The Brussels Post, 1888-2-17, Page 66
A 11A01.(WQOPS IVE1)01Nth, tenni, more wood, 11ere, "PU1 Ytt.•14.,N., 1-0 do atlything reinfoi,
• lot ..•••,, 0.1141., I, • ,,r• eta 1.1 der,' said Leinuel, "bat
AY CLARA AGUSTA. gmpi 0.1 41, seapsiefe• Hain me of I know about that air.
A onefill )411L11411 tomeouce.1 .lie
: .
At the ago of eighteen .L inaeried , 4, a.„„,a,aa. „„a ,1, '1..1,
A minister. .„4 Inn 0. la.
g l
r aftereard h« was bounglog it11-114 1
A • . 14
and laet love ; auil though 1 rim t " f"'" Prul '1""LI "V" HI' 13 • . • he hily Palmated, threw her
i4fli 1(4701.41 to her charm but tli - Arm, aron.0.1 ilk nue k, and gave him
in truth gay that the life o1' a tuio
x•reereivaiy Vi))) tore rem, li a a iria, that wade the very WillatIWN
1Stey'S wife is a sort of ie 440811 Pee'," hes (e4r, e, for all. -op .! r
ory,still have 11013.0 for a mout!-,
r0, .124 init.., and 1' 1.1111 an dicta 1" cried
re!partitateeeitien.styaorslitotean1.1,.ftrte!r our ,jin, 0A...flawing over fie.), • , r 1.,. Mee! nfel lilIlIly talcifig a huge
tinge, wan to the village of 1 • . ''.!' •t• "1 4 111"111 01' il'inijt1 81101'
. °anal
boro. 10'!1. lt 1.1,o , '4'' 104(4' trout his pocket, he
our bum() was vrimitiv„, hut w„ • put ;leo ,a•.,i1 of Leo, in. i) •,• • at ale a 4111,11 inee-sioashed any
hoth were yoeng and hopeful, 111.4 lets wl'i (4 • " 1 111,1' waleh.alard into
do e. aeep pen 'eel, oti • a dezen 1.1"eCa. 10141 toy hair down,
1149 was 411)4 unpleasaut to 118.
I, of
00,1 il..20-1.2.1tail ill plantieg a lilna 011
coerce, eneoiniteied the t""'• 3144i.:4 a 0 a ((('4. be ii• 1.. ,
trims, of most miui6ieras 84148 lairs 11 the butier'e 43 4 . tey • • .4., aroeily to the delight of
was criticised and fonnd fault w .Drive 441 1.t.11 tall, quick -010'a c• tummy
fila'ned to my huebaud.
until wr.ndered it !I wag uot .4! n 4.. nod of bolter alio f,
.1)1 , , Minted ate damage ?
iucarnation of originel. 4.111itteff ; 4.' ". .t al...
tie 14. er:e1 1' you are e w. I) , arra tu speak."
and 1 frequently bad douhtt. hob.
..W ',tee .r you p.ease,!' said
-er 'anybody in the world wit., to be • ' 1.• " " 4).."•"! 44)4• "
field responsible for their ilI•deeds el' I...) ((4" 1) it " )j',, '44
"141 ! •.• A. 11 dry 14. ! 1,..m414.1 praluco.1 ft p10141 (14 far
but !myself. My theology -a as v. ry
dubioun at this tinie,•nua. -my faith 14""i" 11," firirle elrct, 1. if iron)
•. r- , said lin, "there's a,
frequeetly went -anal) 12101'.! "' I". "'ll
;4 IL, quo- I lisd g. • not skin ; and out in the shed
water murk. 1 1
i W., 11- .1 I Of eabbagt, and you'ra
Itly parishoners eicecohigly `4"1111 ..
• IV le • !IV !dill of it."
faithful in poin,ine, c.ut the t,', u, - 1' 4' • . •': 1
. • • !. 144)441 ho ed
in My eye's. If eVer a 1401011 1, '• '" •
• 1. ‚.4po,.p.o went to (lancing.
