The Brussels Post, 1893-12-22, Page 8l
Book Zino.
As a Xtnae box we purpose giving a
bookie till who read this advertisement
and bray not loss than 250. of our holiday
goods, These eomprise toys, fancy goods,
V0999, OU)8 and saucers, chinaware, work
boxes, dressing oases, books, bibles,
albums, xmae earls, booklets, &o. The
book which we purpose giving you is one
of A. L. 0. E's, beet works. The con.
tents of it when in cloth of better binding
sell from 85 to 75 cents each. It is a
book that every one should be the better
of reading, It is a book for the young as
well as the old and its oiroulation must
do good. We look for a three fold blessing
as we espeot it to advertise ant increase
our business also. The publisher says
"Yon will enjoy reading it ; every one
does, old and young. Are you a sham.
pion for the right a chosen knight of the
Ring 7 May this prove a Helpful book to
you in the light, Are you not a Knight
of the King ? May this book lead you to
become one and nerve you for the fight"
When making your purobases you must
mention this hook if you wish it.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o,
SOUTHERN ENT0N8100 W. 0. & D.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nil South, as follows ;
Ganga Soma. Go0N0 NORTH.
Mail - 0:54 a.m.Mixed 9:45 a,m,
Exnress......11:09 a.m, I Mall Sus p.m,
Mixed.,....... 0:00 pan. Express 9:48 p.m.
o r�rl. "Ytt PIM
A ohiel s among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Snot us the news.
Wuat about the Curling Club ?
MERRY Cbrietmas to all our readers.
NEXT Monday will be Christmas day.
Emmy your subscription to THE Poor.
A mom in hotel proprietors iu town
is mooted.
LA GRIPPE ie working over time in and
around Brussels.
TEE storm during the past week wile a
bad knock out to trade.
Mooicn'AL nominations on Friday of
this week from 12 to 1 o'clock.
SEE THE Post samples of wedding
stationery. They are dandies.
BRuaszre Monthly Horse Fair will be
held on Thursday, January 4011, 1894.
Soda talk of a compromise Council for
Brussels next year. Nomination day
.j will settle the rumour.
THE Methodist Sabbath school will not
hold a Christmas entertainment this
year but will give one at Easter.
SEVERAL members of the Young .Lib•
i eral Glee Clob sang at an entertainment
• at Morris Township Hall on Wednesday
A nonan belonging to a team owned by
,1 J. Ashton, of Morrie, dropped dead on
the street last Tuesday, while hauling a
S1 load of wood.
• Xis evening ow be pleasantly spent
by attending theleoturs on "John Cal.
I vin" in Melville ohurch. Music will be
furnished by the choir.
T. FLETCRRn will not be a candidate
for school trustee this year. Mr. Fletch.
• er has put in 8 or 9 years of faithful ser.
',vice in the interests of the school and
now feels disposed to take a rest.
Luso Tuesday the funeral of the late
Henry Smith, of Wroxeter, passed
through town to Brussels cemetery. The
very rough weather kept a large number
from attending.
Torn present staff of teachers bas been
re engaged for 1894 in Brussels Public
sobool. Good work has been clone in the
various departments. School closed on
w. Thursday of this week and will reopen
on Wednesday, January 8rd.
THE first skating of the season on
ST Maitland rink was indulged in last Tues.
;day night. The ice was in good shape.
Messrs. Downing & Ballautyne are put.
1 - ting everything 111 tip-top shape for the
oomforb and oonvenienoe of those patron..() izing the rink.
Clench, queen of lady violinists, assisted
by Mies Edna M. Curtiss, Mr. Colvin,
Miss Carrie Fieher and las. Fax will ap-
pear in Wingbam Town Hall on Deo.
28th. .8. few good seats left at 85 cents
, i and 60 cents. Williams' Drug store.
sa nssL MAETINe,—The annual meeting
of the Morris & cheese faotory will
be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Friday, Deo. 29th, commencing at 2 p. 1
m. The auditors' report will be present.
ed, directors elected for the ensuing year
and any other business transacted that
may properly oome before the meeting.
