The Brussels Post, 1888-4-6, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST av Aitairrtt-rs.r'ucznis. Boots—A. Good, Ahrtruct-Publics Suhoo4 Baby uarniages —fl. Donnie. Bens for sal'—I. G. Richards, Are vi,u ,wing --Cr A Deadman. Millinery openingI. C. t;or••rs. Verniers Atteution—Geo. Love ce Co. [r,1155f15 d5t. F R 1 D, I I', AAYB1L 6, 1888. 'IOW TO VOTE. If you are in favor of the Scott Act mark your ballot ae under: For the Petition. Against the Petition. X "Against the Petition," is ren the Scott Act. Make no Mistake. TILE Manitoba monopoly busioees is likely to be a thing of the past, judging from the following: --Premier Greenway and Attorney.General Martin, Ottawa, left for home last Friday. They have re- ceived a letter from the Premier, in which, after going into a lengthy state- ment in support of the Government's no- tion, be assures the de]egatee that in future disallowance of railway charters would cease, not only in Manitoba, but as well in the Northwest Territories, The statement is likewise made that if the Red River Railway Bill was passed by the Manitoba Legislature, there should be no interference with i1, and the work of construction could go on without being interrupted by the Federal power. The subject of the letter was telegraphed to the Provincial Treasurer. Itis said there is an understanding that the full text is not to be published until the necessary legislation has been enacted. It was for- warded through Mr, Alloway. Both del- egates before leaving expressed them- selves as thoroughly satisfied with the result of their mission. Of sou, se they have not been informed of the basis of agreement arrived at between the Gov. ernment and the Canadian Pacific Rail- way. How the arrangement with the prairie province will affect the rate- payers of other parts of the Dominion is not yet apparent, but the general impres- sion is that a settlement with the 0. P. R. mean., the banding over of thousands, if not millions, of dollars. The question will no doubt be warmly discussed in the Dominion Honse. Seam persons are indnetrionn1j circu- lating false statements in reference to the maeagemeut of the fines collected under the Scott Act in Huron. On f liu ing is a true version of the effai••:—The ri• nanoes are regulated by, the Boa'd of Li- cense Commissioners, as under the rd. cense system. l'or the purposes of anforoement this county is clivi led into three districts, East, West and South Huron, in each of which there is a Board of three Commissioners appointed by the Government. At the beginning of each license year, which commences on the 1st of+'a', the oarde frame an estimate of the expense of enforcement for the year, which are submitted to the govern- ment for their approval, and upon suott approval these estimates are placed be- fore the Comity Council. The sum re quired is pnid into a chartered bank to the credit of the License Fund for each distriot, and no sum can be paid out of it exec t by cheque signed by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, and countersigned by the Inspector. Ad amounts for which cheques are issued are firet passed by the Board, and receive the approval of the Ontario Government, and must be audited as other Provincial payments are. No one person can draw a single Dent from these funds without observing then regulations. The fines are paid to the Police Magistrate, just as other fines are paid to entwining ma- gistrates all over the country. He remits these Ansa to the County Treasurer, and makes a return thereof, as other Magis- trates do, to the olerk of the Peace and also to the Government. The amount paid into the county by the Lioense {Commissioners and Police Magistrate is over $6,000 and the aniountto the credit of the ecunty, above the es. eimates demanded by the Conrmiesionere for expenses, was in January last $1470 and has been since muoh increased. W'etitout . The Literary Society of Duff's ohuroh elected for the present on Monday night. There was en open meeting and a good many availed themselves of the oppor- tunity of visiting the ohuroh and were satisfied with the songs, dialogues, recita- tions and readings. The young people are improving under the care of Rev. Mr. Ballantyne. The annual vestry moetieg of Bt. George's church was held last Monday morning, Tho report showed the adop« tion of the envelope system to be quite a success, A. H. Ferguson was appointed Minister's warden ; 3, Stafford, People'e warden; A. Sholdiee and J, Bulger, Sidesmen, and A. 11. Ferguson, Lay delegate. Scuoor. REroir.