The Brussels Post, 1888-6-1, Page 3MAY 25. 1886.
p.r•voKvueavasC{ GARK " . et
'J.'In: JULl1 ie 110 BAH,
"Your watch, sir, please, and your silver
Tho pure] was at 11114 hand- -
"Aud remove rho gold from your pinta.
'1'110 burglar politely said,
':1 have. a0 gold," said ih0 wakened lona,,
"And no watch nor cash haw 1,"
"Well, then," smiled tho other, "as fast
UN you urn
You had better prepare to dfie !"
••1 ant in no hurry,' the burglar said,
"If you'd like to lis your hair,
Or shave yourself, ere you're tilled with
I'll wait) in this easy chair."
,-You had bettor stick in the mirror rim
A nice little fn" d h}c note,
And mention your ft''ci- to funeral hymn,
Anil tho eut of your burial root."
And tbf o 11 c 7(1+ ction-, if se you please,
For your 1 -. 1 1r, might he writ,
Together with antl1lil pleasantries
A9 'flowers kindly nulit."
•')ir. ltnr,'ILr, i7( rpi1,r of your call to.
Both edit", 1 ia: 1' olio! you are;
And '•r Il, my Mull litter 1 write,
Wont yon please a.,e 1„ try a cigar
'got, mold; yin, you're very kind indeed;
l;nl your writing don't let m0 stop "
Ind hr daintly lighted the proff• red wend,
\Vhilr maintaining the deadly •'drop."
••We're n slava if mon,.y we make a god,
Yat without it we cannot live ;"
And toe burglar, indulging in a nod,
Smiled in tho affirmative.
\Vith a pleasant movement the writer
When the burglar murmured, bland,
^Don't you think 'Would be better if
your note
\Vero begirt with a mourning band 1"
Your fancy I quite appreciate,
For I love perfection's pink;
But boll,nv's the mourning band of fate,
When you're writing with limo ink 1"
'1'110(4 over rho paper his goo:[ pea rpocl—
l1e was frightened never a bit ;
And when 1t. had finished be turned and
The burglar what ho had writ.
And the burglar Made a wild grimace,
linrst into a fearful roar,
Curled up like a harbor, and fell on his
All helpless upon the floor.
I trust, Mr. .iturglar, yon won't fall
In this terrible laughing tit,"
'Then ho pours.[ o' 11 v,attr upon 1114
And fanno.l hint a littl:t bit.
tae re U, d hits out on a canvas cot,
Where he laughed until ho was sore ;
•'011, 1 never heard such a precious lot
01 beautiful jokes before!"
leo rolldd «Lout on his hands an,l knees
'fill he almost broke i7( half,
•'With any Irian yell eon do as you please,
If you only can rnak° hire laugh 1"
The burglar smiled to his silk hat brim,
And apolo4zed thou and there;
And n now ii ''Ila wa$ lent to him,
For a mist was In tho air.
"G oud bye 1" said the burglar ; "you shall
Your umbrella to -morrow at four."
"Cloud bye! good-bye!" said the other
ouo ; "go
Your way, and burgle no morn 1"
Parrots aro eaten in Mexico.
Spiders nro considered a delicacy
romped in the New Caledonian.
Silk ,h, rma era looked upon as
delicious in Chinn.
Snails, frogs' legs nut goose live rs
are epicurean dishes in Praline.
Caterpillars aro to Africans liko
fried bird ou toast.;
Ants are stowed and served np in
both Africa and Brazil.
Birds nests of tho edible sort bring
their wolght i7( salvor for tho tables
of the rich Chinese mandarins.
.t -Boos aro eaten regularly by the
Skankis ]curled eodesirable game
by the natives of the Argentine Re-
Harmonies for Window Dressers.
Red and violet do not accord
Orange and yellow accord incom-
parably bettor t has reel and mango.
Orange and green do not accord
Orango nod violet aoeord passably,
yot not so well oat oraugo and groan.
Yellow and green form an agree•
ablo combination.
The arrangement of yellow and
blue is morn agreeable than that of
yellow and green, but is loss lively.
Green and blue produce au in,
different affect, but 1)otter when the
colors a'e deep.