01P.entircs to refoim m the fah, ‚.4(0(4'.oarly, and .;
t)f.friends, then 1. bad ; alot 44 , e;.• elm) ahem the event ; •, liark, ,veot 10 gettiug break•
priesed but 1 was admonished h. some • rity urtor. • quit ; toy earnuat request,
re • Alr.• .1Son get our horse and we
way. ti
teal lighted it pitch.. knot, .:• battle nein adieu.
Miss Bplitwood eaul I dressed too A minister's a:fib ought, ID gen climbiug .10dder ie 0ne u never c have lived theougli
of the .1 ii
roonteitated. • alloihor 114,44 in (arab house,
set 5 better example before the
"Cent., !" oriad .41.e..--•... 1 have since heard that Mr. Lord
yunegfings of fleck. I laid hut
you fie merited. Sam, 0,11(1 1311 , 14 111! .1444 .Ian tliO Eldaea wife
Diet, and al the rest of ye, she .vas married, Sally might
yer heads !wade while the Ele. • nave gorta to 1.110 dickens.
wif, goat, ! up. Look out ' 11 a:111.4 1 migh, have bean !"
louse boards, entint ; and (4101. 0,
V011111 emese your beams UM n8414
that been). 'rake keer of ..
where the ellim.bly 0 'Ines thre .
hier aareime mime too la. 1.
mimeo, my toot et be (111(1 ,41 it I.:
fell too, .•
nUall %hal appeared to la- 4..
minable 11111110a but it War 0- -•
the teem 1 laid jaw!. lea , 2., -1
Alain -,avLa .4
41111 eaugh, ill his erne, 11 1 s '
ou nay feet, reinerking, (e.
.w.,„1.1 made y,,u aom. 411)1 .y
gli!...ratiy! use the ladder
1 na• only commis. rated and
11414 (4)11 0 '2114 less Said 8,101i'
Nil I'M We KOW, and PH do it,
0: t• lee !"
:114' ea oat.. I deo' Il tea Inirvoite•
admonition to heart, and took the
trimming off my bonnet, mid weir)
it witianothing but the cape, Then
Aire. Hale called to tell me that I
was.% disgrace to tho parieh, %,ear.
ing such a dreadful bonnet. Peo
ple would think I -Was echo Quaker
persuasion.. So leput.the trimeniug
on again. Then old Aire Stenley
mit-Moron the street, And said et, ribbon 44 (18 unbefitting
the- wife of a prencher of the gospel.
So laid the blueaside, and ap•
peered in sbrown. • • ,.
Alia'Sully Lane called the next
day. before breakfast Co' know 4(h0
ofmy faits was derid-she lied 00
ticed that my blunt • wa••• imam -led
in mourning.
II 1 called on a few of our pariah,
they eitia I 114148 44114)1141(4, and
".41 ur 3.11. Itit,triatUI, alttoltuil) ," /1 tut ro 4 l"r. 13114 an -
I 011114 294(10)110 I was "too .0.4101: -lian,• 4140 4 11, 1.!
to poor folks."... 1 eau, 11,, aull if, o
Just us 20011 RS tlitt StIpply ill my • 114 •,Is eeir -fwd. g I 1 4
l(1idurzan low,•I would .1,'.V(' an in' 341 "'") w144
and the air of lin: arra ('4'')) 1110 lin VIZZI, 01 (1
Il1oeltb,r4. W110 peculially favorable
tc, the grew,h of appetite.
