The Brussels Post, 1888-6-8, Page 1Volume 123
1110.1SSELo VO, 140100E7..
Last Thursday afternoon tllu Listowel
;ricket club drove to 13ruosole and played
a fritnlly notch with the home oloveu
mi Victoria Square, Tho weather woo
not at all propitious, as light showers of
rain Imp falling during tela play, yet,
notwithstuuding this, 41better played or
morn closely 0.11(estul :polo of seldom
3e011, Bt'uosole wont to bat first, but
the bowling of Clark, Morphy nod Dow.
goy wan such that our 1,oys speedily ro.
li1iquished the willow for shall scores, J.
IIargreaves being the Duly one to roach
double figufeo. Tho innings totalled 42.
The 138310rs 411ru went in to (lotionthe
stoops but did not meet with coon the
samosa of their opponoute. as the loot
wicket fell for 38, Dennis and 111e Ross
boys meant bnsmess every time. In the
1n11iusMotp11y hated nicely for 10 told
C. Ricking was credited with 0 and not
out. 111 the 211(1 jottings 33rusools bots.
leen wont bowled out with a yongcance,
1110 first 4 14iokets tumbling for 0 runs,
then J. 13"148 muco a stolid and soon
bunched 10. Ilargreaves got 5 and
(100010 5 and not out. These with Dr,
McNaulhtoz's 6, lRev. Clur'e 3, Dennis'
1 and 4 estrus, made 34 for the innings.
Clark anti Morphy did some extra fine
bowling. 130111 clubs excelled themselves
in the field and the match passed off
without the slightest jar. As there was
not timo to (111 )811 the game it was de-
cided by ole 1st innings. The Listowel
club is a gentlemanly lot who know what
good cricket is, and as this is the first
time that Brussels has scored a victory
over this club they must not be surprised
if we take it as n presage of what is likely
to follow. Tho home eleven is in good
form this ioasou and plays a stronger
tame than they havofor years and evert
Listowel will meed to look to her laurels.
A couple of Pivots wero considerably
used up by being struck by the ball dur-
tng the game. The following is the
8c010 :
181I mange. sad Innings
Denuie,b Clary(, 3 run out 1
Bays,b Alor hv......... S b Clark 0
7lcl..'nuan,bClark...2 bCholt 0
034,unu1, b 010111 .......1 b Clnrlc
11, nose, 1101111y, b
Clark 2 b Morpby 0
fl0rgr'avo8, 11 Atorplty 10 b Alorplly 5
Currlo, ii ilio lolly 1 not out..............0
J.1 0(0,0 Dowuny, b 0 fit ek11g,n ...10
Thomson, b 1)"y:ney 'i b (lark . .. 0
('lull, b Alorphv 4 LDawuoy.....•.......4
A10Aaught(u, 1,4.1 cut a 1100114, b
0 Clank 0
11cce e. log tare 1 ...... n Ilycsl, 1814.1)3081 4.
9'x.11,1 4.2 'rota]..,.... _.....14
(.rand total... ...... .......711
L1,1.1/11 -0L. -.tet Innings.
Kidd, b I, Ross
Duuue), b Dennis
Cult .01,0 Dennis, b J. Muss 8
SF.('ay,run out
Alorph7, a ('luff, b 1)eaufs
Slacking, not out.....,.
31. limy , run out 0
Clark, b ll .Ross
Drat or, 0 Alof un,. 011, b D. 1(oss 0
Dnr4.ess, b 2. Ross
!gags, run out
sly es
L18Te1EL.—let Innings. M lt. W.
5(urt,1) 0 1 18 h
11111011 7 0 15 4
Downey 2 0 13 0
21.0 Innings,
&farplly 7 2 11 3
Clark 7 0 38 (i
Downey • 1 1 (1 1
14121414111,0.-181 Innings.
J. Roca 11 1 10 0
Dennis , 7 1 10 2
D. loose 8 3 2 2
A. 1 01111os11 and G. E. Cooper, nm.
piros ; E. E. Wade Nita F. S. Booth,
C. P. R. Extension.
mons omen To 0ODP.a10tt,
A mooting of delegates promoting the
extension of the O. 1'• R. from Guelph to
Goderich via Elmira, Listowel, Brussols,
Blyth mud throng11 to Goderich was held
pursuant to notice from J. O. Huy, of
Listowel, chairman of the United Rail-
way Committer), in oho Town IIall, Brus-
sels, on friday, Juno 1, at 3 p.m.
'!'hero were present :—Peeve Rath, of
.Elmira ; Reovo D. D. Catnpbell, 3. W.
Sona and J. C. Hay, of Listowel ; Wm.
