The Brussels Post, 1893-9-15, Page 81:
obey and Education,
A paean may have a good education
and yet be ignorant of some things that
are in daily use. For example how few,
comparatively, know good honey from bad
and what it is that makes the differenoo
bebweeu the two. There may be two
apiarists living within a etone•throw of
caul other whose bees have gathered the
honey from the same flowers, and yet
that from cue apiary may be all that
Gould be desired,°anaiog those who para
take of it to surely Dome back for more,
while that from the other apiary is not
relished, is sickening, actually turning
one against bonny, for, it may be, all
time to Dome. Can you tell mo how this
is and whatmakes the difference? It is
simply this :—One beekeeper allows hie
hooey to roma) in the hive until it be.
oomes ripened or thickened, caused by
the evaporation or 'water in it, but, or
course, gets less with more labor. On
the other hand the other apiarist gets
more honey with less trouble by extract.
ing It soon after being gathered, and as a
Oonsequenee can afford co sell it cheaper,
but has an inferior article, being thin, in•
variably poor flavored and unappetising.
I do oat claim to have the ouly good
honey but maintain there is none better
and would ask you to buy only that which
you know to be good,
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nd South, as follows:
Gorge SOOT,. GoINe NonTa.
MaB.......,..,. 0:54 a.m. Brined 9:40 a.m,
Express......1109 a.m. Mail 5:199 pan,Mtsed 9:00 paw, Express 9:43 p,m.
SEVERAL Brussslites attended the L
era] getheliug at Mitchell ou Thursday
The Ladies' Association of the Motbo.
ar• china ahuroh purpose holding a Varves
N ,RRwMEN: 2=enir 99 11=0=Ig.+
ib. CIII.'itl'!f Clifed1:+i,
of this week.
Tan Saturday excursions to Kino
dine and Coderich have been citation.
tinned for tbis season.
Qwjscs to the crowded state of
columns Several interesting articles
lull over for neat issue,
25,000 envelopes coming next week.
Great bntgains for business men. Call
ab THE POST Publishing House,
AN oeder•ie-oounail extends the close
season for bass from May 10th to June
90tH, Hitherto the dates were April
16th to June 156h.
Tnn Editor of Tan Posy acknowledges,
with thanks, the reoelpt of oompldme i.
tary dulcet to Guelph Fall Exhibition on
Sept. 19th, 20th and 21st,
Wesson AiuLwr hes the roof on Thos,
Farrow's buildiug, recently used as a
postofliae, and is now busy plastering the
tipatairs. The neneasity for this work
was ocoasioned by tire Inst Spring.
J. D. Ronan and George Howe were
Goelerioh on Wednesday being ex-
amined in connection with a suit to be
heard at the coming Aseizos in whioh
Brussels corporation is the Plaintiff.
Tun new etone water tank is porn•
pleted except the covering. It will be
filled itt a few days to test it. A. Lowry,
the coetraator, has made n good job and
staid with his centred in a business like
ONE of R. Leatherdale's fine binpk
hearse team broke a cord in the ankle of
one of her fore legs last week and is
temporarily disabled. The mare stumbl-
ed while going into the stable and there.
by unused the injury.
Ix is probable that in bhe near future
the Eatrauee examination to the High
Schools will be abolished, and the Leay.
tag examination connected with the
Ptrblio Schools, which is much more
severe, made to serve in its stead.
Tan days are now shorter by two
hours than they were in June, a full
hour having been out off each end of
them and the shortening process is going
on at the clipping rate of about three
minutes every twenty-four hours.
Cnoos's Acr.—Mrs. T. Hall, of the
Henfryn hotel, was fined $20 and costs
for keeping liquor for sale. The once
was heard on Tuesday before A. Hunter
and Jno. McCrea, J. P's. E. L. Dioltbn•
son, of Wingham, appeared for the de.
fondant. Mrs. Hall was refused license
at Brussels and has not had one since
going to Irenfryn. The liquor found by
Constable Scott and Inspector Miller was
ordered to be destroyed.
