The Brussels Post, 1893-4-14, Page 5ArRIL 14, 1803 TITE BRUSSELS POST
1=RUNINDASIISIO t ' 118130111aa12MenetixaTwTA,a'&110Nawreleaurezeum211121&'12=7t2X=1,911=1 ZellearaVV1W1=1,11Orrevrtarmrs RSIOe Llte'DSDN.VaW.'KIDeleP411411VAu :erne;erMSNIw DtergeOlOORltosse:^cNRwsaromer.:
NI-lb^8'])auT16•3 lice 1 'l F. Settee, the I 1 8 t
'iJ'" ?;'" ,,,....w1108, el fi,•ns•,,,L1. will ;metal' le thtl
I . t.teorliet there 1 1,1 One 1,1,1,4011ext Ball-
. I day.
Craw n»W
L'caolt. If weather 11E11111nd frNO seeding will A. 11, alnslcov,, ens le attendance at
• the openlne of pltrlilumnu8 1n the new
This weals John Corealitz left for b0 fto,18l thio wett. bu11din40 at Toronto on Tumidity lifter.
R. F. Cameron, of Oranbrook, a stu-
d OnG of linos (loll�'o, Torouto lclt ou
Noopawa, Man.
Andrew Engle left this weak for Monday 114x0 for Regina, N. \V,'1', whereTrusken, California, where he lutends re- g
siding fora time, he hat bnerl 81111 1011011 140 a Missionary
The Colwell meeting on Wednesday of
last week brought; quite a number of
people to annotaook. Scheel allairs wax
the lending topio of discussion,
G, Portio, champion of (lamtda, and
Joo Burk, of thicitgn, aro luatobod,for (1
wrestling context at P018010a next Tues•
day evening, Tho tame are (latch a6.
catoh•oan. Pori'ie agrees to throw Burk
five times in ono hour, wroelliug time.
If 13uvlc throws Peerio 0nee ho winos the
000tost. Puree, $1011.
Miss Watson, of Tenewater, is visiting
her oonxiu, Mrs, Jas. Timmins.
On S:1urday, A h Mgt., harry Bo0mau
while working in the bush got his foot
badly out, A somewhat similar aooident
llappeued to Amex Jowitt on Monday.
Last Sunday .;;nes, the bright little
daughter of W. A. Mo1Swon, teacher,
died, aged $ years and 4 months. The
parents are deeply synlputhi00d with in
their double aftliotion.
Mrs, Owen Hitolloox, rho well-known
temperance teatime, deldvor011 Limo aa.
dresses in the Methodist church this
week, twoy'0 Sunday and one on Mee•
day evening. The 10ctnrea were fairly
well attended. She left on Tuesday
afterneou for Whiteehnroh,
- - 'E41f.tecnt.
What a80118 a foot ball competition
epee to Grey tewuship 2
Quite a lot of sie111eee after the typo of
la grippe, quinsy and the like.
The farmers are buoy with their Spring
work. Some grain lute been put in al-
A little attention t0 our sidewalks
would not bo out of plane. Tile street
crossings )night easily bo improved.
Thorn will be the annonneement of an-
other wedding in this locality in a few
weeks, We will not mention names.
Mr. ]Madden, the shoemaker, did not
remain Im14 in this place. Mr. Hollo-
way still bolds the fort a1(1 at600d8 to
bis 010811 as usual. Leer. Madden return.
ed to Bolgr'ave.
/Yeovil- via
The farmers aro nearly all busy plough-
Mrs. McDonald, who has been laid up
with erysipelas, is on the read to re•
Alex. hurl, who was injured in a
gravel pit some time ago, is, we aro glad
to say, improving.
A serion0 aecid8111 happened to the
P,ev. J. 1-1. Watts on Tuesday morning
of this week. While driving along the
street his horse shied upsetting the
buggy, 8111wi181 111r. Watts out on the
roadside, resulting in the dislocation of
ono of his thumbs and serious injury to
his kidneys. Under good medical Dare
it ie hoped bo will anon be (able to rea0n10
leis pastoral duties. The horse was also
somewhat injured and the buggy was
badly wrecked.
truing the Summer menthe.
Crews. G, 111oQuarrie, of Cape Breton,
line been vioiting hie brother, Daniel
IlloQn0rrie, 1.06)1 tem, He is 011 hie way
to Chicago whore bo will a0diet in the
management of hotel Mertit0be,, which
in in oonite0ti0n with the Manitoba ex-
hibit. It in due Samuel Grigg, the
manager, to state that thio house will
11eve no liquor lieene0.
purr..--Ll15t M0mh1•y the silent clan•
monger Death visited the borne of Peter
MoNoil, 1411, non•, told bookoned away
the spirit of Margaret, his beloved wife.
