The Brussels Post, 1888-5-25, Page 2ilittle as oho
' Ae•Iv on, whoa a ell' i •!n urn '
road uroul;htller fatio to floe with it kI and throw a folded dooutnont on the
Mal.vzr.i (anaemia. Sabbath Serviee' r4,1t ed, Birt • fadd, bare•foutod boy won't eat auythinf hot porterlloneo table, '1 hat•o just insured my lifo ;
at 11a.,n. andl :3U p. m, Stflld 17 School woo was crying us if he lila far be. ( atonic and won't drink auyth.u,1 but for $5,00!) in your favor There 1
at 2139 p. in. Rev, Sohn Ross, B. 1' Y I,policy.' y
pastor. yond comfort. boar. 1Vbere t td un ,o1, biro ? is the1'htlult ort Billow, ,
Rams tsmmmet, -Sabbath •services at 11 ••()h, 1 .hunt+, what is tho mab• 1) :;1: r -1 !)ou;;ht him of a tramp. eon, sail 114,, Wipadnnhy ,1 :lope i
a m. K,Ul 1, ,7,4. , 11. `?undsy : .110,1 at tar .'' alio it'-ttaa quiatlty, mpg; :3. 1'9:`1iih L Stravaaanwi y darn; i :nay b 1'L';•`,' loner+ 11 S ' will
2330 P. m• • away 1V.'r ,. vfl Ware Tina ragged mala i o sad, eoloion1y, 011,11 t.3 Of 001 13,•1 t) 14'1, it (Ivor.'' 'ft
Sa, ions a E nr,.• 0. Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. Lust a p.m. taintav School at Ji 13nnio was a graft friend of Vora ; .3001.1 you amok if I ,h ,til i pot tau wit! 0.. 1,f ,ones 11 f t. ,• 'i
9.80 a.m. Rev. 11•.'1', Chill, incumbent. many a Nord pito) shi had holpod ouewy into pay at tato t:) 4:4,01 a.vay W1811 t) In'trry again,' ho ,;30vied. I
• MaTuonu,r Guou,ul, -Sabbath r3ervicos him over. toy brait,•t ?' II ,t11t1 ( 113) •.tial:, t 'WWI $55,OOU 10 cath C• ,r ::.,.0 pick ,
at 10:30 a. m. and 0:alt p. tn. hondaq Ile sobbed out ,t Ititifnl I1110 of a sir,' In.:c )ughed the young man, Dat almost. any fool you Him.' 'No, ,
School at 0:30 p. m. Ret. 1,I. Swath' pia -wheel which a Tommy Kerns )abet you worn going; to ;1,a umlaut.). I t +I
pastor. to>,.'
110tIAN arruenzo Ctusucit.-••-Sabbath owned and horn pretty it wets, how sary 483)111
She we.; still
Bilkers/to,' 441)0 replied
erylng n i.
Dirootorl of Mnrohoo aid Saoiatiao l ll t in the
A. Spoiled Dog. -Omaha man -
It's it myetory to ma) haw thML dog
you anal ma was 1)r li i33t up. e
Sho wants a Ohargo.—'Marla,'
said Ale, Wipc'lttnits, as he came in
of eetlona 4 v
'I thiol) I should want a 01111,0140
S 1 mouth at • 1,•u,±431 Quo and hada t any, Nov J,•r..ey motidor-Lulu, Hadn't 11t+xt ti:ll)'
a.m. Rev. 31st, pr 4' 1, le la PL ' young Orin nGra Lunar every Thursday Boils t '1.'00 best Blood Purifier and Touia
evening, in Graham's blink. "Way, f e'a11 lsal{0 you ono, Como the hall Met. mg ,�: ? Lltill (Shylyl-'� I ly Ur. 094,5on's Stnlnacll (litters; The
111.1some Lupus Tuesday at or before on, Mother ' 1
Service third lulu ay in
every . t' r)
11.3i P 1' Sl ie4G i0 that it 'J" Cathie cried 1 hod • that yotlug Ulan Inco noir ill Spring! Spring l Sprung l Boils! Boils!
