The Brussels Post, 1888-2-24, Page 66
liranrb*on Noten3.
Marbled and watered plush is
much iu demand for fancy work.
New braid patterus on spring
tailor gowns are marvels of artii i1.
Plaids and %tripes will again he
worn, but more by ohiliireu than
growl) people.
Decorated celluloid letter e r •
and portfolios are lovely piee
new fancy work.
The most favorable coiffures - "t
:demand that the hair falls t 1 r
low on the forehead. •
Dotted stripes aro seen a.0'
new designs in cotton, siik a • a
woolen fabrics for spring Mass
Large screen•like ahades to Ith-"•
lamps are made of rose f'e'ral- f
silk, sewn on a pink funl'tttt . t'
: frame.
• The finest artistic judgment .,e'l
taste is demanded and displayed in
the color combination of indoor
• Snrplioe waists lapping nv-•r m
.one tide and forming a V t,pr'
at the neck are in. favor for lienee
dresses of all kinds.
Pound waists and shirred it
ques are the features on the haw
,shits made of embroidered unl-line
for the incoming season.
Some fine specimens of heir
dressing are seen in the new coif.
fuses which the effort to introdnce
the psyche has brought out.
Embroidered muslin gowns are
now in the hands of dreasmelter-,
who are making them up for the
spring and summer trade.
Canary yellow point d'esprit and
accessories of blank velvet and jet
make a very effective and boo•.» sing
ball gown for a dark brunette.
Dressmaking departments in alt
large establishments are acres ty
making up firet communion and
confirmation dresses for the midi-
. dates
ot I -
dates at Easter.
This may be called a ribbon arta-
son, so profuse is the use of ribbons
for the decoration of dinner, ball
and opera, and house and 5 o olook
tea gowns.
The latest fad in ball tis+nr•s is
the dauphine tulle in all delicate
shades, with designs of flowers and
le rds wrought in colored- silks and
. Japanese tinsel threads:
The Season for March, just tu•,
gives no hint in its cuts or reading
matter that we are to have any `aft
• portant changes iu ,the general our
lines of fashions this spring.
A piauo'1ti.utp ou a black antique(
wrought iron stand, in pink gree-,
with a largo shade of silk or satin
rose petals, m les a lovely point f
light in a gold and white furnished
Novelties in lamp shades are
huge tulips, sillies and calla% of est.
in, stiffened and moulded into the
petals and flower forma, and ox
gnisitively colored in nature's own
tints by first-olass artists.
To clean stained tea or coffee
cups scone with bath brick.
Dishcloths are quickly eweetened
by being boiled up with soda and
Oranges and lemons keep bee
when wrapped close in soft paper
and laid in a drawer of linen.
To mount ferns use a glue with
three parts white auger; two parts
starch and a very little water. Boil
until white.
The fumes of burning coffee are
a powerful disinfectant. Pound the
coffee in a mortar, and then strew
it on a hot iron plate which, how-
ever, meet not be red hot,
Whole cloves are now used to ex
terminate the mercilese and ndud
trious moth. It is said they are
more effectual as a doetroying agent
than either tobacco, camphor or
cedar shavings.
Never let the whites of eggs stand
during the beating process, even for
a moment, ae they will begin to
turn to a liquid state and cannot
be restored, and thus will make a
heavy cake.
An oxcelleut cold cream may be
made by melting together four
ounces of almond oil, two ounces of
mutton suet and half an rune° of
spermaceti. Strata and add a few
drops of perfume, Stir it until it
is cold.
Concentrated lye ie the best of
all contrivances for cleansing bed-
steads. Never keep either lye or
any poisonous substance in a bottle
or pitcher or cup that may be drunk
item by mistake. In a tin box or
china soup dish, nobody would
mistake them for any beverage.
To clean frosted (dead) silver
ornaments, dissolve a lump of soda
in a saucepan of boiling water and
place them in it, and leave for a
few moments ; then add e, small
piece of yellow soap and rub the
articles with a soft tooth brush
When taken out of the water place
in a hot oven on a briok until the
desired effect is produced.
