The Brussels Post, 1888-2-17, Page 2Diroctory of Chnrohoo and hoiotios. X1U1-.Vtia.lt Calle:It. Sabbath "iervigoe at 11 11.111. and 0:10 p. ni Sunday Seho1l1 '13 2:10 p, ta. Rev. John Hoes, 13. A... paetoi, ssbbass, issass„ssan A great many people hold theor- a.m. I,. in. Sunday setteel at tes who can't bold their tougues. stse ttsa. :1. pastor It is blow for blow in joint debate 81. .1-.101e Canaan. -- St bbath Services stamp speaking. A. hotel head wailer out ofa job is as humble as n peacock minus his tail. A. refractory car window and a pretty girl will make a big man feel pretty small. "I often cut my oldest acquaint- ance," said the buzz saw, no it took off a mill baud's finger. Tilers is talk of nialcing to new cable pool, What's the matter with the AtItiotie ocean ? Peetoria" will enro that cough, "Pectoria" is the people's remedy. "Pectoris" loosens the phlegm. "Pcotoria" 05 cents a bottle. "rector- s." Curiously enough, the man who is always in a pickle, doesn't pre- serve hie temper worth a cent. Irstastotleas. A kid tuipper—Paregorie. Outs ard botincl—A. book. Le ice °ream n moil! 'Vivo le bi- valve! at 11 ti 1st 7 p.m. Sunday School at 4:80 a.m. Rev. W. T. Cluff, incumbent. 11.1 1111/1,1,./ C111-1101. Sabbath Services at 1030 a. 1. an 5;30 p. 10, Sunday School at 2:30 p, m. Rev. M. Swithn, pastor. RottAN C1'1.11 (411111111.--Subbath Service third Sunday in every mouth, at U. 4.10. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. On17 Piztows' Lowe every Thursday Orithean's block. MAsoste Tuesday at or beforo full moon, ht Otirtield block. A, U. U. W. 101 00 1st and 3rd. Mon - evenings of each mouth. Pouniereare Latent 2nd stalest Monday evenings of molls month, in ,Smale's hall. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month, in 0 tinge Hall. Pogr Orriell.—Oilleo hours from 8 11.01. 7:30 p.m. Alscitssics' 121,TITPT1:, Beading 1100111 and Library, in Holmes' block, will be open from r to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesuays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Roes, Lib- A ehort.hand writer at Washing rattan. ton 0 10 report a speech with 80 monli rapidity that the speaker Elude it, utterly impossible to keep up with him Fermer's wife.—'I must go home, 1 have a good deal to do. We are g 10 to itill 00 ox. to.day. 'What, Don't fight ! don't fight! there, Fred and you kill an autire ox at once.' Tom, If you are bilious, Of words you've lead enough ; Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Tom, take his hand before he goes Q3 Hist silly huff. If you are Dyspeptic, Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, You'll pay him out, you 11Yonr Livor is ,iusgis113 Here let the matter end ; A. teacher told one of her boys You shall not go until you've said Once more you are his friend. chat the next time he wrote a cotn- To restore gilding to srpicture position there must be some point to frame remove all the dust with a Come, come 1 a little while ago How blithe you were at play i4, The subjeot of his next diequi- soft brush, and worth the gilding Until a silly word drove all..ition was 01101. 1105. 10 warm water in which an onion Your merriment away. 1A. walking stick may be deslribod has been boiled ; dry quickly with as ' tho old man's strength and the soft rags. Blackheads may be removed by washing the face at night with hot water, then drying briskly' with a crash towel and applying a mixture of one ounce of liquor of polassa and two ounces of cologne. I,Vibrtn's tarna, DON'T EIGHT. THE BRUSSELS POST It was a Brussels buy who starts ted the fashion of trailing his father by his givou ftLt1e, and the fashion lasted about thirty sootmds Old Geutleuntia—"My what a nice little boy you are, aren't you ?" Bondi boy—"No, 1 ain't no nice little buy, neither ; Dutoltur Bieltles, Jo terror, Rod 1 can lielc anybody