Milne, reeve of Groy ; T. P. Simpson
and H, F.14IcAllister, Ethel ; P. Kelly,
reeve, and C. Hamilton, of Blyth ; Dr,
Haloes and D. McGillicuddy, of Gode-
rich ; Reeve Mooney, of Morris ; Reeve
Johnston, of Wawanosh ; boeidoo a lnogo
representation from Brussels and sur-
rounding country. J. 0. Hay occupied
the ;hair.
On'motion of F. C. Rogers, 0800111102
by J. W. Soffit, J. R. Grant leas Sr.
11011110(1 60000101')'.
4(1'D1gly 111 favor of tho northern room,
and that both Mr. McGillicuddy Dud
himself, reprenooting the Citlzons' hull.
way Conlmlttco of Co20rich, wero strong.
ly in favor of the Northern route, believ.
hog It to be the most p1'110tteablo, anis
that it would best se118 the 1nl1resis of
the country bs a w11o10, but 1u, stated
that 1110 201411 Bunnell a0 a body had not
yet tattoo a dein, i10 position as 10 the
.1. W. Scott, of Li43tcwel, a11010 at
801110101011on tlt0 imp0rtaoce of both
(Iu'iph and Goderioli folly identifying
tltenlsclvos with this scheme.
D. 'McGillicuddy, P. ILolly, John Matz,
D, D. Campbell, 11. Corry and W. II.
Herr addressed the mooting on 1,110 sub-
ject of a Bottled policy in favor of the
Northern 101110,
It was finally moved by 1'..Kolly, of
That whereas Guelph is not roppreecnt-
od at thi, mooting, and it wag dusirable
at 0neo that 1110 position of the City of
Guelph and oho Guelph Junction Railway
Company Should bo defiled as to the
(100811011 of route. that a deputation, to
00118182 of r8p1en011totives fromcool: of
the mnniefpaliti08 intorestod, from Gods, -
rich to Elmira, %volt upon the Guelph
City Council and Guelph Junction Rail-
way Company on Monday, 11111 of 311no,
with a viow to harp them defiuo their
It was seconded by D. D. Campbell, of
Listowel, who spoke very strongly on the
question, and the resolution was ear0io(1
Tho chairman was instrnoted to at
once 0000nge for a meeting 141111 the
Guelph people, after which the meeting
adjourned to the gall of tbo chairman,
Presbytery of Maitland.
This Prosbytoy islet in South Kinloss
church on the 600it day of May at one
o'clock p, m., for the induction of Rev. F.
A. McLennan.
The Rev. Abe Southerland was appoint -
ad moderator.
The following members wens present :
Ruv. A. Sutherland, moderator ; Messrs.
M0Donal(1, Murray, Home, Moss, Jones,
Leaek, Stevenson, MoQueeu, Grant, Mo -
Kay, Davidson, OloNabb, ministers ; and
Messrs. Harrison, Stewart, Mckinnon,
IlfoLennau, Davison, older0.
Tho edict was certified to have been
react by Mess,s. Grant mod 14IoNabb.
Tho Rov. K. McDonald mooched a ser,
mon in Cmldc from 2nd Corinthitus 0, 3.
After tho Gallic sorties, proclamation
was made by Mr. McNabb in Gmlic mud
by Mr. Murray in English, giving oppor-
tunity to auy conucoted with tho congre-
gation to prrsent abjeotious to the life of
doctrine of Rev. le. A. McLennan, if they
had any. No objections were offered.
The Rev. G. B. Howie oouduoted di.
vino service in English and preached a
bermon from St. John 18, 17. After the
sermon the Rov. Mr. Murray, at tho r0 -
quest of the moderator, presiclod. Mr.
Manny narrated the steps that had boon
talon towards filling 111e 01800,110), and
put to the minister dent, the questions
put to ministers at their induction, to
which satisfactory answers had been giv-
en, whorenpol Mr. Murray led in solemn
prayer, and then, in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, and by authority of
the Presbytery of Maitland, inducted Mr.
McLennan to the pastoral charge of the
congregation of South Kinloss, and ox -
tended to him the right band of fellow-
ship, as did also all the members of the
Presbytery present.
The Rev. Mr. Ross addressed the 110ly-
ly.inducted minister on the duties, re-
sponsibilities and privilegoe of his office
as minister of the word—pastor of the
congregation and Prosbytory.
Mr. Sutheriand askod, at this stage,
leavo to roti a a't 110 had to roturn home
by train.—granted, and Me. Murray 1400
appointed moderator.
ML'. Murray addressed thecongeegation
on their duties toward their lniuiotor.
Mr, lIcNabb, in tho absence of Mr.
Sutherland, briefly 021000sed oho con-
gregation in Grolio.
The 801'01000 having boon concluded.
Mr. McNabb introduced the newly-induot•
ed minister to the people, as they were
retiring, and the congregation extended a
oordial welcome to tho minister.
