The Brussels Post, 1888-6-15, Page 22
Diroctiory of htrohot and Saaiotiioat
Mlc1.v11,1.1: Careen. -Sabbath Services
at 11 a.nt. told 0:30 p. m. Sunday School
at 2:30 p. rat. It i '. Jahn Koss, 13. A.,.
Ream ("ort, u. • Sabbath Services at 11
a. m. and 11:30 p, pi. Saaday S„Leel at
2:30 p 111.
S'r. Tom's (tort u. • Sabbatll Servfocs
at 11 a.m. told 7 pail. Sunday School at
9:30 '.31 Lev, \1 T. (Toff, incumbent.
dIr.T ,I1oT ituCil --Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. u1. Sunday
School at 2:30 p, m. Rev. M. Swann,
ROW.; C.T1.1e1.1c nein(,—Sabbath
Service third Sunday 10 every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. P. J, Shea. priest.
Orn l• srt,'w.”' Limon every Thnrsday
evening, in Uraha111'14 block.
filar o x' Lave+: Tuesday at or before
'full moon. is Garfield block.
A. U. U. W.o1 u1; on 1st and Ord Mon.
plI'ay evenings of each mouth.
I''anl rI:I:Te Loren: 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall•
•L. J. L. 1st Monday in every month,
in Orae;;., IL•tii.
rest Orrin: -_ !filer hours from 8 a.m.
llrcpltsl-sINsttnll, Beading Room
and Liblary 1n Ilolmes' block, will be
•epe1 from i, to o'clock p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss,lliunia:ihaw, Lib-
raria1t. W. C. T. V. bold monthly
meetings on the '3rd Saturday in each
-month, u' 3 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Swann,
Pre-.. Mrs. A. Strachan, See.
333,0_,Tto,; Auo1T services at 11 n. m., 3
and 3 o'clock p.m. ou Sunday and every
evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the
barracks. Capt. Bates iu command,
()ctrioti farmers, of (shout there
are wetly in Southern Africa, doubt
less find their queer broods pro-
ductive of amusement 'as well as
more practical advantages, Au
article ill the Seturdny ltoti•w
mattes the etatOnleut that the butte
have a dervish like habit of lveltsin);
when in good epistle. They j o twit
log along in the irni31't ...welders,
their beautiful wiogs spread, giving
thelia the appearance of white bal.
loons : but they have an unfortttu•
ate teudeucy toward becoming giddy
awl stnulbltug. Sumo of them how
user, can "reverse" as cleverly as a
practised human dancer.
When a solitary chick is reared
et the farm house, it beoo0:es ab-
surdly and often incanveeiently
(aloe, One with chickie called
"Jackie" spas tiro terror of all the
little ne3roes about the piece ; for
as they sat on tee ground. with
plates of rice anal pumpkin ill their
lent down
laps, Jtbeimwould
them, tekmg toll from 0110 plate
after another.
Occasionally lie Meted in. smelt 11
menacing manlier that the young-
' sacs dre.pped tiger plates and went
trolly' crying. Jackie would then
squat on his heels among the debris,
and regale his enorwuus 1ppetite at
But ono day retribution came.
Il,tvieg noticed the pot in the
kitchen, from which the p11mpkiu
I�iCircll s (J orneT. and rico always came, he thought
ho would attack the fountainhead ;
so plumping his head into the pot,
DICK'S LESSON. he greedily scooped up and with the
Continued 1Yuat 1.01 week, lightning like rapidity of ostriches,
Ilow could he escape this terrible tossed clown hie throat a large
disgrace which seemed so imminent ? mouthful of boiling rice.
Hose could he possibly replace the Pour fellow 1 the next moment 11e
was dancing round the kitcheuwritba
ing in agony, ahakiug bis head near•
ly off, and twisting his neck, as if
bent ou tyiug it into a hoot, Pin•
ally he dnated wildly from the
Mg to his d111n r waw not an lma- house, and the last that was seen of
him was n little cloud of white dust
ginary oue, and at last he had to
give up all efforts at thought, his vanishing on the horizon.
head throbbed so painfully. His _ ,_---
tuother's loving touch as elle bathed Vrtri<etitolg.
his foreliend with gentle hands, only
sum he bad appropriated, by Sat-
urday morniug ? Ile thought null
thought until he grew fairly sick
with despair. The headache which
he pleaded all an excuse for not corn•
iucrcll:ea his remorse. His disgrace
would not fall upon himself alone,
bet upon his mother, and he could
not beer the thought of bringing
sorrow upon her.
But it did not take a mother's
loving intultion long to discover
that ,-3luothing mere than n head
(eche was trenblivg Dick, and almost
before Ile knew It die had drawn
tl,e+ 3311(110 st-: ry in In 11110.
