The Brussels Post, 1893-10-20, Page 5oneetant OOT. 20, 1893 lit llict 00101. ISESS4—About 2;3O on the morning after Brussels Pair, a young man from the 4th eon. of Grey !oat hie way near Mho village. After travelling up and down the road for some time he at length called ata house near the sahnel and inquired where ho wag and rsoeiving the neeeseary Information ho at one0 turned in the dirootion of hie home. He should take a guide with him next time, •VV'x' oo Cor. Delegates will leave here in fa force on Friday to attend fire Plebiscite meet- ing in Brueaols. The Tempe ennee sent!. mont fa allvo in Wroxobor. The sorvieea in 00 ,100tion with the opening of the basement of the Motho• diet ohuroh on Sunday and Monthly evening last wore very enooessful, The Ohriatfan Endeavor purpose hold- ing a Thankselviug meeting on the even. ing of Sabbath, rho 211th of Novenbor, The oolleotion ie to bo devoted to the Hone Mission Pend. Gavin Davidson 18 on his wsy hone from the O:d Country. He will be web oomed by a largo circle of friends who hope to see hien greatly benefitten by his sojgmrn in the "land '0 oakos" and "bon• nie lassies." The saw mill is undergoing repairs in anticipation of a big season's work. Maple and all kind of hard wood will bo in groat demand as tvell as hemlock, pine, &o., for whish the highest prices in cash will be paid. Rev. Mr. Davidson, who has boon in. disposed for the past two or three weeks, was ab'e to wimpy the pulpit en Sabbath last. We are glad to hear ho is to have a much needed holiday. The pulpit will he supplied on Sabbath morning next by • R804 Jno. Boss, of Brussels. On Friday of this week the township Council will meet in the Hall at Ethel, Arch. Hislop is taking in the sights at Chicago this weak. Be want West lash Friday. Depot Reeve Dames will take his an- nual trip to Algoma combining business and ploasnre. The heavy rain of Friday and Saber. day was a wonderful blessing to this aeotiun of the country. Um. Thos. Strachan arrived home from Manitoba on Saturday. She jj brought one of her grand daughters with her, a daughter of Dougald Strachan, S formerly of Brussels. The young people of S. S. No. 1, Grey, '1 propose holding an entertainment on the evening of Tuesday, 81st inst,, when an excellent program will be presented. All are cordially invited. rj It is reported that the Robertson family, well and favorably known in this township for many years, will remove this Fall to liruae County, locating near Paisley. J. J. Guars has purohaeed their farm rn Grey. Abram, second 0001 of John Bishop, has been very ill during the past week. He hal pulled fairly through a siege of typhoid fever when a relapse set in with an attack of congestion of the lungs and other complications. dins life has been hanging in the balance, John Lamont gold four Liao live hogs, 8 months old, to Messrs. Seeker & Vans stone, Brussels, tart week that netted hien 993.40. Donald Orerar, 9th eon., also disposed of 7 pig., 5 months old, to the same gentlemen, that realized $90. Pork raisin as compared with wheat growing is much more profitable as evi. dencod by Messrs. Lamout'e and Grerar'e Bales. David Itergneon has sold•his farm, be- ing lot 9, eon. 17, Grey, to his neighbor, Robert McGavin, for 94,900. Robert MuGav1n Bold his, being the west half of lot 10, 0001. 17, containing 50 acres, to Mr. McAllister of the seem lino, and Duncan MaKeneio of the 17411 eon. of Grey, has bought lots 13 and 14, Don. 18, containing 128 aortae, from the estate of the late Thos. Campbell for 94,500. HYcnrr ire. D. Meiklejohn is tarring in the World's Pair this week. Miss J. Iioocl is visiting in Saginaw oily, Michigan. Township Oounoil will meet on Mol. day of next week. David Walker is away at Chicago taking in the big Fair. The new floor on the bridge at Sun- shine is a great improvement. Donald Sward, of Kansas, is home to sea hie father who is seriously i11. John Mason and wife were visiting friends in Palmerston last week. Trinity church, Belgravo, bee boon roofed anew and otherwise repaired. Fall wheat is looking splendid and will have