The Brussels Post, 1888-2-17, Page 1Washington Letter. (mow tont runi0LAn c0I nsarnii,i?N'r.l \yasbinetatt, L'uh. 10, tOHe. Tho amended civil service ruts, as ap- prorcd by the 1'resident aro divided into lour parts- general rules, departmental rules, custom rules and postal rules, Thorn aro nine goneral rules applicable, with one or two exceptions, to all parts of the e1 itiified service and even to some pelts not elnssified. These gotio al rules contain many of tin plovloiouu and pen. alties of tie old rules. They forbid any officer of tho civil eurvice to nso his auth- ority or Minions to iutorfere with elec. Mono or to dlomiss or vaunt to bo dis- missed any person because of emelt per. sons refusal to be cocr0ed in political ac- tion or to enntribnto money for political km1 o t t n • novo n lender htlanl service. nl . 1 These rules specifically provide that any otlieer, cleric or other employee who shall violate see,tiols 11, 12, 13 and 11 of the civil service law shall be dismissed. These sections in express terms prohibit Government officials and employ°,a from being in tiny manner concerned in solicit. ing or receiving any contribution or roe. sessmeut fo, politiceJ purposes from any person in Government service ; prohibits the solicitation or rcaeipt of any money for political purposes in any building or on any property belonging to the Govern- ment forbid any officer, clerk or other person in Government service to dis• ohargo ne promote any person in the public service or promise or threaten re- ward or punishment for giving or refus- ing to give money or valuables for polit- ical use, and prohibit any person in Gov- erhment service or in Congress, or rho employ of Congress, froniving to each other or receiving from coat other money or valuables for political use. Tbo amended rules make lbs punishment of dismissal for violation of these sections more specific. Tho Senate, in executive session Wednesday afternoon, mads short work of the British extradition treaty. ,lir. iliddlchcrger, who had the floor when tate &Hors wore closed, resumed his de- nunciation of the treaty. After ho had proceeded few soma minutes Sonator Stewart suggested that he had a motion which he thought would settle tho whore matter. Ile moved to postpone further consideration of the treat% until next Demonise:, which was carried by two majority. '1'hut action is r.garded as e quivnirnt hl it final rejee,i, n as it would roguil•o a two-thirds vote to ratify the. treaty. The, nt„tiol' to postp, nu the cousi&eratum of tho n•taty was carried by a vote of 23 to 21. As it did not seem to bo anticipated that alt (4e.1 would to made to dispose, td the, treaty' 001110 of the :Moslem head left tlw capitol, Ruulors were in circulation impar.iug 0semi- n011th cal pha,,e to the vote ; that Senators frie'dhv to the Administration voted againodt p,•.tpnnelneut, bot thee° rumors are denied. It so said there was no di- wirion on Administration lines, There is talk of a motion to reconsider being 0nterod, Senator Ridtllebeoger was fair- ly overwhelmed with congratulations at the overthrew of the treaty. A scene that amused the Senate galleries was witnessed on the floor of the ahumber the other day. During the morning hour Senator Book, tall and stalwart in form, was passing around the spare in rear of the desks and was met about midway and at head of the main ai0lo bd Senator Sawyer. Tho head of tho Wisconsin Senator readies about to the shoulders of tho big-frnned and big-hearted Ken- ,tuolty Senator. From the gallery it atoned that Senator Sawyer had some- thing of importance to communicate, for, as ho confronted the Kentuckian he stop- ped int lI) diatoiy in front of hint, and, reaching up both aruis 011 as to 0ncloso Mr. Bvek's neck in so far as the shortage o f Mr. Sawyer's stature would permit, ho strndgh at to reach the Kentuckian's oar, The 11 isc ,Motu Senator &wilted an at- tttudn of apparent discomfort, he had to '•taInl upon tiptoe, and 0o011 then fell short of iio tar which he was vainly striving to whisper into. It scorned to be a relief to both Senators when the ▪ eeny We; ended. Society is on tip -toe of expectancy regarding the coming ball at 11m Clouoie Legation, whim, promise, to be tit.. most brilliant affair of tho sea - sun. Althongh tlw clamor for tiokets is very great, the minister is firmly resov- ecd to unnilu0 his invitations to