my MU round here." HOUSEHOLD 11t aas. Never let tea b Hold a bot shovel over furniture to remove white spots. Tu extract Ink from wood, scour with sand wet with avater aud run mode. Then rinse with stroug attlertv MI water, 'Co give to good oak color to a phis floor wash in a solution of ons pound ot copperas dissolved itt one gallon of strong lye. A hornet's cost which has beau deserted by the hornets, bonnet on the throat with a piece of Impel, will core the most malignant sore throat. To whiten the hoods melt half an ouoce of camphor gum, half as ounce of glycerine and one pound f mutton tallow, aud apply every night. Salt and water will prevent the hair from falling out, and will cause now hair to grow. Do not use so strong as to leave white particles upon the hair whorl dry. Mahogany furniture should be washed with warm water and soap ; an application of beeswax and sweet oel npon a soft cloth, and poliehed will chareohl, gives a rich finish. And brother Tom, for you it was Who first the friendship broke, Tell Fred that you are sorry for The angry word Toe spoke, And lean. to curb your hasty tongizo, For often I hart, heard young man's wealtuess, and an umbrella 83 'a fair and. foul weather friend, who has had many ups and dowsta,' Now all closed are the palaces How misery arid guilt have sprung Of summer place Bonifaces, Out ot an angry word. And where will the jolly proprietors go? Oh, they'll flit down to Florida, To dreadful strife words often grow, Where the weather is torrider, And strife, time after time, And rake in another rich harvest, you Har led, in one quick angry blow, know. To murder's awful crime. "Do you know why Mr. allows his hair to grow /wag, while Mrs. B—keeps hers cut so short?" "Yes, they're both literary." "There is nothing that does me so much good when I am feeling out of sorts, as 6 teaspoonful or two of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters," writes a gentleman who has used this remedy in his family for years. Take it I That's right I 011, Tom and Fred A. chemist saya Iv( od can be made How glad am 1,1 The pain palatable and nourishing. It will Your quarrel caused has flown (1.Wity, Let's go and p'ay again. not startle 03any to auuounce that Farm. /Note's - good board can be got out of saw• logs If the iron wedge wjll 1311drat,' Like does not always cure like, build a fire of chips end hmt it. An' elevator dropped lour stories iu Heap up and tramp down solidly a western oily last week bromide the the snow around the young fruit atter:ism bad taken a drop too trees, as mul'Ob'T Cl! nu., of Bdueit nsr et Water, green fruit and meat, tion (halirfi of tile hest hats lad. i ' appzinted to that position, l A litke'iltqc rOWIr Milst have to prosper during 're believe), has written a predicts' a titiE°Patt.t'ini°,Ing`t aca ar kut re the %viutIV• frOm ie o• Watch the outlets of tho file drains that they to not become closed with leo, You're sorry, and you'll make it up, Now that is eery right ; You cannot tell how grieved I am T. see my brothers fight. Note. Fred! don't turn away, as though You didn't understand ; You know as well as I that Tom Is holding out Inc hand. .A. free application of soft neap to a fresh burn almost instantly re- moves the firo from the flesh. If the injury is vefy severe, as soon as the pain ceases apply linseed oil, and then dust over with fine flour. When this covering dries hard, re peat tho oil and flour dressing until a good coating is obtained. When the latter dries, allow it to stand until it cracks and falls off, as it will do iu a day or twd; and a now skin will be fooud to have formed where the akin was burned. PRA.CTICAL HINTS FOR OIRLS. Mi • s Grace H. Dodge, of Mont- real, who was rcenitly 'moored by Mayor Hewitt with as appointment little volume of everyday intermit %raytess et tile hiriir oan itilo