The Brussels Post, 1888-2-24, Page 22
Dircciory of Chnrohos and Cociotios,
lithviiaas Cannon.- -Sabbath Ho vieos
at 11 a.m. and 0130 p. n1. Sunday Haboul
at 2:80 p. m. Rev. John floss, 13, A.,
Hirnx Curmon, .--Sabbath aerviees at 11
a. m, ..tad 0:30 p. ni. Sunday S'hool at
2:30 p. 01. Rev. S. Jones, pastor.
1011N'a ('il0tet t--,-ibbeli% Services
Sunday area llani.and7pnr, 1,41 a,ySo 1 at
9:30 a m. ltev. W. T. CIuff incumbent.
Mer0oi,ul (Monett.- -Sabbath Services
at 10:3011. 01. 110:1 13:80 P. m. Sunday
School at' 3:30 p.10. Rev. M. Swann,
ROMAN CA1'I1LLIe Cnutu'n,—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLOWS' Lonna every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAsosic LonoE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0. U. W. Lanni': on ist and Sid Mon.
dap evenings of each month.
Ponnrraire Lona( 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each mouth, in Smile's hall.
O. L. 1st Monday in every month,
in 0,auge Hall.
1'0er Order:.- _Offirc hours from 8 a.m.
7830 p.m.
Mer}\8201' INarITt'TE, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from t; to 8 o'clock p.m, Wednesdays
and Saturdays, Miss Jessie Ross,
rarir u,
01, I2- lbrds 6.,cTrltrr,
1, et winter a party of scllooiboys
we•a >.kitting on the Muskingum
11'1. r. The ion wan supposed to be
p,• 'ecily safe, until its treachery
a revealed by the abdden tlisap
parttime of one of the lads, For -
meetly, be grasped the edge of the
solid ice and managed to keep him•
s,' free being drawn underneath
by the onrrent, which at that place
ti 1,3 nnubuelly swift. His cun_rndes
b'•rante panic stricken and ran hith-
er Ond thither, unable to render itiw
the least aBeietance. Luckily a
1'1ruter's lad papseng by witnessed
Le accident nail hurried to the res
cue by dragging a couple of hoop
pclee in reach of tbo drowning boy.
"Grasp hold of them firmly and
1,,, el our if you can," he said cooly,
it, 11e crawled along cautiously in
, direction of the thin ice.
The freezing boy obeyed, and
t. ; the hep of the new comer mu
re c ,ed the share.
-Hew did yore happen to think of
• hoop poles, Frank ?" asked one
• i the frightened bays when the
!ger was over. "I can never
t, 1••lt of anythiug in the right time."
"You ought to learn to thief( and
- '..n," enid Frank impatiently.
4r ha, gond would the pales Wive
C, DO after. Charlie ha 1 been drawn
I . calla the ice ?"
•t few weeks ago lids salve Frank
.lir d the life of a men who eltanccd
'10' way t0 Fever an artery.
..'1( hie handkerchief tightly be-
" the, wound and the heart, be
l cured a stout slick and placing
nt.der the baudegs twisted it firm-
) trail the arterial flow wee check-
( Rio capnbifit3 coneiete, not in
ing more than other boys of
1lage, bur lu keeping hie wits,
1• It tit hull and acting promptly, as
-n danger demands.
Rty, Kit, and Tom Hopkins
rolamn. The week before
C teas mamma explained that
pa was out of business, and they
1, not spend a penny except for
11. toed, and molt necessities.
•That means no Chrietmae for
•' said Ke'.
"Yes, 00 won't make, anything
' he day. I hate poorfollisy
i. UV.," said Tom glumly.
• Dinner is ready," called their
t• .•r, cheerily.
"Dow good that meat -pie does
1" exclaimed Tom, brightening.
'011. you need not force yourself
t , et it, Tom 1" laughed hie moth.