A SEAFonTE 'bus 110.0 been purobased
fly a Wroxeter firm to be used between
' that village and the C. P. R. depot. It
was brought to Brussels last Monday
where it was placed in Wm. Smith's
bands for painting and ornamentation,
after which it will be taken to its destin-
G. T, R.—Messrs. Copp have shipped
three oars of baled hay to Niagara Falls
this week,—A. ear of pork WAS shipped on
Mtlnday by Messrs. Stewart &
oars of grain were sent Eastward
this week from Brussels.—Theboys have
, been raiding the English sparrows) at the
store.tones at the station. 288 were
deepatohed, and yet there remains thous•
ands,—Tho evening accommodation last
Saturday did not get here till 11:80 o'.
clods, owing to the delay at the washout
at St. Mary's.—La grippe has been visit.
ing Operator Hogarth and staking him
up.—Tho Christmas p0000nger traffic is
booming, a Iarge number of Manitoba and
Dakota visitors arriving.
1''mx..--Between 5 and 6 o'elook on
Wednesday morning the fire alarm was
rung, Mrs, Griffith's 10 else, corner of
Elora and Elizabeth t+reets, being on
fire. Daniel Denman a is the tenant.
' The fire engine and carts wore got out
but the snow was so deep on the streets,
from the pr5Ylous day's storm, that con.
etderable time wag consumed in getting
• the engine 00 the river, As tae building
was a frame structure it burned so quick.
ly that a goodly portion of the furniture
belonging to both owner and tenant
, could not be got out. Theo was an in,
�i+,lrance ltoliey of $250 on the house.
ter the fire the hose was laid to the
1 ,w water tank, corner of Turnberry
and Church streets, and Said receptacle
I FOURTH. Divieion Court on Wednesda
27th inst.
IF this 1s the "mom" Winter dear help
the "Mused" one.
11.0. S001080's photo gallery will be
open on Christmas day.
LAST Friday's rain was a hard ono ou
roofs and more than one cellar in towu
was well watered,
MANE It Xmae present to your absen
friends by seuding them Tula Pox for
year, They will eujoy it.
SEVERAL, of am townspeople attended
the wedding of Rob0, Currie and lYliss
Bryan 011 Wednesday evening.
MRs, W, IL Kenn has disposed of her
two hooses and lots on Mill street, Brus.
sets, to Samuel Carter and Mrs, John
Tan Nightingale insurance ease whioh
was to have been heard last Monday, has
been indefinitely postponed owing to the
illness of Judge Toms,
IT is rumoured that one of our Brus-
sels young ladies is about to form a
matrimonial allianoe with a Toronto
gentleman. Guess who if you can.
I,vanroNE should be interested in "John
Calvin." Go to Melville ohurah on Xmae
evening and bear the lsature to be given
on 01110 unique character by Rev. John
Ross, B. A.
Bookstore Has a large and well selected
stook ofChristmas Toys, the best ever
had, and wonderfully cheap. Beautiful
Dolls, toilet oases, Bibles, Albums, &n.
&o. You will eave money by buying at
TEE POST Bookstore.
"FLoOEsco G."—Uoleman Bros., of
Seaforth, had a big horse sale last Tues.
day at which they disposed of 21 fine
animals, ranging from Sllet'and ponies
to 16 handers. The average price
reoeived was 5217. Among the buyers
was Jas. O'Leary, of the Queen's Hotel,
Brussels, who purchased the well. known
and speedy pacing mare "Florence G."
TEnexnasas,—The fifth of the series of
Gospel Temperance meetings was held in
Brussels Town Hall last Sunday after-
noon, B. Gerry oeoupying the chair. The
Christian Endeavor choir of Melville
ahurob lead the praise service, and san
"Throw out the Life line" and "Wine is
a Mocker," in good style. Rev. D. Mil-
lar, of Brussels, and Rev. Geo. Jewitt, of
Warwick, Lambton Go., were the speak-
ers and dealt pointedly with various
phases of the Prohibition movement of
today. Next Sunday afternoon Bar-
rister Blair, W. H. Kerr and others will
address the meeting. The ohoir of the
Methodist church will lead the singing.