s1topred nallion titin aLd itiggcs"leni to busy girls. . Ingt:113,1e0.11,14 tg tiiii%V.01(1 11i:vbiebtflat OT1711:i Dorenwoud'e German Nair 81.11610; it tttrint. We cAract a fen' pnii.1?. totes the growth, gives tre h titelity. and keeps its natnral color, bes_des being a eu. Thera is one pa 0f Lii6 Tarin that purl) dressing. All erer.sists sell it. Lot, thy sieu,:ott rest part of the nits, aud out by eousLant nibbling o1' rail!) ettlto est -1(1y, keep It at work nothing really to work ligirl winited to des as not benefitted by drainage ; the A litts AkiltO scribe tiro abbot mindedness of her manure heap. nucloy -said : "His remember is so If upon, tired Unit he bas to use his forget (o03r015w30 P10031 PAGE 8.) an artielo ismodel, buy it, but , all the limo." Perhaps the value of, life is beet don't ',Parch:Ise to My by, jltst bo- A. modern instance. Robert— understood at its close, yet how cause it, is "so cheap." Mua atua (re- sad, that so many never realize Millinery chortles should be as "Ginlin° "111° Ilia*" provingly) — " Giunne some pio I1 what a gift life is until they are popular as these of dress making. What else do 7011 say ?" Robert— I just on the eVe of surrendering it. The true lady will be courteous, "Ancl hurry up about it." To think of a human life gone be polite autl kind at Immo as in coin - A poet sent to an editor a contri- I yond recall, freighted with snob pony. How often do we rentembor bution entitled "Why do nye ?" ' hopes, opportunities and goad -bib.. "thank you, " "please," "excuse Tho editor answered, "Because you ties and what that life might 'have me," at home ? sent it by mail instead of bringing Bet idea being economical au cook- it.g, there are three other essentials it. whieb WO 11110111d early know. First, perfect cleanliness ; eecondly, sys tem of regular method ; thirdly, no - curacy. In all accidents, Oho poor person who has 'net with it must first be giveu plenty of air ; aecondly, he or abe most be kept as quiet and free from excitement as possible; thirdly, clothing must be loosened. monkey ?" "0, yes, 1 think that, avery life that is Itved on earth As long ata a five or a two dollar roan is, but what ptazzles mo is leaves traces behind it. It has bill remains allay purse 1 seem very rich ; hut once the amount is brok. where W012341) came from." boon said every one has two humor. en, and :diver given back as change, 1 don't know whore it goes to. Mothers! If your daughters aro in in health, or troubled with a paleness that seems Incurable, or if they suffer from gen, oral debility, nervousness, langowr, weak - nose, or loss of appetite, procure at once a bottle of Johnson's P011/0 Betters. and you wtll notropret tho outlny. The Tonle end generally strengthening effect of this medi- cine is truly marvellous. Nets, toral 5.1.00 per bottle at Beechnut's Drug El We. Brussels. He—"A.rid what do you think of evolut on, Miss Broweter I Do you believe that mita is ,de8cended from been. A harp capable of being at - bulled to the richest melody of heaven, all unstrung, hopelessly marred and oast away for ever. Why I the very thought is appall- ing, What is your life l? a vapor, it shadow, "passing away" may be written ou ths varied phase of ba. Balance lv,,,Lrmaignihr sayai'iss 1 ThWe To all now subscribing for the year 1888, at tho low price of connectiou cub with the world. Yet in another aspect it is true that $1 i=omase .ss.sys-sr-srasz $1 TO TONEY TO LOAN. PRIY:4TE FUNDS. sackooctit- of Private Funds havo just boon placed in my hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans oompleto in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply bo E.E.WADE. SIGN OF THE Scotch Oollaz. A new stock of Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, Horse Blankets, Rugs, Bells, Whips, &c., just to hand. A splendid assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock and sold at living prices. G.11/7.f; ME .4 alLto E. Der121101 Brussels, T. FLETOREA, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to Bemire your patronage. Wo are opening out full lines 10 SOLE 86 SILLS WATCHES. SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs. sTE csr3F. 111.'17 : Wedding lungs, Ladies Om Broaches, Earrings, too, Also have in stock a full lino of Violins and Violin Strings. tte, N. 13. —limiter of Mccinli3gt1 Lit:lenses. 