"It is poorfolkay, for I made
,, cat left yesterday,"
•' Well, your 188101ed over things
•-'" ati I:1Ce is flew," 8x11 Tom,
mitt ng, "Yes, this is good 1"
11en, children, what do you
'0 a warmed-over Christmas 1"
• Could not be done ; thorn is not
i:..1 year's sugar -plum left 1" cried
"I spent every cent of the money
I lied," said Tom ; "and I helped
lllr hist plum pudding to vanish,"
"Still," said mamma, "I can
n arta up tt Christmas that would
L., „egood as this pie."
"Do, do 1" oried the throe in
"When wo had new Christmases
Re,r0 we not pretty selfish ! We
sty just poor enough now to very
faintly neo how hard it would be to
be poorer, es so many, many people
are Will you divide your warmed-
over Cht'iatmas with the Valotto
cltihh' n 2"
They were puzzled, but all agreed
for the Valottes;wero four children
of a French It/deb./rather. They
tt, to rnot11 rlefls, and far p:xlrer
niter dinner," said mamma; ''then
we will meet in the nursery."
That meant that each child reeeiv
NI a 1101r 11031, Kit saw how from
her bits of negleetod fancy 00113 sho
could get up It pretty gift for the
rest. Mary was delighted to know
that cue could make her own
0hriatlnna Cards and dainty 30u8ell••
ire. Tum was excited, with hints of
home made candy, nuts, raisins,
aua pop corn 1n delicious combina-
tions, Half an hour Inter they col•
looted every broken toy and batter
ed book they could tinct. Mamma
brought paste, glue, paint, gilding,
;ray paper, and her rag-b'g, nod
then began the warming -over. Ch,
it zee such fun 1 A dolt Tum al
wage called "The tramp," was turn.
ed luta "larincees Beatrice" by a
new complexion, curl's from Kit's
bead, and n pink site dress. In
One afternoon they mended and ro
ton01)011 three dozen articles into
mill value and beauty. Bost of a11,
while they were learning that they
had been really tves'oful in the past,
ahFy wale learning also the true
meaning of Christivas—that its
blessedness is in giving love and
joy and help, not in selfishly room'
tag only. When it was too late to
cork any more w,:m;na Bang them
a sweet old carol about the holy
Christ -child and what a gift he was
11 earth's children.
Cut and dried: Good hay.
'No slouch' ; Tho Derby hat.
A waif es a child waif from home
A. bear (bare) dancing : The bal
A 'pointer' on pork : A pig's
"Pectoria" will cure that cough.
"Pectoria" is the people's remedy,
"Pectoria" loosens the phlegm.
"Pectoria" 25 cents a bottle. "Peotor-
Rule often broken in school : A
Cors is king : at least our corn
is aching.
A good two -foot rule : Never wear
tight ehoes.
Out on the pail of business :
Bucket shops.
The color of novels : They are
generally read.
Gone on a 2 year's whaling voy-
age : J. Sullivan.
Cross -tempered on getting up :
A gnarly riser.
Deno in oil : Girl starting a fire
with kerosene.
A lesson Is to be learned from the eight of
a bald bead. rolling out and promoters
grayness of the hair can be stopped 1f 'taken
to time. Do not let it run on without mak-
ing au effort to km it. Get bottle of Dr.
Dorenwend's German Hair M ogle; it stimu-
lates the growth, gives /reels vitality. and
keeps its natural color, besides being a su-
perb dressing. All druggiste sell it.
The "color line' : One made
with blue pencil.
An undervalued young lady : One
Compliments of the Period, -'Do
you drink?' naked Smith. 'Yes,'
replied Brown. 'So do I,' said
A physician says : 'lf a child dons
not thrive on freeh milli, boil it.'
This is too severe. Why not spank
A young lady has challenged an
editor to light a duel. If we were
the party we should accept, and ex-
ercise the challenged party's right
to choose the weapons -hugging.