Silver collection to pay expenses.
y, Sao our woolen underwear at 76 cents
per exit. Maddock.
WE are selling clothingat55 gents on
the clollar, Maddook.
W'VAxyoj in trade for harness two loads
of good hay, I, 0. Richards,
FaRuow oow for sale or will exu1100go
for new calved oow. Apply to
A. iitonig, Brussels,
t We:'rr, make you a fine overcoat to
a order, regular price 520,00, for 514..
50. IU'acldoolc,
Tun balance of my for coats ab cost.
Net prioe on one0anadian coon, 58800 ;
blaok Western buffalo, 528.00.
I. 0. Rioharde,
Romans counters, 50„ 10o. and 25s.,
same as in the cities, for two weeks at
Good Bros'. store, Don't fail to see
A 1 OYerxns will be on hand and kept
regularly during the season in bulk or by
the dish at Mrs. Kirk's, opposite Queen's
Hotel, Brussels.
SlxvanwAnt,-Holiday and wedding
Presents. A large and choice lot to
choose from. Tho prettiest patterns in
the trade and best quality. B. Gerry.
ANY one wishing to get a new 5020
filing stand, I think can be suited by T.
McGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be
seen at 1yloliay & Oo's, hardware store.
GEN'rnLutN's linger ring found on 31111
street. Owner may have it by proving
property and paying for this notice by
applyiog at Tan Post Publishing House.
Mos. Mc0owEhas moved from Mrs.
Pearson's to the house formally occupied
by Wm. Cornish, where she is prepared
to attend to the wants of the public in
the carpet weaving line,
WALL-Dresrva Aon Dnmiroa.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
s000ed door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-tf
WORTH SEEING,—Ml's. Kirk has just
opened a fine lot of chinaware, cups and
answers, tea sets, mugs, &o. In glass -
g ware, toilet sets, votes, &e. A large as-
sortment of dolls, toys, new games, &o
very cheap. Great bargains in fauoy
goods, wools, hosiery, &o. All kinds of
yarn knit to order, Opposite Queen's
Hotel, Brussels.
Our readers who are ruptured, or parents
having children so afflicted should make
a note of the visit of the Toronto Rupture
8900 alist to Seaforth, Queen's Hotel,
5:ondov, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan.
let, ;Lel and Jrd. Don't miss thisohanoe
to get relief as it will he his last visit
until Summer, 22.3
BELIEF IN SIN Honns. Distressing
Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in
six hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians
on account of its exceeding promptness' in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
book and every part of the urinary pas•
sages in male or female. It relieves
retention of water and pain in passing it
almost immediately, If you want quick
relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist.
0. 0. F.—For the next three months
special inducements will be offered by
Court Princess Alexandra, No, 24, C. 0.
F., Brussels, to any person desiring to
beoome a member of that Orderthe in-
itiation fee being reduced during that
time. As this is one of the leading In-
auranoe and Beneficiary Societies in the
country people should take advantage
of this offer. For full information ap-
t(Y to
LECTURE —A lecture will be given by
Rev. Jno. Ross, B, A., on "John Calvin,"
in Melville Ohnrsh, on the evening• of
Christmas Day, oommenoing at 7:80
o'clock. S'llabus of Leoture: Mixed
spice; prairie and mountain lives; the
heroio land of Switzerland ; Leman's
shining lake ; was Oalvin a great man ? ;
three tests of greatness ; Luther's, D'Au-
bigne'e, Guizot's and itanat'oft's estimates
of Calvin ; nota deity ; 'Paint me as I
am, warts stud all' ; Calvin a French-
man ; his parents and early home ;
Byron's youth ; influence of the home ;
Calvin a chaplain at 12 years of age
school and college; studiousness at Paris
quoits; the ever -burning Dandle; Calvin's
genius ; genius and ` tbandering bard
work' ; nicknamed the'Ao0usabive Case'
and ' Longbead' ; the tadpole and the
shining angel ; turns to law ; spiritual
unrest ; the dawning light ; hollowness
of Romanians ; a sadden conversion ;
'a hand preseoting a burning heart to
God' ; preaching the Word ; aooused of
heresy ; escape from Paris ; wanderings
in Ita1y ; at Geneva ; Forel ; 3 tell thee,
the curse of God will rest upon thee' ;
the pity's minister; conflict with the
Libertines ; John Pym ; ' fearless and
without guile' ; drawn swords ; banish.
