The Brussels Post, 1888-2-24, Page 514.B. 24, 1888, THE BRUSSELS POST' ITlisfrict Ittvs, On Tuesday evcuing, the 25th fMet„ lieu. U. A. Gifford, M. A. Ph. D., of RIpley, will deliver a Jeoturei in the Methodist Church here uu "Success ht Life," looters to oominonoe at 7:50 p, m. The Kincardine Reporter aaye of thle Lecture: "lt ie origine', praotioal, abounding in eloquence and good canoe, Come and spend an instructive end pleas. ant evening, Wits g•haon. Division Court last Tuesday. Dr. Tamlyn represented the town Lodge of A. 0. U. W. at Hamilton last week. The Roman Oatholies of dile vicinity purpose celebrating St. Patrick's Day by bolding a concert In the Wingham town ball. Dr. Macdonald left here on Monday for Ottawa to attend to his parliamentary duties. His practice will be attended to in his abeenoe by Dr. McKenzie. At the business cereal meeting of the Methodist Church held on Tuesday even. ing of last week, the Board passed an unanimoiie resolution to extend an invi- tation to the Rev. Jno. Scott, M A., of Walkerton, to become pastor of the ohuroh at the oloee of Rev. D, 0. Ma Dowell's term, next Juno. A 1.8 -year old box named Robot# Shep- pard met with a seriomie and painful awn - dont at Wingham on Thursday, by which he hes lost the sight of one eye and may possibly lose the other. He very foolish- ly filled a bottle with powder and shot and put a match to it, when it exploded and completely knocked out one eye, and burned and cut hie hands and face very eeriously. Tho poor boy's father and etepiather were both blind. Ethel. Henry Warner is away at Heepeler this meek. John Milne, of Muskoka, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Ephraim Caber is ill from infiam• mation of the lunge. John Heffernan is away to Boston with a car -load of horses. Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Legear are visiting at Bt. Mary's this weak. M, Gemmel, of Ripley, and the Misses Stevenson, of Atwood, were visiting at J. A. Young's last Friday. A sleigh -load of young people from Brunets spent a pleasant time at R. Lang's last Friday evening. Reeve Milne sold a fine three-year•old mare to Thos. Whitfield laat Saturday for the handsome cum of $200. A Bremner returned from Scotland lest Monday. They had a pretty rough voy- age, and were on the ocean thirteen days. A sleigh•load of our young people drove to the residence of Geo. Welsh on Wed- nesday evening of last week. It is a good plane to go, and they had a very enjoy- able time. A fire was discovered in John Heffer- nan's blackemith shop on Wednesday morning, the 15th inst. It started from eomo ashes which had been left in a wooden box. A hole was burned in the floor, but no serious damage was done. canforth. Messrs. Strong and Patterson well in Hamilton last week as delegates to the Grand Lodge of A. 0. U. W. The pupils of the Collegiate Institute intend giving another eonoert in Card - no' -hall, on Friday evening, March 2nd. Giro, \Witley has issued a ohallenge to Joseph Laird, of Han burg, to matoh pacer against paoor for $200 or' 0500 aside. Tho rase if 'agreed upon will take plane on the let of July on Fairview park here. - Tho Seaforth curling club have per. !acted arrangements for building a big bouapiel in their new curling rink, on Monday, 27th inst., in which twenty-four clubs are expected to participate. The counties of Brant, Axford, Porth, Water- loo, Bunce and Huron willbe represented. The annual report of the Presbyterian church shows that the amount contribut- ed to ordinary reveuuo for the year was $3,117.80 and the following several amounts were contributed by the various branches for missionary purposes, viz. : Sabbath School, $256.40 ; Women's For- eign Mi-sionary, Socloty. $250.09 ; Young Men's Missionary Association, $498.55. Besides these there was contributed to the following objeots : Knox College En- dowment Fond, $215 ; Knox College Stu- dent's' Missionary Fond, $52; Northwest Church and Manse Building Fund, $40. 