The 1111100 of death wail that fall destroy-
er--0oneumptiou, the (18000,6(1,1 having
been an invalid for upwards of 0 year.
Mrs. McNeil ivt41 been in Paisley parish,
Iieofrew011lre, Suotlned,- and mane 10
Canada in 1850, She hits a faithful
member of the Presbyterian chti ch and
meet 11141113' esteemed by all who knew
her. The fnuera1 took p11811e on Wednes-
day, interment being made at Oranbroolc
oomotery. Mr. 111uNo11 and his four
motherless 0hik11eil have the sympathy
of the community. IYl.rd. MoNoil was in
her 43rd year,
a wood..
Pedro parties aro the rngo in Atwood.
Elms eyeing show on Thursday of this
Alex. Price, Geo, Hamilton, jr„ Steven
Hamilton, (311130. Buchanan and David
Nichol left on Tuesday of last weeds for
Grand Forks, North Dakota, and Thos.
Mo0ourt for Minneapolis, 11Iinn., where
they will seely their fortnue.
Joseph iMuLennan, Donegal, showed
The Bee a fine panther slain. The ani-
mal was shot by his son John 0., near
Venoouvot•, B. 0. The bide mea00red
nine feet .from tip to tip; the tail is
fully time feet long. The panther is
oredited with jumping 40 feet at a single
bound, and the hunter, however daring,
never cares to meet this animal in his
hunt. The panther belongs to the tiger
family and is considered the most
100101000 of the smaller animals to be
found on this continent. Mr. MoLenoan
values the skin at $100.
taint g()111,.
M,.Donald 13100. are booming 1118 sav-
Dan. Campbell, of Varna, paid this
place a visit on \V0ciu00c10y.
Lewis McDonald purchased the An-
drew Morrison farm last Saturday,, pay-
dng $6,000. There are 130 twee111 the
The funeral of George Boll, 1!111 con.
Mol(illop, tools Plano on We'iii od ty of
this week. IIe wall hired with a Fullar-
ton township farmer and while plowing
fell dead. Ho was only 23 years of age
and wee nniver0ally beloved. heart dis-
0188e 010,0 suppottail to be the clause of his
decease. The interment woe made at
13ritasels cemetery.
HORSE AND °AT't'i o 1,1ra.—T110 last
Ho,'ee and Cattle Fair of the season was
hold at Walton on Wednesday afternoon
of this week and was very successful.
There was a number of cattle, sheep, pigs
and implements sold by auction by Chat+.
Hamilton, auctioneer. Prizes were
awarded as follows ;—Best grade cow,
Chas, McDonald ; best yoke 2 year o11
steers, Wm. Dickson; best fat steer, 2
year old, Win. Dickson and 101. Flan-
; best pair export cattle, 3 years
old, Wan. Diel;sou, Several entire
horses were exhibited by Robt. Adams,
3, 1'. Fisher, Chas. Menzies mild others.
11Ius10.v,a.—The following ate the
mimes of the pupils who took part in the
musicale given hero on Wednesday after-
noon of Inst week in the Foresters'
lI(Il :—Dora I{enny, )Mary Querehgosser,
Tillie Spoiran, Swaim Harris, (lino Dun-
das, Lnoy Sholdiae, Marian Higgins,
Edith Donnixnu, Georgia Smith, Belle
Telfor, Dora McAllister, Huey Dennison,
Phoebe Rowe, Dolly Pollard, Lizzie
Smith, Willie Neal, lfmina Pollard, Liz-
zie Hislop, hate Ewen, gaggle Doulcla0,
Lizzie Kirkby, Frankie Neal, Alice Hol.
land, Mary Gardiner, Ella Blueraviu,
Sarah Searle, Willie Ottowell. Ten
More wore expected to eoutribute selec-
tions but were unable to be present. 3118.
Hawkins has a splendid class here and
we heartily approve of his method of
bringing out his pupils at these (porter-
ly recitals.
