The Brussels Post, 1893-8-4, Page 8LIES !
What •7 nuisance these flies ere and
how abaft I get rid of them you say ?
Thero era at lest throw ways of doing
this. One is by the use of fly papers.
We have SVilson'e Fly Felts, Davis' Fly
Felts and Shoo Fly Poison, The former
seems to give good satisfaction. Then
you eau, for 5o., buy two sheets of Tan.
gleloot or better known as
Sticky Fly Paper
which keeps th'm right there, List but
not feast we have the Insect Powder
which will quickly kill every fly iu a
room if kept closed for a short time. It
is tnuoh cheaper now, 2 oz. for 1De., and
when used with one of our 101. Bellows
is easily managed. We wit be pleased
to supply you.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains Pare Brussels Station, North
rid South, as follows:
GOING SOOT1. G01110 NOR711,
Keil a:54 0.54,Mixed . 9:45 a,
neurons 11:50 a,m, I wn
alall 3:18 p.m,
Mixed 0.00 p.m. Express 9.43 p.m.
`fatal `Aetna 3fcms,
A chiefs emang ye takiu' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
TUE 1rnsaole flax mill will; °eminence
work next sweep.
BALI.ANTyNE & FON 0hlpped a 030 of
cheese f•oro lints -ors this week.
Ti:m:r ease of wheat were shipped
East this wt.* by Messrs. Broker & Van.
MEssns, B.EEP1 & VANETONE shipped a
oar load of live hogs from Brussels last
Scam tine bass have been caught in the
Maitland many of them weighing a pound
each end sono of then miming over 2
E, 0, Iiissattx, General Agent of the
Confederation Life Association, is in
Brussels this week in the interests of this
well known company.
Os page 3 of this isene may be read an
interesting account of the great National
Algonquin Park of which P. Thompson
has been appointed Ranger.
isnussmis NEXT YEAS,—Tho Canadian
Foresters' Demonstration will he held at
Brussels next year. We judge the For-
esters of Brussels wrongly if they dont
make the demonstration the best on
Symms DEATIL.—A telegram was re-
ceived from Chicago on Wednesday an-
nouncing the death of John F. Cormack,
eldest son of Mrs. A. Reid, of Brussels.
No particulars were given in the message.
The body will reach Brussels on Friday
noon train, it is expeoted. •
Civic HOLIDAY.—The Civic Holiday,
last Wednesday, went by very quietly,
About 100 persons left Brussels station
for Kincardine to the Foresters' Demon-
stration. The town Band also went
along with Court Princess Alexandra.
There were ten passenger coaches on the
excursion train. A report of the day's
proceedings will be given in our next
OBIT —Early Tuesday morning Ed-
ward Varcoe, an old and well known resi-
dent of Brussels, entered into rest, aged
(12 years, 2 months and 21 days. The
decea•tl had been poorly for several
years with occasional had attaoks of
bronchial asthma and that with heart
failure snapped the brittle thread of life
and he passed away as peacefully as a
child ruing to sleep. Mr. Varcoe was
born in Cornwall, England, and came to
Amari,' t in the Spring of 1851 settling in
the 8t ate of Pennsylvania. He after -
word r• moved to Bowmanville where he
was at red in marriage to Elizabeth Had.
den in '868. They lived at St. Marys
and H .rpurhey previous to their coming
to Br,, :els 25 years ago last April. Mrs.
Verona lied about 8 years ago. Four
sots a. 1 three daughters are living, the
girls as 1 the eldest son residing in Brus-
sels. The funeral took plane on Wedges•
day a"srnoon, Rev. G. H. Oobbledick
conducing the service. Mr. Var000 was
a quie', unassuming man and was a
meml'-r of the Methodist church for
years. The summons of the Master was
joyfully received by him.
CouwciL meeting next Monday.
FOURTH Division Court will be held on
the 22nd inst.
DONT forgetthe games and sports ns -i.
Wednesday lo Brussels.
W. F. SCOTT attended the Soottl h
games at Chicago this week.
A PURPLE clematis flower et E. Dna-
ford's measures 89 inches in diameter.
Come to Brussels next Wednes•'.y.
Couple business and pleasure and see ,be
BUTTER has been a scarce article on
Brussels market during the past two
Mina. SCOTT & JONEs shipped 2 "ar
loads of cattle to the Eastern markets last
Tan wandering cow smashes mai y a
dollar's worth of plants in the sidewalks
this dry weather.
