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The Brussels Post, 1888-2-24, Page 3
FEB 24, 1888, "rIH Vl 1 X, Vl'atY Tee baeholor'e lot is lonesome and sad, Poor man! IIo hasn't a wife to make hie heart glad, Ho doesn't kuoiv how he be blessed if ha had, Nor oan He conceive what it la ho has lost, IIs thinks he has only escaped being "bossed"— Poor man! Oh, tho bacholor'e heart is sorry and sore, Indeed! IIo knows he eau never know joy any more, And ho looks upon life as a terrible bore, Agreed With tho croaker that life doesn't pay, And to all thoughtless lovers impatient to say -- "Take heed 1" Yes, the baoholor's lot is a desolate one, And yet There aro girls who think it would really be fun To share it with him, after all's said and done; Forget All hi. miseries many, and pleasures so few, I know lots of girls who would do it, don't yon? You bet 1 OLD MOTHER, HUBBARD. ItitvIean vanel0N. Poor Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her pale ohildren some bread, And when she gob there The cupboard was bare, So how could the ohildren be fed? Oh, why was the cupboard Of poor Mother Hubbard Of food for her ohildren so bare? It wil not be treason, So here is the reason No food tho poor mother found there. The money the father Was able to gather, Was not vary much at the most, But much of it sank In the beer that he drank, Or else hi the gin.ehcp was lost. 0, poor Father Hubbard, Go look at the cupboard, And look at your children and wife ; Ts it right that they should 13e bereft of their food? Is it right that you lead such a life 7 Bo wise, sir, and ponder, Ere further you wander, And lower and lower you sink ; The cause, Mister Hubbard, So bare is your cupboard, is :cunt in yonr love for the drink. Yon cannot but see it, Determined to floe it, And give us your heart and your hand, Tl. gin -.hop forsaking,. The pledge boldly taking, And joining our Temperance band. Thou poor Mother Hubbard Will find in the cupboard, Por inset dear ohildren some bread, And you and your wife Will have happier life, And know what it to be fed. But rest not in token Of ono fetter broken, Thy life to thy Saviour be given, Aril then shall be thine, By the biessing Divine, A place in the kingdom of Heaven. Local Legislature. Among the bills tntroduoed in the Aeeumbly ou Wednesday of last week wore the following : fitr, Bronson — To amend the Ritiiwey Act. irtr Bienop—rd amend gigs Iu sarcous Act. [Iou, G. W. Ross—Bespeoting sad'+vinnet property of Toronto University' College and Tipper Canada College. Mr. Monk -To amend the A ese.3e- mott Act. Ii. reply to Mr. Meredith, Attar, noy General Mowat said a record half Iseult kept or ill • proceedings of the f iterprovinuia( 0ouforeuoe, and that a copy of ie hied boon sells to each member of the house. In re- ply to Mr. French, he said it was not the intenbion-of the Government during tine seesion to introduce any logislati,ni affecting the juriediotion of the Division or County Omuta. Mr. Blyth, in moving for n rota ru of ooptoe of Ordere-iu•Couuoil with respect to investment of the sinking funds of municipalities, spoke of the difficulties of municipalities making safe deposits of sinking funds, in- stancing the fact that two munidi• palitiee of South Grey had lost $38, 000 by the failure of the Dare ham branch of the Central Bank, and he seemed to think the Gov- ailment overnment should devise somo °chemo for the safe investment of these funds, Hon. A. M. Ross thought that with ordinary prudence the munici- palities had ample means for safe investments. They could deposit in the chartered banks and in first mortgages on farm property. The last named plan is largely taken a& vantage of, He thought the muni- cipalities would do better to issue annuities or pay all debentures in equal annual instalments. IIo Wats not in favor of creating a Gov- ernment savings bank for the muni- cipalities. Mr. French'a bill respecting short forms of mortgagee, which does away with the noeessity for a mort' gageu giving six menthe' notiee or peying six monthe' lettuces iu order to discharge an overdue mortgage, was road a