The Brussels Post, 1893-12-22, Page 3Dara. 22, 1893
Town Directory.
Memirseo Onuitan,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a. m, and 6:80 p. m, Sunday Sohool
at 2:30 p. m. Rev. John Rose, B. A.,
KNox Cnunen,—Sabbath Services ab 11
a. m. and 6:30 p. nn. Sunday Sohool at
2:80 p, m. Rev. D. Millar, pastor.
Ste, JouN's Onunon.—Sabbath Sorvloos
at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Sunday Sohool
at 2:30 p. m. Rev, W. G. Reilly, inoum•
METHODIST Cnunon.—Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a, m. and 6;30 p, m. Sunday
Sohool at 2:30 p. m. Rey. G. H. Cobble -
dick, M. A., B. D•, pastor.
Roa:Arl OATHOtio Oltunon,—Sabbath
Servide third Sunday in every month, at
10:80 a, n:. Rev, Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION Anur.—Service at 7 and 11
a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m. on Sunday and
every evening in the week et 8 o'clock, at
the barraolce.
ODD FELLOW LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
Massimo LoneE Taeeday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0, U. W. L o»OE on lab and Brd
Friday evenings of eaoh month, in Bias.
hill's block.
0. 0. P. LODGE 2nd and last Monday
evenings of enol. month, in Blashill's
L. O. L. lob Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
I. 0. F., 2nd and lest Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
R. T. or T., 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of
eaoh montb, in Odd Follows' Hall.
Solve 014 Soo'm, ND, 1st and 8rd TUGS -
days of each month, iu Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Longi, let and Brd Thurs-
days of each month, fn Vanatone block.
Home Crewe, 2nd and 4th Friday even -
Inge in Blashill's Hall.
Pose Ossiore.—Office hours from 8 a.
m. to 7 p. m,
MEoli,tuzae' INBTITIITE—Library in
Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw,
Tows CousoxL.—W. H. Kerr, Rueve ;
W. H. MoOracken, George Thomson, R.
Ross and John Wynn, Oounoillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thos. Kelly, Treas.
nrer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T.
Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st
Monday in eaoh month.
SoHOOL BOARD.—T. Fletcher, (chair.
man,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, Bev.
Ross and A. Reid ; Sec.Treas., R. Ross..
Meetings 2ad Friday evening in eaoh
eron, Principal, WWI Braden, Mise
Downey and Mies Ouoper.
BOARD op Hkaerm—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, H. Dennis and J. N.
Kendall Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
If in life you would strias a summit to
Through the study of law or scholars to
Or perhaps be a parson or heed of a bank,
Give thought to it wisely and dont be a
And if as a merchant or knight of the
Or hale hearty farmer wba ploughs up
the sod,
Or else ne a soldier bask in the rear rank,
Still bear it in mind and pray dont be a
If yon serve at a counter or else digging
Where mused° rates higher than great
weight of brains,
Act kind and obliging, let entail things be
And your motto read this way, "Dont be
a crank."
As member of order who seek to do good,
Dont hasten to blackball, no true mem-
ber should,
From you some may differ, though hon-
est and frank,
Adt ont your part manly and dont be a
Aa drawer of water or hewer of wood,
No matter how humble, all labor is good,
Choose you to not ugly or play any
The good Lord made man but he didn't
make pranks.
H. J. Wureme., Kin oardiue.
On a dark November morning
A lady walked slowly down
The thronged, tumultuous thoroughfare
Of an ancient seaport sown.
0f a winning and grucioue beauty,
The peace on het pure young faoe
Was Oft as the gleam of an an,3,el's dream
In the calms of a heavenly place.
Her eyes were fountains of pity,
And the sensitive mouth expressed
A longing to set the kind thoughts free
In music that filled her breast.
She met, jly a bright ahop.window,
An urchin timid end thin,
Who, with limbs that shook, and a yearn.
ing look,
Wei mistily gleaming in
At the rows and varied clusters
Of slippers and shoos outspread,
Borne shimmering keen, bet of .sombre
Some purple and green and red.
His pale lips moved and mnrmurad 1
Brit of what she could not hear,
And oft on his folded hands would fall
The round of a bitter tear.