Many flora neighboring congregations
wero presou1. Tho 01nrc11 was comfort-
ably filled,
The congregation having retired and
Mr. McLennan signified Ins willingness
to sign tho formula tvlten asked to do so,
his name 11a8 ordered to bo 130110(1
on tho Proebytery roll, and accordingly
took his place as a mombor of the amt.
The managers gavo a brief statement re.
garding olio temporal orioles of the con.
Mr, Murray, who has been moderator
of the sesaiou during 1110 vaoanoy, intro-
duced Mr. MoLunnan to ole oldore of the
At the request of the modorotor, Mr.
Howio pronounced the bouediotien mod
the mooting was closed.
Tho obairman addressed the meeting,
explaining its object, viz. ;—The consoli-
dation of the 00110 no throughout by
nailing our forces along tho .whole lino.
In 0011110011011 with this ho expre00od his
appreciation of so largo and ropresentat-
ivo a mooting, ovoly point along the lino
boing represented oxcopting the city of
Guelph, leo much regretted Hutt Guolpph
hod not eons fit to have a repr00ontative
at 111is meeting inasmuch as it would be
nece000ry boforo a s0110m0 could bo 00111•
Dieted that a definite route should bo co-
eicled upon 0.112 0v011i 3)011.41 inteeeoted of
ono mines on this quostion. Ho produced
a mop very neatly got up sly 142r. Bolton,
C. E., of Liotowol, showing 1110 soction
of country through which tho proposed
road would run, repro80nting to 001 lino
from Gnelpll to Goderioll at 781miles in
1431114011,, 1411i10 tho proposed northern
t ooth ala Listowel, etc., would only be
7500110e, 111 miles longer than tun air
A 14e110101 (11000081011 1400 0(11010(1 upon
ON 10 the fooling of tho pooplo along the
Route, which 0honvecl a largo mown of
enthusiasm and ear1100tneee 011 line part
of thep00plc and a (loterininatiol to 410o
every effort to further the 00110(110.
Dr, Ilolmes, of tloderieh, gave fully
tho position of affairs 111 his '101711. 110
said the 0clltlttlent of the town was
Washington Letter.
(Prom mfr ltegnh,r Correspondent.)
WneluNn'ON. May 2,18414,
The weather was a tsetse of absorb -
fug int"r0Bt Wednesday mooting. Every
ono upon rising s081111ed oho sky, and
nearly overyono 140.40 a dubious shako of
the head. There is nothing more Import•
ant on Decoration Day than weather,
l'ho mombors of the (I.A,IO, and the
thousands who juin, it iu with them iu
Ilia memorial exorcise4 at the oumetsrieo
lovo to have the son 0111110. Then the
mail(' Other ❑10118+4,410 14110 p11111 to go on
excursions, or take advantages of the
general holiday to seep paetol'tal pleas-
ures iu 4110 woods and liable, and eat pia.
1110 1411101104 with tronbli bags and wood:
dolts, real the that rain on Decoration
Day i0 a 004 ioue 11ett01'. So t(0 010(1(le
that veiled the sun in Oct morning and
tho early morning shower caused ]molt
ankioty, bot lator 1411011 1110 s ,n showed
u. determined effort to shine, spirit; rose,
foul soma even felt thankful for the pool-
ing clouds of the morning that tempered
the heat of the 11010 40011 smeller. rho
clay was a holiday 111 4110 District. All
tee Govoramout oflioes, the oetlrts and
the District buildings were closed, and
as a rule, private business was susp0nd-
Tho ox800100s attending the decoration
of the 22,000 soldiors' graves in this vi-
cinity were 00udn0tod according to obs
usual program. In the morning mem-
orial exercises in the Congressional
cemetery, and the exercises at Soldiers'
Home were held. As usual the exercises
at Arlington, which began at noon, form.
ed the chiof event of the day. The pro-
cession from the city was made unusually
imposing, because the whole National
Cloud of the district turned out its an
escort to the Granit Army of the Repnb-
lie. Daring the day also the soldiers'
graves in Babtlo Ground and Oak Hill
cemeteries and isolated graves in the su-
burbs of the olio; were decorator' by com-
mittees appointed for the pm'p0so.
At the 1spital there is but ono com-
ment on tho Paris letter of Mr. Blaine,
and that is there can bo no longer any
doubt or question as to theabsalute with-
drawal of that gentleman. Tho letter is
tin: accepted and 000struot0d by men
Of both political parties. The Republi-
can Senators say that Mr. Blaine's posi-
tive prohibition of the (ee of his mime
olears the political field on their side of
tbo only element of mm0rtain1y that ex-
isted, and that now they will proceed
calmly and deliberately to ascertain who
their strongest man i4 and to nominate
him. They do not intend, they say to
boom ant pLatrtioular man yet, but they
will consult the sentiment of the doubt-
ful tater--New York, Now Jersey, Con-
necticut and Indiana—and be governed
largely by the wishes of the people of
these States. Of course some of the Re.