A PRIVATE pio•aio wee held at Maitland
Park, on the Davidson farm, on the
afternoon of civic holiday.
GET a program of the sports next Wed-
nesday and Bend it to your friends and
invite them to Brussels on that day.
TEN stalls are being erected by the
Brussels Driving Park Association on
the grounds for the accommodation of
We notice with pleasure that R.
Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, has
fallen heir to a fortune. It Dame on
July 28th, and is a daughter.
Tam steel range men had a holiday pie•
Mc and fishing excursion on Monday,
over the head of a visit from one of the
General Superintendents. Frogs, fish,
chicken, ham, &a„ &o., suffered.
ALL members of Committees in con•
nection with next Wednesday's sports are
asked to meet at the Town Hall, on
Monday eveoiog of next week to con•
elude the arrangements for the celebra-
tion. Don't forget.
On,txnnoox and Brussels played a foot.
ball match on Victoria Park last Satur-
clay evening, the result of which was one
goal eaoh. It was a tvell contested game.
A little hasty temper was exhibited by a
couple of players but Do bones were
ATHLETIC.—At the World's Fair Inter•
national Scottish games, at Chicago, G.
Perrie took 1st in throwing heavy ham•
mer ; 1st in light hammer ; let in putting
heavy stone ; and 2nd in putting light
atone. He's bard to beat as in the above
contests he faced Duncan U. Ross, C. J.
Currie, Donald Smith, Purcell, and other
noted heavy weights.
ENTRANCE Purrs.—The following are
the names and total marks received by
Brussels pupils at the recent Entrance
examinatiou :—Reggie Fletcher, 446 ;
Leon Jackson, 458 ; Willie Leatherdale,
4281 Frank R, Smith, 88o ; Dan.
Strachan, 547; Fred, Wilson, 456 ; Maud
Olill, 407 ; Theresa Gerry, 404 ; Clara
limiter, 417 ; Myrtle Nott, 891.
SPORTS AT BauseELs,—The bills and
programs are out for the games and
sports at Brussels next Wednesday, 9th
inst. Two football matches will be play.
ed in the forenoon for purses of $25 eaoh
between Wingham and Ctanbrook, and
Gerrie and Brussels. Baseball games
will take place in the afternoon, Lietowel
and Wingham being matched for $80,
and the "Unions" and Brussels for a like
SUM. There will aleo be a water fight
and eleven foot races, comio and other•
wise, for cash prizes. No entrance fee to
games. 15 cents admission to Victoria
Park. Special rates on the G. T. 11,.
The fun will be good and closely cow
tested games are expected, See pro•
grams for further particulars.
CoalPLIMntTANT.—The Atwood Bee
Paye :—That spicy exchange, Tun Batts -
MILS POST, last week entered upon the
2 ,st year of its publication. Tor] POST
is by no means as staid and stupid 0.s its
name implies. Ib is a hustler to gather
news and is wide awake on subjects of
local and general interest, We wish the
editor continued prosperity.—The Wing -
ham Times remarks :—THn B1tv8eiLS
POST has entered on its 210 year. Tnm
Poe is among the be—t local papers in
the district.—Seaforth Expositor 1—Last
week's Benumbs Pon says. "This week
THE POST enters on its 21st volume. The
Van glide swiftly by bat the aim of the
publisher is the same as of yore, Viz.—tit
give the many readers of Ts:s POST e
clean, newsy, interesting paper," We
think brother .Kerr has indeed been true
to his aim in the paet and we have no
fear that he will fall below the mark in
the suture,—•Bru.sele correspondent to
the Floret Expositor says 1—Tim BRUs-
eio POST has reached its majority and
ie now of ego and the older it gets the
better it gets.
Card of Thanks.
To the Officers and Members of Court
Princess Ale:oandria, No. 24, Canadian
Order of Foresters, B01,000fs
GENTLEMEN :—Please accept my
sincere thanks for the prompt manner in
which you have handed me the cheque
for $1,000 doe me and family for the
decease of my late husband, Charles
Mi(ohell, I tender you my heartfelt
thanks for your kindness and attention
also for sick and funeral benefits in
000080tiou with our trouble. May
God prosper you in your
noble efforts and I sincerely trust
that the noble Order of Foresters may
ever enjoy the fullest measure of prosper.
ity. It is indeed of the greatest benefit
to many poor widows and fatherless
children, who might, but for the Order,
be left almost utterly upon the cold
charity of the world.
