The Brussels Post, 1893-12-29, Page 8tea Xmas boa we pUOpo90 giving a ik to all who read this advertisement 1 buynob less than 25o. of our holiday fano goods, tri of g , � s. `lues OOm e 0 Ms. 9 Y, homy 1 los, cups and saucers, chinaware, wall, cos, dressing oaths, books, bibles,; nine, xmas oarde,, bookiote, &c. The, Or which we purpose giving you is one A, L. O, E's. beet works. The con'. its of it when in cloth of bettor binding t from 89 to 76 dente :soh. It is a Sk that every one should be the batter reading. It is a book for ilio yoniiig as Il (to the old and its oiroulatiopf' meet good. We look for a three fglel blessing we expeot it to advertise/and increase bushiest] also, The,pabliehersays ;- ou-"tri}..:e_nlcy "reMeng it ; every one 591 old and yetiug, Are you a ohm. in for the right a °bosen.knight of the ing? May this prove a helpful book to .0 in the fight. Aro you not a Knight the King ? May this book lead yon to roma one and nerve you for the fight." hen making your purobases you moat elation this book if you wish, it. G. A. DT3,ADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 6oDr &ERN EXTENSION W. G. & E. rains 10a•Oc Brueselo Station, North d South, as follows GOING 800TE, GOING Norm. 11 8:54 a.m. I Mixed 9:40 a.m. edSa..... 9 00 p.ri.. Express.....•• 8:48 p.m, THE BRUSSELS POST oantaand Grey 0110990 factory an. Mumble NOMINATIONS. -The attend- al meeting in Ceunoil Chamber, Brae- anon last Friday at the nomination mea- ls, on Friday afternoon of tine week. ing in the Town hall was not largo, ON Friday evening of this week W.10, During the hour W. II. Kerr was nom• ar d Mrs, Steweet o3lobrate the 26tH an• inated for Roovo and there being no other orealy Of thou marriage, at .their reel. nomination o was declaredelected by Albert street, acclamation. For Coe noillore the names J. M, Seermx, photographer, of Stmt. of W H Af 0 ken 11,Graham John ford, has leaaod the gotlory in the Smith Block, Mongols, and moved a portion 01 his eutflt in this week. Solis of Scotland oonoert .in Brnasois on Friday, Janeary 20611, Miss Jessie Alexander, the celebrated elocutionist, and W. 111. Ramsay, eliminator vooallst, are on the program. J'osurn BUNION won the thanks (and a dine or two) 0f more than ono family on Ohrietmas day by a sidewalk oloaniug bee bo insbibated. Ile removed the ice along several bloolce. Joe is to hustler to work. Mao. B. Donne picked a bouquet of beautiful pansies and daisies in her father's garden on Cbaistmas day and presented them to the editor of Tum Pos0. This is not a common occurrence in this Norbhern climate.. CHINA Wei n1N0.-Last Saturday Councillor W. H. MoOraokon and wife attended the ohina wadding of Robert Disney and , wife at Hanover. They speutOhrietmae at the home of T. G. McCracken, Barrieton. Bonolle.-We are pleased to notice that A.. I. McColl came off with 1st glass honors at, the reoent examination in the Ontario College of Pharmeoy. He will retain to Toronto early next month to complete his course. We prediob that Mr, lilnOoll will take a high rank in hie work. IT is stated that a Mr. Moore, a vet- erinary surgeon, has decided. to locate in town and will open an office at Beattie Bros. livery barn. Mr, Moore is a Mother to James Moore, teacher at Shine's school, and has been for the poet two years at Chatham, He'a a married man. THIS week several of our townspeople have interested themselves in securing & Christmas gift for Daniel Denman and wife who were recently burned out, losing nearly all their earthly possessions. Up- warde of $25 has been oolleoted and the Reeve will gladly receive donations from persons who have not,been seen. THE Goderioh Star says :-Tee pro- prietor of TEE Banning Paso has decided to abolish the credit system aa far as possible in his business, and will require all accounts for job work and advertising to be paid monthly, oommenoing Janu- ary let next. Good act 1 Everyone in business would profit by following bis example. Dien. --Last Friday Vanetta, infant daughter of James and Emma Duuford, Clinton, died