The Brussels Post, 1888-6-1, Page 44 .5`1 �� ' 11'S'6 41L311x�Ei. Looms W. (oats. Ponies - 1 Pelton. Caa&...\1iss O'Connor. Lonals--Geo Thmnaon. Coin ing- -TLOWe'a circus. Exetn •inn --'r. Fletcher. Toronto ..roeery--A. (lend. Something a env- d. 8. Welsh. Machine e i1 --A. ;.[they it Co. Wrnxetcr woolen mill A. L, Gibson. THE BRUSSELS POST T.Mgriitni=lin• .=. r.r, nit According to on AmerMan estimate a bushel of torn makes four gallons of whiskey. It cells for $10 at retail The Government {-eta53t111, the farmer 40 oto., the railroad 01, the, roans faeturets 54, the vender 07 and the drinker all that is left --delirium tremens. The Chicago Common Connell ha: adopted an ordinance providing that no lie.ense shall be granted to keep at 011001, not already located, within two hundred feet of a t hureh or school or in residence blocks, without the consent of tw•o.thirds .sat m^n-.., -• •usa:.•art. of the ,ro,orty Sundays a: it safe Wok. lace--..�� .. Tho Sunday cloning provision of SAW new' .T "'1 ,. r p• ordinance 15 to the effect that saloons L' !7f a,t t 11 �i 1' l 1 D t• must also provide blip lt, stutters of cur tains to obstruct the view from the street h bull bythe rt • takethe 1 ' n 1 Tors ,.yt1 y follow. by1 t the fel ,.•1 horns in PI . c- r judging ing items-- Several of the wealthiest mer. chants of Moscow hare been convicted of adulteatting tea. One of them was deprived of bis civil rights and banished to Siberia for life. Tho others convicted were sentenced to different terms of im- prisionnlrut, We wonder if it were law how many people in this conntry eoold bo railed for similiar adulteration ? Port Arthur is to have a brass band. tV1; l•cpe something will be done at the Joseph Imeson, of the 10th entleeeeion, cooling session of the Huron County Mersea,haea gobbler setting on 23 eggs. Council toward establishing a House of The Government will spend $ioo1do0 Refuge. It has been tallied oflong enough to have a half dozen erected so that com. that any - A. despatch from Zanzibar states that messengers from T1 I1 n Tih have ar rived there with letters from Major Barthlot dated Singat'ini, on the Congo. October 26th. Major IlarUelot says de. se•ters fr. m Henry M. Stanley's camp had arrived nt Singatini after a twenty days' canoe voyage. They reported that Stanley and all his party were well and lend a plentiful supply of food. ,Major Ila, Helot's party is also well. The letters further say that tho behavior of Tippoo Tib has not been satisfactory. --a- Eartanatclartzt Tal ow ca. in police barracks construction in the Northwest this summer. The Manitoba Provincial Goverment ing to a decision now w •uld certainly be will invite proposals Inc the construction after nature deliberation. As to the of it new railroad between Winnipeg and necessity of o building of this kind there Portage in Prairie. The Grand Trunk Railway will com, appeals to be very little doubt and if it melee the issue of Saturday to Monday were built in some central place and tickets, at the same cheap rates as last economically =raged, ninny of the year, on Saturday, June 2nd. needy would be better eared for and at 1". W. Peters, agent C.P.it, at Brandon has made sales of land to the extent of less cost to the municipalities. The ex- over 0010,000 already this year. 1 com S6 pelienee of those counties where these to 013 an acre has been realtzetl. institutions have been established 11ne Toronto Globe: On (lit inTorontoclube been of a most satisfactory character, thlin. hCarling will become Lieatutenanot-GoJovernorn of Mnuitobu, and Axshowxt: lend party sailed from W. Meredith Minister of Justice. Lorin L Quebec on the Queen's Birthday, per steamer Parisian, for the old country, followed by the good wishes of thousands of Canadians. He filled the vice regal chair in a very satisfactory manner. His successor, Lord Stanley, will no doubt endeavor to do his best for the welfare of our Dominion. Isn't it about time, however, that Lords and Dukes were Left