"Yes, 3114.14. —• 1100 113 Peellle'a ltem'etly. ',aro battles 011 eeela. .
full moon u1 Garfield ) lduet Si)-, 0,•.1:01'111114 Hr, Cif', orime.1 3133 propo40d ?" Lyda --"No, ,111x,'
11.0.0. W. Lova, on 1st and 3rd Moll- 1 h)tntl 1411)1 almost rein down that road not vat, brit 1. am alw,;lst sutra L0
day eveuulls of each 341altmouth. t 1 -u hour, Johnnie found wall j
Folue,rl: rr' Lonoa l•.idondlaat Monday
evenings of each month, in Smalo's hall,
L. o. L. 1st Monday in- every month,
in Orange ILtll.
POST OPTICS:. -.7)111)) hours From d a.m.
7:80 p.m.
I11,iilGAlch [))•)meld:, Reading Room
and Library,3n tlolnice' b •ck, will be
open from ,, to N o'010..h. 0.m. Wednesdays
and ....a.,:_ :.lis- 1t4.d •haw. 1•ib-
BIICeo11L4 W. 0. T t. told monthly
meetings ou thoOrd Saturday in each
month, al 3 o.1ook p m. yI a. :(warm,
Pres. Mrs L. arra ho., Sec.
SA1.v,rno8 111114 1erTiCea at 11 a. m., 3
and 8 o'clock p.m.. ti Sunday. and every
evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the
barrack•. Capt. Bates in command.
1,l tar... - IV
1.'I) encs)), (114.114,) fou 11 pia) Witt Irtuut;f!t11-.1.3 U 'a n b t 11
wlennJf nalt•:ri.Pcr.i.
paper, and 1 'lama 1,•n her own duce
e+r'ps ',i!, ...on made 11141 three.
When 'he u•'igllh0rs' children found
out -ha) '.110 "a4 about they all
clamored for pin wh01,le, and elle
tit ib.tert 5 darner.
"W13AT salt Ct)ULD "
0.14' Was ptembed and laded as to
31re,•', patched aato Ayes, worn a
foiled, but clean and neatly -starched
sun l'?: i7,c f, and was carrying a feat
ohm et worn out Woke nod a crack-
ed abate. The o her was 111 em•
broidered muslin, silk stockings, the
£net -t of shoes, and a leghorn hat,
(tarrying a costly embroidered school
bag. Otte was the daughter of a
eiek lean, and lived in tho little
house -too po lr to be called a cot -
.1)r+. •
Y to i v l of e t, ;iv r aim ! 'Iii!,' follo ing crumb - ei 1 , u 1
as :Imola ,if tlkt p ,w l 1• 1,t pro. I Lly 1111ight be profitable for ole tall .ages
on "383)1)10' I 1144.1'1 -L Hi:rai01 lieu, ,•1:110? 34 too rarm'r') break -
but I gave titan let email it; wad ht, I last table .1 !t 443 piou/!1 :-
,. 0m 10190 piunl•,a L )d tad e1; 0i 1 I Un 11.,1 1�urry an: cows from the
r1 )14
1„1 _” ;0''1:; 'h to till 1: 133»», •411' 1'ado,ttwit :At ,,13I ,t, .. ',,t, ,'
tens utile for bur home duties. llt;r at 11.1, ;i ,.v tarda!) sea t alai), ! ,t b.,for •,
mother "els mai at work for too day Na,v Y)rk 1,Lavin'e•• (t•' Europe;l, rlia.
mud her 11113) ration lay o1 the boatel, 114).1 1.1r dl 111„rl .-•(ioa i gr -t It i4 q ,t r. to o•trly t) bout o1
lounge just lnaide Om door. dolts, ata :.ted, 7 1444'. kat 1 ')f litrsay your fate oxitibtt4.