after a brief illness of a few hours. She was 8 months and. '22 days of age. The body was brought to Bras. sale on Saturday evening for interment and the funeral took place on Sunday afternoon. Rev. W. G. Reilly conducted the service. Wirka might have been a fatal shooting accident occurred at the home of D. Frain one night last week, while he was away at Wingham. A young boy, who 'delivers milk and carries a revolver, name with the lacteal fluid and gave the ohild. ren an exhibition with hie revolver, shooting himself through the band. The ball lodged in the oorner of Paddy Frain's eye, Paddy of "Telegram" fame. Jori�1. esu 'gems, A bhieYs anfang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it Nnxo Monday will usher in 1894. AonxxxoNAri district news on page 8. HMV New Year to all our readers. READ Sflae Ganderfoot's latter on page 1 of this isene. vjnAL members of Brussels Gun had a practice shoot on Gliriefmas. vpne, of Wingham, wsi in town looking at Jerseys abook,belong- Deadman 'Viugheon on ah Clench, e for. elatives atmlie 1894 ,±last be new ere in u - r• ceased, ' (y take -obeen 4p'ra, n He v5' y 1 in of ool- as- int to total handed folk and ork Ion' pre- ,tvere nted ant. gar. and other illaa , oerteon ne next Court. i istion: I,.st Sanday of etnoon lit addresses were given . at the Tem eranoe meetingin th Town eAdam Good and Brrister Blair. thodisb church choir lead in' the service, Next Sunday afb&.rnoon tely oonolude the series fir the Addresses are expeoted, frotn try ' and other load ensnarers. hould be a good rally. Silvar col - lo meet expellees, week the new water tank was ad on Friday Roves without water. tination it was discovered that supposed to be. a subterranean 1lune through that looaliby and sot heavy rains bad damaged the of the -tank, Ott, Monday the ed up again without any .pump• as now oonsiderablo water in it. will be done With it not yob good job was done in build• and it was expeobotl to X11 STAND,4R.n . 4,Ar 01? C4711'41)4, :)4, O✓ 5T.a.23TJ',LG0-x la: x.67 m. HEAP OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) 02,000,000 Wynn S wimp . Vanotono, R. dfoxtoios im all prirtolpa"Gpointts in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States c6 England, Williams, John li, Smith, B. Gerry and John D. Ronald ware mentioned. The two latter withdrew et the meeting and> Moors. Smith, Wynn anis Vmistone 111 likewise on 'Saturday, thereby eleoting Messrs, McCracken, Graham, Wilton and Williams without opposition. For school trustees Dr. McKelvey, A. hunter, J. N. Kendall and D. C. Ross were proposed. Mr. Rosa retired and the other three gentlemen take their sate by acclama- tion, J. D. Ronald attempted to 'create a little amusement by nominating James Irwin after the hour was up and theeab. enad to appeal against the Returning Officer's decision, John Grewar was voted to the chair and short spoeohee were given by Messrs. Vanetone, Mo. Oraoken, Kerr, Wynn, Graham, Ross and Kendall. Mr. Ronald addressed the meeting at oom0 length on the Howe woolen mill case and proved by his speech that the oourse adopted by the Cloonan bad been ratified by the Court. TEE Sroa.-Among those who have been or are now on the sick Hat in town are the following :-H. Dennis and lIorbie ; Miss FS. E. Kerr ; Freddie Gil- pin ; Geo. Howe; Robt. Armstrong an& Willie ; Rev. S. Jones ; Mrs. Ino. Shaw and Miss Bate Shaw ; F F. S. Soott and family ; Mies Bella and Artie Irwin ; Mrs. Jae. Walker and children ; A. M. McKay ; Stanley Pepper ; John Scott and family ; Mrs. R. L. Taylor ; Mise Easton ; Mrs. James Blashill ; Mrs. H. Dennis. A. F..2 A.. M.