The Brussels Post, 1893-4-28, Page 5A
APRIL 28, 1893
FAT $10.00 we can make to Order a good SERGE or TWEED $UIT, peat patterns and made to fit you.
OUR 812 TWEED and SERGE SUITS made to Order are Kings over anything
offered for the same money ; and OUR $].5 TWEED SUiTS are famous.
choose from. This Offer is for Quality and Price Unequalled.
THE NOTORIOUS $3.00 and $3.50 B'1r1ACK WORSTED PANTS. A Fine Kande of Patterns to
Select from. The Pest ever offered for the price. You should see them.
Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps in endless variety. Men's Felt Hats at 50o., 75c., $1.00 to $3.00,
Hilt Stook is the Largest and Most Complete shown by any Hatter in Huron.
Fur is .i
The latest novelties in. Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, &cc.
Melissa Waterproofs take the Lead.
•.V.ltj'. .tl
Spring work is very backward.
Reeve Milne tuna in Goderich last week.
Geo. Dobson has a new "bike."
Tbereie only room for one, however.
Next Monday the annual meeting of
Ethel Meoltttnbue' Institute will bo held.
A. commercial course is being taken by
Fred. Milne at e, Toronto Business Col-
Tho storm king made great havoc with
buildings, fences and treee through this
section last week,
Owing to the many removals from this
locality the L. O.L. has suffered heavy
losses. At one time Ethel took no second
wroxeeter •
Mrs. Thos. Webb left last weep to join
her husband, who bas been for some
time past at Olearwator, Man.
Wm. Pomeroy has sold his farm in
Michigan and returned to Wroxeter
where he will rest for a time. He has
done very well in Michigan, having about
recovered the amount he lost in his
Louisiana speoulation a few years ago.
The Union Base Ball Club was reor.
ganizecl last week. The officers are
Tree., T. F..➢liller ; Vioe•Pres., Thos,
Gibson ; Sea., Sas. Fox ; Treas., W. B.
Strode ; Managing Com., J. J. Sanders,
Dr. Fortune and A. E. Paulin ; Manager,
J. W, Sandmrsou.
A •aa at tee -weer..
Rev. D. 13. MoRae has purchased a
Jersey cow.
The season is very baokwercl and is
interfering with nob only Spring seeding
but disastrous to Full wheat in many
A number of our R. T. of T's. will
likely go to Brussels next week to hear
the Emerald Temperance Trio. They
are saidto be well worth bearing.
R. P. Cameron has reached his des.
tinatitln, Grenfell,Disbrietel Assivaboia,
N. W. T., where he syill-engage in lefis•
sionary labors for the Summer months
under the direction of the Presbyterian
church. Grenfell is a oboe little town
on bhe main line of the 0, P. R. and is
growing rapidly. It contains all the
business places whittle go to make ue a
Western town. Mr. Cameron lost his
trunk on the trip. It went astray be-
tween Palmerston and Toronto in some
Very little work was dose on the land
last week owing to the wet and disagree-
able weather. What promised at ono
time to be a very early Spring will now
be a vary late one,
Six young men, residents of Oranbrook
and vioinity, left reoenbly to push their
fortunes elsewhere. Andrew Angel and
J. Schnook went to California, ,john
Oorsalitz, to Manitoba, Chas. Seal, D.
Zimmer and Stephen Xvesslor, to Mbohi•
Mill men and others having shingles
to dispose of found ready sale fur then
after tho big storm. In fact the supply
was not equal to the (Iemand. Meehan.
les have also their hands full just now
shingling and repairing buildings dam.
aged by the storm. IL'e an ill wind that
blows nobody good.
The wind storm on Thursday of last
week was the wore') exporlenoed here for
many years. Buildings wero unroofed
and otherwise damaged, ahintneye blown
down and fences of the moat substantial
kind demolished. In Grey alone the
damage will foot up to. $ome thousands
of dollars.