Tea BLAS: KNr tar.—Bev. J. H.
Hector, better known as the "Bleak
Knight," one of nature's orators and one
of the meet witty of his race, will de•
liver his o,lebr'ated Temperance lecture,
entitled, '•Tbe Devil Dressed in White," •
in the Town Hall, Brussels, Thursday
evening nest, September 21st. The
reverend gentleman is highly spoken or
by the press wherever he has lectured,
The New York Herald Bays :—"The most
original and acceptable colored
Temperance speaker of the day." The
Montreal Witness :—"The audience al.
ternately roared with laughter or tried
to still their quivering lips." Don't fail
to hear him as this may be the last time
be may appear in Brussels this season.
A SEPTnamElt WEDnrxs.—The Goderieh
Star says :—"One of the prettiest wed-
dings the town of Goderiah has ever
witnessed was solemnized Wednesday in
St. George's ahuroh. Itev. Mark Turn•
bull officiated and the contracting parties
were Dudley Holmes, of the filen of
Cameron, Holt & Holmes, and Miss
Mary Elwood, eldest daughter of Mrs.
Elwood, of this town, and granddaugh-
ter of the late Aehdeaoob Elwood. The
young friends of the bride showed their
affection for her and their desire to
sntronnclthio act of bee life with all
possible beauty in profusely and artier
tically decorating the church with
flowers. An arch spanning the centre
ale covered with green hops and moss
om which a belt of pink asters and
fns was suspended was especially
marked apon. Bash aide of the altar
cps was banked with ferns and flowers,
e whole presenting a very festive
Toni 1LtU5a IfC1Tta,
A chiel's amang ye talon' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
A anima of whooping cough oases in
Don' forget the dates of Brussels Fall
Fair, Oct. 6th and 0th.
Tan Nightingale insurance suit comes
on at Huron Fall Assizes this month.
Haan the "Black Knigb t" next Thurs.
day evening in the Town Hall, Brussels.
BEussELe market 1e opening up for the
Fall trade and our buyers are ready for
Janes Waxen, carriage maker, has
purohased the residence of D. Ewan,
Alexander street.
The Steel Range men have moved
Northward to Paisley having completed
their canvas in this section. They were
hers about.three niontbs.
COUNTY Coanrlsslonin AINSLEY is having
the iron work of Brussels bridge over the
Maitland painted, as per instructions of
the bans session of the County Council.
Tan Ontario Government has issued a
circular announcing their intention of
taking more stringent action to oompel
bhe observance of the law regulating the
registration of births, marriages and
Ir the bicyclists keep on bending over
as they do, and the laws of evolution and
heredity get in their appointed work, it
will not be many generations before the
sporting man will have nothing to do but
put a pneumatic tire on himself.
A WELL To•Do fanner who couldn't 'Stf•
ford" the Maury of a 51.50 a year news-
paper, sent a couple of dollars to a detour
East Yankee, recently, to learn how to
raise beets. In doe time he got thio ni
newer :-"Take hold of the tops and I ft•
pull." fe
D. Ewes is having his newly acquired re
property, purchased from Mrs. Brown, et
transformed. The larger house o ee has boon I
turned to face John street and the th
mallet building put to the West of it for
a kitchen. A stone foundation will be
pub under the buildings after which they
will be brick veneered. Dan. MoNaugh-
ton moved the houses. Mr. Ewan will
have a very convenient and comfortable
rssidenoe when the work ie completed.
Lawn Socroa,—On the evening of
August 81st, a lawn sooiel, under the
auspices of the Epworth League of the
Methodist church, was held at the resi-
dence of John Mooney, Morris. The
weather was all that could be desired
and a pleasant time was spent by all.
Refreshments were served consisting of
ioe cream, lemonade, coffee, banana.,
oaudy, eto, The program was as fel-
lows :—Solo, Mise Bella Smith ; solo, T.
A. Hawkins ; mouth organ selection, T.
• Bird ; Yorkshire reading, E. Brown ;
mouth organ selection, le. Moss, The
Band was also in attendance and furnish-
ed some excellent music. The proceeds
of the evening amounted to over 526.00.
