The Brussels Post, 1893-10-20, Page 66
Ike Nmsels ,est
—15 run dsuraD—•—
On time for the early malls) 00
"T110 Post" Stenlu Publishing 110080,
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W. Ai. Fin MUIR ,
Editor end proprietor.
Silas At The Fair.
(00030 run n.1ar's nom )
Dunn SEmtNT ly—After luziu that fifty
dollars out at the fare grounds the other
day, I felt so low operrited that it seep-
ed to me I wud jes hay to giv up seein to
things here fur the Half Baleen klub an
go rite strata home, and I rekou I shed a
dun it, but lye had a wunderfnl peace ov
good luck that Imo a goin to tell you
about in this letter, so that I kin stay
bare ez match longer ez I want to with-
out haviu to pay uuthin for my board,
and so while Ime here lye kunkluded
that I night ez well keep on oeeiu the
eights fur a spell longer whilalme about
Ez I was a goin along the street yiater•
day mornio I stopped to look ata stuffed
hose in a store winder, and while I was a
dein so sombody hit me a slap on the
back that made me thimble all over. I
turned around with a, kind of a shiverish
feelin, iter I was eokeneektin that I was
about to be karried off to jail by a kun-
stable fur doiu anmthin against the laws
ov Shekawgo, when who do you opoze I
saw a staudin there and grinnin allover ?
It was Sile Jimson, the feller who yust to
keep the More in Ciderville before Ker-
nel Brass moved in from Pikkletown,
and he looked jest ez n
1 as he did
when lie ynet toase the bat in meetin.
Ov korse lune older by twenty years, and
is right smart more hevvy set, hot in the
face heze the same old feller and heiut
got a gray hair in his head.
When Site left Ciderville he sed he was
a goin out west to see if he cadent better
hiaself, but nun ov us ever spozedhe wud,
and I mind that yon and me sed at the
time that the man didaut no when he was
well off, fur he had more trade than any.
body else in town, and it was my noohun
that he eudeut Rod a place where be wud
ever be any better off. You alwas sad it
NBA bis wilds fault, fur she was ez proud
as pizan, and it did bent all how she liked
to fix up. She alwas had to bay a new
hermit before her old wun was haft wore
ant, and it seemed ez tho about all she
lived fur was to put moony on her back.
I sed when they went away that I didaut
bleeve it wud be over tell yeers before his
wifee terrible ickstravageuts wnd land
Silo le the Per house, and yin in spite ov
it the noun has had molt onkommon luck
that hem mannidged to gin rioh.
Iustid ov hits hokummin ez poor ez
lobes turlcy, like you and me both lowed
he wud, 11 peers that Sile had more in his
head than Ciderville fokes ever giv hila
credit fur, and he Jiggered so sharp that
today hue wuth a heap, and ylt he was
ez glad to see ms oz he ever was in the
old days when I yust to go to bis store
with the butter and eggs and swop it fur
aodfiah and other groceries. He shnolc
my hand ez tho he meant it, and begun to
oraok jokes ez keen as ever before wede
ben a tawkin two ulinils, the I didaut
kno then that he even owned a house and
lot, or Ike epeeist mebbe I wudent a ben
quite so free with him ez I was. Tho
mini; he found out that I was here in
Shekawgo to see the fare, and a payin out
kleen ;cash fur board, he sad he wudent
stand nlithin like that, and I might ez
well make up my mind to begin with that
I wud hey to go and make my home at
his house. I went thru the mos.hnns ov
hangin back at fust, but when Silo found
out where I was a eteyilh and nailed up
wun ov his underline to send him after
my karpetaack, I saw it was time fur me
to say I wag Willin, and so I dun it.
I forgot to say that the pleas where I
was a iookin at the hoes in the winder
was 5(1ee store, and that he tuke me
right into it. Its a dredful big kunoern
and has frust doors a goin out onto three
streets. I dont kno jest how many
stories by the bildin is, but its hyer than
a poplar tree. He keeps all kinds ov
odds and ends., and it was most ez good
as goin to the fare to go round with him
and look at things. Wun ov the rooms
was a big dinin room, and Sile told the
boss ov it to let me go in there whenever
I wanted to and eat my fill without pay.
in a trent. I tell you what it is, Semau•
thy, thane what I call look, and I Beall
never git hungry in any other part ov
this town if I kin help it.
There was hundreds ov falters in Sites
store a buyin this and that, and the
moony woe a ronin an most ez fast as a
man cud shovel up (lust. I dont kno
when my month has watered ez it dun
When I fust assn that sight,far mutiny
was a flyin fr0h evey direkahnn tords
Silos pookob 011 fast as steam cud carry It.