Mary Rogers, nurse girl, wito was so seriously burned in O'Neil's restaurant Toronto, on the 24th, while tryingto save a child, has succumbed to her injur- ies. Wm. Trigger, of tbe Yarmouth and Westminster towo line, has 12 owes which gave birth to 28 lambs, four of the ewes having triplets and all the others twins, Rumor has it that Hon, J. H. Pope is rnxious to resign his position as Minister at home and some level-headed Canadian of Railways -in foot, to retire from poll. tios : but Sir John is unwilling to let him who knows all about this country be go just now. asked, or permitted, to bold the reins ? Dr. Jas. McArthur has been elected by There is surely nothing disloyal in that icalacclamatiove tothe Med. Council lof as re rceor eotiMalahide and and it is quite generally believed that Tecumseh division for the unexpired our affairs would be fully as well, if not better, managed than in the past, A good many Canadians could be named term of two years. The following Liberal candidates wore chosen at conventions in Manitoba:- Norfolk, S. ,7. Thompson, M. P. P. ; who would fill the position with credit to Ilirtie, C. J, Mioklo; Beautiful Plains, themselves and the Dominion. John Crawford, M.P.P. The Allan and Dominion Steamship Tnu Executive Committee of what is companies, following the example of the known as the Third Party, which was Beaver Line, wilt heneelerwnetl gine organized at Toronto this slprinfi, has ie. steerage passengers the option of landiug at Quebec td• c:truing on to Montreal. sued an address to the people. Tho It is understood that the writs for an party's platform is as fellow's : election in Pictou (Mr. Tupper's eon - Righteousness and truth in public nf• stituenoyl will be issued at once. It is fairs as well nein private business, and alae semi.officially at•noune, d that Mr, no compromise with wrong. Dea dney will be Minister of Interior. classes and The Government having refused to help Equal rights for all creeds, nationalities, exclusive privileges to none. taller a drill shed for the Belleville city A national sentiment, a rational lite a•• corps, the officers have decided to build mtc themselves near the Opera House. eters, and in all matters of rubric policy -oar country first. The prompt mid absolute prohibition of the liquor traffic, and the honest and vigorous enforcement of all laws for the repression of vice and intemperance. Retrenchment and eamomy in public expenditure, with the view of reducing our enormous national debt. Manhood suffrage, with an educational qualification ; that is,a vote to every free- man of legal age who can read and write. The extension of the franchise to wom- en. An elective senate. Civil Service reform.-- 'VCria1,:hetnx. The Taird Comedy Company is here for a week, The old school grounds were sold on Saturday evening to W. Scott for $105. The estimated cost will be $4,000 to $6,0,10. The few vacancies remaining in the Northwest Mounted Policewillbe recruit- ed from Owen Sound, where a reoruiting officer now is. There will be some 22 froth vacancies in the force next month, however. Upon the representation of Mr. Pat- terson, of Essex, the Department of Marine has decided upon the expenditure of $10,000 in repairing the Dummy Light at Point Pelee mainland and in placing a steam fog whistle there. 1 Grand Masters Wallace, Fitzgerald (London), and Collins, representing re- spectively the Grand Lodges of British America, Ontario West and Ontario East Orange Associations, leave about Jtme 20th for Great Britain to attend the Triennial Council. At the meeting of the Cabinet Tuesday We have some genuine fogies in our afternoon C. H, Ilupper, M. P. for Pic. town council. Conspicuous in the num- tou, N, S., appeiuted Minister of Marino her is Councillor Holmes He kicked and Fisheries, in place of Hon. Mr. Fos - against a grant of $100 to the town band tet, appointed Minister of Finance. His because the corporation does not get any appointment will be acceptable to the