ed from Geneva ; a happy marriage ;
' idiotic lovers' ; Burke's wife ; Luther
on the blessing of a good wife ; recalled
to Geneva ; two tubs of wine; a thrilling
scone 111 the Church of St. Peter's ; enol.
nenoe as a preacher ; ' no one can with.
stand him ' ; the 'Institutes of Religion' ;
the fou0der of free sollools; prodigious
labors ; ' nob time to look at the blessed
sun' ; the end drawing near ; ' How
long, 0 Lord' ; dive with the setting
sun ; Geneva's grief ; the nameless
grave ; his pure and lofty oharaoter ; did
Calvin buru Servetus 7; Ohinese proverb ;
sternness of Calvinism ; Beecher on Cal-
vinism ; a ' colony of conscience' ; Sam
Jones on Presbyterians ; Froude'e opinion
of Calvinists ; Calvin's influence ; Cal-
vinism and liberty ; Calvin's justly
merited fame ; ' he tests in God' ; your
work and mine ; life's farewell. Choice
musical selections will be rendered by
choir during the evening. Single ad.
mission, 10 cents ; family admission,
30 cents.
Business Locals,
4 °Antoxe goal oil for 50o. 13. Gerry.
Fon the best groceries for Xmas call at
°ALL and see lt00Crackan's fancy orook-
ery for Xmas,
You cam get a good chopping axe for
05 touts at B. Gerry's.
Kamm, knocks, cloaks at right pri0ee.
H. L. Jackson, Jeweller,
BinAnrxouu chinaware fur Xmas and
New Years at Mo0raoken's.
Soon big bargains in nook stoves. A
large stook on hand, B. Gerry.
Ie you want a good reliable watch go
to H. L. Jackson, Jeweller.
A 01001.02055 cross eft lanae saw for
55.25, warranted, at 13. Gerry's,
Nom a dead beat but hard to beat are
H. J. Strong's Xmae photographs.
Tun very choicest jewelry and novel.
ties. H. L. Jackson, Jeweller.
Xot.16 goods, large stook and low
prices. It L. Jaok5on, Jeweller.
FANCY cups and Batmen for children at
DANDY hanging and vase lamps from
58,00 up. New stools just in at B. Ger.
IT will pay you to see H. L, Jackson's
large etoolt before you make your Xmas
Eutaw} nicer than a dozen of Strong's
most elegantly finished photos to dis-
tribute among your friends at Xmas.
JUST to hand a select stools of celluloid
photo easels all sizes and prices. Do not
miss seeing them at our studio.
FI. J. Boom, Pliotograpber.
ANY one wishing to get a new saw
filing machine may 50e what suite them
at A. 111. McKay & 0o's. hardware store
0ooro ltmNa nobby in photos for holiday
508500, Make it a point to call on rte.
Studio open until 10 9, ln. Saturday
A. Rnm, 0. R. ;
A. KOENIG, F, S. ;
W. BLaiEILL, Tress,
Gum REveyoo,—Our readers who re-
member "Grip" in its palmy days will,
we are sure, be glad to hear that with the
first week of tbo new year the famous
comic paper is to be revived undor the
editorship of its originator, J. W. Ben -
sough, with whom is associated J. J.