Dear Girl. -'Henry, dear, do you
smoke?' she asked sweetly. 'Why?'
queried Harry in doubt, 'Because,'
she answered, 'papa has just got a
box of cigars and I know where he
keeps them.'
Blore Remarkable still.
Found at last ,what the public has been
looking for these many years and that fa a
medicine whioh, nit1ou3i,11 but lately intro-
duced,haemodeler Hee lf a reputation 800-
00110 nono,the mediotno is Johneon'e Tonfo
Bitters, �.hioh, in oonfunetion with
son's John-
Toaio Liver Pi110, hoe performed some
Moat Wonderful mos. Impure and im-
poverfehod blood soon becomes 811018e(1 and
ranched. Biliovercoenoe, t, languor,
headaabe, liver complaint, languor" weak-
nese, &a, soon disappear when treated by
thoseoxoellent tonic nu:Moines. Ivor sate
by G . A. Deadman, l3ruesuls.
Proof against the Flood.—It was
during a freshet in Ohio. 'Aren't
you afraid your house will be swept
away ?' was aa1ied of a man who
lived on the bank of the raging
river. 'No, there's too big a mort-
gage en the house,' replied the owner
Only the Framework. ----First
party : 'Say, Jones, who is that
tail, angular and extremely thin
woman talking to Bloke ?' Second
party : 'Why, that's his wife.' 11 irat
party ; 'You don't say so 1 Well, I
think it I wore Bioko I would have
her upholstered.'
Modern Society.•=• --Nellie (just
home from Narragansett, to her
bosom friend) : '01), Fan 131)1013
how delightful it W88, One evening
I Glanced three dances with a Mr,
Peters, who is said to be the wicked-
est man at the piers, mutt all the
other girls zero 00 made
That accounts for it,—Iu a doe.
tor's office. ' I can't exactly explain
any symptoms, doctor. Although
there 18 a general fecline of weak.
Mg and weariness, I have an uta•
than the l lophiuscs. 1
tenni:tab1e itching in any legs, as
"I t ill ; esrh o110 of you alr:ne
if I wanted to bo in motion,' '011
1 see 1 You're a bank cashier,'
In an advertisement by a railway
oompany of some nlloalled•for geode,
the letter '1' had dropped from the
word 'lawful,' and it read ; 'People
to whom these packages are (lirscted
are requested to mune forward and
pay the awful charges 013 same,'
A GrowingCity,--They were
miles the Missouri
River, bound East. 'Conductor,'
said a passenger, 'when do ave reltol)
Kansas City ?"We're thorn now.'
"Phere now ? Why, there iaa't a
house in sight 1' 'No houses, no.
But louk at the buil ling lots 1 The
prairies are full of 'em.'
If you are bilious,
Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters.
If you are Dyspeptic,
Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters,
If your Liver is sluggish,
.Everything Wen 1. --'Did you make
enough money on your stuck deal,
John, to buy the sort of carriage you
promised 2 I suppose you did,
though,' she added confidently ;
'you said you put your money at
the bottom of the market,' 'So 1
my dear, eel did ; but the bot-
tom itself dropped out,'
Appropriate.—'1Vas the demeaned
a man of family 2' inquired the
tombstone agent as he made a
memorandum of the design selected
and wrote the inscription in his order
book. 'Re had been married three
times,' was the reply. ''1'he motto
'Ai root' would just fit this blank
epee's below the inscription,' sug-
gested the agent, deferentially.
"There is nothing that dons me so
much good when 1 are feeling out of sorts,
as a teaspoonful or two' of Dr. Carson's
Stomach Bitters," writes a gentleman
who has used this 'remedy in his family
for years.
It was Curious. -Wife : 'Do you
kuow what time it was when you
got in last night ?' Husband t
'Nearly one o'clock, I geese. It
was alter midnight when I got
through balancing my books. Well,
well 1 This is curious; here's my
hot under the bed. I must have
bung it on this chair and it fell
down. Where are my boots ?"On
the hat rack.'
