The Brussels Post, 1893-11-24, Page 8Photograph Albums, Our Photograph Aflame ordered from Dermally Some months eines have now arrived. If you want good value call and select one. µOw about presents? Are you think- ing of getting one ? Some valuable gift foryour friend or—well it matters nob who'll it is A Present you are after then come and make your purohl8e while our stook is complete with so many things manufactured and purchased expressly for this purpose,. useful articles too which you need not hesitate about giving. It would take too moth space to enumerate them so please come and see them at our drug, book and fancy goods store, Brnsaels. G. A. DEAD11[AN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North ad South, as follows : Goole 8011TH, GOING Notion. DZail, 0114 a.m. I Mixed 9:45 a.m. Express 11:59 a.m. Mail8:18 nen. 9145 p.m. Express ...... 9148 p.m. .on C .c i,a stems, A cbiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. SEND us the news. GET ready for winter. BI ,Coco of 1896 free to new subscribers. NEW subsoripbions for 1894 are rolling in. READ every advertisement in THE POST. It pays to do it. PASSENGER traffic has beeo brisk this Fall on the G. T. R. Waren out for lames Ballantyne's new grocery advt. next week. MYIonTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday of next week, 30th inst. SEE our latest and uobby styles in Photos for Christmas. H. 1. STRONG, Photographer. Nate time table on the Grand Trunk Railway but there are no changes that affeot Brussels. Tan Star Almanac of Montreal for 1894 is just published. Needless to say there is a great demand for it. BARGAINS In envelopes at To POST Publiehing House. Every business man should have his card printed on a thousand of them. Tan interior of the American Hotel has been greatly improved by the walls t and ceilings being neatly papered, W. a Roddick supplied and hung the paper. e MESSRS. JOHNSTON & COCHRANE have leased the building lately used as a post. office from Postmaster Farrow and will utilize it as a stone cutting and finishing a shop. L THAN1SOlvit+'G day rates on the Grand w Truuk Railway have been fixed as b foliates :-Tickets, good to go by after- noon trains November 22, all trains, o November 23, and to return on Nevem- c. 'e 24, will be issued from all stations in Canada at single first-olase fare. w THERE are a few youbbe who will le get into trouble if the hoodlum qualities they are developing on the streets are o not suddenly Checked. A village By-law B governs shouting and disturbing the a Peen. If this warning is not heeded a Constable l3roadfoot will take Charge a9 b as their names are known. Tas Amberstburg Echo entered on its 20th year last week and we are pleased p to see tbat 18 beeomea more vigorous as it b approa7bes its majority, Messrs. Bal. 1; four & Auld have stood by the burg well tl and have done a great 98881 to promote s the interests of Essex Co. both personally w and through the columns of their excel- F lent weekly. They bave the best wishes H of Tan Pon for future success. ,n QUITE A Ben Have. -Few people have a any idea of the hustling business being S done by George Edwards at his shop, sa next door to the Wooleu mill, from b whence he gets the power for bis ma- L ohinery. On the lower fiat he has a ti planer and matcher, a moulding machine, w turning lathe, &e., and upetaire a band e naw, all ran by steam, work benebee &o. In addition to the odd jobs of planing, manufacturing sash and doors, &o., the furnishings for five dwelling houses and the Brussels postoffice were turned out during the past season. Mr. Edwards hoe had A. &IoGuire with him regularly and often other help to keep paoe with the orders. Larger premises will be a necessity before long to allow scope for the inoreaeing business. 