The windstorm on Thureday of last
week slid a groat deal of damage to barns,
roofs, fences. timber, &o. Among the
att s
• lvuifemc varoWm, Babem
barna that s
Jno. Lw0'
%. M
o a and David
tl 9
Milne's, more etanding thnber wart blown
down on Thursday than hue been known'
for tine past 20 yettee.
Jos. McPherson, oheesomaker of tbo
Morris cit: Grey factory, having aooepted
a position. 111 New York State, the Diree.
Ors haveengaged Neil Mcrnnahfin ir. as
his sneoessor. Mr, Mao. has had It num-
bar of years experience in sumo of the
beet factories and will no doubt give the
best of satisfaction,
/Riese dl vine
Mrs. T. Hall was In London on Mon-
day of this week.
Miss Lizzie Ibottrel and Mies Nellie
Jackson went to Virden, Man., on Tiles -
day of this week.
Wm. Young lost a young horse from
inflammation, and S. Bolton one from
congestion last week.
John Fisher, who formerly lived on
con, 8, but now of Wallece, was visiting
friends here last week.
R. J„ eon of John Whitfield, who has
been attending Baltimore Medioitl Col-
lege, passed his final examination and is
now M. D., D. D. S. It is his intention,
after a short visit with friends here, to
practice in the state of Kansae. We
wteh him sucrose.
Some damage was done in this vicinity
Glaring the high wind on Thursday of last
week, The Methodist church shed, re-
cently emoted hero, was 50110513' unroofed
and Geo. Hodges, 12111 con., had his
stable blown down. Fortunately 114r.
Hodges, seeing the Bangor, removed his
stook just in time to avert a more see.
ions lous.
yWe }( try',•
Pashiona A..91 e Tailor and Outfitter, Brussels.
11Tr. Sibbold had a sale of household
furniture, as he is leaving here. F. Scott
has bought his house and lots.
Rev. Mr. Pring and Mr. Lang held an
entertainment at Johnson's ohuroh on
Tuesday evening and at Ebenezer on
Wednesday evening.
The two smoke shacks were blown
down off the mills here by the wind storm
last week. The one on Stewart it Duff's
Mill is up and work has started again.
The heavy storm on Wednesday and
Thursday of last week did a lot of
damage. When Phil. Thomas awoke
Thursday morning the roof was gone off
the house and was sitting on a favorite
plum tree. The roof was nearly blown
off A. Bruce's barn, on the farm, and
about half the shingles off one side, a lot
of shiugles off his woodsheds in the vil-
lage and one of the ohimneye off the
Methodist parsonage.
Mee. Cournell is very ill.
What a fins cheese factory wo have iu
this village I
Mrs. P. Ring ie very ill but wo hope
she will eoon tally.
Jas. Leech is malting quite a sale of
maple molasses this Spring.
The home of Peter King web gladdened
by a baby daughter on the 15th bunt.
Quarterly meeting will be held in the
Methodist ohuroh bore on the first Sun.
day it May.
Our butcher, 5,. Patterson, has ebopped
business here Wingham ham bttc
comes twice a week.
Miss B. King played the organ in the
Methodist church last Sabbath evening,
in the armee of the organist.
The entertainment in the Methodbet
ohuroh on Monday night, wee good,
There ivas a Large attendance.
There was near being a very bad nut,
away here rho other day. Tho tongue of
ono of Stewart &Duff's wagons broke but
the teamster,' , Messer, ,held on to the,.
home lilts a, man.
Miss Minnie Knox, of Hullett, spent
het week with her aunt, Mrs. Sohn
ilsv. S. Sollery, B. D., of Wingham,
preaohed at Johnston's church last Sun-
day afternoon.
Spring seeding was at a standstill the
latter part of last week and the fore.parb
of this, owing to snow, sleet and rain.
