The Brussels Post, 1888-6-1, Page 71 , Mx 25, 1888 THF nkIJSSELS POST 7 t7,77x.r.--.7.". 7 ^sti t • -.47.1...,nt..mc=tiO.7.7..7. 4-•••••te.% coartcgo.-.=a,-ortitc.w.owtsoottizz.....=-4..r.1002t11T11, .11' ctt,74444.7,-...io7tcattattar..........4...acattaMcoit1.7.101.1•;112.4...4:444.-414"1; 1 • JEST TO 'EMIR EST By E. E. ROE, AOT11013 07 74'4' "81.111100118 110111(0')) tiWAY," "0)11111111 A CillitiTNUT 3317A11," .004 • Tory loofa, .Mis' laraden. 1 hink you can Mid the front in Nev York ito truly ao f in tho Wool. In this tight woman can oitat !lo as touch as man. Won't you try 2" o I shoo not prolnloo you auything," film sold. .4 You Must wait and see," Thoy woo: now 1)141(00 the parsonago in tho lou !lot of Scrub °atm. Tho Honna of boils hos Mrs. Dlionnal faded loco to tho toholow, and, on recognizing thorn, she .clappod her bawls for joy, as ono of her own children might have dale; and a Inwood later! wao stalling in tho porch, tho vory embodiment of welcome CHAPTE1 t MITIOICAusT 01 1:1111 scuono. 11 I knoto yon would come," said Mr. Dlimm, 10144(15 both of Lottio'H hando with utter ithsenoo of all formality. waly husband said 1 mstn't look for you any mom, but I felt iu 111 bones —no, toy 11(1),a—that you would coma. Whim 1 fo,d a thing 11 going to talo place it always does. So you aro herct. .1. tun very glad to see yorm—Mr. 11('m • Htood—too. This is splondid," And Mrs. intoon exultantly uolgeod Lottio into tho room that, whou last seen, was crowde,l with such a toothy assembly. lionlottad tuvanwhilo drove tho horse to rtu adjacent shod. " Illit 110 isn't my Mr. H01fl:ite01:4" said Lottio, laughing. Woll, it seems as if Ito wore rotated, belongod to y•ou in somo way. 'nen I think of ono, I can'b help thinking of the other." 11 Oh, doar," exclaimod Lottio, still laughing, blushing, and affecting comic alarm, " hying .joinal together by a minister's wifo 111 •alraost as bad as the minister himself." " Almost as good., you mean. You would havo nay congratulation rather than illy sympathy if ,you secured such a, princo among mon.' "How litho you know about him, Mrs. Minim. Ho is going to be a poor, forlorn home inisaicontry ; and your hus- band's increased salary will be royal compared with his." "Ilo will never Ito forlorn; and how long will he he poor 1" " All his life possibly." "'110119 mit very long. 'What will como altar 2 What kind of a master is he serving 2" " you know," said. Lottie, lower- ing her tone, and giving her chair a Ett[o coutidontial hitch toward tho simphollearted lady With whom for- mality and eirctoulocutiou Item) 10011011. 81)11. that I am hot:timing to think about th oo thinta, a great dottl." "1 dolt% won lcr, my dear," said 11irs. Dlitual, with a little sigh of satisfaction ; "no ono amid help thinking obaut him who sow his manly courtesy and tact the welling you wore bore." Oh haat Lottio, blushing still more deoply, "I did mit menu that. Pleasc understand ow. Mr. 11010stoad ii ouly 1 chanco acconaintauco that I have mot while visiting my aunt, Mrs. Marehmont. I mean that when I was hero last). was a, vary naughty girl, lint L havo sinco been thinking how f could Ito 1,1(111,1' one. IIlth'i'd,l would like to bo a Christiam as you nro." In a moment 1110 ULU° lady was all tondos Both:Rude. Sho was ono who be. lievod in conversion; and to her, being converted. was tho greatest event of life. But just then Honistead entered, and, sho had enough notural, womanly in- terest—pot curiosity—to note tho tin. conookaus wolcomo of Lottio's oyos, and tho quick color Como and go in Mir fact+, as 11 11 tiro were burning in hor heart, and throwiug its flickering light upon hor fair features. 