The Brussels Post, 1888-2-24, Page 8DO YOtT ENO
THAT wit a0lsr A LAMM SUPPLY 0
11 you ;ire not assure of this fua.t juilt
take a glance at a portion of our stock
displayed in our window this week. We
Will be glad to supply you when requiring
any. You will find quality and prime
right. We are always glad to procure
any goads in our line not in stuck, Boake
and Stationery, Drugs and Fancy Goode
aro our leading lines. Please remember
the plane, which ie e
G. A.. leteet lana'$
Drs;1, Book tF Fancy Crowds Stere.
givese COS REMEDYMEDY universal satisfaction
manufactured in
%%%%%%/ao"a �o/a /u v%odo%%% %%%/ n
rFylo al Glyooratod .. Saloon of Firi 110
%%%jo% %%%%�•,/Oi0/o %% oN n w%
Its wonderful virtues have created. a
demand for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 Sts,
souTIIEi,N EXTENSION, w. 0. & 13. E.
Trnineleeve Brussels Station, north and
south as follows:-
ollows:Going South. Going North.
Mail 7.02 a.m. I Mired 9:30 a.m
Express 11:40 a.m. mail............ 2:SOp.m
Mixed 8:55p.m. 1 Express 9:45 p.m
Total tic s i.Cllt .
A ohiel`s among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
CHANcEer sittings will bo held before
judge Robertson, in Goderich. on Wed.
nesday, March 28th.
NEx'r Thursday will usher in the month
of March, and people will be on thowatch
to see either the "lion" or the "lamb."
THE first barbringer of Spring has
come, viz., the small boy and "knuokle-
downfanhoistings." We may daily ex-
pect the hurdy-gurdy.
TEE Y.P.C.A. meeting last Monday
evening was of the missionary order.
Readings were given by Miss Carlisle,
Miss McDougall and A. Good. Mrs.
Kerr read a paper an Missions. "Good
News" was given by the editor. A coin.
munication on Poetry was a noticeable
feature in this issue. Musical seleotions
were rendered by the choir of the Asso-
ciation. Next Monday evening's meet-
ing will be open to the public.
CSEonss Fent.-On Thursday of next
week, March let, the monthly horse fair
for the buying and selling of horses will
be held in Brussels, These fairs have
become very widely known, although
only two hare been held as yet, and 1f
they are an advantage the townspeople
and country folk should talk them up and
encourage people to patronize them. We
are informed that buyers from various
parts of Canada, Manitoba and the
United Statesewill the here prepared to
deal with those having animals to dispose
of. Come to the fair on Thursday.
A specx r. meeting of the Brussels
Sabool Board was held last Friday even-
ing to consider the resignation of Miss
Sayers, which was accented after a little
discussion. Miss Richardson was pro-
moted to fill Miss Sayers' place, Miss
Hambly advances to Miss Richardson's
department, and Thns. McLanehlin, son
of. Alex. McLauchliu, Brussels, who
passed tho Ord Class Teaebeee Examina-
tion last year, will supply Miss lianibly's
room until another teacher ran be ob.
tained. illiss Sayers was a good teacher,
and her removal at this season of the
year threatened to make things awkward
for a while. She left for Saginaw city on
Saturday morning. The Board has ad-
vortised for a teacher,
AUCTION Bales are booming, Get your
bills at TEE POST Publishing House.
J. D, Rowan has invested in a Mason
& ltieol piano.
Ounce Turkish Prunes at 5 conte a lb.
at Coate' Grocery, New York Store.
R. I,slTIDIDDADE had 00 1009 than 7
funerals in 7' clays last week.
A NrnBnR of our townspeople will nt.
tend blies O'Con nor's concert at Walton
on Friday evening of this week.
Tim regular meeting of the School
Board will bo held on Friday evening
of next week.
WAt. Boni ace has hie paint shop filled
up with furniture from the Sunshine far -
tory which he 1e finishing Inc It. Leath.
W1u•r: Beans, Fresh Oysters, Itarldock
at Coats' Grocery., New York Store. 32.
Poenru Division Court wag held on
Thursday of thin week, 7. a, Tiorton,
barrister, of Wiogliare, filling the bench
very efficiently.
Ton question of arranging for the pur-
ebase of the Driving Park was loft In
the hands of a special committee who
will probably push the thing along.
Blame Society collectors of the Brussels
Branch should finish their canvases Boon
as possible us the booke should be return-
ed by March 1st.
Sri leu n, Rolled and Cracked Wheat at
Coats' Grocery, New York Store.