—The followingshows the standing of the pupils of the alton school, s the results of the written ex- amination held at the close of the flrtt term of this year. —Senior fourth_. -Ar. that' Pybus, Annie Tiernan, Maggie Ram, say, Maggie 'hfnrrison junior Fourth-- 1"ohti 1lIorrieon, Annie l+crgnenn, Willio Brodie, Minnie Mclh,nsld. '1'Inrd--Jn- mina IItimpin'ics, .Jeannie Ferguson, Etta Torrance, John Barnhill. Han]or Henoud- Mary I:,amh George Lbrglleon, Lizzie MoDougall 1;nnna Blrlgct'. ltm- tor Second'Maggie 1Tnmphries, "tomb I Boyore, Jabet lbicl'ad'zc01i, 1f/milli! lic - Donald. Senior First--- James Ryan Frannie Ryan, Ellen 3115101), James, Beirnes, Junior First—Joseph Nichol. sun, Minnie Beirnes, Ida McDonald, Martin Ryan. 1-61 ise1'v'ti.let. Rumor says I. O.G. T, will give an en• tortaiument shortly. W. 0. and D. Hartley left for Camp. bellville, Nalton Ou., this week, Success to the boys. Mt. Evans, of Dominion Cheese Fac- tory, who ones was onr very own, was in town this week. The Scott Ant has been a grand an. ooss in li[navale. Be sure and don't for. get to vote for it on the 19t11. Mr. L, ech's trioxide left for Detroit this week We join in wishing them a pleasant Spring over there. Mrs. Cook bas been veru 111 this last week. leer many friends hope she may soon be restored to her usual health and strength. SCOTT ACT.—A number attended the Scott Ant meeting in Wingbam Wednes- day evening addressed by Rev. W. A. MoKav, of Woodstock. D• Is gates went to the Brick church, Wawanosh, on Monday evening. A. Temp, -ranee organization meeting was held and fu.ther meetings arranged for. Bev. 3. S. Cook delivered a Temper- ance sermon on Sunday evening. The church was well filled. The sentiment of Temperance is not going book before the 19tH. Truing Cleghorn and John Jackson, the fo.mer of Detroit and latter of Morpeth, Kent Co., have been heard from lately and their many friends will be pleased to bear they are doing well. Nest Monday evening a grand mass meeting will be held here. A large num- ber of speakers are expected. Opposition invited. Come church member, moral man, any man, and all the ladies we will dep.nd on rou. Rev. kir. Anderson, of Whiteohureh, preached in the Presbyterian ohuroh last Sunday. The church was well filled and the audience listened very attentively while Me reverend gentleman delivered a very practical sermon. Gen era l .. a wn+: Francis Murphy, the temperance orator, has decided to enter the ministry of the M. E. Church. The average salary of the ministers of the Southern Presbyterian Church last year was nnlp Ali East Saginaw man has already grown a peck of potatoes, but be says they cost him $26 apiece. The percentage of British -born is 36 per cent. in To•onto, and little less than 20 per cent. in New York. As a result of prosecutions under the new liquor law of New Hampshire, all the saloons in Conoord have been closed. It is estimated that the decrease in the United States public debt for the month of March will amount to nearly 010,000,- 000. The Queen h -re presented to fir. Cham- berlain her autograph in r. cognition of his service in connection with the fish- eries settlement The Boston Herald thinks that the Rev, E. P. Roe and Mark Twane are the only American authors who make $20,000 a yea, apiece br their pens. Under the laws of Maine you can borrow a man's horse, keep him a year and a day, and then settle for twenty (tents per day for every day the , animal was esed. It is a anions fact that while the annual supply of quinine Inc the whole world is about 6,000,000 ounces, the con- sumption of this drug in the United States is more than 3,110,000 ooziness, or nearly one-half the entire product. A patent has been grauted in England for the menufacture of vinegar from to- matoes, The fruit when ripe, or nearly so, is reduced to a pulp and steeped in water for twenty.four hours. The re- sulting liquor is drawn off, sugar added. and the whole allowed to ferment. The U. S. Senate Committee en post. offices has ordered a favorable report on Abe Sonata Bill to reduce the postage on seeds, cuttings, bulbs, etc„ to one cent for every four ounces. The present rate is sixteen omits a pound, while that of Canada is only four cents. The purpose of the bill is to place American nehmen on an equality with the Canadians so far ae the um of United States mails is con- cerned. Now York can scarcely be palled an American city. Its foreign -born inhabit- ants number 698,337, ite native-born people of foreign parentage 609,664, and its natives of native parentage only 299,- 878. There are 806,174 New Yorkers of