To clean marble, brush off the
dust with a piece of chamois, then
apply with a brush It good coat of
gum araltio of about the ooneieteney
of tbluk luuuilage ; expose it to the
said or wind to dry. ILi a short
time It will peel off ; if all the ga
should nut peel off, wadi it wit
n eau water>tlnl s cloth, If ill
lint apt''te'bi t1 lion. tint have th
deer,:.1 1 tt• tit it eheuhl he trio
i+rt1.' <4",lin*i,trwltt,
11 N': art the ens -moult'("
ch, •t ht t o;
II the 1. lel 1E4ttos�'yy,r t:tldir'r
(till "t alt" .II ,lditntta Ila ,iitt,e. lets
1)r.t' (t?n[ -IPa 0 t'(ingthtlrer, 14 lain
0 of rjlgtr t e, lint tie shunt (11e na
Pru 1,11;• my i3 Iso jus. st-.ti, ; ed
1rI,a. .. :er,1y hail/mem to ti"f
Atit.l .,' I u ohs of the
, sort
befo i b.. e into: an error :,? th
nod t
l'' uu.' ha+ s i3 of a fine and
h0u a.;.ie tg. thrt it war the child
hood of imutor) tai y
,Let or. 0340 presume to give ail
vice of oi,leed :bat bate that 111.1
1;1"1'ti gin,;-i't,iivaei t•t lain .par
It i,. it: both to a t„thte to ;co
hash of light (tercet' ;t dark'', -s if he
dues not. iestrytlti�' 'teen Itoc,trdi''„ o_}
Its etticlylnk Ohitraet t' do last le..
blind to tlie,hhc racou ings of'. arm
Mor titu
de viroe of a Inter
\Vords.are � apirittttti foreue, au.tots
of taro: ins '•l en. snag 1.1,'
ed, we (leen-of them ; uttered they
The Bunds of love al never woe,-
but under the warm awl genital in
flnence of hind feelings and afiee
tionate maul tiers.
Keep your .conduct abrca.t of
your conscience, and very Hour.
your 0011-0'1.000 will be itlutni'•'d
by the radinuou of God
It is always good to knew, it ulity
in passing, ,t charming humin' tts-
iug ; it relresiles oue hit,; fleweis
and woods aid clear brook-.
Be plea'.frnt told Irina to those
around you '.Che man who stir,.
hie cup wit), an ielcit' spec 15 i,1•' 1514
and chili- ins own flowers
It. it good for us to think u„ glace
or blessing 1 truly oats nut. 'i
art aw+1, 0 teat, Gnti it tt o. es •1.d
eon). •itro •-,t with it to'•'n,fit•
Oid at;,' is the night f 1, ,t, a.
night i, the Ad age i1 lav e ill
night is lu: of magnificence and
fes teeny t' ,a morn lrrilbait thandee.d„
St,rho-r h .ir,l at motif -'r' ,tire.
err. Seco( w„ally iorg'tten They
form a rittit• ,prang teat 1.••v.•• guile
drie. up in our journey •tar •Irl{i.
not,rcbing yea re,
By the bye, )low can 0 mat. lode”
that 'that'•% driuke bolt tad tin: de, h
unites he 1; "hero Lumeelf or i, peep
hag ())rough the key. hula. If he is
with the man teen there ere two
sneaks there, sad if peephtle'hrough
the key hole he is the worst sneak
0f the two.
Tho milk as it comes from the oow
is just about the right temporatttrs
to make 0110030, If two milttiugs be
used, the night's milk should be
m cooled at once and warmed iu iho
h morning,
it A oerrespondent in the Jsreey
It Bulletin treys Dull of his cows gave
d milk which would throw all. tale
cream on the anrf11011 111 ate 0r eight
le ncet,rding to the •einpt'rature
he roam, while another's -mills
/mimedfrnrn inventy four to thirty.
I ' mix 'it 11it to ()Mthe saute results.