"What troubles you, child 4" she aeked
In a voice like the May•wind sweet,
He turned, and while pointing dolefully
To hie naked and bleeding feet,
"1 was praying fey shoes," lie answered ;
• "(Just look at the splendid show I)
I was praying to God for a alogia pair,
The sharp stones hurt me so,"
She led him, in museful silence,
At once through the open door,
And his hope grew bright, lilts a fairy
That fliekorod and danced before 1
And there he was Washed and tended,
,And hie'emall, brown feet were shod,
,And 119 pondered there on bis Widish
And the marvellous answer of God.
Above him his keen gaze wandered,
• How strangely front shop and sheif,
Till it almost roomed that hs fondly
Of looking on God Himself,
The lady bent over and whispered :
"Aro you happier now, my lad 7"
He started and all his soul flashed forth
In a gratitude swift and glad.
"Happy 9-011, yes 1—I am happy 1"
Then (wonder with reverence rife,
His eyes aglow and his voice sunk low.)
"Please tell the 1 Ara yon God'e wife 2"
To be 'taken January est, 109.t.
In response to a large number of peal.
tions from Ohurohes, Tomperanee So•
oietiee and Munioipal Counoils, the
Ontario Legielatm•o at its session of 1893
passed an Aot providing for the laking,
on the 1st day of January, 1801, a vote of
the electors of the Province of Outario
on the question of immediate total prohi•
liitian. This article sets out the most
important features of that Act.
From the statement above made it will
bo seen at once that the vote to be taken
will be simply an expression of opinion
of the voters. It will not have any direct
legislative effect. If in favor el prohibi-
tion, it will, however, be a direct demand
from the people of Ontario upon their
represenitttives for the eunotmenb of 0
law of total prohibition.
The Combs have not yet dsoided
whether or not the Ontario Legislature
has power to meat a .general law of
Prohibition for the Province. Questions
are, however, before the Supremo Court
of Oanada, the final answer to which is
expected to make thls matter definite
and clear, The expression of opinion by
rho people will be intended for either the
Provincial Legislature or the Dominion
Parliament, according to tbo decision of
the Courts ae to which body has the
power to meat the desired law.
The vote will be taken by ballot, at the
time and places at which the munioipal
elections will be held for 1804. The
ballots to be need will be in the following
form •
The voter will marls his ballot by pub
ing a cross opposite the word expressing
he answer he desires to give to th
question asked. The instructions to b
printed and posted in eaoh polling place
will contain the following statement :
Electors 10 voting "yes" on this
pressing an opinioconsidered
ins favor of poohi-
bitiou to the extent to .vhiea the
Legislature of this Province or the
Parliament of Canada has juris-
diction, as may be determined uy
the court of Hunt resort.
Polling will commence at Mee o'clock
in the forenoon, and will aloes at five o' -
cloak in the afternoon.
In municipalities in which the Muni-
oipal elections aro by acclamation, the
polls will, nevertheless, be open for the
taking of the Plebiscite.
00010.90 OA THE VOTE.
It will thus be seen that an affirmative
reply to the question asked will be a
declaration that the voter desires the
Legislature to at once suaot all the pro•
bibition that the decision to be given will
warrant that body in enaotibg, and that
he desires the Dominion Parliament to
exeroise to the fullest extent the prohi-
bitory power that it will be declared to
A substantial majority for prohibition
will praotionlly mean an appeal to the
Domiuion Parliament and to the Pro-
vincial Legislature for all the restraint
that awls of the bodies named sen im-
pose upon the liquor traffic.
The qualification for voting at this
elation is the being on the last certified
Voters' Liet. For men the list used will
be Parte I and III of the printed list,
that ie the list of man eutitled to vote at
elections to the Legislative Assembly.
The women entitled to vote are those
qualified to vote at Municipal elections.
Their names will be found on Part II of
lbs printed Ifsb.
Those persons opposed to prohibition,
and those favoring prohibition, are re•
apeotivoly entitled to be represented in
each polling plane during the voting and
the counting of the votes by a duly ap-
pointed scrutineer. Any of these
scrutineers may require the Deputy Re.
turning OMeer to swear a voter its to his
identity, or right to vote.
If the Proviuoe of Ontario dsolaree by
a strong majority in favor of total prohi-
bition a deoided advance will have been
made towards the total suppression of
the liquor traffic.
Such a majority will be a definite,
practical demand that legislators will be
compelled to recognize and respect.