= -The following officers were installed for the emitting term, in 000nection with St John's Lodge, No. 284, Brussels, on Wednesday evening of this week :- afternoon ;oats Sun.. home, she preppented oho 8f the d the sub. Ward r "bre of g4easnre lntereot ab this you to olaag as ing you y Now 0059. er bho .a nom. Jas. T. Rose, W. M. ; Harry James, S. W. ; A. Consley, J. W. ; S. Wilton, S. D. ; George Halliday, J. D. ; Richard Williamo, I. G. J Y. S. Kirk, Tyler ; john Shaw, I3,eoretary ; Thomas Pletcher, Treasurer ; A. C. Dames, t;ast Master ; Jno. Ament and Jno. Ferguson, Auditors ; P. J. Bishop, S. S. ; Jno. Ferguson, J. S.; Business Locals. WANTED in trade for barneos two loads of good bay. I. C. Riohards. GALLERr openall day New Year's. I1..3. Strong, Photographer. Minnow cow for sale or will exobange for new calved cow. Apply to A. Booing, Brussels. Go to the old reliable studio for excep. tioually One photos. H. J. Strong, Photographer. TIE balance of my fur coats at coat. Nob price on one Cnnadian coon, 988 00 ; blank Western buffalo, 828.00. I. C. Richards. ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what suite them at A. M. McKay & Co's. hardware store Brussels. Axe one wishing to get a now saw filing stand, I think can be suited by T. MoGregor, of Brussels, Ont. luny be seen at McKay & Co's. hardware store. MRS. MoOnAE has moved from Mrs. Pearson's to the house formally occupied by Wm. Cornish, where she is prepared to attend to the wants of the public in the oarpet weaving line. Tn Tn1 Punr io.-You will please accept toritnnits 91" your patronage during past year and we promise you during 1894 to supply you with the very latest styles in photos at reasonable living prices. H. J. Strong, Photographer. WELL -DIGGING AND Daonmxxo.-George Birt has all the neoessary machinery for digging and drilling walls and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to Lim in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells gleaned out and put in "proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence e000nd door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., l3 russels. 34.11 Or INTEREST TO BDPTUosD PERSONS. - Our readers who are ruptured, or pareube having children so afflicted should make a note of,the visit of the Toronto Rupture' Speoialist to Seaforth, Queon'a Hotel, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Don't miss this chance to get relief as it will be his last visit until Summer. 22 8 BELIEF IN Sox House. -Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas- sages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this is your remedy, Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. C. 0. F. -For the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, ,T7o. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in• itiation fee being reduogo1 duringthat time. As this is one of 'the leading In. thrones and Beneficiary Sooiebies in the oountey people should take advantage of this€effer. For full information ap- ply. p- p to A. REM, O. R. ; A. KosNiG, F. S. ; W. BLAeilrrL, Treas. P1 SW.14otS DiOadr r.1ly A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT' Interest allowed on dsposite'of 111,00 and upwards from date of deposit to Hato of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPEorAL ATTENTION. GIVEN TO Tao COL'LEO''ION. OF 1i'Antlsae' ,SALE NOTES. Every faoiliby afforded Customers living at a distance. I. A. STEWART, MAgA0En. GILLIE5 SMITE, B•�-a�.I�` S, 3E3 IR, V S S Ia S' , Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTIiS AND MORTGAGES A SPEOIALTY. The Lodge is iiia prosperous condition. A Goon u,1.14 DIEM. -Sunday morning the spirit of W. R. Wilson, a well known and highly respeoted resident of Brus- sels for the past 26 years, took its flight. Mr. Wilson was born in Leslie, Perth- shire, Sootlaud, .in the year 1824 and oane to Canada in 1848, Four years after lis was united sn marriage to Miss Jennie Young, who proved herself to be a true helpmeet along the -journey of life. The eaineot of this notice lived at Mont. real and vieiniby for a time aid then came Westward to Roxboro' where he resided for several years, then moved to Bruseelg. He was a blacksmith by trade but be carried on a Targe foundry and machine shop for many years, the build- ings being consumed bybite a few years ago. The oitizene of Brussels, honored him with various terms of office at both the Council Board aid Sohool Board andwhatever position be occupied he alwaye