"Yet seem to bo d01134 fi 11oetllinn do y ,n 01411 thi , ?' Site:7ar,l--ICS 13•_'11111 havo whitewash than
vary 31100 for allose childr0n,” 0443 at. 14.01. ricin 3i3';tev, 111,.' 'A.uart immure 411 .he 8111) p
1Ir. Morton. ea;, fid barbel) .l uerl) t •0a80't I Ti111 poor.., laud 18 ton vtllnn.nl0 1 6 6
"I was only 1na)iug theta pin diocovere'.d when this lurlta,y Nall to grow ,needs or briars.
1,s014, 43 ., 18,111 I was thinking as born.' Ito:ince the amount and improve
I made thew how I walled I could 1I'. D trrin er ;who h LA 1 We tic the quality of the fencing
really help them, as Palle Nowlin u08e for pretty normgirls) -Wont Pa,curlu;; 110ndowe is like roomy -
doos," Theo, as s110 bri,kly set the a pretty baby (snapping hiefingari ing 91)•, ,iu.111 1 44.3, ,, 11010.
poor little table, she told him all at the babv and boldly 4,vetmi3 t11') More baa f; '.1' bas rt::,l.'•iy for
eb0nt the, hospital and ho;v Be110 Rill, noel 8)101) au ole •a!lt c+••rr!a,n l t poor quality ,4,uvu C v•:„•• •:Ll.)''Iurly
r. a- to pay for one bed. Whose baby 14 it ? Pr0tta name-- I 013 3474.35 1,11,5 11111,1 w
be n..
"I4 must 6o nice, papa," she It is ,"0011, 11
sir. 114. Danio;iee aro the awura foot of 1110 cri11k •t.
added simply. It would worry bin
if he knew how grieved oho Ivies
becauee she could do nothing for
1ho rich children. -
"Sol thought as I saw you on
the, step working for them."
"1, papa 1 wily, I was only making
pin wbeele. The poor little things
wanted them and' con make them."
"1 suppose there are times when
toga -ander the hill, and was eup- children avant pin -wheels more than
p•... Feu by aur cant:ow 1 labor of a they want sick -Ueda ; so if your
frail mother. friend supplies t110 hods and you
Today, as they walked down the siltlpply 4.11 a I,ordhoelsShti y0u deeee whoabot
Onl(•tt;Od ale this mlrnin}1.
If a traits Mee t.) traria! 1,000
miles and nine the fir='. lav Got)
mills, the second day 250 milee,
the third clay 125, and s0 00, doiug
each subsequent day, half the num-
ber of miles it ran the previous day,
ho v loug will it take to reach taw
end of its 3001100y, viz., 1,000
miles ? Don't all auower at ono° ?
It's a poor rule that won't work ent Ci,nerh Rouledy.
both Way4.-Landla'ly (to :Lpplla Ln6 t.13uoawna,lt ,11111
for board). -Have you children, mad- 0800140 33 !loi1 1: 1' 11)Vutlug
ala ? Applicant -No. Landlady worn land.
