The Brussels Post, 1893-12-22, Page 66iiimmostua ---Ia rrnLlsnzti-- EVFRY FRIDAY MORNING (in time tor the early maiie) at "Tho Post" Stennl Publishing Molise, Tenen0001 Sr., Biu OSLO, Ono', Tnnnrs cz• SnnsrntrTro*0,—000 dollar and alfalfa year, in advance. The date ba which ever ounlwcrhe $ Jcn i label. is denoted by the dAnvxnrra0SG Rms.—The following rates will bo charged to those who advertise by the year I— - 1 VA. l 0 too.l ,n me One 0020000 $00.001 838.00 820.00 Half SS OD 20.00 12,00 narter 0.00 f 12.00 8.00 ightn 0 111 12.001 6.00 0.00 'Gigot cents per line for first insertion, and three cents per Duo for each subsequent in. sortian. Mi advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to tbo snob. Business cards, eight Hues and under, 80 per annum, Advertisements without specificdim.tions, will be inserted until forbid, tmd charged accordingly. Instructions to !Mance or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the oounttug room of Toon Posen flet later than Tuesday of each week. This is imperative. Tir. Y6. Iii /03E1 11, 1Sditol' and Proprietor. iStllCt 1,1ctth + Grodevilas1a. The annual meeting of the Huron Veterinary Medical Association will be held in the Town Hall, Goderich, on Deo. 28th. Goderioh harbor bee not been so crowd- ed with vassals in Winter quarters for many years as at present, The entertainment at the Grand Opera House last week, under the auspices of the Collegiate Institute, was a most sew eesvtul and enjoyable one. Mise Sybil Toms left town last week to take up a course of study in Hel/muth Ladies' College, London. The rite of confirmation was admin. istored to 48 oandidates of St. George's church last week by His Lordship Bishop Baldwin. The self denial collectors gathered in from Goderich and a few farmers in the country over 8100 for that fund. H. M. Reynolds, a former cashier in the Bank of Commerce here, died recent. ly in New York of hemorrhage of the lunge, Lu00 .now. George Morrison, father of Lawyer Hugh Morrison, passed away at the resi- dence of his son-in-law, Charles Stewart, on Hovelock street, in this village on Saturday of last week. He was 85 years of age. The annual Xmas entertainment of 50. Peter's Sunday sohool, church of Eng. land, will he held ie. the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Friday, Deo. 22nd, There died at his residence in this village on Monday of last week, Angus MoDougall, stone mason, after a long and painful illness with stomach trouble. Deceased, who was in his 61st year, was a resident of Lucknow for twenty years and was a hardworking and industrious man, John A. McDonald, of Naniamo, B. 0., formerly of Kintail, and usually known as "Tug of War Jack" is home on a visit for the winter. The second anniversary concert of the Lucknow Orange Lodge will be held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 260h, when the citizens will have au opportunity of hearing the able and popular Provincial Grand Master, J. L. Hughs, Publio School Inspector, of To. ronto, deliver his interesting lecture on "The need of Unit d Protestantism." R. Birmingham, Grand Secretary, of To. ronto, is also coming and will speak on the aims and principles of the Orange Mutual Beneficial Society. The Rev, Dr. Briggs, of Toronto, preached the anniversary germane iu the Methodist choral) here on Sunday last, both morning and evening. 158. McTavish and D. F. Johnston have opened out &tailoring establishment in the new building next to D. Moody's barber shop, Ort.0lad ian Pie wae. The railroads leading to Quebec have agreed upon a eingle•fare rate for the Winter carnival. Walkerton is bothered with a "Jack the Kisser," who has been annoying some of its female residents of late. A Oonservabive convention for nomin. 0tion of candidates will be hold at Ails, Craig on Wednesday, Deo, 20th. T. & W. Murray, general merabants of Pembroke, are said to have failed. Lia. bilines, 8201,774.98, assets (estimated,) 5266,202,68. David Rice, who lost both lege nn the Ottawa Gatineau Valley Railway, has recovered $8,600 damages before a jury at Aylmer, Que. An Ottawa despatch reports the death of a little girl who stumbiod and thus caused a darning needle to enter her mouth and pierce through to the spinal column. Alex. McDuff, aline Kennedy, murder: ed a man in Seattle, Washington, recent• ly, and was oontonoed to state prison for life, He has since trade a confession that he killed a man named Holton, of Tilbury, Ont,, for which crime McMahon is now serving a life mutated in Kingston, James Ohalles, of the G. T. 1R,., resid- ing at Sheridan avenue, Toronto, brother of George Ohallee, manager Napanee Com- pany, has lost three children from diph- tlferia during the past three weeks. Aboub two weelce ago Roy, aged 6, died i last week Tansey, aged 19 months, passed away, and this week