The Brussels Post, 1888-5-25, Page 5t1 rN MAY 25, 1888. THE BRUSSELS POST. -:- AND THE -:- NG- :- AL3OF BIT vYi =111 Rpt t I W1T Com" GLA GIVING UP THE ICE-CREAM BU?.-.JIN n-, TIT: law compelling us to close our sten! at 7 o'clock p. xn. will prevent us selling Ice -Cream and Summer Drinks. Wu are going more extensively into the Grocery Business. It has aiw.ty.i 'wen oue of our principles in business to accommodate the public at the expense of our own comfort. We have always waited on our customers with as much ploasure at 10 O'clock at uiollt a8 at 10 in this morning. Wo have always refused to slant the door in the face of our friends, if they should be a little late in getting in This is the ago of combines. Last year an attempted combine w,ts ulalo t.1 loop out the pedlars;� s year a combine to compel people to deal within certain hours is successful. Next year we should not be surprised t,, find a law compelling people to deal at certain store and pay certain prices. S1 o are against all such combines. \i a cannot sell you goods after 7 o'clock p, m., but we have still the liberty of selling cheap. We are not only the tnogt obliging stare in tlirossels, bat are the cheapest. We will sell 12 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1 00.. 15 lbs, Good Brown Sugar for $1.00. 101bs. Good Japan Tea Dust for $1.00. We will givo more Groceries for $1 than any other store in Brussels. We give more Currants, Raisins, Rice, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flour, Soap, Starch, Blue, Tea,, (:l.i:e, Spic„ P,til;, Tub;, (.1),h1; Lir1s,, &c., for $1.00 than anyone in Brussels. 2 Cans Fresh Tomatoes for 25 cents. 2 Cans Fresh Corn for 25 cents. Canned Beef only 20 cents per Tin. Everything Cheap. Everything the Best Quality. Cash for any quantity of Eggs. 1 -110 -C3 -S 1. BUTTER ! Cash, in part for any quantity of Good Butter in Tubs. NO CREDIT ! We will pay you cash for your Eggs; we will sell you goods cheap ; we will do anything to oblige, but we cannot give credit. the prices we sell at. - BUTTER ! FilaG-S 1 BUTTER The Toronto Grocery. DiMrict Daus. J 11'7tlt e]. • Which is it; Scott Act or Crooks Act. David Tindall has been on the sink list. Mrs. B. Tindall has also been poor- ly this spring. . Rev, J. T. Logear and wife woro away at Goderieh this week. Rev. R. Paul took Mr, Legear's work last Sunday. P lf° reteis,t. Rev. G. B. Howie, M.A., will preach 'at James Ireland's residence on Friday evening of this week, Council meeting and Court of Revision at the fall on Monday of next weak, commencing et 10 o'clock a.m, Chas, ilingston and family have re- moved to Temperaucoville, York Co., whole he engaged with a Rochester nur- sery. ile should melee a good agent. Wee] toss. The fanners Have. nearly all finished seeding. Tho question now is, Where aro you going to spend the 24th ? Mr and firs. Leech have returnod and the cheese factory started on Mon- day, The Messrs, McDonald have atartocd thrir shingle mill and it ie now in good running order., Whore will the O.P.R. station built n ho bn It is rho nouundrunl jest now Bruesole and Seaforth will have to take a bank seat. The teachers, Misses Hillou and Ma Dougall, attended tho Teachers' Coavon- lion on Thnreday and friday of last wool: a.t Seaforth. Tho fitimnoisl affairs of the Walton cir- cuit in connection with the Methodist church have boon wound up this year in a moot satisfactory manner. We havo had n good year with our pastor, Rev. W. Torrance. Gr try. Scedi „being finished tiro root ground le uuw .cc,iving attention. Court of Revision and Commit meeting at Etbci on Friday of elle Weets, It is rumored that another matting has talten.plac0 near the east end of the 16th line, Tho only mrviving child of David Clark, which also had tiro diphtheria, is now quite well., Miss Dortha Bali is home from Sea - forth. Silo le perfoetinghorsolf in phono- graphy, Wo wish her success. A. glnueo at our diary shotes that troos wore in bloom on the 8th of May last year, Iiow much gator Ellis year 1 A Young Peoples' Society luta boon formed in oonnsatiou with I(nox ohuroh. at Cranbrook and promisee to be a good 8000055. 