return for the money. In the face of this country in every respect. the leader of the band had agreed to give a weekly serenade and a couple of open air concerts during the summer. Wake up, Ole Holmes, and got down to some- thing modern, your antediluvian notions aro not in keeping with the progress of the 10111 century. l'oo't be a clam. C; cameral x"•icwc,). John Bright ie seriously ill with fever. Miss Delphine Baker is abort to estab. lisp a Christian newspaper in Jeru- salem. Russell Kellogg, of Battle Creek, Mich., who is 74 years old' is tutting bis third set of teeth. Mary Sbarpless, the richest child in America, is nine years old and worth $50,000,000. Attorney-Geueral Garland, of the U. S., says he has been wearing the same bat for twelve years. Somebody now porposes to kill off the Australian rabbits by introducing poison- ous gases into their burrows. 1t is said there is a single county ins Iowa that raises more Wheat each year than all the New England States, A Vermont minister has preached 121 funeral sermons, with net returns of two barrels of apples and a silver dollar. A ton of ropes made from tho hair of the women of Japan is used in building the $300,000 Buddhist temple in Moto. it. barber of Newburg, N. 11., has in- vented a chair which registers the num. bor of persons Who sit in it during the clay. Prussia employs in Ste elementary sobools 57,992 roasters anti 0,848 mis. tresses, betides assistants,tho great ma. jority of wham are males. A waterspout fell in the northwestern part of of Daws county Neb., Sunday, burying live miles of the ]Fremont, Elk Horn and Missouri Valley track and carrying many -a large number 4 cattle. The small boy and girl are to be brought to time in Waterloo. At the last meeting of the council the constable was author- ized to ring the bell at nine o'clock as a signal for them to be at home, and if they are caught out after that hour other measures will be restored to. The body of Miss Thompson, living near Jarvis, was discovered by some children on Sunday morning hanging to a tree in the woods close by the railway station, the unfortunate woman having evidently committed suioide. She left her home about 10 o'clock on Saturday night. The Citizen says, semi -editorially 'The impression gains ground that Lieutenant•Governor Dewdney will MO - coed the late Hon. Mr. White as Minister of the Interior. 1.r minent e p o member of the Cabinet said that it was absolutely necessary that the now minister should have an accurate knowledge of the North- west, and no ono could doubt Mr. Dowd- nsy'e qualifications, Tho revenue of the Postoffioe Depart- ment is making a very satisfactory show- ing just now, It was for the six months of the fiscal year up to May 1, $1,986,493, against $1,776,424 for the previous oorre. spending period, showing an increase of $160,009. The expenditure during the same period increased this year from 82,- 001,40100 $2,609,989, being an increase of 048,586, but leaving a total net gain over last year of 81.11,000. The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany have made largo contracts for ehipphig raw sills from China to Now York and Eastern States The Canada Pacific Licari authorities at Ottawa have been advised that a car of silk arrived at Ogdensburg on May 17t13, The contents were entered nt the minim home nt Vit• toric, B. C., on May Ot11, and shipped coat on the following day, making tiro transcontinental trip in neves days. The carload w•a:l valued at $172,000 lbggsare selling nt llattlr.ford Inc 30 cc•tits a dozen. Immigrants are hereafter to be Larded at Montreal instead of Quebec. Poetuut ter.(iener tl lileradzi l admitted that lee will accept the Lieutenant-Gov- eruoraltip of Novel Scotia,. .lir. Deride, Censervativo M. I'. 