"Oh, Dick 1"
That was all oho said, but as the
boy looked up 011.1 Few the pain fu '
her face, stud the roars gnlvering in
her r --yes, hep knew that eliatrver
disgrace and blame might await
the Imeuest port of his pun• •
lshment was to know that be heti
caused his mother this sorrow,
"Mother, I'm so sorry,"'i he moan. I
1d, 1li111031 hie face 11: the pillow.
The Mil g t13)1133 drew hila back I
to Lia resting place ou his mother's
shoulder, as she said :
"It as act the loss of the money, f
Dwelt, but to think that my bey
could be disilonest."
"Not dishonest, mother," be
cried. 'I meant to put it back again.
"That is not the question, dear.
You took money that did not belong
to you. Yon meed trust funds that
were pat in your care, and that is
the wi'oug•dtiug, whether you re•
place the money or not. That is
,Inst ;.here the first step is taken in
the path that leads to dishonor.
Yeo blamed flat men we rend about
to 111. poper the other day who de.
faulted, Let do you think he began
eerier r,f didhoeeety with the
ogled i eterwanntiun to steal ? Far
mule plole.bly he Ins tempted es I
you were, to appropriate a little
111011g3 f ;0 his own use, iuten11iug to
replace it, and failing, es you dad,
lie t ,c k there feud more 11101183' to
uovm'r up his previous Hina, Now,
Heal', I must and will Iversen the
money for you to make good the
Dow you took, and I want you to
premise me most solemnly that with
God's help you -will never again nee
a cent of money that is entrusted to
your care."
"I pr003198 you, m0(110r," anew01•
cd Dick, feoliug sure that 'the re
meluberance of this bitter experi-
ence would alwaya stt.ntl between
him and temptation.
He grieved over the sacrifice of a
valued possession that his mother
sold, to save him from disgrace, and
he shut his bicycle up in the wood.
shod, determined not to ride it again
until ho had earned enough woney
to repay hili mother,
It (was a severe lesson, but it was
worth all the suffering it cost, for it
learned him that a trust fund is a
oimrod thing not to be appropriated
to other uses.
If ovary boy in this wide land
could be pereuaded to learn this
same truth 'without t a painful experi-
ence t0 teach it to them, flow mull
of sorrow aunt dishonor might be
The clam lino a larger mouth, in
proportion to its size, than a human
being, yet the clam novel talks about
its neighbors,
Professor—'Iteign of Terror ? Rnow
1111aben1 it 1 I s1uu11d say I did.
S,ix elul,lreu et my house—oldest
niut'-youugeet three.—mud all down
nal) (ho W1300piug cough.'
They wore c01tribning towards a
fnod for 11113 extieveis1108ut of the
(hutch 'Telt iu o h'ew' Jersey teen
the other everting. 'I'll contribute
$2.0,' said olid brother. '.I'll go $30
bett:+r, and make it Mil,' said an.
outer. And thee the tiret contri-
butor, in the excitement of the
moment, shouted : 'I'll call you ;
what have you got?'
A lesson 1s to balamnted from 13tu 8101 of
a ball bend, rnte,.g out and premature
grayness et the hair eau bo stopped 1f taken
iu time. 110 not let it tun en without mak-
ing an 'Alert to save it. lett a bottle of De
Doronwend's norm nn Mir Mask ; It stimu-
lates rho pow th, gives rrusb vitality, and
loops its natural color, besides being a su-
perb dressing, All druggists sell it.
`Wh• v I 1C '1.-5 living in Middle-
town, Iiy„' mid Dr. llorrisou, 'I
was called up0u to marry a young
couple, which 1 dill, After lite cera
p p
.p groom s•ud u thio about
the n
luny ,� 6
a fee. A few days later I met him
i on the street, and, 3/131113 too off }o
one lade, he netted if I would be
williug to take toy feu in ;omething
besides money. 1 told taint that
wolt!d be till ri,ht, and lie left me,
pr+nnf dug that I should not be for.
gotten. The next day he kept Ina
word, and sent mo it load of wheat
strew, a steels 3t' tiny and a jug of
PITHY y.t.11.1ti1tatellS.
Breed up and not down.
010.1) baskets and crates good
Cut clover at, or just before the
height of bloom.
It is highly extravagant to use
141w: priced mower oil.
Fine surface soil is a mulch that
will aulagonlze drought.
Fly nets for horses will save oats
to more than their coat.
Cut orchard grass in early bloom
—later it makes poor lay.
Tho hog doesn't object to a see•
toning of 0133011110 in Ills fruit.
Keep harvesting in !Hind l'or two
weeps before the work begins.
Paint npplled to uudried, un-
eeaeoned wood only hastens decay.