English, Scotch or Irish birth, and 204,- 852 of German birth. An interesting comparison can be mads with Toronto, where out of a total population in 1881 of of 86,416, there were 61,479 native Cana. dians, of whom 48,819 were born in Ont- ario, Of the foreign -born, 14,674 had their native places in England and Wales, 10,781 in Ireland and 4,431 in Scotland. The completion of the Canadian Paoific railway has caused a great change in the administration of the affairs of the Eng- lish navy in the Pacific. Hereafter, am cording to a recent decision of the Ad- miralty, they will commission and repair ships at the western termiuus of the rail- way on a larger scale than either at Hong Kong or Malta. The railway company is to carry the stores, machinery, ships' crews, etc., very cheaply. Heretofore every ship on the station osmium's) once in three years to be repaired. Hereafter they on remain out, thus Saving, it is estimated, £60,000 annually. Another result will he the creation of reserve Eng. fish naafis in the Pacific to use in one of an emergency. A snake story from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, is ae follows: "Afamilyguncned- ed in catching a baby rattlesnake with a forked stick and domosticaling it. It grew to be fourteen feet in length and be. Dame tame and playftil, never showing anger when handled by the children, though never allowing any ono to touch its rattles. It followed Its master like a dog. Recently many of the houses were struck by lightning. The snake, seeing the bolts falling fast around the home of its infancy, determined to die for its bonefactore, and forthwith °limbed to the roof, and in a perpendienla' position standing on its head sliook its rattles I violently at tits heavens, defying the 1 lightning: The electricity, attracted by this living lightning rod 11:hared to 224115 the n0140 alilnal and the ino00," No affidavit goes with this. Caanutllinnil No twee. The new pipe organ in Trinity Church, Mitchell, was first used on Good Friday, The Manitoba Government has scoured a loan from the Winnipeg City sinking fIled. A Belleville do'patch says : There has boon anther rich strike at the Richard- son gold mine, A.ruwor is currant in Montreal that the mail subsidy will be divided between the Allan and Dominion linea. Mr. Gauthier, Liberal, was re-eleoted in L'Aeeumption by 96 majority. His ma. jority at the general aleotion was 21. Toronto Council dismissed Mr. McWil. llama from the city solicitorship snd ap. pointed 0. R. W. Biggar in his plass. A girl about 14 years of age eloped from Ottawa with a young man, a proof, reader in one of the tlewspaper offices. The couple are supposed to have gone to Toronto. Messrs. Hunter and Oroesley, the evan- geliets, will remain at Belleville for two weeks longer. Their mauve are crowded nightly, Those who have pro- fessed conversion number upwards of 600. Bishop Baldwin, at the request of the vestry of Trinity Church, Mitchell, has appointed the Rev. W. J. Taylor, of Wardeville, to be the now motor. After much deliberation Mr. Taylor has ac- cepted. Joshua Doupe and S. Berne of Blan- chard have commenced depredations on our wood lands. On Saturday last we learn they cut 5 cords of wood in 171 hours and say they are quite capable of doing it again. In the election at Ingersoll for the of - floe of Mayor, between the late Mayor, M. T. Buchanan, and Thos. Seldon, the latter was elected by 27 majority. In the last election Mr. Buchanan was elect- ed by a majority of 26. The Directors of the Attwood flax mill appointed W. Lochhead, Deputy.Reeve, Elmo, Secretary and Treesurer,at $460 per 'annum. A vote was taken whether the mill was to be located in the north or south part of Attwood, which was carried for the north fly a large majority. An aualyst from the Inland Revenue Department at Ottawa was in Stratford lust Friday, and took samples of water from the waterworks reservoir, and the tap at Romeo ward school ; also from the wells of the Collegiate Institute and Shakespeare ward school. These waters are to be analyzed by the Department and by an expert in Toronto. The Elora school museum was broken open on the night of March 81st, and the collection of nine, medals and bills, counterfeit and out of date taken. Tbo Ion to the museum is heavy, although the intrinsic valne is only a few dollars. The teacher.' desks were broken open, but nothing else taken or destroyed. The burglars were novices, having had no professional tools. No trace of the rob- bers has been found as yet. At the Stratford Chancery sittings before Judge Ferguson, Victoria