11 Clicinco acquaintance; indocol," sho thought. " Why, bore is this city -bred girl blushing as 1 once did about Mr. Whether sbo knows It Or not, • her blushes mist toll 1110 1101110 gory as wino." 13ut though :110;4. Dlimin was 50 un- nonventional, slut had tact,. anti tame(1 tho conversation on the fiubjeet of tho donation party. Look ' sho exclaimed axial -tautly, tugging 11 bulky commoutary, "111114 is ono of tho ratulto at your ooming 1111) other (-veiling. Mr. Dlimm Las boon Wanting this 11001c lOng 'Limo, and now 110 p.m, 0,4111180 much that am get- bing jealous." wok, opinions (mono -Ned i1 such a. ponderous volume ought to havo great wohoht, soraly," said Holootead, omit. lug. " And do yort know," 14110 00111111110(1, hi an aside to Lottio, that welt of tho obildrou has had at oetV warm winter suit, mid, wonderful to toll, I havo bougllb inyholl 0 liew dross from tho shop, instead of nialciug up somothing omit ow by my brothor Abol's wifo from Now York. ' Lottio's eyos .Moiotonod, and she said iu half ooliloquy. "I didu't know it 1.70.11 SO nice and cosy to make others happy." "Ahl dopond tmon it, you aro loom- ing lots 01 11110014," said Mrs. Dlimm, 1315111110101113'. "-When God bogins to teach, Ilion wo do loarn—aud something worth Imowing, too." "I thought that God's 1001008 wore •very hard mid j?aineul," Said. Lottio to Romstead, with. a spico of 0311011101111 1801 1110(11101'. "Mrs. Dlimm is a bettor authority than I was," lig roplied, With 0, C111101c " Do you know," Ito continual, addresoitg thoio hootoss, "that Miss llfortidon has <lona mom to teach ino how to preach than all may years at tho oeminary," 4' Suroly," exclaimed Mts. Dlimoi, "that's a rathor strong statomont. call understood Imay Mios Mandan eau ray alco ooperionoo in that dircetion; huO just how alto should teach you moro than ell tho grovo • nefenooro foul 100,0(1. 011 kat -Imola Is 11111 clear at, once. ' " Woll, oho has," ho maintained Htontly, 1' I. doubt whether your 1108. hand oots ao much light upon tho Bible from that 11051,commentary tiler° 044 Miss Marotta] 5i(43'()111(1i0 ono arbor - mom," Mrs, inborn turnoil her oyes in. toairingly toward fettle, who said, laughingly : • "11, would Hocon that hoit week 1 was O hentlical and Mr. flemstead a herdic." And (4(1)111 111')) you now 2" 1 011, he's all right now," "And not you V -"I fear I alwayo shall bo a little crooked; but I hope I WA not (moody a , Imathoo any longer," " Miso Monition was 0 badly:TA as . Nathaniel was a tihrowd (11(4111111(1, (1 • Jew," said I I °instead. " What kind 01 )1 Jots' Watt Nathaniel 2" asked Lottio innocently. " Christ said, when ho first tam him," ropliod Mrs. Dlitinn, owning, 11 1 110110141 on israolitot indeed, in. 'whom is 1410 guile,"' Then both were puzoloil at Lottio'a • mullion and painful 110811, but they itacrilail it to her modusty 1 and Ilona- • stead, to give hor timo to recover hoo- soli% gavo a brief slatch of his summon and how, in the afternoon, whit() road. ing, at Lottio's suggestion, tho oomploto story of Lazarus, they both lavl ««n' 1110 unspeakable Sympathy of Christ 11, r those Ito sought to save, " Oli dear," thought Lottio, " whom shall I escape tho coosognoncos of my foolish jest 2 'Without guile,' tacked 1" Mr: Dlinma now appeared, and ho ons Ifetuateacl woro soon discuosina tho. rondoring of an obscure p01111151, 11)' '11 which tho bag commontarr conthetnig opinions or a clOsen loomed doctors. Mrs. Dlimm carried Lottio off to her sanctrun, 