3i.,ilsto w el . Rev. J. W. Ball, formerly of Listowel, has accepted the call given him by the Presb, tartan congregation of Newmarket. Hese Bros, purpose building their now fanlory on Inkormen street instead of Blain •treat, A now byelaw will have to bo submitted, the• Resp bearing the ex. posse of it. Will Bnrgeee held a very successful en- tertaLnuent in the Opera Ilouoo oft Fri- day evening of last week. Ile was assist- ed by 1Liee L. O'Connor, of Drassole, "Dunb'n•," W. Dune and others. The Roy. J. Livingstone, of Blonlefnn, has reueived and aooepted a cordial invi- tation from the Methodiet ohuroh, of Lis- towel, Gnelph Conference. Salary $1,000 per annum and 1urniefied parsonage. ' The Town Council hev° decided to of- fet a reward of $100 with a vlow of forret- ing eta, f£ possible, the aright of tho last two fires which occurred in town, both of which are now believed to have been in- cendiary. An investigation is else talked of. Rev. W. Burgess, who has been pastor of the Congregational Church foe the past two and a half years, severs his conned. tion with that churoh on the 1st of April next, his resignation having been reluot. antly acooptad at a recent meeting of the members and adberonte of the church. The rev. gentleman has not definitely de. aided whore he will 'Pate. In speaking of the marriage of 0, Burt Hud Mies 5, Large, the Banner says:--' With regard to the attire of the bride, unfortunately for our readers, wo cannot describe it, Wo confess that this part of our education was neglected in nue yonnger days, and we feel the want of it more and more every day, Our readers will understand how inmpossibie i,1 is for as to gay whether the bride wore r( basquo or a polonaise, or both, 11 the dress was hemmed or bound; brad fioundes and trifle, or an overskitb and a trail, The bridegroonipwas drossed ve'y tit, fly, his lined were blacked to'perfootion ' MilniE140041E041143400111$0.9141111PATENVISSElininnEllinniMAi aau C; t.rinlerook. A. liaymann, Ageeseor, is cu bia rounds, Last Saturday Alfred Reymann wee hams, Be is teaching int Logan town - Tho biggest 'male" of the SO1113011 00015 to the Sumo of I'. htoDonald, mail car. rier, a few wooke ago. The magic lantern outcrtaiuoiont giv- en by li. A. Ball in tho dinthodiet ohuroh on Wednesday evening of last weolr was a dooided suoeese. The Singing of Mr. Ball was especially pleasurable. Mary, second daughter of A. Reymann, has been on tho slate Ilst for nearly throe mouths. The trouble was pleurisy at first which turned to fluid around the langs. A tube was put in her right side to draw off the fluid and the patient is improving eillue. Tenders are being aekod for putting a stoles foundation uncior Knox ohuroh, veneering the building with brink ani making other necessary repairs. There is a Inrge onngregation of Presbyterians in this locality aid when the above men- tioned Ineprovernenbe are completed the ohuroh will be more oomfortable for both pastor and people. Walton. Miss O'Connor's eonoert takes place ou Friday evening of this week. The program is a very interesting ono. A two year old daughter of William Carter of this plane died on Saturday of diphtheria. The parents have the sym- pathy of this neighborhood. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon. Geo. West and wife, Thee. Morrison and Geo. Williamson and sister left here on Friday morning to go to Manitoba. They took the train at Gerrie and had with other stuff 6 horses and all kiuds of fartn implements. We wish them em- cees in (heir new home which they intend snaking for themselves. They intend settling near Brandon, Fool-BALL.—A grand foot -ball tourna- ment was held in Welton last Saturday. There were present eight clubs from sur- rounding School Sections and 'quite a number of spectators from 'the township' of Grey, Morris, Hendee's and MaKillop. A very ple0saut day was spent. The' Walton sahool')iprovided dinner. The tat game • played to the forenoon was by Leadbury and Walton teams. Both made good )laying, They scored one goal each, time 1 hour. 2nd match, played in the afternoon, by No. 1 Gray and No. 9 Morris. No. 1 snored 1 goal, time, 1 hour. erd matoh was Flayed be- tween Brussels and No. 2 Grey, The latter scored 2 goals, time 1 hour. 4th match No. 9, Morris, and Winthrop. Winthrop scored 1 goal. 5th match played between Bruges's and No. 6, Mo- Killop, time 40 minutes. Brussels scored 2 goals and No. 61, Gth match was bo. tweeu No. 1 Grey and Walton. This was the mostinteresting game to the spectat- ors, both teams worked hard neither soared a goal, time 50 minutes. The day paeeed off very pleasantly without any accident or bad feeling. 