Wn are pleased to bear that there is a
probability of W. le. Stewart purchasing
the National Roller Mill. Mt. Stewart
has made the Loan Company an offer
which they will do well to aoeept.
From his knowledge of the twill and his
large aequaiutauoe with the people of
this lo3aliby a 'good basineas is assured
from bbe siert. If somebody would take
hold of the planing mill and boom that
bhe residents of Brussels would be very
thankful. Since the above was put talo
type Mr, Stewart has purohased the mill
and has already set to work to make
necessary obanges and improvements
about it and the dam, It is said that
Robt. Graham will be associated with
li ir. Stewart. If so they will make a
great team.
Tan ST,b5o,utD BANE.— A. number of
changes have been made during the past
two weeks in abs working of branches of
the .Standard Bank and Bruseels has
shared in the promotions, A. new branch
bas been opened at Kin.,,ton and W. D.
Hart, who was manse,t bete for the
past 10 months, will 11,1 a similar poli.
tion there. M. Brent, cf Pioton, known
to 5. number of bur residence, is accoun-
tant, and Batmen. Fletcher, of Brussels,
ledger keeper. J. A. Stewart, of Camp•
bellford, has been appointed suaceseor to
Air. Hart in this plea° and W. 3, Stew-
art, 8011 or Alex. Stewart, Queen street,
takes the position 01 junior. G. P.
Scholfield, formerly of Breesels, hag
taken lbs full management of abs
Melanins Branch now. Mr, Elart and
Mr, Fletcher went to Kingston this week.
Tan Pon extends a cordial welcome to
Mr, Stewart on his about to Brussels,
pearance. In good. time, before that
ppoinbed for the ceremony, a large
umber of guests in holiday attire had
ssemblsd, and below the arch the
ectators filled the church to the doors,
They had come in expeotabion of a pretty
editing and were thoroughly satisfied,
:natty at balf•past eleven tbs proses,
anal hymn began and the, bride,
eceded by her attendants, proceeded
p the aisle. Firsb carne Miss Malcolrn-
n and Miss Mabel Cameron ; these
ere followeclby the maids of honor,
ins Slack anti Miss Edible Elwood,
star of the bride ; then mime the bride
the arm of her uncle, Dr. Shannon.
ibtle Gonna and Geoff, Holt formed a
ratty and effective close for the
roaession, The bride's dress was reroute
ille, with court train, veil and orange
moms ' she parried a bouqueb of
arshal Neil roses. The bridesmaids
ere gowned in white nun's veiling with
hits lace bats brimmed with pink roses,
hey oatried bouquets of pink roses end
oh wore e. pearl and dio.rnond pin, the
11 of the groom. Jack Elwood, brother
the bride, assisted the groom and the
here were Henry McDeemott, D. A. 0.
anter and Allan Seager. At the
nalusion of the beautiful service the
nests followed the bridal party to blas
sideuee of the bride's mother, where
ey enjoyed an elegant breakfast. Here
e same attisbie taste was displayed in
o decorations. Flowers tastefully
ranged were everywhere and navy
re the compliments that were showered
Eire arrangement of the table. From
5 chandelier was suspended a bertha of
le pink ; from this to the four oornere
the table were drawn strands of pale
nk and ]white baby ribbon. In the
ntre teas the bride's oaks decorated
h pink roses and smilax, and pink
wets added to the general offset of the
bis, In the drawing teem were to be
n the very large number of beau Wel
esents-•a testimony of the regard in
doh the tooipients are bald, Mr, and
Aft Helmut left on the 2:15 train for the
st, carrying with thorn the best wishes
all." Teat POST and a beet of all
ends of the happy groom wish him and
bride a very heppy and prosperous
yage over the matrimonial sea.
An extraordinary infantile prodigy has
n discovered in Chine in a little girl
ears old, who passed snaoessfully an
urination for literary honors at the
ng Hong University and wrote a con.
a may that made the externiners mar.
because of the mature thought sxhi.