1110 nursory—tho fruitful ammo of questions and mys- teries tho learned doctors would find still more (1111111.111 )10 solve. " And you aro contented with this narrow round of lifo 2" asked Lottio curiously, as Mrs. Minim finished Mc nooratiou of what seemed to hor very tamo ex.porioneo. " Narrow 1" said Mrs. Dlimm re. proachfolly„ " my life and work aro not narrow. I havo six little immortals to train. A million yearo hence, they will either 111088 01? reproach me. What con. oicloration 10 fasllionablo lifo is equal to that 2 Bosidos, my husband is engaged in the same kind of work that brought tho Son of God from licavon to earth. It itt my privilege to help him. Scrub Oaks is as much 01 11. piano as many cd the villageo in which Ho pmachod, and 1 con grateful that I cau talc part in so royal a calling." 1' Mai Dlimm," said Lottio, with sod - don auimatiou, "I shouldn't wonder if you and your husband 11-0110 very great P301(1' in heaven." " 011 1" cried tho little lady laughing, " we nevor think of that. Why should. wo 2 But 1 know thoro will bo nook thoro for 1.15, 0,11(1 the thought makes nut \01'y happy." " And you molly an(1 truly have been happy in all your toil and privations." " Yes," said Itrrs. Dlimm, with a strange, farotwoy look coming into hor largo ohm oveo "when ovorYthiug on couth has Leen darkest I have been most happy, and this has confirmed my faith. Littlo children aro sourcos of groat joy, but they 0180 08.1180 much pain awl auxioty. Yet when I have hoop siffloring most—avhen tho wardrobe has boon scanty math° larder almost bare, (1011 1)1114 taken me to His heart 05 101111111 this elt9t1 hero, and comfortod in assur- ing aigovor fear, my 01111(1, a soot tako caro 01 3011 foul yours.' See how Ilo koopH His word. 1lo sent you here, with your bright, sunny face. Ho omit Mr. liemstoa(1 here; and between you both wo shall make a long stage of our homoward journoy most pleasantly." "I 1101100 1100011 any 0110 talk like you leforo," said Lotto, -musingly. " You seem to beliovo all 1110 Biblo says, as if it woe actually right boforo you." "Boller° I Why not? Tho idea of God not keeping His 0400( 11" "/111(1 1,4 faith just 1110 cortaitity that God will koop His word?" That io 1to4 faith ; and thongh this groat tom-id—for hittlo bito of 7,1(1011 11001110 10411' their 5011114—shall pass away, God's word fatal" stand until His least proiaiso is fulfilloch" "That is not our creed in Fifth Avenue," said Lottio sadly. " Tito woad ilrat, God loot. But you Spina - times, surely, -witch that Mr, Minim \tem rich, tool that you could have. fou him tool his children and yonrsolt till that Mart 001(111 040111 2" "1 toed to foci- so orettSionally, hot T. havo got past, that uttrw. Clo11 lows my husban11 and children 1101101' than 1,1,1, and lio provido what is boot, for 11t4 all, simply try to rost aram 1(413 this child does in 1111110." "How stratigo it all is," said Lottio thouglitfolly. "Why strango ? Your atrthly fathor provides for you tho bast ho can ; and if ono lacavonly Fathoo provides for tts in tho samo way, suroly will not Itis bo 11110 bettor provision ? What 0,11 191)14110(1, uunatural thing -it is to suppose there is anything bettor than what God will give His Own dam children, Aro not both oath and heaven His? and Ho has promised tho best of both to us. "1 eau ocaMoly roalizo 1)1 (1111 yot," 10111 Lotbioi with toots 111 hoo oyes. "1 supposo 111 19 becattso you CVO oo110,101110,101101otal and Ulm that 37011 50000 so odd to 1110, who havo boon brought tip among those that X Mao look at things an falso "I think 3' understand yoto my Clear," said M11S. Dlirom, hopofully. "A cl,ild's penny toy 04111 1111410 11 groat mountain if hold too near tho oyos. It is thus 1110 eyos of tho worldly aro blinded by Wilco till T. foar smao wt11 310v01. 