I. pour 1 oonthl,y to keep three
ti I - pi -educe 800 pounds of but
kr,, w1.” n it can be obtttined from
g' • Ire t. Deep the beet envie, give
a tient t.1., best of food and care and
iht y win rive 5111 pie nomas.
i la, impertauce of the dairying
' 1:' ,, ;nay bo somewhat appreui
••, d ,.,tint it is roto, inhered that
1 1 $'200 50,1000 is 1nvtetod in this
th b' an ch ".1 industry.
�Vi t a feeding for milk good
whys brim ehotld be mixed with
the in.,ii. These go well with clov•
r hay
FlLr'rn INotete.
A damp floor ism. sure 81nr0' of
distatee, If possible, keep the floor
filled np above the outside level
The birds' intended for breeders
next spring ehould be kept i❑ good
heart but not over fat.
Getting ready pules for grapevin ea
and benne i$ good winter work,
Straw alone is a poor feed, but
0(11.00 ofu•
seed cake,
wheat bran, and oats asci clover
hay 1 makes excellent food
Sorting fruits and veeeteblee ac
complishee two things ; it protect -
the sound and it rids the collar o'
the sunroes of unwholesome exhale
In the agricultural districts of
Kussin the women do two thit•ds of
the field work,
The State of Now York fends and
fattens mora aboep for the shambles
than any of tho big sheep rnising
Scaly legs. Nothing is easier to
cure or prevent than this disfigur•
ing ailment, Lard mixed with a
))talo kerosene and crude carbolic
sold, rubbed in thoroughly un the
lege, will soon destroy the insect
that causes the unsightly disease.
The second application will not of -
ton be necessary.
Directly after snowstorms always
clear some portions of the ground
around the hen -houses for the com-
fort and health of the stook. Stand-
ing on snow is not as good as on
earth, if the fowls cannot get off
the snow, they crowd too much in
the houses,
Feeding for eggs it the principal
thing, no matter what breed ono
May keep for winter laying. Mesh-
ed potatoes in the soft food are very
desirable two or three times a week.
Vegetables are necessary as well as
grain and animal food for a full de.
velopment of the laying capacities
of any breed of poultry.
The average quantity of milk re
quired for It pound of cheese is five
quarts. One hundred pour) de of
milk will melte a torl-pounrl chosen,.
taenut-ul reieswoe.
L.,1..; Dnfrorlu bee acoeptod the
post of A•mbassadar to Italy.
It it aid lir. lIardietry, N. W.
1' , n ill be called to the Senate.
Adviocs from Copenhagen state
that the railways throughout Den-
mark tare blockaded with snow.
A St. Petersburgh despatoh says
the Minister of Pin,tuoe nae ordered
)resit purobases of foreign gold.
•kir. Howell, M. 1' , intends to
qutistiou the Home Seeretary in Par•
hament with reference to the reviv-
al cif pugilism.
Boston will send Toemer to Aua-
tralia to row against Beach. It
eon't taste the pair fifteen minuets
after Teomer's arrival to fix lip e
The British Government deny
that a millionaire force is entering
Vent znole They said the indem-
nity was paid in December under
1. rotten.
Advices from Tamt ve announce
that Geti. Willoughby, Minister of
War, .ilio was imprieened some
limo ago for embezziemout, hag
h„e.'1 rt leased
To the Hnuse of learn. Friday
Last ;-in isbtr:y p •chic -ed ”' submit
the fi-,:encu treaty, le lg.,ad at
W tel tngtoo to Partial: nt as 8000
114 t1 a (,itt'rrnntent r0eety.•t it.
A est l•l.eepor .4t K Devil)(
Toon., tete p0•440naet1 Governor
Tee ior, or that 8 tate, with a violin
said 1' be 100 years • '1.i. Governor
Tessler ie a famous flddl r ,tad owes
await of his atta0,•es in politics to
his „kill with the bow.
i `unaditan N e w4t.
A. phosphate bonanza is the Iai-
est st'raotion in Kingston.