These legislators will have more clearly
expressed than ever before, the desire of
their constituents for effective t0mperanee
Such a victory will completely silence
those who declare that the people do not
favor prohibition. It will dispose of lbs
old misrepresentation that "the country
is not ripe." The educative effect of the
voting, and the, preoeding oampatgning,
will be of great value to the prohibition
clause. A strong majority for prohibition
will give friends of this reform cond.-
deem, enbhtisiaam, deberminaLton and
power, that will immure for them epeedier
and fuller ouai)ess then could have been
attained without the assietisnio of this
method of ascertaining their true post.
The result of the voting will show
Where the cause is strong and where it is
weak, It will show workers where they
need 10 put forth most effort and also
what lilaoesaro so far advanced that
local option by-laws may at onto be sub•
mjttod in theta With good prospects of
succebs. In this way, prohibition may
be aotually attained 111 a great part of
the provi'noe of Ontario, by May deb,
In this contest, temperance workers
will learn Who, among aspiring public
men, are their true friends. They will
learn who are sufficiently favorable to
prohibition to work hard for a enbstan•
.fel majority. They will thus learn who
Gan be relied upon to help diem in
Parliament, Logielatnrs and Municipal
Councils, better than they could learn
from mere eleobion•tims promises; and
expressions of opinion, With the vote
taken, and the Court decision given, the
way will be clear for further advance.
If this province dsolaree unmistakably a
desire for immediate total prohibition,
then the legislative body having power to
grant that boon, must respond to the
people's request. A victory ho lbs
plebiscite will certainly hasten the
advent of total prohibition.
The County Court and General See•
eons of the Peace opened on Monday of
last week before Ilis Honor Judge Doyle,
who presided in the absence of Judge
TOMB through 010110ess. The list of
cases woe considerably larger than
The following were sworn in ae grand
jury :—henry Hanley, W. II. Elliott,
Godsriob c John Dalton, Riebard Finlay,
7. W. Hunter, Richard E, Lene,Ashlleld ;
John Dodds, Seaforth ; W. B. Poster,
Colborne ; S. T. Penwell, Gorrie ; D.
Harris, Ilowiuk ; John Harris, Bluevale ;
Wm. Jackson, Clinton ; Robt. Love,
Hay ; Alex. Munroe, David Martin,
Wroxeter ; John McMillan, Morris ;
Thos. McFadden, MoKillop ; Domiuiolc
Reynolds, D. Shanahan, Hallett.
McKenzie vs, Brownley, an Action for
money lent. This was a jury case bat
after the hearing of some of the evidence
His Honor ruled that this court had not
jurisdiction to entertain the action, bet
he reserved the question of costs. R.
H. Collins for plff ; J. T. Garrow for
McKenzie vs. Sherwood, was an action
for conversion of a promissory note. The
plff. had some years ego bean convicted
of uttering counterfeit money, and sant
to Kingston for four years. The defend.
ant, who is commissioner of Dominion
polios, took possession of some papers
found on McKenzie, among them being a
promissory note, which was olaimed was
never returned ; but the defence was
that the note was returned with the
other papers to McKenzie's solicitor, Mr.
Lietor, Q. 0., of Sarnia. After trial the
jury gave judgment for the defence, and
the action was dismissed with costs. R.
H. Collins for pili. ; E. Campion, Q. O.,
for deft.
Charlesworth vs. Brown, an action on
a warranty for goods sold. This ease was
in progress when this report closed.
Murdock vs. O'Neil, an aotion for the
price of a stook of goods, was settled be•
.ween the parties.
Goneet•ttl Newts.
Signor Orispi has undertaken the task
of forming an Italian cabinet.
The commercial situation in ilio Jane-
iro is reported to be improving.
The Argentiva Congress bas sanctioned
an extradition treaty with Great Britain.
Hon. Robert Preston Bruce, brother of
the Bari of Elgin, died at Edinburgh
from influenza.
A Social Demoorabio agitator in Ger-
many has been sentenced to six months'
imprisonment for lase majestic.
Joseph Denote en aged Hebrew, died
in miserable quarters at Indianapolis,
Ind., the other day. A search of his
room resulted [n the discovery of 994.000.
A0 a wedding et Arlington, Neb., Mon-
day night, Herman Eobtamkamp and
Frank Olesman settled au old grievance
by fighting a duel with pistols. The
latter was fatally wounded.