niloond lune, after ro- marka by Air. Frunnb, Mr. Mowat and Mr Gibson, of Humlhou, lett• Leo's bill, respecting loll rude, was rend ii mond time and sent to t epeciltl committee, qtr. Mowat pronouncing it rt fair al tempt to get rid of the toll made difficulty. Dr. AleKey't bill Inc :Ito moven tlou of aeci.lents by fire i'l bornle and other publics buil:llug- was also read a sound time :old refert•n1 to it apeoial committee Mr. Wetere' bill, which penoticel ly proposes to abolish the poll tax, was sent to oommilt e, titter re, marks by Hon. A M. Ros., M• re. dith, Sprague and Wood, of F1eeK. ings. Mr. Stewart's bill relating to in- quests on prisoners who died in jail, and that of Mr. Wood, of Brant, to have municipal financial statements issued before nominations in each year, after being approved by Mr. Wood, of Hastings, Treasurer Rose and Mr, Phelps, were also referred to committee Mr. Phelps' bill to increase the saleries of police magistrates under the Scott Act to $700 or $800, ac- cording to population of counties, was withdrawn, after short speeches against it by Mr. Meredith, Mr. Mowat and Hon. A, 11. Ross. The feeling was that es the counties were deriving an income from the act they sltoald be responsible for the salaries paid. Mr. Smith's bill to amend the Assessment Act, and Col. Olarke'e, to amend the Municipal Act by matting all municipal representa- tives, exoopt councillore, magis- trates, was aleo read a second time, and the House adjourned. The lluuee ratified Orders -in• Connell 00 Thureday of tart week, waiving the claim of the Province to au annuity of $75, bequeathed to the Provincial Deaf and Dumb Inetitute by the late James Even den, of Barrie, and for the dtacharge of a mortgage made in 1868 by Samuel G. Ridout and hie wife to the late Andrew Mercer to seoure the repayment of £410, with inter- est, the mortgage being part of the escheated Mercer estate.' The hills respecting ancillary probates and letters of administration was read a second time, as was also that pro• vidian for an arbitratiou with Quo hes, and that respecting the main- tenauee of wives deserted by their husband, under which police•magle Crates may order husbands to pay alimony up to $10 a woott, instead of sending him to jail. Mr. Meredith and Mr. Freaoli objected to this bill, as putting too much power into the haode of police magistrates Iu Committee of Supply Mr. Meredith objected that the new Government had concealed the fact of an error in the public accounts, and that the Treasurer had Bard the suspected officer was now in the employ of the Dominion Govern- ment, Hon. A. M. Rose explained that he had only been able to get positive knowledge of the misappropriation un the 8th of the month, and gave the fan's to the house et the earliest moment, and that in mentioning that the suspected person was now in the employ of the• Dominion Government he did not intend a re- flection ou the Government. Then there was fun. Mr. Mere dith, in au unguarded moment, asked if the Government used their detectives to detect political corrup• tion, and hinted that the revelations of the election courts showed that they would fled plenty of room for work withiu the Reform party. Mr. Fraser retorted in a biting speech, reminding the Opposition loader that not a Reform leader had beau found guilty of corruption ; that lir. Meredith had promised to "lieu Weeks through" ; that Mr. Meredith had promised to impeach Mr. Pardee and had to pay the costs, and that the Tory leader at Ottawa had corrupted the country from end to end. Then Mr. Meredith charged that Mr, Mowat In his speech at London had advised fighting the devil with fire. This Mr. Mowat denied, and he was sustained in his denial by Mr. Waters, who was at the meeting in question. Mr. Awroy reminded the House of Sir John Macdonald's speech at Quebec the other day, in which ho said he bribed the constituencies with their own money, and he also mentioned that Tupper and McLean had 'pleaded corrupt practices, and rectified the fact thas Farquier was diegqjpjaalifidd. M. Creighton complained of the appo ;ntment of bribere