The Brussels Post, 1893-3-24, Page 99t7PPIEJ]VE ET pro IIE SPOST ]xl trizt Sats. to towe1. Mrs, Jennie hunt, a member of Knox church, left Listowel the other morning es a missionary under Bishop Taylor, for Liberia, Western Africa. She ie a daughter of Jas,.McAllister, of Wallace. Her sister, Miss Agnes McAllister, has been for the past four years a laborer in the same mission field. Belarave. Mrs. Tuffts, of Belgrave, has rented a large house in Chioago, and will shortly go there to look after it. The house is only two miles from the World's Fair buildings, and will be fitted up as a boarding house, where no doubt, many Horonians will find the accommodation they need during their visit to the fair. She has taken a lease of the house till the first of November. If we were to mention the rent that she is to pay it would startle the people hers. X.A tt els.ssovc . The Bruce spring assizes will open in Walkerton on Monday 27111 Met. A sow belonging to James Jobnaton, of Derby township hart given birth to 42 healthy little pigs, John G. Murdoch has purohe,sed the large atone residence on Ross street in this village from W. U. Little. The Bank of Hamilton and George Moir & Co., of Lncknow, will receive American silver ata discount of 20 per cent, and American silver oertieates at a dieoount of 10 per cent, Pete McKenzie and Bob .tvIeGuire sawed 10 cords of hardwood in 6 hours for Thos. Todd, and say they can do a good deal better. They are open for challenges in that line from Dungannon or any other burg. Clinton. The News•Reoord intimates that it may put in a gas engine. The Clinton Organ Co., are putting in some new machinery to facilitate their work. A. M. Todd was attending the meet- ing of the Orange Grand Lodge, at Orangeville. It is reported that Mr. Watson, former. ly of the Oommeroial, has rented the Manchester hotel, E. Floody, formerly of town, was an aspirant for the office of Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario. One day recently just as a small boy was passing Stevenson's furniture store, the strong wind blew him against the window, smashing a large pane. Dr. Gibson went to Montreal last week to oonfer with the officials of the O. P, R. concerning the appointment of medi. cal superintendent at Ohaplean, whioh the company lute given him. Seatorth. Rev. Mr. Barr, who gob his hand hurt a short time ago, is recovering. Henry Jackson, of Hgmondville, has purchased a lot on the south side of the railway track near Coleman's offioe, and intends erecting thereon a large briok building to be used as a warehouse. We understand that Andrew Calder, the veteran photographer, who has carried on business in this town during the past eighteen years has sold out to Wm. D. Trott, of Ridgetown, and will in future devote his whole time and at• tension to the cultivation of his excellent farm in the township of Mailiop. The Autotnatio Telephone Company's • general agent, Mr. Oulvsrwell, has been in Seaforth again the last few days and has now a large numbev of subscribers to the Automatic Telephone system in Seaforth. As soon se a few more sub- soribers are obtained work will be oom- menced. The Seaforth Collegiate Institute foot. ball club have re.organizsd with the fol- lowing oflioers :—Hon. President, 0. Clarkson, 13. A. ; President, W. Prend. ergast, B. A. ; Vioe.President, 3, Minns, M. A. Seo. Treas,, .3, A, Jackson. Coremibtes-3, J. Clonnan, J. MoTinley, T. 1T. Brownlee. They intend to go in for the Hough Oup, now held by Galt Collegiate Institute. On Wednesday afternoon of last week a quiet but pleasant event transpired at the residence of J. H. Broadfoot, of bhie town, It was the marriage of his eldest daughter, Mies Maggio, to James Pringle, of Chicago, formerly of Seaforth. In the person of Miss Broadfoot, Mr, Pringle has secured for his bride cue of our most estimable and highly respeoted young ladies and we oongratulabe him on hie choice. The bertitauuy was perform. ed by the Rev. A. D, McDonald, D. D., in the presence of the family and a few intimate friends. Tho bride was the re- cipient of numerous valuable gifts from her many friends on town and elsewhere. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Chicago, their Inture home, followed by the best wishes of their hosts of Mende for their future happiness and prosperity. --[son, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, MARCH, 24, 1893, .E .t wood. W. Bell intends moving to his farm this Spring, Geo. Wbitfielp, 12th oon,, Grey, spent Sunday on Sawdust St., Atwood. C. Stuart has gone to Walkerton where he has a situation with Mr. Currie. Mime Love and Loahead returned to their homes in Atwood last week, after spending a few days with friends in plthel and Brussels, Miss Love goes to Walkerton ehortly where she has a position. Wroxeter. A Spring show will he hold here next month. The school children gave a successful concert last Friday evening. Wroxeter is getting in much better shape than for years, in connection with her iuduebriee, The Royal Tramplers of Temperance have been pushing work in Wroxeter. They have a good Council. Jno. Sanders and Ab. Panlin attended the carnival at Brussels last Friday even- ing. The former gave an exhibition of fancy figure skating. 