Edward F. Terry, motorman of the
electric car 'which plunged through a
drawbridge iu Portland, Ore., on Nov. 1,
when seven persons were drowned, has
been indicted for manslaughter.
Harvey Pate and Frank Stiers, two of
four highwayman who killed Henry Hal-
misk, a wealthy farmer, in an attempt to
rob him, were hanged at Danville, Ill.,
last Thursday. The other two are ser-
ving life sentences in the penitentiary.
Prof. C. L. Vaughn, balloonist, wino
has made several successful trips heaven-
ward during the past week, met with an
accident at Centreville, Cal., last Satur-
day, wbiolo will probably prove fatal. A
largo crowd assembled to witness the
advertised balloon ascension. The wind
woe unfavorable, but fearing the reputa-
tion of a fakir the professor attempted
the ascension. When the ropes were out
loose the balloon was carried with terrific
force - against the Town Hall. Prof..
Vaughn, who was clinging to the trapeze,
was thrown through the window of the
Town Hall against the nailing and to
the floor. Oitizsus broke in the hall door
and found Vaughn with one leg broken in
six places, bones protruding, one ear torn
off and internal injuries, which are at
present unknown.
White Star Line.
ROYAL MAIL S'1'[s 131S11YPS.
Between New Yorl: and Liverpool, via
Qusoastowti, eyery Wedbsialer.
As rho steamers of this line carry only n
ebrletly limited number in the rtes'' and
MOONY 0.1509 weerrimedtetions, intending
passsngsrs are romindod Etat an early ap-
plication for bertha is necessary at ibis sea•
sou, Por i,1ane, rates, eto., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
±00 -..EZ 1894.
Tuts Pon and ,Montreal Herald, with
AlmanaoorPicture, - /2 25
T:IEPoseand Montreal Witness, 2 10
" Northern Messenger, 1 75
Western Advertiser, 2 25
London Flee Press, 2 25
Toronto Mail, 2 25
Toronto Empire, 2 26
Toronto Globe, 2 25
Cosmopolitan, 2 75
Toren ta News, 2 25
Farmers' Advocate, 2 25
In each case the balance of the
year is given Free to now
Call on or Write
Pon, Publishing House,
Having removed my stock to the
Millinery Booms in the store of
Messrs. Ferguson a Halliday
(Lately vacated by Mr. Irwin)
I ani prepared to attend to the
wants of the Ladies by sup-
plying the
Most Stylish Millinery
At: Close Prneca.,
A. pleasure to show our Fashion-
able Goods. Call and see
the Styles.
Miss McPherson,
For Xmas Presents
Boot & Shoe llouse
My stock is complete in all de-
partments of
General 1)ry Goods
And Panay Goods bought in the bust
markets and will be sold at the Lowest
Clash Prices — will not bo undersold.
Compare quality and prices. Jost reosiv•
ed a job lino of Silk handkerchiefs for
Christmas at boo on the 9.
I have a )l'ull Line of ell kinds of
New Pratte, New Peels, New Nuts, Fresh
S01004 of Pure Quality. Uoadqueeters for
Canned Gooks of ell kinds at lowest paste
prime. All geode guaranteed of First
Butter, Eggs and Poultry taken.
J1 GI'
Camas lin r
And see our stock of
Gents' Fancy Slippers,
High Cut Jersey Buckle Over -
shoos, Newest Styles of Felt
Boots, Fine Congress and Laced
Fur Bound Felt Slippers, Fleecy
Lined Jersey Overshoes, Over
Gaiters and Leggings, Felt Boots
for old ladies. Boots and Shoes
of every description:
Men's aticl Boys' Pure Gum Rub.
bets and Socks.
Mira, Crockery, Lamps and
Good Brothers,
System IteuovateT
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate,
tion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con.
sumption, Gall Stones, ,Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T, PEPPER.
Druggist, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or 'Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
G -rand
z eneei off;
Christmas and New Year
Excursion tickets will bo issued as under
Siugle First -Class Fare,
Good to go December 22nd, 28rd,21tb or 25th,
valid for return until December 20th; also
good to go December 211t11, 80th 81st or Janu.
ary let, valid for return until 'January 2nd,
First -Class Fare and One.Third,
Gond to go December End, 22rd, 24th or 25th,
valid for return until January 2nd, 1881.