No wander bozo rich. There was sum
kind 0v an apperattns that run all over
the house it earryin little braes boxes in.
to which the means bad ben put and
taldn the change book. No matter whioh
way you looked you cud see um by the
duzzin a rennin ra0e5 with each other
tords Silos head oletk, who got at a big 1
table handlin canny by the peolc, and ov
all the things Ive seen tone° I kum here 1
it peers to me that this Was the most
Wonderful sight, and it Noted hard to
etop watehin it even when it was time to
go to eat. If I only had ane 0v them b
maeheens a kelpie me to git along I y
wudent keer if the sun never M. a
rTawk shoat good luck. 1 tell you what s
itis, old Women, We dont luno the mean.
in ov it out in the country, oz vide soon D
w say
1yourself0 fa while in Slim step around
hear the silver rattle in a way to beat the
best music you ever heard in your life.
Its not a bit aupprizin that the man is
rioh, and fur my part I dont see how he
cud help it with MUDDY a etroemin in all
the time like =lassie a tannin out ov a
After takin nie all thru his primises
Silo tuke 01811nto his offies and sot me
m a thea LU
r at hod a E
dlather e i n
Which kivered it all over, and there we
sot and tawked about old times ontil it
was time fur his black man to kum with
the icarrldge and take um to his home,
He asked me queaollulle by the duzzin
about party muton eery body in Cider-
ville, and sum ov the dogs. When I told
hint that Aunt Polly Tidgers had only
lived a wielder about two yeer after old
Bob died afore she married a lean who
soon got to drinkin and turned out to be
no akouut, Silo opened his eyes so wide
that I thaw in my sole he wud never
agin git um shut and when I line to tell
him about Jim Biakita tryin to dry the
dannp powder over the fire and nearly
Worm both ov his eyes out, the elan
leaned back and lnffed canal I wee ofeered
hie 1110085 wed 'creek. Ile jest laid back
in his cheer and shuke ontil I cud hear
the loose change rattle in his pooket.
A.00 then I had to go at it and try to tell
him eveything that had take plane in
Mnakeetur county fur twenty years bank.
Ile wanted to kno all about who had
jined moetin and who had ben put out.
Who had got married and who had got
the saok. Who had moved in and who
had moved out. How ninny ohildren
seoh a wun had, and how mesh and seoh a
won had turned out. I kant begin to
tell you how he stared at me when I told
hiin Isom Mover had stiddied himself
down and quit drinkin and got to be
about the best man we had in our ohnroh.
He sed he never had no ;dee but what
Isom wnd go it wuaa and wuse and final-
ly die in the ditch. I lied to tell him all
about old Jemimy Jurden and her roomy-
tiz, and Unkel Peeieg Wilikns and the
mizry he had in his whist, and clow Niok
Nopor has never ben able to intirely
make up his mind whether he will marry
agin or not. I told him how ny wun ov
Reuther Sollyman Gimpzes boys had kum
to hangin hiaself dead by tryin the pro-
jicktov9eein whether he cud bear his
wate with his neck by pnttin it in a rope
and also how Hooky Barnes bad turned
hisself out ov doors fur good by tryin to
gib sum insurance by burnin down his
own house, and then when I had told
Sile all I oud think ov I had to go book
agin and tell life over a heap ov the
things I had alreddy sed. Finally tho
wun ov his underline kutn in and sed the
karridge had kom, sad we got into it and
sot out fur Sites house, but Ime so tired
arum satin kramped up so long that I
oast tell you any more jest now. So
good byontil g
o il I start
agin. I eoka eo 't
wud be'e
jest ez well nos to ]et the 7iaff
Raizera Klub kno that I am now a gitbin
my pervis.huns free gratis.
Yount and so fourth,
Although the weather looked very
threatening Saturday morning the after-
noon Wait Ono and a very large crowd
atteuded the show. Tho various depart-
ments were well represented although
some of the dieplays were meagre.
Horses, otittle and stock generally was
plentiful, but a few slatted dry goods
boxes furnished the whole poultry ex-
hibit, lu the hall there tvas a flue show
of roots and grains, fruits and vegetables
but the other branches were somswhnt
slim. The Gorrie Brass Baud was
present and enlivened the 080aslon by
very good mnaio during the afternoon.