Jamas llttcey, the Chatham dyn-
amiter, has been °outwitted for
trial. •
Upwards of $100,000 was added
t : the aesosament of Lindsay last
The barn of James Brooke, ou
townline of ljlanabard and 13iddulph
was burned a few nights ago from
the over -turning or explo. ion of n
The 'Winnipeg Board of Trade
has offered to pay the expenses of a
member of the Toronto hoard if one
will go up to examine into the
Cheat Id:uatinu.
Before the Labor Gemurtrsion at
'Montreal, eevornl wilneeses made
grave charges of immarafi'y, which
it was alleged was allowed 10 go 0n
in St, Ann's cotton factory.
Delaware beasts 0f the fi:,eet Ira ie
ural toboggan elide in We':torn Uu
`arid. When the maobine 1e lot
loose on the top it lands trio occup-
ants a distance of half a mile in
leas than a minute.
tarry McCarthy, G.T•It. conduc-
tor, London, is taid to have struck
luck in the recent drawine in the
Lonieiane State )unary. He is re
ported to be the holder of a fifth
ticket that drew $2000 . The other
lucky tickets are said to be held by
The amount of wood brought to
the G. T. R. station at Bothwell
this wirier is onormoue. The con-
tract is filled, and from 1,500 to 2,-
000 eerie over. which ropreeents
about $18,000 for wood delivered at
Bothwell, Newbury and Thames
villa stations,
Windsor is somewhat excited
over an elopement which occurred
'there Tuesday night. The parties
to it are Joseph Letitia, a car ex-
aminer on the Grand Trunk, and a
Nies, Oldenburg, whose husband is
a whoeistnan on the Grand Trunk
ferry. It is believed the elopers
came to this side of the river, and
the deserted husband and wife aro
apparently staking no great effort
to find them. ',adds lead two
children and took 000,11 little boy,
with him. Ltulds is about 80 years
of ago and the woman about 28,
A tanner and currier named J.
Scott has a reputation for harrying
numerously, Ile wee rirposod in
otlh 1 ty, and 0 young
01 ,try prevented.
iii+ p t• men. i• dela to be Doug.,
1,84, , . hi • t” ,11.'go41 t„ ,torr? a
11' .116! ;IA anti UI'th-
tw ie ' 1
Returned to Brussels'
`tf16 ,6i' ARMISTRONrx
desires to .ante that he ha+ agar, become
a real:lout of Brussels and is prepared to
take C'outrttots for all kinds of Carpenter
Doric, such as )loose Building, Barn
Pr., Mill Wfighting, tire,
Ile win also ,mice a Specialty of Mov-
ing Braiding..
lf.t'Mr/%ts r;'/teelfnffv f•
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in every instance.
ss 1', t'.:1181O3G.
Money to Loan.
Money to Loan on il'Itrtu Pro-
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or 'Village Pro-
perty, at
6 cE 62 PerCent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Diieisioli Court Clerk, Brussels.
.another Weaare
It never was intended, an for as T 1.n n 1001.1.,
That either manor woman worn intended
t0 bo bald.
I think you will believe ma,indood l9n surd
• u null,
If at the "Parts Hair works" vin have
There is one thing Nature thinks of—let us
thank her all we mul—
atto takes particular trouble with our
She knows n. aunty growth of Bair, the
gray and whitening locks
Will detract from the bounty of the fade.
Mut bnturo lana bar lawn so strict that you
must never err,
Por you'll eurelypay the penalty at last.
Sustain it, that bounteous head or hair,
Doctor Doreuwenc's Hair Illagic's unsur-
Just try it, your afflicted, you never will
Tho. Illogic, was never yet known to fan ;
And the good that it will do volt will make
you tope forget
The expenditure a bottle wn entail.
This new famous preparations for invig-
orating anal stimulating the growth of the
hair la unlversully accepted as the most
valuable apoetao on the market. Ail distaste.
0e of the taalp aro either racier,d or nm'-
manentlyoured. A rich awl rapt(, growth
of hair will fallen' after judicious' and regu-
lar treatment. I1 remains with the user
alo,le to s00ure the desired rpeults. 1tr.