5d in it,
Homo an Thettltegiving Day,
Bev, 1e.ranl will praaolt in Ontario
street Methodist chorale Clinton, nox
Sunday for Rev. Wm. Smyth.
Next Sunday the regalia; lei'vioes will
be resumed in the Methodist ohurah, the
putter having arrived home on Wednes-
Bev. E. W. Hunt, of Sontbampton,
preached an ex°ellent disooureo in St.
John's church, Brussels, lest Sunday
evening, His text was Paulo nth and
let verse.
Melville ahuroh was packed bo the
doors last Sunday, In the evening the
pastor preached from "The greatest
monument in the Bible." 16 was a
splendid sermon.
A vory interesting talk wee given by
B, Gerry to the Epworth League of the
Methodist church, last Monday evening
on the World's Fair. He illustrated it
in a way peculiarly Itis own. Miss
Braclen presided.
Methodist Solidity school anaivereary
services on Sunday, 24tH inst. The
pastor will preach to the members of the
school at 10:30 and to 'manta and
adults in the evening. Open session of
the school at 2:80. See the program.
Brussels Seheol sSettrtl.
Regular meeting of the School Board
was held in the Counoil Chamber on
Friday evening, Sept. 8511. Members all
Minutes of the last regular meeting
were read end passed.
Moved by A. Reid, seconded by Dr.
Graham that the adooent of It. J aures,
$2.25 for extra :work, be paid. Carried.
Moved by A. Reid, seconded by A.
Hunter that the Seorebery be authorized
to borrow the" sum of $025.00 from the
Standard Bank for three months to pay
present note and quarter's salaries.
Moved by Rev. J. Ross, seco need by
Dr. Graham that tyle Board pay the fees
of the Public eohool leaving examination
oandidatee-57,00. Carried.
Board then adjourned.
AS'7� 2r1'D, l.B.D ,13,AXIs" 0 C4.,X'.41),,iI,
Znai 's9.::iZ,= M -x331]7 1872,
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • 57,000,000
t OAPITAL (Authorize(1) • - - 02,000,000
-foeucies tat ani prino p,:l yeinte i s Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, flailed Stapes sciJiuylanti:,
Business Locals,
TIMae'IIy seed at McCracken's.
Cusntou tyre Bicycle for eats. Deeid
ed bargain. JAB, Bemetaxei n, Brussels.
}\'la aro prrl:arsd to make pictures, any
size required, at reasonable prides. Give
its a call. H. J. Strong.
Now is the time for viewing. Public
buildings, residences, pia-nio parties, eta.
can be photographed on shortest notioe.
H. J. Strong,
To TIM Pomace—Homing purohased en-
tire stook of Cl. E. Perry's negatives, any
photos. oan be had from them by leaving
order at my studio. H. J. Strong.
MILLGtr—We have now all our new
styles in, both baktam and felt, and are
hard at work preparing for our opening.
Look out for date in next POST. You
ought to see our new ties, fancy hair -
pins, etc., etc.
Messes HoauE,
Wsan.DresrNo AND Ditxnnnno.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells end is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insurs satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry et., Brussels. 34-11
ltascattrrsee Oman res A Dir.—South
Ameriean Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma.
dam and Neuralgia radically cures in 1.
to 3 days. Its motion upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re-
moves a6 once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
Goon rots Youn Can.Dosw.—Young
people, as well as old, will benefit by a
course of Membray's Kidney and Liver
Ours occasionally. It is not neoeesary to
send for the doctor for every little ail-
ment if you keep this household medi-
cine at band, It is better than powdered
rhubarb, caster oil, liquorice powder, sen-
ne, oto., and just as harmless in proper
doses. Use it for aiok headache, stoic
and sour stomaob, cramps, biliousness,
constipation, bowel complaint, Canadian
cholera and impure blood. It will
regulate the liver, stomach and kidneys.