his per- eonnl and official trioxide, and uninvited guests will be placed in tho highly 0m. barrassiu„ position of being declined ad- Imi0sioe should they have the impudeneo to prevent themselves at thu door. Tho list of the Insured will bo iu 1110 hands 0f a ntau who knows by sight noel name every ono of tho invited gm sts ; and overyon0 who comes to the grand on- lrancu of tho Legation or tiro night of the 13111 will, without knowing it, be in - =mooted by him. lloit•iek�.111Maul Piro Insurances Co. The annual mooting of tho Iiowiok Mutual Piro Insurance Company was hold in Campboll'e Hall, Corrie, on Fri- day, J'an. 10th, On account of the data of tho roads and the storm there was not a largo turn -oat from a distance, but as large es usual by tho polioy holders now: by, and the usual amount of interest tak- ou hi this deservedly popular farmers Company, 181)0 amount at risk now reaches 611 1 {1,021, giving an increase for the year of $05,724. Premium note as• sets ore $120,8110.81; clash assets, $1,402,- O4 ; unpaid alleaa,ne,nta, 61410.26, Total assets, $14118.71, nod all claims paid. '1'110 assessments for 111m last 4 years have amounted to $7.60 on the $1,000 in• sowed, or an avur0go of $51.87i a year, w hich atuopnt has covered all loess 1)10 oxpensee daring that thea. The two 20 - tiring directors, vis„ John 12, Mdilor, of Morris, and Edward Bryalls, of (110y, wore ro-sleeted, Tho Board 10 0010p00ed td air: 1 11%1.1010, ms lulluws 1,- 1301105 011, t' -,:11e -1(a; 11 014. Scotd, 0)00. Pi eel - dent r 0-Pieel- dent ; Wm. Mc'l$e robs•, Rolm. Gibson, :11111112, 111idlor and Jld. 13ryans, The Board of Directors of this 1't.ns- pany bold their Clammy meeting, being 110 first for the year 1688, in (iampbell'm 11x11, (Jorrie, nn Saturday, the 28th ult. .I`wenty-flue applications passucl, coverin;; visits 0nlnnntiug to 340,2;111. COMMUNICATIONS. st 1$ BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 1888. A Worci from Citizen. Tu the liditor 01 Too loom, DoAit tint. --ill your bottle of lad wook a correspondent sitmillg hilns0lf "A lover of Freedom," tries to roply to my com- muni0atiol of tho previous wank, I ado 1301 now wish to reply, ail no dant would result therefrom, Ho evidently belougll to the class who call tvil good and good evil ; who put light for Wu -kinds and darkness for light. Tho f, eeilom ho loves would be to diapise the Word of God, close tip our places of worship and make the Sabbath a day of pleasure and sport. Tho same kind of (200210 1 boasted of by Spoors, his companions and Choir sym- pathizers lately in the States, If I felt so inclined it would Mcleod be a very say task to show the unsoundness of his statculents. I will pot tr0-pats on your vainab a tine and space to do so. Judg. ing from tho y000110l remarks in tin communication refer ed to the issue on his part might bo very unpleasant to all concerned, Tito following story will sorvo to illnstrat0 what I mean :—"A. lion and a skunk met ono day in a narrow path, they stood for some time looking at oaoh other, uoibhor of them willing to give rho right of way. At length the lion said, "My little fellow I could with one, of my paws crush you to the earth in an instant but then 01) I what a terrible smell there would bo." Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for this and past favors, I remain, Brussels, Feb, 14,'88, A Curets. '82108)1 MEN. To the Editor or Tito Poem. 011 I dear if I were but a p0o1, Could skillfully handle the pen To put my ideals on paper How olearly I'd pioturo those men, "Place mon' did I say, pray 00`0)100 me I meant no offence by the phrane, For some Wren a e really quite manly, • And prove they are men by their way0.- Ta such, though f mu my observations 1 fear I. must fay they are few, Let honor forever bo given To Min to whom honor is due. Exceptions they are and remember We learned in our childhood at school, While We may exempt -woo as 'spuciala' Exceptions boa strengthen rho role. Now, look for yourself at the gentry Who promenade nightly rho street, They're a bundho of aches and diseases, Of ignorauet, slang and cotuait, They talk about leap year as glibly As if all t•'o girls of to -day Were melting to he t1• it life-partnors And scarcely cold be fought away. Thote's "Tommy"'who writes but one And gets one answer in print, [letter Complacently says to his comrades "All any girl wants i; a hint-" "A hint and she's willing to marry, But I won't tape stock, don't you sus; It's none but a "rattling" fine lady Cal hook on a fellow like oto." And thus all these lords of creation, Possessors of nothing of worth, Imagine their wondrous attractions Would charm any woman on earth. P4 scorn to be loon by such boobies, Their friendship L'd ever elude, ,lily husband Must be, when I got one, A man, not a ,mob vor a dude. World I be: an old maid ? Yes, 0)10015, 1'd rather h0 laid oil the shelf Than marry a follow whose father llnst help him in keeping himself. Yonrs truly, Exam, Folly. 