1e111imen0 i0 Congress hovo their favor-
ites, but most of them appear to be un-
decided yet.
Tho Democratic Senators predict that -
there will be a lively fight at Chicago far
the uominatiotl with the result very
doubtful. Some of them express the
opinion that a dark horse will be chosen,
but as 8 rule the Republicans do not Don•
CUL' in this opinion ; moat of them de-
ctoro that this is no time for 1t dark
horse ; but that the ocoaeion calls for a
candidate with a record that will com-
mend him into the oo(n2ry.
The Sonate committee on the jndicary
Tbureday further considered 111e nomin.
ation of Mr. Fuller, to bo Chief Justice,
but did not reach a conclusion. There
seems to be no doubt that the committee
will report favorably on 4.110 nomination.
The delay is said to bo due rather to a
fear that the oommittee will bo aoousod
of haste and want of thoughtfulness if it
neglects to examine and weigh all that
is laid boloro it than to any speoial mat-
ters which have been charged against the
nominee. A certain Chicago mai has
been writing persistently asking for de-
lay to give him time to put certain things
in sloop) for presentation to the commit-
tee, 13e has been accorded the time.
With bio advent of the 1400(11 wave
comes ronowed aotiviby in the domain of
0llmlllrr opens. Washington bide La
to havo a pretty actino season in athlet-
ics. A. lawn tennis tournament is now
in progress, and the over -growing inter-
est in the game is evid01100(1 by the num-
erous oourto in the oity and by the entries
and display of pt'izos for the present 0044'
toot. Tho interest in boating on the
P0100100 is &trendy revived, tont 1110 riv-
er will soon be gray with light croft.
With abundant outdoor amusements to
enliven the day, and a bright series of
musical and dramatic entertainments to
keep oho people iutorostod from dinner
till bed -time, Washington presents dos
0n0tomary attraetivo program 00 a sum.
1000 resort. L
Tho Fromm's Journai, of Dublin,
calls General Lord Wolsoloy a "bnlnpt-
thus humbug,"
Gen. Clinton 13. Visit woe unanimously
1h010llnt1102 by elle Prohibitionists for tho
Chauncey 112. Dopow is now said to bo
mimetically 0100101 of the llepublic0n
noininttion for oho Prosiclonoy.
Tho other day t st0atno1 macto fast to
a dock at Duluth, adjusted six receiving
spouts, took of 52,000 busllols of wh000
tucl was off with her load in 49 ,ni11u100,
Paul Dosgraoges, of Philadelphia, has
collected 1,000,000 ottleollod postage
stamps. Hellas put them tip in packages
weighing five ponn80 apiece. It has talc.
on him moth see year's to make this uoo.
lege colleo1ion,
The Farmers' Roviov of Chicago sive ;
Tho reports of our corre0po1d0n10 for the
tsrussela Connell Meeting.
Last Monday ov0ning tho Comb of
Revision for 1888 was hold, as per ad.
vortisemont, the Reeve and Counoillors
Graham, Atont and McIntosh boing
proee%t. Aftor the declaration had been
taken oho following 0ppea10 were ;amid.
ed 1—.101)11 Shannon 11000800(1 too high.
Moved by J. 03. McIntosh, s000ndod by
R. Grab= that 1110 assessment be ro-
dncecl $100—Carried. J. Moore applied
to be pot on me ocoupant. No action
taken. An appeal to 0trilco Jas. Kelly's
1101110 off as owner of part lot 62, Mill
street, (known as Halliday street) was
allowed on motion of Moseys, Graham
and McIntosh.
Moved by R. Graham, seconded by J.
ll, Malntosh (hat oho Roll as finally re-
vised bo acloptad.--Cabled.
General b110i11oss;%vas then taken up,
A11 the mon:hors of the Board pra0ont.
Minutes of last mooting read NMI
The following accounts wore, presented:
wool. ouclhng,Juno 2 show a general umMondotve,wdrk
provoent 111 the condl1.10u of winter •T.7-, Mem*, w ly (1' sol'y 81 87
wheat, in Oho States represented, (110111411 Mrs. Wallace, wood- 1. 5(I
hi 111d1m111 ams Illinois a considerable A,, K. Robertson, trees .. 1,1 011
1Iro..1. 131a:shil1, charity.. 0 (10
Moved by J. Amont, 000011;1E4d by 4. IV.
1:lolnt0811 that above n"c1unt0 4c pail,-
preeentago 0f area has boon plowed op
and many counties in these Siong and
Missouri report, simians injury from 2110
I108810n (1y 011(1 0111113111 141134.
A letter woo read from Mr. Patti/180n,
08nignee 00 lenwo woolen factory and
13010801s Council. No action falcon.