-You aro fortunate, far WO 1107"r It crottle a' ev.:r^ family tat raise
etre, lacy were e11rn.•stty talking. she co* and you do what you tan." pay r y
"You rota" Belle rap on, '!I was y y take families who 314494 ehihlrelt• and i'01t0r, "uJ hu, 1,t tau.,;, ii may
s:. iu tln, 11081)1111 when
"Why, papa, I never thought of Applicant -Have yn3 any 0hilaran ? to mnlrn 11rd 1,,f 1;
it in that way before. I can do 1 L•r.ndlody-Yes, Two, Appl311411 - T;mp1 tale 114/ 13 ou a lion of
kis- Alter fire t 1.1 n.) of it Its something,can't I ? Y ' 1 p
la t•:1i� 1x01 r,. ,:-:, ft so otuoh l I -Well, you aro lurtorarmat , aur •city ,4 :b mud r sued u•,: -,r aha
being " 5 great deal By the way thoy : u -n never hoar:l 341 13 fa.uilie4 11tH I +
taco, et r.• .1111 1131 3)3011 little tui u 1:1, 1' k , 74)1
t,L•iu L4 o ti alae right inTO the hes laughed I am euro you were giving hav,+ children ! It via, ,v.. l ru ed. clip tnanuro
i 'lel ..r, .n ha',pl7 and of :hem a nice time; and well children Au axell'tn 1 h i.,lt)a'm4 113 '11119 .r1 L..1 ,ua, to ilio 1,u,
p 3' are to be thought of almost ms much I r,1, n ill Lm1 , r 1 ant 4h 14.1b33,:.; 113 tilts „ ck 1 t.•13d�r.
1.311 -a -114 dbf not nave rho att4'n- s the sick. Do walla you alio far 1
1,l .3' t „411 hr,<,,• 11:,.1. L't11 f it 1 13, . , 1U too •>l1 1 1 ' `i.•. 1 'I'L s1, _311 t 1 p,auttug sweet
them, dear, and be aura it will 7, i 1 :, .1 r
p e o'1, hav :,n••wa•in..y /:. cu 1344:
5:011 '11_^. f.11l :,'.' dtt .h001.
If the eh11d :n trill d pail fl 1370(3 0
fat - ::l' Sar418 .1.1.•ti.11 d13w '^-�
S!7 , 1 ,ii•h with 8,183414,
A LA 014It 4. a 00.41' :1,4
i.11,11:1,., ' : mn ;lb, or l leen man-
ure Ivan, is u. 1121. ,111 a tc•:ll.-
111 11,. ,gel, farm
11 i)i 1.J1) matey 4y )1013.uln0)1t1 ie
,L, hA, fl.,1 111 - ttoa 1,;,1 matt; and
Better miss a amt trade 3311.1 f tit
to praise your obild'a good cloud
P1owe in a fence corner are a sign
of "farm for sale" wicbia ton year).
A wixaure of grasses stmiulates
the appetite and aff)rda better
" PEOTO STA" for colds "PIOOTORIA"
for coughs. "PEO CORIA" for the tauge,
"PECTORIA"tor the Bronchial tubes.
•'PEOTORIA" the best, the safest, the
cheapest. •'PECTOIIIA" the groat 25
lu• . mdt, , u„eintsl all of t lett awn ted.” t a • ', , 't"
(hay ,11,1 be cared for nicely and get aacoitaybe itis tho work the Lorp you'll have (3)081 loo'.;," 4.... i pin iia
t+ • 1 -e. q,uckly. 'then she sada it sent m0. Thaulc y°tt, papa,
for front of the pits +fii tho other day,
.l, 1:11331 1',44, and '1.1,0,3 u . ' lotting me 3250 ) 31034 gcod 1 j 14)'3 ,-1311,.1..:,,,p..:,,,r .114 it ,311
carts ll her elate 7011111 d" I' t'•• • '1 all 411 , I let` :all u on, 11 , 3 :tvLW,. L:L
,-::i `/Le, beds aid be fifty dol will 1)s to 1:ha 3))3. ,,;,, 1 to ba L •r:,,y, t,
drew after this." caller split (vol. zn d ids 1tt, a
i, . :t yam, rand I 1011 for I would Then she ran off to her 111314
l t, 1 r " lad if papa would give tea111, WIIIS't r. -. I ; h11 nor,
1' p g room u1, the loft to thank the Lord• fall nut and 1,r' • ea ,1.v welt:. lie
too t, r money " And many a daly oho found 1301001
lfwc<11 111 till 111•. ).,
kn:y 114 3.1.1:6 yes)?" 014311311 thins; +'1 do for the child on who l l 1
quo lamed. p 1,I ui ter s wife 1 h" , u bnu l 1
were Inel'e Llai less Dud dCttfll,0
1;Unr of it ,arm, 1- ,io... +! an 01 ,1 heyiam naplem uc. L., bad contiitwn
•` t, if y,•u ray that for one than hcrcelf. u:.. ,' _1' t 1 1 ..'L 1 as
tilt,- !'n Cab 3,3r.ay4•- be filled.