To Students and Teachers,
At First -Class Fare and One Third, on sur-
render of standard form of school certifi-
cate signed by the Principal, good to go Da-
oember Oth to Ebb, inclusive, valid for re-
turn until January Blst, 1891.
For tickets l.AKEapnct fall information apply to
tY . 1i .tT DA L L ,
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels,
is rho atesc triumph in pharmacyfor the euro
of an the symptoms Indlcating 1SI132,1E7 ANn1
IVEtt Complaint If you aro troubled wi1h1
Costs nees, rtizziuems, Soar Sio,unch c
IIIc:edncl,e, indigcetiou, Poo.-. APPETITE,
i MED Flir.LINu, IiuEo.+iA1.dPaps, Sleepless
)Nights, Melancholy 1 ecAme, Timer. Amin,S
j04ornbray's Kidney a :61 L;l,re 007054
Sold at all Drug Stores. 55
Diem -bray Medicine Company
oI Peterborough, ptisnlletl),
1 M. Hell[el'soJI
'derchant and Tailor
I beg leave to notify the Public
that I have started a
In connection with my store and
am now ready to 011 all or-
ders for Clothing.
Fits Guaranteed or no Sale.
J. 31. IIEY)111It4 )N,
We offer some of the Finest Importations In New Fruits.
Such as Blue Basket Raisins, Finest Seleobed Valencia Raisins, Fine off stalk
Valencia Raisins, Choice New Currants, NevtPeels, Extracts, Pure Pastry
Spices, Icings, Shelled Almonds—in fact all the requisites for a Christmas Cake
or Pudding. We are showing some of the
Finest Values in Blended Japan and Congon Teas
Ever shown in Brussels. Remember they are packed in the gardens of Japan.
and Ohina specially, and imported direct. We permutes every pound of Tea
that leaves our store to give the best of satisfaction, or money refunded.
In Sugars and Syrups we are away down in Prices
this Season. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts and O,mfeotiunery.
In Fancy China, Dresden China, German China,
Bohemian Glass, Fancy Baskete, Fruit Plates, Flower Pots, China and Decor-
ated Tea Bets, Dinner Sats, Bedroom Sets, Fancy China Cups and Saucers,
Ceps, Saucers and Plates, Porridge Sets, Bread and Milk Sets, Oyster Bowls,
Fancy Cruets and the flnoab assortment of Letups ever shown it: our stoic.
r"'Call and see these goods whether you buy or not. No trouble to show goods
we will be glad to see you. Remember the plane—nearly opposite Brnssela
A Fresh and Prime stock of Xrnas
goods to hand consisting of
Pine Apples,
Cocoa Nuts,
Pea Nuts,
Shelled Almonds,
Of the best Quality.
Essences, Extracts
and Spices.
Orange, Lemon
and Citron Peels.
New Tobaccoes.
Syrups and Vintgar'5.
In Teas and Sugars special bargains are offered
C1lristio's Biscuits and a fall line of family Groceries in every
Department, including Tip-top Fish, Poultry, &c, A pleasure to
show our goods.
4.A151. B A L fit, a ,!!a
Try Cott oline. ('',ocz,«
Are you iu favor of the im-
mediate prohibition by-law of the
importation, manufacture and Bale
of intoxicating liquors 000 a be ver -
The voter will marls his ballot by pub
ing a cross opposite the word expressing
he answer he desires to give to th
question asked. The instructions to b
printed and posted in eaoh polling place
will contain the following statement :
Electors 10 voting "yes" on this
pressing an opinioconsidered
ins favor of poohi-
bitiou to the extent to .vhiea the
Legislature of this Province or the
Parliament of Canada has juris-
diction, as may be determined uy
the court of Hunt resort.
Polling will commence at Mee o'clock
in the forenoon, and will aloes at five o' -
cloak in the afternoon.
In municipalities in which the Muni-
oipal elections aro by acclamation, the
polls will, nevertheless, be open for the
taking of the Plebiscite.
00010.90 OA THE VOTE.
It will thus be seen that an affirmative
reply to the question asked will be a
declaration that the voter desires the
Legislature to at once suaot all the pro•
bibition that the decision to be given will
warrant that body in enaotibg, and that
he desires the Dominion Parliament to
exeroise to the fullest extent the prohi-
bitory power that it will be declared to
A substantial majority for prohibition
will praotionlly mean an appeal to the
Domiuion Parliament and to the Pro-
vincial Legislature for all the restraint
that awls of the bodies named sen im-
pose upon the liquor traffic.