11, Bali has tho oxoavating done for the foundation of his now house. IL will bo brick voucer and will boa comfort• able struotnre °reeled on ono of tho very boot situs. • A. very largo number aseomblcd 10 hoar. R.ay. Mr. Howie in Shino's school hone° last Friday uvoning. Tho rev. gdntlenran is a good speakcs! and 1landloe. hi:; eubjeefs in a masterly menti', A Sunday school *mitt Will bo held in \ngns,Shaw's grove on rho (queen' 11 ' lhday. After refreshments addresses are expected from Rev. R. Paul, Rev. J. T. Legear, W. 1f. Kerr and :others. A good time is expected. Farmers generally are displeased at the early closing of business places, especially during the summer months, and -will tern their attention more to the oountry stores, whore they will make their purchases during the cool of the evening. Its nn i11 wind that blows no- body good. -'Wilee;hrltee . Tho following officers of the Woman's Missionary Society woro appointed : - • President, Mrs, Chas. Lloyd; vioe-presi- dents, Mrs, George Thompson and Ides, 11. 0I. Robinson ; recording-scerotary, Mrs, Thomas IIohnes; corresponding - secretary, Mrs. Dr. Towler; treasurer, Mrs. John Elder. The Queen's Birthday will be !celebrat- ed here in grand style. The program will conmlenco at 1) it. m. with a baso ball metal) between Goclerlob and the local nine. A lacrosse match will also bo played. A Trades' p1oe0ssion takes plats 101 1 p.m., after which a series of games and sports will take place on the Agrionitnral park. hiaen:oNocsIxssrrcrlc.--Tito following is taken from thio annual report:—The annual roport showed that the year was begun with a balaneo of 6512.20 ; 670.75 were received in taemborship foes ; and in govern eat prtutts 5250, making the tutolrassots 0811.01. There WAS expend,. ed for milt etc., 5105,08 ; for salaries 074.10 ; for boole0 not fiction, etnei.57 3 for books, fiction, el48.51.; for magazines, newspapers, ole., 575.75 ; mieoollanooua, 087,86, time leaving a balance on hand of 04473. The value of 1 ,n,lto 011 luted 1s 0550, and tho tot 41 1 e e, e671,73, Thera wore bought best yew' 112 books, -of which 150 woro flotion, 1) biography, 24 history, 6G nlisaulkeneous, 12 „choral literaturo, 19 io O tr ' and c rami 10 re i •tuts 28 i s y 1 , 1 1, science and art, 50 voyage and travois, and 1(1 works of refermwc, Thom are now 1805 volumes in tho library, of which 1092 acro fiction and 390voyegomtd travel. There are 3 daily and 113 weekly papers rooeiv01, 7 magazines and 8 periodicals, Tho ensuing year's otl]oore are: J. A. Morton, president ; W. 11;. Lnntit, seorn- tery; R. McIncloo Lrcnsuror; Messrs, Fisher, Morton, Cloves, Dr. Towler and D. C. Munro, board of directors. lelsto' v tet. A movement is on foot to build a num- ber of small houses ae rho Stable falls HMI sumiucr, Hay Bros. aro removing the old mill ofileo and =about to build a brick build- ing in its place, Informations have boon laid against two of our leading storekeepers for break- ing tho early olosieg by-law by selling goods afto.' hours. EL Bothwell, who for years past has boon ltoad•nlastor of rho public School, wont to Brentford, whore, on friday afternoon, he was married to :Miss Mary Britton, formerly of Listowel. ' Tho Town Commit has under coptsicl- oration tho disposing of Elm Agl•ienitural path grounds, and purchasing other pro. petty alum„ the Elaut' for tho pnrpodo of malting a resorvoir, to he utilized 10 con- nection with tho water works, and pro- bably for boating and outer. rocreation. A move 1s 110w being mole to bawl a perk, The plaoo whetted is the old 0011001 grounde,oppositc D. D. ('ampbell's, It is utterly impossible to git'rr eredit at The grounds are being levelled and clean- ed up, and will, with careful handling, make a good park. A bandstand is to bo erected in the contra and trees and shrubs at once planted. J. C. Hay and II, H. O'Rielly havo recently given a largo amount of labor to prepare sumo statistics of Imports and Exports to and from Listowel, which show that in proportion to its size our town is ono of rho mast enterprising in this part of