A GOOD ENnousEn.—Alma, Sept. 11--
R. 0. Donaghey is a well-known
merohant here, and a man. of the highest
respeotabulity. Hie endorsement of any
person or thing is therefore valuable,
He told your reporter a couple of days
ago that he had been cured by Dodd'a
kidney pills of the severe pains he
suffered in bus back for three years past.
He has given pradbdaal proof of his belief
in the efficacy of the pills by reoommend.
ing them to several friends who suffered
as he did, and who aro now using the
pills and being benefitted by them, We
the same good old story that is always
tolcl after anyone uses this magic remedy,
ze�''in"N✓F9dF.QdlBtid F�SFN�G4"t%tze.
A General Banking Business Transacted. Fttrmere' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Oolleobione made on all points,
Inberest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Sotteo . ATTENTION Wynn To Tun COLLIDc'rION Or p'ARaisits' SUM NmmEs,
Every faoiliby afforded Customers living at a distanoo,
TT S S 1 S1
Transact a General Blanking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all paints in Canada, United States and Groat Britain.
Samaras, Hamm .ORP. f21MAIg'.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Oom•
pounded Twios a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
eve effect to anile Insurance in old S.ngtlsii or Penedinn Companies, or In slut-
natl Companies its runy be desired.
WraaIutsoy.—At Glenboro, Man., on
Sept. 4th, the wire of bhe late Mr. J.
R. Williamson of a son.
KENNAefAN—AGER.—Ab St. Agesbine,
Wawanosb, on Sept. 4th, Mr. Joseph
Kennagben, of Wawanosh, to Miss
Mary Agen, of Morris,
Honuns—ELw'oon.—In Goderieh, on the
1011 inst., by Rev. Marls Tnretbull,
Mr. Dudley Holmes, Bar rist
er, to
Miss Mary Elwood, all of Goderiah,
• BELDEN—JAO1SON.—Ab Ibighview, Clin-
ton, on Sept. 6th, by Rev. A.
Stewart, assisted by Rev. T. Hod-
gins, of Seaforth, Dr. G. 11'. Belden,
of Seaforth, to Mies Apgie, third
daughter of Mr, Thos, Jaokeou, sr.
The demonstration at Sem Cliff Paris,
Leamington, held in honor et Hon, Wil-
fred Laurier, ou Tuesday, was largely at -
banded, notwithstanding the rain.
Laurier sponte in English and French.
The new grain warehonee of Oolbarne
ee Barrows on the old Agricultural Park,
Goderiah, will aeon be ready for storing,
the work being pushed with all the speed
possible. It has a capacity of over 80,•
000 bttshele•
The recoipte of a harvest home at the
residence of Fred. Lee, East Oxford,
were $90.46.
11. D. Knox, a Kingston clergyman,
was fined $5 and costa by the magistrate
Monday for drunkenness,
A minister in Port Rowan was recent.
ly promised as part of a marriage fee a
quantity of huolds berries.
Bown1,—in Grey, on Sept. 2nd, the wife
of Mr, Bobt. Bowen of a daughter.
lIA1.—Io Listowel, on the 2nd inst., the
wife of Mr. W. J. Hay el a daughter.
STEnLINe —In Morrie, on the 8rd nude,
the wife of Air, 10. Sterling of a son.
J'oaxsmoN....Irt Wingham, on the lot Ind.,
the wife of llir, Fred. Johnston of a
PntNOLEw—In Wingham, on the let inet„
the wife of Mr. David Pringle of a
ltbbaaxlate--In Brussels, on Sept.4th, the
wife of Mr. Wm.. Kneohtel,jr., of a
]bats,—bn Seaforth, on Ang. 16th, the
wife of Mr. B. S. Flays, barrister, of
a son.
CAttrnELL.—Io Morris, on the let inst.,
Alexander Campbell, aged 77 years.
C,mrno.—In Morris, on Sept. 7th, Thos.
Oarter, aged 85 years, 1 month and
7 days.
Afosite.—Lt Morris, on Sept. 5th, Mar-
gatet, relict of the late Matthew
Moses, aged 96 years.