MAToux000:IL.—On Wednesday, April
0111, the home of Mrs. A. Simpson was
the scene of one of those pleasanb events
that oveeybody enjoys, being the mar.
riage of her seemed daughter, Miss Mary,
so woll and favorably known in the town
of Seaford'', to W. H. Deem, of said
town. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. D. Forrest, of Walton, and wee
witnessed by a number of the relatives of
the 000888ctin4 parties. The bide was
assisted by her sister, Miss Annie Simp•
son, while the groom was assisted by his
brother, A. Demo. The large number of
costly and useful wedding gifts presented
was ample proof of the esteem in which
the young couple is held by the relatives
and friends. After the ceremony all eat
11313"tih. down to a repast, and judging from the
Spring housecleaning seems to bo the way the good things disappeared and
Older of businesein Blyth. considering the ahem time after break -
S. Gilley, our knight of tine scissors fast (it being only 0;30 mn m,) the conk
is visiting at Detroit these days.
Will Situs, blaokomibh, is still serious-
ly ill with very little improvement.
John Denholm shipped several more
carloads of pressed hay from Londes-
bore' st18t)ou the past week.
John McMillan has opened out a store
adjoining his old stand on Diosloy street
for the purpose of buying butter and
Charley Hamilton, who has been
carrying on a jewelry store in town fur
several months, has given up business
and returned to llarriston.
Samuel Either, w1,o has been confined
to the house the past five weeks with a
broken log, is able to appear on the streets
daily with the aid Of orntclles.
W. Watson, of the Mansion hotol, bay-
ing sold out some time ago to Mr. Mo.
Donald, near Walton, has given 0p
possession and Moved to 140001111.
A meeting of threeintereetad in 1180800-
01' W18'( hold ill 1110 undertaking shop of
Corny( Brae., on Monday averring. Che
foldowiug oflioers wore 0)8clted ;—Ilon.
Pros., W, Vauxion° ; Vide -Prep„ .1, 3,
0,110111 • gle). 1i n,., T. 13. (] lt'uyu 1 L'in.
Seo., IV. Hartley artley frees., Jas. 11,
C1lrishelm ; Cap., tomtits 1)ineloy.
A social 1Y148 given by the Chrlstlan
Endeavor Sooioty of St. Paul's oburoh,
at the 8esideu00 of Win. Cornyu, on Mon-
day evening. Rev. 11. W. 1luulue0 and
wife were pr00ont8d with two beautiful
rookie; 0hairn by the member1 of the
8001111 y. Mrs. thighs IMO been viae•
praoidont of the (moiety ever 0inee it was
1''.1'1'.11, Aeetnes•r,-4. sad aeokie» t hap.
pane,) between \Vlugham and Wroxeter
110 Thursday of In,et week by wrier Ale;:.
Gerdroll, of 1.towiok, lost his life. Ilio
10x(0 calve home without him. Sea1011
woe 181111, whe11 he wta0 found lying dead
a short threauc0 Limen hie own home. It
Is not 81101211 )villa M311,0d 111.1 death but
it i( supposed the 110100 Molted him as
there wore deep gasbag in hie head. The
funeral 800)8 place 00 (411114 ty• aha was
largely attended, the pro0o0alon being
over it mile long. 100 Foresters were in
attendance. The deumn-ed 3011.0 46 yeare
of age. Dooeltsed's father, David G0111•
mill, one of the piouter settlers of Turn.
berey,had been buried jest one week be•
fore this additional aceid0ut betel the
Mourning family.
The road8 are drying up.
A considerable quantity of maple
sugar and syrup was made last weolt,
The Easter holidays aro mor and
students a1(1 others have settled clown to
hard work again.
Ed. Hill, teacher, 11888 purchased a
safety bioyclo and will use it in his trips
to and from hie school.
Wm. M0Qni88rie was home from bin
Harri0ton high sohool for his Easter
holidays. 11e returned on '1'neatl(y.
The young people of Roo'( 011nra10 are
boomieg an autograph quilt. Prooeed8
will go toward 0huroh repairs and im.
Mrs, John Jones wag &Algerourily i11
with 00nge0tf0n of the lungs but the
crisis )sag passed and she fa improving
nicely we are pleased to state.
John Ellie, who las boon home for
several months roeoverhlg from a serious
burning (10Oide111, left 11118 week for the
West where he has a situation awaiting
Consideeablo real estate has changed
hands during the past dew months at
prions which were very satisfactory.
Cur ria11 toil is the drawing card. There
are yob a number of good farms in the
deserves more then a little credit. Tho
newly married couple, with some of the
younger and n0i0er guests, drove to
]iruesels where air. and airs. Deem took
the train for Toronto whore they purpose
spending some time 11010,0 returning to
their home in Brantford. We all jnin in
wi011ing the young couple health and
prosperity in their married life.