Lake Syndicate (or purchasers of the property known as the mildam) sought compensa- tion for the water taken by the Supply Company. After some conversation be- tween his Lordship and the respective counsel, it was agreed to endeavor to come to some understanding, which happily, after some little delay, was effected. It was agreed to offer the plain. tiffs $1,400 in full satiefantion of their olaim for all time, which was accepted, each party paying their own costs. The Chancery sittings opened in God- erioh on Wednesday of last week et four o'clock, Justice Robertson presiding. As this is the first time ho has beau here since his appointment, M. 0. Cameron, Q.Q., on behalf of the bar of Huron, ad- dressed him in a very complimentary manner, referring specially to his career et the bar and the interest taken in him here, as he was formerly a resident of Goderich. Justice Robertson replied feelingly, and said the address was more complimentary than he felt that he de. deserved. There are only three casae on the list, and none of them are of epee. ial interest. THE MMUS rlda MILL Co, Our seed will be on hand in a few days. All parties wanting seed will please send in their or- ders before the 15th inst. to in- sure a supply. We will guaran- tee twelve dollars per ton to shareholders for good flax raised from this seed. Shareholders or non -shareholders will be sup- plied with seed. J. IlAanerl'LE, J. CArEnoN, Managers. F, RADATZ, Qranbrook. Mar. 21st, 1888. 87•dine Baby Carriages. Baby Carriages. just to hand a splendid se- lection of Baby Carriages which will be sold at very low prices. TRUNKS aud VALISES in endless variety. I am pre- pared to please the public in this department. Fine selection of Light heavy Harness (live nl1 0 call. IMISIONIVIMINSIMMEOISSIMMOIMOSOMIONSINIMO iSIEUBSSIgnillgEgElneakd 1"'01-) XT APRIL (1, 1888. 80 DAYS 60 AT loafs' Grocery Garden and Field Seeds, Consisting of Mangold, Carrot, Turnip, Peas, Corn, &c. 200 Two -Bladed jack Xnives at 10 Cents, half price, Get one before they are all gone. IN TEA we lead the van and Defy Comparison in Strength and Purity. We give a Handsome Book with each pouted. Oranges I5c. Per Dozen. '88. axamonammaxesue DUNN's B KINC POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND ''-r) DR.HODDER'$ G BURDOCK .P. IV D "^J $W4ll�i1 tDMPnaNO '. U�1U.UU Liver Oompl't, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney Tro'b'e Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all impur- ities of the Blood from whatever cause arising, Female Weakness and General Debiliiy. rieustT TE(.Ei'A1LE, HIGHLY (MN- fENTitATCU, PLEASANT, EF. FECTILLL, NAPE. --Aae, Ii Er01t— Dr, Hodder's Compound Take no outer. Sold everywhere, Pride 76 ocnte per bottle. DR. HODDER'•t COUGII AND LUNG CURE. Sold everywhere. Price 26 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers. THE INION MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, CAN, Wm Martin, Agent for the following Companies:—T. Hendry d: Son, Seaforth, Plows of all kinds, Lend 'toilers, Oultivatore, Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers ; Tolton Bros., Guelph, Pea Harvesters, Steel Flexible Harrows, No. 7 Plows ; Patterson Brue., Woodstock, Light Slerl Binders, Oxford Reapers 5 rakes, Mowers, front and rear cuts, Hoar's Hay Rakes, Patterson's com- bined Seed Drill, 10 hoes, and cultivator combined, 2 Furrow Gang Plows, Spring Tooth Harrows 22) teeth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. Afurphey d: Co., Guelph, Nay's Patent Reversible Hay Carrier and Double Angie Steel Track, most com- plete in Canada. A Special Bargain can be had in Bindins Twine. All aro sold at Prices to suit these hard times. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Imple. menta sold. NV fi. MAR'1^I14, House—TrnaoEnrtY STREET, BaussltLn. Goats' New Tort Grocaryr. MoNry To 1,0A M 1 Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 d 62 Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to '88, interesting to the Farmers. (-1ARDIFF BROS., Implement Agents, desire to return thanks for the extensive patronage of the past year and bog leave to remind the Farming community that they still handle the CELEniATEc MAessr STEEL Bunn, 3,000 of which were manufactured and sold in 1887, TRH MAssuY Mowon mid Tun 7onoNro Mownn. To show the superiority 0f this last mentioned maohiue the sales for the pest 11. years have over -run 2,000 a year. We are also agents for the well-known and latest improved Beaver and Champion Drills, and the Sharp Sulky Rake, the best ever manufactured. A large oonsignment of Pure Manilla Binding Twine ordered for the harvest of 1888. We have sold and are selling a large number of Buehanan's Horse Forks and Els. veers, No better in the market. Tbo Wilkinson plow and all plow repairs kept constantly at onr shop. No need of waiting to send to the manufacturers for them. Our Repair Room is thoroughly stocked with all the necessaries for the machines we handle and can be supplied at a moment's notice. We mean business. Call at our Wareroome, near the Bridge, Brussels, and ear for yourselves. 