DIED. --Last Saturday morning the in.
font daughter of Wm. Blasbill died, aged
6 months and 11 days. The funeral was
held on Sunday afternoon, Rev, W. T.
Oluff officiating.
PoszloNED.-Tlie Dunbar ecncert and
musical entertainment which was to have
taken place in the Town Hall, on Thurs-
day evening of this week was postponed
till the latter part of March.
A SPECIAL meeting of the village Coun-
cil was held last week when the usual
remission of taxes were made so that
Collector Town could balance his roll.
The auditors will now get to work.
HADDIE9, Oysters, White Beane, Maple
Syrup. Amu Goon. 82.
Quick Toasiro.-Robert Mattiee end
James Lawrence, helper, turned 50 horse
.shoes in one hour and can do it again.
They Challenge any two in the County
of Huron for quiok and neat turning for
TEE well-bred driver recently owned
by Hess Bros., of Listowel, has been par.
chased by our townsman R. Leatherdale.
Sheis in foal to Chicago Volunteer. The
new proprietor refused 8175 cash for the
COTTAGE to rent. 8 rooms, cellar, wood-
shed, well, &c. MRs. A. STRACEAI.
A entree concert will be given at the
residence of W. B. Dickson, Elizabeth
street, on Tuesday evening of next week.
Program, music, readings, and recita-
tions. Persons having tickets from Mrs.
Haycr'oft's concert are requested to leave
them at TEE Pose Publishing House.
Barn of Hope meeting was held on Fri-
day evening of last week when the follow.
ing program was carried out :-Singing,
by the Band 1 recitation, Nina Rogers ;
recitation, Reggie Fletcher ; reading,
RusSie Fletcher; reading, AllisCormaek;
recitation, Geo. Buyers ; singing, by the
Band ; dialogue, Kate and Janie Wilson;
dialogue, Nellie Ward and Maud Welsh ;
recitation, Lorne Dnnford ; recitation,
Fenny Rogers; recitation, Lizzie
McLennan ; recitation, Ella Love ;
recitation, Edie McLauchlan ; sing-
ing, by the Band. The managers
have rented an organ for the use of the
Band and intend holding occasional re-
horsals preparatory to giving a public en.
Panton Swan -Five sleigh loads left
town on Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock
to attend the social announced last week
to be held at the residence of Jno. Car-
diff. They were received and treated
Meet hospitably by Mr, and Mrs. Cardiff
and every person seemed pleased to be
thorn, especially when the edibles were
passed around. The following program
wag gond through : Instrumental duett,
by the Misses Cardiff ; solo, A, Stracli•
an; instrumental duett, mouth organ
and piano, F. Stratton and D. McDon-
ald ; song, "Sam Seldom's Wm. Goat,"
G. Rogers, W, James, L. O'Connor and
A. Fitzpatrick; Pro•Phundo basso,"
Mies Hargreaves and Mes9rs. Strachan
and Hargreaves ; duett, ".Reuben and
Rachel,' Mrs. Rogers and J. Hargreav-
es ; 'instrumental Belo, Miss Jackson ;
solo, A, Strachan ; "Ye shepherds toll
mei' Mee. Fletcher, lilies Hargreaves And
A, Strachan ; refreel,J .eats ; instrument-
al duott, by tho Misses Cardin ; quer.
tette, "We'll have to mortgage the farm"
Mrs. Matcher, Mies Hargreaves, A.
Siraohan and 3. Hargreaves ; solo,"Cont-
naitted to the deep," T. Hargreaves, Ac•
companists, plias Jackson and Mise
Ballantyne. Amount realized 016.00, to
he applied in prowning a library for Si
Johne church rnhbath septan).
WE regret to state that Dr. Hutchinson
intends removing from Brussels to prac-
tice his profession in Montreal, after a
residence here of five or six years. He
purposes leaving in the course of a few
weeks. A notice appears elsewhere in
this issue relative to his accounts, house,
PEowE We Show -.Mrs. Donald Sin-
clair and Mrs. Tufts are away on a visit
to relatives and friends in the locality of
Stratford and London. Adam Reid and
wife, of BM evale, were visiting old friends
in town this week. -Mr. McInnis, fath-
er of Mrs. Henry, of Brussels, was buried
last Sunday. He has been au invalid
for years. -The smiling countenance of
Jno. E. Smith, of Brandon, Man„ a form-
er townsman, is once more seen on our
streets, He came here from Durham
last Monday and purposes remaining for
a couple of weeks. -Miss Sayers was
summoned, by telegram, to her home in
Saginaw city last Saturday.-Advid Shiel
is home from college for a recruiting
spell. Hard study has been telling on
his eyes. -Barry Veal is on the sick list
this week: -We regret to hear that An-
drew Currie jr. is down with an attack
of inflammation of the bowels. It is
thought he caught cold while participat.
ing in sou' of the recent curling match-
es. \Ve hopes• to soon see him abort
again. ---Our old friend Geo. Rogers is
able to get about again although not yet
fully recovered from his recent illness, -
bliss Jennie Stewart, daughter of Wen.