)Llso1,o we col.
Spring Show takes place on P81tlay,
1181, inst.
Some cruet hearted wretch entered 11r,
Lamonb,s cow stable and hooked off the
cow's tel.
G. S. Towler, of the town, is in the
list of tino,e who passed their 110111 ex.
amination in Dentistry.
Rev. E. 13, Lanoeley, of Riclgetown,
London Conference, preached missionary
sermons in the Methodist ehnr011 on
The Winter session of the Mechanics'
Institute will close on the 1.4th inst.,
Friday 1(1411', with an addreee by the
Rev. J. A... Hodson, 13. A., on the subject
J. \V. Moyers, miller, was in Simooe
last weak attending the Norfolk Assizes,
haying been summoned a0 a witness in
an eleetr10 light snit. The case was held
over till the Fall.
Kidd Bros. have decided to send Oliver
Wilkes to the World's Fair at Chicago,
this horse having beou seloe:ed to re•
present his oha0s in Canada., as noted a
couple of weeks ago.
The R. T. of T, council hero have been
fortunate enough to 00oure the Barrim80
of the now unite o debratecl Emerald
Prohibition w n•ke80, Their: meetings
will begin in the Towyn Ilall on Sunday
afternu011, 23rd inst.
William Crowe, of the township of
13utlei;'h, eo nn'• "1' I etl tbnlu', recently
paid a yieit r., hi•, sfeter, 11 F. 9ie '
Onteheou, ere ft is about lee }
he 11310 'p in 1111e locality b„f,i.. 8116.
Crowe le the owner of 1,200 tierce( a laud
in the (hove mauled town:hip,
111-xxN's ALTA la. --Orr Tuesday evening
of )hie wook Cupid 19011 9. violnry at the
residents) of Joseph Sellars, lot line, 11
110,1 been n Duan of Jucub and Rachel of
olden time but by the aid of Rev. J. W.
P1i114, of 11)uevalo, the Londe of wedlock
were happily consummated a1') John
Bauman, of ].gat Portage, 01,10st sen of
14-10ard Bosman, 0, 191(11 known resident
of this township, and 11i0s Laura, the
amiable (laughter of the host, became
hn0band and wife, The bride was very
becomingly attired in a fawn dross, trim•
mei with silk lane. Judging by the
quantity and the quality of the wedding
presents the popularity of the 0ontra06.
log portion ie 1101 011 the wane, 1lrs.
Bosnian has made her10lf very populer
in this 100m11y by 11er. 1viB11100ees to aid
every good work and her line soprano
voice will be greatly missed in the sew'
viva of prairie and song. The evening
wee very enjoyably spent by the mete
tarter an elaborate spread had hese par.
taken of lo alio dining room. Blr, Iios.
man Is in the employ of the Cauade,
Peelle Railway and has been in the
West for the past Ii years. IIe and his
bride will leave for Rat Portage on Mon•
dray of next week, If good wiobes and
congratulations will bring the happy
0ouule p80440rily they should enerecd mi-
l -nimbly. Tun POST hopes 411018 1ntn10
will bo one of happiness.
l3o1ger ewe.
D. Geddes in having hie tailor ebop
thoroughly renovated.
Geo. Welsh has engaged to work with
John Clegg this summer,
E. Livingston fe «hipping a 131640
quantity of maple blooks to the old
Mies Maggie Bonnett left on Thursday
to spend a few weeks with her sister at
Miss Frank Clegg, of Wingham, spent
Easton: holidays with her sister, Miss
H. Gladden bas returned to town and
will resume shoemaking iu the shop
whi111 he formerly occupied.
Sogo.r•making has been booming the
past week dud a great cleat of maple
syrup has been marl:el ect Imre.
Wan. Russell is about to return to
Duluth, )Minn., where be has secured a
position with a transportation company.
Alfred Russell, of Clinton Collegiate
Institute, spent Easter holidays at home
and treated the young people to a taffy
pull, at which an enjoyable time wits
It seems as though dancing is about
to play out in this section for at the
last dancing party two of the young men
who most enjoy this exercise took to
nursing and seemed to enjoy themselves
la...ten 003.
Bicyoling promises to bo a popular
sport in 1,Ving11an1 this 00100013.
Rev. E. W. Hughes removed to Mellow
hold of labor --Adelaide parish—this
Over 200 new books aro being put 011
the shelves of the Msuhanlos' Institute
John Elder has disposed of his inter.
est in the oatmeal m111 to hie partner,
Wm. Clegg.