44 CA1�1 TH'El 331R..0 S. Positive Cure. held j A Painless Cure. AC TS FOR DIEN OF ALL AGES. DXSEASES Or MAN. M_ "Sr. I t 0M<Pe SPMCIVIC e, The, J ;MIT Z8114L rl! Isle * E tr^ 1N]li, Marvel of Healing, and Kohieoor of Medicines, -7 oo the terrible eonsi4luencce of Indiscretion, Exposure and Overwork. "oZrN Ge 1./ZI=10-.A.GIMID .A.1•7=1 O.Lra IVIZMII•T Who aro broken flown from the effects of abuse will find in N0.8 a radical sure for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital lentos, etc. 8sammows eon waren No. 8 Snourn ne tTonn.—Want of enorgy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, deelrm for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on a particular alibied, sowardiee, depression of spirits, giddiness, loos of memory, excitability of temper, riper. nlatorrbom, or lobe of the seminal Auld—the result of soli.nbuse or marital oxeese—impo- tonep, innutrition, emaciation, barrsnnees, palpitation of the heart, hytterib toolifgs to females trembling, mefanelloly, disturbing drowse, eta, are an syr tome of Chid terrible habit, oftentimes illnoeently enquired. Its short, the spring of vita force having lost its tension, every tauetiot wanes Iu ammo acnes. Batentlilowriters and the superintendents of insane asylums nnfto in necribing to the eflosts of solt-nbnee too groat majority of wasted lives whin come unaer their notieo. If you aro ineom stent for the arduous doties of business, incapacitated for the enioymente of life, No. 88 [afore an escape from oho effects of early vine. If you aro advaneed in years, No. 8 will give you 0511 vigor and atrongth. If you aro broken down, physically and =tally from early indinoreblou, the result of ignorance and folly, semi your address and 10 ante in ebampe for 110. V. LnnoN's Treatise in ]lone Pomo on Disenees of Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Maraca all eommauieatiooeto 118 V. 1.1113ON. 47 Wellington Ne. E., Toronto, A Mee without wisdom lives in a tool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. en)u- H. ()ENNIS, A Per A. Hunter, Dirisiou, Court Clerk, Brussels. Returned to Brussels! ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to state that he has again become a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such as Rouse Building, Barn Framing, Mill Weighting, rte. He will also make a Specialty of Mov- ing Buildings. Estimates Cheerfully Given. Satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance. BOOT. AMMONS. T'LAX 1 II3'LAX J. & J. Livingstone Have a limited number of bushels of the best Imported 1l0L1AND AND D(J'f'NH FLAX SEED for farmers in the vicinity of Bonseels who intendraiaingflax during the coming season, which they are prepared to de - livor in quantities to snit flax growere. Can he got at the I Mil88 ELS ,FLAX MILL. All seed given out on the usual terns:. Order early to ensure a supply. For flax. grown from this seed Ten Ballots 901 Ton will be guaranteed if of good growth,. harvested in proper season and delivered. at the Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing, J. de J. LIVINGSTON, Prormlt:roas Bnuslims FLnal:Aliz,n:. Notice to Creditors, I4t the 'hatter of George Howe of the Village of Brfssselei its the, County of Iluroie, Insolvent. Notice is; booby given that the above named insolvent line nide an assignment of the estate and ofrsoteto moennnant to 48 Vietorla, dhaptet 2e, Ontario. Statutes and amending Rete. All pereone having elatmeagainst too eaid insolvent ere required to furnish particu- lars thereof, vorlried by Affidavit , muff the natndnr0 tont ofafter eeaUriileNooe /if any) held by them, a 80th day oI'Apr,il next 0111 prn0ee4 t0 dletribut0 tho asecte or tho ntd innoivent uniong the parties entitled thereto having regard only to each claims of w etch notice Shell htvo boon given es above rcgntrod, and T Pitt not be liable for the per• sol or persons o whose claim or eliding notieo 155111ot have been 010nrod al, the, time of distribution. 11111,1 nt Preston ibis Mb day' at Varela, 1010. (18.307 0700.1'A311111801�e150u5. 0