8th, 1088, Another Opinion. ru ih•, 11, 12 ,r of Tmt 1,00.; D13Aa Snt,—I was surprisocl to find in last woeles ism, of Tug .Pos'r so much o0rr0snond0u0urofcrring to the post -mos. for and tho chargo laid against him, I can only spook for myself, and say, f have no complaint to make against i\Ir. Grant or any of l,is assistants for their management of tho affairs of tho post. Moo, and pompe ho may bo acquitted of the charges lad against him ; but at the 5x00 11110 tnero d0 n0 excuse for the lan- gnag0 mod by your correspondents to. ward those whom they supposed Math tu.ed the investigation, smoothy that of "Anti er Interviewed." If0orla1(1 parties oxporiouued difficulties with the post- =etor 111 1110 tratiaaOtiOt1 of their buoi- noes why should they not be allowed the privilogo of an onquiry without being subjected to a 11rac10 of mimeo by individ- uals who aro afraid or ashamed to own thea' lauguogo iy signing 111oi0 name to t,eir 10)101.0? If they had produced any facts to prove thodr assertions Choy might bo credited with an honest fatal -thou to maintain the honor and dignity of ono whom, they thought, was b0ln5 wilfully wronged, hut, failing in this, ft reduces thoir notions to a more gam of bluff, and on a closer scrutiny of thoir oxprossiolts I am convincod thorn is more of that in their 1112001ion than a deairo to uphold rho priuoipi°s of justice. Straws show which way the wind blows, and an ox. amination of 00)110 of thole utteralaceis show how fear short they 0000 of estab- lishing than. would-be faot0. Wlton read- ing tie 0xp1e00101) ' Tho'o aro - always busy -bodies who as0umo to know 111oro of attar priapic's busiu0s0 than they do of their own," I thought what a pity rho writer had not pointed tin proverb, "Charity hewing a2 house," and thou pommel to ra float on this own position, end b° °0,141 tette trial Ms lair male, anti when he :Omit., '"1t •1'(1 1 Irv, he analo. llinlhillnl•y for its ciiioicut nanagemeut," if h0 ntean0 what 110 0ay0 why dons 11e offer an exausn for 1111ata1200 which lit' tltiilks are insepa ablo from 1110 elution of a plostmmstal'? 1 will adroit Chat them might ho 11011002000 oases 01 "0(51iguuc2 and mistakes,' if ho were the pos1- 1n10•ttc1', 1111t: the irony offices conducted without orror is proof that they can be ulanu¢ed without any "dnsepa•tlblc 011140 of negligence and lniatalc0,'' but it is proof of the small tllnnn01 of talent pommel by himself. Again—"AI fact, whore the motive is not malicious, it certainly most be mer0ouary:" Why must it be? Lot an examine this bit of philosophy rood a00e1tain whether it ''certainly must lis" or not. To be a fact it moot be truth, and to ho 1012111 11 10 001 le exactly what you ditto it to be and nothing else. If w ehargo was made through malice, the motiv0 1)01114 bo malicious; if it were motto from a desire to obtain gain, it would bo morccua.ty, but if se:tooted by a dosiro to uphold 11110 right and otlturlr on the wrong it mold not bo said that the motive wee elth or m011010110 or morcenary, old tbore£o'e It is not a fact that the motive must be either ali io s nr mor r•l it i etrary, but theto l a fact ill11 d and s this—that the expr00efon is only an idea conceived by your own shallow mind, 1)111 yon aro trying to paten it off on tum publio for an established truth. During year Tong residence in Brussels you 11avc not known of any misdoings beyond here bmgatellos. Wonderful too 1 As much as to in:inmate that nothing oould happen that you would not know of. What marvellous powers of observation you must posses I I am 0000 those who had the pleasure of reading your letter must fool sorry to think that a person of your ability should be troubled with so much modesty as to refrain from giving them your name, and letting them know who their philanthropist