The Brussels Post, 1893-12-29, Page 4Advertisements, •Locals—'flarvie J. Strong. Annual Meeting—F. S. Scott. Farm for Sala—John E. Smith. A floppy New Year—A, R.•Smith. Housekeeper Wanted—D. Ginseier. Notioe to Creditors—W, M. Sinolair. Property for Sale—Alex, Moylauobliu, Cit1.e Nrussels last, FRIDAY, DEC. 29, 1893, WE consider the Liberals of South Huron showed good judgment •in the selection of M, Y. McLean, Editor of the Huron Expositor, as the standard bearer at the forthoonling election to the Legis. lature. Mr. McLean is well known in the riding where he has resided for many years. Ile is not a bitter partisan but true to his principles and he will make a useful member in the House. The prospects of his election are prououneed good by those qualified to .judge. Arab. Bishop, the present member, declined to accept nomination, Mr. Weismiller, a Hansen merchant, is the Conservative candidate for South Huron. TEs POST would like to see something done toward seaming a new fire alarm and as we have before stated we think the $150 now in hand, as surplus from Dominion day celebrations, could not be put to any purpose in whioh the citizens would receive the benefit more generally than by applying it as pert payment on a new bell with modern fire alarm attachment. The necessary outlay this year was so heavy that the Council saw no way to spare the necessary funds from the treasury for a bell but with the $150 mentioned above this difficulty would be largely obviated. This question of fire alarm is one that very materially effects every ratepayer for on it may depend the saving or loss of many hundred dollars worth of property. Tan Court of Appeal delivered judg- ment in the case of the Queen vs. Holli- day, an appeal by the Attorney -General of Ontario from the order of the Sessions of the oonnty of Wellington, quashing a summary oonviotion of defendant by the police magistrate for the city of Guelph for violation of the Liquor Aot. The de- fendant is a brewer, having a wholesale license from the Ontario Government, and the offense was that of allowing beer to be oousumed in his brewery, which counsel for the prosecution contended is a warehouse. The defendant contended that the Provincial legislation with re - spent to wholesale licenses was ultra vires, and that he (defendant) was not bound by his wholesale license. The Attorney• General for'Oai,eea was notified of the intention to raise the bums, ',nt did not ) appear. The court held that the',vs,:_. lation was oonatitutional as to wholesale licenses, and that the stook-oellar of the defendant wee a warehouse, and the original oonviotion right and should be restored. Appeal allowed. THE BRUSSELS POST seeasseaseemmeteetreamerneala•manexesamemismerstset moi» rz rraa ...eievaccmusulsosrmomatem saressim=w opinion in favor of prohibition to the extent to which the Legislature of this Proving° or the Parliatuent of Canada hoe jurisdiction, as may he determined by the court of final resort. The Presbytery of Kingston has unani- mously resolved to gall upon all officio. bearers, members and adherents of the uhurch within its bounds to vote for the prohibition of the liquor braille on Jab n. A great deal of the future progress of "t'y 1. the Prohibition party depends on. the Daring last week Revs. Bunter ad Crossley have conducted their meetings result of Monday's voting, The good in the Presbyterian ohurait, Strathray, with remarkable encases, Nearly 1;26 persons have so far signified a desire to lead a better life. The arrival of one of the Australian steamships et Vancouver is already an important evout. On the arrival or the Arawa Iaet Tuesday the 0. P. R. tele, graph wires were set to work and 38,055 words were transmitted without Tutor- mission. The man W. W. MoWbirrell, suspect. ed of being guilty of the murder of the old Williams couple, was arrested in the small hours of Tuesday morning by De. teotive Davis, in the house of Harry Stableford, a former employer. Hoary F. White, the defaulting secre- tary treasurer of the Walleeville malleable iron works, who was conviobed on two indictments and acquitted on five, was sentenced on Saturday by Judge Horne to two years in the