The qualification for voting at this
elation is the being on the last certified
Voters' Liet. For men the list used will
be Parte I and III of the printed list,
that ie the list of man eutitled to vote at
elections to the Legislative Assembly.
The women entitled to vote are those
qualified to vote at Municipal elections.
Their names will be found on Part II of
lbs printed Ifsb.
Those persons opposed to prohibition,
and those favoring prohibition, are re•
apeotivoly entitled to be represented in
each polling plane during the voting and
the counting of the votes by a duly ap-
pointed scrutineer. Any of these
scrutineers may require the Deputy Re.
turning OMeer to swear a voter its to his
identity, or right to vote.
If the Proviuoe of Ontario dsolaree by
a strong majority in favor of total prohi-
bition a deoided advance will have been
made towards the total suppression of
the liquor traffic.
Such a majority will be a definite,
practical demand that legislators will be
compelled to recognize and respect.
These legislators will have more clearly
expressed than ever before, the desire of
their constituents for effective t0mperanee
Such a victory will completely silence
those who declare that the people do not
favor prohibition. It will dispose of lbs
old misrepresentation that "the country
is not ripe." The educative effect of the
voting, and the, preoeding oampatgning,
will be of great value to the prohibition
clause. A strong majority for prohibition
will give friends of this reform cond.-
deem, enbhtisiaam, deberminaLton and
power, that will immure for them epeedier
and fuller ouai)ess then could have been
attained without the assietisnio of this
method of ascertaining their true post.
The result of the voting will show
Where the cause is strong and where it is
weak, It will show workers where they
need 10 put forth most effort and also
what lilaoesaro so far advanced that
local option by-laws may at onto be sub•
mjttod in theta With good prospects of
succebs. In this way, prohibition may
be aotually attained 111 a great part of
the provi'noe of Ontario, by May deb,
In this contest, temperance workers
will learn Who, among aspiring public
men, are their true friends. They will
learn who are sufficiently favorable to
prohibition to work hard for a enbstan•
.fel majority. They will thus learn who
Gan be relied upon to help diem in
Parliament, Logielatnrs and Municipal
Councils, better than they could learn
from mere eleobion•tims promises; and
expressions of opinion, With the vote
taken, and the Court decision given, the
way will be clear for further advance.
If this province dsolaree unmistakably a
desire for immediate total prohibition,
then the legislative body having power to
grant that boon, must respond to the
people's request. A victory ho lbs
plebiscite will certainly hasten the
advent of total prohibition.
The County Court and General See•
eons of the Peace opened on Monday of
last week before Ilis Honor Judge Doyle,
who presided in the absence of Judge
TOMB through 010110ess. The list of
cases woe considerably larger than
The following were sworn in ae grand
jury :—henry Hanley, W. II. Elliott,
Godsriob c John Dalton, Riebard Finlay,
7. W. Hunter, Richard E, Lene,Ashlleld ;
John Dodds, Seaforth ; W. B. Poster,
Colborne ; S. T. Penwell, Gorrie ; D.
Harris, Ilowiuk ; John Harris, Bluevale ;
Wm. Jackson, Clinton ; Robt. Love,
Hay ; Alex. Munroe, David Martin,
Wroxeter ; John McMillan, Morris ;
Thos. McFadden, MoKillop ; Domiuiolc
Reynolds, D. Shanahan, Hallett.
McKenzie vs, Brownley, an Action for
money lent. This was a jury case bat
after the hearing of some of the evidence
His Honor ruled that this court had not
jurisdiction to entertain the action, bet
he reserved the question of costs. R.
H. Collins for plff ; J. T. Garrow for
McKenzie vs. Sherwood, was an action
for conversion of a promissory note. The
plff. had some years ego bean convicted
of uttering counterfeit money, and sant
to Kingston for four years. The defend.
ant, who is commissioner of Dominion
polios, took possession of some papers
found on McKenzie, among them being a
promissory note, which was olaimed was
never returned ; but the defence was
that the note was returned with the
other papers to McKenzie's solicitor, Mr.