Bell, 2010 will act as business manager.
"Grip" will Dome forth in a new typo•
graphical outfit, and the new proprietors
promise that it will be better than ever
before in the artietio and literary depart-
ments, while it will strive to deal out
even•hended justice in its comments on
publio questions. The Publishers
(Phoenix Publishing 00„ Toronto) wish
to hear from all "Grip's" old friends, and
thousands of new ones, Subscription as
heretofore, 52. Siegle oopies, 50, Sand
for sample oopy. The country needs
"Grip," and we're glad ho is to be to the
front again.
TEs February issue of The Delineator
is called the "Midwinter Number," and
its contents are as instructive and enter-
taining as usual. The fashions display-
ed aro handsome and becoming and
ladies who have not yet completed their
Winter wardrobe oannot do butter than
to follow the styles of this mouth. The
wants of Misses, Girls and Little Folks
are also fully considered. St. Valentine
is responsible for two novel diversions,
one being A Valentine Tea and the other
A Taue•Love Card Party ; while a third
entertainment for the month is provided
iu A Poverty or Bard•Tirnee Party. An
article appropriate to the times is on
Table and Bed' Linen, and another
equally seasonable is What to do for the
Pair. In the .Household Renovation
socias there is practical and valuable in-
struction on How to Upholster, and the
paper on Child Life treats of the Htgher
Education of Gills. Physical Culture
continues the subject of the Physical Ex-
prossions of the Emotions ; in Around
the Tea•Table various interesting mat-
ters are disaussed,and the third contribu-
tion on Things that Should be left Un•
said will be of general service. The arti-
cles on Dress Fabrics, Trimmings and
Millinery are invaluable to Dressmaker
and Milliner, and that on Fur Rugs and
)totes gives the latest information about
these luxuries. Lovers of Knitting,
Otoobeting, Tatting and Netting will
find much that is new in the papers on
these subjects, A subscription to The
Delineator its only One Dollar a year ;
Single couples, 15 ciente. Address orders
to The Delineator Publishing Co, of To-
ronto (Ltd.,) 83 Riohmond St. West, To-
ronto, Ont.
At rho next meeting of the Logislaturs
Massaohu sotto a bill will be introduced,
with n fair prospect of passing, having
for its object the substitution of death by
elcotrioiby for hanging, It is Manned
that the Bodeen of the New York eieotri•
cal execution law warrants the oouolusion
that the electrical shock fa instantaneous
and that ooneequently that is the more
humane agency With which to take the
life of the Mindere.
S21417VID,4.RD 134XIC OZ! CtrlX4D4,
;mm•zses73T,,Ssa1sa17a ae7a-
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) - 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - 52,000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States c1 Rplatal,
"RPOS1o"1G," Batu e~,i .
A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all polars.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every faoility afforded Customers living at a diotanoe.
i LIE �j �SM/TII, .-y- �ylT l at y
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain.
Salr°Z eb'T Rama, uD rPagbtr2rd71EhNZ'e
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect to write, Insurance In old English or Canadian CmnptmI0a, or 10 Dint.
U111 Went114111108 as may be desired..
DEO, 22, 1593
F 0 Tt r --
a Solicitor and Conveyancer, Colleo•
Mons made.. 011leo—Panstoue'e Moon, Brus-
sels. 21>3,n
o tory Pub.
lie, &o, B OIlooD1Vn stono'so 101ook, 3 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Barristers, Solicitors, Notarise Public,
Godorieh, Ont.
05, 0. oAti> Dol, Q. 0., PHILIP HOLT,
Solicitor, &o, (late of Gnrrow S;
Pron4foot'e Onloe, Goderioll.) 01A0s OYer
Sillies .Yr Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan. 47
The Pope celebrated plass in St. Peter's
i n the presence of 15,000 people. His
h oliness appeared to be in excellent
h ealrh.
Con nLEDIOR,—Abthe Methodist Parson-
age, Brussels, on Deo. 16th, the wife
of Rev. G. H. Cobblediok, M. A., B.