Creon and violet, especially when
light, form a combination porforablo
to green and blue.
Orange•yellow, whorl placed by
tho aide of indigo, ineroasos its in-
tensity, and vico versa.
Rod and yellow accord pretty
well, especially if the rod is purple
red, rather than moarlet, and the
, yollow bather greenish thou orange.
Rod and bluo accord, passably, os-
pooially if tho reel inclines rather to
scarlet than crimson.
Blue, when pieced by tho side of
orango, M00011000 the laltor's intone
sity, and vice versa.
llluo and violet accord badly.
Red and ornngo do not accord
When two (•dere .',•cord badly t,,
gothor it fs nl0ay • ativantagooue to
separate them by whit.
Flack never produces a had effort
whole 1t is associ tted with. two la1n
Inoue 001ere,
While gray never Lxtaotfy produoed
a bad effect in its association with
two 104nin„tte e'tl,0 , in moat cases
itd assort rnl'e )fro d1111,
1101v (TILL '110(1) Iw 1(11)11,
And now (uuw ,gree') kid gloves,
. in ail shades, from which, a14vs tho
New York Coto rim rcittl Adver doer,
r1ou1X ', i1h entry, ui'oliee and all un, good .Lord delltcr
Thorn is also a now way of netting
diamonds for the cars, by which the
atmos art never still cxr'rpt when
• Ms), are out of the cess, By this
new aro. ug the (Haurn(is tremble
with every pulaa+r,u of the oar, (1111.1
giving thein additional Issue. Even
et start) that is ,di' color •0111 Rhino
nl, fo 'sued oily auruf,• whoa (lane
Pho'Sluwi,li pubo' is the mute
of 11 WV round hat in 1)1reetoiro
style, 10',(011 (1011411 n13ub.m of wear
ors among 'hose who off• et t•0001lrie
novel,[,... 1'11 bol i" retnarlutbly
hire '1, 71fr.fir11riul1 =e-101) shape'
walfcll moo :solve Lout -t4 bar
w.,t a • ,, tools • , th' it p:•r,f, esiou
'1'11•.• i•nm is •011'711111,1, trod unt-
aidr N1 lar;;, 1111,, ,,1 0111),/n 1,((001
i 1
17 nt for 0011q.., 1 the crown and
(elfin • forward 11.4 if bit, •n by of '101"
of ,.('1! :1 torn., 11 .1' •f 101,'. :( o.
Iiost celluloid is made in Franco,
anti this is the process of tnaunfac ;
turn : A roll of paper ie. slowly un
wound, and at tho 01/1110 1111120 1e -
saturated with it mixturn of filo
parte of eulplluric acid, whioh falls
neon the paper in a fine 14arai,
Tido change, rho cellulose of rho
paper into pyroxylin" (gun cotton),
Tho excess of that acid Marina. boon 1
expelled by pressure, the paper le
trashed with plenty of :sato until
all traces of acid have been removed. •
It fi then redact -it to pulp and
pnstle4' on di tin, bleaching trough, •
It is the gun (atom' which gives it
explosive nature, ;11e,t of tho
11(tcr slaving go`, rid of by anemia
of a strainer, the pulp is mixed with
from twenty to forty par cont. of its
%)•eight of camphor, and tho mole -
tura thoroughly triturated tinder
mill -atones. The necessary color•
ing have been added in tho form of
powder, a second mixture and
grinding follows. This pulp is
spread out in thin slabs, which aro
squeezed in a dydraulie prese until
they aro as dry as chive. Thou
they aro rolled in heating rollers
and 00140 Gilt in elastic sheets.
They aro from that point worked tap
into every conceivalo form, You
got celluloid collars, cuffs, hairpins,
shirt fronts, oravats, penholders.,
brushes and combs, inkstands,
kuife-handle, jewelry and everything
oleo almost that you can imagine.
t10W '111 HILL MOTllO.
