The Brussels Post, 1893-9-29, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
C '.e (,ritissei$ , zi t
—08 renMeriED-' '
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ive Tuesday
W. II. i J3.1RSL,
Editor and Proprietor.
Silas At The Fah%
and when I told flim that, I thewt in
my soul the man wud either Leff Mesal(
to death or break a gullus.
He sot down on his meat block and
hollered onbil it peered to me the plaster•
in shook, and I never saw anybody kum
so ny ewallerin a set ov red Wu whiskers
ez that fool butcher did. The tetra x1001
from his eyes (z tho he evtt6 a bolo
whipped. I was ashamed ov the man,
and gatherin up my feet I went out ov
his shop oz tho I was to goin to kolleab
One interest on a note. I went ez hard
ez I cud go fur more than ten rod before
I stopped to look back and wheu I did I
was sorry that I bailout kep o1 a goin
etrate ahead outil I got ttleer out 05
sight. When I looked around there was
that fool butcher and a few others ov the
same stripe, a pintin at me and Malin ez
the their bones wad break. Whatever
possessed um to carry on like that I oaut
make out, but it dos beat all how many
different kinds ov fools you kin see wheu
you travel. If I had to find embody
who 101118ne hay sense snuff to eat salt
without overdoin it, 1 bleeve Ide go rite
back to that butcher shop.
Ov korse I had to wank about two
miles back to the postc0ies to git that let.
ter started home, but I had the satiefalc•
shun ov knowiu ez I dropped it in the
box that it wuzzent a goin to kost me
over two cents fur doin it, when if Ide a
dun ez the butcher wanted me 10, I
might a ben out ov pocket the price ov a
yearlin kaff, to say nuthin ov the reek ov
bein looked up where things that kole oil
wont kill are a Icrawliu about.
Ide ez soon think ov spendiu munny
fur a book ez I wud ov settliu clown to
Liv in this dredful town, I Bout like their
ways in anything, and I dont like their
doins about nobble. Ive seen wimmin
here that kno must wear a whole corn
orop on their backs any time they go to
meetin, and theres yungune that dont
think no more ov Bassin old peepul than
a bad boy duz ov griunin at hie mother.
Whenever I go out into the street and
see how reckless and keerlees and ex.
travagant eveybody is, ib makes me feel
most ez tonesum ez Lot must a dun in
Saddam. Folies that want to liv in seoh
towns ez this kin do it and welkum, but
ee long as I kin hay my way I go in fur
livin where I kin hear chickens Grow and
hawl wagon loads 0v stuff to market.
My bead is so tired from havin to think
ov so many things that I bleeve Ile hay
to stop fur this time and quit. So Ile say
goodby fnr the present.
Yours and so forth,
Sn,As GANDEssnoT.
(5110I118113 BAN'S HOBS.)
Dann SEOIA1•TuT—Es I was a goin
along the street the other day, I kum to
a cast iron box on the side ov a bildin
that take my eye. There was a handle
on it that anybody cud see was to be tuke
hold ov, and there was sum big letters on
the box whioh said, "Turn to the right."
I dident hay no idea at all as to what
the box oud be fur, and soI stood there
a muziu and wonderin fur more than a
intuit. Finally I konkluded that if they
wanted the thing turned to the right I
wud turn it and see what kum ov it, and
so I tuke holt ov the handle and giv it a
twist with all my might, bat nuthin
peered to happen and so I jest stood
there a watohin it and feelin tamped.
The fust thing I knode I heard a eke-
terin ov wheels that made the ground
triable under my feet, and )ookin round
I saw three 0r four flee ingiiles a )iAm-
min down the street lords me at a tur-
rible by gait. This stirred me right up
in a minit, fur Ive ben a wantin to see a
big fire ever sense I got here, and now,
thought I to myself, heros my chance.
The inginee all stopped middlin close to
me, and I begun to think I had kum
into that naburhood right in the nick ov
time to see the frolick.