1Loream . A. K. Robertson has been ill for the past few weeks. MAPLE LEAF Femmes' Clan. — This club mot at W. Innis' last Thursday evening. Mr. Innis read a paper on Manure, its formation, decomposition and application. / His treatment of the subject showed that he lead a thorough knowledge of it. Discussion followed by Geo. Brewer. Jas. Martin, Jas. D. Shur. ril, Chas. Harvie and B. Burkholder. Thos. Robertson read a paper on Fruit, confining Ilia remarks to the apple. Ma ohief points were : 1—The ground should be dry and exposed to the south or east. 2—The ground should be well worked and slightly manured. 8—Trees should be straight, clean in the bark, and well supplied with fibrous roots. 4— They may be planted in the Spring or Fall. 5—Tho trees should be put in *or 8 inohes deeper than they were in the nursery. G -The hole ebould be large and filled in around' the roots with pul- verized Boil, 7—They should bo kept well pruned from the start, Spring being the best time for pruning. 8—The best trona for shipping apples are the Baldwin, Rhode Is. Greening, Newton Pippin, Spitzbergen, Colvert, Russet, Northern Spy, Macintosh Red and King of Tomp- kins. The next meeting will be held at Wm. Shedden'p next Thursday evening when Weeds and Rotation of Crops will be discussed. Carr-Oaar.—"I know you aro Bell, Bob and all. This is what happy Polly says in her last interesting sketch to Tis POST. We are agreed in one partic- ular I am most happy to say that is to watch for Tan Pose. It seems a good paper and all the more interesting be- cause of Pully, but I am afraid you did not like what I said about some of the other sex last letter of mine. I didn't ask you to wear the cap did 17 You suppose I was away lecturing ou phren- ology. That seems a big word I hop you have not been indulging too freely in largo doses of the diotionary. However, I am quite innocent of the °barge, one thing certain is your phrenology this time is away out. Our school on the Iet is prospering eplondidl '-under the able and efficient management of Mr. Stewart, We have the son of Mr. T., Bluevale, at- tending now. He seems to be well sat- isfied thin time. Another of Polly's for. gets le this, a weep or two ago a wedding on the 2nd, Mr. Agar built himself a sweet little imine and took to his home a sweet little wife. Some of the boys have it : "!Phis is the horse that Jack built ; This is the omni that built the house who lives in the horse that Jack built. This is Mies Jessie, who fell in love and now lives in the house that Weak built." It is to be hoped they have a pleasant jour- ney through life, and every aloud Sae a silver lining. Yours truly, Beat„ 313111 ova] Mise Warwick, of 2nd lisle, Morris, is visiting at Mr, King's, on the Bluevale road. Rev. Mr. and 11'lrs. Louiids and child, of Mildmay, were in I3luovale over Sat urday and Sunday, Rev, Mr. McQuarrio, 01 Wingham, oc- cupied the Presbyterian Church pulpit ilunday afternoon last. The Bluevale Temperance friends are rejoicing at tho good news from West- moreland. The Scott Act never was re- pealed Won. Jewitt, of tind line, lelon•is, is drawing salad, Ile intende putting a atone foundation under his barn next atunnter,. A sleigh.load started front tie hill at the hotel the other evening The pilot, however, lauded them in the river. A nine looking lot they worn when they got out, Rev. Mr, Smith, of 'Wroxeter, filled the Metholiiet Churali pulpit lent Sunday. llie ploy was for tutselone. The cougra- gation responded heartily by giving a good collection. Tun Sante -Mrs. J. Messer, wo are sorry to sal, is still very poorly.—Mian Susan Pugh is on the mend. --Mrs. Duff fa 0 little stronger.---ylaggie Roberatson is able to go around again, --Geo. Jenkins is very low, i -lis recovery is doubtful. Gree'. Fletcher Sperling, 10th con„ will have an auotiou sato of farm stock, d:o., on Mamie loth. Wm, Bird, 12th con., has been very i11 ,hie week and grave leers were entertain- ed ooncerning his r000very. Jno. Forbes had a wood bee on Mon- day afternoon, and with six saws had about 20 cords of wood out. It is hinted that a certain youth will take one of our young ladies with him when he takes his departure for Port Arthur. Tho milk routes of the Ethel cheese factory will be let at a meeting to be held on Saturday afternoon of next week, at 2 o'clock, at the factory. J. and A. Sample have dissolved part- nership and the latter has leased the fano. They have a gale of farm stook, die., on Friday of next week, Special eerviaea are being held in Whitfield's Church, 12th eon. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Dyke, is being assisted by Rev. J. Ferguson, of Atwood, Jno. Forbes has leased Wm. Killough's farm, just opposite his own, for a terns of years. Mr. Killough moves on to the Heritage farm, on the next concession north. It will he a good thing for the people of this township when the last ditch ques- tion is settled, as it appears to.be a con- tinual auuoyance to somebody every month or so. Robt. Barr, jr., hasleased his 100 acre farm on the 9th con., to James Maker for a term of five years. Mr. Barr will de- votehiswhole time to the cheese factory. He has an auction sale on March 0th of farm stock, implements, etc. A few more settlers from Manitoba have arrived back to the scenes of their youth. They are D. and J. F. Stewart and P. Soott. Their intentions are to re- main till March, when they will take back with thorn some live stook. The residence of James Elliott in the Snd. oon. was destroyed by fire on Tues. day of last week, supposed to have caught from the chimney. The building was frame aid was not very valuable, Mr. Elliott being about to erecta new one. No insurance. ENT&ranDittenT.—On Friday evening of next week the annual musical and literary entertaiment, under the auspices of the Literary Society, will be held in Anderson's school house. A good pro. gram is being prepared. Admission, 15 cents. The public cordially invited. Robt. Martin, of London Road, form- erly of this township, has dispoeed of his well-kuown stallion, Gallaut's Model, a gentleman near Ailsa Craig being the purchaser. Mr. Martin has also pur- ohaeed a heavy draught mare, five years old, from Mr. Carlton, of East Wawa - nosh, paying therefor the sum of $I,000 ; it is a large, well-proportioned animal, and was only imported last fall. Dan.Tn.—The subjeot for debate in Anderson's school ou Tuesday evening was:—"Resolved, that more information is gained by reading than by travelling." The affirmative was aupported by James Bowman, Jas. Ireland, Allan Cochrane and John Sample. Tho negative by ill. Black, Joseph Bowman, Wm. Coohrane and Thos. latoLauchlin. The chairman, Thos. Sample, decided in favor of the af- firmative. Readings were given by Wm. Bowman and M. Black, and a song by Miss Laura Sellers. The subject for de- bate nest evening is, "Resolved that fire' and life insurance is beneficial." The following letter is from Alex. For- syth, an old and well-known resident of the 5th lino :—"Tho weather is very cold here at present and has been since the middle of December, with the exception of one week. The people around here have not yet got all through threshing, but they arebusy at it when the weather is not too stormy. There is threshing going on in my neighborhood to -day, al- though it is so cold that a person would freeze before going forty rods if not well wrapped up. Wo have been blessed with good crops this last year in Manitoba, but if the crops had been a failure this year I do not know what the people would have done. The part that I am in is a grain country and is not adapted for stock raising, as wo have to go miles fol: hay to cub and when our crops fail we are done. This year it is the general be- lief that there was not any grain frozen, but there were thousands of bushels, and if the season. had been about two weeks later thel grain would have been caught as badly as in former years. So you see we have not very much margin to come and go on. 1 do not remind the cold in winter, as wo can stand that ; it is the frost coming on in August or the first of September that botltore us and proves 00 desbruotive. However, we have had a good crop this year, which will help to make up for past deficiencies, and losses, but it will take two or throe more 000. sons just as favorable to put us in as good a position as wo.oughb to be in." Sunnnt DEATH.—The people of this locality could hardly credit the report on Tuesday that Addie, eldest daughter of Reeve Mooney, had departed this life, but it was only too true. She had re- turned from .