Kingston Penitenti- ary. Messrs. Brown S Wigle, of Kingsville, have manufactured at their woollen mill over 8,000 pairs of blankets already this year and expect to be on their present oontraot for two months yet working night and day. They supply most of the Toronto and Montreal wholesale men with these goods. During an altercation at Chatham, Ont., lost evening a young man named Rowan need his revolver on Arthur Monett, a pugilist, inflicting two ugly wounds in hie leg. Monck was taken to a doctor's, where the bullets were ex• traded, and Rowan wag leaked up. ' A child of David McCollum, who lives on 111e Malden Road five miles from Windsor, wee, on Tuesday, found by his mother in the yard with his head split open by a kick from a oow. A doctor was sent for, but he holds out no hope for the boy's recovery. Thirteen animals of the Ontario Agri - clutters) College dairy herd, which showed signs of tuberculosis after being treated with lymph, were slaughtered on Tues. day in the presence of Dr. Reid, College veterinary ; Dr. McKenzie, bacteriologist ; Dr. P. H. Bryoe, Toronto ; Wm. Cowan, Dominion veterinary ; President Mills, and others of the College staff. All the animals were found to be more or less diseased. work done by Manitoba and Prince Ed. ward Island should be an incentive to every Ontario eleotor. Don't let any- body opposed to Prohibition side track you but keep the question on the ballot before you as the object and aim of this contest. Vote as early in the day as possible and leave no stone unturned to get out the full temperance vote. Nexo Monday the electors of the Prov- ince of Ontario will be galled upon to express their opinion on the desirability of prohibiting the importation, manufacture and sale as a beverage of intoxicating liquors. The poll will be open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and an election will be held whether the municipal of5oere have been elected by acclamation or not. It will be well for every temperance man and woman to know that the unpolled vote is counted against Prohibition so that by neglecting to vote you vote against the abolition. The ballot 15 very simple and is as follows, the voter having marked it in favor of Prohibition :— Are yon iu favor of the im- mediate prohibition by law, of the importation,manufaeture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a bever- age. YDS. 140. X Doors forget to record your vote on Monday for the ereotiou of a House of Refuge for Huron. The needy would be oared for more eoonomioally, comfort. ably and with less annoyance to them- selves and the various Connells. Re- member there are now 37 wards on the County, costing annually nearly $4,000 and the January session of the County Council will likely inoreeee the number to 50. The vote should be largely in favor of this humane institution. Directions for the guidance of voters are outlined in the Plebiscite Aot ae stated below : The voter will go into one of the oom- partmente, and with the pencil provided in the compartment, place a prose (thus ,it) on the right hand side, in the upper space if he desires to vote "Yes" on the question, and in the lower space if he desires to vote "No" on the question. The voter will fold up his ballot paper so as to show the name or initials of the Deputy -Returning Officer (or Returning Officer, as the case may be) signed on the back, and leaving the compartment will, without showing the front of the paper to any person, deliver such ballot ae folded to the Deputy -Returning Officer, (or Returning Officer, at the case may be) and forthwith quit the polling place. If the voter inadvertently spoils a ballot paper, he may return it to the DeputyReturning Officer (or Returning Officer, as the case may be), who will, 11 satisfied of such inadvertence, give him another ballot payer. If the voter plebes on the paper more than one mark, or plaoos any mark on the paper by which he may be afterwards identified, his ballot paper will be void, and will not bo counted. If the voter takss it ballot paper out of the polling place, or deposits in the box any other paper than the one given to him by the Deputy -Returning Officer (or Returning