1. 'Fletcher. Get Th Best I The Western ADALATISEnt. OF LONDON, ONT., Vastly Improved! Illustrated Articles I All 00 21111‘1,8 1 Popular Departmln I Horne Beading itt Pmtgos it0t1111111.1Y of 18S7 Free MAMMA'S KISS, A kiss when I wake in the morning. A kiss when I go to bed, A kiss when I burn tny fingers, A kiss when I bump my head. A kiss when toy bath is over, A. kiss when nty bath begins My mother's as full of kisses As nurse is full of pins. A kiss whim 1 play with inyrattle, A kiss when I poll her hair ; Oho 000001101 100 over with kisses The day that I fell clown stair. A youngstor was asked to give his idoa of the moaning of the word responsibility," so ho said : "Well, suppose 1 had only two buttons on my trousers and ono canto 40111 the responsibility would rest on the other button." mare Itemarltable 50111. Pound at last ;what tho publics has boon. looking for these many years and that is it medicine which, althoUgh hut lately intro. dueed,lias madrifor Midi a reputation sec- ond to none, the medial/1a is ilehnson's Tonle Bitters, which. in oonjunction with John. son's Tonic Liver Pills, bus performed 801110 moot WOndOrilli MCC& Itupnro and lin. povorished blood tom becomes nitrified and entlebed. Biliousness Indigestion sulk "SI o in the harvest if others may gttthor boodeslin, liver complaint, languor, weak- $ WANDS train 0118 lielda, that itt ill spring 1 nen, ko., soon disappear when 'treated by have sewn, those retoollent tonic ruedieinos. Por sale 1111....1..,.l or sowed inattors, not so talities, one he takes with num into the world beyond, the other he leaves behind him hero. There is another life, SD 50 speak, that men lila after death and that in the sphere whore they live before. Dr. Chalmers say, "0 I man immortal, live for sornothing. Do good, write your name by kindness, love and ram 011 the hearts of thousands, you 00015 in contact with year by year and you will never be forgot, ten. •11/ Talmage's and Other Sermon's I 111111011001 'Musical Selections 1 International Sunday 811,00lLosson0p "THE HOLItlf QUEEN." .0. limited number of this beautiful pro. 1011101 picture is offered subsoribere for 10 emits extra. Tho Weston Advertiser and hull= FOR Agents wanted everywhere. Twenty- five valuable prizoe to bo awarded over and above the cash commission to the most successful agents. Registered let- ters come gI our risk, ror free sample papers, terms to agents, etc., address, ADVERTISER PRINTING 00., x..tasese.oas., cos-st, A Ides when T gito her troub,le, by G.A. Mailman, Erns:met to reaper, tsrt crP Ci BOMS A Mos when give her joy ; Perils of 0110 Doep—Wiro (in the pm 1,1117 remembered by whet have • (1.510 r 0LOOFFED• There's nothing like mother 11 kisses ,1 What's the done. • tron a on , a - • owiter---"Tbe jib.slierit is 1030 over. Ing VAT mut have The Western Advertiser T her Otell littlo baby boy d Va°13t 11401121 like the "t"g M the "my"' and Iti; heitatitni Premium together FEL 17, 1888 anmsstass=sestmammannatmasswitc xzgs,./ri1So.ssuussesamtancoesinsairef AGENTS WANTED: Steady Thoploymeni to G ood Men, Nono need bo 1(110. Previous Experience not essential, 'Wo pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 lien Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stook. 