% visit to friends in Detroit it few weeks ago and appeared to be in tho enjoyment of good health, and on Fri- day of last week spent the day with her friends in Brussels. On Saturday oho was not very well, but it was not thought necessary to call a phyeioian ,until Sun. day, wben the trouble was pronounced inflammation of the lunge. The patient grew gradually worse, unfit the end o0mo at 1:30 on Tuesday afternoon. It is supposed that she contended cold in attending tho funeral of the lato Edgar Smith on that very cold Thursday, and perhaps added to it tho day W. MaLood and bride left for Manitoba. Tho funer- al on Thursday afternoon was very largely attended, and proved unmistak- ably the high esteem itt which the de- parted was hold. Addis was a more than ordinary young lady, and after an inti, mato aoquautaneo with her for upwards of eight' years the writer fools safe in say ing that she hail few equals. Years ago she took the Saviour for her guide, and her honest testimonies will not soots be f"rgottetl, Site wax always in her place at church, Sabbath School, class meeting or whenever -ilex e"u11 lend a helping Band. "11'e 811411 tweet but to, shttllmiss her," but her example should have en itt• renal vs to Horny 1, live for the eternal home. Mr, 141241 Mrs. llouuiy and family need not bo told that tluoy have the bear - felt eyntpathy of the ',tire community and the prayers of the Christian people that, while they kis« the rod, they may be able to may dile doetlt all things wall." "O ! may we ttiuupli at, When all our warfare's past And dying find our latest foe Under aur foot at lost." County Notes. 'J'wo young men named Wm. Roselike and Henry Tippoba, of Bast Wawanosh, were shooting with a revolver the other morning. The latter was holding the weapon while the former stood close by. The revolver, to 22 -calibre, went off ecof- dentally, the bullett striking Hawkins just above the right temple, penetrating to and glancing along the skull for two inches or more. A. doctor out the bullet out and the wound is healing up. Robt. McGowan, of East Wawaiash, while returning twine drove bis horse in- to Stewart's shed and left it untied while he went into the hotel to warm. While inside Mr. Johuson'e, of Morrie, team was passing, several small boys were hanging on to the sleigh, Mr. MoGowan's horse ran Mit and jumped in the sleigh, Width caused the Horse to fall over on the top of John, emend 0011 01 Alex. Stewart, injuring him internally and paralyzing his spine. Canadian News. Stratford Philharmonic Society will shortly give the oratorio Nauman. Peterboro' papers speak of foxes ae un- usually plentiful in that neighborhood just now. Toronto University graduates propose to orate a club houee and gymnasium at a ooa¢ of $25,000. Peter Shandrean, a Napaiie° laborer, yesterday shot hie wife, probably fatally, and then coniinitted suicide. There aro now four pri0oner0 in the oounty jail at Guelph serving out the al- ternative to paying a Scott Act fine. It is estimated that about 8,000,060 bushels of wheat have been disposed of in theprovinee of Manitoba this season. The St. Regis (Que.) Indians will nc- oept $50,000 in settlement of their claims against the white residents and relinquish their titles to the land. Judge Drew, of Elora, sentenced two boys from Mount Forest the other day to five years each in the Beformatary for breaking into stores at Mount Forest. Gaudaur must have recovered from the lameness in his back, for it is an- nounced that he will challenge Teenier for a big stake and the sculling champ. ionship. At a meeting of East Wellington county farmers held at Mount Forest, it was de- cided to form an institute. Resolutions in favor of commercial uuion were also passed. The loss by the smashup on the Grand Trunk Thursday is put down by the Hamilton Times at fully $59,000. The track was not completely cleared until 4 o'clock Friday morntue. The elaotion in Shunt Lake, Manitoba, which was lately represented by ex At Corney -General Hamilton, will be held on efarch. 