Stewart, of the National Roller Mills,
Inc taken a situation iu an office in To-
ronto. Sho went last week. -F. S. Scott
was at Wingham on Tuesday attending
to the duties of Bailiff at the Division
Court 111 that town. -Mrs. J, J. Gilpin
has been on the sick list during the past
we, It owing to an ulcerated tooth. -Jas.
Fnx, the vocalist, was the guest of A.
Bauslaugh while in town. They and T.
Fletcher were old acquaintances of Mr.
Fax at Brantford in the sweet long ago.
-Messrs. ilekmier and Robertson, of
Ethel, wore visiting at Win, Roddick's
last Situday. Thos. Hill, of Wingham, a
former resident of Morris township, has
been very ill but is recovering nioely now.
-Mrs. Jno. Hayoroft is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, D. 0. Ferguson, at Tees.
water, -Harry Dunford, Mrs, Thos.
Dunford and son and Win, Work left
Brussels for their home in Dakota last
Wednoeday. Mrs, Dunford goes to join
her husband who has been in the went
for the pass two years. They have
prospered nicely there and we wish
them every suooese,-Wm. Ellis has
purchased several park lots from Wm.
Martin. They lie south of the town. -
The Winnipeg Sun says : "The Winni-
peg Lacrosse olnb is now beginning to
talk lacrosse. The team will be etrengh-
ened next summer by the addition of Mr.
MoLennan who for some years bank bas
played outside home for the Seat orth
team, which is one of the best of the
intermediate clubs in Ontario. Ile is
expected to arrive in a few days. He
will make the sixth member of the Sea•
forth club, who has joined the Winni-
peg ; the others are the three Macdonald
brothers, E. Brannen and II, MaGrogor,
McLennan is said to be a first-rate play-
er, and his amnion will probably tone
up the Winnipegcin the point where
they are the weakest -the borne." Mr.
Mc. referred to in the above item is e
brother to the genial +'Murdie" of oar
town: -Alfred Bfeker and Itobt. McMart.
in aro ill flus week. In fact there are
very fow families in the place that are
free from sioknoSe of wino sort sr other.
-.Miss Campbell, of St, Marys, who has
been visiting Mies Dolly Shaw for a few
weeks, returned home on Tuesday. -Last
Wednesday Mrs. Thee. Aiuiay received a
telegram informing her of the deooage of
her. father. She was too ill to attend
the funeral. -Rev. Mr. Smyth, of Stmt.
ford, formerly of Brussels, was In town
un Thursday, Of this week, attending the
/literal of the late -Mhos Addis Afoot -ley
Note is the time to make sure of your ' Wnneeseav, Feil, 20: •- warm stools, 1m -
11t )' lllegl,
510.11Y 130y', 14 or\ya1G ycai's of ago, with
fair English education, wanted to loal'n
the Printing. Apply, nt once, to Tea
POST Publishing Souse,
Le you llurolute° 10 lbs. of one 40.eeut
Jappan Tea we will make you a present of
1 doz, Onpsand Saucers and 1 tloz. Plates,
Wil! guarantee Tea No, 1, if not may be
returned. 000x'1:' Grocery, Now York
Store. 32.
A 110060 bolonging to Bird Bros., of
Grey, attached to a onttor, took a nation
to run away last Friday, and after a
lively ekirnuali brought up on a walnut
lumber pile in the roar of 11. Leather•
dale's storehouse, A broltort shaft was
about all the damage done.
TBE monthly Sunday School Confer.
enee will bo held ou Wednesday evening
of next week in St. John's church, The
subject, to be introduced by Rev. W. T.
Cluff, incumbent, will be 'Why should
we teach," An invitation is extended to
all interested in the work.
IT is leap year. February has twenty-
nine days. Christmas will fall on Tues-
day. Lent commenced early, as Ash
Wednesday was Feb. 15th. Tho first
day of April will be Laster Sunday.
Trinity Sunday falls on May 27•' A Sec-
ond total eclipse of the moon will occur
on the night of July 22 and 20, The
eclipse will begin at 10:55 o'clock, total
to 12.45, and ends at 2:85 o'cloak, There
are three partial eclipses of the run dur-
ing 1888 -the first on Feb. 11, the second
on July 8 and the third on August.