The destruction of moths is one
of (ho greatost vexations which care-
ful housekeepers 1i370 to oontond
with, and thf-ir depredations aro not
to be remedied 11113' they Iowa (moo
mado inroads. [liaises heated by
furnaoos aro especially predisposed
to have methe, but every house
keener mum be on the watch for
them, for from the tune that tho
wi11110ws be'lin to be left open 1111*:
trouble begins. Heavy carpote
eomotimes do not require taking up
every year u(lcee in coustanl nae.
Take out the: tracks from these, fold
the carpet. back, 4rae11 the floor in
strong suds with a toaspoouful of
borax dissolved in thein, Dash with
insect powder or lay with tobacco
leaves along the odgc and ro tack.
Alt moths eau bo kept away and the
eggs destroyed by this means, In-
grain or other carpets, after shaking,
aro brightonod by sprinkling a
pound of salt ovor tho surface and
swooping carefully and thoroughly.
It is also an excellent plan to w1p0
off- the carpet with borax water,
using a thick flannel cloth, taking
care not to wet it, but only to
dampen. Opon the windows and
dry the carpet before replacing ;ho
ftrnituro, Other woolens,iucludiug
blankets and wearing apparel, must
be beaten and brushed and folded
smoothly. Be careful to clean every
spot with ammonia water, not too
strong, and a Clark woolen cloth.
Tie pieces of camphor into little
bundler' and put one an each article.
Wrap the artielos in newspapers, as
printers' inti is a great preventive
of moths, and sow them up in strong
sheeting bugs, labelled; so it will not
be necessary to open thorn during
the summer except for use. This
is a good way for thoso who do not
possess cedar boxes, and the articles
need have no other caro if every
spot is (coated its directed and (ho
garments aro not left hanging in
tho closet too long boforo putting
away for the e0080n.
rostedettoix ladotteree.
It begins to be whiaperod that the
reign of rho tailor ovor womou'8
gowns will shortly bo a thing of the
darkly mildewed past.
A garment that is a barque at one
side and upon the other a well -de'
fined polouaiso, is among tho latest
of London oapricea.
A new wrinklo 111 the new full
empire skirts is to alternate three
inches of gathers with four perfoctly
plain all around the bolt.
At one of tho forthcoming June
weddings in Philadelphia a novelty
will bo the introduction of married
mon no best than and ushers.
Tho "wedding wrap" for swell
trousseaux 1s of fano white 0101111.,
with wide alooves of white velvet,
satin linod and odgod with white
fox fur.
The fancy for putting largo girls
into loose frocks with short waists
and big turned -down loco collars
makes them look liko babies under
a magnifying glass.
arty,' heir i 7(t-4' ' .- . rd t , 11:1 la the
p. t. lin p, „ ,,. , ••11 i
is quif4 loop .•• 'e t•, ear '•t C• 11
tritl, any deg v.,of greito w1111
un,• orb ,1410 •, the effect b,oing that
of rt 1l,' net draped over rite (rout of
on old 1'ashiou0e1 I)nteh gable roof.
<.. a <-2141.1 11 14,1("4Vrti,
Tho senior Admiral of the P,ritisl1
envy, Sir Provo Wallis, is 1()() years
The recent devclopmout of in•
dustrlai and commercial onlo.rpriso
in Japan has been very groat.. Simon
Jauuary, 1887, throe hundred and
thirty.ono companies have been
Experiments at Capp Town in
sigualling with electric light rofleot•
ed from the clouds, wore a complete
snC0e88. Experiments were also
mado with n sweet at sen with the
result of flashing a sigualfifty utiles
Roy. Dr. Lyma1 Abbott was laet
week elected permanent pastor of
Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, • nd
Mc first regular successor of Rev.
Henry Ward Beochor. Tho vote by
lvhitt11 the r08ttlt VMS !Molly attained
stood 401) to 00 hi favor of the
A7( Oil City boy of 12 years gots
up in Lis eltcp and plays the piano.
Wo 110we0 boar of a 12 yearold boy
getting up in his sleep and cutting
wood, cr doing scone other useful.
work, As the old Greok philosopha
or says : "Ile isn't constructed on
that model."
Mrs. 11011rrt Milligan, of Bridge-
port, Gn,, gave birth to her twenty
fifth child on May 10. The mr(LLr
is 48 year; old, and was married At
14 years of age. Ile children l7(•
cludo fivo sets of 1w11P, and of rho
twenty-five twontyone aro living,
the oldest being 88 years old. There
aro nine grandc bildren.
