The Brussels Post, 1893-10-6, Page 66 ---Is runLienUD—.-- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING an owe for the early mails) at tsTile Post" Wein Publislrhig Renee, Tx:10M wr ST., Bnvsser8, ONT. Tennis or Svnsen1PTTQN,—One dollar and a more year,lu advance. The date towblob every subscription le veld le denoted by the date on the address label. Anve,,v ,IND Unica—The following rates will be charged to those who advertise by the year n- 1 Ta, 01uo,Nino One Oolllwn $00,00 $110.0053;.00 Half natter " 25.00 20.00 12,00 20,00 22.00 800 tgnth " _ 12.00 8.00 5.00 B1gnt omits per line for first insertion, and three cents per lino for each subsenueutin- sertiou, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -12 Hues to the inoh, Business Cards, eight lines and under, v$5 Per a500m, Advertisements without speo,ue direc- tions, will bo inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly, Instructions to ;Mange w' afsoontlauo nn advertisement must be left at the counting room of Tun Posr not later than Tuesday of each week. This is Imperative. w. I.. IK10111.12, Editor tw(1 Proprietor. Wingham Fall Show.. The fall show, under the auspices of the Turnberry Agricultural Society, was held in Wingham, on Tuesday and Wed• needay of last week. Tho following is the prize list :— Honsns—Heavy Draught—Brood mare, foal at side, Thoe Todd, I Wright ; spring foal, Thos Todd, P Fowler ; one year old filly, I Wright, John Hardie ; one year gelding, P Fowler; two year old f'ly, I Wright, J Orowston ; two year old geld. ing, R Corley ; team, J roster. Gener- al purpose—brood mare, Wm Barbor, Wm Pardon ; spring foal, Wm Barbour, Wm Purdon ; one year old filly, F An. derson, John Nicholson ; one year old gelding, E Taylor ; two year old filly, Peter McEwen, John Elston ; two year old gelding, Wm Oruiekshank, Thee Jen. bins ; team, E Taylor, 0 W Taylor. Driving horses—brood mare, P Deans, R Malndoo ; foal, R Molndoo, Geo Cruick- shank ; one year old filly, Wm Cruick- shank, A Fox ; one year old gelding, Peter Clark ; two year old filly, P Deans, 11 Maxwell & Son ; two year old gelding, P Clark, 0 Henderson ; saddle horse, P Clark, Beattie Bros. •, single driver, Geo Cruickshank, E Taylor ; teem, L Lott, E H Dever. CATTLE•--Durhams—breeding oow, R W Hastings, R Corley ; two year old heifer, R Corley, Jas Clow & Son ; one year old heifer, J Armour, 3 Clow & Son ; heifer calf, R W Hastings, M & R Harrison ; bull ;elf, R W Hastings, M & R Harrison. Grades—breeding cow, J Armour, R Corley ; two year old heifer, M & R Harrison, R Corley ; one year old beifer, M & R Harrison, R Corley ; bei. ler or steer calf, R Corley, M & R Her. risen. Fat oattle—year old steer, R Cor- ley, J Armanr ; two year old steer, R Maxwell & Son, Thos Henderson ; fat beast, J Armour ; working oxen, J An- derson, Jos Coabraue. SHEEP—Leioesters and their grades— aged ram, John Barr, N Cuming ; shear• ling ram, N Cuming, 1st & 2nd ; ram lamb, J Barr, N Claming ; aged ewe, R W Hastings, 3 Barr ; shearling ewe, R W Hastings. J Barr ; ewe lamb, N Cum. ing, 1st & 2nd. Downs and their grades— aged ram, MoEwan Bros ; shearling ram, J Orowston ; ram lamb, R of Anderson, 1st & 2nd ; aged