Uorenwond's 'Raiz ln'agte" is sold by all
druggists at el per bottle, or six fur 05, It
not obtainable in your own locality gond di -
loot to the solomanufacturer,enclosing
prigs. A U0ncnwlvn, Paris Hair
103 and 105 Tango street, Toronto.
Ser sale by G. A. Deadman, J. 13argreavee
and all Druggists.
42 t- _c=1..L•]- R t S.
Steadfastly for forty-two years the
Witrxtr Wziurn:ss hes held 10 principles
which have stood the tests of titnt, rldi-
oule, ahtd of opposition, fair and unfair,
and the Wrrieno today speaks to sixty
where in 184(3 it spolto to ono, its grow.
th has been both rapid ant:) steady, Its
publishers, desirous of still further in.
creasing its circulation, have this year
gone bolero expense to noun a repro-
duction of ) u11 1.1 i't.n'1' lt,tw'i'isit-
a'1Lt'Ii of Davidson llnowles (who was
selected by Queen 'Victoria to paint the
00ene at Princess Beatrice's wedding),
Sufor &ittlo Children to Como Unto Mo.
It depicts the memorable scene with
startling realism, reproducing in oils all
the richness of OHMS VAL COLORING.
Tho picture, executed by the greatest art
firm in England, would bring $1,50 if
soh), but is reserved exclusively for Sub-
scribers to the Wrr.trss.
The price of the Wai:Srir WTTNAss and
picture is $1,25 ; the paper alane $1.00.
In 1860 the DAILY WxrNltoe was Iaunoh-
ed, and, like the Weekly, to advocate the
same prinoiples regardless of Dost, Tho
piotnro "Suffer Little Children to Come
Unto Me," and the D.1ILY Win inns, $8,25
a year.; the paper alone,
Thellounntruf Messinunnt still 1000n-
uav to be the favorite in the home oirclo
and Sabbath school, and commencing
with +Tantlary first with now typo, finer
paper and other improvements, will ha
more ettrertive than ever. Prizes of
boobs are given to friends wiho canvass
for it, Annual subscription, 800„ witih
reductions to clubs.
Sample copies of the different publl.
cations mailed on application, Agents
wanted in overt town anti village,
hn(N Detest,(.'( SON, I'nhl3shars,
m mired.
30 -DAY
130 days bath September, April,
June and November and forNithe
Next 30 days a
Zlilarge iscount
will be allowed on our splendid
stock of
Leather and
Ordinary bound
A-L-B-tF-M-S .
Special Bargains
Toys and Fancy Joods,
111 the Sehool requisites kept
in stock or procured in a day or
FEB. 24, P,88
30 Days
'.Cho Attention of the Public
is called to the filet thtlt the
Tweeds, Yarns, •
BZccnkets, F/.anitels,
U,ader'clo•l-h•in. ,
for the next 30 dn.ys,
Special Drives
• in Knitted Goods,
To Secure the
Big Deductions
' you Must bring the
Try the Brussels
t ;?0 T Woolen Mill
t' '" FOR ---
m (.
QI D.e6R
We have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits and finish,
but especially for the Low Prices at which we take orders. All
our work is done on our own premises and cannot bo excelled in
value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village of
Brussels, We have an
Immense Sock nI CVoice foods
in Meltons, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of England.
Scotch and Irish Tweeds, and an enormous variety of
the best Canadian makes.
range from $10, for a fairly good suit Load)'
NJ to your Order, to $12, $14, $1.5, $16, 17,
$18, '$19 and $20.
vr.zezEi Tax
wo use are strictly First Class, and the Workmanship the best.
Some special Iines of
which we intend Selling Off at W)oillna:Iuitm BARGAINS.
toss Bros.,
'Cilie) LEADING CLO'TI-IIE'Iji O1TTd'I:TTl;li+i,
J.3BUSSIdJ. S, ON'.i,k],fl 1,