Professional Forger. -'Do you see
that man over there ?' asked the de-
tective with an air of mystery. 'Yes,'
said the citizen eagerly, 'I see him.
What of him ?"That man,' said
the detective, in a low tone, 'that
man is a professional forger.' 'Good
gracious 1' exclaimed the citizen, in
snrpriee, ' who would ever have
thought it ? Why don't you arrest
him then?' 'Can't' said the deteo•
live, wearily. 'You know it isn't
against the law to make horse-
Mothers! If your daughters ora in 111
health or troubled with a paleness that
seems incurable, or if they sugar from gen-
eral debility, narvoueooee, langour, weak.
nese, or loos of appetite, procure at once a
bottle of Johnson's Tonle Eetters, and you
will not regret the outlay. The Tonle end
generally strengthening effect of this medi-
cine ie truly marvellous. Nate. and 81.00 per
bottle at Dendman's Drug Store, Brussels.
Hanging around the Radiator -
'No, young man, I cannot part with
my daughter. She le the only light
of my life. From her radiata all
the comforts of my home. And
now that you have my answer I
hope you will not hang around here
any longer.' 'But, sir,' said the
young man, 'you said just now that
from her radiate all the -"That's
just what I said. What of it?'
'Well, confound it, man, you can't
blame a fellow for hanging around
the radiator this cold weather, can
you ?'
Ca,nadia•n New s.
Burglars continue to operate in
Burglars continue their depreda-
tions in Peterboro'.
Several Lindsay hotel -keepers
have been fined for violating the
Scott Act.
An eagle was shot near Grimsby
Thursday. It is a very fine speci-
men of the bird of freedom.
A satisfactory settlement has been
reached between the St. Regis %n-
diaua and the white settlors.
Officer Stephens, of the Customs
at Montreal, has made a seizure of
dry goods on the ground of undor-
A.. J. Wilkes, of Brantford, is ap-
pointed deputy county court judge
of Brant during the absence on
leave of Jndge Jones.
Attorney -General Martin's ma-
jority In Portage la Prairie was 128
and Provincial Secretary Pender-
gast's in La Voraudrye was 164.
It is rumored in Winnipeg that
Sir Hector J.,,tngevin will shortly
lead to the Ilymenial altar the wid'
otv of an ex• (Government employee.
The fines paid into the Peterboro'
treasury as penalties for violation
of Scott Act amounted to $2,460
from May 1, 1886, to Jan. 1, 1887,
and to $7,700 during 1888, a total
of ,$1.0,150 tan to Jan. 1st last,
i3loGariglo, the absconding treas.
'urcr of Cook County, who escaped
from prison in Chicago last summer
and created so much excitement, is
still hovering around St. °ether.
1310er It is reported that ho will
talrr: nla bis r081111b;:e Blore.
of Private funds have just boon
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in throe flays if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE.
Soo eh Co1d�ld,S9a
.A. new stock of Buffalo Robes,
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
Rugs, Bells, Whips, &c., just to
A splendid assortment of
Trunks, Valises and Satchels in
Stock and sold at living prices.
. Dennis,
�r�u s sel s.
Ta is L ,gyp OL CII R,
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We are opening out full lines
from established and reliable makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
J]Ei WEL)Ers'
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem stings,
Earrings, &o.
Also have in stock afnll line of Violins
and Violin Strings. &e.
N. B. -Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher.
Get The Best
The Western
Vaetlylmproved I Illustrated Artioiea 1
A11 the News 1 Popular Departm'ts 1
Homo Reading 12 Pages ltegularly3
Balance of 1887 Free S
To all now subscribing for the year 1888,
at the low price of
` AAyy
1 em. .A.1S N-t.7EL $2,
Talmage'e and 0000 Sermon's 1
3Ox0elLent Musical Selections
Intornationalamrday BohoolLesaons9
A limited number of this beautiful pro.
mitre picture ie offered subeeribere
for 10 Dents extra.