1'. for Nieolot, Que., has been unseated for tor. . rupt 1pra011001 by agn,ns, Phu explosion of the new gay tank nt Montreal, on Saturday, killed Sive amen and injured accent! othertt. The Walkerton Council have gtnutad the Board of Education 1,000 for the purpose of building a new school, Georgetown Council 11ns agreed to pay the Battalion Band $100 to play on the streets thirteen frights daring the sunt. melt, Sir John Ross was sworn ni at Ilalifnx on Saturday to aol ria Adminis. ti•ator until Lord Stanley of Preston ar. , rl VHA. There have been 02-t professions of con- version since Hunter and Crossley bo- ron their series of revival services at St. Thomas. The market for Canadian cattle in Great Britain is decidedly slow, and prices aro poor. Canadian cheese holds up well in the Loudon markets. Tho Inter -Provincial Conference reso- lutions were finally passed by the Quebec Assembly Monday, an Opposition amend- ment being voted down by 27 to 18. Woodstock has lo:.t one of its most en. terpris(ng and useful citizens through the demise of Councillor William Mnir, who died on Sunday afternoon after a R. Forsyth & Son. few weeks' illness, At a meeting of directors of the Winni- peg rt Southeastern railway Tuesday of Shoe g3 tore,, ficera were elected and steps taken to- New Shoe tore,, ward the immediate commencement of building operations. Rev. Abbe Gairo, of Alsace Lorraine, who recently arrived at Montreal, will proceed to the Northwest at once to malto largo purchases of Miner whereon to settle immigrants from his province. Hon. Geo. W. Ross, M. P. P., leaves in a few days for an extended visit to some of the American cities. During his trip he will pay special attention to the matter of schools of science and of practical en- gihoering. The six -days' p.n.s -you -please was concluded in Victoria rink, Montreal, at 11 o'clock Saturday night, the score standing :-Noreman, 344 miles ; Cart- wright, 822 ; Moore, 803 ; Taylor, 330 ; Corkey, 254, Gaudy and Racette, convicted of mur. der in the Northwest Territories, will be hanged on the 13th of June, 11 having bean decided that there is nothing to warrant the exercise of executive dem. enoy in the case. Spring freshets destroyed the bridge across the river at Thessalon and carried over one million feet of logs oat into the lake. As the ice had not been then mov- ed int many of the logs were recovered, but over 1,500 were lost for good. Three Gilmore Band concerts will be given in Toronto on June 4th and 5th. The aboral work will be done by the To- ronto Philharmonic Society. The ad- mission will be, for single reserved seats, $1.50 ; general admission, $1.50. Geo. Marquis, a railway employee, fell off the horse-shoe bridge on Saturday near Schreiber. He fell a distance of 50 feet, receiving a broken arra, but no other injuries. He had a miraculous escape. He was brought to the hospital at Port Arthur and is doing well, Mr. Lewis, the American gentleman who has been buying Manitoba potatoes for some time past, has received a letter from the manager of the Palmer House, Chicago, Baying that the several carloads of Manitoba potatoes which he sent them are the best they ever bad. Jackson Cook, a young man who has served time in the Central Prison, was convicted at Sarnia on Saturday before Judge McKenzie of having attempted to spread the fire in the Dillon House at Forest on the night of April 15th by pouring oil on beds and setting them on fire. Perrin, his alleged accomplice, was discharged. Isaac Chiverie, of New Zealand, P.E.I., has an oddity in tho shape of a chicken with four legs and four wings. It was hatohed a week ago, is quite lively and somewhat longer than a common chicken. The second sot of wings and legs are re. versed, so that the chicken will probably bo able to walk or fly backwards without inconvenience. The Calgary Tribune says that one day last week a resident of the neighborhood while walking in a grain field saw a goph• or gaily sporting himself. Ho gave chase and captured Mr. Gopher and on exam- ining him found one hundred and seven- ty-seven grains of oats stowed away in his chops. He preserved the seed and has sown it by itself to find out what the yield will be. At