to offices and ': the Government, Han,. A. S. Hardy noted that both Beforjr. supporters disqualified wore Tory g aduntee, and argued that all the lttoiey spent by Reform candi- 1 THE':, BRUSSELS POST dates improperly would not snake $100. Air, Frenob enlarged on filen• %;arty olid Mr, Raysido said that the judge held that exoopt in ono or two ilotauoes Mr. Purcell hnd loaned his money legally. Mr, II. i'. Clarke objected to the ref •reuoee to Su John lliaodonald, Air. Evantnrel told the story of Charlie AlcIutosh'e 1-igh irioker in leusHoll, and then the matter was dr(ippod, aria Itis item passed. After rouse the Mouse spent n lung time ru eupply. The chief die eneelou was brought on by Mr. Gibeun, of Huron, by a protest against the amount voted to high schools compared with the amount voted to the common Benno fate was mildly eupporeed by Mr. Clancy and opposed by Hon G. W. Roes, Mr. Grey, lir, Balfour and Mr, Waters. The defeuce wad that the high schools enabled poorer pupils to got an advanced education, and that. the efiioiency of the public schools depend target/ on the kind of teachers turned out by the high and Normal seho.ls, Among the bills jutrodueed in the Ammotnbly on Friday were one by Mr, Carsou to amend the Muni- cipal Act. By Mr. Clancy—To amend the Registry Act. By Mr. Bishop—To amend the net, respecting iusuraneo oomp$n• 188. By Mr. Hardy—Respecting in- dubtrial furies and houses of refuge. In reply to Mr. Clancy, Attorney• General itIowat aid no official re- ply had been received from Mr. Purnell or Mr. Gladetone to the Hoene Rule resolution passed by the Assembly last session, but that the reeolutiona had been used to acoomplieh their object, and that he had ,private information that they were appreciated and that there would be an official acknow- ledgment. A debate arose am a motion by Mr. Clancy censuring the Govern mens for delay in briugiug clown re- turns. Mr. Fraser moved au amendment stating the praotroe of Parliament to be that ruturne which, owing to the amount of work requited in their preparation, cannot be brought down in the Heesion iu w111011 they have ordered should be reordered at the next session. Mr. Meredith and Mr. Wood (Haetiugs) objected to the amend meat as not In line with the prat tine of the Rouge, and ineisted on a vote. The amendment was carried by 41 to 24 on a straight party division many of the Liberals were absent, while the Opposition benches were pretty full. Mr. Tooley got au order for a copy of the evidence taken before A, E. Irving, Q.C., with reference to the Ontario 'Grain and Seed Company, after remarks by the movers, Mr. Ingram, Mr. Hardy and Mr. Meredith. In reply to Mr. Meredith, Ur. lelowet intimated that the Govern meat would oppose his motion for a committee in relation to timber lim its and the development of mines. A number of bill,were then ad- vanced a stage, and the fiouee,ad- jonrned at about 5 o'clock. On Wednesday, on invitation of the Provincial Treasurer, the mem- bers will visit the Agricultural Coll- ege and Experimental Farm at Guelph, ]FAIR ANl3 PIIEPTY W03IAN. Womau--the crown of oreation— Herder. All that I am my mother made me—John Q. Adams, Woman to most perfect when most womanly,—Gladstone. Woman i8 a miracle of divine eo ntradic tion s.—Michele t. Narrow waists and narrow minds go togebher.—Oomfort. Shakespeare has no heroes; he has only heroines.—Ruskin. In wishing to extend her empire woman destroys it.— Oabanis. I wish Adam had died with all his ribs in hie body.--Bouicault. It woman lost us Edon, 'such as she alone can restore it.—Whittier. To a gentleman every woman is a lady in right of her sex,-Bulwer. A. handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure.—Saadi. What is woman ? Ono of nature's agreeable blunders.— Cowley. Women detest a sorpont through a professional jealousy, --Victor Hugo. A fashionable woman is always in love with herself.—Reehofoueanld. A, wotuan changes oft; who trusts her is the softest of the soft.•-•T?irau- els 1. All women aro good ---good for something or good for nothing.