D., of a son.
LEACn-McDouoALL.—In Towner, North
Dakota, on Thanksgiving day, by
Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, of Minot, Mr.
Franklin Leach, of Towner, to Miss
Kate, third daughter of the late
Duncan MeDougall, formerly of
Grey township.
BARRETT—Hoecnmon.—On the 13th inst.,
ab the Methodist Parsonage, Wing -
ham, by the llev. S. Slattery, B. D.,
Mr. Thomas Barrett 0.0 Miss Margery
Hookridge, both of Morris township.
Gonne—Bowao.—In Morris, on Deo.
20th, at the residence of the bride's
parents, byRev. W. G. Reilly, Mr.
Robert Currie to Miss Elizabeth
Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr.
William Bryan, all of Morris town
StrITH.—Io Wroxeter, on December 18111,
Henry Smith, aged 45 years, 7
months, and 18 days.
Smmros.—In Fordwiob, on Deo. 12011,
Jacob Steles, aged 88 years and 16
MaKEnaonnn.—In Maliallop,ou Deo.fl7th,
Christina McKenzie, wife of Robert
McKeracher, aged 49 years.
THURSDAY, Drtc. 28T11.—.1! artn Stook,
implements, &o. Lot 15, con. 14, Mo.
Killop. Sale at 1 o'clock, Thos. Jack-
son, prop. Geo. Kirkby, mob.
SATORDAY, Don, 23nD.—Farm stock and
implements. Lot 14, con. 10, Grey.
Sale commenoes at 1 p. m. sharp, Geo.
Dark, Prop. F. S. Scott. Amo,
29.RT70633 .B 24A7eK9Taa,
Fall Wheat 55 66
Spring Wheat 52 55
Peas 50 51
Oats 28 20
Butter, tuba and rolls17 18
Eggs per dozen 16 00
Flour per barrel 3 00 3 60
Potatoes ... 40 00
Hay per tun 5 00 00
Salt per bbl„ retail1 00 00
Hides trimmed 87
Bides rough 3
Sheep skins, ea,oh.... ...; 40 65
Lamb skins each 50 70
Apples per bbl1 00 1 50
Wool 17 18
Pork 6 00 6 40
TORONTO, Doo. 19.—Flour—Straight
roller, 52.75 to 52.85 ; extra, 52,50 to
$2.75, Wheat—while, 67c ; spring, No.
2, 67o ; red winter, 57o ; goose, 54o ; No.
1 Manitoba bard, 720 ; No. 2, 70o ; No. 8,
680. Peas—No. 2, 51o. Batley—No. 1,
40o to 410 ; feed, 85o to 87o. Oats—No.
2, 287 to 2070. Market indisposed for
business all over. Sales—Peas outside
at 510o. Oats on tracts at 820o to 883,
TORONTO, Deo. 19.—(Speeial)—The
receipts to•da were 24 oar loads. Busi-
ness generally was quiet, with the gnan.
City of the offerings poor, as a rule. Tho
demand was slew for cattle, with sales
of the best at 817 per lb. ; medium cattle
sold at 3.10 to 85o, and inferior at 25o.
Calves, in moderate demand at $8 to 58
eaolt, according to quality. About 1,000
sheep and lambs offered. Sheep sold at
54 to 54.25 for the beat, and lambs, $2,80
to 52.90 eaob. Hogs in fair eltpply, and
prices unchanged; ohoioe fat, weighed
off oars, sold at 58, and half fate at 43o to
45o; rough, 4o to 4/o.
EAso BUFFALO, N. Y., Deo,19-0atble—
There were only two loads of fresh sale
oattlo sines Tuesday and about ten
Loads of good, ranging down to medium
grades, hold over, together with 6 number
of branches of common to fair lots ;
market was about steady for best export
and choice heavy cattle, of whioh there
were several Toads on sale, were all taken
by Hathaway at 54.85 to 54.95 for 1,850
101,400 /be, and one load of oholee 1,597
lbs. ea $5.50 ; for other kinds the market
ruled dull and fully 10 to 15o lower, and
some of the common lots held aver' good
handy 1,050 to 1,150 lb. steers Sold at
58,66 to 58.85 ; old cows at $2 to 52.25.