If the we is dry, mulch
around trees trausptauted this
'Mr. Derringer. that is rather a ` Double the use of water external -
tough chicken. Do you intend to ly 11011 dieeard hot liquors internal.
carveit 1' 'Certainly, my love: ly,
'Thou won't you please carve it be- The only thiug that will stop
fore you say grace ?'
Spring! Spring! Sprtug t Boils! Moils!
Bois! The best Blood Purifier and Tonic
is Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters. The
People's Remedy-. Largo bottles 50 cents,
Teacher—'Children, thereis some-
thing that (elle you when you have
dove wrung, What is it?' Small
boy (gorged with green apples)—'I
know, sir ; It's tho colic.'
Mother ---'Ho is one of nature's
noblemen. IIe is full of the milk of
human kindness.' Daughter— 'I
knew be was full of something, but
I thought it was milk punch.'
Are you not going to use a blood pushier
this Spring? If so, remember that Dr.
Carson's Stomach Bitters is one of (ha
best known. Largo bottles 110 gouts.
Enthusiastic daughter—'1.1i130 his
voice so soft and clear—And then it
has an honest 31139.' Gratifie d
mother—'I've 1101100(1 that tuysolf,
dear --a sort of au engagement
Augustus Popinjay (to his country
nar.;slasr .lashes smiwlmcw • w
trox,car•rtlis tt
A u.w Ministry Tuts Woe formed
1n Egypt.
The 13ogroos of Georgia Own 1130re
then $12,000;000 worth of property.
Lord Leuschen() woo took hie seat in
the Holten of L.,l,lo Iuct 1 ri-lay
A gnauiity r'1 jeweilevy lots been
stole) front the Duches l „! (;dirt•
(Ion. Sheridan appear;: to be
malting sumo slight progress to.
verde recovery.
The an11mal cents -tea on of the In.
ternealennl Typographical Union
opened nt Ky.:eslts (:i.y ol1 Monday.
The ate:eller Etruria has just
13111de the fastest transatlantic, 1/11.8
age an record. On ono day her run
was 5103 miles, But the most ex•
traordinnry part of the perfortnence
was that her aped averaged 470
miles per day throughout aha pass.
age from Q110enet0w'n to Sandy
Houk. 1
' u
he Ltrna s achievement
on this coca lou (3311 hardly be ex-
11h.iuld 00 the cal gasit.a.l that silo
hue recently iuer.ase,l her motive
power, but caths(' to favorable con,
11(1011 4,1 wind 0111 welttlinr.
The moans used in Algeria to
avert a plague of crickets gives a
hint as to similar methods in this
ootintry where grasshoppore some -
tunes have l0 be dealt with. Tho
ouly way to stop the advancing
swarms of those insects is to dig it
long mud deep trench and erect on
the most distant side n fence ofc
cloth. The advancing insects strike
against the cloth, fall into Elio trench
and are covered with limo. Tho
Algeria authorities have already
spent 700,000 (ratios in destroying
them, and contemplate spending a
million francs more.
Of that vast worn, as projected,
the ship canal between Bordeaux
on the Atlantic seaboard and alar.
bonne on the Mediterranean coast,
it is stated that the cost will be
801130 $130,000,0fi0, and while its
length would be about 390 miles
tho use of it would be Raving of
nearly 700 miles by vessels going
from southern Franco or northern
Italy to the northern Allan tic. The
plan, it is said, contemplates leaving
a railroad run along the margin of
the actual, and using locomotives t0
tow the vessels, by which means, it
is believed, a speed of seven miles
an hour may be maintained both
day and night, as during the hours
of darkness the canal might be il-
luminated with electric lights,
knavish advertising is the sudden
death of all fools,
There it n0 l'reht iu miuiateriug
to a hog diseased when the disease,
1e swine plague. l
Better feed the inferior fruits and 1
vegetables to the hogs thew to sued
them to market.
Before a man goes Into debt he
should read of the bondage in
Egypt of tho children of Israel.
The secrets of largo yields always
and everywhere are rich soil, good
seed, and thorough tillage.
Buying hay caps may be a
species of gambling with ilio weath-
er, bnt they are good lottery tickets
to hold.
It is ne unjust as it is unwise to
shoot the birds became they take
a few berries—they have earned a
To bo thrifty an animal must be
comfortable. Tins is true hi the
cousin, who is on n visit to the spring or summer, ns well 118 in the
family)—'Do you object to the weed, I winter,
Bella r Bella—'No, but pa does,
lie's at 'em with the hoc early and 1
fpr coughs. "PEC'r0RI:1."for rho lanes.
"PECTORIA"for (ho Brouc11i111 (111305. !
"PECTOIIIA" the best, the safest, the
cheapest. "PLCTORII" the great 25
cent Cough Remedy,
'Mr. Dusenberry, you were out-
rageouely cheated in buying that
suit. You are too easily satisfied.'