Tho seating—or perhaps more
properly standing—capacity of the
eight largest churches io Europe is
said io bo as follows : St. Petor,
Remo, 54,000 persons ; Milan Calle.
dral, 87,000 St, Paul, Rome, 25,-
000 ; Si. Sophia, Constantinople,
28,000 ; DTotro Dame, Parfs, 21,-
000 ; Florence Cathedral, 20,000 ;
Pies. Cathedral, 18,000 ; St. Mark,
Venice, 7,000.
English magistrates have sunt to
jail, for 111i00040 days, au old man
who was convicted of having timid -
lad an empty barrow along the
gravel footpath of a country road
whore he would havo intorfered
with foot passengers if there bad
been any anywhere about to bo m
terfered with, which (bo evidence
ehowed (hero were not. The reg
ulna! roadway had just been newly
laid with broken rook,
A band of brothers—S. P. Atkins,
pitahoo, agod 22; J. S. Atkins,
catcher and captain, aged 21 ; G.
13. Atkins, .ib., 20 ; W. L. Atkins,
2b:, 80 ; T. W. Atkins8b„ 10 ;
Earl Atkins, ss., 10 ; Richard At.
kins, Lf,, 15 ; P. S. Atkins, o,f., 30 ;
Claude Atkins, r.f,, 21. They hail
from Alexic!, Dao„ and ollallelgo
any club of nino brothers in Amor'
lea to play them for from $500 to
$2,000 a side. They have deposit.
ed $500 with tho St. Louis Sport-
ing News,
Crlal lad Our1. Pfaowat.
The total asvoasmo11 of (ho vill,
ago of Ayr is x$200,793, against
$259,513 last year, an increase of
Dr, Getting luta patoutod a now
gun motel, composed of stool and
aluminum, and said to be of remade•
141)10 etrongtll.
Tho propellor Lolligla, of the
Anchor Line, struck a rock at the
mouth of Detroit river on Tuesday
and sank, Them aro 0,000 bushels
of corn in 13or hold.
Tho Czar of Russia, m tho 0001(40
of ilio salnlnter, will attend the
nl1nlnuvr78 of tho troops in ibo
Cdossa district, and from utero will
proceed to Ilio Caucasus, extending
his tour probably to Tnricost an,
Parkhill dofeatod the $15,00(
%voter 1(1rin by•lttw by 77 to 55"
' vetex.
pho Alnuito1)4 Tor1's int:•11,1 to i /00,000
holed a Provinr'inl C;uveuti'ul on
,Jami 11.
lIr'. 1, 13.:41e(lueston, of Handl-
ton, has 1roo t 1' ,t 0le,yen poucoel4l
to the Toronto Zoo. 11'4,,ferl
Thcr0 are runl(rs in uioutreitl to
the' offs-ct that dm eottr)11 c"whiny
ie 1ilcely' to brook op shortly,
John llrl;arts, school tznc],Gr, .11L
9')111,)_ ....
and I'erdinnnd Bipue, jun., 107110aF
drowned near Killarney, Out., on LI J 17Elevil �ty ' iN
E. J, Davis, Liberal, wn'i ileea,•el
by acclamation i7( North York, 1)0,
Forrest, the Conserv-dive 1(' lllllee,
having dee ioed to rtul.
Hon. Mr Lonrho. has aeeepted
an (41Vilatlon to x11111(1 1411100 10 a:
1)1'11'• cin Luke, alter which he m
mild, to twilit, it tour of Ontario.
The Government Have tdedishcd
1lnfht" S0'ploaloon'd srnecuro and
(,tab.i:hedoco for ?Ir• 11organ in
1i t4t7x•—"1nGn••Ctnr of b'ore'stry ."
.J. r. 11r:.j.,rdinta 11 p0 (11100(11
1 )' rol c of the 01,1'01iti. n in the
tail l r T l:.',1,1i..).;11 b 11,:7(77
1)tl1t,-31:1.lAe. ,l' 1111)i., tot 411
Tho Guelph 1 i cc the 'other dry •
brought tho beth_.:;' IiiiiVUTY carts
up with a jerk anti finu l 5.1 derive:
short w'eight.. Tito broad wee hood -
011 over t, 010 General I o )dial.