DAson--Io Morris, on Sept. ebb, Eliza,
youngest daughter of George Easom,
aged 1 year and 6 days. _
FRAn.—In Holmesviile, on Sept. 1st, Eva.
line D., daughter of Rev. E. A. Fear,
aged 6 months and 12 days.
9R.'C7m017.2Ei 0] ''0],
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Bulbar, Luba and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton.
Salt per bbl., retail......
Hides trimmed
Hideo rough
Sheep skims, seat- 60 1 50
Lamb skins mob 65 00 f
Apples per bag 75 00
Wool 17 18
Pork 7 00 7 50
8 00
6 00
1 00
3 60
Ieentsoj.L, Sept. 12th.—Cheese—Offer-
Inge 4,004 boxes ; 1,840 July ; no
sales ; market quiet ; salesmen bolding
for 9,e for July and 10e for August.
Tonoiro, Sepb. 12th.—Flour, straight
roller, 58 to $3.05 ; extra, $2,50 to $2.76.
Wheat, white, 60 to 60o. ; No. 2 spring,
67c ; red winter, GO to 60o. ; goose, 56e ;
No. 2 Man. bard, 74 to 75o ; No, 8, 68 to
700 1 frosted, No. 1, 65 to 60e. Peas, No.
2, 41c ; No. 8 extra, 86 to 3701 feed, 36
to 87o. Oats, No. 2, 60 to 80$. Market
appears firm, Sales—Bed and white oul-
side at 50o, and No. 2 Man. hart] outside
at 76o. Old cute on trach ab 85 to 860.
The receipts at cattle market were mod-
erate and the tone of the market prime,
owing to better cables. Thorn was a bet.
ter demand for shipping cattle and
prices are rather firmer ab 4} to 4iro per
lb. for the best and 4 to 4,tu per lb. for
good, The best butchers are quoted ab
8$o per Ib 1 medium at 8, a per 19 ; and
inferior at, 24 to eau ]ler lb. Calves are
firm at $2.60 to 57 each, and miloh °owe
at 1126 to 540. Sheep ate quiet and un•
changed at 58 to 54 each, and lambs at
$2.50 to $8.60 each. Hoge in demand
and firm, the best bringing O;; to 55e per
]b„ and mediutn 65-.
EAST BuyFAL0, Sept. 12th,—Cattle--
About 6 ears on sale and only it peddling
trade. Sheep and latnbs—Forby cars on
sale, including two oars of Canadas
markeb very bad ; the best lambs brought
55 ; a lets taken to make weights at $6.-
10 ; fair to good kind of 70 -pound lambs,
alined out of the beat, sold at 54.25 to
54,50 that on a good market sold at $5,
while right good gulled Bold at 58, and
fair culled, that ordinarily sell quick bo
butchers at 53.60 to 54, were the slowest
posaible sales at $2,90, and even at these
low peioes there is any quantity of fats
lambs and cull stook that osnnot be sold.
Sheep of good quality held up well at
about steady prices but big ewes and the
common grades of bubohors' sheep sell
very low and slow. Hogs—Tits mat'ksb
was more active and generally, stronger
today. The trash reoeipts were Bis oars
and aboeb the clams number held over
front yesterday,'iudluding 8 ducks of
heavy ends and what loade of good hogs
Game in late ; good heavy'weighbe sold
at $6.26 to 56.86, while packers paid 56.-
85 to 50,46 for mixed lots of Yorkers and
mediums, tatting in the light naps, and
one dealt of choice brought 50.00 ; 'York
weights sold at about the same value no
mixed lots,
0,86 to 56,46 'sou hs � 4,60
to 55 ; fair to good ends, 56,'76 gto 55.00 ;
stags, 58.60 to 54.
m d.Z2., .' 4I3"e1`-,-,•
Hensel], Sept. 7.8.
Toronto Industrial, Sept, 4.16.
Western at London, Sept. 14.21.
Genteel at Guelph, Sept. 19.21,
Great Northwestern at Goderieh, Sept.
20 22,
South Huron ab Exeter, Sept. 25.25.
Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept. 26.27.
Turnberry at Wingbam, Sept. 26.27.
Morniugton & Ellice at Milverton, Sept.
North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 26-
Centre Huron at Clinton, Sopt. 26.27.
Southern at Brantford, Sept. 20.28.
North Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 28.27-
Morris Branch at Blyth, Oat. 11.12.
West Wellington at Harrisbon, Sept.
Eesti Was-vanes/1, at Belgrave, Septem-
ber 28.29.
Tnoksrsmith Branch, at Seaforth,
Sept. 28-29.
North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 28.29,
Wroxeter, Oot. 8.4.
B]a,nsbard at Kirkton, Oct. 5.6.
East Huron at Brussels, Ooh. 6.6.
Howlett, at Gerrie, Oet. 7.
Gt;ta and bollsr 5 cf nano, 9eeiond ]tassel,
iss first-elassruunittg ardor. Aptt 1y is
J. 0011111, Ethos,
panTias for sate fu Brussels, Prices
low and terms easy. Apply at
T13D P03T Publishing House,
GI World's Pair;tee Jerseys gave more
milk and made more cheese than any herd
in the test. The value of the cheese was
over i more than the next highest—vis.'
Shorthorns, Cost of servioe of my Jersey
Dull reduced,
Druggist, Bookseller, &o,
sudo andfor d Grmitt, has several
Ind Perms l or
of. Morrie aney, P S, SOOT7.',Bxuasel6.
cast The 200 Wore farm being Io11
and 12, eon. 10, Grey, ie offered Ion for sale, 120
acres are cleared encl the balance well tim-
bered. I3uilElba gs ilret-class• Orchard , well,
&o, School house within 40 rode, Posses -
elan given ab once 1f desired. Por further
particulars as to price, terms, die. apply to
9-11 Roseville P. 0,
or NNL8ON DBIOSEB, en farm,
LOT 20, South half eon, 4, Morris con-
taining 100 acres. &0 sores are °leaved and
free from stumps, balases .hardwood dad
cedar. There is a brick house, large bank
barn, log hare, orchard, wells, &c,. on the
premises. Possession given on April lot
next, 'There aro 7 noses of Sall avocet iu
which would have to be arranged for with
from %tinssas. 1501, further only 1b miles
apply to particulate
Queen Street, Brussels.
Tho subscriber offers his sneolloot 155
acre farm for Rale. It is located on Come,
Grey, and is in nrst•otaes condition. Dine
'roomy house, large bank barn, good orchard,
wells, & Thum e, Pm to well drafted and well
fancied, Only 2 Wipe from Brussels, Will
sell outright or would take a smaller farm as
partpn , reseoesion could be given: in the
Pall, FOS pardonless as to price, terms, &o.,
apply to
GEORGE (31100103,_
Proprietor, russels,
DnaelGNEn odeee bis. spienclic1121 note
farm,liomgl,at8audwosO part Lot 0,00n.
9, Grey, for sale. There are 150 acme cleared,
baiauce timbered. Two 0we11111 houses,
bank barns, geed orchard, well lanced, A
never failiugsprittg on the plane. Posses -
don given any time, Tho subscriber alto
offers for Salo a dwelling house, nbable end 0
Gores of land in the corporation of Britsscis,
The house and garden would be routed for a
abort time bl if not gold, Hurd and port water.
Poi. m'faos, terms and N24M/ 111nrtloulare
apple to JOHN 24M/T11,
414f Brussels P, 0,
salmi BOAib,
The nndereigustt will keep for serviee th15
nrmsout season the Improved large white
50,115hiro pig "headyy r ou lot 20, oou.t3,
MOSS'S, to whish a Binned number of sown
will be taken. Terme 81.00 to be paid at
time of service, .t
Zvi with theprivilegebe
, f return•
in g if Beats dry, Pedigree o may b1 Soo, up,
on 1551 atlou, ROBERT -N1:OHOL,
1051 Proprietor,
SEPT. 395, 1893
Toilet Soap,
Choice Assortment,
Large Stock,
Some of the Itinds are
heliotrope, Lotus, Glycerine,
White Oatmeal, `:lar,
Stanley, &o,
Pepper's Drug Mare,
1113113S1 Posg lleel.retee.
a Soliolbor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. Ofllue—Yanstone'e Block, Drna-
ssls, 21.9m
• Solicitor, Conveyauoor NobaryPub-
lie, &o, Onioo•—Vansbone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Pmtds to
G'IAMERON, HOLT tC HOLMES, Solicitors, Notaries Public
Godetioh, Ont.