Yours respectfully,
Morris, August 1, '93.
Business Locals.
AVE are prepared to make pictures, any
size required, at reasonable pricee. Give
us a call. H. J. Strong.
WAIatnn & 110011, llrueeals, are the
local agents for the Chatham wagon, also
the Bain wagon, Pricee right,
Now is the time for viewing. Public
buildings, residences, pio-nio parties, 8to,
can be photographed on shortest notice,
H. J, Strong,
BRITISH COLUMBIA red cedar shingles,
A our load of the best shingles in the
world, have been liuown to hest from 30
to 40 years one building. For sale at B.
Gerry's, Snuffle.
To run PUnorc.—Having parehesed en-
tire stock of 0, 11. Perry'e negatives, any
Photos. can be had from them by leaving
order et my studio. II. J. Strong.
A Poa'M.isrnn Ix Tnomu.0.—Grantley,
Ont., July 81,—Probably there is no titan
more widely known in the County of
Dundas and vicinity than J. 0, Munro, of
this piece. Ile has carried on business
as a general store•lteeperfor tweuty years,
and has also, for many years, been the
1ooa1 postmaster. He has long been a
prominent ch omit member and a leading
man in social circles. Iie has always
been looked up to with respect and
esteem, and his word, to um a phrase
current among those who know him, ie
as good as his bond. It wee a matter of
general regret when it became known
about four 3Onrs ago, that he wee suffer.
ing from dropsy, which has afflicted him
ever sinoe. The pleasure of illr. Monroe
many friends may more easily be
imagined than desofibed, when it was
learned he had began using Dodd's
kidney pills, and hos found in them a
cure by means of which he is rapidly re•
gaining sound health.
Waren out for our advt. next week.
Ferguson & Halliday.
H. E. Mannon & Oo. are opening out
a mammoth stook of Dry Goods at the
Garfield House, Brussels, Everybody
within 15 miles of Brussels is asked to
see our goods and get the wonderful
prime we are selling them at.
JOHN J. RYAN, representing a Montreal
firm, says that he received the greatest
benefit from using Membray's Kidney
and Liver Cure, after using several pre-
parations for Kidney and Liver Trouble,
caused by muoh railroad travelling.
DaEeslIAIkING,—Mies Sample, dress-
maker, has removed her shop from Dr.
Graham's block to the apartments over
I. C. Richard's shop where she will be
pleased to wait on her former customers
and as many new ones as desire her
Oen Summer sale continues and large
numbers of customers are taking ad-
vantage of the genuine bargains offered
by us, Have you inspected our goods
yet ? Every lady within 20 miles of
Brussels should see our display. Fergu•
son & Ilalliday.
Mon REMARKABLE ON EAnrn,—So says
Professor Gresham, New York, of St.
Leon Mineral Water, to invigorate, build
up and preserve strength and happiness
life long. It is impossible to speak too
highly of St. Leon, A fresh supply to
hand at Geo. Thomson'e,
WnLL•DIGOINO AND Dntrt.n,oi George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all worst entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
Esmond door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et,, Bruesels. 34.13
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma-
tism anis Neuralgia radically oures in 1
to 3 days. Ile action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re-
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappeare. The first dose
greatly benefits. 70 Dents, Warranted
by G. A. headman,
As an after-dinner pill, to strengthen
the stomach, assiet digestion, and oorreot
any bilious tondonoies, Ayer's Pille are
ooneidered the best. Being nor -coated,
they are es agreeable ag any oonfeotion,
and may be taken by the moat delicate.
Domes the dog•day season, the drain
of nervone and vital energy may be
counteracted by the 1100 of Ayer's Sar-
saparilla. In purifying the blood, it dots
tie a superb oorreotive and tonin, and en.
Ales the eyetem to defy malarial and
ether climate iolluenoes,
MAY.—Ill Atwood, on July 21$1, the wife
of Mr. Robb. May of a son.
MaI'EE.—Iu Henfryu, on July 22nd, the
wife of Mr. Frank MoFee of a thumb -
HoLMEe.—In Clinton, 0,1 July 28th, the
wife of Mr. Robt. Holmes, of the
New Era, of a daughter.