CORDING. -A curling match was play-
ed on the Listowel rink last Friday be.
tween Brussels and Harriston clubs for
the Caledonian medal. Brussels took
the modal by one shot, The score was
as follows :.
nnness55. EAlaalsTOx,
J. Kitchen, Bink No, 1.J, Oolllneen,
J, Rose, R, Lambert,
0.0. non. J. McKenzie
A. Currie, ekip...... ..27T. Frain, skip..,...,.,15
P. Secret,
et, - G,o.6trnng2,,
S. W. Laird, J.Oammings,
Thompson, G. Moore,
A. Veal, skip 16 W. Moore, skip 26
The protest entered by Wroxeter at
the Tankard competition in Toronto was
allowed and on Thursday they were pit.
ted against Thamesville, the Wroxetere
losing by 11 shots. Thomasville won the
Tankard. Brussels club may attend the
bonspeil at Seeforth next week.
P. A. Bum, the General Agent for the
Provincial Provident Institution, with
headquarters at St. Thomas, has been
booming life insurance in and around
Brussels for the• past three weeks. He
has written over 13125,000 in insurance
during that time and like Alexander of
old is on the lookont for fresh worlds to
conquer. Mr. Black tops the list as au
insurance agent for piling up the money.
THE investigation by Inspector Hop -
kirk into the charges preferred against
the Brussels poet office turned out just as
we expected -a fizzle, as far as we can
aecortain. The evidence of several of the
witnesses summoned was tread against
the parties instituting the complaints.
The charges wore very petty and in no
ea -e were proven to incriminate the post-
master. The Inspector called on a num-
ber of our leading business men sndtheir
testimony was of a most satisfactory
character as far as upholding Ids. Grant
end the management of the office.' It is
to be hoped that this much talked of
matter will be dropped and before any.
thing of the kind is thought of again
there should he something at least with
the guiee of intentional wrong doing.
Binding Twine by ep plying to B, Getter. 1 plelnent'+, ,to., ort north half 1,t 28, con.
Tuft funeral of the late WYm. Mooney, 1 3, Morris, et 1 o'clock p, In. lidward
who died on Thursday' afternoon, aged 78 Anbery, prop., Geo. Kirkby, 111111.
years, will tanto pleas from his late rosi. •- •
denco, Mill Street, on Saturday afternoon p=d1.Z`Q ,:T=x sx.n.rxnsru;.Z.
at 33:80 p, n1.
Ran G. E. Howie preached two in.
teresting disocnraesin Knox Chupoh last
Sabbath. Although blind for several
years he goes through the service as per-
feotly las anybody, reciting the scrip-
tures, psalms and hymns, On Monday
evening he lectured in the same church
on n visit to the Holy Laud, and as the
rev. gentleman was born near bit. Lob.
anon and in Ohl the most of his life in
that land the lecture was most interest•
ins and profitable. Bible students eau
gain a largo store of information from
these lectures, Mr,; Howie purposes
giving another next Monday evontng.
Thos. Strachan occupied the chair on
Monday evening. Musio was discoursed
at appropriate intervals by the choir,
Mr. Howie enjoyed the blessing rf eight
until within six year's ego, when the
growth of a eateraot first on one eye and
than on the other loft him to grope his
way in darkness. Although this happec.
eel before he had concluded his studioe it
did not doter him prom pushing on, His
university oorbtfente shows ho obtained
four prizes and -the honorable distinc-
tion of blaster of Arts. Testimonials
from Professors of Edinburgh Univer-
sity, ehow that he is a man of clear
shrewd judgment, of great energy of
character, and exemplary conecientio iS-
ness. The Globe of Deo, 0th says : "Rev,
Ghosn Al Howie, the blind preaoher and
lecturer, has had some opposition given
to his preaching in vacant congregations
because of the alleged impossibility of
his discharging the duties of the pastoral
office on account of his blindness. This
prejudice, for it is a mere prejudice, has,
we are glad to know, to a great extent
passed away, and Mr. Howie, as one
regularly reoeivod by the General Ae.
sembly of the Presbyterian church, is
now receiving his full and regular share
of appointments. This is as it ought to
be, for Mr. Howie, though blind, moves
about and dons all pastoral work quite
as oaesly as and more diligently than a
'great many who hrve their sight."
General wows.
The Rev. Sam Small's ,wife died last
Michigan is to have a home for dire
charged convicts.
Thirty-six train loads of left Odeese
for the Roumania frontier.
Sir Michael Hicks Beach has beau re-
elected by acclamation.