did his work well. Melville (Presbyterian) ohnroh lost a valued and faithful member wbon 210. Wilson died, Le an Elder and Sunday sobool. Superin• tendeut he faithfully diaoherged his duties and was always at his poet. Five. years ago hs took ill with a disease of the nervous system and from that date he has boon an invalid requiring nearly constant atbondanee for several years. Mrs. Wilson and ten obildr011 survive him. They are James A., Mioliidan ; Mrs. Morrison, London ; Mrs. Grant, Great Falls, Montana ; William 0., Dakota ; Jehn. A,, Northweet`; Alex., 1'ortage•la•Prairie, Man, ; .Robert., Wing' ham ; David, Northwest ; Lizzie, A1110. ton ; and Kate, Brueeals. The officers and teachers of Melville Sunday school sent a beautiful floral anchor for the aaeket. Owing to the illness of Rsv, J. Ross, B. A., Rev, D, Millar, Knox church, oonduotsd the Serv100 on Tuesday after- noon. The six pall bearera were Elders fn Molvill0 obttroh, viz.; -A. Stewart, (Queen street,) Duncan McLaughlin, Jas. Mitchell, Hugh Forsyth, A, Stewart, (Grey) and A. M. Mois'.ay., Mrs, Wilson awl family are deeply sympathised with in their beeeneem0nt, aarravcis Same: REPateTairsaWT. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. '509 effect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Conipinties, or In lint. nail Coniiieiiieaas may no desired. • AGENTS Bon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : Toto CANADIAN BANK of Coatronon. A Gonne Ooeen.-The Globe of Toron• to is offering great indbooments in con- nection with their weekly for 1804. To all subsoribers who forward them one dollar by the and of Deo. next, they will send The weekly Globe for 1894, and, in addition, present them with a copy of "Hints for the Million," published by Messrs. Rand, McNally & Co., the cele,. braised publishers of Chicago and :New York. This work is an invaluable book of reference and bandy for the household, beingd compendium of thoueaude of new and valuable recipes and suggestions on hygiene, medicine, business affairs,. travelling, the workshop, laboratory, bowie, kitohen, garden, stable, eta. The regularselling price is 35o. ; ib is worth one dollar. rims NOTiOns. useful to 00 inquisitive and esouomi. cal honaskeeiier,-Now York Sun. A book wind; will be found useful by everybody, -Boston Traveller, A. very useful thing for a' bandy per. soh. --New Orleans Pisayun0. The "Hints" are comprehensive enough and the wonder is they are nob called a "Household Enoyoloped a."- OinoinOati Oatnmeroial Gazette. Moro useful information (Mold not well be crowded in the shine space. -San Franoieao Bulletin, No well regulated household should be without a copy of "Hints for the. Mil• lion. -Spirit' of the Times. It ie it wonderfully oompaot form a vast amount of information.--Manohes- tee Union; The book will be forwarded free of post- age. The offer is a mash liberal doe and should seeure a large 105110455 in the cir- culation of that old established and ex- cellent newspaper. Tun most stylish Christmas present is a photograph when naturally and artist;. eally made, so by leaving your measure at Btrong's studio you will be more than pleased with the remit. TT A M2.1zaa. 11.1111-MAnsEALL.-At the residence of the bride's parents', Morris, on the 26th inst., by Rev. Geo. Boggin, of Blyth, Mr. Jas. Bath, of East Wa. =nosh, to Miss Kate, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. Marshall Guesnott-RANK.-Ab Cranbruok on Christmas day, at the reeidenoo of the bride's mother, by the Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Robert Cameron, 09 the town of Reinbeok, Iowa, U. S.,. to Mise Sarah Ann Bann. Prsnor-RIa11ARnsot.-At the residence of the bride's father, on December. 201h, by Bev. A. D. MoDonald, D. D., Mr. John Piercy, to Mies Eliza- beth Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Robb. Richardson, all of Soaforth. ALLEN-FnrENDenrr.