CaalPsmLr. —In Morrie, on July 22nd,
Ann Campbell, beloved wife of Alex.
Campbell, aged 75 years, 9 menthe
and 6 days.
Roesea.—Near Bowmanville, on July
18th, W. H. Rogers, father of Rev.
D. Rogers, formerly of Atwood, aged
80 years and 4 months.
VAacom. I+n Brussels, on Aug. let, Ed.
ward Vor•os, aged 62 years, 2
months and 21 days.
HANNA. --In Toronto, on Aug. 2nd, the
wife of John Hanna, of Morrie town-
Srmw.rnT.—In Brussels, on Wednesday,
2nd inst., Annie, beloved wife of
Alexander Stewart, aged 59 years, 7
months and 11 days.
�3xe S54 Fir—RKETS.
Fall Wheat 58 GO
Spring Wheat 58 00
Barley 110 85
Peas 54 00
Oats .... 32 34
Butter, tubs and rolls,... 13 14
Eggs per dozen 9 00
Flour per barrel 3 00 3 50
Potatoes ... 40 50
Hay per ton. ........ .... 6 00 7 00
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 81
Hides rough ...... 8
Sheep skins, each 60 1 00
Lamb skins each 65 00
Apples per bag 50 00
Wool 17 18
Pork 7 00 7 50
ST4 XDol i .n RINK OJ! C.1N1D�
Hs'r.A.=Ins-xa:aaa s.mwu,
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • - -• $2,000,000
Agencies inall principal points inOntario, Quebec, Manitoba, Ifrit/NI States,b1f:ij(ancf.
A General Banking Business) Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Iotereet allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from °late of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietance.
,a®ramma. mezmvcmvaams=, ,�+�v�acnr.. _.. ...., .s.616,••a.,
CILLI 5 & SMITE, B.i; rdo''7r.'i. aE.1115,
:8 J U S S .FLS,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts nought and Sold on
ail points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
BELLEVILLE, Aug. let.—There were
boarded to -day 27 factories; offerings 1,-
600 boxes white and 140 colored. The
following sales were made : Hodgson
Bros., 50 boxes colored at 990 ; J.R.
Brewer, 70 boxes white at 9 3i160.
INOnns0LL, Aug. lst.—Offerings to -day
8,700 boxee ; sales, 106 at 01o, 360 at
9 6/16, 487 at 0''ko. A largo attendance
of both buyers and salesmen. Market
fairly active. Weather still dry in this
!Nemo, Ang. lot.—This market was
dull to -day, the receipts being small and
the demand limited, Prides of oattle
were, if anything, somewhat easier.
Choice exporters sold at 4:10 to 410 per
lb, and medium at 4c. Grass•fed stalk.
ers dull at 390 to no. Butchers' cattle
unchanged ; the best sold at 800o per Ib. ;
medium at 810 to 31s and inferior at 2$o
to So. Milob cows, $80 to 045 eaoh, and
calves from $3 to $7 a head. Sheep dull
at $3.50 to $5 each, and lambs at $8 to
$4 eaoh. Hogs are unchanged ; the beet
sell at 610 to 6to per 1b, ; medium at 610
and inferior at 5.10 to Os !per lb.
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. let.—Cattle
—About 11 oars on sale all told ; the
butchers' cattle sold at full Monday's
values, 1,170 to 1,808 lb. steers Bold at
$3.00 to $4 ; 8.50 to 1,120 Ib. old cows
brought $2, and one load of good 1,420 Ib.
steers sold at $4,40 to fill an order for
export trade ; market is full easy with
Monday's low prices. Sheep aid lambs
—With only 8 loads and of a cheap grade
of stook, there was only a peddling trade,
the few loads going to butchers ; four 60
lb Lambe Bold at $5, 63 to 70 Ib, at $5.25 ;
cull lambs and sheep at $3 to $4 as to
quality ; the feeling is full easy, and
prices quotably at yesterday's Values.
Hogs—Fifteen pare ; the good extreme
weights of hogs on vale went to packers
at $5.60 to $5.65, with good Yorkers and
light hope, and some closely sorted fair
weight Yorkers et $6,40 to $6, at $4.70 to
$4.75 ; stags, $4 60 to $4.75, and good
ends at $5.25 to $5.60.