Thirty-nine lives were lost in the great
storm at Mount Vernon, Ill.
The Austrian ironolads Ancona, and
Maria Pia are arming with all speed.
The Japanese hitch their horses in the
street by tying their forelegs together.
There are about 40 cricket clubs in
New England.
There has been a great deal of rain ie
the city of Mexico this winter.
Austria will consider any violation of
Roumania territory by Russia a cases
behi. '
Heavy snowstorms have caused loss of
life and great dumago to property in
During the sale of trotting stook at
Lexington, Ey., last week, 206 horses
were sold for $01,100.
France is known to be engaged in ac.
tive negotiations for a defensive trorty
with Russia.
The historical museum of Dresden ling
a collection of the boots and shoos of
celebrities believed to bo unequalled.
Maine fishermen ere .pleased at the
result of the Commission, but think
Canada has backed down.
German bankers in New York have
been informed by cable that there is no
hope for the reoovory of the Crown
Though oonsiderubly past 70 years of
age, Prince Bismarck still milts as hard
as he did when he was twenty years
Mr. Krupp, widow of the great gun -
maker, has permission to take any in-
come she chooses frgm the estate not ex-
ceeding 8125,000 per annum.
FEARMAN'S Hams, Spiced Roll, Lard
and Bologna at Conte' New York Gro-
Canxrvn.-Thursday evening of last
week saw a good sized company at the
Maitland skating rink, at the carnival.
The costumes were good, and the charas.
ters personated well representpd. For
best character costume, gent, 5. H.
Laird, "Crowfoot," was awarded 1st
prize. Best character costume, lady,
Gipsy Queen," Mies Rachel Alexander.
Comic, gent, James Laird, Jr.; comic,
lady, Clara Hunter. In the throe mile
open race there were five entries as fol-
1owe; R. Thompson, Noble Gerry and
D. MoDonald, Brussels ; Cornyn, Wing -
ham, and Fairly, Seeforth. Thompson
won easily by several laps, Fairly taking
2nd prize. Andy Currie took the boys'
race without any trouble. A good deal
of amusement was created over the obsta-
cle race. The contestants had to skate
ten laps and go through a floor barrel and
a ladder every round. R. Thompson,
El. McNaughton, W. Fairly and Andy
Currie started, but only the first and last
mentioned held Wont to the end, and
finished in the order named. The race
for lady and gent was a close one be-
tween Miss Lily Veal and Frank Steak
ton, and Miss Ratio Wilson and R.
Thompson. The first named two taking
the prize. Messrs. Ross and Laird are
determined to please the public, and are
succeeding without n doubt, although
the patronage bestowed might be largely
BEETnovno QUARTETTE, - On Friday
evening a large house greeted this popu.
lar and talented company in the Town
Hall, who came expecting to enjoy a
treat, and in this they were nor disk).
pointed. Miss Wood and Chas. Kell)
and Sinus Richards fully sustained their
previously earned reputation as vocalists,
and the new talent -Mies Morrell and
Jae. Fax -are well qualified to keep Up
their department of the entertainment,
Mr. Fax is exceptionally good, and one of
the very noticeable points is ' freedom
from what is generally found in eomio
songs, anything vulgar, Encores were
heartily given, and willingly responded
to. The A. 0. U. W. deserve the thanks
of the mesio -loving portion of the com-
munity for bringing this company here.
The following is a list of the different
numbers on the program: -Quartette,
"Broken Pitcher f" song, "Forbidden
Mucic," Sims Richards; comic' song,
"The Frenchman, " Jas. Fax ;' dnett, "I
Feel thy Angel Spirit," Mise Woode and
Sims Richards; silo, The Bitter
Sweet," Miss Morel] ; song, "The Three
Wishes," Chas. Selly ; comic song,
"Bowery Grenadiers," Jae. Fax; guitar
solo, Chas. Melly; humorous quartette,.
"The Professor at Homo;" solo, Chas.
Kealy; song, "Love's Old Sweet Song,"
Miss Woods; duett, "The Fiehorman,"
Sims Richards and Clens. Holly fesong,
"My Lover is a `tailor Lad," Mies Mor-
rell; song, "Jossamy Town," Sims
Richards; comic song, "Medicine Jack,"
Jas. Flux; quartette, "Good Night"
Miss Minnie Martin filled her position ne
necompanist admirably. Tho Company
)eft on Saturday rnotning lar Walkerton.