Ontarid. The statistics shote that during the past year the exports amounted to 1800 carloads of merchandise and mtenufaoturing goods, whilst the im- ports woro 668 carloads, roprosentiog over 515,100 for freight, Meaers. Hay Bros. and Mess Bros. nem by far the largost exporters. teleentortle. The flax mill and its oontents owned by Lawrence Murphy, of this place, was tot- ally destroyod by fire at midnight on Thursday of last weok. The loss by the destruction of tho mill is 46,000; insur- ance 58,000. J. Livingston, captain of the Collegiate Institute foot ball team, bas boon chosen as one of the players on the Comedian team in the international match at Sor- lin on the 91th of May, between Canada and the United States. Several important changes toots placo in the times of trains leaving Stratford, on Monday. There is no change on the mai linobut there is new train G.T.R.n a 1 ev to London and a new one to Goderieh. The now train to Croderioh leaves Strat- ford at 1:95 pen. At the election for two :ounoillan ]n the eolith ward M. R. Counter and A. Bonin wore eleetod. The following aro tho vatee east for each oaudidate : A. Bean, 0.1 ; til, .Lt, Coater, 49 ; J. Gillespie •lu ; A. 'Trot; 28, Tho councillors for this ward aro T. W. Duman, A. Beam and M. R. Coulter. Eight mouths ago Elizabothand4onnio Quiulancl, sisters, aged respectively 20 and 18, loft thoir home hi Seaforth, and came to Detroit to engage in sarvieo. Thoy secured situations as waiters at Ella St. Elnio hotel, and up to two woelts ago are reported as having beau faithful ser- vants. Thur day night in company with (Von. Shepard, living at 128 Michigan avenue, they were lodgod in rho Central Polioc,Station, Sorgt. Ben High states that rho inveution of the polico had roe - cued thorn ort tho brink of a ruinous life, Sentence. —From tits assessment roll the glean the following statistics t ---There aro 60.4 nitildren between rho ages of 5 and 1(1; 411) betwoon 7 and 18, and 778 betwoot 16 and el. Tho real property is assessed at 0515,500; personal property, 560,500; income, 517,880; total tome. noir, 6592,880. Tho population is 2,0.16. There ie a substantial and setls- foototy inereasc in every department, showing that tho town is malting satis- factory progress. There aro fn rho town 110 cattle, 1111 horses, 25 ahoep, 28 pige and 109 doge. Thera Was (luring tho year 40 births and' 22 deaths. teremees Bmeitnee,—A grand lacrosse matulr will take plane on the 24th, bo- ttween the ".Hoover t," of Seaforth, and the ',Dauntless," of 111111100, arnn1no110- ing .11 10 o'clock sharp. 1 u tho after- noon horse races will 11n hold on Fair- view park, which will be tlto beet of the season 00 liberal parses have boon offer - 01. In the evening a getout =cot will be given in Cardno'a hall when Mies Maggie Campbell, formerly of Seaforth, James Fax, of Toronto, Mrs. and Miss Sage, of Walton, the renowned musical glass players, and other Ewell -known tal- ent, including tho Seaforth quartette club, will take part. This entertainment is for the benefit of the 38rd battalion band. o— Unroll County Notes. The avornge attendance at Clinton Public School, during the month April, was 450. The fall wheat, in Aslifield township is a failure ; °spatially is this tho case whom the wheat was tint in on pats land. Tho population of Goderieh has in - °roasted the past year by 109, the number being 44129, as conpared with 3920 for 1887. It is roportud that Rev, G. R. Turk, of Atlanta, (late of Codorich,) has boon offer. od the pastorato of n Boston Congre- gational church, at 54010 a year. The official board of the North Street Methodist church, Godoriob, 11000 extend- ed nu invitation to 'tee. Geo. Richardson, of Listowel, to bo,omo their pastor. Tho Clinton Nuw .Era, says :—Aapccinl council meeting 1100 held when a by-law appointing a market day, and malting certain provisian1 tarn: for, wax pas,ud. The day seleoted 111 the fire: earltot dee', will bo Saturday, the 2 d of Jnnc. Timilver haul° base -ball S club of Wroxeter was organized i t week with the followingnnort`lmrs: - Thep 1'. Miller, President ; john