MAT. 25, 1888
P Economy osta.arant.
ltaviug jn51()pound in tho 13rio14 Corn -
or Storo, formerly eooupled by 1i, ilal•
Dello Brussels, rho opposite corner to
the l oatnllhcr• _.. - -
(At all reasonable metro
A call is ospeclnliy solicited and every
attention will bo paid. to Patrons. A lim-
ited number of Lady 81111 Gentleman
Boardors wanted.
7AS.13ROADi"OOT, Prop.
311 ONI32Y'10I,f)A311
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
G d G^ Per Cent. Yearly.
- StraightLoans with privilege
of ropaying when required.
Apply to
ram, Q®ETOario
11 U 4 TU }(AND,
'prcSlt, a F•JrJ! d Wagons,
Toy Oa's9
----o----al year ago, !:,,‘1,1'. 01 /Lem:ea A It, rae n ,,n1,• of 11aaloune
Scone may be there for a month and V' nr.o .taR'ro, iYou' ph 11'. 13,-:, 114'. m04 3110 ,11.';1 111 lh,. Ia111,14' of other
tun 0 tat. or areae, but it can always 'Mead t fallow auothel'e bidding , : that 4 M-1,-:.:1;',"---•.1; .3 -•,1. :,:x ? merchants ; 1 ' 1111011), inc1ued,
bar : u 1-ceupaui. When i told T1 r 11[(43:.te1 r. N110-1.1 IS a:',ut 1,110 . load by the • t.u_1u•., of tither Intmern.
carnal ,1:731 alt•:, , i1., motile, Put it dm, .0 Zhu (truth 111 the
Blultster-Th 1,t LT.:tal!1'a .10 at all. soul tint at least it has shown
Don't you know 1,l -t; 1, p1uaela to a hamlets that their L. 4)1139 faults have
$'200,000,000 col 3:.'-." ...WC1y 1101 b:an 1:, o ,a it lata, in
Sunday rnolntu;!. uti1i::' 1
.".+u+10,1 -about it FLP !-1Lifl it would ,c' a tnnbel,
L° Le T t;ho was doinl; it if papa 1„ ! ' boarding house ollicicll3 1'
gave 'hu 1 had batter not t, •'r apt In rcca11 any tender
do 11. Su we thought (low I could. nleri 1'
1• .. t t •n n. t. t 41.111:,3 3)n i,,,,.
1 have tau Collate, and next weeks A7 Spri , If )member that Dr.
I.3' birthday 1 lnttnd out papa Car.>...'; F'::1.0111, Oi''.er3 ie one of the
t g 1,11 to give 011) something tea T., 1 ar ' 1.44 ) . t
Nit 1.11 cot five dollars, 3,1131 11111x!1 ;, !. tit 7 . :;11',..;:t
1 , :J :'”
11, !1-:. money instead. llamn2n'.1 11 ( i,:;'•-•''';''1-:•,--•'1';•:''''.;read e,•
art.,Sino amnia be three, eat that is i,., , , •il 1. . 1.)l , y..1
• 331,11, T. Stu to maim my nl . ,,,)• .rl. 4)3 L; s' .:,!
11+1!1 mod run errnuda for papa and I cat I11 1
1,1 b ' lucid r::pullsr wages. Oh, I i L .,) lu: 0 Cunviotu a V O : e H °dna ; ;1 .t.