They will he greeted by it full house
01ol1l1 they pvcr MAIM to 13rusan,.le
Bmo'ti .-In Grey, on the 20th inst., the
wife of Mr. William. Browne of a
Hoesoo-VieNon:ets-At Wingham, on
the 16th inst., by the Rev. D. C. Mo.
dowell, at the Methodist Parsonage,
Mr. John- W. Hopper, of Morris, to
Miss Bella Van Norman, of the same
Leotn-Dlcxsoie-At Niagara Falls, en
the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. Ii. Ha-
zelewood, Mr. Albert Lloyd, of
Wingham, to Miss Louie Dickson,
daughter of Mr. Win. Dickson.
COmlEC1'En 0An14rpnan EVPIt$ WEED.
78 82
70 . 80
30 41
(10 00
68 GO 7300
15 17
16 n0
(j5 00
0 75 7 00
•1 50 5 60
8 00 9 00
204 850
Fn11 Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, por lb
Eggs, per dozon
Apples, per bushel
Hogs, deemed ..
Wood, par cord
mm r;o1MMIM413 20,6AR1-C2EITEn.
00111140TEn CAnIIFULLX NM? WEEi.
Fall Wheat 78 82
Spring Wheat 70 82
Barley.,,,, 00 70
Oats 88 40
Peas,68 60
Butter, tube and rolls.. , , 16 18
Eggs per dozen......,. : 16 00
Flour per barrel 4 50 00
Potatoes ,.. 60 00
Hay per ton .. :.. 7 00 9 00
Hides per Ib 4 6i•
Salt per bbl., wholesale., 60 80
Shoop skins, each 00 1 00
Wool, per ib. 20 23
Pork l', 00 8 60
McINNEs.-In Grey, on Fob. 10th, Arthur
Malnnes, aged 82 years.
CAnwBEDIA In Grey, onthe llth inst.,
Wm, Campbell, aged 4 years and 8
CARTED --In Walton, on the 18th inst.,
Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. Carter,
aged 2 years and 12 days.
DlcxeoN,-On Feb. 17th, in Clinton,
Winnie, infant daughter of Chris,
Dickson, aged 3 months and 17 days.
BnbsmLt.-In Brussels, on '',Saturday,
Feb, 18th, 1888, Ethel, infantdaugh•
ter of William and Mary Blarthnll,
aged 5 months and 11 days.
MOONEY-In Morris, on tiro. 21st inst.,
Addle, eldest daughter of Reeve
Mooney, aged 20 years, 6 months
and 13 days.
Wxnriesea0, FED. 29. -Lot 23, con. 4,
Grey. Farm stock, implements, tics. Salo
oommences at 1 o'clock p. m. Ulna.
served. Jno. Dunbar, prop,, Capt. 8trot-
ton, auot. •
FRIDAY, MA1011 2. -Lot 80, con. 4, Mor-
ris. Farm stock' and implements. Un-
reserved. Salo commences at 12 o'filock.
J, tk A. Sample, props., Geo. Kirkby,
Tuftsl tr, RIAxcit (1. -Lot 7, 0011. 0,
Grey, harm stock, implements, t1e,.
Unreserved, Sale to commence at 12
o'cloek. Thos, Heritage, prop., Geo.
Kirkby, must
Tli'aiiMY,Mxnen 8. --Lot 21, con. 9,
Grey. Farm stock and implements.
Unreserved. Sale to commence at I
o'clock Xi, m, liebt. Ileri' jun., prop.,
Phos, 1„ Hey, arta.
Vest Hn f I,0. ot 11 Oou. 0 Grey,
r0n SALE. at a bargain. For full part
tieulaze as to 318185, locution, oto., amply to
W. B. D100180N, 8-tf
undersigned will keep the thorough.
bred Durham bull"Vedder" for servlee on
let 20, con. 9, Morris, He has an extended
pedigree oertilloate. Terms -$1.60 far the
eeaenn for grade cows and $6.00 for thorough-
brada. 20.2m J. BOWMAN.
Salesmen Wanted
le canvass for the safe of Nursery Stook.
Steady employment guaranteed, SALARY'
Ann EXPENSES PAL, Apply at On05, stating
age, (Refer to this paper.,)
CHASE BROTHERS, Colborne, Out,
11 ea by the undersigned (marked ten dors)
up to Saturday, the 171)1 March, for putting
a stone foundation, veneering with uriok,
Plastering and otherwise repairing Knox
Church, Craubrook P. 0. Plans end speeiA-
cetions can be Been at the Oratibrook P. 0.
The lowest or ens, tender not necessarily
accepted. JAkt15x CIITHEL,
Chairman of Committee.
Craubrook, Fab 22, 1889. tin.
A few splendid, improved farms for
sale in the township o1 Grey, Morris and
Molitllop. Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co.