Barnard, Vieo.Presi. dent ; J, W, Sand„rson, Sea. -'Einar, Com- mittee : Thoo. Rao, A. Paulin and Geo, Forsyth. Tho first stoup, ,•f t,..., court of Re. vision for the town of Winglrun for 1488 will be held in tho council 1, 0:1 no Tues- day evening, 20th Just, 11 for East a an eh tf 1, , �r n W t, o will be held t n h. n tho 22nd drat„ and f,,: , at °leery art Blnevalo on the 28th inst. The Wost it1 lie,;; l: tepcc.or hue been notified to collect all linos fur violation of the Scott Act yct unpaid, and straight. en up any mattore portaietiog to the Act, Preparatory to tho oallcclletiou, of the Polio° Blag]strate; a0otmniaerfnn, which 10 is expeotod will be dont) as 11(0 act is logally annulled. Miss Bolla Door, formerly of Blyth, has recently beoomo "doer" Bella Whitener, rho wife of Mr. Whitener, a 801011th tnfn• tater of Michigan, Miss Deer wee 0 highly estimable yonng lady, and bot many friends will loin in wish. tug her very atlenese in her 110W sphere of lift. Rev. Mr. Trottor, who lune prcachod in the Baptist elmrch Clinton, sovoral tirues, has accepted a tall to the )pastorato theta. of, and will enter upon his duties about tho let of Juuo, 13e will also fill the beet lino appointmont. IIo 113 a young num of marked ability, and will prove a worthy successor to Rev. J. Gray. Thoro is now in rho vicinity of Glen. farrow two of the finest herds of Dur• ham and holstein cattle in tho courty. Tho former, ownod by George Nicholson and tho latter by ,tutor ()cannlill of the nth 0onceetiol of Turnb,rry, AIr. Nide. olaon has recently bought front Arthur Johnston of 'Greenwood, 1110 famous Joung show hull, I,ord .l;relcine. The other day whllo a number of mens. hors of parliament worn standing togith• rr tatting in the parliament buildiogs, Ottawa, Hou. lir, Popo, Minister of Bali - ways, turned to John McMillan, M. 1'. for South Huron, and placing his hand upon his shoulder, said, ''There have been a good many men eomo to this House supposed to represent the fanners and farming interest, but this geutleman knows Inure about forming than all the rest put together, and what is more, I never heard him make to nonsensical re- mark since ho has been in the house." A petition signed by nearly every busi- ness Inas in Wroxeter was presented to the city fathers, praying then to euforoe the bylaw on early closing which will come into oiled on Juno let. Stores and business places will close at 7:80 p. m. till Oct, let, then 7 p. n1. for winter months till April 1st. A fine of 610 will be imposed on any n110 breaking the law On the 80th of April the following were elected for Court Gerrie, C.O.F„ No. 11 : C. It.—Bro. J. S. Perkins ; V. C. R,—Dro. Jas. Armstrong ; 1t. Sec.--Bro. J. G. ]:Edgar ; F. Soca -Bro. S. A. Seaman ; W. Treas.—Bro. John Keine ; W. Chap.—Bro. Wm. );vans ; S. W.--Bro. teams Sanderson ; I. W,--Bro. J. A. Strong ; S. D.--Bro, Geo. H. Hazluwoo,l ; J. B.—Bro, S. Howard. Under the anspicea of the Boman Celli - olio Cbnreit a grand concert is to bo giv. on in the tenon 1111, Teeewater, 021 Thurs. day evening:, the 2.111 inst. A splendid } Wont has array of been s pp t o be enured. T O'Hagan, M.A. m to o f e considerable literary abi',ily e. and a °fever elooutionist, is to give a nuulbor of popular selections. Miss Cool:, of Gndericly Miss Cargill, Miss Dineley, hiss iironnan, Miss Flannigan, Messrs. and if c Smith and Flannigan, of Wiugham, are to telco part, as is also Miss McCabe, of 4 tuenstine, and Mr, Goorgian, of Walkerton. The mann friends of Ileo. T. C. Thant. son, fonlorly of Bruconold, will be pleas. cid to 1°cru Mathu til prospers s I luo.leta in his home in liritieh Columbia, and that the church •vhich he planted and nourished thorn under 31X11 adtrors0 circumstances, j has grown, under his fostering oar°, to i duck proportions that a divieiou is now necessary. Writing flout Vancouver on May 3rd, ho says: "I was fondly hoping to see von and all old friends this mum- mer, but I find t must stay here, Our congregation has grown so that 1 am making preparations for "hiving off." We have just lot a contract for a school 00001 for a second