--. Cervantee. Handsome women without roligi. on, --Heine. A passionate woman's love is always overshadowed by her fear, --- George Eliot. There hover was yet a fair wow. an but she made mouths in a glass. —Shakespeare, Between a wa,nan's "yes" and ('no" I would not venture to stick a pin .---Corvautos. 0 woman I thou wer't fashioned to bogtiile, so have all sages said, all poets sung. -.-,luau Lngoluty. THP] ;;row am,'. Aa election was held to West. moreland county last Friday to de- termine whether the Scott Act should bo repealed er remain tae, and resulted as follows : For the petl• tion to repeal the act. Against. Moncton town, 201 1100 Moncton parish 122 261 Dorohoetor 421 312 Haokvilio 201 405 Shediao 281 100 Saloebury 47 171 Westmoreland 52 203 Botsford 00 82 Total 1 381 2,087 The majority in favor of the act at its adoption in 1888 was 78, A MILL: A MINUTE. Friday sight a copper train of thirty oars on the Duluth & South Shore railroad got out of control of the men at the Prioee mine, five milee above Marquette City, Mich., and Dame thundering down the heavy grade at the rate of over a mile a minute. The sbrieke of the locomotive whistle caused thousands to turn out of doors. Four minu- Iles later the engineer blew the first signal that the main tzack must be left open for hint to make the run through the city or go into Lake Superior. The train came down through the yard. The big mogul engine kept up its shrieks and the rush of the oars shook the earth while the tram eeented as a sheet of flame ith the fire caused by the friction of the brakes. Nine cars of heavy timber were in the train, and at the third crossing the timb- eas began to fiy. They shot through. the air like lightning. Buildings were demolished and cars thrown from the track in every direction. Three cars held to the engine and dragged a fourth with the timbers caught under the wheels. The eu- gine stopped two hundred feet from the sharp curve. Had it reached that point 11 would surely have been thrown into the lake. For three blooks timbers and car trucks and cure were soattersd. Two streets were blockaded. The en• giueer and ffremau stuck to their posts. The conductor and brake- men eat loose the caboose and ea• oitped. General i"aew,i. The Reading coal miners' strike seems to be approaching a settle. wont. Baron de Worms will be appoint- ed Parliamentary lJniou-Secretary for the Colonial Oflioe. A new thirty -Dight ton gun re- cently burst at Woolwich when under trial. The Oity of Mexico is beco(nitlg quite moral. Bull fights have been prohibited on all days of the weak except Sunday. Swiss and Italian capitalists will advance the Italian Government 50,000,000 francs for the comple- tion of the Simpson tunnel. In Prussia more marria gas take place in February, May, October and November thin fu any other months. The war fever has reached 0 bias. Two million taele have been appro. printed to fortify the Mau (Iberian frontier toward Russia. Gauen Knox Little has begun an attack against moustached on clergy- men of the Church of England, and tho gentlemen assailed reply with no evidence at all of au intoution to shave. A Boston boy tied a large tin pan on his breast and another on his anatomy lower down sail got as much feu on tho toboggan elide as the best•equippud among the crowd. The police at San Francisco, on Thursday, raided what is known as the American Lottery 00., but which is conducted by Chinese. The entire operating force was cap- tured. The company is worth from $100,000 to $500,000, and does a large business. Objector Holman is the greatest chewer of tobacco in Congress. The more ho is annoyed the more ho chews, and whenever he thinks deeply, or thiulrs he ie thinking, his angular jaws go tip and down like a chopping machine. A Singapore missionary says, that the deadly cobra of the Indian archipelago MVO oxcoeds the length of five feet. Tho hamadryns a snake often oon'foucded with the cobra, attains the length of I ti feet and is very' fame, The python sometimes grows to be 20 feet long, I1ARM IN GREY TOWNSHIP Pott 0ALrt.