15 0. OnsnntON, Q 0., PRILIP 1OLT,
011001`T 100LME9,
• Solicitor, &a. (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot's 01Hoo, Godsrlola) Olitoo oyer
Gillies & Smith's Bauk, Brussels.
Money to Loam4Y
• Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend wilco of farms, farm stock, &s, Terme
cheerfully given. Craublook P. 0. Sales
may be arrengOd at Tan roam Pub/tubing
House, Brussels,
Auctioneer.Sales conduct reasonable r.Femand m
stocks specialty. Ordure left at T1E POST
Publishing$ouse,Brussols, or eentto Walton
P.O., will reoelve prompt attonbion,
to conduct sales oft o' stockIatrstsonabls
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
every pollen I am Ina position to sell to
good marks and got good security when sold
on credit, Satisfaction guarautoed. Give
me a call. 32- P S. SCOTT.
Insurer of Marriage Lfoouses. Of toe
at his Groaory, Turabetuy street. Brussel. •
south of At Br McKay & Co's Shop—Next
Ladino' and ohildrens hair cutting a specialty
• Iseurer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie-
Firo Ineu noQ. tes Oo. Conveyancer at the and
Post OIIloo.
Clerk of the Poueth Division Court
00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Puttee
invested and to loan. Collections made.
011105 Ut Graham's Stook, Brussels.
V Mian Merles, 0f Wiugham, is prepared
to give instruction in oil 'Debuting. Hexane
wltore saamples of woal rlkMniny bloc soon llXtss
Morias would oleo take a few more pupils in
Organist iu St. John's Church, Bros -
solo end pupil, in the Art of Soaebiog of A.
W. Thayer, Moe. Doo., Now York, will give
lessens to )upas either at J. O.11 alliday's,
Dor. Sing and John Sts„ or if prof erred, at
their own beams, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Welton, Warms moderate.
E • honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary Oollege,.is prepared to treat all
diseases of domestioatsd animals Ina own -
Intent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. 011loo and Irtflrmat'y—Two doors
north o1 bridge 'l'urnborry et., I3tvgeo,s.
5. On . DResidL. ence and office gu' Wilson'e
Bloch, corner of Mill and Turnbsrxy Ste.
J- L. GI73S0N, M D.
• 0. M„ M. 0. P. 8, Ont., Graduate
Queen's Univerel6 Ktngsten. 099105—.
Banka,, B1'ssee s, Night belliansweret 54 Standard
some place.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D, S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Voreibyte0VVIOEi1Ovox.3.11. Smith'sos ore,
1, Alexander Niobol,of the Township of
Morrbs,in the 00111115 of Iittlan, farmer,
hereby publicly apologise to Doctor 1110-
KalVey, of Brussels, for any Otatementetitat
I have made with refetonoo 90 ]tie treat-
meat of my late 08o06s4d son, $'homas I
]tad no reason to say or bbiuk that tate
Doctor's treatment of my eon was otherwise
than proper mod Oldlful. My Nolo excuse for
baying made the statoments and used the
wor051 did is tbatl spoke balglosely end in•.
oonaidorately. I now dosis to remedy as
tar be possible the wrong I baso done the
Doebor by my detente -tory statements and
No make tliis apology and diroat that it be
p to Inn BnueeIDLs PONT for tour
e iso ins(
1SODated at Bro./male /sale tide 1091 day of Angled,
0.4 Wiboesa 5 P. BLAI011, So ichor,