Aucbioaeer,Bruseols P. 0.
A' fora term of years, Lot 21, Con, 0,
Grey, containing 01 mores. About 70 sores
Bleared, 6 ,mores of fall Wheat, 30 acres
seeded dorvu. Good bearing orchard, good
wells and abundaucs of water. Good 110060
and barn and other outbuildings. Terms
Easy. possession at any time. For further
particulars apply to ROBERT BARB, JON15,,
OR bile eremites: or by Lotter to Erma, P .0.
ONr. - 82.11-
oontaintngaquarterarre 00.0)1.
Therein a tnwef the hthers. ase lot and a
stable 0n one of odors. The lend is in
adrst.olaneetato of cultivation and fronts
en Alexander, Thomas and Mary streets,
The property will be sold on block if our.
chaser desires it. No better.oituatkou in
B rituals. For terms and conditions apply
to W. J. Neuron, P. 0. Box 02, Bmssole.
T also offer for sale a driving, mare, dam
aubel;" got by Combination,' in foal to
"Ridgewood," and her filly by "Bart's mes-
senger," rising one your. May be seen at
my stable, Ml0 street. 31- W. 1.. NORTON.
Horrls, on reasonable terms, Xs order
to elbse the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. G.ingstow, the executors oifor the fol
lowing valuable lands for sale - North
half of Lot 90, Concession 6; Township et
Morris, containing 00 acres. On this lot is
erected a good frame barn with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well minipump . Near-
ly all cleared, and 0s on tete gravel road
closely ad]jeintng the villageof oruosolo.
This harm is a valuable ono, is well fenced
and in a good state 0f eultivatiou. Por
3110108 and terms apply to T1100. KELLY.
Brussels P. 0., 13ENnY J101010010, Victoria
square P.0., or Janina SDITn, Maple Lodge
1, 0., Middlesex County.
BAN1lJiltS .;- 1o11t'SS1i2 li
'Transact a General Ban1 •calf
B mein cgs,
gen setae and United states Uralte bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Collections made on farorah6' temps,
Cauadlan Agoots-ME1rno1e's BANK 00'
New York Agents -Lave 'ren, ANI) TnA1,
In the High Court of 9ustice,
Chancery Division.
'Thompson ss. Iioniinlll.
Pursuant to the judgment and Anal order
for sale made In this notion and dated re.
epootively the 12th davot October, 1880'"aud
26th day of November, 1887. there will be
sold by Publie Suellen, with the approba-
tion of the Local Master of the Supremo
Court of Judicature for Ontario a{ Belle-
ofl$AU6eEna,, in the County at the Qesee's of Huron, e Village
Thursday, Marsh 15th, 1888,
At 1 o'onoo1, 1'. At., by Findlay Stewart
Scott, Auctioneer, the following valuable
farm Propestyin two parcels :-
PAnoEx, No, 1• -The north Halt of lot num-
ber 20, in the 1101 concession of the Town
snip of Grey, in. rho C aunty of Huron, oon•
tainfag 60 soros mors or lean,
PARCEL So,. 2, Tot number Si, in the lob
aoneeasion of the Township of Grey. in the
Cor louase.nty of Huron, ooutal ming 100 acme more
UnaPeresl numb ori ere mooted afoeme
and a frame burn In substantial
state of .repair. About thirty aoroo are
soreso f and Al for wolf -anon. Abdul 10
80700 of AwamD land, well -drained, and the
balance timbered with hardwood. This
parcel is about 7 miles from rho village of
131001515,0 miles from Ethel, with a school
holm about ll miles from the lot.
-Upon Partial number 2 are oreb'ted. an oke
1pg)oueo and log barn,. About 80 agree are
cleared cud fit for eeltivation, Thi a Reseal
about 10mileafrem *3rus0011, and /bent
e0 laomils maes from rket EtviBahegee.
l, beth of w.bielr, aro ilrst-
Both the said parcels Wlll be soul subject
to reser uo bide Axed by tiro llnetol,
Phe purcbaeor shag very 81 deposit
in the 31005051101003 8100 r overs ;:100 of the
purabese money, and 1110 bahenco io ono
mouth ndroafter, In 111013107 raebeee the
terms mail Oouditielf of Sale will be the
Standing nO 1110kon0 of 5811 Of ON court.
For further pnrtiaulore a»ply to the law
office of ktestere, G1) 000111 OTAVen, Napiiat en,
n.nd Mesaro. WAD% R Srxnr„M11, Barristers,
Clinton f (unit,
S. V. T,aAitF,
Plaintiffs*1tere. Lewd Ise
Dated Po.11,1858.