is. It most be a serious detri dont to you, and may pro. vent you from attaining the lofty posi- tion your telentswould entitle you to. But to return, because you do not know of any case of negligence or neglect, is that any proof that therm never has boon any, or would you like your readers to bo- nne that you aro omniscient and noth- ing could happen without your know- ledge? Liko everyone else, your know- ledge is only reliable to the extent of your experience, and because your bnsi• ne-s and ming has boon properly trau'- muted it i0 no criterion that all the busi• nose of the offico has been treated th0 steno way. It may strengthen our con- fidence, but it is not a proof that there has been no orrors in the dealings with 0thms, but it i0 it proof against your be. lief that tlloro aro some ease of negligowc mold mistaltis from their nature and sir onntstannes connected with thorn, in• eeparablo from the duties of a post- nut0ter. Why did you 1101 mention some of the inseparable mats, you would then have enlightened your readers on a part yet obscure, 0114 informed thein when they might expect thorn to occur. I feel certain in this discovers you might pre- sent your claim 14 the Government of. Gs for a putout, without the fear of hi fringing of the rights of any prodecossor. If your business and mins (and I have transacted it in all departments, and pre. BUM you, from your long experience, have too) can be correctly and properly transacted so can all business oonneotod with the office, ancd if it is 110t, it 10 not from impossibility, but from carelossuess and ina1ention. lbs stir you and your colleagues 1000.100de tends to prom that something is wrong, for bow cal you establish innocence if she has never been dethroned? It is absurd, and corresponds with rho actions of the divers when in tho neighborhood of sharks—they stir up the dirt anent the shade of wily waters make their escape. And no less con- temptible is tho assertion of one of your °obeagnes, that "someone has taken tilllo by tike forelock and applied for the posi- tion." It is a lie, and the bosh way to treat it is to fasten it to the per0ou who uttered it, and hero is 1110 proof for it: dtfir. f ollo1r, Fob. 15,'88, To lion. A, W. SIcLOItn, Post•D1a•trt•- General, Ottatv,t "IIno any person appliad for tho post. lion of postmaster at Brussels ? J. J. Dander." Reply-. io, onion not declared vacant, com- plaint in hands; oma1111ai1(111111ands; 1,1 hlspector for investi- gation. A. W. McLier..w. ' Thlt2 is the climax. It is nit notes. sary to go furthat ; w11011 you have to re- sort. to lying to motto a 0000 appear lton- twoble, alta public will not ask for any further demonstration that Sour Indies aro dishonest, and it is just as well for yonreolt and relative a that your name is kept private, for no., you can pass 10 all lintio111 app. ai;anc0 an upright person and keep the public in i;n oratice of your real allea,10ter. To conrludo, rho &largos pr0V0 that thorn is a want of 001)8 danc0 in the postmast a; by the accusers if not by any ono else, and they are ontitlerl to rospoet ns 11101011 as any other citizen, mud to try to disgrace 0110111 by tho ex- pressions of fallacious sophistries and down -right falsehoods of a handful of shallow, noisy objectors, is vain. Thio is not a land of soda, governed by a tyrant, where the inhabitants aro compelled to grin and boar iu silenao, whatever treat. moot those in command may fool Malin. ed to bestow, but it is our boast of the f2oedom we enjoy—tho 215112 we p0O5000 to d0ma0d of our poblfo servants a roa- son for every actio) that duos not a000rd with the presoribod duties of 211oir office - and the privilege granted to ns by our Constitnlion that tho humblest citizen who earns hi01fto111aod by the sweat of his brow, is on1i11ed to rho same rospoat from the public ollicors its the greateo6 nobler( an, who lives in luxury and en. joys all rho comforts that wealth can produce, (Respectfully yours, Feb. 1.6, '86, .1. J. DIop3 x , Perth County Notes. Mrs.lthynas, mother of the 1V000rs. 121151100, of Goderioll, fell asleep iu Jenne on the 1)111 inst., 101111+11 peacefully reading in her aril '•hair in apparently good 11001111. A matr•.11 for the Royal Midland medal between rho (loderiolh and Brantford curling clubs w11.0 Allayed at Stratford on Tuesday of last week, the Goiorioh club winning by 12 pointe. 