Officer, as the ease may be), Ile will be subject to imprisonment for any ream not exceeding six months, with oe without hard labor. Elsotor8 voting "Yes" on this question Will be cons(dored as expressing an Coononmon Wesur planed himself in rather a peculiar position at the nomin- anion when he professed ignorance as to what the legal expenses incurred by the Reeve and Clerk in the Howe case were. These accounts were presented at the Omni' meeting a week previous and explained and on motion of Messrs. Thomson and Wynn were passed by the Board. We might state here that the $11.60 to the Reeve covered two trips to Goderioh and attendance at the Assizes. Mr. Scott's acoount included witness fees to Messrs. Ronald and Mr. Howe, the latter twine, and two visits to Goderioh by Mr. Scott. There's no nigger in the fenoe and the closest scrutiny on this item or any other is oourted. Grey Council Meeting. Council met in the Township Hall, Deo. 15th, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present, reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. Communication from the reeve of Howiok, re oertrin repairs to the municipal drain on boundary Howick and Grey. D. W. Dunbar applied for aid for wire fence built by him in front of lot 14, eon. 9. Moved by A. 0. Dames, seconded by James Turnbull that no action be taken in the matter. Carried. Application of Peter Roberbeon for leave to file a requieition for the engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses Aot, 1883. Laid over till next meeting of Council. The following accounts were presented, viz. :— R. Lang, $20 ; Duncan MoDon. ald, $8.16 ; John Jones, 66 cents ; Thos. Whitfield, 12 ; T. Blake, 12 ; Alex. Mo - George, $26.81 ; D. Spillett, 15 ; J. Oas- Baden, 50 cerate ; Wm. Milne, $1G.78 ; Alex. Stewart, $5 ; Thos. Jaoklin, $5 ; Henry Granger, $6.50 ; George Ealcmier, 12 ; L. McDonald, $8.50 ; Peter ICeffer, J. Osborne, $1.25 ; Dr. Ferguson, $2 ; D. Spillett, $1.50 ; John Rogers, Bohs.n. ct90 Wm. Milne, $7.70 ; Thos. usnortie, ii' -?.'n : John Dunbar, $8.30 ; A. C. Dames, $15 ; Wm. Milne, 14 ; Wm. S enoe,14;,Joseph Armetrong, 14 ; Wm. Milne, 157 ; Wal- ter Oliver, 545 ; A. O. Dames, $40 ; T. Ennis, 544 ; James Turnbull, $45 ; Wm. Spence, 1219.80 ; A. Rayman, $4 ; Thos. Chapman, $15. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thos. Ennis that the fore- going accounts be paid. Carried. The Council then adjourned sine die. Wti. SPnNor, Clerk. Canadian .t e ws. Hon. Edward Blake has arrived home. A game of baseball was played in Lon- don on Christmas Day. The Liberals of East Peterboro' have again nominated Thomas Biezard, M. P. Joseph Barber, of Berlin, has a arab cactus that has 217 buds about to burst into flower. On Sunday last the Methodist congre- gation'of Mount Forest ooutributed a col. lection of $1.000. Lieutenant.Governor Maokintosh was tendered a oonplimentary ball at Cal- gary Wednesday night. Rev. W, T. Hicks died at Sault Ste Marie, Wednesday of typhoid and heart failure resulting from 1a grippe. Francis Westlake, of London, who wee stricken with apoplexy, Sunday night, died on Wednesday night, aged 75. R. Shannon, of Belleville, oleared $626 dollars from the milk of 17 °owe last season. It was sold to a cheese factory. In Prince Edward Island 10,616 votes were oast for prohibition and 3,390 against, while 3,589 electors did not vote. An Ingersoll man will ere01 a $7,000 oold storage building in London and has obtained exemption from taxation for 10 years. Mrs. Thome Gass oommibted eulaide by shooting, at the residence of her step- father, in St. John, N. B., on Tuesday morning, At the Eaet End Abattoir, Montreal, on Tuesday an ox was confiscated on the ground that the meat was affected with tuberculosis. An insane thief is about in. Hamilton. He is so desoribed baoause he entered bhe cellar of the editor of the Times, which no sensible thief would do. Sleighe crossed the St. Lawrence from Longueuil to Montreal on Tuesday for the first time this eeason. This ie five days earlier than last year. An Equal Rights paper, named the Plaindealer, has been ironed in Owen Sound. It purposes uprooting everything in the ebape of government in