Lietor, Q. 0., of Sarnia. After trial the
jury gave judgment for the defence, and
the action was dismissed with costs. R.
H. Collins for pili. ; E. Campion, Q. O.,
for deft.
Charlesworth vs. Brown, an action on
a warranty for goods sold. This ease was
in progress when this report closed.
Murdock vs. O'Neil, an aotion for the
price of a stook of goods, was settled be•
.ween the parties.
Goneet•ttl Newts.
Signor Orispi has undertaken the task
of forming an Italian cabinet.
The commercial situation in ilio Jane-
iro is reported to be improving.
The Argentiva Congress bas sanctioned
an extradition treaty with Great Britain.
Hon. Robert Preston Bruce, brother of
the Bari of Elgin, died at Edinburgh
from influenza.
A Social Demoorabio agitator in Ger-
many has been sentenced to six months'
imprisonment for lase majestic.
Joseph Denote en aged Hebrew, died
in miserable quarters at Indianapolis,
Ind., the other day. A search of his
room resulted [n the discovery of 994.000.
A0 a wedding et Arlington, Neb., Mon-
day night, Herman Eobtamkamp and
Frank Olesman settled au old grievance
by fighting a duel with pistols. The
latter was fatally wounded.
Edward F. Terry, motorman of the
electric car 'which plunged through a
drawbridge iu Portland, Ore., on Nov. 1,
when seven persons were drowned, has
been indicted for manslaughter.
Harvey Pate and Frank Stiers, two of
four highwayman who killed Henry Hal-
misk, a wealthy farmer, in an attempt to
rob him, were hanged at Danville, Ill.,
last Thursday. The other two are ser-
ving life sentences in the penitentiary.
Prof. C. L. Vaughn, balloonist, wino
has made several successful trips heaven-
ward during the past week, met with an
accident at Centreville, Cal., last Satur-
day, wbiolo will probably prove fatal. A
largo crowd assembled to witness the
advertised balloon ascension. The wind
woe unfavorable, but fearing the reputa-
tion of a fakir the professor attempted
the ascension. When the ropes were out
loose the balloon was carried with terrific
force - against the Town Hall. Prof..
Vaughn, who was clinging to the trapeze,
was thrown through the window of the
Town Hall against the nailing and to
the floor. Oitizsus broke in the hall door
and found Vaughn with one leg broken in
six places, bones protruding, one ear torn
off and internal injuries, which are at
present unknown.
White Star Line.
ROYAL MAIL S'1'[s 131S11YPS.
Between New Yorl: and Liverpool, via
Qusoastowti, eyery Wedbsialer.
As rho steamers of this line carry only n
ebrletly limited number in the rtes'' and
MOONY 0.1509 weerrimedtetions, intending
passsngsrs are romindod Etat an early ap-
plication for bertha is necessary at ibis sea•
sou, Por i,1ane, rates, eto., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
±00 -..EZ 1894.
Tuts Pon and ,Montreal Herald, with
AlmanaoorPicture, - /2 25
T:IEPoseand Montreal Witness, 2 10
" Northern Messenger, 1 75
Western Advertiser, 2 25
London Flee Press, 2 25
Toronto Mail, 2 25
Toronto Empire, 2 26
Toronto Globe, 2 25
Cosmopolitan, 2 75
Toren ta News, 2 25
Farmers' Advocate, 2 25
In each case the balance of the
year is given Free to now
Call on or Write
Pon, Publishing House,
Having removed my stock to the
Millinery Booms in the store of
Messrs. Ferguson a Halliday
(Lately vacated by Mr. Irwin)
I ani prepared to attend to the
wants of the Ladies by sup-
plying the
Most Stylish Millinery
At: Close Prneca.,
A. pleasure to show our Fashion-
able Goods. Call and see
the Styles.
Miss McPherson,
For Xmas Presents
Boot & Shoe llouse
My stock is complete in all de-
partments of
General 1)ry Goods
And Panay Goods bought in the bust
markets and will be sold at the Lowest
Clash Prices — will not bo undersold.
Compare quality and prices. Jost reosiv•
ed a job lino of Silk handkerchiefs for
Christmas at boo on the 9.
I have a )l'ull Line of ell kinds of
New Pratte, New Peels, New Nuts, Fresh
S01004 of Pure Quality. Uoadqueeters for
Canned Gooks of ell kinds at lowest paste
prime. All geode guaranteed of First
Butter, Eggs and Poultry taken.