11, Worthington, for some time book- keeper et 113,1 Clinton Organ Faotory, hos given no his place to take to former pc0i. lion in lit' offices of the Chicago At: North. w00ton R. It„ Chicago, 1'. M. Williams committed T. C. Ed- monds, Clinton 1150112 of the Singer Sew. ing lfaehino Company, for trial on a oha'gu of embezzlement proferred by 1;, 1'. Sharman, of Stratford. Tho municipal census returns of Eno. 6 c t population t l l- '191 ter ehow the toboe village 00/111011 wore o„nsidcriug tho mat. to of inc•orpo•atiug ss a town, but Have decided to defer action. Tho treasurer reported 62,000 of a surplus, and 61,000 of that amount las been planed at inter- est for five months. Petitions f1Oln voters in the electoral distribts of Bruce and lIuron for repeal of the Canada Temperance Act, now to force in these constituencies, have been received by rho Government last Taos - day. Idon. R. W. Scott, Q. C., on behalf of the temperance ratty, appeared before the Deputy Minister of Justice and argn. ed his objections to the petitions and evi- dence accompanying them. After J. A. Gommill, counsel for petitioners, had re- plied, the Deputy Minister took the mat- ter into consideration, Tho South Huron Co. Orange Lodge held their annual county meeting at Exe- ter, on Tuesday of last week. The fol- lowing are the oliicors for the touring toren :—County lvlaster, E. Floody, Clin- ton ; Deputy County Master, Wm. Min- ers, Elimvillo ; County Chaplain, Geo. Haley, Clinton; County Secretary, Wm. Sanders, Exeter ; County Treas., John Beacom, (lodorioh township ; Co. Dir. of Ceremonies, J. Tichbourno, Godericb ; Co. Lecturer, A. M. Todd, Clinton ; Co. Dept. Lecturers, Wm. Flack, Eippen, anal Francis Davis, jr., Centralia. Over 100 delegates were present. The next county lodge meeting will bo held in .L'xotor in February next. Tho next o only Orange celebration will be hold in Seafo tit the coming 1221,, On Saturday afternoon at 1 p, 01, thero was u Large gathering Int the Town Hall, Godericb, to witness the presentation yf modals to the captain and crow of the t,oderioh life boat from the American Government. On ilio morning of the 0111 of Peeembur, 1881, it was discovered that the American schooner A. 0. Maxwell, of Cleveland, laden with iron ore and bound from Lscauaua to Cleveland, was driven on the shoals a couple of miles south of Coderieb, where she lay helpless. with tho waves bo,,r4tng over her. Capt. Wm, Babb and the crew—Dan Melvor, Noll Meteor, Malcolm McDonald, John McDonald, John McLean and Thos. Finn --started for the wreck, and, after much difficulty, succeeded in saving the entire crow. Capt. Babb received a gold medal and each of his men a silver one. Tho American Conon) delivered the ad- dress of presentation. Tun Dmni Axn Braxo: —There were last year in attendance at the Ontario Institute for the deaf and dumb at Belle- ville, 864 pupils of whom 151 wer0 males and 118 females. Huron sent 15, being the second highest on tl10 list, ilio Coun- ty of York being the highest, it having furnished 21. The following are tido llamas of those sunt from this county : — Ellen Agnew. Blake ; Newton Black. Dungannon; Georga Engle, Cranbrook; Mary A. i ; aywood, Clinton ; James Hon- &erson, Ethel; llepolbath Haggard,Lundesbo'o' •, Henrietta Krause, Ciedit- nln ;. Mary E. 'McCulloch, Loadbury Lovilia 1 ottypiece, WVinglmm ; Mary 1'ettipiece, 1,Vinghanl ; Arthur Sparking, I(irlttol; Wm. H. Sparking, Rirlttun; John 1V, Sualldou, Cranbrock ; Nelson Wood, Exeter 1 Mmbei \V. Thonnp-on, Dungannon. A2 the 131ind In0titnl0 at Brantford thoro were 150 and of those 111e 00011ly of I1m'oit sent 4. Tito county of Huron have had 11 edueated at this institution sin0o 11 ope,od. W. T. Green, travolor for 51r111110re, Anclorsuu at Co., of London, was bore bright and early Wodnoselay morning on tiro still hunt for 5, man from Godericb district, who had skipped, leaving his (10111 in tho lurch. Tho mal had started on n drive this way T'uosdny morning about ti o'olook, A9 tho river c0,11d bo crossed out the iao down tho river a fele miles them was uoneiderablo territory to cover in order to catch him. The netvi0os of W. G. Harkness wa00 secured and an attach. mentor tho goods 5010111. About 6 p. m. Wednesday tt mad drovo into town with a load of goods and pub up at Bradley's stable, 11001110 warming hes hands after w cold drive, whoa tho goods were swoop- ed down