In every way the show wne a woos
and a nice balance will remain after
paying all the prizes, The following is
the prize list :—
Honsns.—Agrioultural— Span, James
Bell, S Johnston ; 2 year old filly, John
Cooper ; yearling gelding, Wm Evans,
Jae 13e11 ; 2 year old gelding, Jas Bell,
Jae MaEtvan ; brood mare, Jno Cooper,
Jas Bell ; horse foal, Jas Bell ; more
foal, Jno Cooper, Adam Scott. General
Purpose—Span, leo. Hainatnak, F Dav-
idson ; 2 year old gelding, Robb Edgar ;
yearling gelding, J L Wilson ; 2 year old
filly, P MoErtau, Jas Wright ; yearling
filly, las Hunter, Alex. Littlejohn; brood
mare, It Harris, R Edgar ; horse foal, R
Haeria, N Hallman ; mare foal, James
Wright, R Edgar. Roadster -2 year old
gelding, J Barrett, R Edgar ; yearling
gelding, R Edgar, 1M Johnston ; 2 year
old filly, A Holt, R Edgar ; yearling
filly, El J Darroch ; brood mare, J Lamb-
kin, R Edgar ; horse foal, R Edgar ;
mare foal, Ino Lambkin 1 i2 2. Carriage
team, M Johnston, 11 Edgar ; carriage
horse or mitre, Wm Murray, Dr A M
IS11'LNDIE1Te AND MANtraoei11Na.—Iron
beam plow, Gillies ib Martin, R ROBS ;
gang plow, R Ross ; straw cutter, Gillies
in Martin ; root cutter, Gilboa c4 Marin ;
W H Tate ; single carriage, JAB Waiker,
W H Tate ; wagon, W H Tate ; organ,
A McIntosh.
CATTLE.—Durham—Bull under 3 years,
Graham Bros ; boll under 2 years, A
Holt, 5 Johnston ; aged oow, Jas Hunter,
Graham Bros ; cow under 4 years, J L
Wilson ; heifer 2 year% old, 8 Johneton,
J L Wilson ; yearling heifer, S Johnston
1 & 2 ; boll calf, J L Wilson, W Evans ;
heifer calf, W Evans, J L Wilson ; herd,
J L Wilson, S Johnston. Durham Grades
—Aged cow, J L Wilson, 5 Johnston ;
cow under 4 years, S Johnston ; heifer 2
years old, J L Wilson, 8 Johnston ; year-
ling heifer, S Johnston, J L Wilson ;
heifer coif, S Johnston, Jim Campbell ;
fat animal, S Johnston 1 c2 2.
5118130.—Leieeeters—Ram, D Fisher,
Jno Stewart ; ewe lambs, D Tusher, J
Scott ; ehearling, J H Johnston ; ram
Iamb, D Fisher, J II Johnston ; ewes, J
H Johnston, D Fisher ; shearling ewe%,
Jae Sanderson, J fl Johnston ; pen sheep,
J II Johnston ; ram any age, J El John.
sten, D Fi%her ; ewe any age, J H John.
sten, Shropshire Downs—A11 the prizee
in this elm were captured by W 1d. Web.
bar, exo0pt 2nd for aged ram and 2nd for
owe lamb%, which were awarded to Robt
Pirie. Grades—item lamb Alex Little-
ohn 1 .0 2 ; pair ewes, A Irkolntosh, Alex
Littlejohn ; owe lamb%, Alex Littlejohn
.0 2.
Swim—Berkshire—Aged boar, Joseph
Ridley ; boar under 1 year, Smith Bro8,
Alex Robertson jr. Chester White --Aged
oat, Tilos Manderson ; boar under I
ear, Alex Roberteon jt', Thee Mender.
on ; brood sow, Jno ,'3har(351 S Greer;
piing pigs, 8 Greer, A Robertoon 1r.
Pot env. --Geese, S Greer ; ducks, F'
avidson; light brahmas, Jno Clegg;
pencilled itamburgs, J H J'ohostou
Muffed birds, D Sandmen,
Gnaxu, iced winter wheat, Ir David-
son, Jae Sanderson ; white winter wheat,
1 Davidson, Win Evans ; any other kind
fall wheat, F Davidson, II Sperling ; fife
spring wheat, A Scott ; any other kind,
Jae MsBwan, F Davidson; barley, 'Brno
Evans, Jae Sanderson ; large peas, J'ae
Mo3hvan, Jas Sanderson ; white oats, F
Davidson, ,A S Ott • black oats, Jas Sa
demon ; white beans, Wm Strong ; flour,
W Dane sr ; timothy seed, J Sanderson ;
Yellow corn, R Edgar, W Ii MoOraokon.
