, con, 10, Don- taming100 minis. It is partly olearod, the balance 1011 tiu111grod, A never failing creak crosses 01181)100s and it 08 13el0dapt' 0,1 for eithorfarming 011 grazing. T 103411lkq- whooee1140aor0s, being oast part oflot 14, oon.15, nearly 1,11 8180rod and in a good etato of onitivation. A good frame barn with a good stone stable underneath and a 1183.00 failing well is also on tbo plaoo. For furthor particulars apply to the proprietor on tho vlaoo, This lot he ollpoaito 008 oth- or 010010GE AVERY, Proprietor. 1.01 'FARMPON SALE,—TILE U.N. DEEM:n:11 odors for aalo tho north east gnart0r of lot 28, coc0essiou a,. Morris, Colum)' of Huron, onutaiuing 10 twee. T110 Saha to of nr't quality and 1n a high' into of cultivation, Roll 103100l and 'minor-drained, 40 acres aloarad. Now iramo lmnso, 8 rooms, milk house with 8011or038 walla, 2 wells, good barna and 3!10,1, orchard, etc. Night acres of fall wheat. This desirable proporty adjoins tho corporation of Brussels. Suit. able tarns w111 bo given, Titlo 80110e0, 4,1)UO3 G1tUF,V11, Ownor, 3'1• !lox 2;8Bruo8als P. 0. '04-Morrie, '3 00D 5'1111131 F011 SALT: IN 4 Morrie, 0111'ea1111a1,10 tn:'11,0, In ardor 60 olnse tho a5Yairo 34 tho estate of tho lath W. G. 13inggstos, the ox0outorn prior ilio fol- lowing valtlablo lands for cal> North half el hot 30, Oon0000lon 0, Township of Morris, containing 00 scrota, an Ude lot is ero0b0d n good iramo barn with mtono 1Onn- dation, good orchard, well and mini). Nom. 13' all cleared, and 10" an tho gravel Madeloeoly adjoining tho tillage of 13rnaaols, This farul is a valuable ono, is well fenced and in a good-s0ato of oultivation, For 1prints rn Hole 13. terms., nions Jos enuees, y otor a 81)110061'.O„ or 738(5rlSanta, iltap10 Lodge 1'. 0., ltiiddlesox Oci$ty, .. 6A01117 FARM For, SALE. v—AG1et-olassATM for sale In tiro Tboing south 11011 01 tho Bali lots remota 8 and south half 01 20 in 5th con„ Ooataining 1100 OOr00 311000 or loss, 121 aoree mostly oleos of a0cmps and in a Rood stat0 of 011161. vation. Them is a young bearing orohard,a good houso and amok barn 501308 foot with Stone stable undornoe0h, Tho farm is site Med within a Milo of 6lso Vlilago of Brunsols and is a nod farm for grain or Stock rain. ing as ale intenod with the rivor Maitland and novor failing spring crook. Possession will bo given at any limo. For furthor par. Urethan applyon the preulie00ortoA.tee' BOBEI(TSONllrussola Il, 0. 1130 11`41311'7.100 lh~nn• Male. 1>130 Ouhaaohborofforo ±01 Oslo hie valuable Fermin thog>ownahip of Groy, 0o/uprising lots 8 and 7, Con Alin saidtownship• This farm 0011)hin0200aorceanal a within 1t 10111110 from tho thriving yt1'lago of Brnssols, with good gray ol road loading bllor0t0. Abou6150 won aro 01onr0(1 from from stunner; end in a high Matto of culap lvation, Tbot' balanc0 i0 W0111ou000 naar1vt13 o wliofo ofsthontoucan WAN; straightanrl having 7,08,, 0000004 its 1841h soul B0. On thopromia08thoroio a 0081 fortselol04 dwellinghotleo anti 13400 !frame barn with eto110 eta11)104 uddernoath in w11i011 Ulm is a well with an abtnidant taupe ply of 020011eet wator, There. l8 IIt0wiso a now Yratno inplomont 1100180, 40820, wolf 0o0rod,abovo and boloty, and timely 81dod and paintod. Forpar1toulars nobly to trio Prcpbiotar, JAM138I1101(s N 10(1. 4010 1 1 llogistrar,Ii ro11Co„ 9r ,Tinct. de- i o1NT(1i3IJ 1�. 111ITACl0Alt't', BANKERS -:- 1311OSS14LS 111((ns(3,1 35 General ilaislaup '331(91)1093, NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canadian and United d tales Drafts bought and sold. Iutm'oob aliowod on dopnalts. antler/Tons mode cit favorable Ernes. 