on and mind. Tho man who camo with them had been hired to do so, and the skipper wag 011 the othor siclo of the river. Tho goods captured won sett. oral boxes of dry goods, JnclOtlposr Hark- ness, after malting the 00010/100 on the at. taa1menl writ, tanned them over to the Sheriff. They wore then stored in Clark's warehouse. T110401000 01 the town wont over the river, but do owner wouldn't gado, I1 is claimed that ho vamoosed owing about 67,000, $400 of it being to tho London frim. ITds name fa Dauiol 'Rutherford. .Sarnia Sun. .. ittron County -Notts, Stratford vital statistics for January Births 18, marriages 6, deaths;. Committal: 3ohit Butler, ofGod0rioh, hos 01. R. Hall, contractor, of Atwood, has rudiment bis pu10)11on at the Boad, the contract of supplying the (lean On Monthly at 7 p. m. tido private rod. Trunk itailvey with 111,11010 ta•), done.° 01 1,110 11,0350 a bock, ta03crs:, Salt- t �(1. t 51'1(1, bit etoeniiil 1 ,•,.rpxi,l f.... i c.. i s t1:, - 1 e11 ;in employee of 'I' i ,y± i (.y , r 1 ,',' >a.,.rnl vee:, 110,1 nun t!, Dower •U�uu.r(,u.t nt, of ZVr°srtur, las: :pined t , .. p thy tu•myill -be1011Mls by tlakingn lila (',lured'. t 11 Mary Gill "lir of - Wm. 1 oris 111 and wife, of the 1•)0,, l L t9 Number 82. Robert Jo o's R_evn +,t L,,,;,an, io away Rant ,ionto said in 11 late s 1•mou at to the Ola Country, 111umor 11+0 it that , Kanal(H Citt t11at 1110)1 are ..=0111alluheo had chi+ 10 to pips .110' trip and he, will r"tnru with a heb'untt'. Jacob 1i11011.0uelt, t,ha get with perje, y- lit the Srr it ford Division Court then tth,'r day, was sent for trial at tie assizes. Bail to the amount f '38,000 was octopi. It is rumored tit it Rev. Dr. Kilroy, of Stafford, will mob,bly 1i'• a1l' ,,ted 1" tho Iii hopl•ie of Hamilton 16. O. 1,', trio. rase, vacant by the death of 13isu0)1 Car. bory. Thu Salvation Army is to build a barracks et Stratford 111 the spring, and have innelue„& from .1, .1. Clark about 221,000 brick for that ptirp,0se. '1$e building wi 1 bo 185 feet in eirounlferenee, ur about (10 feet in di meter. At the annual cheese sleeting t,1 the Milvcrtcm f ,story titan was a Inge turn - nut of /Wrote; Thu folio -ring olli T1s were appnittto,2 • --Managing couunit4•r, Messrs. Pugh, Whaley, lit' tins and Doer. Mg 1 Treamrar, Jos. Brydon ; Salesman, D. McGillivray. Two boys, Sonnei 1uo1 Gcorgu (troy. who were last week charged at Stratford. With getting a load of hay from D. Now - all, of South Ea01hope, on false pretense we- a found guilty. Tho oldest will go to the reformatory for two years, and the youngest was admitted to bail under sus. pendod sentence, his future residence de- pending oa his good behavior. W. Fink. of Millbank, and Thos. Arm- strong, of Avonton, played 10 games of cheokers at Oalder's hotel, Stratford, to determine the championship of the coon. ty of Perth. Tho match was a spirited ono and some scientific playing was dole by both parties. Armstrong won the ohampionohip by two games. The fol- lowing is the score —Fink 6, Armstrong 7, draws 7. We notice that the High School Board has changed its night of meeting from Wednesday to Thursday. This change, we understand, has been made in order to allow the Board an opportunity to at- tend the Wednesday evening prays' meeting, which, it appears, they have neglected during the past few years. We 110pe tho chairman will sec that this resolution is strictly enforced. --Listowel 13 inner. The twenty-fonrtll annual meeting of the Perth Mutual Fir, Insurance Com- pany was held m the company's oiiioo, Stratford, on Woline0day of last week. The directors' report reilooted great credit upon the Lna$agemeut of ,1)0 com- pany. During the y ar 1887 2,312 pol- icies were issued orrenewod, insuring 6') - 502,001. Tito tool number of polices du force is 4,838 and tho total amount tat risk is 65,1'2.1,027, of which $3,680,062 is on non•hazardouo property, $085,410 on tnercantilo, and $150,-155 on special risks, showing an increase of 713 polioios, and in the amount of insurance, $805,108. A very favorable report was presented by. ths.secrotary treasurer at the annual meeting of the Stratford Plata Glues As- s ,ciation, which was held in the mayor's offico on Tuesday of last sock. It show- ed that during the year only two mall breakages oeonrred, costing the associa- tion $11.08, less $0 received for broken glass sold, which i0 at the low rate of about one-half a cent per foot. five more gontlomon have joined the assool11. tion since 2886. The total number of feet at present insured by the association is 6,1013. There is a balance in the trea- sury of 67.04. Henry Gibson was ro-ap. pointed secretary -treasurer, and Thos. Orr and J. M. Fraser sero appoiute3 11 business oommitteo for tho p0os1ut yenr, L. O. L.