1Vtoleswortin . Araby Aebton, formerly tailor of this place, has returned to Gorrie after spend. ing the Winter in Kansas city for the benefit of hie health, but the change has not improved his trouble, (namely con- sumption,) and from which he is very low at present. The sad news of James Campbell's death was received by friends here some days ago. He was a son of A. G. Camp- bell and brother of John and Alexander Campbell and Mrs. Wm. Brown. He went to Manitoba some twelve or thirteen years ago, settling near Sunnyside for a short time, afterwards moving West to Neepawa, where he died. He leaves a wife and large family in favorable air- eumstanoee. Some three weelre ago he fell on a pin of the wood rack of his sleigh, hurting his breast, which is believed to be the cause of his death. Gorrie. Mrs. H. Days, of Luoknow, is visiting here with friends. W. J. Grier attended the Grand Lodge, L. 0. L., at Orangeville, last week. On the 6th fust. Henry Perkins and wife celebrated the 30th anniversary of their marriage. T. B. Boddy has removed from the place he occupied on oon. 6, Howiek, and taken up his abode once more in Gorrie, He has been appointed sexton of the Methodist church. Dr. Armstrong. of Bruoefield, is visit- ing bis brother, J. Armstrong, V. S., and other friends. The Dr. has recently re. turned, after spending the Winter in the New York hospitals, for improvement in bis profession. The District Grange meeting was held here on Tuesday of last week. The at- tendance was not large. They seem to have ont•lived their usefulness and the Patrons have usurped their field of labor and left them nothing to do. A meeting was held in the Presby. terian church on Tuesday afternoon of last week by the united congregations of Fordwioh and Gorrie for the purpose of seleoting a minister. Three names were brought before the meeting, with the following result :—Rev. D, Hamilton, 6 votes ; Rev. Mr. Currey, 17 votes ; Rev. Mr. Haige, 20 votes. Mr. Hamilton be- ing left out and a second vote being taken, Mr. Haige received 24 votes and Mr. Currey 23. No further bnsiuees was done and on motion the meeting adjourn. ed to meet soma Were day, at the call of too Moderator. fxoclo rielx, Over a dozen tramps were doing the town last week. St, Peter's church held a Sb. Patrick's concert on Friday. Rev, Mr. Howell will preach to the nailore and fishermen on Sunday, 26th inst. S. P. Halts left on Tuesday of last weak for Walkerton, where he has seamed a position as teacher. Ptsst Councillor Joseph Beek, of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, was in Berlin last week representing Goderich council at the grand aonnofl meeting, Judge Galt gave judgment on the np• peal of the defendant in Senior vs, Mo, Gtlliauddy, sustaining the ruling of Judge Toms in distnissing the defon- dant's motion to compel the plaintiff to give security for costs, The appeal was dismissed with mete to the plff. in any event. The following wag the Grano Jury impanelled :—Robert icing, foreman, Tames Boulaver, Geo. A. Cooper, Robt. Dewar, Geo. /leery, Peter Hastings, Thomas Jarvis, James Lane, Alex. Mo. Murchy, Samuel Snell, jr., W. D, Van Esmond, Jame 'Young, Thos. Bell, Wil- liam Clark, Jacob Banter, Jphn flask. ings, John Irvine, Alex. J. Littlejohn, Andrew Murray, Jas. Redmond, James Tierney, Wm. Vancnmp, THEE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IM CANADA. Reduced Prices —FOR— liotograp S erry's BRUSSELS. Cabinet Photos. $15O PER DOZ. Our Best Finished Cabinet Photos, only $1.50 per doz. until further notice. Gallery in Smith Block C. E. PERRY. For Particulars ABOUT THE Settlers' Trains TO MANITOBA AND THE NORTH-WEST Send to your nearest atailroad Agent and obtain a copy of ,.Free ragtSeFarrps" J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Sprin ods Jllst Received, Dross Goods, Prints, Lawns, Muslins, Embroidery, Laces and Lace Curtains, Cottons, Cotton - axles, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Cretonnes, `Dowelling incl a job lino of Dress Goods at 5c. My Stock of Groceries is com- plete. My Black and Japan Tea at 25c. is the best in Town. Duro Coffee, pure Spices. First.cIass Canned Goods at the following prices :-3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. ; 3 Cans Corn, 25c, ; 3 Cans Peas, 25o. ; 3 Cans Pumpkins, 25o. J. G 5E'. STL CLOSED ON MARCH 25th, 1893, NOTICE is hereby given that the Liquidation Sale at Geo. Good's Store, Brussels, closes on March 25th. BOOTS 6Z SHOES_ During the remaining few days every effort will be made to clear out the balance of the stock. There are still hundreds of pairs of Boots and Shoes suitable for Spring and Summer wear, all of which will be sold without regard to profit, while' no reasonable offer will be refused for the balance of the heavier Winter Goods. LADIES.—Read our hand bills and note our prices for Fine Buttoned, Laced and Oxford Shoes. GENTS.—You should see our hand bills and note our prices for Fine Laced Boots and Gaiters. Everybody will want Rubbers during this wet weather. You can buy them Cheaper here than elsewhere, but remember only until March 25th. Some Fine Trunks and Valises also to sell. Remember the place, - Geo. Good's Store. J. R. GREGORY, Liquidator. There is no Doubt About it If your feet are wet you must have on au inferior class of Boots or else they are getting the Worse of the wear. A SURE CURE. Come in and get a pair of our BEST BOOTS OR SHOES. All Sizes and Kinds, Every Pair Warranted. Alex. Strachan. Boots &Slim for S Trade The attention of the Public is invited to our well assorted stooii of Boots and Shoes.. To Look 'Well Is more the result of good judgment and taste than mere lavish use of money. My stook of Boots & Shoes Is adapted to fill the wants of those who having slender incomes, still desire to snake their appearance oraditable. My experience and oloso relations with manufaotarers enables me to present a line of raOTWr1a.R Unequalled in the county for style, goal. ity and prioe. HOW IS IT THAT TIIP DOWNING Shoe Store Is Selling so many Boots 0 Shoes 1st.—Because they buy from the best manufacturers. Dad—Bemuse they are satisfied with small profits. 3rd—Beoattse their customers get sat. lettingen. 411i—Because they won't sell you shod- dy goods. 6th--Beoattse they sell so cheap. Buy ua and give ustrial. your next pair trBootsor Shoes from Special Attention given to Custom Work. Don't Mistake the place but go direct to JOHN DOWNING, LAIRD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. ,RIPS S1WED FREE OP CHARGE.