ewe, R M Anderson, 3 Orowston ; shearling ewe, McEwen Bros 1st & 2nd ; ewe lamb R M Anderson, lab & 2nd ; fat sheep, R W Hastings, 101 & 2nd. Swore --Berkshire, Essex or Suffolk— boar pig, 3 Armour, C Ilenderson ; aged boar, 0 Henderson ; sow pig, W Hender son, 1st & 2nd ; breeding sow, E Taylor, J Armour. Large breed—boar pig, H Edwards & Son ; aged boar, H Edwards; sow pig, H Edwards, W Henderson & San. PouLTtr—Fowls—hrahmae ,15111, W Henderson & Son, 1st & 2nd ; brahmas dark, W Henderson & Soo ; 000hius, G Ireland, C Henderson ; games, P Deans, G Ireland ; wyandobtes, W Taylor ; homburgs bleak, J Harrison, 0 Hender- son ; langshans, 0 Rendered', 'W Hen- derson & Son ; leghorns white, W Tay lor, Jas Harrison ; leghorns brown, R Elliott, W Taylor ; plymouth make, D McKinlay, W Hendereon & 500 ; spaniel' black, 0 Henderson, J Harrison ; minor- oas, W Henderson & Son, 1st & 2nd ; bantams, 3 Hardie, W Taylor ; any other variety, J Harrison, J Crowston ; turkeys, w Cray, 0 Henderson ; geese, O Henderson, J Harrieou ; pekin ducks, J Harrison, D MoKinlay ; dunks, any other variety, 0 Henderson, let & 2nd Collection fanny pigeons, P Deane, let & 2nd ; cage canaries, Mrs Tamlyn. chickens, brahwas light, D McKinlay, W Taylor ; brahmas dark, W Henderson de Son ; aoohine, G Ireland ; games, P Deans, lot & 2nd ; wyandottes, W Hen- derson & SOD, W Taylor ; hemborgs blacks, 3 Harrison, 0 Henderson; lane - chane, 0 Hendereon ; , leghorns white, W Taylor, 1st & 2nd ; legborns brown, R Elliott, of W Taylor y plymootli rooks, 0 Henderson, let & 2nd ; spanieh blank, J Harrison, W Henderson & Smn; min- oraas, 0 Hendereon ; bantams, J Hardie, W Taylor ; any other Variety, J Harrison, W Henderson & Son. Aen10aLTonAL IMPLs2teNTa,—Lumber wagon, T II Ran, W Gannett ; buggy, Jam Welker, Wm Dore ; sod plow, T H Ross, W Gannett ; gang plow, T H Ross, let & 2nd ; iron harrowe, W Gannett. WOOLON GOODS—Fail cloth, factory made, W W Inglis flannel, home made, Jas Ross ; flannel, factory mode, NV W Inglis ; blankebe, home spun wool, 0 Hendereon, Geo Johnstou ; blankets, factory made, W W Inglis ; blankets, Union, D MoKinley, 0 Henderson ; yarn, home spun, W H MoCraoken, Jas, Ross. LOATNEn ANn OTn0n MANOti'AOTURES— Men's boots, sewed, F H Roderus ; mon'e ooere0 boots, F H Roderns ; driving mite, Geo Moffatt ; cooper's work, W Taylor ; sewing machine, A G MoDonald, (singer), T 31 Rose, (davis) ; wooden pump, D Showers, let & 2nd. Gaeta AND SElxs—Poll wheat, red, 0 Willie, youngest son of A. 5, Malley, Henderson, R Maxwell &Son ; fall wheat, East Zoera, accidentally out the thumb white, Geo Moffatt, 0 Henderson; epting of his right hand off with an ax, wheat, Wm Thom, W Hendereon & Son ; David McNeil, who wee an Organ peas, small white, R W Hastings, Geo dealer in Sbrathroy several years ago, Moffatt' white oats, C Henderson, R has been oommitted to the asyhnn at Maxwell & Son ; black oats, Jae rlar- Bernardino, Cal., as insane. rieot, O Hendereon ; barley, eix rowed, John Hardie, Wtn Ilenderson & Son ; barley, twa rowed, C Hendereon ; tlm• othy seed, Jas Horrieon ; beans, white, R Maxwell .2 Son. Thos Ilondereou henns,leuy other variety, John Hardie, W Taylor ; field Dorn, E Taylor, W