11099E Beneeees -On Sunday night of last week somebody gained entrance to 'Geo. Edwards' residence by inserting his hand through °broken window pane and drawing back the bolt in the door. Mrs, Edwards was called out of bed to wait on one of the children and nnooneoiously , startled the midnight rover. He could not find the door to got out so be wrenoh. ed out the lower sash of one of the front windows, jumped to the sidewalk and made his encape. A number of house plants ma the 801ndo80 sill came to grief in the escapade. Nothing Was missed as Mr. Sneak Thief had not time to ao- w eeplish the object of his visit, It was evidently somebody aognainted with the promises somewhat, as he had been in the shop before visiting the adjoining dwelling. 0110WWNn FLAT. -Tho Steamer Empire, brought down on a recent trip in her cargo about 100 tons of flax seed, con. Signed to the firm of J. & 3. Livingstone, ofllad0u, the flax kings of Ontario. This marks the develo; went of a new interest in Manitoba far ,ning. The soil of southern !Man. hae been found to be peculiarly suited to the g rowth of flax nd the termites have gene into the flus growing so heavily that the Livingston firm have contracted with the N. W. T, Co. for the carriage of 100,000 buehels of flax seed, whieh the Manitoba agents of Means. Livingston have perohased this season from the fanners around Morden, Gretna and Phan Coulee. At the pros. ent prime, flax pays much 110tt02 than whet, and if the conditions continuo the game, flax will soon become the moat valuable item of export frotn Southern Manitoba. STRoxo's Gallery open all 48y Thurs• day (Tbanlfegiving day.) Gamma Ceimmoc, of Moodyviuo, B. 0„ formerly of Brnseels, had his dwelling destroyed by fire recently. A, iTner&0L'E vendor is opening the apesn of residents of Brussels and surroundig locality. There will be war yet over the job if some purchasers mean what they Tun parbnersbip existing between A. Hunter and George Henry, as hardware mel'ehents at Forclwioll, has beau die. solved, Tee business will be Continued by the former. LAST week THE PosT Publishing House turned out two jobs for business men, in Sohrieber, Ont., Messrs, Stratton aid MoQuarrie. The "boys" are doing well we ars pleased to hear. Two deer atbraotocl o0neidarabls at. teueion in Brunie last Tuesday after. notion. They had been shot by Fraser Embnry, of !Morris, 1n Muskoka and were being taken to his home. I WANT A PARTNER, -A young Mau Canadian p25fered, to join the Advertiser in Tomato in attending to ono depart- mentof an established busines5,aomesap• ilal required to take an interest. To the right inan, who Meana business, this is a grand opportunely. For fuller informa- tion, personal application to this oftioe. Omr.=The messenger Death waled John Duncan, of Seaforth, away from earth on Wednesday of last week. He was nearly 43 years of age. The funeral took place last Satorclav, the interment being made at the Homan Oatholio Cemetery, Seaforth. Mr. Duman was a former resident of Brussels. At one time be o,nod the harness ,bop after- wards purchased by H. Dennis. While he wits a good natured plan lea 8055 a terrible slave to the intoxicating bovi which no doubt brought him to a pre mature grave. Meema oo'LtL.-The Winnipeg Free Press, of November 1601, sage :-"Yes- terday evening the parsonage of the McDougall Memorial Churoh was the scene of a very interesting event. The popular and weii.known railway mail Clerk, M. T. Farrow, eon of Thomas Far- row, ex -111. P., of Brussels, was united in marriage by the Rev. J. Semmens to Miss Nettie Geddes, one of Wingbam's fairest daughters. The bride was assist- ed by Miss Forbes, also of Wingbam. H. W. Farrow, brother of the groom, ably supported him through the ordeal. The presents were numerous end handsome." Werd, you be oareful, old boy, or you'll be nabbed too. Lrnsnao CLUB, -Lash Friday evening the Yoong Man's Liberal Club met in the Odd Fellow's Hall with a large at• tendance of members. After the busi- ness of the club was attended to the de- bate "Resolved that the franchise should be extended to