1400 �od 01 1 Heaven. But Ito is tottchiug you bettor. IAs long na you follow 1Es gontlo loadings, and tho moat impuloos of your own hoart, 1 all Will ho woll. But as soot as you bco gin to Mho counsel of tho wo1,l 1111(1 its oolf.Hooking spirit, you will find yourself 111 tieublo. If wo wish to prosper and lotoov in God's worl(1, wo 1111141)1 do do a oreat deal for ono. Wo ham liatl 1 111,1 (41111, Thin is good, sound colonial (4011(141, which 1110 oxporlouce of (ivory 11511 ham borne mt. It 011011 171)0111(4 hard at lhodo my door, 08 yonalla 011t. '1111,sconrging very hard to hear; 1)14 Pool and Silas, Hinging In prison, with their foot ninclo hist, 111 Dm gado!, 30(0(4)hotter off than th, ir jailor, who WW1 about to kill/ tizumo)f ; 1111,1the ogistauttos, who, no doubt, worn In mortal roar bo. cause of tho eartlignalco. We, too, can sing, 041)1(411141101' hs otpot', 115 10115 aCi il ol tool 0011,,0l(111100 (1111 on our 81(113.''I)1 will 111(111 be soon that Sirs, Minim loam a rationalist as troll as a 11,1111110,though not of tho now 1401101,1.For sotno mason hor philosophy tyro" 11001)11(1013'accoptablo to ',Maim and though 1100110017 conscious why, the ell - 'iodation to follow tho impulsoo 01 1,1» own heart soothed 1'5111,01(111)'natoral tool right; but her fashhamble mother would 101v0 boon alarinod indeed if (1110 had lmown that Ion bountiful daughtor was becoming the cliociple of Mrs. Minim. Though their call was by 110 111111,115 a short 011(1, it passed all too quickly. The zoomory or it would 1101100 facia from Lottio'o mind ; cunt it bccamo another 11)111s' thoeliain by which God was 144 111(111)) to bind. her to bettor future than her friends could dreaui of in thoir ea Wily a mbition. "1 ant very glad I 111(1110 this visit," said Lottio, as thoy wero hastening home lost Hwy should. bo lato for dilutor. "It ca very kind of you to 1111(4(1 nio so far." 110 turned lirtcd his eyobrows cat ideally. 1. What do you mean by that ?" she askocl. " To 1(1001' 7011 olio would think that I had boon a martyr for your solo, while, hi truth, I never enjoyed myself mom." " Yos," said sh' o "but you wolcomo afflictions and trials of trout: patienco." " Would. that I might be over thus afflicted!" ho exclaimed, impulsively. Thou, suddenly becoming conscious of tho natural suggestion of his words, he blushod deeply; but not moro so than DAM, who turned away hor face to hicks lior flaming cheeks. He, misinterpreting tlic act, thought that silo vacant a hint that (10011 1'0111i1.1:1(11 were not agreoablo, aud. was thinldng how to remedy that which ho now rogarclod. as a vory foolish (3500011, when 8110,with woman's tact, tho conversation to unantharrassing topics, and before they were aware tho lioac stoppod at Mrs. Marclun on t's door. Lottio disarmed both suspicion and censure to a considerablo extent by say- ing, " I had promised Mrs. Dlimm to 001101coo and soca hot again, and wished to 1400).) my word. I know no ono world cam to go 111010 1(0110 Mr. Hemstoad, so I took him to visit the tatrson ‚(811110 I visited tho parson's wife. enjoyed my call very much ; and as Mr. Homstoaa and Mr. Wilton had. a groat argument over a knotty thoological point, I sup. 1(0(40 ho feels somowlutt repaid also." This put mat tors in mail° tomtit ow light. That ouo should go to see a parson's wife, and the other