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Wingbam, on Deoember 27111, by Rev. B. 8ellery, B. D., Mr. Harry Allen, to Mies Minta, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Friendship, ail of Wingham. axaa_ Wm'otri In 13russels, on Deo 24th, William R. Wilson, aged 08 years, 8 mouths and 4 clays. MCLAuoiLiN.-In Grey, on Tuesday, December 26th, Thomas D., eldest son of Dunoan MoLaueltlin, aged 28 years, 1 monbh and 5 days. Jae. Ila Kincardine, on Sunday, Deo. 2401, 1898, Margaret, beloved wife of Wm. Kay, aged 60 years and 0 days. DONFooD.-Io Olinton, on Friday, Deo. 22nd, Vanetta, infant daughter of James sod Emma Dunford, aged 6 months and 22 days. meowed-83>=7x,m M1Ym=ones i. Fall Wheat _ 55 Spring Wheat 52 Barley..... 88 Peas.. .. 50 Oats 28 Butter, tubs and rolls17 logge per dozen 16 Flour per barrel 8 00 Potatoes 40 Hay penton.... .... 4 00 Salt par bbl., retail...... 1 00 Bides trimmed Hides rough Sheep skins, each Lamb skins eaoh Apples per bbl.. Wool Pork 56 55 36 51 29 18 00 3 90 00 00 00 40 65 5n 70 1 00 1 60 17 18 '600 026 DHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS FOR SA/.11.-We have albums from 80o. up• wards. .A large plush album for Cabinets only 900. Latest designs in oak and plash, Don't mise them. G. A, ISEADMAN, Druggist, 000010550180,10. DEC. 28, 1898 F 0 I3. t..f.) CHIMISTIVAS i PPIESHNTS G O T O s'»@-_.. VTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the villageofljithel, belonging to the rotate of the lobe Dr. Colo. For .full 1 articelars as to price. terms, 10. Apply to 30.800010000, label. ELIGIBLE 15POPERTY FOR Baas. - The subscriber offers isle 5.0009,a plot, located immediately north of Ament Bros, factory, for sale, He will also dispbso of his residence on aha opposite side of the street. For further particulars, ae. to price, tai ms, etc., apply to ALEX. MotATJORLIN, 24.4 Proprietor, Brussels. ANNUAL MEETING. -THE Annual meeting of the Brussels Driv- ing Park Aesooiatiou melba electionof offi- cers, the receivingof thereport of the Directors for the past year and such other 'mines enmity be lawfully brought before the meeting, will be held in the council Chamber, on Wednesday evening, January 15110, teat, at 8 o'clock. 0.0,800010, So,retary. PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T�{ L, TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .A.4• Solicitor and Conveyancer.. Cellos - tone made. Olilee-Vanstons's Block, Brus- sels. 21-8m N•�T M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer. Notory Pub- lic, &0. Odlc,t-V austone's Block 1 door north of Central Rotel, Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Baroistore, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Oodcxioh, Ont. E. 0. GA3E11t011, Q. 0., minor rtor.m, 13000.E0 00LMEs. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Ga1'row Proudfoot's- Oflioe, Godorioh.) Oillee oy Gilboa & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan, 47 MEDICAL CARDS. T A.. MONAUGJITON 1. D. eJ • 0.111„ b. B. C. P., kldinbb,,, rgk,' M. C. P. S. Ont. Bosidenbe and office in:Wilson's 13100k, corner of Mall and 9.!ep •'Kerry Sts. T M. ARMSTR02'G, M. D. eJ • PitvsioGiu, surg'ooa, Aoaouaher, etc, Graduate of Toronto Intvereity Medical • Faculty. Member of&allege of Physicians ,e and Surgeons, Out. Oman -Next door to McDonald & 00,, Walton Out. '6T OOD WANTED. -TENDERS YV Will be received until January 11, 1804,for the delivery of 00 (lords ofodd, sound, green, "hard wood, B 000h and Maple all body wood. 24 in°hes long, to be delivered at the Brussels Public School House before the 1st day' of March, 1804. 13,,R085, 22.2 Secretary Public SohoolBoard, 73ruseels, Dec. 1114.1, 1808, •IENDEI1S WANTED. -TEN-. • -L. Duns 91111 bo received by the under- signed up to Saturday, 80th day of Decem- ber, 1808, for all the Oarpenter work required in the erection and completion of a 11 story brick dwelling 20x80 feet with kitchen same size. For plans, speeidoations and other. information apply' onLotll, Oon. 0, Morris or address Sunshine P. 0, 00.8 WM. MI0&IE, N.B.