By-law No. 11, 1888, in referenco to
consolidation of mutilated debt, woe road
throo times a11,1 pawed on motion of
Councillors )3elutosit mud Anoint.
Moved by R. Graham, seconded by D.
Strachan that an advt. be inserted in
Toronto Globe and Mail offoring $5,000
worth of municipal debenture; f(risale.- •
Moved by 11. Gl'ahaul, seconded by D.
Stt'aohau that not Victoria Square fence
is satisfactory to flit. Board the ordor on
the Treasurer for $30 le paid to the
criolcet club, --Carried.
Moved by D Strachan, seconded by J.
M. McIntosh that 110 expanses of two
delegates to Guelph, on railway business,
be granted, amount not to exceed $8,00, —
Aftor a brief disousston of the best
move regarding a Dominion D:1y aisle.
bratiol in Brussels the mooting l']-
A Neighboring Delegate's
Thorn was a prolonged whistle and the
brakoamnn rudely jerked my arm anis
into my half wakened oar shouted Brus-
sels with a boldness that would well be-
come a Niagara oabmau, The hum of
the car wheels and the buzzing, blending
sound of the many ()frictions peasenger0
and the soft -cushioned seats always re.
mind mo of my recently early days when
my newly wedded and widowed mother
with her riob voice hushed mo to sloop
with the love songs of the days which
so soon have passed away ; and tho effect
seems to be the same, for I verily believe
that, although having but a short distance
to t,avel, I was already under the in.
fluonco of Morpheus. The train stopped
and soon woro landed on tie platform
several oldorly, grave and intelligeot-
1"oking gentlemen, whom I at once oon-
oludod, with myself, to be delegates to
the railway meeting. I was soon pluming
myself that my iotolligenoe must have
oompeneatod for my youthfnloos•, other-
wise I should not havo been appointed.
For several reasons, among which wish-
ing to be fully aroused and the butter to
soo the town, I rosolvod to walk to the
Town hall.
As I proceeded it did not take mo long
to decide which of those deloga,OO would
(10 the planuiug and tab 1111 the speaking,
and had it not been for on object which
arrested my attention no doubt I should
soon have had tho businoso couoluded
and the meeting adjourned subject to the
call of tbo chairman. 000881ng tho
bridge to the east of mo was a magnificent
new building in the 000000 of oonsti me.
tion. This could be none other that a
new school, and snoh it would have been
had there not overtaken nth a loan to
whom Providence had fulfilled hi(4
promise, having beard white and stubby,
eye sharp but ountcou and a club foot,
reinforced with a heavy oaken cane. Age
has always faseinatod lee. I could not
resist the impulse to address hint with a
"Good morning 1" "Good morning," hu
returned. "Nature has favored you," I
said, "with an elegant site for 1'0(1r new
sohool buildings." "An idle brain is the
dovil's workman, but he has 110 hold of
you. yet," he said. "That's a dootor's
now residence." Somewhat arsetfallon
I ventured that "The Dr.'s family would
be large." "No so, not so," he said. "A
small portion ho will occupy as a dwelling,
the remainder, if my memory has not
again failed me, will bo used as a — as a
sanitarium. It will bo called the Nation-
al Sanitarium of Canada."
A romarlc from mo °oncorning the iron
bridge elicited a description, at raeiug
speed, of tho various bridges built here
norms this branch of the Maitland. It
was soon opponent we w0110 heading for
the some plane. The vigor of his speech
and the profundity of his deductions
mato ole desirous of his farther com-
pany, After totting our seltt8 ft becamo
00X10,41 that more than delegates won
present, and at this others soon mani-
fested their umea8111885, for the meeting
did not begin with that self conscious
tranquility oharacteristio of tho delibera-
tions of oxporionoed business loon. A
olhalrt11011 being appointod several random
epeo0bes were delivered on no oth,'r eub-
j80t than verbosity. Unser the the
uld man's mind was not easy, for he re-
peatedly grunted, and as each speech was
torminoted Rho wonlcl say "That part was
well done," with such suggestive
0mpha818 nod modulation that non:
could mistake his moaning. During,
perhaps, a moro diluted speooh than
tho ordinary he turned sharply to me
and said, "I'nl 00tnpcllutl t0 111alco a ang-
(400tiou." 11)0oto8tecl in vain "that filo
meeting was for (lelogatos," bob before I
had oonaladod the seutouo0 ho was up
and at bhom. "Mr. Chairman 011(3 gentle.
men," he said, "I calve hero to listen.