'Yoe, clear. That's what ley mother
told rte when elle heard that 1 was
gang to warty you.'
Mrs, Smith—'Isn'e that Mrs.
Brown going down the street ?' Mrs.
Tones—'Yes,' firs. S.—'Why, I
thought her husband died last week.'
Mrs. J.—'So ho did.' illrs, 13.—
'But she's in second mourning.'
1,lrs. J.-'Nelf, he was her second
husband, you know,'
'My dear,' said a sick husband as
he lay with his eyes closed, '1 think
my time has Dome at last. I can
Bear strains of the sweetest mule
that mortal ear—"That's a little
Gorman band on the street, John.'
'That's so,' he said, rousing himself,
"Pell theta to move on 1'
'Who's utero?' said Jenkins, one
cold lvintor night, disturbod in his
repose by some ono knocking at the
street door. 'A friend,' was the
(newer, 'What do you want ?'
'Want to May hero all night.' 'Queer
taste, ain't it? But stay there by
all MUMS,' was the benevolent
I Young liar, Freshly tto hie tutor)
!Will yen tell me somlothing of
tiro Reign or Terror e You Know all
abeutit, 1. believe.' &beent•niuded
Dr. 'Sondem, :, ii0 1p i.....V 011 the
way t0 the east coast of Greenland
for the perposo of crossing the great , (”,
ice plateau to rho west coast, has I -tib -L� S,
with him, besides two 14 tplaudors,
four well -130011001011 yenon 1.3nutry-
meu, who, like himself, mise scien-
tifie specialties, and are aro splen-
did mountaiueera and cnlw+shoe
travellers, This fact may contrib-
ute much to his success, for it has
been fairly well proven in the ace
zones that mouofeducation, ethic The Ladies should see
thiuge being equal, 0110w niers en-
durance and greater e,)iloioney 111au
the other members or exploring par-
ties. Five meta iu the Nanaetl par-
ty aro iu the prime of youthful vig- stock of Fans
or, fall of ambition and eager to in-
008as0 our knowledge of the laws of
glacial growth and moveluent, and
of the physical features of 3nuer
Greenland, It would bo hard to
find bettor 111011 tin' 1110 difiieult
(13,11 they have outline !ken,
Ecolomy Restaurant.
Having just opened in the prick Corn-
et Store, formerly occupied by 11. 131a1•
cam, Ifrnssole, the opposite cin•nc1' to
the Patt01111o.
(at all reasonable Ilours)
A. call is especially oolioitod and every
attention will be paid to Patrons. A lim-
ited number of Ludy and Gentleman
11oar,1ers wanted.
'37AS, DRO.'lDlOOT, Prot.
M 0 )1313 '1' 0 1.0,1:s 1
Any Amount of lfoney to Loan
ol I elm , i 'Village
1 ,t
pert ' at
i ?,
6 cg G Par Cent. Yearly.
gg is Straight Loan:; with. privilege
of repaying; when required.
Apply to
_, I HAND,
Express Wagons,
Tey Guts,
C 0Q,UFAa',
Etc.,• Etc.
the nicely assorted
p(J'..wr hff✓:Yr J ' li 4'� t ' .'+rr.! t r-
Sterling Machine 011 is daily b000ming inoro widely and fase'ably known.
who try it continuo to use it. No other 011 is more suitable for 301101a1 rise,
well adapted for nal
Mill Machinery-,
Reapers, powers
and Threshers 11
rt is
Ask Your
;Ira nit.irreilfreel 13,f/ 1lrlfillenr, Kittredge,I) Co„ l'eteolen ; 13,'a1>1/3 (31
Stratford, On1(3110.
FOR S.1Ll:
I1Y ,A .1VI,1WA.caA(.Le'A..I.1 & Ca.y 1',Uss1.I_s;
11. 1+.SfcAz,l,tattat, Lithe] i J. '1'1 Illuovulo,
7m I
and Baskets.
a 450114+eerzssa>ae
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
HURON AND 1311110E
Loan &Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEST
IlA'rts OF I3i3l:la38T.
Mortgages Plu'cliassed.
8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount and time let.
OFFICE. --Corner of Market
Square aud North Street, 11 ode.
Horace Horton,
The Attention of the Public
is called to the fact that the
will give
G- HaNNT U i
T. weeds, } (,t t'7LS,
Blankets, FZC677.76618,
Uruler'eiothi.7n4, c�'c•
for the sleet 30 (lays.
Special Drives
i11 Knitted Goods,
To Secure the
Big Bed ,clicks I
you Mist bring the
Try the Brussels
Woolen Mill
' 513jAka,GPAXI:NO3