the only remaining child, hose, aged 4 years, died. Mr, Ohalloo only removed to Toronto from Napanee about three menthe ago, On Thanksgiving day a box was re.. Delved by expreoo at the Galt R,eotory, containing a handsome communion set, noneieting of flagon, chalice and plate, 000 St, Miobtel's Chapel, a gift from Mrs. Beamer, of London, in memory of her late husband, the Vory Rev, Miohtol Boomer, L. L. D„ for 68 years teeter of that parish. It was accompanied with the following inscription: --".A, modest offerinyi for St. Miohml'e Chapel, Gait, in memor,ane of the Very Dev. Dean Boom. er, frons afro. Boomer, London, Ont., Thanksgiving Day, 1898." Wm, Armstrong, of Siorolt townehip, above Ottawa, committed snloide by hanging In hie barn. The funeral of the late Lient..Gov, Boyd at St. John, N.13., was the largest ever sears in that city. The G. T. R. will oonditlonally rein- state the section bosses in the tiletriot of Berlin who were disoharged it wook ago for their oonneotion with a seorot organi. yahoo objectionable to the ootupany, About four o'clock Saturday afternoon G. W. Hughes, a carpenter, working on a truss bridge at Wilksedam, just west of Brantford, fell off the bridge to the frozeu ground below, a distance of about eighteen feet, and was killed. D000ased ie' supposed to bo a resident of Dahill), Minn. Selwood is as proud today as was Chicago oc the great day of the inasgu. ration of bbe Columbian Exposition. The cause of Belwood's proud glorification 10 that the wife of David Johnston, of that village, gave birth to triplets—two girls and a boy. At latest amounts the mother and three chiidreu were all doing well. A than was found frozen to death a mile from tate main road between Thed- ford and Grand Bend on Friday of last week. The body was taken to Thedford. Ho was 5 feet 8 inches high and appar. ently about 55 years of age, short black whiskers, streaked with white. On his person was found 78 cents in money, an envelope posted in Woodstock addressed 1p M. Elsie Tooker, Currie's Crossings, Ont., and another posted in Ingersoll, addressed Jamee Moulton, Vercbayle, Ont. John Oliver, a former resident of Wawanoab, but who has for several years been caretaker of the Central Pres- byterian oharoh, Gelb, died in the hospi. tal in that town recently, of heart disease, from which be had suffered for some time. He was 72 years of age. Mr. Oliver possessed a good education, and during most of his life in Wawanosh taught school, but after a time his hear- ing became so much affeoted that he was compelled to cease that 000upation, .8. boy about 12 years of age, who gave his name as John Smitlf, was brought into Tilsonburg the other day by a farm- er from tate country and handed over to the ogre of the police magistrate to de- vise a plan to save the boy from freezing to death this Winter, as he existed by stealing and begging food froth the farm- ers and sleeping in barns and straw ataoks. Both the magistrate and the ohief constable state that the boy is the most accomplished liar that they have ever beard of. Efforts were made to find his parents but without avail. The boy stated that he was 12 years of age and that hie father died 25 years ago, and that he oould just remember seeing his father once. The magistrate senten- ced him to a year in the reformatory. The Sudbury distriot is aroused over one of bhe most atrocious murders ever perpetrated in that district. Theviotitn, Donal Roy, was a young man 20 years of age, who left hie home in Hull a little over a year ago to try Ms fortune in the West. Ho took with him his wife and four children who are now widowed and fatherless in their new home. Young .Roy was in the employment of a clothing establishment at Maeaey, a village quite elms to Sudbury. The proprietors of the firm sent him with a sleigh.load of goods to a lumber shanty some miles away. He did not return for a couple of days after he wee expected and a, party started oat in search. After travelling a long dtstanoe in the direction of the shanty they came across tracks in the snow leading a short way into the bush. These the searchers followed up and where the Creaks ended was found the body of Roy, which was lying in the snow and almost naked. The upper part of his body was covered with,blood which bad oozed out of several ,leap gashes in bis neck. The body was brought back to the village and steps are beiug taken to detect the murderers. So far as known no trace was found of the sleigh and con- tents. Roy has saveral brothers and sla- tvre who live in Hull and Ottawa. Knox ohnrch, Harristan, presented a brilliant appearance Wednesday of last week, when fully 500 people gathered there to witness the marriage of Miss Maegie, seoond daughter of John Robertson, Esq., ex -Warden of the county of Wellington, and editor of the Harriston Tribune, to John A. Oroll, B. A., of Kemptville. The bride, attired iu white pearl silk en train, orange bloasome and veil, and carrying a bouquet of white roses, was assisted by her sister, Miss Dollie, Syd. C. Oroll, of Clinton, per- forming a similar service for his brother at the altar. Little Misses Ida Robert- son and Pearl Leighton acted as maids of honor. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. 0. Cameron, after which the in. vited guests, to the number of about 70, including friends from Harriston, Guelph, Aylmer, Galt, Clinton and other places, repaired to Mr. Robertson's house, where the nuptial ,lienor WAS partaken of, and the wedded pair at once started by the 0. P. 1t on their honeymoon trip, The groom is a native of Clinton, where he passed through the schools, a graduate of Toronto University, was a teaaber in Perth Collegiate Institute for 00001e time, and in now connected with the Oonfeder• ation Life in Eastern Ontario. The bride is a pretty and accomplished young lady, is popular there, as was attested to by the costly array of wedding me. mentos, The Detroit Free Prose says :—John Conn, the former Alvinatoe, Out., bank. er, who is wanted in that town for forgery, was turned over to the Canadian authorities by United States Marshal Blanchard. Conn made a determined fight against extradition ever 01no0 he was arrested throe ninths ago. Extra. dition Commissioner Davison decided ho would have to retoun and stand trial on the charge, and nn appeal was taken to Judge Swan, of the United States Dia. met Oourt. The judge sustained the ootnmbssioner`s finding, and an appeal was then taken to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, Last Tuesday that tribunal knocked the last prop from under Conn by dismissing ,the appeal. The Department of State at Washington was notified, and it ordered the fanatics of the visual bvritofsurrender. Deteotive Rogers, of Toronto, appeared Friday with the reeipias from the Attorney General of Canada, and he took his priaoneu bask on the first train. Clouts failed %baht it year ago for 560,000 and fled to tliie alty. Subsegdontly it was found that some of the notes which he had been swing as oat - lateral hero forged signabnres, and it was upon the warrant which waw then leaned that he was iodated and arrested stere last Anghst, THE BRUSSELS POST DEC. 22, 1893 mamtasta+tstaaIMORMInmIVIEMOMas,' „ The Qgobso cat'nival subscription now amounts to 167,000. The London Free Press moiety editor has bean favored with the following ;–"Xe it proper to eat fish with a knife ?" Yee, if the fire tongs aro out of repair, or the pitchfork is unlit for use, or you are paralyzed fit both arms, or you oan'b get at It with your feet, you might eat your fish with a knife. In the latter ease, be MVO to wear a base hall meek on your tonsils and keep your larynx padded, Mrs. P. Ouddaboe, of 00110, bite been ill for a month past and her infant child died on Saturday. On Monday her eld- est boy was lying Ill with la grippe, when she went up and laid her hand 000 his face ; the skin felt so oold that she thought the boy was dead and front that moment her mind began to wander. Site went Into a pantry, secured a razor and out her throat. Tho unfortunate woman cannot recover. About one o'clock on Thursday morn- ing of last week Jas. Fisk, who lives in Greenock, near Enniskillen, was awaken- ed by a noise in his bedroom, and was startled to find two mon standing over him with pointed revolvers. They land lit tbo lamp and everything Gould be distinctly aseu. Fick made a move to geb out of becl, .when one of them shouted "Lis down or I'll shoot you," and the other jumped on be the bed and proceed• ed to tie Fisk's fent. He then seized his hands, which he prooeeded to tie also, but Fisk by a sudden effort succeeded in breaking the rope, and then sprang out of becl. As he did so, the other burglar fired ab him, the ball passing directly over Mrs. Fiek's head. Fisk by this time bad succeeded in freeing his feet, and seizing a chair made for the burglars, while they in turn made for the next room. From this room they escapee by the window, and tbough Pfiek and his son followed them for a distance, they soon got out of sight. One of the burglars wore a mask, but the other had no die. guise of any kind. One was tall, while the other was thick 500, dark.00mplex. ioued, and apparently about 80 years of age. Pick went to Walkerton and had a warrant issued for their arrest, and the constables are now on the tools out for them. Ha :i!' EN f IS Invites your attention to a full range of Rugs, Robes, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Harness, Collars, Trunks, Valises, &C. At Very Low Prices. DENNIS, The Mississippi at Galena, Ills., is frozen over from shore to shore. "Tom King," bhe female horse thief, has