7' 411RAT 7', awn lil reef. • teroAseih, ANDREW CURRIE, PROPRIETOR,. Fresh Salt Meats Of the best quality always on howl owl go. livered to no) port o: tho frac 01 (muse, Toxins very favorable, - • FAT CATTLE WANT ED ! 1'or which tho highest market yrs, win he pald. I also make It speelaltv of bmyI,,f Iddon and 8kins. Don't forget the place next door 1' Flotuber's Jewelry Store, cuRRIE. 1111110 Fonthill Nurseries, o u L.) ivu Largest in Canada, •• Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class Roferenses, and want to work. No room for lazy mon, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. AnDilltSS Stone & Wellington, NURSERYMEN, Toronto, Ont. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting pot its branches, as well its OPI2a7nenital Painting. Re has had years of exper- ience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold. General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to the public generally that 110 does alt kinds of Blacksmithing in a Workmanlike Manlier, Wagons, Ruggles, Sleighs and Cutters. made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I maleo a Specialty of florse.shocing.- A Call Solioitod. M'Itenicniber the Stand—Wiwi Tun 13017108. g4 S. Plum. Pz/IP YOUR DEBTS. MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE —4110— COLL/WT./NC; A8SOOLITzux —bake mismnisrs-- CANADA. AND_T.1NuiffED sTATEs xxe, Xets-fo, Ifaviug for its object to collect Irani all, that is possible to collect from , then pub- lish. the natnes of al/ that eanuotor will non 1157 01 tliniViogaatt alegglit0uneltaite= f.,JonitgdraS zi3aTtifigni 1,tir %Us r I 1,1.00wmtlnurg: ad by all to be the neat power MI organis. [tithe In existence for the COLLECTION OF DEBTS. Raving neer POO Established Agonriog. Membership Fee 1s1 year 510 ; yes I 87 00 ; 3rd year 05, If renewed tv Estimates and terms cheer- fully giV031. GIVE H1131 A CALL. Shop in the old 'Posr'Publishing House, King street, Brussels, HTMON AND BRUCE Loan &Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money gon Farm Security at LOWBST BATES OP INTP.REST • 510iiglige8 PtitTimsed, --- sA.VINGS BANK BIWOCLI. 3, 4, and 5 per cont. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time lot. OF.FICE.--Corner of Market Square and North Street, Godo - rich. Horace 'Horton, mANAGER. BLYTH Woolen Mill. R. Forsyth & Stn, formerly of the Wroxotor Woolen Mills, hog to inform tho 'Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Myth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by BO doing to meet a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The Monusr :Nunn paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Mauna] s , ate. A Trial Solicited 1 Thera may bo nothing new Witte '•bonya." why don, To lot my name be unhonored, unknown, ,il'iltly1'11,0,1-,',081,roi.188S. rill' only • Satisfaction Guaranteed I world, bio tbere's tr heap .binst's they come 0,11 take 'ono from t» Ire"11"us""ern"6b°m1 y j" "111.g. Only remembered by what have dime." IX, TKori-, R. Forsyth & Son. utitterooms'' Bitynex, isinnisni,s, in 1 1/151110,1x1111,11 Tre/s11,C h erhn t, And upon receipt of whlub, Ceitilleato or Diembership, antique:It book, full upply of notices with complete Instructions for using itagoisiotiOn trill bo stilt. SC11.1 for teitime!. • in".11. BIDWELL 1111.5.5 ok en. •, tkealoe SLiore. J. 'DOWNING, -Formerly of Goderich; wishes too inform the Public generally that he has opened out a Chi:item Boot & Shoe Store Opposite Amothno Hotel and is prepared to IlakO Orders for all Kinds of CUSSiTtfialalt None but First -Class *W0.11..ileil Employed and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Repairing neatly done. GIVE ME A CALL. Dozenting-. On and after NOMMBER Iasi the HUNTER BLACKSMITH SHOP' will bo open to the Public and tho undersigned will bo prepared to ,attend to Blacksmithing in alt. Lines. Horse shoeing a speci- alty. .Ns solicitea, W. T. Hunter, Proprietor,