10th. provincial Treasurer Jones will be the Libe,al candidate. Malcolm McCutcheon, of Waterloo, noticed accidentally an advertisement in a recent false of the Brantford Expel. tor asking for information as to his whereabouts, and stating that it legacy of 8500 awaited him iu Ireland. He will go for it. The trial et Wolseley, N. W. T., of ,J. Gaudet and Moine Raeette for the mur- der of Hector MoLeish,(£ormerly of East Williams) was conoluded last week. The pristmers were found gciity and sentenc- ed to be hanged at Regina on Wedges• day, the 18th of June next. Newspapers in some parts of the coun- try are warning school teachers against to swindle which Is perpetrated by a man who calls upon them for the use of their names as references. The victim's name, written in to book, tarns out later on to be an order for a twenty dollar encyclo- pedia. At a mass meeting of the' citizens of Nbre„tit was almoso unanimously do - aided to have town incorporation secured at once. A special oensous shows the population of the village to bo already over two thousand, the place having doubled its population doring the past ten years. Condoctur Lillies, of the G. T. R., while assietiug in putting au angry luoe- tic into the train at Guelph, by which ho was to bo convoyed to the Hamilton asylum, WAS badly bitten cm the back of the hand by the madman. The flesh was torn away, and there is danger of poisonous effects from the bite, although remedies wore immediately applied. A deputation from Bruno and Grey counting, to rho number of seventy-five, waited upon the Government tot 'Toronto to oak aid for tho Sau eon Valley 11 al - way to be coustruoted from Mount For - eat to Inverhuron on Lako Huron. They asked for $2,000 per tnila, and basad their ,appeal on the ground that the road would develop the grand natural facilities of Inverhuron as n harbor of refuge. Tho Government will take the matter into their eoneideration. The Central Bank bills that have late- ly been volumed by the Bank of Com • memo aro now being counted. At 1 o'olook Saturday the counting was com- menced, and at 6 o'oloolt $150,000 in notes had beau cancelled. Those engag- ed in the count are Liquidator Bow. land, the Master -in -Ordinary, Thos, Hodgins, Q. 0„ together with several clerks. Those is still over $400,000 to count and destroy. Iu the course of Sat- urday!'” at-11010) 0 work the counters ren sorest Cox'e $9,000 in fifty -dollar bills, and they have been destroyed. It is the intention of the liquidators. to pay 25 per Dent. to the depositors at once. The illegal issue of cotes amounted to $70,000. `Accord. ing to Mr. Rowland, tho winding no will tape about ono year, although the bank will have to continuo until all liabilities aro duo. Them are between 8,0011 and 0,000 depositors, and when they receive their '25 per cent. on deposits (which amouute to about $400,000) it will prob- ably have to tendency to lower the stoney market. lir. (thatnbarleiti is 10 offered the (fraud Cross of the Patin for his services ftt souneetion with the 1 i',heries nngelia tions, .1114101604EMILinellnananninillinnin T.i'1O1t SALE, OR WILL R1 NJ' to suitable parties, store with rum- tortable and connnaljnue ,hieni11g. Good. cellar, 1 caro of garden in hearing tinning, plums and sedan frulrs. Gime stable, Th constitutes ono of tie, fleet openings An elft. aerie for a gond harness.nmker, being in the ountro 0t a splendid Gaming anom u. Near. es0 opposition Rrnsscle, 7 vile": Listowel 1°Moilos. Apply for terms to 11. 1 MI1.1,01, 011 UP. prlradare, 1:TI1111.. • r l'AltA111'4 001111' 051011, J• W.BENGOUGH.ARTISTanr1EDITOR ISSES:n woo ttr.t'. iii'.' a }'ear i 191 for Booths. GRIP to increasing in entluouun and p,o,u- laxity event year 1 It le a supremo house- holdfavorite, while every Politician and Professional and liminess Mon ninon; the clever hits welch appear lu every issue. Sub- scribe nowt Son our Prantiunm and Clubbing list. Cir- culars giving 001 imrticulare that free. Lea -Look out for Gin WI; 1301101 ALMANAC: for 0000, Price 10 cents. Address, Grip Publishing Co., TORONTO, ONT. The Principle of Treatment. NI WASHINCrTGNI Vi; %tRtC(P11lt Eminent .Lang 504 Throat Surgeon, —WILL VISIT AT THE AiIERICAN HOTEL, MONDAY; MARCH 12T11 1888. Rend W, Storey's lof H. W. Storey dr Sou, Manufacturers, Acton, Ont.) lettorl of reply to lir. McCartney, of Barge, Oat :— Acton, Ont., gap t.1 t, 1807. George McCartney, Esq., Boyne, Ont, Dunn am.