I cant tell you what a fine sight it was
to see them big black horses gallop up,
and stand there pawin the ground ez tho
they cadent bear the thawb ov bein
stopped. I dont kno when Ive ever seen
hesge1 that looifedPere OS the they bad
just jumped oat ov pikober than them
ingine bosses did, but I dident git to
stand there and look at um very long. A
Mau who had ben at the
o 00' the
each= in a buggy, yelled
know where the fire was. I toldhim that
was jest what I wanted to find out.
'When I told him that he wanted to kno
in words that was bilin hot who turned
in the alarm. I told him I dident kno
nuthin about that. I badent seen nun.
Then he wanted to kno if I had ben a
foolin with the box. I told him I Went
dun nuthin but turn the handleand try
to open the kunaern akordiu to the
direkshune on the lid.
I never in all my born days heard eech
aweariu as the man dun when I told him
that. I told him it was a party how de
do if they dident want the handle twieb-
ed, that they ahud put eech direkahuos
ma the box, but while I was a tawkin to
the man a noggin with sum kunstables
in kum a cLargin np, and I was loaded
bawled off
to a
'ail where I
that and 1
was take in and locked up, ez the T had
killed su mbody or wuzzent no better Than
a thief. After bein in there more than
an hour, and skeert most to detb, I was
tulce before the judge, who fined me ten
dollars without hardly lookiu up. 1 dont
kno any words big snuff to tell you how
bad I felt when I found myself out in the
street agiu after bein treated like that.
Ime a little joobus about whether the
Koff Raizere Stub will be willin to pay
me that moony bask, but it peers to me
they otter. They sent me up here to
find out eveytbing I oud fur um, and it
looks to me ez tho they ort to attend by
me when I term things that koet me
I never found out ontil this mornin
that this town dont bav but wun poet•
ofhee. I spozed that a plane like this
wud has more than a duzzin, and all
doin a payin bizness, but it seems that it
haint no better off in that way than
Ciderville. I started out this mornin to
take a walk to settle my brekfust., and
the fust thing I kuode I wee in a brown
study about things at home, and went on
and on without payin mutoh notice to
where I was. 1 got to wunderin about
whether I had better klover the big field
ou the pike, or orop it a year or two
longer, when a muskeeter or sumthin
etrook mo in the nose, and I seen that I
was a goin to sneeze. I ran my hand
into my kote tail pocket to git my hen.
kerobuff, when what shad Ido but kum
akrost a letter I wrote to you last week,
and bad forgot slick and klean to take to
the postoffiee and put in the box, Not
wantin to make the jamb lcleer book to do
it, I went into a butcher shop and asked
a man with a TRW lookin face and sandy
hair hots fur it was to the nearest post-
(fess. I always thawt I knode what
manners was, but Ime dead certain that
buteher dident, fur he snorted rite in my
face and laded at a wonderful rate, like I
do swath -nes when I see funny things in
an almaniolr.
It was quite a spell before the man and
kat' hisaelf down snuff to tank, and
when he did it was with wun ov the most
aggervatin grins Ive seen sense I left
home. fIe sed hello ben a Hein here ever
sense the big fire, and if they had more
than wun postoflise in town it was neve
to him. He told me howaumever, that I
cud go over to the tither side ov the street
and chuok my letter into a caet.iron box
he pinged out. I told him to excuse me,
if he wud, fee I wuzzent in no trim to
want to pay ten dollars for anuther ride
to the lockup, and then I let him kno
how I had fooled with wun ov them
hong the tither day, only to fetoh out the
fire fogines at my expense, without havin
the privilidge ov wain Wan ov um squirt,
mediately to the stables of their owners—
the former into quarantine at Sarnia,
It was hoped that the regulations would
have been relaxed to allow the cattle to
be returned without delay, but the
Dominion Government refueed to make
an exoept1001 in their ease, and there they
The proprietors of the Exeter Foundry
are adding new machinery as custom de.
mends, They recently pat in a now
planing mill, which will piano iron any
width lees than six feet.