all woolen over 21 years," was taken up. Excellent speeches were given by Malcolm Black, Alex, Ross and President Kendall for lbs affirmative, and R. M. Dickson, D. Hogg and Dr. Cavanagh for the negative. Masers. Shaw, Scott and Cameron, the Com• mittee appointed to decide the merits of he debate, gave decision for the affirm• tive. The Glee Club sang three select- ions in good style. HYMENEAL. -On Wednesday of last week Cupid scored another victory in the matrimonial allianos of Jno. A. Hingsbon nd Miss Annie, only daughter of H. Loyd, all of Seaforth. The ,ceremony as performed at the residence of the ride's parents by Rev. Joseph Galloway, Methodist minister. !Miss Nettie Shaw, f Seaforth, was the bridesmaid and hilip Kingston, of Brussels, cousin of he groom, was groomsman. The bride as becomingly attired in a cream cash - ere dress. A large number of useful re0511t8 showed the esteem in wwhich the entracting parties are held. Mr. ingston, familiarly known as "Ad.," is son of Richard 2-Iingston, of Brussels, nd his old frieede wish himself and ride many happy years of married life, o all of which THE POST says Amen. KEEP THE 80TH CLE,uL.-The reason Tun OST asks you to do this is that you may e able to enjoy the fine musical and Maury entertainment in the Town Hall tat evening ander the auspices pf Brits - els Meohanics' Institute. The program ill consist of vocal selections from Miss . Smith, Miss Kate Wilson, Reiss Lottie ill and Prof. Hawkins ; instrumental uaio by the Methodist S. S. orchestra, nd H. L. Jackson ; address by Rev, S. eliery, B. D., of Wingham, on "What I W St the World's Fair," and readings y G. F. Blair and T. A. Hawking. adios have been appointed to sell okets and we bespeak generous 1111111gs hen they call. Tbs Institute is in ebt and the Directors are making this effort to Strike off the shelties and hope to have money enough in addition to pnrohase more new books. Rev. John Ross, B. A., President, will occupy the chair and present some facts to the audience Concerning the Mechanics' In- stitute library of Brussels. Dont fail to be in attendance, (ADDITIONAL 800AL ON F11180 PAGE.) Business Locals. Doom second hand opal stove for sale. L 0. Richards. Fun Coate, robes and blankets, largest stook in town and lowest prices. I. C. Richards. ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what suits them et A. 81. McKay & Go's. hardware store Brussels. A 1 OYSTERS will be on hand and kept regularly during the season in bulk or by the dish ab Mrs. Kirk's, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. THIS hag been a dull mason with the Wholesale Furniture mon and I have 9truek BOMB great' bargains with them for oath, so that I can sell away down. All goods delivered free of charge. R. Leabherdale. Wolter( SEEING,-1Mre. Kirk hag just opened a DOS lot of chinaware, cape and stueer5, tea sets, muga, &o. . In glass. ware, toilet sots votes, &c. A largo as• soetlnont of dolts, toys, now gaines, &t., very obeap. Great bargains in fancy goods, wools, hosiery, &o. A11 kinds of yarn knit to order. Opposite QU9°n'S Hotel, Brussels, In you want an organ or piano I can save you from $10 to *20 on an organ and from $60 to 976 on a piano. Why ? I buy for oath. I am at no extra expense. If a man puts 111s whole time to title line he has got to go out himself with team, bothering yon time and again, just when you are the busiest, and if he averages one organ in two weeps ho does well, Who pays for thee two week's work ? The man who buys the organ. R. Leathordale. TIIE BRUSSELS POST ANY one wishing to got a new saw filing etan9,1 think Can be suited by W. 1110Greger, of Brunelle, Ont. May be aeon at McKay & Co's, hardware store. IF there is anything In my line that you want oome and see my goods and get my prices and if I oann06 satisfy you I will pay your expenses for naming, R. Lcatherdalo, AS I have put in the largest stook of furniture this !'all I have ever 11ad, get. Hug soma big bargains for oath, I am prepared to sell furniture Cheaper than over. I will sell you anything in the furniture line for half what you paid for it 5 yeare ago, R, Leathordale. Rumens eat CURED 51,1 A Dia.