DAIRY, DTC.—Tub butter, R Edgar ;
roll butter, R Harding, Jae Sanderson ;
home made bread, Mee Wrn Stinson, Miss
Jolla Stroug ; comb honey, 0 1.MMltehell ;
attained honey, 0 Mitchell,
ROOTS AND Vnozrn iaso.—Early rose po-
tatoes, 5 Greer, Win Strong; elephant
potatoes, N Hallman, 5 Greer; any other
kind potatoes, 0 Mitchell, 1 it 2 ; swede
turnips, 5 Johnston, Wm Evans ; any
oiler kind turnips, W13 Mogracllen, P
3to3wnn ; red mangolde, W 11 MoOrack.
en, Jno Stewart ; yellow mangolde, W Id
McCracken 1 se 2 ; garden carrots, R
Harding, Wm Strong; field carrots, W
H McCracken, Jas Sanderson ; potato
onions, W H Mo0raoket 1 se 2 ; seed
onions, W H MOCraokeu, W Strong ; top
onions, E Sperling ; parasitica, W 11 Me.
Crecken, W Strong ; pumpkin, A Little-
john, W H Clegg ; citrons, Won Stinson,
W ;I McCracken ; beets, W ;Strong, W
H 1ieCraoken ; tomatoes, Jno Barrett, l7
Sperling ; cabbage, S Greet, Wm 1vaus ;
cauliflower, E Sperling, W Strong ; wat-
ormelon, W 1I McCreokon ; encumbers,
J H Johnston ; squashes, W H Mo•
FnoIT.—Winter apples—northern spy,
A Fortuey, J H Johnston ; greeninge, J
11 Johnston, A Littlejohn ; king of tonlp-
kins, J H Johnston ; russet, A Little.
joint, J W Johueton ; balclwin, A Little-
john, 5 Greer ; ben davis, Thee Mender.
son, E Spratling ; mann, J fI Johneton, S
Greer ; itolman sweet, 11 Harding, J H
Johnston. Fall apples—culverts, A Fort -
nay, A Littlejohn ; 20 oz pippin, Thos
Manderson, 8 Greer ; maiden's blush,
Thos Mauderson, Inc Ridley ; snow, A
Littlejohn, Thos Manderson; Plums, W
H 111c0raoken ; pears, A Littlejohn.
LADIES' D110410 a1ENT: Home made
yarn, Inc. Johnston, Jas Bell ; hand.
made atookings, J H Johneton, Jae Mo.
Ewen ; machine made etoakinge, W H
McCracken i d; 2 ; hand made socks, J H
Johnston, W Dane, sr ; mackine made
socks, W H McCracken ; hand made
mitts and hand made gloves, W H We-
(Iraeken 1 it 2 in emelt ; fancy shirt, 1V
Strong, Geo Grigg ; log cabin quilt, W 13'
Mo0raoken ; patched quilt, W Dane, sr,
W H McCracken ; keit quilt, Geo Grigg,
Jno Keine ; oroohet quilt, Geo Grigg, W
Dane sr ; aoverlit, Geo Grigg ; crochet
in wool, W Dane, sr ; oroohet in oaten,
W Dane srn Jno
atom Mitre J 1is Stri1gW Dana, 0.r;ecmbroidery in muslin ; W Danesr
embroidery in silk, G Grigg, W Dane sr;
berlin wool raised, W H MoCraokeu, Inc
Koine ; berliu wool flat, J Kine, Miss
Julia Strong ; berlin wool flowers. Jno
Maine 1. it 2 ; drawn work, W Dane, 0r ;
Done work, J Keine ; arriaeene work, W
Dane, sr, G Grigg ; cretonne, G Grigg ;
straw work, 3110 Maine; sofa pillow,
crazy work, R Harding, Jno Keine ; sofa
rushiou, G Grigg ; mosiao patchwork, R
Harding; macrame, bracket, E Sperling ;
fancy knitting in cotton, Jno Baine ; rag
carpet, W Done, er, Miss Julia Strong ;
toilet mat, W Dane, sr, G Grigg ; shell
work, Inc Laine ; cardboard mottoes,
W Dano, Br ; tissue Worlc, W Dane, sr,
Jno Baine.
102 AnTo.—Pearl painting, G Grigg,
Jno Caine ; oil painting,—, G Grigy ;
painting on silk or velvet, Miss Julia
Strong, G Grigg ; painting ou sail», G
Grigg ; pencil drawing, Miss Julia
Strong ; penmanship, W H Mo0raoken ;
painting on pottery, (3 H Ma0raakon, G
Grigg ; painting on wood, Jno Baine, G
1101111. ()SCE 1101101.