James Stratton, of Brussels, moved
this week bo the Lamb farm, 511) line,
which hereoently purchased from a Loan
The wind had quite 5frolic with the
barns in this township on Thursday of
last week. Among those that Buffered
was Thos. MoLauchlin's (Taylor farm),
J. 33. Martin's and George Parker's, 12
feet of roof on each side of Mr. Martin's
was blown off. lino. Clegg's wind mill
came to, the ground and was badly
wreaked. A portion of the horse shed at
the Snnebine Methodist ehn'eb teas
Loeb Fall Wm, Mboltie was unable to
dig a quantity of potatoes, owing lint to
illness, trod then judging by the samples
raised they were badly rotted. This
Spring in plowing a lot of gond potatoes
wore tarnecl out so a closer examination
was made and the laborers were reward.
ed wish about 20 bags of exoellmub "Irish-
men" none bhe worse of their burial all
A Lowe Lint Eswsen.—On Saturday of
last week Edwaed Bryans cried at the res.
idence of his eon Abaxandor., Lob 30, con.
2, ab the ripe age of nearly 01 years, The
man of his decease, in addition to old
ago, was beast failure and lung trouble.
Mr. Bryans was born in Co. Fermanagh,
Ireland, on June 70, 1802, and mum to
Canada in 1818. Tae resided at Cope.
town, near Hamilton, for 8 or 10 years
after which ho moved to this township
where he took up the farm on whish he
lived and died, also 100 acme on the 4t11
con. Dame Fortuue looked favorably On
the energetio labors of cleooaeod aid his
years of toil were rewarded by continued
l•Imcvas married bwi0s,
second ire departing this Ilia 8 Bars
go at royal olage of 80. Throe
children, William, Edward and Alex„
survive, lair. Bryans retained all his fac-
ulties in a remarltable way for a matt of
bis years, being table to even read with.
out spoobnolee. The funeral on Tmnsday
WAS largely attended. Rev, Mr, Reilly,
inocmbent of St. John'e, of which church
the deceased •was a member, for, yearal
aondeoted fbe, Orem, ,
Shingles are at a premium in this
township, owing to the eta, m on Tbturs`
day of last week stripping many a roof.
Geo. Henderson has sold his lease of
the Anthony Sample farm to Jas. Martin,
who will work the farm for the next three
Snooze Dnarte.—People were greatly
surprised to hear that Sarah Jane Mo-
Intyrm, step•daughber of Peter Oantelon,
eon. 7, had died on Thursday evening of
last week at 8 o'oloclt. The deemed
had gone to Win. Ferguson's, 8th line,
on Monday to assist in some sewing.
On Wednesday she ate her dinner ae
usual and about 2 p. to. she took ill.
The siokuess developed into inflammation
of the bowels and in thirty hours from
the time of taking sink the was a corpse.
Miss McIntyre was in her 27th your and
was very highly esteemed by all who
knew her. The body was conveyed to
her home on Friday and the funeral took
plane on Saturday afternoon. Rev. J. i3.
Dyke oonduobecl the service. Interment
was made at Brussels cemetery. Next
Sabbath afternoon afnnered sermon will
be preaohed at Sunshine Methodist
obarah. The deceased died trusting in
the Saviour.
The dog poisoner continue to ply his
ti• ado.
Rev. H. MaQnarrie was in St. Thomas
last week attending the meeting of the
Synod of Hamilton and London, of which
he was Moderator.
The Education Department has set
apart Wiugbatn as a centro where an ex-
atninabion of candidates for third -plass
cerbificatos will be filled,
The Wingham W. 0. T. U. have ar-
ranged to havo Miss Lillian Phelps, of
Sb. Catharines give a leutor° in Wingham
some night during the first week of May,
in the Methodist church.
Dr. Macdonald will remove his officio
to the stone block, over Petmu Deans'
Sour and fend store, in the course of a
week or so. This is necessitated on ao.
count of the removal of the Dr's. present
office and rosidenoe whiuh will take place
The liler,hehn News soya :—"It is with
regret that the announce that Rev. L. G.
Wood, for the past two years and a half
the °norgotfa inocmbent of Triniby
church, has deckled to leave, having ao•
ospteil a hearty anal unanimous call to
the large and preepetous charge in Wing.
hem. While in Blenheim leo has done
noble wank, nod in leaving he carries
with him thegood will and deepesb re -
garde of a host of Mende among the
p51100al pnblio as well as the membership
of Trinity ohuroh, Tho News
wishes for him a pleasant stud suoouesful
pastorate in Wingham."