.rn get it. Cxritu31pa will soon ° N d @ a a W. f
h.3t u ,e,': 1,linlLltvlug 611
t 0t., and he 111 ,Sys gives me 1 . , • t . 11, ear 3 do is to go to work x a; & w r y , 1 t�
3 emey'" - r•3 it .. ll, '.'b:, and tllnro ie +$;• n ,era' „r-, : c•+'
Soo �t
Ii, nice it moat ha 3 q p
' h l:y '3'.) • Wy'P, w,L 4 on y
u1, It is. It s0e 4144 jnsa as if 1 nI. a
Wt i',, I ,I"ug for a bed for the Lord t i 1' .1 ilea Loan h t>ay'-3 „u � .1Pi
1111 crit Viae Aker raid that little i-1,•, , 1. 'ma ---11 a meal an lrog ; g°=, 0 ' ,N,
.., :• t, :.,toed 111 her so erp4Dia11 i3 1-'1'. ,3 ' 3 Iiilsit mai 111 14±11£ o'e y'-
1 ' ,Lr, nnclor Ins atm , -r'„�a )'.,.." : - './? I -'•
, rope:..I •la him, and th• • do u
,. 3 t. '.i' t ovary night `t'.. i B.
MO Will ti L.11 iu a
"I envy you Cathie eoul 145 t;, , ,
stood t"hti- their roman plte'i .
4 .II tyo, plrRe°, When yell 1,v: t 31 r11 av 1`)vn111rg t ) {five
n1, „ el , toe.- r ,.1gr11 the tramp .
i'•.i:1, I shall 0ertacertainly.1,•'e.., r 1,':a) I am fu 1r:r:1 ?"
).i•,.1! 1431(134 of °very penny I)>n r e 11-1 c 13 Ltoor mall„ ra
Good bye. Bo early to-morro 1 31' 3 i 3 • 1:1'1 ,.,:ef4,.d lady, moved
to Mere ; '.i1<.a's a cake of soap.”
Maybe I'll have more to tell youa 'LESSON.
"Good -hyo." And Cathie wont A 111 ) e.. to b:•in;4nxed from 3110 3i4111, n1,
sadly down 111e narrow lane whit', a bats 1 11 1'83 3114 out and premotura
lod to her poor home How I' , re• t 4 1,h. .Lir cal et. s,0.pp"d It ;taken
:, Du uoE Int it run on wlthrret whiled she Ced she had money to pay for a inn an •tor': to move it. i8et a bottle or Dr,
D"nunuuntl's Gamma IlairUagie p it dhoti -
bed for s101 children. It would kenn)P13tits natural ter, bosidoe Mang'14. ria
Returned to Brussels!
seem like doing so much for Ilirn Dors. dressing. A11 druggists soli it.
W110 had called little children auto
Ilim and blessed them. But ,t11e following: ---/1 if 1'k dogs with 87
could not. Why, she scarcely 1114[1 legs can catch •10 rabbits with 18
� Ri4�fi � R I '
abed of her own, and the One On lugs in 151 1ii11Utwe, hoar Last/ Ibipi 111,3141 at
to ata that Lu Las l,'.,i11 3,ut`"...,
Which her poor sick father lay was mast tho tanto number of rabbis a ralident of ilrussols and ie prepared to
very bard and uncom>ortable, have t') got away from 1313 dogs take Contracts for all Mode of Carpenter
as )('ears streamed down heir chetahchetahq„ Work, s17rh as Mose iiuYldin;!, Ilan.'
with 1(i't, hip hi Jll nli.rllttos . But
Prattling, AIM Wriyhting, fie.
aha walked on. hero, ill something frostier still :-A
fa-2n:;t' took 50 hags of polatoea t1 L4 will lLlan mown, Spc+rniay e"_ :1lo'..
town and told thaw, in r0turn for Mg liuildiuge,
which ho received five gallons of 1(31! miss Cil,-:1Joaliy Given.
whiskey, I"intl what 110 1oeelv031 a
bag for his potatoes, flow much ho Satisfaction Guaranteed.
drank per day and whore /to k°pt the 333 every 133'.1aamt.