The oontraob for Pickard ,Sc Son's new
will have bo remain at good deal of es: store Wieling has been let. It will be
pease to the Government and nnuoyanoe 125 feet long, 25 foot wide and 2 etoriee
to the awnem. Under the regulations high, whioh when completed will be one
of the model buildings in town.
A very serious aooidsnt betel Master
Harry Browning one morning last week
which may prove fatal. The little fellow
must have got out of bed while "a.eleop
(his room being at the back on the third
Stat) and walking to the front window
fell out on the sidewalk, a distance of 29
or 80 feet. He struck on his shoulder
and back of leis head. •
If people will persist in violating the
postal regulations they must certainly
suffer the oouseg0enoe. Frequent warn-
ings have appeared in this and other
papers of bbeee violations but they seem
to be of no avail. A. serious offence was
committed at the Exeter posto11i00 the
other day by a young lady who enclosed
a letter and some patterns in a news.
paper without the sufliotenb amounb of
postage to carry it and with intent of
defrauding the mails. The postmaster
suspecting the enclosure forwarded it to
the dead letter oflioe where it now re.
minims in the hands of the postmaster.
general, who, no doubt, will mete out
that portion of the law which the offend-
er so justly deeervee.—[Advocate.
adopted for the live stook eonteste, which
have formed the snbjeot of the last two
letters of this series, money prizes were
awarded only to the civet four animals in
each 'motion ; the remainder were planed
by the judges in order of merit, but apart
from the rank that they held among their
competitors received no substantial bene.
lib, In the Shorthorn, Galloway, and
Hereford classes the money prizes offered
by the Exposition were doubled by the
associations for the encouragement of
those breeds whether the
cane from Canada or the United States ;
the American Ayrshire Association con-
fined its contribution to American bred
cattle, with a premonition possibly of
what wee going to happen. In the Clyde
class there were n great really special
premiums. The English Hackney
Society presented gold medals foe the
best stallion and mare, both of which
were won by Mr. Beitb, of Bowmauville
with Jubilee Chief and Winnefeed.
Medals were given to the Amerioan.Arabs
but the best of them went to Fez, Aldo.
barren, and Keturah, from the etablee of
Dr. Hall, Toronto.
Now that the live stook show is over,
one of the chief features of interest, inas-
much as it is changing every day, is the
fresh fruit. Many of the State buildings
have large quantities of fruit on exhibi-
tion, but the main display is in the north
and south curtains of the horticultural
building. Ever since June small lots of
fruit have been dropping in from the
Southern States, and during July and
August small fruits in Ooaeidereble quan-
tibias came from Ontario, bat now every-
body is sending everything, and, as with
the live stock, it is very questionable if e
display of the salve magnitude, oovering
so many kinds and of such a high order
of exoellenee, was ever seen in the world
before. Entering either Ourt1(18 One 8ee8
a vista of rich colors, and one's nostrils
are greeted with a perfume that is index.
oribable—the odors of tropical, semi-
tropical and northern fruits blending in
exquisite fragrance. It is as if all the
orchards and vineyards of the continent
had been robbed of their best produots,
and on the long table and shelves, group-
ed more or less artistically, are the
choicest of apples, pears, peaches, plume,
grapes and other fruit less generally
known but none the less delicious.
In Clyde horses the following were
planed on the award list : It. Davies, To-
ronto ; D. and 0. Sorby, Guelph ; Adams
Bros., Drayton ; J. Macey, Woodstock ;
W. Innes, Rockford ; S. 0. Johnston,
Manilla ; J. Davidson, Ashburn ; A.