Slump and lambs—Ten oars native and
and equal number of Ca)adas on sale ;
native lambs dull ; cb0ioe 00 fancy fat,
54.25 to 4.65 ; Canada lambs quiet, and
it is not advisable to send many here
this week or for Monday trade, as any
considerable supply will further depreeiate
prices. Pair Meantime to -day at $4.80
to 54.75, and one lot at 54.85; sheep dull ;
offerings mostly common. Hogs—
Twenty-two oars ou sale ; quiet, without
quotable change.
GINE and boiler for sale, e000nd hand,
in brat -class running order. Apply to
J. 00B1(B, Ethel.
SALE.—We have albums from 000. up•
warns. A large plush .album for Cabinets
only 00c. Latest designs in oak and plush.
Don't mise thou). G. A. DEADDMAN,
Druggist, Bookseller, deo.
in the village of Ethel, belonging to
the estate of ibe late Dr. Cale, For full
1 articulm•a as to price, terms, &o,
Apply to
WM. SPENCE, Ethel,
To the Electors of Brussels,
I hereby return my thanks to the electors
of Brussels for their support and oonfideneo
in eleotiog ore as Trustee, the duties of
which I have performed for 8 or 0 years. I
deoliue the position another term.
THOS. 10LETOII15120.
Will be received until January 11,
184 for the delivery of 00 cords of good,
sound, green, hardwood, Beech and Maple
all body wood 24 inches long, to be delivered
at the Brussels Public School House before
Coo 1st day of March, 1804.
22.2 Secretary Public School Board.
Brussels, Dee. 11110, 1808.
nuns will be received by the under-
signed up to Saturdayy, 80th day of Deo em-
ber, 1800, for all the Carpenter work required
in the erection and Oample'len of a 14 story
brick dwelling 20x80 feet with ]lltohan same
size. For plans, speotdoations and other
information apply on Lot 11, Con, 0, Morris
or address Sunshine P, 0.
20.6 W31, MICHIE,
N. B,—The lowest or any tender not nee -
assert lyaccepted.
DEfisiaNED has several good Farms f or
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F. S. S00TT,Brusael8.
kJ Being South half Lot 27,eon.6, Morris,
100 acres, nearly endeared, Good buildings,
fine young bearing orchard. Immodrato pos-
aaseion. Bost' Terms. Apply to
01- Sohuitor,,20a.,Brussels,
North d of Lot 22, Oo n, 8,Morria town-
chip, The farm soutalus 100 acres, shoot 70
of tvhieb are cleared, baloose bush. There
is a oomfortable house, good bank barn, lino.
orchard, &o. cmthe premises. The farm le
all seeded down. PO080se1o0 could be given
at any timo. For further parttaulars as to
price, terms, dm. apply to the Prop rioter on
tbo promises, or Walton P, 0.
22.4 D. MOWALL1M,
Tho 200 acro farm being lot0 11
and 12, can, 15, Grey, is lie bola nce sale, 120
220059 000 cleared and tbo balance well tim-
bered. Buildings lbnst.elaee. Orchard , well,
80, Sohnol house within 40 rode, Posses-
sion given at once if desired, For further
pa0tieulars as to price terms, &o. apply to
620 5. WALli1010, Itoeovllle P. 0.
or NELSON BI000ER, on farm,
nnnsiennn offers his splendid 125 acro
foam , being Lot 8 000218801 part .Got 0,Con,
0, Grey, for sate. Thera are 100 acres cleared,
belacuo timbered.- Two dwelling houses,
bank barns, good Ohara, well fenced. A
never failing spring on too place, Posses -
01o11 alvou ally thus. The subscriber also
offers for sale a dwelling house, stable and G
Wes of land in the corporation of Brussels,
The house and garden would be routed to a
short time if not gold, Bard and eat water.