The Fire Brigade ie malting exten-
sive preparations to 4ive a grand pro.
gram of sports, eto. on May 24th.
On aeconnt of an error in his aneaa-
mont, E. C. Clarke ins resigned his
Bent as 000011llu8 for No. 4 ward.
Mr. MoI(onzie intimated to the council
last week that melees certain members
disclaimed. their seats instantly 11e would
take action against 111011.
It i0 said that the members of the
Wiugham Presbyterian ohuroh will raise
the annual mm106081al stipend to $2,000,
and will endeavor to 00mm•e the hest man
obtainable for that anoint of money.
4. 13. erga0ou, town olork, has re;
turned from his trip to the Lower Prov-
inces. While away he visited Halifax,
N. S., St. 3ohn0, N. 13„ and a number of
Mailer please in both provinces, a0 well
as Montreal and other points in Qtleheo.
Ilia health, nvhioln had boon indifferent
for some tilno, was greatly improved by
his trip,
The following were cleated Directors
of the Temperance Hall for the ensiling
year t—Dr. Chisholm, R. Anderson, A.
Dawson, 1Z. 13111086, D. Sutherland. At
a mooting of the Directors, held just after
the shareholders' meeting adjourned,
Dr, Ohisholm was elected President ; A.
Dawson, Vioc-Prosldont ; A, 10, Smith,
Treasurer 1 B. Elliott, Soorotary,
Is'A (or a•i k'..
John Ga841108 and sisters S01dayed at
Geo. Johnston's.
Mrs. John Johnston, of the 2nd eon„
is very i11 at present.
JO00ph Curtis, of the let 0011„ is at
present seriously ill with the mumps.
Misses Hattie and Mary Delmage, of
Newbridge, abs visiting at John Mc•
alias Martha Stroud, of Luoknow, is
at present stopping with her sister, Mrs.
30110 Johnston,
\Volker Ard, who is attending 11111610•
1013 High wheel, spout his Easter holi-
days under tete parental roof.
Mao, Johnston, of Essex, has beim
visiting relatives and fr100d0 on the 1st
and 2nd 00us. for the last week or so,
!Ponders are asked for dig4ieg out
foundation and building stone 11!311 ter•
der the Methodist church al Stmehin8.
Jas. and John M0Arter, of the 7111 line,
one day lest W8011 sawed up for Colin
McArthur 12 curds of hardwood in 0t
In 11110 14000 of Tina Peso' Condors aro
asked for the brick veneering of BOa-
(11a1VO church, The material will bo
supplied by the truetoos,
W. J. Johnston has been appointed
arbitrator for this township in 0001100•
Hon with the question of forlmiug a union
school 00u1ion at Belg6ave.
The high water lies clone 00118iderabl0
damage in the township of Morris this
Spring. Two bridges have been badly
injured and a number of fences swept
ggio Port'os4, oldest 1100411608 of Alex.
Foeees1, of the 2nd eon„ is at primed
very siok with inflammation of tho lungs.
Her many friends wish hot a speedy re.
Robt. Smillie, who is attending the
High school at liarri01on, spent his
13a010r holidays with his parents on the
181 eon, Ho is studying for a 1st Class
John Forrest, who has resided at
Jamestown for the loot few years, has
sold out hie dwelling house and black.
sn11t11 shop and purposes leaving these
parts. He and hie family will bo greatly
missed as they 19000 well thought of in
this nsighbothaod.
ov,,, t
1918 .ete e."4111.glieeg.lis-X•IVONISZiti[Ctietn iletal .+attOa”-':x~t'A•,LTGC
We have as Lama -'qac , f
SAY PANS, &c.,
.. r .t. r e.t i -n , K
All made of Fir st class ataL
Roofllg and flay@ Troughing Attended tlia
0.•, K[�•i�, \<
For the .Easiest, Most Stylish and Best Riding Cart
in the Market go to J. Wynn's. ft will surprise you.
If you want a arst•class Wagon, Carriage or Buggy, go to 3. Wyn11. You will get
what 11e tells you every time and the one great fact tliat his work has been
before the People in this country for the past 32 Years, and to-diry
stands at the head speaks for itself.
1 tell you Right here it takes more than a puffin TIRE POST to knock h'h)1 out.
MUalaaeag Lawns and abicidery,
LACE OUBTlP INS and. ART C17� M twin ILI(9 ,
Men's Heavy Shoes, a big Stock,
ens' Hats Stiff and Soft, all the Newest Shapes,
Inspection Invited,
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.