Bell, Front River ; W. Phelps, Trenton ;
3. Snell, Clinton ; A. B. Scott ,b Son,
Venneek ; S. I. Davidson & Sol, Balsam;
R. G. Ratcliffe, Anderson. Shires—John
Carr, Front River. Suffolks—Jos. Beck,
Thorndale ; Boyd, kfossin & Co., Bob-
oaygeon. Hackneys—•1Z. Reith cit (10.,
Bowmauville ; S. C. Johnston, Manilla ;
G. H. Hastings, Deer Park, Toronto ; H.
A. Crossley, Roeseau, American Arabs—
Dr. J. B. Hall, Toronto ; The money
value of the horse prizes was about $800.
In cattle our winnings were :-40 Short.
horns won $2255 ; 13 Gallowaye, $820 ;
18 Devons, 9405 ; 88 Ayrehires, $950 ; 8
Holsteins, $175 ; 11. Herefords, 9180—in
all $4791 with 129 animals, or nearly 940
a bead. This ie a much higher percen-
oentage of awards and money to number
of animist shown thou any State in the
Union. A very important plane among
the judges was assigned to John Snell, of
Edmonton, Ont., in associating him with
Mr. Imboden and Ivfr. Stocking, of Illin.
ois, to determine the respeotive merits of
the animals i11 the beef breed sweepstakes.
Mr. Snell is ono of the best known On-
tario breeders and no one is better
worthy than be of the high honor con-
ferred on him by the exposition author.
Of the foreign horses on exhibition
none have attracted more general atten-
tion than the Oldenburg Coach horses
from the Imperial German stables, a
large number of whioh ware sent over in
charge of H. Gerdes. The Oldenburge
are au old breed, with noble heads, bright
prominent eyes, esoelicrt baok, withers
and feet, and fine elastin gait. These
horses soon attracted the attention of
Robert Davies, of Thornoliff Farm, To-
ronto, who is well known for his know-
ledge end love for horses, and after ne-
gotiation he succeeded in purchasing
three mares, the pink of the string,
whioh were shipped East on Tuesday,
with the expectation of showing them
during the last Jaye of the Toronto Ex-
hibition. The three mares, Home,
Oreolin and Intern, are in foal to the best
stallione in the Oldenburg stud and are
all beautiful pieces of horseflesh. In Bo-
oordauce with the German custom each
is branded on the nook and flank with a
crown and letter 0. They are jest the
class of horse for whioh there is always a
market at home and abroad and ib speaks
well for Mr. Davies' enterprise that he
seoured them.
Chatting with A. H. Pettit, of Grime.
by, superintendent of the Ontario Fruit
Department, to whom more than any
other man is due the high position taken
by the province in the Pomological de -
Pertinent, he informed me that the people
of Ontario had evidently been muoh en-
couraged by the report sent out of the
excellence of the fruit of 1802, and are
now sending on their shipments in a
most satisfactory manner. Large quart.
tities were ooming forward daily, and
despite the fact that according to his ad-
visee this was an off year, the quality was
excellent and likely to sustain our re-
putation at the high pitch that has been
already achieved. It hardly needed Mr.
Pettit's assurances, for the tables spoke
for themselves, and as one lingered for a
few minutes in the Ontario court one
could not but feel flattered ab the many
complimentary remarks on our exhibits.
It will be no surprise if many awards
for fruit come our way. Itis true that
for size we cannot compete with the
mammoth specimens from the irrigated
States of California, Oregon, Washington
and Idaho, but we beat them in flavor
every time, and there is no place where
this very feature can better be tested, for
each State sent the bust it had and rush-
ed it through on fast express trains.
One of the odd features of the Ontario
exhibit was a quantity of ripe figs, grown
by Henry Pafford, of Niagara, on a tree
some twenty years old, growing outdoors.
There is apparently no limit to the re.
sooroes of oar Province,
Li:L7tadliau .Ne VV S.