Taylor, Hone Osoes—Swede turnips, Sella Di• meet, 0 Hendereon ; any other turnips, 0 Hendereon W Henderson &Son ; man• gels, long, D MoKinla W H 112o0rack• en; mange's short, W H MoCraoken, Geo Johnston; field °aerobe, W H Mo. °reckon, Wm Thom ; table oarrote, D MoKiulay, W Taylor ; bests, long blood, W Taylor, FV II MoCrnaken ; beets, tut.. nip blood, W II McCracken, D MAIM. lay ; parenips, W 11 McCracken, D Mo. Kinlay ; beauty of Hebron potatoes, D MoKinlay, Geo Ireland ; mammoth pearl potatoes, D McKinlay, W H Mo• early rosepotatose, D McKinley, W H MoOrookon ; white elephant potatoes, D McKinley, A Fox ; any other hind of potatoes, H Edwards, W Henderson & Son ; collodion potatoes, W Henderson & Son, W Taylor; onions from seed, D McKinlay, W Taylor ; any other, D Mo- Kinlay, W H McCracken ; Tomatoes, plum or cherry, W Taylor, D McKinlay ; tomatoes, any other, 1) McKinlay, M & 11 Harrison ; celery, red, W Taylor, D Mol{iulny; celery, white, D McKinley, 0 Henderson ; cabbage, Jersey Wake. field, D McKinley, W Taylor ; cabbage, flat dutch, D, McKinlay, W Taylor ; cab. bago, any other, D McKinley, W Taylor; cauliflower, D McKinley, W Taylor ; citron, John Hardie, 0 Henderson ; ou- oumber, W Henderson & Son, M & R Harrison ; meek melon, W II MoOraok• en ; 0007, green sweet, John Gray, D McKinley ; pumpkin, W Taylor, D Mo- Kinlay ; Squash, 1) McKinlay, w Taylor ; collection garden produce, D MolSinlay, W I3 MoCraoken. Feurr—Baldwin, P Taylor, W Han• dersoa & Son ; king of tompkins, W Taylor, M & R Harrison ; maiden's blush, B Maxwell & Son, W Henderson & Son ; Lowell, R Maxwell & Son, 0 Henderson; northern spy, F Anderson, Wm Thom ; duchess of aldeuburg, John Hardie, C Henderson ; diode island greenings, J Anderson, Wm Then rib. ston pippins, J Anderson, 0 W Taylor ; roxborongh russets, W Henderson & Son, John Diment ; golden russets, M & R Harrison, 0 Henderson ;;", seek no further, W Henderson & Son, C Henderson ; snows, 0 W Taylor, M & R Harrison ; bieuheim oranges, A Tipling, P Fowler ; wngners, R J MaKngue, 0 Henderson ; oolverts, Wm. Gray, M & R Harrison ; alexandere, J Oroustou, 0 Henderson ; crabs, John Hardie, W Hendereon & Son ; eix varieties orabs, named, 0 Henderson, W Henderson & Son; grapes, W Hender. son c2 Son, 3 Kerr ; fall pears, 0 Hender. sen, A Fox ; winter pears, Mrs, Tamlyn, Mrs D Melanie ; blue plume, Mrs Tam- lyn, 0 Henderson ; yellow plums, W Henderson & Son, W H MoCraoken ; oolleotion fruit, W Henderson c2 Son, C Henderson. DA/RV AND Peovrsroxs. =Dairy cheese, John Gordon ; butter, 50 lbs., J Ander. son, M & R Harrison ; butter, rolle, Thos. Hendereon, R J Moltagoe ; honey comb, J A Morton, 0 Henderson; honey, extracted, D McKinlay, 0 Henderson ; home made bread, John Nicholson, Jae Harrison ; oat cuke, W Henderson & Son, W Taylor ; pickles, mixed, D Bio. Kinlay, W Taylor ; pie't'as, any other, John Gray, W H. McCracken ; tomato ketahbp, W H McCracken, D McKinley ; maple syrup, 0 W Taylor, E 'Taylor ; maple sugar, W H McCracken ; oolleo. tion canned fruit, John Gray, SH Mc- Oraokeu. Filen ARTS—Oil painting, Miss Annie i Henderson, Miss J Duffield ; water color painting, 1'13' Brookenshire, Miss J Duf- field ; crayon drawing, 