Ug. j
I.1a1t1I lit r:10•N: (f.C1/7.2 2•1 17 1 t'
lion 3Ain.• • . 2 +. 1, A' 1 •,4.
taming 100 sore& Tt 1 ^ portly cic.nre'd, tt,n
balance wall till 4r, l '1 n04011laflirN'
are" k 8 rona411110 3.1.4.:0 't .,l 1 it le Noel a (. Lnt•
od rnr either 34,r r., ./.
,.inil. T 34.311 L;r•
340)80011411sarol tieing part 4,t1nt 14,
8011.14, nearly all eleerod and in a Rood
'Gate of eultiva1;.,o t good frame 14er31
with a good 'tone. ,,,1l,1u •+ , 144)11uaLh (.ntl to
never tailing wen f4 rake on 1,1 ! laeo T r
(antler n61t1(u1arn .LpVl y,3) e 40 inoprlefor
8A the plass. nue 1,1 3, s, the <th-
or 61701107` AVflttb', 4'- al ..:.ler, 1.11
The Toronto World propounds tlio
+10 Lord, 1 do want to do some •
thing for the poor children, but 1
cannot," Sho sobbed. "I would if
[ could." SW WAS a 'child horself,
only twelve, and very poor, but she
forgot 110rself and her own great
n1, r•
3 )1 32
0'+! l,n
1 1:11
Jal 1tH l1.i., Ti
Caveats Ian i nl(•,an.4lrado martDowered.
1p 11 - 1,:. i,111,/10:. 0,011 ul 010 P11.1011t
01114 11,431 b8178rr 41 00,115.4 1 PPP ,,,t13, and
rare oll7 attended to t: pot rt eri»t 0r,Y1nd-
114r 4:3cetc11 01 1741,1.1.305,f .44)11:4 carotid
r•xanl,nat102)and ale :•r an to patnntability
Free of Margo, T•ee, mod ern to, and lmahe
no (Margo unless patent 10 secures. Inform-
ation ac1141e0 anti vociat r(1,3nnenl, cont on
o1 t 1i ,: nn, 3.11. T.TT't'1,T,1, h ashlagtnn,
1+.0., 14.t3,1'r ton t 0(Ilen. 10-
L�1.` E Lid
E- ,tan
The Oran brook Lirne
Arc: 3.31 14111 1:) and a til':ct-alas
SOL11 17014-^^
12., Cents P�e�r/1 AM,
42.3!Ylla. V. l,7nIAMPI�, Prop.
Q, _i r11a
}a 1 A
Etc., Etc.
The Ladies should see
the nicely assorted
stock of Fans
and Baskets.
A. Hunter,
Dirision Court Clerk, Brussels.
Loan &Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEST
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 5 per -cont. Interest
allowed on Deposits, aecordlng
to amount and time let,.
OFFIO1':.-Corner of Market
Square and North Street, (lode-
Horace Horton,
k_ 'o _EZ,
The Attention of the Public
is called.. to the fact that the'
c (+��(
Tiro(t �,n,
will give
a'r'.a'i i ,i TT�..!..Ia*1
4 , `.• , ....,. U
—IN -•-
--AT THE— l r 7 •r,
zit et,'ls,
POST ..800I 'S2701.71.7.
7')) r
,t�ibcr,71,l3-1 , t+1(121'1 tcC S,
!'!r(r l r'1()f 1Lins ,
);:at1'11 0."“."1.1:4l`3 714 f t
Or' 4'L1
111 t11tt4'(I 600,1v.
rde0,13 trek 1r L ..>ntrrn
To Secure the
you dliusI brim' the
1.!'A,. '.47)fiRn4211NN11C11 4aL
Try the Brussels
Woolen Mill