-The lowest or any tender not 1.155- esSarliy accepted. TonoliTo, Deo. 20. -Flour - Straight roller, 92,75 to 92.80 ; extra, 92.50 to 92.76. Wheat -White, 56o ; spring, Na. 2, 57o ; red winter, 540 ;.goose, 54o ; No 1 Manitoba hard, 72o ; No 2, 70o ; No 8, 06o. Peas -No 2, 55a to 5590. Barley- No 1, 410 ; feed,, 36e to 873o. Oats -No 2, 20ic, to 80o.' Market quint. Soles Strnighb roller flour at 92.75. Toronto freights. Peas outside at 51o. Oats out- side 80o. EMT BDFTAT.O, N. Y., Deo, 26. -Yester- day 80 oars on sale ; firmer and slightly higher. Bost cattle wore gold to Toronto buyers at 95 to 85,60, with good to choice ethers 94.60 to 94.00, Today only six oarson hale. Boston buyers took the best, 1,225 to 1,800.111 cattle, at $3.00,to 94. Sheep and lambs -Yesterday only 80 oars on sale -Primo iambs 100 higher. $olsot Canades sold 94,55 to $4.09 ; Can. ada sheep 98.25 to 98.75. Today 8 oars held over ; and 4 Dare fresh offerings in- cluded 3 ORM Oanadae. Native lambe sold $4.85 to 94,40 ; Oanndas, 94.60. Market dull but fairly flim, with little prospect of improvement until next week. Hogs -Seventy five oars on gala yester. day and the market was stronger, but much of the stook came in lata, and 20 cars want over ; to -day's receipts wore. only 11 dare, malting 81 oars 011 sale more native for Yorkers, selling' early at 95,86, and later at 95.40 to 95.45 ; pack. ing grader' dull, gelling at 165,80 to 95.85, and most sellers asking 95,40. 00omoloo . PLntx,-Iii Brussels, on Deeembor 28th, the wife of Ur. 8emuel Plum of a son, Amssq.-In brussels, on Dori, 20111, the. wife of Mr, P Amotit of a daughter, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. REAL ESTATE. g'1ARMS FOR"SALE.-TUE UN. 3� DEMMEEED has several good Forme f or sale and bo rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 9, SOOTT,Brussels. ,DENTAL. 1) E1V I.4 T I • M. GAVANAGH, L• D 6„ D. D. S., Gradnatb of tiro Royal College of Dental Surgean0, Ontario, and of Toronto Mil - varsity. Orman -Over A. R. Smith's Store, Broeso,e, /"1HOIOR FARM FOR SALE. - Being South half ;Lot 27, con. 0, Moils, s, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good 10011 1093, tine youngbearing orchard. Immediate p?,sr soesion. usy Tor 3V.M.8pINCLAIR, 1= tf- 8011001er, 50., Brussels:_ el OR 12 HORSE POWER EN. 1. 01011 and boiler for sale, second band,, hi firet-olase retailing order. Apply to J. 00001111, Ethel, PIANO FOR SALE -UPRIGHT, Dunham matte ; good es new; Olean, Italy tonna, Apply' is A, 0. CORMACII, BrUssela, [ BKEDP]]R WANTED.- �o rs Fatally otfeu', ynmtpttn t4 yaara bt ago. Apply to D, GLo�98Uon.13r ttrey, Box 222,13 mallets P, 0. ARM FOR SALE, -BEING 71' North Lob 80 sad North Haat 9 20, Con. 4, Morrie, being 180 Marla and known as 160 Sample roe of laud 3 h tee Townsh the y beFair buildings and fences and good orchard. Only 2 miles from Brussels. Must be sold this winter. For further information apply to P. 9. SCOTT, Brussels, or to . JOIN E. SMITH. Box 217. Brandon, Manitoba. AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- s tend sales of farms, farm stook, 10. Terms cheerfully given. 0ranhrook P. O. Sales' may be arranged at TED Posm Publishing Hoose, Brnasois. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ad on reasonable terms. Farms anil larxn stook a specialty. Orders left at Trio Poem P ubli ohingBouse, Bru esols, or sentto Walton P. 0,, will receive prompt attention, • HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN+ • 511 as an Auctioneer, Iam prepared. to oondnot sales of farm stook at . reasonable prices. Enowing the standing of marry • every person 2 am iu a position to sell to •' good marks and get good security when'sold on018,111. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give mea call. 52- r 8. SCOTT.. BEING FOR AR M SALE, i 'i town- ship. 0 11- �. North t of Lot contains s 10100 earea, s w ofwl Tao are cod, balance nc moos, about 70 of which ore alis house, good bank barn, Tnere ,,n oomfOOtaUle house, good horde,11 due. orchard, &d, on the premises. ulto fano is all ended down. 0Possession0bhoa'pe could bo gsvto at any Limo. For further tarWoalars as to price, terms, &o, apply to 1ho Proprietor- on the promises, or Walton, .00ALL0. V• 02.4 200ACRE FAR1N1"FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm being lots 11 and 12, con. 10, Grey, ls.oOorotl for 0510. 