1V F Brooken- shire, 1 & 2 ; painting on pottery, Mrs Tamlyn, Mies J Duffield ; painting on silk or satin, Miss J Duffield, Mrs D Mc- Innis ; callecton paintings, Miss Annie Henderson ; oolleotion photographs, W F Brookenshire. PLANTS AND FLOwens•—Poliage plants, W Webster ; geraniums, W Webster, 1V Taylor ; fuchsias, W Webster, 1 & 2 ; table bouquet, D McKinley, Mrs Tamlyn; hand boquet, Mrs Tamlyn, D >ll0liinley ; wild flower bouquet, John Gray, Mrs Tamlyn ; basket of annuals, W Taylor, D McKinley ; dahlias, D MoKiolay gladiolus spikes, D McKinlay, J Herr ; verbena heads, S Youhill, 5 Taylor ; pansies, D Maliinlay, 5 Youhill ; panne• ins, D McKinlay, W Taylor ; phlox drummondi, 5 Youhill, D MoKinlay ; Zinnias, W F Brookenshire, 5 Youhill. LADIES' Wonb.—Ooverlot, D McKin- ley, J Ooahrane ; quilt, patched, Mrs Ma• Kenzie, Mrs. Tamlyn ; quilt, knit, Mrs Tamlyn, Mre G Mofatt ; quilt, cabin, Mrs Tamlyn ; quilt, arotohed, J Mc- Olenaghan, V/ Taylor ; tatting, Mre Tamlyn, Miss Duffield ; bead -work, Mra Tamlyn, Miss Duffield ; specimen of lase, Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Duffield ; fanny knit- ting, Mre. Moffatt, Mrs McKenzie ; em- broidery on woolen, Miss Duffield, Mre. Tamlyn ; embroidery, any other, Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Duffield ; braiding, J Brydges, Mrs G Moffatt ; outline work, Miss Duffield, W Webster ; eollection of work, Mrs Tamlyn 1 & 2 ; extra entries, A Derrick, J Diment. Open to articles never exhibited before at this show— Quilt pieced, R MoKaguo, J Diment ; man's fine shirt, hand made, Mrs Mo. Kenzie, Mrs Tamlyn; man's coarse shirt, hand made, Mrs. MoXenzie, J Brydges ; night gown or shirt, eh r hand made, Mre Tamlyn, Mrs G Moffatt ; pair wool soolee or stockings, Mrs Mollenzie, W H Mo- Otacken ; pair wool mita or gloves, Mrs McKenzie, W 11 McCracken ; pair cotton stockings, Mrs McKenzie, Jas Ross ; rag mat, Jas Rose, J McOlenaghan ; rag ear. pet, W Henderson c2 Son, I & 2 ; Mexican or drawn work, Mrs McKenzie, Mre D Molnnss ; embroidery, Mrs Tamlyn, F II Rodeos ; tidy, Miss Duffield, Mrs Malnaes, crotchet work, Miss Duffield, lOIrs Tamlyn ; sofa pillow, Miss Duffield, T' 11 Rodents ; pair pillow shame, W Webster, Mrs McInnes ; crewel work, J Brydgee, Mrs Tamlyn ; dress, made by unprofeseional, Mre G Moffatt ; Roman embroidery, Mies Duffield, Mrs Tamlyn ; darned net, Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Malnnees ; bracket lambrequin, Mrs Tamlyu, Mrs McInnes ; fancy needlework, Miss Duffield, 'biro Tamlyn ; Berlin wool work, Mrs. McInnes Mise Duffield ; 00110011mi of work, Miss Duffield, Mrs Tanilyn - log cabin quilt, Mrs Tamlyn, Mre Mallen. zie. THE BRUSSELS POST Belgravia Fall Fair. The annual Fair of East Wuwanosh Agrioulteral Society wee held at Bel - grave on Thursday and Friday of lest wooly and was a decided encases, lu the indoor departmentthedieplay was rather below some other years in quantity but outside, especially in the cattle and horses, there was a eplendd.exhibit, In POs poultry eipts at thengate wsoa ere field. upwards rdb the of 570, East Wawanoeh Direotors are a whole soulful lot of men who do their work well. Our thanks are due to Fin- lay