LONDON, July 81.—The Mark Lane Ex.
press, in its weekly review of the British
grain trade, aaye :—Where the wheat
Crop is bad, it is very bad. Where it is
good, it is barely good. The average
yield ig not expected to exoeod 27 bushels
to the aors, which will make a total of
7,087,500 quarters, against 8,000,000
quarters in 1802. The growth of root
°rope, including potatoes, has been high.
ly favorable lately. The well, showery
weather has been advantageous only to
oats and barley in backward distriate.
There will probably be a very fair Second
hay crop, and an improvement in the
pastures. There Is a reduced demand
in the market for all sorts of feeding
stuffs. Tho sales of English wheat in.
°luded new samples, The first Bales
were made at 8de per quarter, but later
there were transactions at pricee ranging
from 28s to 82e. The opening mean
values were :—Red, 270 to 131s ; white,
28s to 34e. The quality was vary un-
even. Foreign wheats were dull.
Sa> awe Ram: Dimale °ammr.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
`Fe elreel to write lnsm'anee in old llnglisil or Clulndian ClnlparieS, or in But
mill companies as 01111y be Ile0l1'ed.
Indian and American declined Od. The
stooks of foreign wheat and flour amount
to 2,785,000 quarters. At to•day's
market English wheat was unchanged.
Foreign was Gd lower. American floor
declined 3d per sank. Molting barley
was unchanged ; feeding was 6d lower.
Oats were irregular and ohasper. Corn
was from 8d to Gd lower.
Joem SWAN & Sons, of Edinburgh, in
their weekly report of July 21, says :—
There have been smaller supplies of fat
cattle both in Edinburgh and Glasgow
this week. Trade has been deoidely
butter, and prices quite 20s ahead over
those of last week. Supplies from Ire-
land were considerably larger, and of
very good quality. There have been
about 650 United States cattle at York -
hill, which have also meta better trade.
About 1,100 Canadian cattle at Sheild-
hall have also made more money. Ship -
meats from Canada are likely to be
small, the state of trade recently causing
heavy losses to the shippers. The num-
ber of sheep on offer this week has been
about the same, but the supply of lambs
much larger, a great proportion being the
secondary quality. For the best desorip-
tions in eaoh class the demand was
steady, and previous prices maintained,
but secondary lambs met a deoidely
worse trade, and in many oases consider-
ably lower rates. Fat calves were a good
show, and prices well maintained, while
pigs made considerably higher prices.
For the beat store oattle there has been
deoidely more inquiry at higher prime,
but secondary stooks were difficult to sell
at moderate prices. At St. Boswell'e
lamb sale on Monday there was the
largest number of buyers for some years.
With good prospects for keep, trade was
quite beyond expectations, and in many
eases Considerably higher prices were
obtained. Store sheep also sold easier
Milk cows were not quite so numerous,
and for everything short of the best
quality a bad trade was experienced.
Best beef, 5s 3d to 5s Od ; Irish, 8s to 8s
8d ; Canadian, 68 9d to 75 per stone ;
best mutton, 712 to 7dd secondary, 51d
to 7d per lb.
at muse to
Prey ent flies from troubling your
stook ap ply our Born Fly Preventative,
which is both cheap and eg)oaotoue.
Druggist, Bookseller, &e.
nEne wanted for cutting about 18 aurae
of big b land bay and the hay crop on a
BeavorMeadow. The job will be let on
shares or Bold out entirely. For further
portio Wars apply at once to
South Half Lot 15, Oo, 4, Morrie.
Farm for Sale :—The Farm, containing 100
(tares, is also offered for Salo. Possession
could be given next Fell,
Morris, June 201b,1000.
DEM will be received by the under-
signed for the repairing of the Presbyterian
Char ch,Ethel,up to Monday, Aug, 7, 110.
The following repairs to bo done .--1. The
form dation to be put in good repair. 2. Roof
t0 be shingled and Tar -papered. 8. Outside
of building to be pointed, 4. Ceiling to be
Caleimioed. 5. Windewe to be retreated
and repaieed, The newest orally tender not
necessarily accepted, For futher partlou-
lras apple' to
J. M. HENDE118013,
Cbnirmon of Committee, Ethel P. 0.