the Toronto district meeting lof the Methodist Church, the report of the oommittee recommending the expulsion of Rev. J. 33. Longley, late pastor of Queen Street Methodist Church, was adopted after considerable dieoussion, and the matter was referred to the Niag- ara conference to which Mr. Longloy has been transferred since April Inst, to be finally dealt with. B LI T TT - Woolen ill. B. Forsyth en Son, formerly of the 1Vroxeter Woolen Mills, bog to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in 13lythi, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods olid trust that by so doing to i patronage. mod a liberal at10 e m 1 g CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. Tito I31omtsr Pawn paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc A Trial Solicited ! Satisfaction Guaranteed ! A Buctouohe (N.B.) correspondent writes : A curiosity in the etlape of a setting lien acting the part of a mother to a litter pigs is reported at St. Castino, about seven miles from here. It appears a sow had a litter of young pigs, and a hen had been setting close by. On dis- covery the eggs under tha hon worn die. covered to bo no good, and were taken away, whereupon tba hen took up with the young pigs, covering them with her wings. She seems quite happy with her strange brood. C7OMETHING NEW I 1, WALTON PUMP FUMY. no undersigned desires to intimate to tho public that he has purchased the WtLToai ROAM FACTORY from John Love and is now proparod to fill orders, by mail or otherwise, intrusted to his nitro, Satisfaction guaranteed is Pumps, Tanks, &a, Repairing promptly attended to, Con. tracts taken for digging wells. Having been 1l years at the business I fuel confident that I can suit my eas- terners. GIVE ME A. TRIAL and be convinced. 7. S. WELSH, i:m • Proprietor, Walton, J. DOWNING, Formerly of Goderich, wishes to inform the Publio generally that he has opened out a Custom Boot & Shoo Store Opposite the American Hotel and is prepared to take Orden( for all Kinds of oar 7LOIr� WO3Etaia.. None but First -Class Workmo, Employed and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Repairing neatly done. GIVE ME A CALL. 01101`,14W 1,l,' Q) ! The Carmen of the Corporation of the County of Moron will meet fat um Coiner Corea, in the Town of r}em it ten, on '55140. day, tete 1(11. Day itf ,pent, 1808. Pl•1T141i nlpnitISON. Oodei:A, May 21. County Clerk. ras3Y7Pi bdn6. Mat;. Agent for the following Companies :-T. Hendry ,l Snn, Se:afortlr, flows of ail kinds, Land ]rollers, C'nitivators, Straw Cutlers (rain ('rnshery ; 'l'olton Bros., Guelph Pea Harvesters, Steel Flexible harrows, No. 7 Plows ; Patterson Bras„ Woodstock, Light Steel Minders, Oxford Reapers 5 rakes n • . Mowers, front and rear cots, iloar's May Rakes, Patter son's cm. billed 8(151 Drill, :to to and ciltiv afar combined, 2 Furrow Gang Plow, Spring "Tooth Harrows 20 teeth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. Murphey &; Co„ Guelph Nay's Patent Revertible llay Carrier and Double Angle Steel Track, most com- plete in Canada. A Special Bargain can be had in Binding Twine. All aro sold at Prices to suit these hail times. Satisfaction Guurasteed on all Imple- ments sold. W 1E..31lsta$ t'arN, IIouse-Tramisltnr STREET, B ir:551 ,c, Anothez Wonder p It never was intended, so far as 1 eon learn Thal, either elan er wornanwero Intended to be bald. I think you will believe me,indoed I'm our you '5111, If at the 'Peale Bair Works" you hay called. There is one thing Nature thinks of -lot us thank her all we mu- ne take particular trovblo with ou race; Sho kaowe a scanty growth of hair, the gray and whitening locks Rill detract from the beauty of the face But nature has her laws 00 strict that you muel never err, Per you'll surely pay the penalty at last Sustain it, that bounteous head of heir, Doctor Dorenwend'e Hair Magic's nnear. passed. Just try it, your afflicted, you never wil regret, The Magic was never yet known to fall; And the good that