emlgtegaiion and if wo can raise tho money we will proceed with the erection of thu church later on in rho scaaon, Dusides illi:: IVO are taking pro. p1.1aratory stops to build a church for tho brat congregation and so many strougers coming in thoy Must bo looked after at onto. Yon will 500 fr,un this that 111avo my hands full, but I hope, if spared, to visit Ontario in another year. IIy health I:eops good." Fns,—Tho Gorrio Vidotto says :--Tho fire fiend lute again visited this planus About half -past 12 o'clock on Sunday morning last the extensive saw and planning mills of ]tfesers. Wiles 411 San. dorson vvae soon in flames. The fire alarm was sounded, 11nt floc ftro had got such headway that not111ug could be don0 10 0000 the builrlinge. The lose to the omen 1s fully 65,000, dnsurtume 01,000 in tho Saugoon Mutual. W. II, Clegg, loesee °f the planing factory-, lost over 5500 in moulding, sashes and doors and dressed lumber. W', W. Smith an it Jolla Anderson, employees, lest all their tools. This is the most disastrous fire which has ever occurred in Gorrio. Tho pro. prietors are simply ruined, and the vil- lage and country will bo seriously inoon- venienced by this sad iivanciet calamity. Messrs, Wiles d1 Sanderson, W. H. Clegg and the other esfferers have the slneere eympatby of this whole community in their imparabie loss, Something should be done by way of bonus or loan to put this enterprising firm on their feet again. General ••.oevs. The Emperor of Brazil iscone:deerent. Edison, who !s 1011 141100E 48 years old, is inclined to be stout' and weight, 175 pounds. Strawberries almost went bogging for buyers in New York on Monday, at five and six cents per box, The Prince of Wales has left London for Berlin to attend the wedding of Prince Henry and Princess Irene. Robert II. Cowdry, of Illinois, has been nominated for President by the United Labor Convention at Cincinnati. Thirteen Chinamen, with white wivoa and three children of the loader of the party, passed through Montreal Tuesday in bond for Now York. Vermont has figurei np that thirteen persons wore killed, seven crippled for life and twont .ei ht injured in coasting y,1 1 s accidents last winter in that State. v Ten thousand paintings, not to mention water colors and oelgraviuge, ware emit,to tho Royal Academy Exhibltiox this year. Those is room for about 1,201) only. Thirty women make a living by spec ulation on the open Board 4,5 •'.Prod° in Chicago, and half that uumb04 mite busi- ness through commission -10101:, n' the re- gular Board, A. Maryland widow nroro 11 .i: L <t ° t a bear trap at her sn1o1: hon t u,:, and the first catch was a man wbo ,0,144 court. in* her, ifo b packedup 0 r g o had i acke, 10 1 tondo of bacon to carry off. Russia and Moutonego o a; o le ported 3 have conoluded a treaty, by tint terms of which Montenegro will undertake opor- ttions against Austria in tho o. int of a Rnssa.Austrian war. A ropo just finisbed for tam Edinburgh cable tramway is 17,000 foot Long. This is the limpet mnspliced cable in use in Groat Britain, but for rho Melbourne (Australia) tramways ropos 90,000 and 6,000 feet in length, and without splicing havo been supplied. Tito totter weighs 24 tons. Pnoolaiss tN Jnr'AN. --The roto of pro- gress in this interesting country is truly wonderful. Sono of the statistics fur tho Past year aro thus summarized : A trade of 695,000,000 compares with ono of 551,- 000,000 51;000,1)00 just ten years ago. 'Pito 111na miles of railway laid down 101877 ie top - resented by 15I miles built daring tbo past year. Eleven railway aunpanios worn started in tho course of the year 1887. This year also gavo birth to 111 large industrial companies to three cities alone. Two important naval stations leave boon fornlad and aro boin fortified, and the most modern waterworks in the 01111,1irc wow coupleted in October. last. With the exucption of those )tot works c,vo ything ho, ben dono by native °kill mot native vaptitel alone. As nes Eng - belt contemporary observes, rims, is not a bad rocord for century whnro tho fond. al sestom was in' hill' ening 2:, 'years ago. .