- South American Mountable Cure for Rheums. tient and Neuralgia radioally aurae in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 18 re - Moen at Duce the Cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 79 cones. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Wzia,Duleine, AND D1tH,LING.-Gorge Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaotion, Wells °leaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable, Residence mooed door north of the bridge, west side of Teraberry s6., Brussels. 84-tf UPHOLSTERED Goons; I have a great line of parlor suites, lounges, easy °hairs and lnattrasse5 manufactured right here, As I am a practical mechanic myself I will guarantee satisfaction. Note this, if ,von have bought anything from me that bas not given you satisfaction -bring them back and I will do them over, making them as good as new free of charge. You oannot see what you are baying in upholstered goods es you only see the outelde. R. Leathordale. Tau Delineator for January commences a new volume, and is palled the "Winter Holiday Number.'! It i5 an unusually attractive issue, the faebi088 being ap• propriate to the season, and the reading matter varied and interesting. The distinct holiday flavor is contributed by a helpful article, entitled What the Shope Show, and another reviewing the books issued for the holiday season. Household Renovation deals with the cleansing of various artielee and gives valuable information about oleaneing fluids, Child Life treats of Training a Boy for Business, and Phyeioial Culture continues the instruction given lash month on the Physical Expression of the Emotione. Small Economies is a par- t cella, ly seasonable and valuable artiole at this lime, +e el one that will be of service to (mere, housekeeper ; end much may be gained from the second paper on Things that should be Left Unsaid. An illustrated article on House and Street Gowns ea of geueral interest to ladies, and'another appropriate to the time is For Sets and Trimmings. The Tea• Table Talk for the month is full of in• formation and an unusually attractive assortment of designs is giveu in Tatting, Knitting, Grooheting, Lace -Making, eto., etc. The subscription to The Delineator is only One Dollar a year ; Single Copies, 15 cents. Address orders to Tbo Dalin• eater Publishing Co. of Toronto (Ltd.), 33 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont, OF INTEREST TO RUPTURED PEnsoNs.- Last week we published a letter from a lady who was ruptured over forty years and after numb suffering fu England and Ibis country found relief only at the laude of J. Y. Egan, the Hernia Speoial- ist, of Toronto. Herewith we give an- other, being from an old and well known resideot of Toronto, and speaks for itself. Read the Speoialiat'e advertise• anent in another column and take note of date of his visit to Brnesele, Deers Sin, -I have been ruptured about thirby•three years. My sufferings during that time have been intense and Can only be appreciated by those similar- ly conditioned. My business as carpenter and joiner (as all know) demands con- siderable muscular exertion, frequently have I been compelled to quit work, al- though ab the time wearing Trusses made by the most prominent makers. I Could not stand erect, and often land to lie down to ease my sufferings. All the Trusses I Have worn have been utter failures. It has been one long round of misery and merited anxiety, loss of time and pbysioal torture. About six months ago, thank God,I heard of your great success in the treatment of Rupture Mee. The ap- pliance you adjusted gave me, I can well remember, a feeling of enpport never be- fore experienced by ane, and hen so oou- tiuued to the present