All the etruggling ministers, tram
egeuts, beggars and vagabouus
clime to tho pareonage ; and we
weto obliged to entertain them, bo
cause, Eugene maul, by thus doiag
w. might (11481 *1441 augtas man
ID endeavoring to obey this oom
1011114,1 gave shelter to a man who
cal,ed himrelf colporteur, tilld \Alio
proved his right to wear rings by
stealing it dozen eilver napkin
nth 1.11.1 ; anti wes e
:the . •.1. • ifflornael e. • It
wee in mita),
T1 1..,i1 410,gt was to tali- 1••e
beton, breakfast, and Sally w 1
reedy chid in her bridel lob. •
1 44.14141.1.-.4 i1441‘11q.
meguiliceut 14)
calm • &owe, ovet at Mina 1'14 '11 I
unit ioenes larger Loan ie •: 01
Iter apparel a white apro .4 11
rim s blue ..t.uking... .14
low 4.8014 ribbon, and white 41;
Lier reddish (Mir
and a butter•kuife given me by my tened in a pug bellied, and e ell
acheoted anti the tail fettilit 1 a the
0111 floe day in early annex, we demote en , before foremen .4.
huabaud received a summons, to Va •,e1.1 it 'an,. 21,1111011Deell 11 la ,t)
Burke'e settlement, to unite a couple L• , ryinn, Wan 0011110 il,y
in the 1»inds of wedlock. It was Mel 4,1111.1 a (I. -valet, which toot
especially requested tlea b;;;; 14,1 14: 4411) '*4(4 4410 COI 1
should fiCe0111111.11ay biui, 11114 1(L 11,4,1)) 41,,4,14 l rdludry
ahoind he expected to rentein all iietne met refrs,d 0 0)1111 41 1 rte •
night, tufa partake 04 41111 feetiviths. Mr. liffed one corner of tit
It was twenty miles to the e, 1.u'. 0144 1)0'- rod peeprel io, but quick.)
meet, aml reached.tla• log infuse 44111.1. 14,•4.1 14041 a 144)A IPI(4,4,0
of Mr. Burke, the latinir of Oa; 0%. a:0s,, 14041 106, and a few sharp 14o1111
pec,1,11t bride, about noon. ' A di. tree, 1111'. 18019 him to
en tea -haired children were aown iu,,inuse.t the his
door waiting cur arrival. 'Pm y 1,. 111)44) w,le.lreesed it. uo wail
telegraphed the Lime instantly brignt buttons. 'rho entire suit hat
"Marra 1 mann 1 here's the Eider 1.:4,w1.4 3.:3,4 roi Las grandlat her en -
and his woman 4 tht•y're nothing oceaeion. Hie hair we,
but fonts. She's gut it nian'e hat ea,. 341)11. 14410)', and LIS
013, lad a turkey ying in •he front huge feet encased 111 sheep•skiii
of it ; and his time in just like duds punioe. •
-crooked ae cow born equath I" Very afen the company began to
Ala,. for Mr. Morlistaf” aquiline gatiae, 4.1141 h Intlf 1442 lienr the
mse, of which be was ft little vain ! rem)) was filled,
"Sinn 1" called a shrill female "Now, Elder," cried the bride
voice from the interior of the cabin, gloom, "drive ahead 1 I mint a
"ion out and grab the 'mister, and dole up tient. I'n1 able to pay for
I'll 4116p 11110 into the pot ! Sal, yeu the joh-do yer bast. Come, leath
quit that eintrn and sweep the floor. er Burkt, trot out yer gal,"
Rick that cormclodger, under the But Sally reftnied to bo trotted
bed 4 Bill you wipe the taller out She would be married where elm
of that cheer for Um minieter's wife, was, or 1406 114 all. I'Ve argued and
and be apry about Bar coaxed, but she was firm ; and it
Further remarks were cut short was filially concluded to let, ber have
by our entranee. her own way. •
Mrs, Burke, in calico shortagown Mr. Morrison stood up - the
blue petticoat, and bete feet, came happy couple )(lined hands through
ferward-wiping her face on her a ient in tho Coverlet, and the acre.
Apron. molly proceeded. Just 418 Mr, Mot'.