it will do you will make you soon forget The expenditure a bottle wil entail This now fatuous preparations for invig- orating and stimulatingthe growth of the hair is universally a000pted as the most valuable specific on the market. All 413646- 00 of the scalp aro either relieved or per- manentlyoared. A 'Joh and rapid growth of hair will follow after judicious and regu- lar treatment, It remains with the veer alone to secure the desired results. Dr Doronwend's Hair Magic" is Bold by all druggists at 81 per bottle, or six for 85. If not obtainable in your own locality send di. root to the solo manufacturer, enclosing prise, A DOltaxrvnsND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and105 Yougo street, Toronto. Per sale by 0. A. Headman, J. Hargreaves and al Druggists, ALLAN LINE. 3. Downing. 1888. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1888. Baby Carriages. LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE Baby Carriages, Just to hand a splendid se- lection of Baby Carriages which will be sold at very low prices. TRUNKS awl VALISES in endless variety. I am pre- pared to please the public in this department. Fine selection of LightP1 Heavy Harness Give me a call.. H. DENNIS. ,p (4E1'1TSWANTE3)! SteadyElltployvtettto Good Men. None need be Idle. Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. HO ion Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can. adian grown Nursery Stock. The Fenian). Nurseries, Laroegfin Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and wantto work. No room for lazy mon, but can employ any num- ber ofonergotic iron who want work. AnunIJSS Stone & Wellington, NUIoslnvtn1I0N, Toronto, Olt. 01001010101)1000510, 1.5Fe:aa ea. 1 milt Quango April 50 lCireneslan May 11 Ayril 20 Sarmatian May 17 May 3 'Tarlatan May 54 MAY 11 :Polynesian ...........Juno 1 May 17 Sardinian Juno 7 May 25 :Olreaeolan June 15 May 81 Sarmatian Juin 21 Juno 7 Parisian Juno 55 June 11 :Polynesian July 0 Juno 21 Sardinian July 10 June 20 lOoroasolan July 20 July Sarmatian Tuty 20 July 1" Parisian Aug. July 20 :Polynesian Aug.10 July 2a... Sardinian Aug. 16 Aug. 8 lOircassian Aug. 24 Aug. 0 Sarmatian Auc.130 Rates of Passage by Mall Steamers. vinare To LI00111.00010, Cabin 800, 5,70 and 851 according to aocom- mo(14flon. Servants in Cabin, 550 Inter- modi4te 830, Steerage 820. Return tickets, Uabin, 6110, 8130 and .8150. Intermediate, 800. Steerage 840. t By Polynesian, Ciroassiau or other ex- tzasteamers. Cabin fifty, sixty and soya, ty dollar, according to aocommodation, Re- turn tickets, ninety, ono hundred and ten and ono hundred and thirty dollars. Inter- mediate sixty dollars. Steerage forty doll- ars, day before withoutmino eased Montreal Go yourself or send for your friends. Prepaid certificates at reduced rates. Por full in- formation apply to;.; .1. R. GRANT, Urussete, ,JuNla 1, 1885 THECOOK'S BEST FRIENDOURES v:- 1 t d: uRoO K AN.! t401‘PAQ ►A I �j/IA's' �CaMPouNa r+ Giver Compl nt Dyspepsia, Uillousnoes, Sick HIeadache, Kidney i u s Y tro b1' Ptheumatism, Skim Diseases, and all impuri• ties of 0101)1o4 from whatever Cause arising. THE GREAT SPRIIif MEDICINE. .PITC 7Gc. (wit\; T'illo 1711.) -z PR. M(0300JJ' S' LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to tape.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. Sold ercrywhere ; prise 25 cents. t :epos IY1i11RINE Co., I'roprtetor$, TORONTO, CANADA, NO REMEDY gives such universal satisfaction as the (IOUGI1 REMEDY manufactured in Scaforth, called 'a"---LUMSDEN & WILSON'S nr ernr n�n�nror,r n. n'nr nr o•nr n'nrnr n•o,•rum nr n• °loyal Glyoorated Balsam of ,'nra•n!or ornrnro'NMMn, n•n•nr o•nr n.•nr a'n.• Its wonderful vir•tnes have created a demand for the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 50 cls. 17.Gms. Business .nnouncem'nt JAMES BLASHILL x x Ju. D1 E9. Es. , (Late of Cranbrook.l In thanking his many customers in the Township of Grey for their patronage during the last six years, begs leave to announce that ho has removed to Brussels. 