SEPT. 29, 1893
'White Star Lim
Between Now To19c and Liverpool, via
Quoousbown, every Wednesday,
As the steamers of this lino carry only a
strictly limited number in the oasts and
5E00ND CAME aeoomnladatlons, intending
passengers are romiudod that an early ap-
plioatiOn for berths is n000080ry et this sea
eon, Tor plane, rates, etc., apply to
W, H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
MoBelvey's store, Sarnia, was burglar-
ized last week.
Charred bodies are being found all over
the Oklahoma prairie.
Vrooman, convicted or manslaughter,
will serve four years at Kingeton.
London Fair does not seem to have
been as suooess£ul this year us 1ut.
Lucerne Savage, of Port Perry, was
eocidenbally shot by a companion.
Eleven people were killed and many
wounded in a Wabash collision in In-
Cape Breton fishermen say dog fish are
frightening away all qtl}ag ball frust thsil
Ald. 1Vm. Boll has been appointed
chief engineer in the Toronto Public
The ratepayer's of Mount Forest need
to braoe themselves for a shook this year
as it is reported a supplementary
estimate will be made and an additional
rate of taxation struck, made payable
with the second instalment of the regular
rate in Dec. next. This is a rumor, so
far, but with a strong probability of be.
ooming a fact ; the cause of the sup-
plementary rate being the letter present-
ed to the council at a recent meeting,
threatening an action if a sufficient
amount in taxes was not raised to pay
off all the heavy late costs and other un.
fortunate expenditures inourred by the
00;111011 this year. •
0551.1tIO HONEY.
Allan Pringle, of Selby, well known as
one of the foremost Ontario beekeepers,
returned within a few days having while
East selected e, quantity of choioe comb
honey of the season's crop. It is now
plaoed in position and suffers nothing by
comparison with the States which are
competing. The Ontario display of
honey, taken altogether, is unusually
good, and has lost nothing of its attrao,
tiveness at the )lands of Mr. Pringle, who
has arranged the various kinds .of bee
produots most artistically.
This week Prof. Robertson and F.
Maoloron, of Windsor, who has been
eating as judge of cheese here, put the
tiler Into the big cheese manufactured
at Perth, Ontario, whioh has attracted
so much attention during the entire Fair.
The cheese has been exposed to a tropio
temperature for more than three months,
yet was found to be in good condition,
and of excellent flavor, everything con-
sidered. This must be accepted as a very
high testimony to the keeping quality of
Ontario cheese under adverse drams -
The first of a series of song recitals by
J. F. Thompson and Mrs. Agnes Thomp.
son the well-known Canadian vocalists
formerly of Toronto, was given ia the
music hall this afternoon, to be followed
by the others on Tuesday and Saturday
next. There was a large and fashionable
audience present, inoluding enough of
our countrymen to give the affair a de-
cidedly Canadian flavor. Mr, and Mrs.
Thompson hold a high position in Cbl.
cage musical circles, and everybody was
delighted with the entertainment given
by them this afternoon.
Some surprise has been expressed that
Ontario should have a deputy commis-
sioner at the World's Fair. As a matter
of fact, no such appointment was ever
made, the title was inadvertently con-
ferred by the writer in an earlier letter
on Adam Armstrong, who for some time
past has been noting as agent for Mr.
Awrey, pnrtbasing supplies for the Ail
ferent courts and providing lodging
plaoee for Ontario people who have
writtento the commissioner for ouch
C. W. 'Yam.
World's Fair, Jackson Park.
Ohioago, Sept, 1e.:r
The etook pavilion, whioh for three
weeks was the most popular spot on the
grounds, and was crowded with interest-
ed and enthusiastic spectators, is now
deserted and silent, and will so remain
until after the 25th inst., when it will
echo to the bleating of the patient sheep,
the grunts of the porkers and the myriad
noises of the feathered races. Of ',heap
there are 481 entries, ewine, 83 and
poultry about 2,000 from Ontario, as well
as nine standard trotting horses and
thoroughbreds whioh will be put through
their paces towerdathe end of October
The Ontario made and horses -20 Dar•
loads in all—were shipped borne on Sat
urday of last week. The latter went ire
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6- .Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
is the latest triumph in pharmacyy for the curl
of all the symptoms 3ndioating 100IDNET AND
Costiveness,a Dizziness, are
Soar Stomach
/1lleadac te, Indigestion, Poon APPETITE,
Nights, Melancholy pooling, limit Amin,
,llembray`s IIUdney and Liver Care
Sold ball Drug to rel elandEr,rzoTAtiure.