Rev. G. L. 1lluSay, wife and three
children, two girls and a boy, aacompan.
ied by a native, arrived in Woodstock by
the 0. P. 11, on Monday afternoon of last
week, this ending their longjourney from
Formosa. They were heartily weloomed
at the station by Rev. Dr. McKay and a
large number of the congregation and
other friends, including two brothers of
the missionary, one from Tileoabarg, and
Alex. from the 10th eon., E. Zorra, whom
the rev. gentleman very mush resembles.
On the arrival of the train the assembly
sang "A11 Hail" in a touching manner,
after wlioh the pastor of Chalmers
church offered prayer.
The visitors were pressingly urged to
attend the reoeption at Chalmers church
in the evening, but after their long jonrn•
ey they were anxious for a met and at
once drove to the old farm house.
When Rev, G. L, Mcliay entered the
work at Formosa there was not a single
church or even a Christian converted
there. Now according to the published
report of tore general assembly, there are
Borne thousands of converted heathens.
The report gives the following statistics
in eonneotion with the work under his
own particular charge:—Number of living
members, '2,541, of them 1,015 are adult
males end 780 females, who are oom-
mnnioants, and there are 800 children
not yet communicants. There are in
oonneotion with the ohurcll worts 78 eld-
ers, 00 deacons, 56 chapels, 56, native
preachers not ordained, and two native
ordained pastors, 22 etadeuts for the
ministry and eight teachers in the col-
lege, 25 bible women, 85 women in the
gide' settee( and 218 in 80 country
mime's. jj:'he work bag been a truly
marvelous one. Dlr. Molloy had the
honorary degree of D. D. contorted on
him by Qneon'o college ou his last visit
here same eight years ago, The rev.
gentleman murtied a native oonver1near.
ly 20 years ago, and their three bright,
jolly looking children accompany them.
The two girls, lobelia and Mary, are
about 15 and 12 years of age, and thele
eon, George'Willi451, about 8 years, and
they all resemble their mother in caste of
features. They do not speak English
well, The native convert who nec0m•
ponies them is about 40 yenta of age,
He hoe done hunch gond work for Mr,
McNay. He dromoeo the same as a rioh
Chinaman, and his long bleak ono of hair
almost touches the ground. Go will re.
turn with Mr, and Mrs. MolEay after
they spend several months in this
country. The children win probably be
left In Woodstcoli for a while to get the
advantages of our educational system.
It coats Queen Victoria and her house•
held 82,500 a year for soap.
Cnnatli_ Novara.
Harry Quigley, a well known Winni-
peg lacrosse player, died at Vancouver,
T. Young, Erin, is gazetted clerk of
the Fiftll Divieion Court of the oounty
of Wellington.
Albert Gamoby, aged abonb 22, was
drowned at Rainy River while running
ono of the many rapids
WL d La
{Montreal on Oot.8let.baHe willvolfficially
open library of McGill oolloge.
The Dominion Government has given
the old Ma111111tan Guard permleolon to
pass through Oauada with their side
arms and accoutrements.
Ald. Hallam and other local capitalists
are contemplating the eatnblishiug of a
pork.paolcing house at Toronto, at a most
of 825,000, to employ 500 men.
The dead body of Mallard Ridoub, a
Toronto tailor, was found in a straw
Meek near Boarber° Junction Friday
The g. aunivoreary of the battle of
Queenstown Heights tune oolehrated at
Hamilton lamb week by an entertainment
in the drill shod. Sir Oliver Morvat de•
livered a patriotic address.
Mrs. W. II. Stanley, Toronto, took a
dose of poison in mistake for patent
medicine she had been tatting. She rlis-
oorered the error in time and a doctor,
who was summoned, succeeded in saving
her life.
glints Central Plebisoite Committee for
Ontario mot at Toronto Met weep, when.
reports were received of organizations in
18 counties, and before the end of the
month every oounty will bo organized.
Arrangements were made for issuing
The Galt and Preston Street Railway
direotots have decided to adopt the
electric system with as an adjunct a
steam motor, which would be available
in Winter when heavy BLOWS interfere
with the use of electricity and also in the
event of more freight offering than
electricity eau convey, to move the
freight at eight.
Asad noc1dent happened last Friday
to John McIntyre, a millwright and oar -
pouter of 3+orgns. He was having a large
smoke stack raised at Wilson's mill.