From what I have hoard I am conscious
I can aicl you, I have 110 other apology
for my intrusion, sir. Since boyhood I
have walohed with interest the marvel -
ions oohievomouts of man in inventions
for the facilitation and porfootion of
labor. Then aro,'howover, two notable
ox0opt1ous. One, which now 0011COrn5
us, Oho business of a public mooting; oho
othor oho toilsome, drudgery, uneetnum
orated work of tho hon0ewi10, For tho
first, then, 3 will mon1ion ,ny 80hone,
which, if it wero mato cosmopolitan,
world do more in tho remaining port of
tide century for tho 00o4omy of time
than in tho past part has boon 0cc0m•
pithiest{ dor tho 000noln3' of labor. My
00hono, air, is this; That t chairman bo
appointed for other purpo800 than horo-
toforo. Itis an insult to the porcoptlon
of this ago to dopy that tho 31ooplo know
that oho first man who gots the floor hos
tie right of spooking. The peOple'011igh
approointiol of orcloe moods no roulade
rim, o, =ehIces a chairman.7`110
ohairlmali, Bir, should bo en:vowol by
111'tho of his appointment, to prevent
8) 0181(1ng tllase 11110 ootid not add new
light to the subject in questoo. To pre
vent in ono. 011,80 any repotitiou. 'ro ler.
O pe011i1134 thenri0tn, and those 3(21,4(7(1 to
object 11/ .11 pion, and incapable, 0f sug-
ge0tillg expellent; To ergo to spook
Woe. deliberate, with judemont 0harpelt.
ed by business experience. '1'o urge to
spook per40na leaving power of mind and
clueidatinn. To urge those known in
ovary community without the powor to
speak in public to write for the chair-
man the loading points, which they mut
so Avid! evolve in pri.4atc. In short, to
urge to spuak persons 1, .,-1, quali God to
advance li)1%,1 1141(1 right, You will ob.
servo, air, 011011 a chairman worths 1'e -
(Intro talents ubov,e me111onr11y bet eeyrit,
Not the loge tntnortnnc of his (111'14:+
would bo lliviny a cher and 4(1101'p expos-
Wtton of oho 118140, previously handed in,
of ter' thinking teen : giving credit to
whom erodit was duo. 111giardsm would
not belong to his arts. 111', perpetual
w elfare of 110 eonutry and its pcop'.e
would bo oho supremo told only petting
star iu his every 0(11 a1 1f"a. t %lo h
hint would net be a (,olive li'n,t, utilize{
principle, but an iusepar,t'da part of hie
very being. iiia 8' 111pathy would extend
like the warming rays of 211.1 sun to friend
and foe alike ; spite and revon14e could
not dwell boodle the barbing living hu-
manity of his sad. Mortal foibles would
never deter him from a duo apareciatioo
of the speaker's and of the thinker's ob.
sol'vationo. Inconel tattoo would be tut -
Romeo in his conduct of life; being warp-
ed neither by the smiles nor scoffs of the
profane nor by the adolati0l8 of the vir.
thous, but with might and main striving
for the harbor of right, And now, sir,
to inaugurate my sobeme I would moo..
that you vacate the ;hair and that my
ideal, the editor of the Budget, the em-
bodiment of right, be appointed in your
You will possibly hear from me again
in oho near future, Mr. Editor, bat for
tbo present I call a halt.
a O1tLItaliC r•T DA.X.
0101,111)0,,TIO\ IN 11011S0EL9.
l'Ionday, the 2nd day of Jnly will be.
celebrated in right royal style in Brus-
sels, Co.mcillor Graham ani R. Leath-
ordale have about completed a canvas, in
which thoy have scoured the promi a of
oboist $150. This sun will no doubt be
largely inlreasod before the oelebretion.
At the moment time t1,e idea is to hold n
base ball tournament, follolvnd by some
of the oll.fashioted athletic games and
sports, tub moos, walking oho spring
pole, obstacle races, (Sc„ being mentioned.
A meeting is to be hod on Friday oven.
iu14 of this week to draft committees and
arrange a proeram. Go to the meeting.
,.-monicoxes) 0 Die av .
A famine prevails at Epories.
Tennessee wheat is bong harvested.
Nola Twigg, a servant girl of Portland,
Oro., has fallen heir to a fortune of 8200,-
000 in England.
Boonton's handsome residence ab
Bridg"port, Conn., is to bo converted into
a ladies' seminary.
In about eight years the Norway Total
Abstinence Society has increased from
7,000 to 70,000 members.
Martin Heisler, champion gopher cat-
cher of Minnesota, reoeiv0d $177.60 as
bounty for scalps of the little pests.
Ono of the exhibits at the Jubilee
Flo eon: Show in Vienna was a tropiool
plant belonging to oho Order of Mimosa,
the owner of which ebnima to be able to
foretell storms and earthquakes 48 hours
in advance by obsorving the appearance
and position of the Moet sensitive leaves
of oho ,lant.
Eogene Hopkins, of Plymouth, hag a
five-year-old Jersey cow Hutt is p0001iar.