day. I am now comparatively a new man, Previous to this I Could nob stoop to tie my shoe, no matter what Truss I had on, if I got all Toronto, without my rupture coming out. To add to the difficulty I have suffered with a violent cough for yeare, but in the face of all this your grand appliance has hold me seoure all the time while doing the lardeet work. Only two days ago I carried a bundle of green sbinglee up on a two-storey building and not a "budge." I uevsr could or dare attempt such a thing before wibhoub danger of my life. To mown all, I bave worn and continue to wear your appliance with great Com- fort, for all of which I feel deeply in- debted to your skilful treatment, 'Very truly yours, DONALD 11i.0121NNA, 136, Teranlay St., Toronto. O30RN - G1.Y,-In Elma, on Nov. 14th, the wife of 14ir, John Gray, Blind line, of a Son. Ulnen,-•-Iu Elms, oil the 15th inst., at the residenoe of Arthur Douglas, the wife of Mr. te, A. Muir, New West. Minster, B. C., of a daughter. MARRY 72), HINGSTON-LLOYD.-At the residence of the Urine's father, on Nov. 15th, by Rev. J, Galloway, Mr. John A. Hingeton, to Miss Annie Lloyd, both of Seaforth. PA8Row-GEDDE8,-In Winnipeg, on Nov. 15th, by Rev. J. 8emmene, Mr. M. Y. Farrow, of Winnipeg, to Mies .Nettie Geddes, of Wingham. 17S17b. BRoor,yooa,-In Tuikerenlitb, on Nov. Oth, Ellen Shine, beloved wife of Samuel Broadfoot, aged 44 years and 2 months, Duvooa.-In Seaforth, on Nov. 15th, John Duncan, aged 42 yeare and 11 months, Hoon. -In Grey, on Nov, 16th, Margaret Lethals, behoved wife Of Jae. Hogg, aged 70 swore, 9 menthe and 13 days. Demote -At Wroxeter, o11 Ootober 8t11, Robert Dickson, postmaster, a native of GreeuleW, Bertviolcshire, Scotland, aged 76 years, Nov, 21, 1893 counmiummeokun.nt ST4N,DeIR,D .?4.N'E OT+ C4 4D q, 84a'S',.A.73T.,2ST3FJ7'a 8ta70. HEAD OFFICE-, - TORONTO. ASSETS,.(Seven Million Dollen) . 97,000,000 CAPITAL (Autorized) 92,000,000 Apene'iea in all principal points in. Ontario, Qnebea, Manitoba, United States di England. db"Vs°8ao19S'cidaai'aJ7. A General Banking Businese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Colleotions made oD all p010ts, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of Withdrawal and 000150 nd04 half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OVEN TO THE COLLECTION OF FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded (Wetmore living at a dietanoo. J. A. STEWART, MANAGER. amystoaxamKT i 'ei4 L L I 85 SMITE, atil\TIEERS e Re v S IS ]1 S, 9 Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought anal Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY - 1 / MEWS 2,X 0.51P R +NEXT• Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest 00M - pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at bile end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. life effect to 'Brite H191,rpmrc 151 old l;ngllsit or Canadian Companies, or in Mut- ual Contpanlee as may be desired. AGENTS ron CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN Been or COttltannE. A'vc'rsczv e.�,x,>=tom. TUESDAY, Nov. 26TH.-learm stook, im- plements, &o. Lot 4, con. 8, Grey. Sale commences ab 12 o'clock (noon.) Ceo. Crooks, Prop. F. 8. Scoot, Aso. Anna, Nov. 24TH. -Farm stoats, im- plements, &o. West l lot 7, con. 16, Grey. Salo commences at 1 o'clock p. m. Duncan Campbell, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auo. 7i3:rzr5sras,0 14A1-4,=7Eima. Fall Wheat 56 56 Spring Wheat ... 52 55 Barley 02 35 Peas 50 Oats 28 29 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 17 18 Eggs per dozen 15 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 3 90 Potatoes 40 00 Hay per ton .. 6 00 00 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3e - Hides rough. 