plenty of top when snow oeine0. Saturday's rain will help the dry wells throughout the township considerably. The rain on Saturday and Sunday has pub the land in fine oonditioe for plow- ing. Air, Pearce, the ventriloquist, 10 doing the township justice with his entertain- ments. The aide road between lots 20 and 21, on the 3rd non., ie no0 completed and open for traffic. Jamee Belga]: arrived borne from the World's Pale last week. Ho onjnyed his visit to Chiango very much. Edward Bosman and wifo leave on Fri. day of this week for Chicago to see the wonders at the Columbian Exposition. George Smith, jr., has purohaeed a thorn' bred Berkshire hog from Mr, Mo• Allister, Varna, int a good figure. Watal out for hie advt. Wnl. Speir arrived home from Dakota last Saturday. Ho wag away since lart March. Mr. Spoir soya the crowds at Chicago were immense. While Molting beechnuts one defy re- cently, Charles, you ngoet son of James Hall fell 1rein a trop Said broke his arm in two places besides diolooating ib at the elbo,v. R. 0, Pearce will give it grand musical, inimical and ventriloquial eetertninmeht in Anderson's 0n11oo1 bouee this (Friday) evening. Mr. Pearce is highly spoken of by the press of Outeri°. Tho I resbytoriane of Bolgrnvo had a very sueeeeefnl bee on Friday last extra. ting the foundation for the now oberoh. They also put a temporary fence aroulid the new silo on the 8a.1110 day. Mary, fourth daughter of Wm. Tucker, of Winghant, fermorly of this township died otl Friday night of last week arid was burled at Blyth on Sunday after• poen. Typhoid fever Wits the eanee $f • her death. • Arra. Gilbert Spoir hats boon dangerous. ly ill and is still eerier the (looter's care. We hope elle will soon bo couvalesceut, Win, liiohie and Geo, Hood nttercled the meeting of Ireton Division Grine No, 27 whleh was held at Brussels on Tuesday. 4Wrtiraet. An heir was born on the 15th inet, to our gonial 0mlths, Thos. Clark, Mise Maggie Morrison is at present visiting her Bieber, Mos, !tuella MoVettfo, of Kellett. Rory McLeod is dangerously ill with inflammation of the bowels but the Dr. has good hopes of hie recovery. A private recital was given by !Mfr. Hawkins' music mile on Wedneedey afternoon in the Foresters' Hall bore. She hum of the circular saw will he heard no more hero until a fresh supply of logs 1111 Mr. McDonald's capacious log yard. The senior department of our school held a holiday on Wednesday, the princi- pal, lir. Kerr, being at his brotbor'e wedding, A, J. Carter hoe leased the farm of Duncan Johnston for a term of 4 years, at 9125 a year, The farm contains 50 acres being east half of lot 10, con. 17, Gey. We aro pleased to learn that Jno. Mor- rison has fonnd, by appeal, that he has been sumo Betel in his 3rd (thee examin- ation and is 0100 fully entitled to attend the model sohool, Little hopes are entertained for the recovery of Thos. Ryan, who was taken suddenly ill last Monday morning with peralysle. He has almost reached the patriarchal age of 9.1 years. Wm. Pollard mat with a serious loss on Wednesday of last week. A valuable span of horses took ill and died in such a short time that there is a suspicion of foul play. The party or parties who could perpetrate such a villianoue act will, if found out, Buffer the extreme penalty of the law. A..Cwood. Miss ©sues Elan -mond waa a delegate from the lona! I. 0. G, T. to the big Tem- perance convention in Toronto on Oct. 3rd. J. L. Mader has received a Moque for $1,000 from the I. 0. P. Supreme Court, insurance) on the life of the late William Howes, who was a member of the order. PASSED Awnr.