The Western Advertiser and Premium
von t,
Agonte wanted everywhere. Twenty.
Ave valuable prizes to be awarded over
and above the cash commission to the
most successful agents. Registered lot -
tors o0tno at our risk, Tor free eareplo
papote, torme to agents, etc., addreee,
S,c e.s.osie, Oast,
You eait have The Western. Advertise'
nod its beautiful 'Premium, together
with The Pest, for 1.888, tor only $2,25,
by addressnlg
W. lf:x, I .o.ra•,
131u:seams, ONT.
F313, 24 , 1888.
Steady li 1flplogmentto Goon Men.
None need bo Idle, Previous
Experience not essential.
We play either Salary or Coln•
mission, -
100 len Wanted
To Canvas for the Salo of Can-
adian growls Nursery Stock.
The Foothill Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can employ 'any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Stone & Wellington,
Toruzzto, Ont.
is prepared to attend to
Carriage Painting
in all its branches, as well as
Sign and Ornamental
He has had years of exper-
ience and guarantees his
work to give satisfaction. A rig
well painted is half sold.
Estimates and terms cheer-
fully given.
Shop in the old 'Post.' Publishing
House, King street, Brussels,
Loan &Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
®on Farm Security at Lowssp
Mortgages Purchased.
8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Gode-
rich. •
Horace Horton,
Woolen Min
R. Forsyth Son, formerly of
the %oxoter Woolen Mills, bog
to inform the Farmers in this vi'
einity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to
moot a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and .eare-
fully attended to.
The HIGHEST I'Iticrl llai(l for
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarn, ate.
A Trial Solicited J
Satisfaction I
R. Forsyth & Spa.
MEAT 112,' RKE7',
drain street, Itrassele,
Fresh hots Sail Meats
Of the
U quality 1 sural
pert of t on 0100 and dc-
chargd to any port of tarp vilingn ttsn of
Torras very favorable,
Very/blob the bighoet 1183(1et price will
be paid,
I also make a specialty of buying Riess
and Skins.
Don't forget the plane next door to
P'letcher's sower), store. A. OURRIE.
General Blacksmith
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of Blacksmitlling
in a Workmanlike 88811ner,
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
mode to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Horse -shoeing.
A Call Solicited. f Romember the
Stand -Ness Tm•1 Benem.
24 S. Plum
-DOING nuenicesIN--
•-w1s- Pm IST ].eo a,
Having for its object to collect iron, all
that ie possible to colloot irons, then pub-
lish the names of all that cannot or will not
pay, which Netts supplied to ovary member
of the Association throughout Canada and
United States. Thal membership now num-
bering many thousande,and is aoknonledg-
ed by all to be the neat powerful organiz-
ationin existence for the
Having over 200 Netebllehed Agendas. •
Membership Fee : 10 year $10; 21111 year
01 50; and year ee, if renewed tri th.
In 1 month after meniberghlp
And uponreceipt of which, Certificate of
Membership. di:Bevent book, full supply of
noti00s with complete i❑etruotions for using
Association will ba sant. Send for tostimo, .
�,11fn�v1 Lr dtrLLs fi ()Os Mgr's,
Oso. ;
New Shoe Store,
Formerly of Goderich, wishes to
infirm the Public generally that
he has opbned out a Custom
Boot ch Shoe Store
Opposite the American Hotel
and is prepared to take Orders
for all Binds of
CUSTOM Wol;vli.
None but First-01ass Workmen
Employed and a Perfect Fit
Repairing neatly done.
3. .UO2f nin�f',.
On and after NOVE11;1BER 1st
will be open to the Public and
the undersigned will be prepared
to attend to
BIacksmithin.g En, all
Horse shoeing a speci-
A call solicited.
W..T. Hunter,
P1'oprf tea' .