to discuss theology with Ole parson, WW1 very different from. otooling off for an indefinito drivo with Oa propose of being ((410110 together. Do Forrest was quite comforted, and was own Mama to rogard Lottio as rathor considerate in nut asking him to ac- company her when viHiting such uncle. oirablo 5001110 as the P11001115. Though 'who oho should wish to visit, 111001 hor. 11411 wag a mystory. But thou, he thought, "Lottio is odd, anti full of gum moods and whims. Lot her indulge them now, 11000u80, as my wile, they will scarcely bo tho thing." fie was still mom comforted by noting that slot did not havo a great deal to say to Hconstcad—inacod, that she rather avoided him. "Silo has had catongh, and too much, of his heavy, stupid company," he thought, "and finds that oven the carry. hag out of 1110 practical joko is too hard work. If I can only got another goodopportoniby, opportunity, I wont wait till sho goes to sloop boforo bringing 111)3 question to an issue." But Latio. gave him. no opportunity, and, 0411110011141gentM toward him, adroitly inanagod that they should moor be alotie. And IIontotead also, 11•110 had found 11)011' 1(0138.110tete-a-tetes So' delightful awl 14010141110111110 of good rosults, was 0(11111117unable to bo alone with hor—not that Lottio was avorso, but hot:arise she saw that lyux-oyod Bello was watohiug hor; and again for the hundredth timo she wished hor cynical friend back in the city. LottitOti manner and apparent reserve loos so marked at ono timo that Beni - stead began to grow troubled, though why ho scarcoly know. Thoro was no came, savo tho poculiar sensitiveness of t\ ammo M11.15111110 is beginning to come, not front tho hot tho 011101510(1features of a, follow mortal, Lottio quickly Saw his Sliadowod fu.00, and 1111111111140(1 tint ca080. Soon after, when 0y04)04010quostioningly sook- ing hors, she gam 11110 such a 51113)17genial mono as to 0550(40 him that what- 1-vor might Ito tho ea1150 of her 1011100411011distant inconott, it did not wrath; from 11113' ostrangemont from him. Horotoforo 041300, Lottio liked a gouge - man, sho had boon frank in showing that preforonco within tho limits of 110137-111(0boating. But, for some reason, am bo- fmn to grew 0110051011013' shy in manifost. mg any iutorost Ihnustoad tho °thus could 11010. The mason with which (11)0mastics' 1101801!, but partially Roo phoned her fooling. " Thoy will think X am still trying to carry out my '(1110110(1, foolish joke." But (4110 did long for another 11)108- (11101)10(1talk with 111111, and watched Itoonly to (400(4(111) it without exciting te- m/oda Do Forted dui. all ho ocold to provent this, 1(00401100, (1111! 130110 1111000- (101010413'1113001110 his ally. With woman's quick porcop)1ion, 44110 saw that Lottio toils indulging in something 1110110 than it" mood," and. kilt that it! was a duty di fo 0311041 to her friend to prevent nua- Monday, 011(1 Tuesday passed away, Lottio being too eh:emoted to ! givo Iloilo 801110)0(11 corm foo ((500.11111(1plainly. Dan and Mr. P11111110013'\tem tato only ones of tho hortscholcl who 110(111111113(1 tho chanao in Lottio with runaixo11. satiolao- lion, Not kiting a thought, to tim 0011N11, they woro ploaood with tho gmtlemott and attention which reoultod. " Lottio," said lior brother Dan, Rothe kistod him goodmight, after tolling a tourvollously good otory," what has como ovor you 2 You make me thiolo of Amity done." 1 mast bo mowing good indeed, if I 01mind any ono of Auntio Janos" thought Lottio exultantly. Cli 1"1 1,11 XXIV. • • Tun 11101111(4 A cimor ritArt• Long igloo.: lamourt r000lod his Low- ffloo ho Ara oatislied that he had 111underod foolaaily, mot don,' Ali:;;; Mar. 1,11 groat injustice, .lior 4i1114t, tO Abuse his unwoloomo love 1114,4 I1(t:4 pf2rfeet, 111,1 her manner of so, 311 110 icrsteon licr, had hicon most delicate, to.