120 aoroa are eloarod and the holmium well tim- bered.. Buildings first alaeR. Orchard, well, &o, School house within 40 rode. Posses• tion given at onoe if desired. For further peotiaulare as to pries terms, 1o, apply. to. blli8. WAL5014, or 8-11 SON BRIO0EB, on far m � 1119 P. O, BUSINESS CARDS. MoCRAOKEN; VV Iseuror of Marriage Licenses. Office otitis Grooery, Turnberry etreet,-Brussels, .(FARM FOR SALE.-THE mnnsleNEn afore his splendid 125 imm, being Lot and west pert Lot 0,con, 0, Grey, for nide. There are 1101150es cleared, balauoe timbered. Two dwelling houses, bank barns, good orchard, well fenced. A never failiugspring on the pleeo., Posses- sion given any ttmo. .The subsornbor also. offers for sale a dwelling house, Amble and 8 mores of land in the corporation of Bru0sols, The hens° and garden ,would bo rented for a short time if not sold, Hard 040 soli water. Fol nrioos,-forme and further particulars apply to JOHN SMITH, Proprietor. 4 Mf neueselO P, O. VETERINARY. 1110 N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artieis Shop -Next oe•o south of A. M. Molloy & 00'0 harclwaxasta,,d.."1s •-" Ladios'and childron hair -Gutting a sp o5lalt3' AbfoNAIR, • IBearer of Marriage Lico1Oes, by. appointment of ILieixt,•Govornor, °Cadmic. stoner, le.,Q.B. oonveyaneor and Agent Fire Insurance 0o. Otnoe 4bOthe Orllr&rooli Post Office. T 0, WARWICK, ey • Honer Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary0011ege, 10 prepared to treat all d150500a of d'omo0tioated animate in it Dom' petted manner. Partionlar atbentlou paid to veterinary dentistry, Calls prometly at. touded to. °Oleo and Infirmary -Two doors. north of bridge 'l uroberry st„ Brussels, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1175011 00011, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. LEX. HUNTER,:• rJ. clerk of the Fourth Division court 00. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Bublio Land Loan and Insurnnco Await. •`9'mi8s invested and to loan. Oolleotiews shade. 01108 in Graham's Blook, Brussels, TA. HAWKI11 S, M. 0. S. M. • Organist in Ob. Sohu O''Ohuroh, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art 01Toaahiogg .of A. W.Thaver, blue. lloa„19;ow York, will give . lessons to pupils elutes at eek parlor, over A.R. Smith's store, or if proferred, at their own homes.. Monday, 'Tuesday, and Wednesday at Walton. Terme moderato. SOAR FOR > SERVIOE.-THE uudot'eignod will keep for service at North Halt Got 20, Con, 7, Morrie,111 0 There' Mod Chaster White Boar 'Dahanee,"! for service. 1Os-,vas bred by Daniel Decour soy',-. Bornholm, Perth Co., and is, from' imported `' Welt oh both Sides. Terms 91.00 to bo paid at time of eervicmwith privilege o! returning i4 neeee0a1•y. 14-1f SAMUEL WAL11E14Proprioter. OAR FOR SERV10E =THE Undereignod will beep for aorvloo on Lob 08 Con. 9,Mbrris, the there'. bred 1m, proved White Yorkshire Boar +'1,0anada's Prince,. purohasod from the W011 -known breeder J. E. 003otiiour, Oak Lodge Perm, - Burford. Tonne, 61.00 10 bo paid, at the,•1' Limo of service with privilege of returning if ueoeseaxy. Pedigree may be seen On ap- plioabton, R0130. 1110E00. OAR F011 SERVICE -THE" will keep for •Ser 300 on - Lob• undersignedp v 7,ot24, oar, 9 tinny, the,largo08 Anga Bork. Shiro Boar, "Uonat•d,' No, 2080. Brod by Win'. Padget & Son, tiuttouvlllo, Ont„and is from imported Stook on both aides. 'Penns, 81,00, to bo paid ab time of service 7'ibli privilope •' of returning if Leaassary. Po igreo nfay he seen on application. 11,0B P. BARIC,' 21.0 Ethel Cheese x'aetory, BOAR FOR.. SERVr07a.-TEE undo:stoned will lump for service the tltoro'"brad Image EDglletl Doric:biro Boar. "131smerOlt,"NO. 1700, It teals, let .prlse at Beet ;tomo Fall fair in 10011, and was. always 1st wherever exhibited, Totmo,81.00 to bo pall at time of nervine with privilege of re- turning it oceessary. D, MILNI1,.11'rottliol, 21-4