On a recent Sunday afternoon several
little boys wore attuning themselves by
miming down the steep embenkmsnb ab
the north end of the G. T. 11. bridge.
A.couple of these tried the experiment,
ab the stone
stn g
going slowly and stopping
" about six foot
6 which
all at the foo
wall ,
high. Then King Wada, about 8 years
01 age, tried the experiment ; he want
down too fast being unable to stop hien•
golf, and when he reached the stone wall
he went over head fled, turning a soma,
mutt and striking on hie shouidars and
Hank. He was helplees for a abort butte,
until assisted by bill comrades. Hie
'nook has beensoes ever since. It was a
Wondett;bei didn't break it. ,
Sevzas WIND Seotu.—'rhe Times of
last week says :—Wingham and vioinity
was visited by a very severs wind and
rain storm on 'Thursday of last week.
Tbs wind was at its worst about 10:30 a.
tn., when part of the roof and Last wall
of the school were blown down. The
children were in the school at the time,
and there was a perfect stampede to get
out of tete building. fortunately all es-
uaped without any serious injury more
or less with the falling plasber, laths,
bricks, te. The tear -Mars showed groat
presence of mind, and suooeeded in got.
ting the littlo ones out of the building,
without any of them being trampled over.
The tower and east wall of the Oatholio
ahnrab were blown down and the build-
ing otherwise damaged. Both chimneys
were blown off the Congregational
ahnrab, and one of the pillars on the
south side of the Presbyterian church
were blown down. The church suffered
other datnage. The roofs were blown
MT both of Jas. Angus' barns, and the
buildings badly demolished. The roof
was blown off a shed ab the apple eve.
porator of 'Mahler Bros., on Edward
street. The south end of R. 0. Sparling's
egg packing establishment, near the G.
T. R. station, was blownooneplotsly out.
The smoke stack at the Union F nt•nitnre
Factory was nearly blown down, but
wibh prompt action on the part of the
employees of the faotory, it was securely
stayed. While at this work, John Terrill
received a pretty hard stroke in the fano
with a board. Fences, telegraph poles,
deo., were blown down in differenb parts
of the town. Mealy of the citizens tools
promotions and put props agafnet build.
lugs they feared the wtnd might over.
turn. The damage clone in the town
will reach thousands of dollars.
mil oils.
Will. Shane is having his residence on
Dinslay street renovated with afroth amat
of paint.
Will, Creighton lute been lying serious-
ly i11 for several days with plonriey and
lung trouble.
Rev. T. E. Bigley was visiting the
Forest City and elaewh-re for several
days last week.
The regular sitting of the 12th Divin-
ion Court was held on Monday in tildes -
thy hall, His Honor Judge Doylo presid-
One of the woreb wind and rain storms
for many years passed over this burg and
vioinity during Wednesday and Thurs.
clay of hast week, doing considerable dam-
age to buildings and fences in this place,
In the surrounding country a good deal
of bush was uprooted besides the unroof-
ing borne, oho„ whiolt is grieving some
of our farmers.
The femoral of the late Wm. Sims, sr.,
tools place of Monday afternoon from the
residcnoe of his son and proceeded to the
Union cemetery for interment, followed.
by a largo number of vohioles and sorrow-
ing friends. On Tuesday afternoon the
funeral of the late Mrs. Wilford, took
o ' rosidauoe and pro.
her son's p
place from p
needed to the Methodist; obucoh whore
the usual burial service was held ill tor
which the roaming wore taken to the
Unions cemetery for interment.
A political club wail formed Monday
night in Toronao to promote the views
expressed by Dalton MoCarthy, M. P.,
on rho Manitoba and Northwest and
tariff questions.
Will secure you a choice of a •'ol-
u me from a well boultd
"Pansy" - Editions
85 Books in the set to select from.
A. fine new stock of Bibles, Hymn
Books, School Boobs, &c.
See the Spenceriall Stu b
Writing Pen.
Big Values for Small Money
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