—Your letter received. In reply I bog to inform you that Dr. Washington ooeoplotolynnred me of Catarrh o1 2 years' standing, which threatened to break down my constitution. I had previously tried evorytttiag and every physician of note without receiving a partial° of good. When I commenced taking big medicine I would almost suffocate with mucous running down mythroat at night, and had about given up all hope. After I commenced taking his medicine Ilan u decided relief in a week and in two months was entirely cured. This is nearlya year ago and have had no return of the trouble. 7 can confidently recom- mend Dr. Washington to you. He is no quack • lite charges are moderato ; he is a portoei gentleman In all that term implies, at least such is my experience. Relieve me, Yours truly, W. H, STOREY. DISEASES TRREATED, Catarrh, Catarrhal, Dustmen, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Also loss of Vote°, Chronic gone Throat, Roomy. Ing Enlarged Tonsils from the Throat, and Polvpii,Srom the Nose, without the knife. All diseases of the Bead, Throat and Lungs treated by Iahalatlon—"The New Method." CONSULTATION FREE. 11,`11 Pnr For 1.1111!!. Tltesubecrioerotroreforoaie his valuable Farm in the Township of Grey, eompristnp lute 0 and 7, can .11 le said township, Thle farm e;,nta, n s 200aeres and ie within 1 i hilae from the thriving village of liroeaelel with good gravel road leading thereto. A1,o0100 acme are eloared,treo '0120 stumps and In it high state of eultivation. The balance in 11114i14,0411.1. V.11. farm io parOtc0Jarly Well fenced, nearly the whole of the tondos being straightand having beau eroded in vele end's°. On thourompsos there le a com Sortable log dwelling house end ague thrum o barn with et000 stabling underneath in which there lea well with an abtmdant sup- ply ofoxouilent water. There is ltkewlees now frame Implement bowie, 40420, well floored ,above and below, and neatly aided and painted. Forpartfoulars apply to rho Proprietor, JAMES DICKSON, Registrar, Huron 00„ ltf3- OOOerlolt. Wm Martin Agent for the following Companies:—T. Hendry & Son, Seaforth, Plows of all kinds, Laiid. Rollers, Oaitivatore, Straw Cutters, Grain Creepers ; Talton Brca„ Guelph, Pea Harvesters, Steel Flexible Harrows, No. 7 -Plows ; Patterson Bros„ Woodstock, Light Steel Binders, Oxford Reapers 5 rakes, Mowers, front and rear cuts, Roar's Hay Rakes, Patteraon's com- bined Seed Drill, 10 hose, and cultivator combined, 2 Furrow Gang Plows, Spring Tooth Harrows 20 teeth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. Murphey & Co„ Guelph, Ney's Patent Reversible Hay Carrier and Double Angle Steel Track, most oom- pbete in Canada. A Special Bargain can be had in Binding Twine. All are sold at Prices to suit these hard times. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Imple- ments sold, W al. 1 LAl1zr! I N, House—TunNnetut Srnazr, Ba0050L4. FAIR WARNING! For the next 80 days we will sell the following first-class Plows, all guaranteed to give satisfaction, with CAST STEEL ED,01110 :— The Hill Plow, worth $16.00 at $12.00 No. 18 Thistle ClutterPlow$1G.00 at$12.00 No.10$14.00 at $10.00 First-class Lumber Wagon and 1 Set Knee Bob -sleighs to exchange for wood or umber. We have on hand the following :-- LAND ROLLERS, PLOWS, HORSE POWERS, STRAW CUTTERS, TURNIP PULPERS AND SLICERS, CHOPPING MILLS. r� Points for all Plows kept acon- stantly on hand. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at LOWEST PRIM. A quantity of first-class Hardwood oaring on hand, well seasoned. Planing, Matching and Band Sawing in first class style at the ,BRUSSELS P0110 OILY. W. R. WILSON, Proprietor. 'art urssImigfif FUTUE EMPORIUM. ALWAYS IN TIE FRONT UK e The proprietor wishes to remind the public that his stook of Furni- ture, including Parlor and Bedroom Suites and all kinds of furniture usually kept in a first` -'lass store, was I1\ rW • tiCufl R MORE OIVI Pahhrs lam TrL . Latest Styles of Picture Moulaing, f'l'ames 111(1 Oil Paintings in stook. 1s I now mannfocture my own lnarnittlrc, having "fight Ise Osnstanti :gym is sit A Y T 11,in in a position to dual with the pub'tle on more liberal terms, than ever. !1l1 timber used thoroughly seasoned in the first-class dry Kiln at our Factory. Repairing. Promptly Attended to. - (?frit class stock of Undertaker's Goods always on hand. By :dealing with des you secure the best nlanufitetit ed for the sfalne pure 110 you Wo10111 pay for n ,proud or third rate article olsnwhoro. .-1U (cods. :Delivered Free, bb the Courbtr'y. 11. 1.1E A THE11 LL. / .1 t, LE