—The Bee says :—Anoth- er of Ehna's pioneers passed away last Saturday in the person of George Ham mond, aged about 60 years. He Dame to the township with hie parents and two younger brothers about40 years ago and settled ou the 7th con., then a dense forest. He waa joined by many neigh- bors, who assisted in felling the giant trees and burning them along with the underbrush, for in those days there was no market for timber. Many days were spent at rolling log upon log to be con- sumed by the devouring flames. Mr. Hammond's came is well deserving of a place on the honor roll of Elma's early settlers, who conquered obstacles and en- dured hardships and made Elma what she is today—a worthy example of agri., r•ultnral thrift and cuterprise. Not one of these fathers of the township should bo forgotten by their sous. The fine roads, substantial bank barns and costly and beautiful brick houses here and there throughout the township aro fittfug monuments to their memory. Among those who are deserving of mention in this connection besides deceased and his brothers aro :—T. Gibson, N. Richard- son, IV. Calder, H. Wilson, A. Long, R. Cochrane, A. Anderson, 11, Buchanan and Mr. Sangster. These lived in the neighborhood of the 7th con. ; and a little further west we have 0. Thomas, J. Mc/Meter, Joseph Hanna, It. Hamilton, W. Bingham. For the past few years the subject of this notice has been a resi• dent of Atwood and was much respected in the community. Much sympathy ie expressed for the grief.striokeu family. x-tin:ta w e 1. Listowel Dairymen's Board of Trade will hold their annual banquet on Thurs. day evening, 200h inst., at the Arlington. John McKenzie, who had the misfor- tune to lose an arm by a trolley 0nr ac- cident while in Toronto during the exhibition, has removed with hie family from Guelph to Listowel. At the oheeso fair last week Silver Corners sold 280 boxes September for 11eo. 114 was bid for Sept. and balance cheese, but refused by salesmen, $ome of whom named 12o as their figure. The annual sports wbioh were so sec. evssfully inaugurated last year by the Literary and Athletic Association of the Listowel High school, will take place at the rink park on Friday, 20th inst., in the afternoon. On the evening of the same day the annual commencement entertainment will he held in the rink. An accident ocuurred to Goo. Robin. son, Maryboro, from it runaway in Lie. towel, resulting in n cut and dislocated thumb. Soon afterwards the young man felt the muscles of his throat stiffening, and fearing lockjaw, had a younger brother during the nicht got an iron bolt, which lie placed between his teeth, but did not disturb the teat of the house till morning. The progress of 11110 terrible malady, however, (meld not be arrested, and the jaws and muscles of the face and nook soon became rigid, relief only com- ing by death a week after the accident. Some days ago Constable Buhnor to- oeived word to be on the lookout for four boys who had escaped from the Industrial hone at Mimioo, and learning Kiat four young tramps were onmping on the rail- way hack at the outskirts of the town, he oorrmlled them and had theta before police magistrate 'Perfume, The lade, however, did not prove to be the boys Wanted. According to their story these young tramps had left Toronto in a box oar on the 0. P.11., intending to go to Detroit, but when the car was opened they found theneelvoe in Owen Sound, and wore now making comes country for their destination. They wavelet go, with the nnclOrsianding that they should make tbomoelvee seams in the neighborhood. TRUE BRUSSELS POST v a rrne� .SISSE' .r ust be t educed. 0 Before the 15th November when we will Move to the Store Lately Occupied. by MR. JAMES IRWIN. For the ire•, .t Twenty Days our Desirable and well , . carted Stack to be Offer- ed t© the Public at a Great Sacrifice. We herewith submit for your inspection Price List of some of ou.i' Leading' Limes, which .show actual Reductions. kAESS GOODS In Black and Colored, Plain & Fancy, every line Reduced. The largest assortment of Dry Goods in Brussels to select from, 7 pieces extra heavy Dress Meltons at 11c regular price 15c 10 " fancy Plaid, all wool, 42 iu. wide at 25c 50c 15 " " 50c 540e 0, 20 25 5 „ r01' fine Henrietta 46 in. wide, all shades 86e 1 very heavy Navy Serge, 42 in. wide 25e choice French Serge, all wool, 88 in. 22e 54 in. Dress Tweed at 69c 54 in. Dress Tweed at 55e " ' 85c " $1.00 75o MAN r.L. IJ ..Li G 0 0 .AJ' . 