"'Bow do you do, Elder ? how riaoh was asking Lettnel you
rile do, marm. Must excuse my have this -woman," etc., down came
head-liaint had uo chance to comb the coverlet., eoveloping the bride,
14 8)01)0 last week. Work must bo groom, and pastor, and filling the
did, you know. ,Poworful! sharp house with (lost. Dick had been
nit., 'mint it ? •Sliee, there 1 .13111, np in the loft and out the string,
drive that turkey .010 of the bread : which held it.
trough! Sal, take the lacly'e thitige. ' Mr. Morrison crawled oat, look -
43e6 riglat up to the fire warn,. nig decidedly sherfaisla and Sally
nitwit; cold ? ell, ,;ant. rnn '8411 1 MILS obliged to 11:.1 married openly.
in Bill's hair -we keep it Irma a, 1 To the foomentoue question, Lem,
purpose.' '1)61 responded, "lo he 811mo-what 1 some 4311214 11' or other.
13111 preeented hie shaggy head, else did 1 1)411410 1.010 for ?" end lial• 1,..14-,vvr despair, novel. bo (linear.
but declined with an involuntary ly replied, "Y4141-!, if you inett i aged, howevtr eafruty the heavens,
Adder. know. however dark the way 4 however
it alio mut Willy a tidy- , "Salute your bride," said .411)11 41114 diflicultic,, and repeated
ering f!" cried Aire. 'Burke-- "bring 4 Morrison, feign idl was over, the failfire---"Prees on !"
I have heard of men N4110 1.010541.1
100113 10111 they could tell, hut I
.ev...11. met one. .44 29 man 11214
(4)14,' Idea he can make himself
Lana • Ili, iS 4110 diet 04 11443 cora.
•1, iniee, tint geuins feeds on the
new ei tbinge.
y.4 4 way 11,14,1 if good wive on
les and travel Iw) while you
goi nit y•.11 ('an't ,ret back
4t eity the v ligH 1 1.* al.
12 2.2 v....try fin11
al 0'141 ; ;
and Iiir"ii if it he No, 10111(N 411 ONO
114'.', and hmtuty "l 1"4.1
001, 1110.4')'1110.4')' ad, ft religa.i.r.
A. brie 101. 10 Artini 1.12 it 4a
tfaii,10.. 1 11 a wee*
ooly a 0.4,v Led, Le. the e•reii qt.)
4))') a lit+ ii•o
ktrn aro (41.ri
4.,,1341;1 ).' 11,1,;•11111,1 1;1,11 to 1..11'11''
s e !Mind 1
• 'W.) !PI- fl ,104.1
.'114 ; ()+,1.! , r Ir
..• I
• .4) he fa tr. 1 A
'24.10111')'24.10111')Y0'24.10111') Lia1:1.0,11,13 ill)
4414141(4 the 1,1.110 of 31.44 04) r
It Woolia' alr011gO irtATIA
114: oat] 411.1 Irelaud Ta ed.
;Hy 1419)1111419)111itt twenty inatene.e, ••.
lemming at Alancliester 0,, (1.,(1.,.-)].-
Money to Loan.
Aioney to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
. _
A.ny Amount of Roney to Loan
on Farm or Villago Pro-
perty, at
6 d 6 Per Cent. Yearly.
• -
Straight Loans with 141')v i loge
of repaving when requirre,
41410 041114 tn
A.pply to
Wife,1 mu have 1. 'roau
d '0 liste,
• LE • .44114443' ttequ r,.,1 111 1(4 A. 1-i un ter.
,100 Ivan
' • •.4 141; .ris;on Court 4 'terk, 1.,?•,Insso/14.
(,1- • u • ;11,- u poiie9.
24 V . 2. au 1111 (00 1))g
e. , !"•to. reed Tt litrvor i• (0,10,1, !r, cr 1
Mt tilt a ,.. big for
thine 1"'ere., 0(4117rhilt Vit., is III • • '•
V d j.4114.11sy a. 4 Um 1 a, 114 t e '40)40 'lair 15 1.021i A"
.r. 10.0 Iona It, 1.11.1taa.