—Tho an11na1 meeting of Son1h Perth County L. G. L. was hold in the Tomperaneo Hall, Mitchell, on 'Tuesday of last week. A largo number of Orau5u• mon were present, every bodgo in the County being fully represonted. After tho usual tontine business had been Iran saeled, tho following officers 1ve,o elected for the ensuing year :—Bro. 1R. Berry, Blanshard, Go. Master ; Br .. Wm. White, Mitchell, Deputy Co, Master ; Bro. John Summorvilis, Kirkton Recording Socro- tary ; Bro. D. Dunnage, Kirkton, Tin, Sec'y ; Bro. It. Switzer, Anderson 1'. 0., Chap. ; Bro. Robinson, Kirkton, Traits mer ; 13ro, J. B. 11'atson, D. G. ; Bro. John L,aukastor, Co. Lecturer. It was deaided to hold the annual celebration in clic tenon of 141, ltlarys on the 12111 of 31). ly, 1688. Tho noxi County mooting will bo Auld in the city of Stratford. Goo,uex•atl 'Violent snowstorms have visited Ans. trim and Turkey'. Tho Russian Ctnvornnlott have been unable to float t11odr ln'ovosed loan. Chang, the famous Chines° giant, has set up in Shanghai as a tea broker. 411 extensivo agrarian 1110001110111 has been discovorod in Southern Russia. Six months' labor of a Missouri vag. rant was sold at emotion for 85 cents the other day, Duncan 0. Ross and Capt. Daly oxo an. tug their mounted sword hippodrome in Now Orleans. Wadlmeo Rosa defeated 13nboar itloncday on the Thamos course for tho champion- ship of England. Several sacks containing dynamito lave boon discovered hidden in a field near 1?rooeburg, %Iuugary. Profossor Francis L. Patton Imo been chosen Prosidolt of Princoton-Collage, in succession to Rev. Dr. ilfoCosh. Dotroit p oople complain of finding liz• arcus in thaw thinking water. Mrs. C. Aolcornlar. of ono in her tea )tette. The deaths from smallpox in Havana, Cuba, last month were 180, and in De- oembor 200. Phase represent '2,000 CO000. Amin, Christie]. has given up (iraco- ll nn n w rr,tlit r told returned I t , his to drink to aid .J1,,•41 111, ami that bad biscuit naokers are 111e a.lies of the devil. 'Ther/: aro 50 widow's In Ni,' Yolk City with fnrtuuru ranging front 61.,0(10,000, but the unmul rigid 1111,11 clnitn that they fail to talto advantage of their leap year privileges. Chicago talks of transporting the fam- ''us !ribby Prison from Richmond, Va., to that city, in 00e1imle lir tail, when it will be newt. as a museum Vs. war relics. l.'bo aetetp0l-et will cost abnat $200,000. )tis cstimatod tint in order to be able to wear 1411 hie d,'coratiouO not nr'Iles at one time Prince 13ism,troll would require a breast thirty feet in breadth. Their weight amount( to a little oVer forty poupb), n, tie ate. u. - t l10r010.11 A 11 a i t 'touts in td. 1 bol t i one if 3 OW. 00 f marks for theo.ttt•noiot of the (i!. nota, telonh'ne 000(0m in Bodin. ?.11 tie , hu;tra tel phone wires wilt be put Medina gruun,l during the year. A derrick, engine awl other mael dnory used in the construction of an elevated railway at Brooklyn, N. Y.. Tuesday collapsed and fell on a street car passing below. Four people were killed and fif- teen injured. John Teemer says that he now claims the title of champion oarsman of the world and will go to England next sum- mer to defend the title. Ho says that the oarsmen will leave Florida for the North early in March. Stag Island, on the St. Clair River, a short distance below Sarnia, is 11 be turned into n summnr raeort with a $80,- 000 hotel, N. and 13. Mills, of YIarys- ville, and II. McMarran, of Port Huron, are among the promoters of the enter- prise. Tho telephone. is expected to work be- tween Paris and Marseilles on tho lst of July. The wire will be of bronze, and will be underground no far as Nogout-eur- Marne, 101'•00 it will•join ilio railway telegraph line. The diatoms is 500 miles. A non -speaking telephone is exhibited in Pittsburgh. A 00110101w3 plate presses against the larynx and glands of the neck, and, as the jaws aro moved in con- versation, rho diction sends the words along the wire as distinctly it the tele- phone now in use. A lectu. er ori hyg enc says that to go without an ov0 coat in foolhardy', because the frame is w,akonerl, and glen comes bronchitis and pneumonia. 