--Bela° lot i,1, can, 18, Oen- 101 ,10l; DO aurae. It is partly °leered, the bosu ° well timbered, A 1lovor lathes croak oroaaaa the place and itle wcliadapt. oil for either fornnns ar grazing. 1 w(1111ke. wise oc114saaroa, beteg east pant of lot 44, 008,15, nearly 411 °leered and in a' good stats of out t1 81108. A .gaud frame barn with a lined stone stable underneath and a never letting well is aloe on the place. Vur further partluuloro apply so the proprietor on the gllean. Tile lot la opposite the nth. or til:Ult(lla AVFIlt Y, Pronsiotor. IAA Cayce to ,Ito. issues and Trade Marine scoured and all other patent 0aaane iv rue, patent (Mee alt before the courts promptly and carefully attended ta. Upon reetnpt of mad• el Or sketch of invention, 1 nu;ho careful exatninatton,and advise as to patentability Free of charge. Fees moderato, and [Make no charge 1101000 patent 1e Beeuree. Inform- ation, unripe and apoolal rafore:men 81021 011 appllOetinn. 1.10.I.TT'i'pi14b, Wallington, U.11. Patent 01110,, D. A Positiv• , . ,. T1+Ara'. ' A Painless Cue. (004 DIEN OF ALL AGES. '2 0,SE.S OF' MAN. i 9"p cIPIC '..t -TC). 9, if' RIBA", TIA lieu;° , and tgnhieoor of Medicines, - • -'_•a it•rrtbiit moa.eto*irnoea ,,rind!aeration, 0,'xf/e.-aro nail overwork, '2OVN'C-, 1,i;:::=tettertee_'; e.e_;-= tea.S.ia OY•T7 srETS Who are broken d o t . , .1. 1.,/! tie•! iltrtw rrn, 8 a radical cure for nervous 1 t _i,,. notary vital losses, etc. aysti route Pon vru 17, «,int of energy, vertigo, want of purpoee, dimness of sight , t -, , int f e ' , t Ienee, avoidance of conversation, desire for oolitu' . t sty to iooi attention nu a particular subject, Aowar(11n0, dote .,i i lr 1,,F$ r 1401111 00, e, citabtlity 0r temper, spar. mato/Thom, nz 1, : . - t .t - ae , r msiilal'00000-1mPo- teney,tnnutritinu m i -.en ]t 0x•-18 of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, trowbii, i , 4, .ir :114f 414'04,10 0 0i o 1d1 0yruptonie of this terrible habit, oftentimes .n .ani pu d. le n i t t •,-it.d f 0ltai force baying lost its toaaion,evu0y Noah w:rr i, - 1u wrpers sed the superintendents of insane asyt ,e 0u r •,., t t 1, al soli-aase the g6reat majority of wasted lives which no or 1 r NI. 3: t xi tnrempntent for the arduous duties of biros nese, l0: ul,u.•: t 1t, No, H offers an encs °from the effects of early via ,. 1 3 , -, 0. 8 will give yon full vigor and strength. If you are 1,x01:00 t0 1;..y 1 7 t y from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance awl Inti', send d y ).ir c 11,008 s i.i - 'a to stamps for hi, 1', Imsoe'u Treatise lit Bock ]Forel an Disusr..s or bran. !i:.led end secure Prow rbservatton. Address all communications to e1. w, 2IiJ0 t:d.. 3': t. ra?mntoa Ss.T„ '2Oronto. A Man without wisdom lir:-s in a'.ccl't ,::. :. i`-;, ,,,,„.. °,. CffJ. SEA 1, TOE 31111. rises•;: Permanent 1:;,!n,, -4, tmct>®0 m.z.er STOVES! .. asp_In ' Cures STOVES! all and See Oti.r Bargains in teves. I'Iauilsomest Coal Stoves in the Market. SILVERWARE ! LAMP GOES AND CUTLERY ! Always on Mani!. EAVETiROUGHING A SPECIALTY. layor©ft & Turnbull.; ' THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADINC NEWSPAPER OF CANADA DAILY GLOBE, Morning Edition, • S5.00 per annic:1i. '• t. 12 o'clock " - - 3.00 u 11 3 "• 3.00 WEEKLY GLOBE, •- • 1.00 SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE, - . 1.00 '• 44 Tho different editions of The Globe can be procured from all News Den:: is throughout Canada. - - • THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN '" h'.aveen Toronto and London, which has been running, daily since grd March lay.. will be continued throughout r88&. This train arrives at London a' o4o g et, soaking connection with all the early trains from tliatpoint, securing fur to Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers, - - - TO ADVERTISERS - - As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Ite etre:en:0a, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in ary .tiro. of all other Canadian papersl and it is the intention of the man- :Heut to always beep The Globe in its proud position as the lEA0t;da til.a/vp:f(il.it'''. 01 CANADA, bo.;i itr point of circteetion and influence. THE CUBE PRINTING 00. TOROMTO