BrussoieeyboOoao,in Lo0kie's block
Garrey d, Proudfoob, (lodorlob) So-
licitm} Onnvoyanoor, 10, O1gge, Grout's
block, Brussels. Money to loan.
M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., BAR.
R ITER, Solicitor, the.,of the grin of
Stephenson, Dickson & Taylor, Barristers,
Sollottors, dee., Manning Arreeda, King Street
West, Toronto. Money to loan.
the Fourth DIvision Court, Co, Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Puede invested and
to loan. Oo,lootions made, Ohleo in Gra
ham's filook,Drnseole,
moved his oflea to J. Harproayes'
Drug Store. Residence on M111 Street
• M. L. B. 0. P. Edinburgh, Phyelelan.
Surgeon and A000ucher, 02105, Mrs, Shier s
bieok, Turnberry Street
M. F. OALE, M. D., O. M.
Member of the 0oileee. of Physicians and
Surgeons of Onttaio by examination,
Officio and Rooideuc-Main St. Host ,Ethe
T)I:NTIte1T.Et `fig.
0. L. BgJi.L, D . S., Honor Graduate and
kOIt. O. D. S., of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices gra led and allow
as good work can bo done for.
Ofgce over Johnston's liard'i.^a. •st„r ,•
13EN'I IE4T.
W, I, Pear ,L.D S. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed, Chico -Cody's
Block, Seaforbh,
Artigoialtootl4 0ratquality, and a
guaranteed At, for $12.0oper sot,
M SRTSN, T a, at,.
Honor Graduate of the Begot College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. 240x105 OXIDIC
GAB adminfatered for the pnim0s5 extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFFICE.--Gerleld Bloch, BRUSSELS.
son Auctioneer. Bales eoudeebed on
reasonable tering, farms and farm steal{ a
speatalty. Orders lett at TEE PearPublish-
ingHouse, Brussels, or neat to Walton post
Oleo will receive prompt attention.
_LElan, is prepared toattend to sales on
the shortest notice, A 031ooialty made o2
sales of thorough -bred stock. Term0 made
known'be application tr TEE POST 1nb110h-
ing House, whore orders may bo loft, or
addrers to Brussels 0.
e is always ready;to attend sakes of
farms, tarn, stook, dos. Terms ol0Ornuly .
revolt. Craubrook P.O. Sales racy be ar-
ranged at TEr. POST Publish Lig .House,
• of Marriage Licenses; 0MAco at his
Grooary,Turnberry Street.
a rings Licenses, by appointment of
Lieut. -Governor Oommisaioner, @u„ Q, 13,
Oeayoyanaor anti Agent Piro Insurance Oc,
Doi oe at the Craubrook Post Ofllao,
and Ornamental Painter. Graining,
Gilding, Sign and Decorative Palating in all
its branches. Shop Blinds done up in style. ,
Paper Flanging a epooialty. Shop ono door
south of J. Buyers' Carriage Werke.
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College has resumed the practice of John
Nott, V.S,, and is prepared to treat all die
oases of domoeticate i animals on soientill e
andapproved principles. Treatment of del-
icate foals a specialty Office two doors
North' of Bridge, Turnberry street,
supposed Mho in calf; one Heifer to
Calvo fn April : one brood sow and six young
pigs; ono young sow, all thorn -bred, Also
one ellq rising two. Enquire of I3, T. RING.
STON, Lot 30, Con. 0, Morris, Brussels P. 0.
neo f
oust o being at groat e<poano
amidine and to start
new machinery and
intending o start the manufacture all due the un a we beg leave i to inform all due
the ither with
to be kind enough n toe, sonic
up attt,or with Oaeh or Note, Ciao, Hour,
leck,111,n, Ash or Maple Bowlegs will be
takonin pity, delivered at either of Amont
Brae, Saw Mills, as this Atm pias perahaoed
our flaw mill 011 Grey. 111 aeeennt8 wilt bo
settled at 1110 Now 0 aotory, Brilsools'
manna offers 1110 Valu ble 10
f ern.,, being Tot 3, eon, 18, Grey Taw lship
furca Ors, for sale, There aro about 60
60005 alearad(main good heart, There is e.
logboi00O, geed tome barn, boating orchard,
and all the 80ti05eary oonyonionoos 011 the
prorni0O0.. Per further particulate, ao to
ttolsl ,toreie, etc, apply .to the Proprioto.r,
1'80S,1fI8L01,i11nr0 0., xt,``V.47,. ar to DOUGAM SeRAOE:iN, Brussels