Anderson, the well known Secretary, for his oom'tosy. The prize list is as follows 1— Honene—IlsavyDraughb--Brood mare, T Todd, Wm Wellwood ; horse foal, T Todd, wan Wellwood ; two year old Elly, wm Wellwood, Jas Dow ; two year old gelding, N Cumming 1 & 2 ; year old filly, Wm Wellwood 1.2 2 ; beam borne, 11 J MuKagne, Sas foster, R Scott ; year old entire horses, T Todd, General Pur- pose—Brood mare, Jae Anderson, T Forbes 2 & 8 ; horse foal, T Forbes, 1 & 2; mare foal, J Anderson, T Boas ; two year old filly, J Williams, W J Fenwick ; two year old gelding, T Ross, 7) Scott ; year old filly, J Dow, R Leishman ; year old galling, T 11 Taylor jr, D Scott; span horses, T H Taylor jr, Taylor Bros, Jaa Dow, Carriage Horses—Brood snare, J Dow, T Brydges, A Soott; Spring foal, T Brydges, A Scott ; two year old filly, Walter Scott, Van Vannorman ; two year old gelding, A Scott, Iran Vannorman ; year old gelding, H Kirkby, Jae Harrison ; baggy horse, 3 E Swartz, Wm Geddes ; hack horse, Jno Barr ; epan carriage horses, L Lott, T Brydges ; brood mare, T Todd ; team horses, T H Taylor jr. Clans—There' 13 ed—Beet caw, 3 Ar- mour, R Corley ; two year old heifer, G Bowler, R Corley ; year old heifer, R W Hastings, G Bowler; heifer Dell, N Cum. ming, D Cook ; bull calf, R Leishman, J Armour ; bull over two years, Sas Potter, J Barr, Robb Scott; bull`under two years, R Carley, D Scott; herd cattle, R Oorley. Grade Cattle—Best cow, R Corley, J Ar- mour, T Ross ; two year old heifer, Jno Coultas er, Chas Proctor & Sons ; ysar old heifer, M II Harrison, R Oorley ; heifer calf, T Ross, G Bowler ; pair two year old steers, T Ross, Mae Proctor & Sone ; pair 1 year old sleere, R Corley, T Ross ; pair steer calves, T Ross, R Soots ; beeve, T Ross, J Armour ; yoke oxen, J & J Anderson, D Cook ; herd cattle, 11 coney. SS1EEr—Leioesters and their Grades— Aged ram, N Cumming, J Henry & Son ; shearling rani, Juo Coupes sr ; N Oum• ming ; ram lamb, J Coupes sr ; N Cum• ming ; pair aged ewes, Jno Barr,NCum- ming ; pair shearling ewes, R Coultas, R. W Hastings ; pair ewe lambs, R 0onites, N Cumming. Dosvus and their Grades Agedram, R McGowan ; shearling rem, M H Harrison ; ram lamb, R McGowan 1.2 2 ; pair aged ewes, M H Harrison ; pair shearling ewes, M H Harrison ; pair ewe lambs, R�MoGowan, M11 Harrison ; fat sheep, Jno Coupes sr, R Corley pen of sheep, Jno Berr. Pres—Large Breed—Aged boar, 13 Ed- wards, J Potter ; brood sow, Jas Henry & Son, R Leishman ; boar littered in 1898, H Edwards 1 & 2 ; cow littered in 1898, H Edwards, R Leishman. Small Breed—Aged boar, J Armour ; brood sow, Welter Scott, T H Taylor sr ; boar littered in 1898, Walter Scott, 3 Owens.; sow littered in 1808, Walter Scott, Jas Owens ; pen of pigs, Walter Scott. POULTRY—Pair geese, Jas Harrison 1 & 2 ; pair ducks, Jas Harrison 1 & 2 ; Ply- mouth Rooks, Jae Harrison ; Leghorn'', Jas Harrison 1 & 2 ; Spanish, Jae 'lar• risen 1 & 2 ; Hamburgs, Jas Harrison 1 &2. I110LEMENTa—Farm gate, Van Vannor- man ; churn, H McLean ; pump, D Showers ; buggy, Jas Walker ; double carriage, Jas Walker ; clutter, Van Van- norman ; plow, T H Rose, J L Geddes ; gang plow, T 13 Ross, J L Geddes. Gnuui—White full wheat, Geo Moffett, R