-cli in his ootimation. Al the stone timo the had nosor givon hint the slight- v..tt, groun)1 for his imp1it,1 asp 0:4011 t!"1.t 111 11c0 pure, Christian lite sho thrum down 111,011 1110) 31(t11 Ole cal dititalT(1 11 a " star." lie recallod her words and boaring in contsrytitory, and 1110 <fp., Ilis 11)11.).,,,,,.,1.1,, rook. rot bad blindtd hin, osaw 411610 ('Why should I coped her to lovo 000 2" ho ttslictl himself in bitterness. " It is Ca huudrodrold more, thou 1 d000rtaa 4)4 had 0 right to 110110, that she should put 00)1 1100 hand to KM tno." lio wait 011 tho point of returning bounty times; and asking her pardon for lila folly, but that balm of life -t -that hindranco 11 11)1000 good and happiness than perhapa any other ono cause -- pride, deterred, and Monday coming passed, an unhappy ono to the object of his thoughts as well as himself. 011 Tuesday prick) was vanquished, and as 50011 014 his business permitted he repairod to the Martell mansion, eager to ask forgiveness. To his deep disap- pointment, he loarnod that Mr. Martell and his dOuglitor had driven up town, crossed iu tho forry-boat, and were paying 101(10 11151118 011 tho other side of tho meta Ile now purposed to call again as soon as they returned, but was unexpectedly detaluod uutil quite late in tho evening. Ho -approached the familiar placo that now enshrined, to him, the jowel of the world, in both a humble and a heroic Mood. Ho woulll not prosumo again, but in silence lam worthily of his love for ono SO lovoly. Ile would Ito mom than content — yoo, grateful—if she would deign to help him climb toward hor moral height. As ho stood ou tho piazza, after ring- ing the door -bell, ho was in greater trepi- dation thou when he mado his first plea in court, and was so intont in trying to framo his thoughts into appropriate lan- guage, that In, not note for tho moment that no ono answerad. Again he rang, but thero was no response. Thor° 311a1'° lighta in tho houso, and ho knocked at tho door quito loudly. A housemaid soon appeared, with a scarcol and anxious taco. "Is Misa Martell hallo 2" Ito asked, p. sullon boding of evil chilling his heart. "Lido& au' she is not. Would to God sho was." 1' What do von rw'an ?" 1, Fitix, 011 111(100(1 I'm glad yo's corm, Misther Iloocourt. The coachman is down at tho shoro, and he'll tell ye all." Harcourt dashed through tho snow and shoubbory, over rooks anit down stoops that gave him one or two severe falls, that bo might, the noarost wny, remit Mr. Martell's boatt-honSit., Hero ho found the coachman peering out upon tho dark watarn, and occasionally uttering a limas°, feeble shout, which could scarcely bo hoard abovo tho surf that boat with 111000�5105 1100111110(5 upon • dm icy beach. Tho naan scomodnoarly exhaustal with - cold and anxiety, and was overjoyed at sooiug Harcourt; hat he told 1110 young man a story which tilled him with the deepest alum. It was to this effect: "Mr. and 'Miss Marton had boon de- layed in leaving a friend's horsle 051)05(10 side of tho river until it WM; tt?., lato to roach tho boot in whioli it Nra!I thoir intontion to orioa. Taoy woro Prevailed upon by tlicir 11,1,011 ,h1,' 11,-.1: to scud their sleigh rip by 11, Ister boat, 3011110 they remained foa nn early ...IT - port and them should cross in a boat rowed by an