• ., 4, 10 atrauge h• !t• a they are There 1:tio. till11:44'lial,..tifo'nat11114101 • Ile
lir All 10.0111
A. if. 1. uglily cleat emeetu is 1
jay et le amibie, bn, n't 8140
wake 1 l'r (4)11 1'
'WI 44101p )Il her 140100./. ,ed
aty aouitie oi oiple, duel. 11 tint tor
tont. , but entity ' improve
,1;11.,i‘,° 111411.4 (431)l4
1.44ift 1:18ll'bfl;v
ou1°,1e;rii,' d 8
•urned over al, early by the novelty
fi nut, re.
We fie 1 p4114, of 1.00910 who
.1 44 "1 rage wail ; they kociev too
mum,' for one man, mid not quite
none. era
Greints of
She 1.440 larch:Mar trottak ‘st,t, °a,
r..ce ;
She km,. sautv ..f ler
an A 411 Wnt ..1.1.1K lout,
Will lottoct fro a taw 1-0,aut . 041 0'0 fakir,
flub netture has liar 4(4.1 )0 003) ‚'4 laaat you
WWI/ err,
Vor Awed. 8.11811) pay the peinal A• aA, 1,31
Su:Wan it. inat bannalanni bow) 0
Doctor 1:oronwo11a1'S *II OA II,Inlr-
881( 114) it, your afilleleil, you purer will
rogret ,
'Me 11(2:, al 'mate never rot known i•a inn 1
Anal 1110 11.10 it Will tio you *4(14 )41824
3.1 N4:41 ilrgOt
Thoexpoutilture 0. bottlo
TWA now Intratut preparatimo 11141)).-
orattla .11,,'t) (41)44441 till. prowth 444 the
(ear te )utivoysaity oecopted 4144 44) 1.'0[4
Vith.1103-4: f ‘11 Of' 'nor 4,!1. All 111.,,tra,
nu 01. 1110 40.144) We Vial,. re.liP III 4101'.
inumently,i) 0.4, A deli .A...1 0.1Aalla
of 111411 1.41,11011040 aftor al r. an-
tra treat...01st 11 roua..iiri v011t taon.
NOttUd, 1,, a (110)41'al° io to ,•,,,...11Yo ilto 00011ati. Dr.
llorenwanne,a "doh. Magni 0uau .,y .111
OOflSo)1. 404, artaellikan --t era 101)110) 54 01,, t'.r /f5. 11
el 11.1).,!(. cearitably mid ate) kitelly Lot nutan.101: in 1044)' own laaolarti a0,0,i
rain) to 1.110 ,1,110 ta,Auntatettlia.., 2.02)..sliag
10 00e14 01.1104'. . plane, A 0010.2ArariAlco, Patna '1 ''(4'
Tru li 44 41 rock largo • oagli for 1°".."1"5
. nr 4,:...,;;r•otvoi:
all to entail upon. 0)441 ,414 Dro,
1101. tliti rOnliN1111-',94.; tI1 yoster,:ky
01(41414 4.1e41' Arise to41419.
Spats , ell of your (4°,4,1 ; of your 412 7:1,.."7"
coatuny sa;., nothing Steadfastly for forty•two years the
14.,. 4',') ..,41 111)4(141,4.. 11(44 ow4); Mi)3romy 1Vrita.iis Ints held to orinciOes
mind will 410.1 full employment,
0, ',ay 1:14441 no 1 pleasant
thing!!! w!lon opportroitv lure.
He shad .131141 1E4 w1141
u111 not dig must te
Never elierge a pram with a bad
motive if if, good One iN CO000I1'111)10„
Never later) 41 nharp or angry
word. It. is the onemid aol that
makes the quarrel,
It you 5411)11 10 8(1.410 370441' strength,
koep tieing it. If yen want. to get
tired do nothing,
If another hag boon false to thee,
do not thou increase the evil by be•
isig false to thyself.