The other day she shed ono of her horns,
leaving in its place a smaller, botter-
sh.,ped, and glossy horn that had appar.
ently grown up within the old ono.. The
horn op01.4 t10 other side of tho head
shows signs of coming off in the same
way. Down iu thoso parts it is unusual
for cows to shed their 11orno unless as.
sistod by tho hired man with a &lab or a
heavy milking stool.
H. Hosier, of Boston, and Wallace
Ross, of S1. John, N. B., rowed a single
ecnll boat race for $500 on oho Morrimaolt
River, above Lowell, Mass., 011 We(1110s-
day of last w0ol0. Tho 'mono was laid
out for three miles, but Sin river wits
portio11y filled with floating logs, and it
was found necessary to change the course.
'Pile distance aottially rowed woe about
2e- miles, I10001er led oho entire dis-
tance, and won by huff a boat's length,
Time, 10 minutes.
Wnn. O'Oonnor, Toronto, has issued
the following: ---"I beg to ch3110ug0 arty
00401,4010 in the world, barring only John
Toonlor, to row mea race for from $2,000
to $5,000 a silo, Jake Gaudaur and Potor
Kemp proferred, To the latter I will
allow 050 expenses—the 0001e as Han-
lon received to go to Austrolia-10 roto
jn Ame0ioa, and with oho former I will
give or take expenses, Tho 0011050 to bo
three miles with turn, and the date, place
and all other preliminaries to bo mutual•
ly agreed upon."
John Timmer defeated Jako Gand0nr
at Point of Pines on Wodnosday after-
noon of last week in the p0osenoo of 4,000
people, Both mon took 4110 woter at the
stump tufo, Teenier rowing 32 etrolcos per
nninnto and G0ttd0tir 82. Toomey gained
a length an eighth of a mild away, and
his load gradually increased to tho first
turn, whioll ho made ab 5;10, a half min.
1110 ohne!. of Gaudaur. Tho return to
tho starting point was mnado in 3;1 mine
ales, both turning togothor, The third
stake woe turned by Tema at 5;18,
Gan(1011' at 5118e. Teener finished at
5:22, and Gaudat11' 2e lengths behind.
Time, 10 minntos, To 1110 uninitiated
the MTh 11' wa8 somewhat interesting, but
to the 0xper101100c1 it 800431011 of what is
gonorally tormod "a put up job," no roal
work was clone by either mon.-
Dr. and Mrs. Tiro, of Goclerdrll, have
loft for a six months, sojourn in Groat
111111au. 1 '1'11 r
The writ for fief 141 (shin. C. I 1.
vont speaking tllo014 havdng uo other per's C:ountyi hoe boon 3.1(44203 Nontfn-
objeot than btlo311000 advol'titonl0nt ,w ation on the 1 50 Notion and ho)l111„ of
the acgnisitirni of. hone. (3'o 111OVont the 221o1 Moat,
Number 48.
Gorr J,E1>T ONCE 8001121.
ro 111, k'ditur 113 '1'0111
tial, ---Phe editor of the Budget this
w. ek states that "Tse 1)s.troit Huntley
Hon 11118 beets stopped by Grant." Not
so, Jenkins, 1110 "Bun" 0(1(1 he had from
ole every Saturday ev0ning, at 5.. a copy.
while 1 am In 10w1. I stove eotabliehecl
two of tbreu a ctp.11i before) and thine 1
eau e41:tb11 h one in Brussele, 1t is my
opillivn that no 1110 til TOWS 14011111 80o110r
earl 01' "Sun" 110,111 A. II. N..lcnkins,
(111.1, he tau' '011+111"e" one. However,
Um letter will not be given "ill at the
pelstvltieu. '1"1 Budget is cheap adver-
tl,nng, wheel you can g4: it, thele for--
nothing. I •1001)1,' 1 m sunuty of "Suns
1041 NUCOR.. 11001 al4Tiir.-oa,
13russ01a, .1 MR, 11, '98. A•1et, 1'.M.
s' h PouRtty Notes.
Cu, Gunnell is in 003•1011 this week.
;Stratford is 801011ig for a brass band.
A Stratford paper says that the town
is in need of a tenant o111ccr,
Tho first of July is going to be cele-
brated in Attwood on a 1.0go scale.
The Grand 1' unk pays oat over $3(10, •
000 per year at Strati. d at presort,
Jas. JlcBain, of Attwood, has lathed
one of the fin et houses in Western On.
Thos. Ballo:,tyn••, 111. P. P., of Strat•
ford, Thos returneit from itis trip to the
Old Country.
It is o8ioially announced that filo an-
nual Camp of No. 1 Military District will
be held at Stratford this year.
T11e import duty on goods entering the
port of Stratford for May was $3,679.27O
free goods, $4,137. For tbo same month
last year the duty collected was $4,187.
The Mitohell Driving Park property
was sold under power of a mortgage re.
eontly, and knocked down to the mayor,
Thos. MoC'ay, in $1,400, just the face of
the mortgage.