Sir Charles Liman., Canadian • Commissioner, will, It i•1 ro
ported, visit Madrid this Bummer to
reaum0 negotiations for a 041111).10r-
cial troety between Canada and
Spain. <
An Algiers cleepatcil says :—Itu-
menee e ' arms of locusts aro advano
ing upon Tiaret. The iuseots extend
in a semi circle, the diameter of
which 114 calculated at fifteen kilo
The now Governor•General has
selected Captain Colville, Grenadier
Guards, as military secr0lasy, and
Lieut. 'McMahon, Grouadlers, tot -
aide de -camp. Lord Stouloy sailed
on the 29111.
A eh411t has been sunk on the
farm south of the old Christie harm,
Paris, to abcertaln if natural gas
can bo found in thisvicinity. They
aro down 1,000 feet, but there are
no signs of gas Set.
Over 30,000 (2) car wheels man11-
fact1lred at the 5t. Thomas cat'
wheel works are now running on
the U.1'.lt., and snob a thing as at
broken wheel has never been heard
iJi'ul' (II.i:
(l r l,',8S'•
of.--.�)t. '1'i,nmas 'Clues.
The Dominion Brewery on Queen
street, east, Toronto, owned by
Robert Davies, has beim sold to n
syradialto of English capitalists. It
is understood that the price to bo
Void is nearly $1,000,000.
Joe. Lang, of the Kincardine Ito -
view, started with two froeuds to
church in Tiverton last Sunday.
The horses took fright and ran
away. Jou thinking, to earn hr m-
eelf jumped out, bat unfortunately
in so doing broke his right ankle
and hurt his shoulder.
The Canadian Pacific Railway
Company, it is said, are about to
build. Another boat for their line
from Port Arthur to Owen Sound,
to be tho largest vessel on the lakes.
They also propose building six im-
mense iron boats for service between
Chicago and Owen Sound.
J. II. O'Neil, of Stratbroy, has
received an'orcicr from tho Brown
Ranching Company, of Calgary,
Alberta, N.1V•'l'., for ono carload of
pedigreed Polled Angus cattle, to bo
delivered in Juue. The cost
of a carload delivorod at Calgary
will Uo in tho neighborhood of
Tho l3fahop of IIurou, as has boon
previously stated, lois [wood a cir'
calor, postponing the mooting 011110
Synod of Huron until the Autumn,
owing to his necessary ab0eueo in
England, where he' has been sum
1101(011 by His Grace the Archbishop
of Canterbury, to atteud the Lam •
both J41014ronce.
An auoiont Indian legend of Stur•
geou Point about rho fate of a young
Iroquois chief and his lluron bride,
Manila, has boon wrought into verse
by \Villiarn McDonnell, of Lindsay,
and ie issued in 11 pamphlet contain
lag also a good deal of information
about the attractions of the summer
resorts in the noighborhond.
Two young men anima llobort
MoKennoy and Thomas Cooltsie,
(ho former a son of tho Postmaster
at Morning's Mills, worn lodged in
Orangeville jail, ibo other day, on a
ohargo of tampering with lo(ters in
the 1iorning's Mills ofllco. The
arr08te Nom 111ac10 at the hlslanoo
of tho Inspector of Post °Dices.
Moses Welker, tlio colored catch-
er for Syracuse, was brought up at
the Toronto Polios Court on 1+riday
morning, ohargod with disorderly
conduct on rho baso ball gromed(4 on
Wednesday afternoon. Tho acting
Police Llagistrato, after hearing
1Volker's explannti0u, rot1Anded
him for sent01100 1101111 called inion,
but took the revolver from him.
Walker thanked the • Magistrltto as
he walked out.