1Ie will be found Next Doer to Goo, Baokor'o Grocery, prepared to meet- the wants of the fermata in furnishing then with first. class hand -made /y, BOOTS d'Ar WO= Made from Good Stock. Repairing a Specialty. 40-4in. JAilf]0 liruILi,, Brussels. Old Dr, Ghaso's Now Recsipt look, HIS LAST AND CROWNING LIFT: WORE, Dr, Chneo's Third, Last and Complete Re- ceipt nook and Household. Physician or the hook for the Mullen, contains nearly 000 pages and eons for 8220 In cloth binding and 80 50 1n imported 01.1 cloth, marble edge, and 10 justly by hint called "P000 CROWNLNG WORN. OP 111Y LIFE." It is the result of over half a century's ob- servation, study and experience. Yet this embodies no compilation of his former books. It is wholly a new book. If 30 years ago no could produce a book thathas had a sato of over fifteen hundred thousand copies Iod has made his name familiar in nearly every English-speaking home i•, the United States, Canelo and thousands of homes in. Europe, Australia and South America, what kind of a boolt could or would he produce as hie Crowning Life 1Vork, with morn than thirty years of additional practice and ex- perience? Tho book itself answers the question, and is the moat valuable produc- tion In the history of book publishing. OArnim0 f Unscrupulous and pirating publh:hors aro attempting to coyy this book by taking portions of it out and palm- ing it oft on the nubile as the complete work. Wo own the manuscript purchased from Dr. Chase's heirs. Soo that you get theGL'NUIN3 book, See that it has our name on the title page tmd is copyrighted by us. Agents 78'autted t Illg Teams t F, R. BlCIST 000N .0 110., Main 011100, Detroit,110012. Wlxnsen, ONT Published in both English and German. 40.0ins. A Painless Caere. FACT i t t t r KEN 1 °° ALL AGES. IGH4.saw �.0�7e ne..zu.S.....�a rp�.p mw ®a G.,. '&d! a,I e7EAT .74.L8L3",73I Jt 2iLlge 3rffd,l$, Mend el Healing, anti 3ohh,00r of Medicines, tthaterrible consequences a tfitrdiseret5ory ` �•^ •: 0, 1 Exposure and ov erwoete. .ti..:1.Q•.I"'0., 0T1= i.1/i2211aT Who are broken AMA trent .Ira Weida of elm() Will find 111 80, 8 a radical cure for nervous d I1111•.,011nleweaktne it, Involuntary vital ]totes, etc. SytrnlolsO VOA vvmrrt :'.J. ': 1.01011,.1 ata Throne -Wane of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dlmuosa of eigh,; 1.1.0I' .- to , witty, want of oun0rlonne, avoidance of conversation, desire for sollttutn, 11 Co.. ne .1 m,1 inability to fes the attention on a particular aubjeot, oowardloo, d01,nos0ln.t of s•. , n giddtr,os, loot of memory, excitability of temper, spor- matoi•rh(oa, or loss or ,b„ ala, h, i fluid -rho result of solf.abuee or marital excess impo- tency, inuutritiou, tin 1, e.1 , ), 1,51111050, palpitation of rho heart, hysteric fooltnge its females,,tumbling, nu-bu,e}t.. n•, d curbing droatm0, oto, aro [r11 ayntpteum of this terrible habit, otentimes in anneal l v 1',111 4, 1n short, ilio spring of vital force having lost its tension, every fit/10'0011wave, t h 10120tmone0, l:eiunti11wtitorasud the s11perintonelents of insane neylunts aorta m ...Ming to the emits of self-abuse rho groat majority of wasted lives wliioh cove under their notice, X0 you aro incompetent for the arduous duties of hnsivsss, Maumae:isto ( for Oho enjoyments of life, No, 8 offers an escape frons •rho effects of early ale'. If you aro advanced in years, N0, 8 will give you full vigor and strop th. n70111100 broken dawn, phy:acidly and morally front gaily indiscretion, elm result or Ignorance and folly, timid your dichosa end 10 emits in damps far M, V. LUnoN e `Treatise in Rook Norm on Diseases of ,Man. Sealed end genre from observation, Address all ennrmnicatieno to M. 'V. 71.011000. 47 Wellington tit. E„ +l'orouto. A Ran without Wisdom lives In u fool's paradise, CORES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. a4v"211.w y '\4", a -4 4711ym a\ :tet+" + y Im,.acuty A Perin anent Co,i re, a it Pleasant Ou re0