escaped from the jail at El Keno, 0. T. The death is announced of the Earl of Cromartie. He was fortyons years of age. The Most Rev. John McCarthy, D. D., Boman Oabholio bishop of Otorte, Ire. land, died on Saturday at Cork. The mine owners of Scotland having refused to grant the demand of the miners for an increase of a shilling a day, the man went on strike. The registered tonnage of vessels pass. ing through the Soo canal during the season of 1893 shows a decrease of 797,- 449 tons as compared with 1892. Tho buildings of the World's Fair ab Ohicogo have been given to the South Park comntiarionere, together with a bonus of $200,000. They cost about $18,- 000,000: The commissioners intend to demolish them for the material that is in them. Harness Maker, Brussels. Bn1!ar Savef! ire Dollars Gaine The way to Elam Money is to call on Aud S.ee their prime stook of Hard- ware, &c , &c,, before purchasing elsewhere. Cross Cut Saws. We handle the Celebrated "Leader," the Gall "Lance," and the Toronto "Blade." Satisfaction guaranteed is saws We do n, larg-s trade in this line. PEOPLE'S POPMILAR PARUE. —TO— British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, —IN— Tourist Sleeping Cam, Toronto to Se- attle Without Mange, leaving TO– RONTO EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:18 P. M. Until Further Notice, COMMENCING OCT. 6,'93 For further parbioulare apply to any agent of the company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Wishes to thank his customers for their liberal patronage during the past year and also to intimate to the public gener- ally that he has recently had his roller mill put in thor- ough repair and it is now in bettor position than ever to turn out 'HRS T' CLASS FLOUR. In the Chopping Line 'We are prepared to do work promptly and in the Very Best Style as 0V0 have recently started a new run of stones for that purpose. Full Return Guaranteed, Best Flour and bill Feed at Reasonable Prices And delivered any place in town without Extra Charge. A Limited Quantity of good Milling Wheat purchased at the Mill. V7-11. ROSS, Brusels, NOV. 21st, 1893. omesemenamasetweessoes Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to the oar, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls. If 'you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you' appreciate real beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the location, light and woodwork of the room, etc.. Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room —more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in the town. Our Good Papers eost you no more thou the poor ones others sell. Call and son our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thoroughly versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making selections. We hang paper in a drat -class manner and are prepared to ex - ovate the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS,—I have an elegant stock of Winnow Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to be appreci- ated. They may behad either trimmed or plain by the yard. W, s RODDIO , House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. A large and well assorted stock of beautiful Hanging, Par- lor and Table Lamps that cannot fail to please purchasers. CUTLERY • Splendid stock of Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives and all other goods in this line. New, good and cheap. SILVERWARE. We have a very superior display of silverware suitable for holiday or birthday gifts. Our stock is well as- sorted and sold at Close Prices, Tip-top Line im New .Hccfnnaers. Sleigh Bells, Whips, Chopping Axes and everything else usually found in a .First-class Hardware Store. -Strict attention to business, selling on close margins andjgiv- ing satisfaction to our patrons are the lines on which we aim to gain and retain trade. A. M. M'1AY' & CQ. SI1VTA CLALS to 1Je FROXT Now is the time when Christmas gift making comes up for consideration and it is no easy matter to decide what to purchase, 8E POST lookiloro Has put in a large stock of Tas 8.y New Goods comprising Photo. Albums, Toilet Oases containing comb brush and Mirror, Shaving Oases, Work Boxes, Fancy Ink Stands. BEAUTIFUL DOLLS Ranging in price from 5c to $1,25. Toys of All Kinds Such as Trumpets, Balls, Tops, Dishes, Horses, 'Trains, Whips, Brooms, Whistles, Drums, Animals, Tools, Magic Lanterns, Guns, Pails, Washboards, Drawing Slates, Paint Boxes, Stoves, Rattles, harmonicas, Pis- tols, 'Watches, Jack Knives, &c., &c. A Splendid, Range of Picture Boole. It ew Stock of Bibles and Ryan Books. See our Mechanical Banks, they're Fine. Buy early and thereby get a good selection. Goods may- be naybe left in otir care until Xinas if so desired. Solid Bargains in All Holi- day Goods. POST Ilookstore., B R V S S .1:.1 L s.