I wish to call your attention to the fact that 41411 hand 1 1 t - m l do','t i' 1i of
goalo l exeh n a for R , 1 1 Lw d- t.• •(lie d to 01+1 , flus - - :", as of the
lar,,..(, and as tho triol t ( 1.0 14 111(L.1. 17 ill le- 7(1 e sdry tMit yn,1 111n:1,) 1001-
Lroui71 am) d colo -whereto malto 1,t11,11.7,.4 ;It .y ,o7(11(*1, 1 1,0.'(1 11y
-tock is open for your ire•peetim.,, 11,1 i. the b r d -e.r. i . 4 u•Ir e r , , 114• any
Woolen 1•'aelory to Co1.ti(7, .711 laity pita sas (Vita, 1diu11r,[ 1 V'1i1t1•
1(01)1', 110 not be 1.-,1 away L (',h" l ly 1't liars Lost nth, r,., lmt ewoo d;,141 d)•
cert with oar, oho 140 cols 1: ,r7(,,', t , tit.. L',t et his nhr ity. 1,, gn tu•:a•,1)L w•urlt.
i7( 1111 C11r lin,!, :Imams!) nut wtoelog,let-„ 1 d L.nn• 1+ 111,1;1;.;. .,and
deal honestly with everybody. All 3.3'„•71 lielif't' Ts d ,;;,, , r 1'1at
Thaultine, (1y mou,r.ot 7.11A ,11701 ir 1 ! -t 1 I -t. . s e
:Loci bring )o1((010:•l`t, s 1,11i1i1! ! • •
: 7( n "
,e. 1 •%l p ! , 7(l ..,1 eu1
s' , 140-t t:.. ,
Z.1' ,. t.l .tt..
t, 1tn:ar to :.11- ,'•-m I;,. �, i 7(l l} .
H ,f-! R D W A R E
AS ,just rcctoived;a large stock of Spring Goods, such as Spades, -
-� g- Shovels, Hoes, ltilkes, &'-e.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Sash, Glass, Shingles and J.,at1.
A large quantity of .Barbed and Plain Wire in Stock.
Our assortment of Silvorlvaro is large, well as erten and 071,1 on
close margins. Don't fail to See it,
Contractors reesporsona intending to build housts or barns should
calf and ;,*,.:t. estimates in hardware supplies
A. M. Mc'K.r�f li Co.,
S k7
rpIdE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at
the olal
Egg E11111aPill 111, N TOTTI0014 Brussels Post Office.
Fanners and others run depend upon getting from
us the very highest 'Market Prieo lr C4sa1
this season as we are going to ship extensively and requiro large
Don't forget the old stand nest door to tlio Post Office, Bruno,^144.
niU r� r �, ,Ballantyno Bon.
¢ I blase much pleasnro ill informing all ley
+�l �e•"""olid friends that my clangllter and grandson
\sill cant113410 the c'gg business at the old stand carried aro by me
hast year and I hope they will reciove liberal patronage.
Intending to the 1 armee&
'yA1i1)t 11 131105., Implement Agents, desire to return thanks for the extensive
patretla )0 of tho past year and bog leave to remind the farming community
that they still 'handle 0110 (JI.I,I:all,1L'n 11,188'11 STET.IJ BIxeall, 8,000 of which were
mannfactnrcd and sold iu 1887,'11144 ILissrY 0(010014 and Tn1.4 Tnaoxi'u 111ow1:r,. 1)11
show the superiority of this last nnlntimhed machine the M1014101! the past 11 years
have over.rnn 2,000 a year.
'Wo a ro also agents for tho well-known 0011 latest improved Beevor and Champion
Drills, and tho sharp Sulky Rake, the best ever maun£aetnred. A large eol:signmelit
of lure Manilla Binding Twine m•derod for the harvest of 1888.
We havo sold and aro selling a 1ar;;o number of 13nehauan's lierse forks and v,in,
vators. No bettor in the market.
The Wilkinson plow and all plow repairs kept constantly at our shop. No need of
waiting to send to the manttfeotur< rs for them.
Our impair Boost is thoroughly 0(0011011 witlh all the necessaries for tho machfnea
NV e handle and earl be supplied ata moment's notice, We mean business.
('all rd our Wnrel•oems, near the Bridge, 111 novel: , rola see for y'nnrselves.
C::, . aDI 1 E' ROE