McGowan ; red fall wheat, J & J An• dersoa, R McGowan ; fall wheat any kind, Walter Scott ; spring wheat, Geo Moffatt ; six rowed barley, Robt Scott, J & J Anderson ; white oats, H Edwards, Geo Moffatt ; black oats, Jas Harrison, Geo Moffatt ; small peas, Geo Edwards, Geo Moffaal0 ; large peas, Geo Moffatt ; timothy, R MoGowan, Jas Herrieon. lt'aUIT AND FLownse—Golden Russet apples, R Oorley, J & J Anderson ; Bald. win, Wm Geddes, J &S Anderson; Snow, M H Harrison, Taylor Bros ; 11 I Green. inge, Walter Scott, J & T Anderson ; Maiden Blush, W Geddes, Taylor Bros Northern Spy, Geo Bowler, W Geddes oolverts, R Oorley, Jae Henry & Son ; Tolman sweets, Jae Anderson, M H Her. risen ; three varieties winter apples, Jae Henry & 5ou, M H Harrison ; five fall pears, 1I Wighbman, R Corley ; winter pears, R Corley, Mrs Dr Tamlyn ; grapes, H Wigbtman., Jno E Fells ; crab apples, Tag Owens, H McLean ; plums, 1V 11 McCracken, Mrs Dr Tamlyn ; peaches, J le Fells, Jae Henry & Son ; collection of fruit, H Wightman, Jno E Fells; bou• guilt of flowers, Mrs T Anderson, Geo David ; flowers in pot, Jas Harrison, Jos Owens ; oolleotion of house plants, Geo David. n MANoxAOTnnED GOODS—Ten yards onio flannel, Jae Owens ; pair blankets, W R Erskine, M II Harrison ; pair Montes boots, II Madden, F IL Roderus ; pair fine boots (man's), F H Roderous, II Madden • three tree bat Ilea Mama made wise, Jas Owens, H McLean ; best cooking sbove and furniture complete, H Mo - Lean. Rotes AND VEOSTADLE9—Elep1tent po• taboo, Geo David, Wm Geddes ; match- less cornea, Chas Proctor & Son ; beauty of bebron, Geo David ; peek any other kind, Geo David, H Edwards ; two heads cabbage, G David, Van Vannorman ; 2 heads red pickling cabbage, G David, W II MoOraoken ; 2 heads ouliflower, Geo David, Van Vannorman ; long red beets, W H McCracken, G David ; turnip beets, W 11 McCracken, G David ; mangold wurtze)e, W H Mc(raoiten, 20 II 'Taylor, jr, ; swede turnips, Jas Henry & Son, Van Vannorman ; field carrots, 3 Dow, Waiter Boost ; early horn curate, Geo David, M Il Harrison ; parsnips, Geo David, W H lttoCraoken ; onions from seed, G David, W iI Modraaken ; half peck ouione any other, W H Na :reckon ; celery, G David, Cho Proator & Sone; 0 ears corn, T H Taylor jr, Jae Dow ; water melon, G David, 0 McClelland ; mttek melon, G David, Jas Anderson ; pumpkin, G David, Robt McGowan ; squash, G David, W H fitoOraoken ; citron, G David, W II McCracken ; to. matoee, G David, C Proator & Sons ; beano, J Harrison, W 31 MoCraoken. Deny Peonu0E,--Kegdairybuttor, J J Anderson, Jno Williams ; creek butter, 3 Williams, G DOW ; basket of butter lu toile or prints, Geo Nowbtr, Taylor Bros; bode made bread, Mrs Cbas Proctor, Mrs Soo Harrison ; 5 lbs maple auger, W 12 MaOraol;on ; maple syrup, J DOW, T II Taylor jr ; oat ottko, A Proator, J Dow. LAuiue' D1PADTt50NT—Tatting, Mrs Dr Tamlyn • arocheb work, Mee Dr Tamlyn, Miss McClelland ; bead work, Mrs Tein- lin, 1 & 2 ; hooked skirt, woolen, Thos Brydgee ; fancy knittiug, Goo Moffatt, Mrs. Tamlyn ; gent's linen shirt, Mies McClelland, Geo Moffett ; gent's fanny flannel shirt, Thos Brydges, Geo Moffatt ; braiding, T I3rydiies, G Moffatt ; pair woolen stockings, W H