The Goderioh Horttoniteral Society hare
completed arrungemouto to Mahe an ex.
h1011(0n from the County of Huron animus,
Dente and apples at the World's Columbian
Exi'ooitlon. All exhibits peeked encs ex-
pressed direct to Chicago from here.
Parties will receiye full °legit for any ex-
hibit they may male. All express or other
°barges for sending from any part of the
county here will bo paid at this end. Cur-
r'eepoed eu ea regaodlhg number of epeolns0ns
time for sending &0., cheerfully aneWeied
by the undersigned.
2.4 Secretary. Preefdent,
Clod atoll, July 26,'00.
=Ens1ONED 11as severalg cod Farms for
sale sad to rent, ea0y tering alt Tewnehfp e
of Morris and Grey, F S. 800TT, Bruneel's,
� Being South halt Lot 57, eon- 0, Moz;i'19,
100 Urea, nearly all cleared, Good buildiug0,
flue yocing bearing Orchard. Immediate po8-
eooslen, Easy Tends. Apply to
11- Solicitor, 8
G V V The 200 sora farm being lots 11
and 12, con, 16. Grey, 10 uttered for sale, 120
acres are cleared end the balance well tim-
bered. Buildings ilmt•el ass. Orchard, wall,
&o. School house within 10 :'ods. Posses-
sion given at ono8 if desired. k or further
particulars as to price, terms, 85. apply to
AIRS. WALISE1t, Roseville P. 0.
or NELSON 3311101(1DR, on farm.
uL•'neoexmn offers his splendid 125 acre
from, being Lot 8 and west part Lot 9,005.
0, Grey, for sale. There are 1CO acres cleared,
halftime timbered. Two dwelling houses,
bank barns, good orchard, well fenced. A
081101' failing eprlug On the place. Posses-
sion given any limo. The subscriber also
offers for sale a dwelling house, stable ands
acres of land in the corporation of Brussels.
The house and garden would bo rented for a
sburb Lime if not sold. Hurd and soft water,
Fos nric80, terms and further Pparticulars
appiv to JOHN SMITH,
41.30 Brussels P.O.
1) 1NTIt P1
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S•, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto Uni-
versity. OPFIai—over A. R. Smith's Store
The undersigned will keep for service this
present season the Im1,roved large white
Yorkshire pig "Bendy' on lot 26, con.8,
Morrie, to 001110h a limited number of sows
will bo talsen. Terms 51.00 t0 be paid at
time of service, with the privilege of return -
Mg if ue00e0ary. Pedigree may be seen up-
on application, 11011ERT N10HOL,
1511 Proprietor.
Aua. 4, 1898
ho opinR, C ough
Pepper's Drug Store,
1LZCJ °� I Lh5.
• BOlteiberand Conveyaoeer. Oolleo•
Mous made, Of008—Vanatone's Block, Brus-
eels. 21.854
Soli el tor, Conveyancer, No Larry Pub-
lic, &e, 011lee—Vanotoce's Block,1 door
north of Oontral Hotel, Private 1uuds to
13 urristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oodoaleh, Out.
DIMWIT 310L31E8,
Solicitor, &c, (late of Garrow
Prondluet's Office, Godoriob,l 0111co over
0131ies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan, 47
Pursuant to Sec. 80 of Chapter 110 of the
Revised a tatntes of Ontario, 1887, notice Is
hereby given that all creditors and others
having claims against the estate of Robert
Hamilton, late of the Township of Beverly,
to the County of Wentworth, Yeoman, who
died on or about the 30th day of April A. D,
180(1, are, on or before the lOtli clay of
August, A. D. 1808, to eencl by post, pre -paid,
to 11, J. Beaumont, Galt, Solicitor for
Sydney Sipes Rachel Rivers and Joseph
Sipes, Administrators of the said deceased,
their 0Lr10t1au 1100:1012 and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions the full partieu-
lurs of their claims, a statement of their
000001lts and the nature of the securities
(if any) hold by them, and that after the
day last aforesaid the said administers will
Proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deoeasod among the parties entitled there-
to, havingregard only to such claims of
which noice shall have been given as above
required, and the said administrators will
not be liable for the said Resets or any part
thereof, to any poison or 1(000000 of W11000
claim or claims notice shalt not have been
received by them at .the time of distribu-
Dated at Galt this 21st day of July, A, D'
2 0 Solicitor for Admluletratare,
Voters' List, 1893.