J1 GI'
Camas lin r
And see our stock of
Gents' Fancy Slippers,
High Cut Jersey Buckle Over -
shoos, Newest Styles of Felt
Boots, Fine Congress and Laced
Fur Bound Felt Slippers, Fleecy
Lined Jersey Overshoes, Over
Gaiters and Leggings, Felt Boots
for old ladies. Boots and Shoes
of every description:
Men's aticl Boys' Pure Gum Rub.
bets and Socks.
Mira, Crockery, Lamps and
Good Brothers,
System IteuovateT
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate,
tion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con.
sumption, Gall Stones, ,Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T, PEPPER.
Druggist, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or 'Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
G -rand
z eneei off;
Christmas and New Year
Excursion tickets will bo issued as under
Siugle First -Class Fare,
Good to go December 22nd, 28rd,21tb or 25th,
valid for return until December 20th; also
good to go December 211t11, 80th 81st or Janu.
ary let, valid for return until 'January 2nd,
First -Class Fare and One.Third,
Gond to go December End, 22rd, 24th or 25th,
valid for return until January 2nd, 1881.
To Students and Teachers,
At First -Class Fare and One Third, on sur-
render of standard form of school certifi-
cate signed by the Principal, good to go Da-
oember Oth to Ebb, inclusive, valid for re-
turn until January Blst, 1891.
For tickets l.AKEapnct fall information apply to
tY . 1i .tT DA L L ,
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels,
is rho atesc triumph in pharmacyfor the euro
of an the symptoms Indlcating 1SI132,1E7 ANn1
IVEtt Complaint If you aro troubled wi1h1
Costs nees, rtizziuems, Soar Sio,unch c
IIIc:edncl,e, indigcetiou, Poo.-. APPETITE,
i MED Flir.LINu, IiuEo.+iA1.dPaps, Sleepless
)Nights, Melancholy 1 ecAme, Timer. Amin,S
j04ornbray's Kidney a :61 L;l,re 007054
Sold at all Drug Stores. 55
Diem -bray Medicine Company
oI Peterborough, ptisnlletl),
1 M. Hell[el'soJI
'derchant and Tailor
I beg leave to notify the Public
that I have started a
In connection with my store and
am now ready to 011 all or-
ders for Clothing.
Fits Guaranteed or no Sale.
J. 31. IIEY)111It4 )N,
We offer some of the Finest Importations In New Fruits.
Such as Blue Basket Raisins, Finest Seleobed Valencia Raisins, Fine off stalk
Valencia Raisins, Choice New Currants, NevtPeels, Extracts, Pure Pastry
Spices, Icings, Shelled Almonds—in fact all the requisites for a Christmas Cake
or Pudding. We are showing some of the
Finest Values in Blended Japan and Congon Teas
Ever shown in Brussels. Remember they are packed in the gardens of Japan.
and Ohina specially, and imported direct. We permutes every pound of Tea
that leaves our store to give the best of satisfaction, or money refunded.
In Sugars and Syrups we are away down in Prices
this Season. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts and O,mfeotiunery.
In Fancy China, Dresden China, German China,
Bohemian Glass, Fancy Baskete, Fruit Plates, Flower Pots, China and Decor-
ated Tea Bets, Dinner Sats, Bedroom Sets, Fancy China Cups and Saucers,
Ceps, Saucers and Plates, Porridge Sets, Bread and Milk Sets, Oyster Bowls,
Fancy Cruets and the flnoab assortment of Letups ever shown it: our stoic.
r"'Call and see these goods whether you buy or not. No trouble to show goods
we will be glad to see you. Remember the plane—nearly opposite Brnssela
A Fresh and Prime stock of Xrnas
goods to hand consisting of
Pine Apples,
Cocoa Nuts,
Pea Nuts,
Shelled Almonds,
Of the best Quality.
Essences, Extracts
and Spices.
Orange, Lemon
and Citron Peels.
New Tobaccoes.
Syrups and Vintgar'5.
In Teas and Sugars special bargains are offered
C1lristio's Biscuits and a fall line of family Groceries in every
Department, including Tip-top Fish, Poultry, &c, A pleasure to
show our goods.
4.A151. B A L fit, a ,!!a
Try Cott oline. ('',ocz,«