1::ary one who can afford it sh011(1 follow the Duke of Wellington, who had thirteen over. coats, pinked out the right ono every day, and lived to he 81 years old. Asingle scull race took place on Fri- day in Charlotte harbor, Wable, Fla.. for 61,000 and the championship of Am- erica. The rowers were John 'roomer, of Pittsburg ; Albert Mourn, of Melton ; and John Mcliay, of Halifax, N.S. Teeni- er wadi in 20:01 ; McTCay, second, 20:08 ; and Hamm last, '20:10. A man who wa0 arrested in Omaha the other night for begging worn five pairs of trousers, three vrsts, throo coats. three shirts, and had three hate, two of them being in his paokots. Besides the hats his many p001451s contained n flair of minstrel "bones,” several harmonicas, a lot of Salvation Army, Grand Army of the Republic, and other badges, 111151ish and Trish flags, fishhooks, photographs, darning noodles, can openers. scissors, books, and several carefully tied p tokages which were not examilted. Chris. Hoelcher, a butcher, of St. Louis. is lying in a 0ritiea3 condition from tate affects of injuries he reeoivo,l on Saturday last hrs., tight with 0 largo Nowfoundlau,l ring he kept in his yard. The dog tore his mast,r`a broad and 01)100 until the pail 01111 loss 0" blood. weakened hint so that he oould not atantl, and ho fell at the 1000105 of the infuriated beast. Mrs. Iloe cher than canto fon-towel and placed a knife in her husband'. hand, with wb1011 110 snceeeded in (tilling rho animal. 1-Ioelehor cannot recover. Ceeua,cti:axl Ne'vvs. ' The coming salmon season is expected to develop See, 11 new caenerieS -11.1 Al- aokm. Warden Maeltonzio, of 1, lnbtol. has given his salary, $100. for the 1 anent of the 1100' of Sarnia, and itis 11,ingh:u,dled by the Ladies' Aid. The Manitoba Govrrnmeut ha, leased 28 box cars of the Red River Valley road to the Manitoba S North.0'estern; to help to relieve 1110 pres0111 grain block- ade. ThoGoverclm'.ut get$1h)0 per unal2h for the oars. Thos. McLean, dry- goodie tn0r11baut. Brantford, through his 00ii0itues, ha0 -eltarod 1)011011 for libel against the To- ronto News for having reported that he had suspend d payment, which is wholly without fou udmtnou. Applioation will be rondo to Par!ianot next 00001011 for an Act to ineorpnrato a2 joint stook company to construct a win- ter railway bridge morons the river De- troit, from Windsor to Dotroit, at snob. point as may be found most suitabto and convenient. h.tonday afternoon last a tvildeat cnter- od the barnyard of. Hugh Sproule, Ainar- antt, and, upon being chaeml, rag into a log sheep stabla. Mr. Sproul,• locked bis oatsllip up and waited for the bold to rondo home, • when ho w all 01100, The brute naasared;l ft. -1 in. from tiro point of his hose to tla tip of his tail, acid waits 1 ft. 10 in. high. He wits very 51 11t - indeed ho must have beau very lit nl„ry to 001111)10 nn ouch a foraging. expedition in bread daylight, Tho (.11.015 Enterprise had tlo L11• lowing in a 1,10011) issue : sl, mal in t.ht township n£ Moron, by rho name of Alex- ander, had a h00so 010 1000011V with a vert , .n.;o. complaint. Itnitresr; that 1110r0 ll le,.LL.f.a�r1.`, LL 100,1 yeeLbua p",., ,. .11 )10•; 4u.,. .:. i. ,"tiro ., In;t 'v, : ,' 111 11inr1.1( rt 1,5 , it -, fork 1,e"islatnte has granted death. for $l1). ILA !k,,v "w.c."•l e.l0r0e The Now g the nso of luta' Assembly C/hntnb lr mt :id- could not b" checked, and tho other day bony for a 1031111)1)1 sntfrngo 110111ng 41u it died. '1'110 earcaes was opened a13 a. partner 111 Miss 1. <" , ('lilr0ss. 2'0utat 1 rCdaytea.tp (111 1110 11 1110)11' recant. l"ehl'uary 15. 111)2.14,1 throe lea laps; w•,L1 Ecom in the 11Lr3 Morley 110,4 routed the Crum! ly :',ou nted with t WO uiesy oldies by 111,, l'rinvo William of Pentad -1 n t a polite throat, whilo the. body contained. still (Tilton 12, ') I4 Clinton to a young than mmu10ra 0@ Ole congregation. :tit. Lon. diunl'r /11th ;111 fitly r,pndiate 1 rho tlhirst. another raptide. Tito pochr, horse mold froY •i 1 1 • has hotel Sc,, .Picks, for tli' past. ter wav-that, Imo 11:+81 tn,p11tc1 to hint by, 111111aldsfy' flu appetite, and would cat I) 1 'Mar 1,, trim take; pnssrssu n fire 1 tad 1st of 'March. 25 5e111.4, a, section of 1110 publi,1, i ahn°.a 111101111115 o1 hof.,re it.