COUNTY of Honor.
Notice is herab y given that I have trans.
mitted or delivered to the persons mention-
ed in seotious 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters'
List Act, 1808, the copies required by said
seetio,s to be transmitted 5r delivered of
the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all
persona appear! 01 by the last revised As.
easement Roll of 111e saki Muo(oipaitty to bo
entitled to vote iu the Raid Munioip1pall ty at
Elections for Members oftho Legislative As-
sembly and at luunieipal Elections ; and
that odd stet was first posted up at may 01805
Monts, on the let day of Aug. 18003, and
rem mine there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the
acid list, and if any 0mi00101(0 or any other
017000 are found Werth, to tithe immediate
proceedings to have the said errors nor'reot-
ad accordtug to law,
WAI. 0LAi1'35.
Clerk of Morris 110,89313).
Doted at Emits 150 day of August, 1033.
• Auctioneer, '0 always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme
cheerfully given. Oran brook P.O. Saloe
may be arranged at Tam Poor Pebliehiug
House, Brussels,
v� Licensed Aeetioneor. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stock a apeoialty. Orders left at Tam Pena
Publishing Houso,Brueaels,or 0ontto Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
Voters' List, 1893.
Mimicnw.o'te or THE Towxsnlr or Gant.
000850 OF BORON.
Noti06 10 hereby given that I have trans•
milted or delivered to the 3)0re0110 mention•
0,1 in 0ections 5 ,tad 5 of the OntarioVoters'
List Act, 1803, the copies requiredby B
sootions to be transmitted or d elivered of
the net, made pursuant to said Aot, of all
persons appearing by the last revised As.
sooement Rell of the said Municipality to be
entitled to vote in the said Munteipnilty at
Eleotione ter Membore of the Legislative Ae-
sembly and at Munfalpal ElretiOos ; and
that said list was kret posted up et my 511(00
at Ethel, on the 2013 day of July, 1800, and
real Mill there for Snap potion.
Elo03000 are called upon to examine tbo
said list, and if any nmmi051Ove or any other
errors are found therein, to take immedtato
promies1008 to have the. SAW errors oot-
reeted neoording to la}v.
OWM, 131'ENCB,
Dated et Ethel 20031 iiay of July, 1806,
em as as Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct sales of farm stock at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a position to sell to
good marks and got good security lvheu sold
an credit. Hatisfaatiou guaranteed, Give
me a call, 32-' F S. SOOTT.
• IesurarofafarriageLiaouees. Moe
at his Grocery, Turnborry street. 13ruosels.
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
Routh of A. M. McKay& CWe hardware store.
Ladles' and ohildrene hair cutting a specialty
appoiIsmer of Aforriage Licensee, by
ntment of Lieut, -Governor, oommis-
stoner, the., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co, °Moe at the Oranbrook
Post Mee.
Cloth of the Fourth Divloiou Oourt
Co, Huron. Couveyaneer, Notary Public
Land,Loan and Ineurenoe Agent. Funds
invesed and to loan. Collections made.
OIBo 111 Graham's Blook, Brussels,
Mimi Merles, of Wingham, le prepared
to give iuetruotl0n 1n oil painting. Terms
maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store
where samples of work may be seen. Miss
Mories would oleo take a few more pupils in
• Organist 10 86. John's Church, Brus-
sels, and pupil, iu the Art of Teaching of A.
W. "'Layer, Mug. Doe., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at J. 0. Halllday's,
oor. ling and Joan Ste., or if )preferred, at
their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate.
2J • Honor Graduate of the Outario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a Com-
petent manner. Partaoular attention paid
to voterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at-
tended to. (Moe and Infirmary—Two Moore
north of bridge •Purnborry et., Bruseois,
V • C. M., L. R. O. P., Edinburgh M. C.
8, Ont, liesideuee and olfoe in Wilson'
Block, corner of A1111 and Turuberry Ste.
. 0. M„ M. O. P. S. Ont., Graduate
Qneen'a University, Kingoton, OFFIOE—
bmale'e block, one door South of 8tau(ard
B auk, Brussels. Night bell auewend at the
same place,
System nonovata
1110 OTHER
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur•
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Di eases, St. Vitus Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and lllannfaetnror.
Hold by J. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, 3lrusoele.