If fortune has played fate° with
which hove stood. the tests of tune, ridi-
cule, and of opposition, fair! Red unfair,
and the Wrrinigi to•d!,y spooks to sixty
where in 1818 it spoke to One,
11) 11,1,5 bruit both rapid ani NYea,:ty. TIN
Publishers, desirous of 011)1 button. in-
creasing its circulation, have this year
gone to large '..44,'.,,".'to scone a repro-
duction of 1';;E 1ST/1 It.
of Davidson is (who was
selected by Queen Victoria to paint the
scene at Princess 130atlicu'a wedding),
glifor Little Children to Como Unto Mos
96 (1(31)1011)) the memorable soon° with
startling realism, reproduclug in 011)1 (411
the richness of uo I itiNli.
Tho p.icturo, executed by the greatest art
'firm in England, 540114(4bring 41.50 if
sold, hut is rosorvod exclusively for Sub.
thee to.ciliy, do thou- play ,tree for scribers to the Wines%
thyself to.raorraov. The price of the %V8141(101 WITNESS Nfld.
Motor° is 41.24; tho paper clone 41,00.
'The first degree or folly is It, 11 18130 tho 0A01ti WrrsitHo was laimeli.
think one's eelf wise ; the aeata to cid, and, Mc the Weekly, to advocate the
tell others so ; the third, to deapise same principles regardless of cost. The
all counsel, • picture "Stiffer nolo Children to Como
Unto Me," and the 0.m4' WITNION, 93.24
strongeet me11 are often tho 11 year ; the paper 2,10110, 98.00.
most lender hearted. coolest, 141110 INT
_.olvr1.1141IN 1)11128E2fIta 21114 contin-
aea mvo,test, w„;sta flaw 11,0„, mom. 11114 (01)0 be the favorite in the home 4411010and. Sabbath memo], and commencing
the greategt 104.11)8,, with January 111.01 With 11(415) 69)10, finer
(301-11.0111)101111 1110 to be tWeidno pallor anil other improveltuutto, will be.
44)414 411144 good ler mithing ; those to mere atritetive than 1411", Prises of
lie 410)1(4441 4111l1 frequented that excel books aro given to friends who eauvitea
for it Alumni stibicription, 80e,, with
redo/410ns 10 chili,.
Sample itophii 1.41,0 (111It.rts11 1 pU1)14.
valiant, Mailed iti,j,1ietttiou. A goittH
Ivalltod 111 (311) 1'4' 14,1411 and rillagy.
jn1r2 S.1>;.! ,
E'Bu, .17, 1888,
30 Days!
BO days bath September, April,
Line aud November and forlithe The Attention of the Public
Next 30 days 11 is called to the Diet that the
iscount ITToplen
Will 110 allowed on our splendid
stook of
Leather and
will give
Or El a\T T:INT Hi
Ordinary bound
Tzveeds, Yarns,
Blanhets, _Flannels,
Uncle/viva-ins!, (.3.e.
for the next 30 days,
A -L- B -U -M -S.
Special /3 a rgains
Toys and Fancy Goods.
Special °Drives
in Knitted GOOdS.
To Secure the
Big Bied.uctions !
All the School requisites kept you bring the
in stock or procured in a day or
C 3
Try the BrusFels
11/1(.13 S 1
We lian'e (4411111111 (9 groat reputation for the elegant fits tun/ finish,
but especially for the Low Prices at which we take orders. All
our work 04 118)110 on enr own 941011114110 111,414 cannot be 4.4:4:eo11411 154
value hy tiny dealer, and certainly not equalled in the viling. of
Brussels. WO- havo an
inse S'
ok o
rrig: I E.-3 JSO 0 .N-
111 3.[4111111141, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of England.,
Scotch and Irish Tweeds, and an enormous varieY of
the best Canadian makes.
FID Q range from $10, for 0 fairly pied ;mit made
A.1-‘-eleLt3 t0 your Order, to $12, !3 4.1111, 1.7,
$1S, 819 and $20.
Lir laa WX-IN Z:4117
We use are strictly Eirst-Olass, and the Workmanship the best.
Some special lines of
Which we intend Selling 011' at 'WONDIMFUT4 BAUAINS.
1,10.DING CLOTIllEIN & OITT9'1,PT11'r148,
• ! BIWSSELS, ONTAll 104
, , ,