oxporioucool ostoolam who was a tenant on tho "It10t1.8 finite a ait ofl•o! dark 'alum 1 got back, but Mr.:list-toll aml lady hadn't moo two. yet. C thought they Wero colt' 1!) shy all night, and thot 1 (4110)0)15 )10 :trier 111111' in the i11ern!,11.; 1,s o s .0, ,, 11.1 1• Bays how shy \las s ohs' at coo, of Co, tipper how slut soca, (Aro night, a liga Inall out irino Vothcn. side :rod olono straight ftercs!,, tor a long whilo, and thou turn and go down sta s o 111,14' 111 thy'(e caught in the 4,." "0,111041041 " But what Isounio of the O" asked Harcourt half deoporato with fcar and nusi,ty. "Well, the W01110,11 as soWS Saya 11 11."4111 1100411 and down, 1114 far its silo could see." faint Sernou from 1110 house now arrostod their ottootion, nod loodeuing up the bank thoy heard Om servants crying from the uppeo windows of - tho mansion, " Thorn it comes; there it winos again." Harcourt ousliod to tho second story of the houso. d000 loading into au 05011)400011 111011(11 tho riVor was oponotiol 04111110111 11 11)011)41111 1(0 ontored and. throw open tho blinds, Away to tho audit, Whom tho river ontora Dm Highlands, ho satra faint light, evidently that of a lantern carried in tho boot. _Familiar with tho rivor, tho 3011010 1,11big firtshod upon Inth. hi tho last of 00 Alp lilt' thoir boot hall licanno ontangled in tho ico, but 1111111)001) earriod doWn to no groat ditdanoo, Now that, Hui tido 111111 imolai, it was coming back with tho mass of 100 in which it 111t141 become adil that ratan, glinnueolutlicato 4• • • ----7- • • •- wx=1..uctoriallr tho presence of the ono (41 11,, amour before had been so dear ? Ci mid Bliss !Martell, Om child of loamy, to, beautiful and yet so frail and dolicate bo oat in the 41111,1(1107411and cold of tills winter night, perishing porhaps, with Hui light of her caogititti Logic fuJi iu vioa Them for the first Limo, he rocognizod that the Mein 31), WM in nest bo Miss liortoll'o sleeping apitrtniont. Though the light was ha, mid ooft, it root:idol nit Mlitilisito eas1101, in till 1,410 With the lt had onvf., l,,tb luight 110 more onshrino. On every Sitio 04 '1',' t.Vi- deneeft ((1 (1 relined. but Christian taste, and also a, vermin dainty boonty 11 tat 14,11111(11 13 Ina ,71: the 11111111111 having givon to the room s000 thing „r her cm» individuality. 11would. by bard d000 liar- courtai solvation Ito a Illeity .t.latir-e re, V011,10t1 t110 character of tho placc,„ 11,, felt sonic -what 1114 1, deVout (111,11; mi)4111 11,1,1 ho stumbled into 11, sacred Itrotto of 1111 11105)1 rovorod llut this thought, 4(1114 n1,1)(1110,4 111 111.1 Mina. "1 lero is whore :do‘ ohoobt ; yondor—torriblo thougla. ia v. 11, ,110 is. What can I do 2" Again lio 1111010a baell to 1111) calling to tho coachman to follow hint. litlien the man is acht c 111,' waises 1.,1; he fomul that Harcourt had arnkon open the boat honor-, and Wal 1-11 r]r• mg to get cod the boat. gain Indian' licre, sold that ido boat," said tho coatalwan. " Tim moo ter has boon away so long that it's all oat 64 order. Tho mouthy can get in it as sooll as yorsolf. The young latlya; litblo scallop—tho ouo as is called :-.4,11t away for the 11,1-ttr;_ip soon coined croaking," cried nitrCtliIrt " and help 300 0111) with Chic boat, If 1 c(4n% savo her, can at loost drown with her." "PCI')) a lift will I give 70. It will do the master and the young lady no good, au' 011 not have your drownding on my conscionoo." Harcourt soon found that ho could not manaoo tho largo boat aboie, and the matolios Ito struck to guilt) him, rovoaled that the man spoke