Mcrnbrey 'pled -rein Company
of Peterborough, (Liiartted),
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
AT 11 '>1ND
In a dangerous emergency, AYER's
CHERRY PECTORAL is prompt to act and
sure to cure. A dose taken on the first
symptoms of Croup or Bronchitis, checks
further progress of these complaints.
It softens the phlegm, sooths the in-
flamed membrane, and induces sloop.
As a remedy for colds, coughs, loss of
voice, la grippe, pneumonia, and oven
consumption, in its early stages
Cherry Pectoral
excels all similar preparations. It is
endorsed by leading physicians, is agree-
able to the taste, does not interfere with
digestion, and needs to betaken usually
in small doses.
" Prom repented tests in my own family, Ayer s
Cherry Pectoral has proved itself a very efficient
remedy for colds, coughs, and the various dis-
orders of the throat and lungs.'—A. W. Bartlett,
Pittsfield, N. Ii.
" For the last a years I have been taking Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, and ant assured
that its use has
Saved My Life
Mrs Burgess and her daughter Ada
have returned firm their visit to the
World's Fair.
The trustees of the Methodist ohuroh
are having a new slate roof put on the
church. James Findlay, of Hamilton,
has the job.
At the Presbytery meeting in Wing-
ham the Rev. A. Moliay, • of Luoknow,
datelined the dell extended to him from
the Nava Scotia (thumb.
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving see -
vice in connection with the church of
England was held on Monday in St.
Peters oberoh. The 50r1On was preach-
ed by Rev. Mr, Turnbull, of Goderich.
DRUGoTST, Bauss>;Ls.
I have recommended it to hundreds. I find the
most effective way of taking this medicine is in
small and frequent doses.'—T. M. Matthews, P.
141., Sherman, Ohio.
" ilfy wife suffered from a cold ;'nothing helped
her but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whim effected a
cure!'—R, Amro, Ply mpton. N. S.
flyer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Muss.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
$ysteln nonovato
AND 01111711----
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, -
Mon of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Canoe,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Brussels.
Confederation Life
Read Mee : TORONTO.
Capital and Assets, $5,000,000
New Insurance, 1892, $3,670,000
Insurance at Risk, $22,565,000
Policies Non -Forfeitable and In-
disputable after two years.
Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In-
surance, Written, $755,000,
Or over 25 per Bent.
Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000
Or Nearly 10 per cent.
Assurance Income, $48,678
In Assets, ' -
W. 13. KURR
.�. or ie !.tr�
v ,
Studio over Standard Bank, Brussels,
We have all the leading styles in photos, such as Sun-
beams, Mikado Panels, Carole De Visjtes, Cabinets, (Man-
tello Cabinets, new style) and any size larger, up
to life size Crayon Portraits which we
make a Specialty of.
A Splendid stock of
(Both Presbyterian
and Methodist).
Just to Band this Week.
Intending Porahasars should sea giant
New stock of Notepaper, En-
velopes, &e., dust in,
Also Pietureri Copied. and. Enlarged..
Our Prices are Reasonable
And our work nothing but First-class, which makes this the place
to get your Photographs,
A Call is Solicited.
Fall IVealiler Fall Goo.
As it is now the season for a change of Clothing we beg to
Announce that we are prepared to supply our many
Customers with seasonable goods in all lines.
General Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, Hats. and Caps.
We guarantee Prices and Quality equal or better
than any Competitor.
A. Strachan.