5 pieces fine Beaver Cloth were $1.25 1 " blaclt Fancy Mantling 2.50 1 " black Nap Mantling 2.25 1 " navy Nap Mantling 1.40 1 " black Astrachan Curl 3.50 1 " extra black Astrachan Curl 4.50 Sale price 98c " $1.75 1.67 1.15 2.69 8.75 if it 81 Eif 614 A 5. 19 yards Fast Colored Gingham for $1.00, regular price Sc yd 15 yds very fine check Gingham, fast colors, $1.00 " 10c yd 5 pieces yard wide Gieghams, our 12ze line, Sale price 10e yd 00 STS. 4 doz. Jackson Waists, were $1,50, they go at $1.25 3 doz. Celebrated Watchspring Corsets were $1.25 they go at $1.08 5 doz. E. T. Long Waist Corsets were $1.10, they go at 85e. 8 doz. of our regular $1.00 Corsets for 75c. 75c for 55c ; 50c for 380 ; 25c for 22c. Ladies' Cashmere Hose. 5 doz at 17c per pair, they aro our 25e line, 4 doz at 20e per pair, regular price 80e, 6 doz Fine Ribbed at 32e, they are good value at 45e, 3 pairs of any of our regular 500 line iu plain or ribbed for $1.25, In Children's Cashmere Ho80 we have throe full lines in all sizes which we will reduce 25 per sent. Ladies' Cashmere Moves At 12ic, 15c, 20c, 25c and 80c, regular prices 20e, 25e, 80c, 85c and 40c per pair, Ladies' Kid Gloves. 3 doz Perrins' Lacing Gloves which we sell regular at $1.85, our Sale priee $1,15. 5 doz J'ammets' Lacing Gioves, in Black and Colored, were $1.25, our Sale price $1.05. , 8 doz of our Regular $1.O0 quality at 78c, 7 0,75e " 55c, 4 It 600 ' ` 50c, Citizens of Toronto are again caution. ed to boil drinking water, thereelfll being a leakage from the buy. The Toronto (huh have dined in their day Earl of Dufferin, Lord Lorne and aay'0 the Marquis of Lansdowne, and every cue of thee° eveine have beomue historical by the exoelloot speeokoe made by the vice - rood guests. The crib hes decided to entertain the Earl of Aho•deei,, and His Exoellenoy has been pleased to agcept ',fee the evening of Oot. 25011. Nibol •5tinget ill, Q. C., will preside, Tickets Tin �4.d �M dvili be fykgished to club members, a i ti 11 0176- 11 0.LV 1 aS Canton >, pieces sprinted wanton Cretonne was 86c, solo price 1cJµc 5 pieces Cretonne, nice patterns, was 121c, " 100, 8 pieces Cretonne, nice patterns, was 10c 8c. TABLE LINENS 1 piece 48 in. Table Linen at 15c, regular price 20c, 2 " 50 " 20c, 27c, 1 " !,room Damask Linen at 30e, 8 " !Extra tine Loom Damask 48c, 1 " 72 M. Cream Damask at 59c, ii11 Cream Cloths, with Border at 60e, 75e, $1.10, 1510 pieces" 2U " 10 " 5 80 FACTORY b6 in. Factory, rr " r i, 40 in. fine tl (1 COTTONtl. were 6c, 8c, 9c, 100, 11c, ri " ft „ 10c, 60c, 70o, 75c, $1.00, 1-40. 'Sale Price 5e, ,, 6c, rr 7c, Sic, She. ” BLEACHED COTTONS. 3 pieces 27 in, White Cotton at 5c, Regular price 7e, 4 " 36 7c, ,, 9e, 5 " 86 " 814-c, r` 10c, 4 " 36 10c, " 124c, Cotton Shirtings. 15 pieces Shirting, fast, colors, at 8c, Regular price 10e, 10 pas. best 80 in. Shirting, fast colors, at 10ie, regular price 14c. Cottonades and Denims. 8 pieces Cottonades, 5 2 12Lc for 10e ; our 25e quality, for 17c, 27eCi 20c, 82e " 26c, 20c for 15c ; 25o for 19c. e, 15c for Hie ; Grey Flannels. 20 pieces of our eegnlar 220 line, 25 in. wide, Sale price 15e. 10 pieces 25 in., Pure Wool Flannel, was 25o, Sale prioe 183. 4 " 27 " " 30e, " 22o. 3.4 pieoee Assorted Colors in Plain, Panay and Military Flannels, worth from 35o to 40o, Sale price 31e. FLAX-VELETTES. 10 pieties extra Heavy Angola Flannel, our Sale price 12c, worth 15e. 10 pieoos Flannelette in nice Patterns, our 1220 line, Sale price 10e. 15 " " Choice " 10e " 8e. 15 " " very Line and Heavy 7o " " 5c. Gent's Furnishings. 5 doz. Envelope Backe Shirts at 99o, our first quality. 4 don, of Dar 91.00 White Shirts at 80e. 15 doz. Gents' Ties and Searfe at 330, Regular price 50c. 10 " " " 25o, " 400, 10 " " " 19o, " 25e. 25 " Linen Oollare at 100 each or 8 for 25o, warranted 4 ply Linen. 5 " Wool Shirts and Drawers, at 370, regular price 50o, ib " .'Extra All wool Shirts and brewers at 550, regular price 75e. $1,00 fOr 8501 91.10 for 87o ; 91.25 Mr $1.00 ; 91,40 for $1.20. Remer.ber this Sale is only for 20 Days, Commencing on S aLur- Oct, 21st, when we will bepleased to show the people of Brussels and P p s z d Vicinity the many Bargains we Advertise.. F Taken as Cash.