truly, and that tho craft was ihi no condition for the sorvice he proposed. "Great God 1" he cried, " is them 110 way to save her 2" 1110 8510115 upon tho boat -house, and them away to the south was the dim lightcoming steadily up the stream. The moon had not yet risen, tho sky was ovmeast with flying clouds; the wind was rising,aucl would. grind the 100 more fiercely. It was just the night for a tragedy, and ho felt that if ho saw that light disappear as a sign that the boat had boon crushed and its occupants swallowed up by the wintry tido, tho sacklest tragedy of tho world would have taken place. He groaned and clenched. his hands in his impotent anguish. "Oh, God," he cried, " what can I do to sole her 2" He clasped his throbbing templos,and tried to think. 314 (0)011 occurrod to him. that Moo. Maroltiocou's boat miolit Ito in better condition. 1 anstead 11111) 1410013(1 and brave, 011(1 040111(1 assuredly join him in tho effort to rescue them. Without a word ho rushed up the bank, sprang into hio sled, gave his spirited IRM,, Cut from tho whio, which causal him at onco to spring into a mad gallop, and so vanishod from tho eyes of tho bewilder- ed and torritiod servauts, who were loft alono to their increasing fears. " Savo her —SaVO her," muttered the coachman, as stiff and numb with cold lie follow -ed Harcourt more slowly to the house. " It's kind o' quocr how he, for- gits aboat tho olhl man." CHAPTER XXV. .1'11109 kNiunr. As the duolc deepened into 111(1111 1)11011 this memorablo eveniug, II,nostead stoocl at 1110 parlor 'window, and looked out so long Mal intently that Lottio joined him at last, and naked: " What can 374,11 seo withattt, and in tlin darkness, so much more attraetice Chau anything withirt ?" " Do yoll st,t• 11101 11011)1 Co. oo oleo the river 2" .4 res./1 " Poo boon watchiog it for alma time, mid it troubles mo, noticed this aftornoon that there wag 100 et1t1.:115 down with 00 tido. 111 is poosiblo that, sonal one iu crosoinf,,, with a, small boat, has be.st 1111115111 111 the ieo and 10r.I1'.1 dowr " -Wily should you think nothing is Mere C0111111011 1113111 1):!111 4 1111011 tito 1111(1' at night." •• VcS, 110t 01 111(41', Sinoo FleVere Cola I hay() notiood tii,. the river was abnost closortod, and (ho papers stato that it is free%hitt north 11114 13 11 tho peculiarity In the movement of 11141 liold that 111111( 4' .4 me. .V;11,11 T ooto it'first it appeared as if coming otoss 010 river. Suddenly, whon gilito ever toward tido Hide, it, tocintol to stop a moment, thou (4)111 diret.tly down stroaan." " "Nolo," cried Lottio, " You Onto:: all about tho river. How do you ac- count for what Mr. lionistoOd as seen 2" anil sho captained, " Lighto aro very doceptivo at night, copocially upon 1110 \rotor," amid Mr. Dinunorly Houtontionsly. " probably • 11 hardy wator-rat of 0,13011111011 dropping down with tint tido to a, point oppoHito to whore ho wishost to laud." 11 'Vox, that is it, Mr, IIcanstrad, oo ilisiniHa your foam. You's brow is 4114 cloody as. that Murky 141(7 01101' there." _ ! 'That e0111118.1'i0011 111 rite Oriental in its ottraraganec," he said, his ;Mx - Ions face rotas:mg iute a, sudden smilo. 1" But thou you ato rather tropical your- ! If " 11 Well, yott can't oomplain if I r. 11111111 • ygo of tho tropics this dreary winto night ; so boor out your fanciful vonceit. Your faro, 110)4)111311 (11114)0,040,11 like, a 13110,:t of ountchino." " our figuro moo is inoorroot, as 0111 - !To 1111 4,07401811111:..1 0 .1 rg ,.1 •04 r loax "A, t 114 4 14 t44 • (1:) D 0 CD 0 Fermi CO 0000 0 CD • 0 1.43