When the stank Was nearly in poeibion it,
by some means caught his right arm with
the whole weight upon it, and nearly
severed it from the body a little below
the elbow. It was so fractured that it
had to be amputated.
A horrible crime was committed at
0nliln5' Late' a lumbering village on
Georgian Bay, 14 miles. East of Killar-
ney, lea week. Two shantymen, who
had their Mottling in one trunk, gllarrell.
ed over the ownership of certain articles.
The difficulty did not last tong. One
man promptly seized an axe and split
open the head of his companion. The
wounded u
0 a 9A%
a taken
Our -
rent aid was dying there when the last
steamer from bloat port left for Coiling.
wood. The assailant has not been ar-
rested. The names of the men are loot
t,.'"iGEuC S)G,E Ira CANADA.
tw •;
t Nakao
to tboiatest triumph in pharmacyfor the cure
of all the symptoms indicating 01DNEAND
ervEn Oomolaint. If you are troubled with;
costiveness, Dizziness, Sour Stomach
?dd011tinehe, Indigestion, Poon Ars>1TITN,
Trapp Tion aIN%, linenamTIO PMNs, sleepless
Nights, Dlelanoho y Feeling, BA=Aonn,
Aiontbray's Kidney- endo Elver 611841
X13 4
3 ki
willgive mmodiaterenotand30rno0A0nre
Bold at all Drug Stores.
li&enlbray Altedifeine company
or Peterborougin, (Limited),
THOS, �'�ETC111f;Rt
Practical W'atehraaaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the publio for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Cloaks of the
Latest Designs
EAaaoNde, 0.
f...8.100 a Fuli Line of V1%Rats and
Violin Strings, Leo., in stook.
N. t11.-1laurce of A1arrtage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
White Stagy Line.
110YAG Awl, S'1'LulS11IPS.
Between Now Ta1'k and Livens/al, via
Q0oonsbown, every Wednesday.
As th
steamers of tido lino carry rY only
strictlya limited
number • ti
t 0 KIM ilea
assgrsimelueL8(3tey-peareminded 3ut1 lupplication
for bertha Is ueooeeary at this sea -
00n. .For,1,latts, rates, oto., apply to
W. H, I{err,
Agent, Brussels.
MON ET TO 11�O .fit.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
an Farm op Village Pro-
perty 1b
6 & 6' Per Cent., 11 early .
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying hien required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
A Splendid stock of
—AND —
(Both Presbyterian
and Methodist).
Just to Halon. this Week.
Intending hrohasors should ►s0. thelnt
Oc?. 20, 1893
System sy
�est enovatox
'-----AND MINA
SP g�gp
it RA
T0 ®
For Impure, Weal( and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate"
bion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
sumpton sGallof StonMemory, Jaundice, Bronchitis,
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe,.
Female Irregnlaritiea aid General De-
J. n'f. MoLEUD,
Prop. end Manufacturer. 1,
Sold by .7. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Brussels.
Coilfederatioii Life
1LLeaf4 Office : TORONTO_
Capital and Assets, $5,000,000
New Insurance, 1892, $8,670,000
Insurance at Risk, $22,565,000
Policies Non -Forfeitable and In-
disputable after two years.
Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In-
surance, 'Written, $755,000,
Or over 25 per cent.
Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000
Or Nearly 10 per cent.
Assurance Income, $48,678
In Assets, - $489,878
New stock of Notepaper, En- "W'. E.
?elopes, &c., just ill, AGENT, BRUSSELS.
ar ie St on
Studio over Standard .13au ,
We have all the leading styles in photos, such as Sun-
beams, Mikado Panels, Garde De Visitos, Cabinets, (Man-
tollo Cabinets, now style) and any size larger, up
to life size Crayon Portraits which we
]Hake a Specialty of.
- Also Pictures Copied and Enlarged.
Our Prices are Reasonable
And our work nothing but First-class, which makes this the place
to get your Photographs,
A Gall is Solicited.
Our stock is well Assorted
in. all dines and
For the Ladies we have some lovely- lines of New Dress
Goods with Trimmings to Match.
A Special Assortment of Children's Coati
Something Rear Nice. Coatings.;
Readylnacle Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys. Snits made to
order in the Latest Styles—CHEAP.
Our stock is fully' assorted in all lines of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
for Ladies, Gents, Misses, Youths and Children. Have a,
pair of new Boots and Rubbers to keep your
feet Dry and Comfortable.
Groceries Fresh and,aeli
A. Strachan's.