0anadlan Agouti—Mnu01IA2'.rd 333:18 or Canna, NOW York Annuls tu+0n10.ns tom 'Cnun- 13188 NAT102130, HANE, LEGAL AlNCONVEYANCING. SINCLAIR, SOLICIT. m', C0uvoyaneer, Ne1nry Pub]ie, he. oihe0 : Oxahnm'e 1310 31, i ,lour 1,1,000, of Ilnrgrouoes' Drug Store. Privalo Fends to Loan. 1.1. Pe "Fir A D E, BARRISTER, Solicitor and Notary Peblio. Oon- clvova0aing. Coh005!ou0 and Loaning, Mr, oy attvoao'oleok, (Jerrie every Ivednes• flIOKSON As HAYS, (tato with Garrow R; Prnudf0ol, flo(lo- rrioh)C1Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers, .10 loaglee, unitive nloolq- Rruaae1,, Money 11, 8. RAYS, W.13, DICICHON, 1I, TAYLOR, B. 0. L. I3AR. ° mann, Solicitor, 05„ of 11,0 Sian of Dicl,aon S: Taylor, Barristers, Solicitors, neo„ Manning Ar0ac10, Ring Street Weigh Toronto, Money to 10au, ALEX. ECUNTER, CLERIC OF tho Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron, conveyancer, Notary Pnblie, Laud, Loan 10 loan. Ooleotionutmade. 0111oo cin Gra ham's Brook, Brussels, �Cg1.RT CUNNIo'40/1 447, 1:501:11141.1011, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, MEDICAL CARDS. '�'1t, P. CALE, M. D,, 0. M. Member oftba College of Physlolana and Sargeon8 of Outanio by examination. 011ee and Bos(deno—Main Ht. hast, L the Ontario. r1I" A. 1IcNAUGTITON, 12.1),, C. hl., L.B. C. P. Edinburgh, M.C. P. H. Ont. At Ilargroaveo' Doug Store from 0 to 11:00 a.m, and from 1:30 to 4 p. m. At other hours may bo found at rho roeideuce formerly occupied by Dr. Iiutcbinson, M1I1 street. DENTAL. lauleeNTSt al a". G. L. 01811 1., D. S., honor Graduate and M. 12, 0. D. u'. 'Toronto, Vit,it0o,1 Air given B. B. Morloe, D. 1). S., Assist tut overstay Oaa1Cn—Moyers Block, Seaforth, 1133[+`1°1'.1 Ikea "30. W,J. Fear ,L S,Gra,ltlatoofTo- ronto School of Dentistry, All oper- a0loua guaranteed, 011.10o—Cady's lliools, Soafor3]i, Axtfffefaltooth,ffratquallty, nada guaract8odfft,for $12,O0porset, DE, I\'a•aiaF'. x0, S,, Ilon0r Gradunto of 0110 Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. NIT1l0a Mann GA8 aclminfotorod fox tho palnloss extras. thou of tooth. OFF1t'L.—Car(teld irlork, BRUSSlls34, AUCTIONEERS. EOR(3 '' KIRKBY, LICE N- an Auotlou er, Sales conducted on r0aaonab10 norma, farms end ,13100 81ne1t a sueolalty. Orders left at Tern PosTPubltsll- ing Honso, 13rnssols, or sent da tvaiton goat o910o will recety0 prompt attention. A LEX. DELGATIY, AUCTION is pro tarod to attend to solos 1, the oh0rtosb nolloo, A 8po8ialty mad.) el sales of tflorougqh.bro,1 stools. Terms made known be application tt T1111 P08T I'nb1161;• Ing Hausa, wboro orders irony bo loft, or bcidrore to Bruesots 1' 0, .17.1l. B4.Y11ANN, AUCTIONEER, e is always ready to attend galea of farina, harm stools, &o. Towns ahoerfttlly rrenew) at n'T,o: P.O. Publisbllrog alouee, Brussels, BUSINESS CARDS. •/3.g/7' I3.11mOBAGICEN, 18191111•'. v V a of Marriage Idealises, Ogloo at 1 1 Grocnry,Turabsrry Stroo4, lULER ISIS O'CONNOR, TEACHER of Diann and Organ. Tonne ou 01rp13. Dation. N. B,—W anon chum ut note every Thuro1ay curl Friday at3lrs, h, Oam phell's, Walton. ti 14IaNAI13, TI3SUE1 Ol' ' LAlt. rlage Lloonees, by ani loie310on 00 Lienb: Governor GOmmies10n61', 00„ 4, 11, Ocnvoyaneoran(1Agent Piro Insurance Cr, OHioo at tho Ortenbr00kPost 011100, •req' &I.110D111010, HOUSE SIGN q v and Ornamental Pain ' tPn Painting er;, Gikliug, Sign and I1o0orntivo Painting fu Ell iia l)ro3a3u011es, Shop Blinds done up in stvlo, Pallor Rouging a apoolaity. Shop ono door' 0001011 of J. Buyors' Gearing° Works. W. O'IIRIEN, V,•1`3., HONOR Graduate of tho 0nitaria Votoatnary OollOgo has r080m531 tbo .preotl08 of John Nott, V,S„1,tt(i is prob17aroit to treat 31p11 (lis 00089 of doniOetioatod ahilnal0 on 001888lee andappr0vod prinolple0, 1'reatm0ut 0f 110.1. iaato Ioa10 a 0nooiaity Oflleo two slaor0 North of Bridge), Turnborry gtroot, dl�y;IIOIOE FARMS POI% SALE.-- fiftieth fOw sploudl1 im r saloin bhp town lits of• oy, Morrie rfor s 1 0331 , ,1%1! and gelation. Apply letea A. DI:I, Avottonnor,l3xussotsP, 0, IMO/1,1%1! , Co. {1011 SALE, OR WILL TRENT to 0nttablo pa9idoo, Btol'n wit]u cum• fortablo and o0mm0,lioue chaining, 110032 collar, { two 01 gado in hoarier; ap nos, opllume an,tsmall fruits, Good veleta Limnos, one of the bast montage in On, tarso for a good hal'iloss•ntokor, boing In rile oontro of a splendid Yarning entrain. Near- est op 8010580113 7 lnilpa f iatowob 13 ntl]d5, Applyfor 1)5rnln On 1110 trOmletl I•' e