MaOraoken, alien MoClelland ; pair cooks, Miss Mealel• land, W 11 M00raolten 1 pair woolen glove'', W H McOraoken, G Moffett ; pair woolen mite, G Moffatt, W 11 nlaCraok- en ; log eabiu quilt, Alio McClelland, W H MoOraoileu ; knitted quilt, 11 Scott, 11Irs Tamlyn ; pabuhed quilt, W R Erskine, Mre Tamlyn ; rag mat, A Proctor, Mrs Tamlyn ; Berlin wool work, raised, Miss McClelland ; Berlin wool work, flat, Mrs Tamlyn ; soda pillow, Mra Tamlin, 1 & 2 ; pard work, A Prom tor, Go Moffatt ; leather work, Mrs Tamlyn, 1 & 2 ; penail drawing, Geo Sowlar, Mre Tamlyn ; oil painting, Miss Owens, Miss McClelland ; hair flowers, Miss McClelland ; embroidery on silk, bilrs Tamlyn ; embroidery on linen, Mrs Tamlyn, 1 & 2 ; lane work, Mre Tamlyn, Geo Moffatt ; twine lace, Miss MoOlel- laud, Mrs Tamlyn ; rag earpsb, A. Proc- tor, Jae Owens ; best ooheobion ladies' work, Mre Tamlyn, Miss McClelland. 5vnons.-0rain — A Taylor, Blyth. Fruit—J A Morton, Wingham. Mann- faotures—W Robertson, Wingham. Veg. ebablbs--D MoHeulay, Wingham. Dairy Products—R 5 Sperling, Wingham. Lad- ies' work—Mrs J 13 Ferguson, Wiugham ; Miss Nellie Rosa, Brussels. Implements —H Davis, Wingham. Sheep and Pigs— Sas Lane, Lanes ; Geo Dalgamo, Mar. noon. Cattle—Jas E Grant, St. dolens ; Robs Medd, Auburn. Horses -21 Bell, Wingham ; A T MoDonald, Auburn. sHEttoie', It0'C' COII'A 10LY. A man nan take his life in his hand and go boldly into the trackless prairie to meet a herd of savage buffalo, or ho nu traverse the horrors of an African jungle withouta shudder in hls body. But he oannat enter a fancy wool shop to match a special hue without breaking into a violent perspiration and finally rushing away without fulfilling his task. A man can suffer the amputation of e limb in a heroic manner, but 1;e cannot endure a mustard plaster of his chest without shrieking aloud for inertly. A man can bear the deprivation of his wealth with the calmness of a stoic, but he cannot lose his dollar stud on the bed• room floor without a violent outburst of temper. A man can smile grimly under the tortures of the rack, but he cannot tread on a tack with his bare feet without a bitter howl. A man can walk forty miles a day and arrive fresh and bright at the end of his journey, but he cannot nurse a baby half an hour without aomplaiuing that he is utterly worn out. A man eau calculate to the uttermost farthing the cost of the Suez oannl, but he cannot estimate the pride of a woman's bonnet without egregious errors. A man can possess the physioal strength of a Sampson, but he cannot help to take down the pioturss for the annual spring olotning without feeling completely exhausted with his labors. A man can suffer death at the stake with the dignity of a martyr, but he can- not obese after his hat in a public road without looking ridiculous. A man will go through fire and water to win the girl of his heart, but he will not allow her to see him with a four day's growth on his chin, Poaches sold for 25 cents a basket in London lest week. Berlin's $6,000 skating rink was Bold the other day for 51,800. L. Lanning, of Port Stanley, lost three cows lust week by the animals eating bunk wheat. The lightning last week killed four aows belonging to Thomas Downing, of North Oxford. Bertram, who was tried for the murder of John Heslop ab Ancestor end acquit- ted, has had one of his eyes removed. He is suffering 0rom cancer. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 1121 CANADA. THE POST B 0 UKSTOREI A Splendid stock of BIBLES —AND — HYMN BOOKS (Both Presbyterian and Methodist). just to Band this Week. intending Purchasers should No them. New stock of Notepaper, En- yelopes, &c., just in, Oar, 6, 1898 White $tar L flea McLEO D'S ROW; malt STIwtsilii's. $ Stem Iten y OiTatOr Petween New Yob and Iiverpool, via Queenstown, every Wodneshuy, of Astl3o ?blotteddepends this line 70(16 r'iser'22nd 80001153 ace ngers uie reminded that an leanly ay1 plie anion for berths is neoemsary at this ;ma- son, Per plans, rates, etc., apply to W. I3. Kerr, Agent, Bruseele, MONET TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan! on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Cowl Clerks, Brussels. For Oonstl;-:-..,.:� For Dyspep k. For BIlhousne 3'3 For Sick Headache Aye7''s Pill h.73 For Liver Complaint Ayer'ss PUUi•sti, For Jaundice Aye xvs ,PL(lils For Loss of Appetite Ay 'e's PiR Os For Rheumatism Ayer's Pfi6Qsi For Colds Ayer's Pil9e For Fevers fly'er's Palls Prepared by Dr. J, C• Ayer R Co, Lowell, Mass Sold by alt Druggists. Every Dose Effective —AND 0101021 -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesenes'', Palpate - tion of the Hort, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, LOBS of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and 'Urinary Dioeaees, St, 'Vitae, Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY CDCERMCN, ONT. T. M. 11IaLI$CD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J, T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brnesele, Confederation. Life D. ell if er g ra 0 n( a g1 c Association. Read Office : TORONTO_ at g' cc Capital and Assets, $5,000,000 New Insurance, 1892, $3,670,000` Insurance at Risk, $22,565,000 Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- disputable after two years. Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In- surance, Written, $755,000, Or over 25 per cent. Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000. Or Neerly 10''per Dent. Assurance Income, $48,678 In Assets, - $439,878 W-H_KHII , AGENT, BRUSSELS. tr® ie H T CRAP lie Studio over Standard Bali, Brussels, t RTI(T We have all the leading styles in photos, such as Sun- beams, Mikado Panels, Garde De Visitos, Cabinets, (Man- tel) Cabinets, new style) and any size larger, up to life size Crayon Portraits which we make a Specialty of. Also Pictures Copied and EzIlarged. Our Prices are Reasonable And our work nothing but First-class, which makes this the place to get your Photographs, A Call is Solicited. Pail Wearer �ml Fal! Goods. As it is now the season for a change of Clothing, we beg to Announce that we are prepared to supply our many'' Customers with seasonable goods in all lines, GOODS RIGHT. PRICES RIGHT. STYLES RIGHT. General Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. We guarantee Prices and Quality equal or better than any Competitor. ' C.g,L.L SOLICITED. A. Strachan. c a tv p 0