N,.twitbatanding an abundance of mud
and filth and an open sewer running
through the city, Stratford, according to
statistics, has a lower death roto than
any city in the province.
Mr. 13.uld, ..f St. Marys, killed a calf
10 weeks o'd weighing 315 lbs. dressed,
and it is said to be tho finest ever placed
Upon St. Marys markets. The calf had
been fed by David Murray, SEA was
certainly a beauty.
At the Perth Tenchors' Ass0cimtiOn 8
cliscuesion took plasm on the suojeat :
"Resolved, that the touching profession
should hay., powers similar to those of
the 1.,v society in controlling the Ramie-
sioit and disoiplino of its members."
Most of 31108" who, spoko were in favor
of the affirmative.
At the Quarterly Official Meeting held
May 7111 in the 1lothodiat church Moles-
worth and the Trowbridge circuit. It
was moved by Chas. Conn, J.P., of
Trowb' idgo, seconded by Chas. SV. Wat-
son, of Mole?worth, that this board in-
vite the Rov. Cl. V. Lako our pastor to
remain with ns the third year. Carried
Walter Thomson, of Mitoholl is moiling
hie old grain warehouse norms the rail-
way track from its nreseut site to his oat
mill, when it is to be converted into a
general orohouse in connection with the
mill. 01,ho old site a large olovator 10
to be erected, having a capacltp of 40,000
bushels. Tho new building will be about
40x60, with an elevation of nearly forty
DISTRICT MEETINes.—A1 the annual
meeting of Stratford district of bho Meth-
odist church the total 01111211 member-
ship of the clisbriot was reported 00 2,848,
a net inoreaso of 134 after taking luno are- .
count deaths, removals, ebc. The total
amount raised fo- ministerial 01'4,011
MIS $8,264.27 ; missionary fonds, 111,547.-
97, which stun doos not include the $218.-
26 raised by the Women's ydissiouary
Society. Money for other fowls was
raised as follows :--Snperannnated Fund,
General 8 Connfere ConferenceFond, 58.90 Sustentatioa Fund, 350 S.
Aid Feud, $18.4'2; Educational Fund.
$114.78; Contingent Fund, $17.28; (inion
Chnroh Relief Fund, $46.27. There :nu
18 I0namy schools, having 217 teachers
and oliicers mud 1,841 scholars. Tho
average atteudauco is 1,385. There were
136 co,voroi0n8 in the Sunday sohools
last year. There ore 2,5536 vo'umes in
the school libraries, The Sunday 011u101s
raised for missionary pnrpo40s 986.83,
and for school pmrposos $1,082. Rev. W.
Casson, of Mitchell, was olesen to (-•pre.
sent tho district on the Stationing Como
mittee. Rov. C. E. Stafford and Isaac
Hord wore elected =inhere of the Con-
formed S. S. Comm.ittoo. G0oege Lever -
sage, of Fullerton, 1408 010010(1 0 mem10r
of tho Auntial Confero100 Missionary
Committee —Tho district meeting of tlln
Methodist Oburoll, Listovel district, MS
held at Abwood on Tuesday and Wodnos•
day of last wo011, the ltov. Goo. R1ohtrd.
sou, chairman, prosiding. Rev. Walte3
Ayers, of Gorrio, was olootod Secretary.
Mid Messrs. Dyke and Cozens assistants,
The first day was principally 000npiod 1u
ex(tmivatio05 of tt ministerial oitaractor,
and in attending to tho 'melons fonds of
the cinch, The second toy, when the
laymen 1111011d0d, was occupied in ex-
amining 0ironib reports and ;looting
representatives to the Stationing and
Sabbath Sohool Conmittoo and layneu
to 01100113 the Sessions of the (lolferotnee
to bo held at S0tforbl1 this wook. T. W.
Cozens, of Trowbridge, was reeolmnOnl-
ed by the district mooting to Cotltoronet'
for tho ministry, having passed a most
orodittblo oxan1inaliol, Rov, G. Magni!
ton, otter 14 ballots, was oleoted to the
Stationing Committee, Rov, Mr. 1 ergn.
eon, of Atwood, boing only ono b�hioid.
Rov, J. W. Gilpin, tho financial Score.
tory of the clisbriot, was cleated to oho.
Sabbath School 0oulmi1toe, 'Ti1e district
reports a ooeidornblo 1001•ea00 in mem-
bers of tho ohurais, and also an advance
in the funds. Tho fall tdiotriot Mooting
is to be held in Gothic. A 2(2002 cordial
and tlnanin10t18 veto of thanks 108 ghoul
to Rev, G, I>,icha0dsol for iris services to
the clench and the kindness nl4nife020d
towards 1110 brethren in tho district- dna-
iug the past tin'eo years,