8 Sheep skins, saoh 40 65 Lamb skins each50 70 Apples per Mal.. 1 00 1 50 Wool 17 18 Pork 6 60 7 00 LITTLE FALLS, N. Y., Nov. 20. -Five hundred and ninety boxes of cheese at 10o; 830 boxes at 10Ic ; 800 boxes at 100 ; 1.000 boxes at 10eo ; 260 boxes at leo ; 128 boxes dairy at 101e to 12eo; 220 boxes on commission, 4t4 packages dairy butter at 22o to 280 ; 16 packages of creamery butter at 25o to 26o, TORONTO, Nov. 20. -Floor -Straight roller, 92.80 to $2.85 ; extra, 92.50 to 92.75. Wbeab-white, 570 ; No. 2 spring, 580 ; red winter, 560 ; gooee, 66o ; No. 1 !Manitoba Hard, Ha ; No. 2, 68a ; No, 3, 06o. Peas -No. 2, 51 to 52o. Barley - No. 1, 400; feed, 840 to 30. Oats -No. 2, 288c to 29o. Market quiet. Sales -Oats on track at 52e to 3280 and td arrive at 38c. No. 1 barley onteide at 40o. Peas outside at 62o. LoNnoN, Nov. 20. -The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the Britisb grain trade, says the demand for English wheats ie dull and prices aro weather. Good average samples sell ab 270 per quarter. The prime of foreign wheats have been in buyore' favor. Californians are quoted at 28s, and red winter, prompt shipment, ab 26s 6d. Foreign flour has dropped 6d. Corn is quiet ; mixed American, immediate 5111p went, Bells at 100 6d. Barleys BA oats are firm. A8 to•days market the tone was depressed and in buyers' favor. English wheats are nominally unchang- ed. Full prices were obtained for Oali. fornix and Canadian wheats. Flours were neglected, Grinding barley was down 3d. Oats were quiet, There was a eoaraity of spot 001,13 and prices advano. ed 8d. MONTREAL, Nov. 20TH. -There wore about 800 head of butchers' cattle, 40 calves and 1,400 sheep and lambs offered ab the East End Abattoir to.day. The butohera were present in large numbers, and there 80as a brisk demand for any- thing good both in cattle and lambs, bub oonmon and inferior beef and mutton orittere were neglected and brought lower prices. A few of she best beeves were sold at from do to leo per lb., but even these were not very theme. Rough, half fatted stook sold at from 2eo to 5'o, and the leaner beasts quote from 180 to 280 per 1b. Thorp was a good demand for mime, and good vents brought from 98 to 90.50 each, while common Calves sold at 94 to $7 each, Mr. Bourassa bougbb an extra calf for 917.50, and two others for 90 and 911. He slso bought 40 euperior lambs at 89a per Ib. Old sheep dull of este, as the shippers have ceased buying for the season. Prices rang, from 2o to 80 per lb. Good lambs sell in lots at from ftec to 8 o per lb„ and nen- mon at about 3}o. Fat hogs are very dull of sale and bring from 5c to 6en per lb, Dressed hogs sell at about 70 per lb ; in some casae 690 was the Bost offer to. day. leen BUF1rwo, N. 1e., Nov. 20en.-Cab• tle-The receipts were only fair Male week, 187 cars. The market ruled with a fairly active demand, and prices for all grades of butchers' and shipping steers, se well as exporters' kind, were fully 10o to 15o higher, and the donmaod 'hardly melded at the advance, Thera was a liberal attendance of buyore from the county towns and a great number of eastern orders, which took the fell sup- ply. Tbs bent Steere of 1,400 to 1,500 lbs, wore taken by oxport buyers at 99 to 95.20, bot they were not of e.s good quality as the tops of the pant two or throe weeks, and some rough but fat lots of 1,000 145. were also taken by those buyore at *4,05 to 94.75, while good, handy shipping steers ranged from $4.80 to 95, and fair to medium grades $4.50 to 94.75 ; light to good butchers' steers, 93.. 75 to 94.40, with Cows, heifers and others as quoted ; oxen were in light supply, but good, and even fair lots brought higher prime, with good smooth bulls in fairly good demand ; common, thin steers, stags, and big, rough, old trimmer cows and coarse, rough stook were peddled out to the butchers et former prloee, to a shade stronger in some assns ; 46 oars of stookers and feeders on sale ; opened steady ; closed 10o higher ; good to prime feeders, 93.25 to 98.65 ; choke stockers, 92.85 to $3.16 ; miloh sows and epring-. ere, 25 cars on sale, dull, 92 to 93 per head lower. Sheep and lambs -Eighty cars on sale, including 15 oars 0anadae. Feeders bought natives freely at 94 to 94.10, with some up bo $4.25. The bulk of the Canticles Sold at $4.70, with fair lots down to 94.50. Good sheep wanted. Frogs -Thirteen oars on Bale. York men paid 95.55 to 85.65 generally for the fair weights and 95.65 for loads running well into light weights and pigs ; strictly pigs sold at 95.65 to $5.75, but mostly went in with Yorkers ; roughs at $4.25 to 94.75 for common to fair weights and up to 95 to 95.25 for good ones and ends, with stags, 94 to 94.60. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ][..J8 T. -SOME LEGAL Papers belonging to W. W. Noy, Grey. Finder will greatly oblige by leasing them at Tan Post Publishing Rouse. �0 OR 12 HORSE P01VER EN- GINE and boiler for sale second hand, in first-class running order. sale, to J. 00BIu1R, Ethel. A STOVE AND A NUMBER OF seeped band stove pipes for sale. This 1 s a good stove bat as I am patting in a furna 80 1 *10 not require it. G. A, 131280118AN. IIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the village of Ethel, belonging tol the estate of the late Dr, Cale. Per fol particulars as to prion, teems, do, Apply 0o 'WM, BPENGE, Ethel. STRAYED FROMBRUSSELS, about Aug. let, a reel stag, 2 years old. hast soon at Wm, llryau's farm, Morris. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts will greatly oblige NAIL MOLAUOIlLIN, 10- Brute's, STRAYED FROM THE PREM - ns of the undersigned, Lot 28, oon.3, Morrie on or about the last of August, 2 ewes to and ally iTfo motion 810 t Will load to their r000yery, 18.2 SAMUEL HOGGARD, Brussels P, 0. REAL ESTATE. t1ARMS FOR SALE, -THE UN. DEnsnaNEn has several good Farms for sale and to rent, oast' terms in Towushittpe of Morris and Grey, U' S. Sd0TT.Brusseie, I'lHOIOE FARM FOR SALE,-- ) Poing South half Lot 27,00n. 0, Morris, 100 acres, nearly 511s1eared, Good buildings, tine young bearing orchard. Immediate pos- session, Easy Tones. Apply to ±2. W. itot'O, Ae., IRlruesels, 201 ACME FARM FOR SALE. The 200 °oro farm, being lots 11 and 10, oon. la, Grey, is offered for sale. 120 acres aro cleared and the balance well tim- bered. Buildings drat -Clans, Orchard, well, &o, Beh0o1 house wrbbin 40 rods, Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further partloulars as to primo terms, &o. apply to prim, WAL n 8-tf Roseville P. 0. or NELSON BRIOYER, ou farm. ITARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- nennen En offers his splendid 126 acre farm, being Lot 8 an d worst part Lot 0,00n. a, Gray, for sale. There aro 100 none °loured, balance timbered. Two ilWotling bonitos, bank barna, good orchard, well fenced. A neva failing spring on the place. Pones - Sion Simon any time, Tho subsoHber also offers tor sale a dwelling house; stable and e 50155 extend in the corporation of Brunelle. The 'muse and garden would be rented fora, Short time if not Sold, Mand and soft water. Po nriSee, terms and further artleulara apple to 308814 slam, Proprietor. 4 M DT11sgol0 P. 0. VETERINARY. T D, WARWICK, i!1 a Boner Graduate of th Veterinary College, is peoparod to tent all dieoasoeof clnmestioabod animals In a Com- potent manner. Pa118 001ar attention paid to veterinary 00ut10tr Calls promptly at- tended 80. (MOO and I8flrmary-•!Pwo doore north of bridge '1'urnberry et., Brussels. Christmas but Six Weeks Away Wo aro Headquarters for Prof, ents in all lines and in all grades of price. Articles selected now may be reserved until Christmas. Photograph Albums VBRY Cheap. Pepper's Drug Store, 13111,TJPAKM: r,m. LESiAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, a Solloitor,ana Conveyancer. O0110a- tious made. Ofd0g-Vausbone's Bloss, Bras.. gels. 01.0m M. I. SINCLAIR, Solicitor,• atsisydorlie, do, Ss-Vneoe'e llok,1 north of Central Hotel, Private Bunds to Loan. CAMERON HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers,[Solicitors, Notaries Pubo, 08. 0. 