For nrloe0, terms and, further )articulare
apple to J01IN SMIT21,
41.10 Brussels P.0.
t • Honor Graduate of rho
etottnar. College, prepared
y )log i0 nmto treatdiSeaoll
taut s of Der, oatzs animate it n pcoon-
4ant Manner, Partlaalnr attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promttl at.
tended to, office and Inernsary—Two doors
Borth of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels,
nSO, L.
. Ont.Resdncu00inWloe
Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste.
Physiolan, Surgeon, A000neher, etc,
Graduate of Toronto 'University Medical
Faculty, Member of College of ]'hysioions
a nd Surgeons, Ont, Orman—Next door to
McDonald & Co„ Walton Ont.
it' .tsi T g s'3 T O
M. CAVANAGH, L. Cl S., D. D• S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Bargeeus, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
varsity. OF0io0—Over A. H. Smith's Store,
Br11e60,e, '
Auctioneer, ,e always ready to at -
to nd sales of farms, farm stook, 80. Terms
cheerfully given. 0reohrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tan Poem Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Salol conduct
ad on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stocka speoialty. Orders left at THn Poem
Publishing Rouee,Bru seals, or sentto Walton
P. 0., wi11 r'eoeive prompt attention.
sE as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable
prides. Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a position to sell to
good marks and get good security when sold
on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
mea call. 52- F S, 800TT.
• reamer of Marriage Licenses. 0lfloe
abide Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
'• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Nest door
south of A. M, Moitay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and ohildrens Hair cutting a specialty
snorer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis-
efonor, &o.,Q,. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Ineuranoe 00. OIllee at the Oranbrook
Post 011loe.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pubiio
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds
invented and to loon. Collections made.
Ofilee in Graham's Blook, Brussels.
111 A. HAWEINS, M. C. S. M.
• Orgauistin St. John's Chloral, Brus-
eels,and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching of A.
W. hayer, Mee.11oo., New York will grye
Will to pupils either at lois parlor.,
over A. it. Smith's store, 0r if preferred, at
their ova homes, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednoeday, at Walton. Terms moderate,
lutdorei ped will keep for service at
North Half Lot 20, con, 7, Morris, the whore'
bred Chester White Boar "Defame e," for
eorvloo. Ho was bred by Daniel Deo curacy
Bornholm, Perth Go., and is from. ion ported
stook an both sides. Terms 51.00 to be Data
at time of service with privilege et r etnroiug
11 necessary.
14.41 SAMUEL WALHER,Proprietor.
'Undersigned d ne l wB 1
keep for ' bved on
m -
Lot a Con. 0,Torks the roarer brad im-
proved White teed from
D oar el -known
�'rmeo," pucohased from •the well-known
brooder 0. 17. Brethour, Oak Lodge Farm,
Burford, Toms, ;$1.00 bo bo pt1iel at the
time of eervioe with privilege of returning
if necessary. Pedigree may 130 00011 011 ay.
plioabIou. ROl3T, NI01300,
i) undereignod will keep for mottos on
Lot 21, 0011.0, Grey, the largo English 130
shire boa',"Collard,-Nn.2000, Brad by Wm.
Padget & Sou, Buttonvllln'Out., and its from
imported stools on both eiclee. Termeq,� 01,00,
to be paid at tune of service with privilege
of rotaruing Il necessary, Pedigree )nay lie
0000 011 applieatlon, ROST, BARS,
21.8 1¢thnl Choose Factory.
JJ nnderslgned W111 keep for moles) t Ise
thoro'-bred Largo English Berkshire Bo or,
"Bismarck," No, 1708. It 4500 let prise at
)hast lluron Pall Fair in 1808, and was alwa yy5
lot wherever oxldbitad, T'orm5,51,00 to bo
paid otiose of enrolee with prlvilego of re-
turning it necessary,
D. MILNE,1•'roomEthel,