Canada. Frederick Hawkins, of Ingersoll, while on a spree tore two 0£ his wife's dresses and a pair of boots to shreds, for whioil the magistrate gave him two months. Wednesday afternoon George McLeod, aged about nine years, with eome coin. tinning was skating on Smith's pond, Ingersoll, when he went through some thin ice and was drowned. It is sup• posed hie elates stuck in the mud bottom as the body was found standing up straight in about four feet of water. The boy was a son of Angus McLeod, woodworker, Ingersoll, An Englishman named Hunter, who had been working for Mr, -Underwood at Calgary, N. W. T., for some time, was, on Friday of last week seized with a fit of coughing in his boarding house in Oeler•avenue, during which he burst a blood vessel and died in a few minutes, before medical assistance could be obtain- ed. He had a homestead at Lacombe and was about to go north to put in his residence. David Heslop, on the 4th concession, South Easthope, lost a valuable Durham cow last fall. The animal was lost about Ang. 18, end though diligent search was made she was not found until Sept. 5, when Mr. Heslop, in hunting for another stray bovine, discovered the famished brute, penned in a trap made by fallen trees. The limbs of the trees had to be dewed to get the caw tree, and when this wee done she walked home. Though fed 0arofntll', the cow did not outlast its twenty days enforced fast more than three days. Ge,r(!t•eti Ti ovYN, Henry Pettit, the dramatist, is dead, It is to your advantage to see my Cholera has re appeared at Liege, Bel• enlarged and varied stock of fresh BEd. 29, 1893 mum, Depredations by tramps are reported in Kansas. The Cronin murder trial is still in progress at Oflioago. • Russia has removed her interdiction of Catholic Bishops going to Rome. A commercial treaty has been entered into between Germany and &min. The obief alinement of 011180ns of Minneapolis is wolf.hunbing just now. John L. Sullivan gob into a row at San- dusky, Ohio, on Saturday, and was look• eel up by the police. Veseele which arrived in Now York Tuesday report that they hacl encounter- ed terrific storms on the Atlantic, The Court of Appeals of Kentucky has banded down an opinion whioh deals the death blow to the lotteries in that State. In the Italian lynching case ab New Orleans the jury has awarded $5,000 to the plaintiff in the tiret aetion tried, and it is thought all bhe other oases will reetilt similarily. The amount olaimed was $80,000. It is thought in Rome that the regent victory of Italians over Dervishes at Agorciat will strengthen the rolabione be. tween Italy and Great Britain, as it hes shown that Italy may some time be able to aid Britain in the Egyptian Soudan. bought goods for the Lloliclay trade. We regard it no trouble to show goods :— Gold Watches, Gold Filled Wat- ches, Silver Watches, Gem Biugs, Engagement Rings, Wedding Rings, China Novelties, Silver- ware, Clocks at 1)11.00 and Up- wards, a lot of fancy goods. issuer of Marriage LibOnttCS, RE.PdflERIN' G Of Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry personally attended to with care and low charges. All Work" Warranted. T. FLETCHER f JEWELER, BRUSSELS. STIL —IN THE— THECOOK'S REST FRIEND i.ARGEST SALO IN CANADA. Notice to Creditors. Pateuant to the provisions 'of Onapber 110• Section 30. of the Revised Statutes of On• tart°, notice 1s hereby given, that all persona having claims against the estate of Emman- uel Olver, late of the Township of Morris, in the Oounty of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of Decem- ber, A, D. 1898, are hereby required to send by post prepaid or deliver to W.1f. Sinclair, of tete Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Solltnitor for the Exeontors of the estate of the said Emmanuel Olvor, dooeased, on or before the 22nd Lay of January, 1894, a statement in writing o1 their names and !addresses and the full particulars of their claims, and of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the said 22nd day of January, the Dxeoutore will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Emman- uel Olver, amongst the Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notion shall have been given as 111)00e required, and the said I executors will not be responsible 100 the said assets, or any part thereof ,to any person or persona of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels the 2811 day of Docem• her, A. D.1893. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitors for the Dxeoutore. My stock is complete in all de- partments of General Dry Goods And Fauoy Goods bought in the beat markets and will be sold at the Lowest Cash Prices — will not be undersold. Compare quality and prime. Just receiv- ed a job line of Silk Handkerchiefs for Ohristmae at 600 on the 5. I have a Full Line of all kinds of GROCERIES New Fruits, New Peels, New Nuts, Fresh Spines of Pure Quality. Headquarters for Canned Gooks of all kinds at lowest gash prices. All goods guaranteed of First Quality. Butter, Eggs and Poultry taken. J. 0. SMENE. Casio Ion" iD; • �•d;. DEN m r H. DEIS Invites your attention to a full range of Rugs, Robes, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Harness, Collar's, Trunks, Valises, bac. '��•'^At Very Low Prices. H. DENNIS NISo harness Maker, Brussels, PEOPLE'S POPULARON)E-WAY PARTIES —TO— British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, -- Tourist Sleeping Oars, Toronto to Se- attle Without Change, leaving TO– RONTO EVERY FRIDAY A T 10 : 16 P. M. Until Further Notice, COMDIENCING OCT. 6,'93 For further particulars apply to any agent of the company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Great Opening Sale of Ladies' and Gents' Silk, Linen and Fine Carob is ., . Handker- chiefs, IENSI Special Dis- play of Fine Linens and Gents' Neck- wear. A .piping Out of Old Prices That's the kind of Sale we will Inaugurate this week. Hence- forth it will be necessary for advertisers of Bargains in Handkerchiefs to chance their ideas as to what constitutes a bargain, the ordinary bargains will cease to be bargains when compared with the values we will give during the LAST , THREE WEEKS IN DECEMBER And bear in mind that you can come to our store to see these goods and buythem with perfect confidence that you will be shown and sold Exactly • what was : N dvertised. let 2nd Bid 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 10 doz. Gents' white pure silk Handkerchiefs, largo size, sale price 30o, worth 50e regular. 10 doz. " t with wide hem, they go at 89c, worth 60c. 5 doz. " " `i Challenge Price 50e, extra heavy. 3 doz. Gents' Large twilled at 67c, worth $1.00. 5 doz. Gents' pure silk initial Handkerchiefs at 75c, you must see this line. 3 doz. Gents' white brocade " at 35c, would be a snap at 50e, 2 doz. only, Gents' white brocado at 50c. 8 doz. extra large white brocade at 69e, worth regular $1.00. 10 doz. only, assorted prices in Gents' fancy silk Handkerchiefs at 250, 42c, 600, 65, 75, $1.00, which we are selling * less than. regular price. 15 doz. Ladies' pure silk Handkerchiefs at 3 for 25c, see this line and compare values. 15 doz. "" embroidered Handkerchiefs at 10e, usually sold at 15e. 5 doz. only, fancy w " at 15c, would make a good 25c, line. 5 doz. only, very fine " " at 20c, bo stare to ask for this line as they are tony and worth °good deal more. 20 doz. assorted prices in fancy silk " at 22e, 25c, 35c, 42o, 47e, you will have to comp and see these lines and compare values. - 20 doz. Ladies' fancy cambric Handkerchiefs they go at 2 for 50, worth 5c each. ] 0 doz. " " worth 10c regular, our sale price only 5c. 10 doz. " white " at 10c each. We only ask you to compare values. Wo have also a very large assortment in Ladies' and Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs, which you will find by taking a look through to be extra values, 10 pieces drapery sateens, art patterns, something that will beautify your houses for little money regular price 80e, reduced to 15. A beautiful Xmas present secure, your Crayon portrait free. Our customers who purchase $10 from us, (not necessary to purchase the amount at ono time,) get this advantage, we charge simply the cost price of the frame $3,00 making a picture complete worth from $5 to $7. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY. Butter, Eggs and. Fowl taken in exchange for Goods.