08112110H, Q, Ont. q, 0., PHILIP 10080, DUDL3'r pawns. F. BLAIIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, .he. date of Darrow & Proudfoo Bs Oillee, Goderla11,1 0bioe over Gillies d: Smith's Bank, Brussels. Mousy to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. 8�A. MaNAUGUTON, M. D. s 0, M.,14, R. C.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P, S. Ont, Besidenee and o1Iloe in Wilson's Block, corner of Mall and Turnborry 'Sts. TM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Pbyeielan, Surgeon Ammonia; etc. Graduate of Toronto Vnlvorsity Medical of and Surgeons, Member nt, of College Naxtb doors to MoDonald & 00,, Walton Out, DENTAL. M. CAVANAGH, L• D. 8., D. b. S., GradSurgeons, Ontario, and oft 'g Toronto Dental Doi- varsity, OFFICE -Over 4. B. Smith's Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, ,e always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stock, &o, Terme ohoerially given. Oraohrook P. 0. Sales may bo arranged at Tan POST Publishing. House. Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed on reasonable terms. Farnsmidarm stools a suaclalty, Orders loft at Tan POST Publishing House, Brussels, or sentto Walton P 0 , will reoeive prompt attention, FTITVING TAKEN OUT OEN- sH ns an dnottoveer i nmLIprepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am iu a position to soil to good marks and get good security when sold 005204it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a 0011. a2. F S. SCOTT. COSINESS CARDS. H. Mool1ACKEN, Iseuror of Marriage Licenses. O (lee °this Grocery, Turuborry street. Brussels. 11 N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door south of 4. M. Mousy & 00!s hardware store. Ladies' and abilarenn hair outtles a specialty MoNAIR, Imamof Marriage Lioenses, by appointment of T,iout,-Govornor, Commis, stoner, &o., Q.B. Oonvoyaocer and Agent Fire Insurance O0. Office at the Oraubrook Post Ofnee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- 1N811aAN0E, FIRE" AND MARINO. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. 0ouveyancor, Notary Public Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. 0ollestione made. 01Eoo in Graham'sflook, Brussels. rp A. HAWKINS, s Organist in St. John's Churoh, Drug. eels, and pupil, in the Art 0f :Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doo., Now York, will gtye lessons to pupils .either at his parlor, over A..18, Smith's storo, or if preferred, at their own bcmeg. Monday, 'luosday and Wednesday all Walton, Terms moderato. 7B 0AR FOR SERVICE.-TH3 1..„) Undersigned will keep for aorvieo at Lot 8, O011,18 Grey, the tboro' bred Rork- shire Boar,"Ready," bred by E. M. Jarvis, Clarkson, Ont, Terme, 8800 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of return- ingif ne00SOor3'. Pedigree May bo seen on application. JAS. W508019 16.4 Proprietor, BOAR FOR 8I:3RYROE.--THE Undersigned Will scoop for sorvioo on Lot 20, Cone Morris, the there' bred Large Berkshire boar, • 'Fluron Prince," bred by Wm, McAllister, Varna. Terme, 31.00 to be paid at the time of service with'privilege of rotaraiug if neoossary. Pedigree may be seen on application. G003iGE 811104, J•,n., 10.4 . Proprietor. -ROAR FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for eerviee at North half Lot29, 0ou. 7,Morris, the Tboro' bred Cheater White Boar Defiance" for 1101,00.34 Bs wan bred by Daniel Detour say, Bornholm, Perth 00„ and is from imported stook on both sides. Terme 81.00 to bo paid at time of service with privilege of returning ifnnar veno . 144f ySAMUEL WALEtut,Proprietor. E0AR FOR s31R,v1C31.—TIII8 Undoraignedwill keep for 8510185 on Lot 20 Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' brad. im- peeved White 3orkehh'o Boar "Oanala's Pe neo;' put'abased from the well-known brooder J. 17, Brothonl8 Oak Lodge Baan, Burford, Torras,1.00 to bo paid at the time of service wit privilege of :attuning if 1.10s58eary, P041groe may be So eh 05 ap• plloati°a, 11,011T, NidBIOL,