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The Brussels Post, 1892-12-16, Page 6
THE ]3RUSSELS POST DEci. 16, 1892 weary= so +ata,,..,mauwaza 00., wx l;ucenfcemi a nnoraeamana"ct±s u t? _. + n- tll.�af1`1•.Ct ,, etv5. JCnlatluio"Ititi'. Frank Cain bas purchased Irons To- ronto a flue thoroughbred bull pup of the terrier species. Kenneth Mckenzie, the eon of William 111o1Cenzie, of this village, was killed on an eleatrio car in Montana. A Morosee concert will take place in the village in the near future in the inter• est of the Sepoy Lacrosse Club. The Luoknow harmonica Olub, corn. posed of four mouth organs, one triangle, the bones and a first class organist, he coming to the front, Grand Secretary J. B. Kings, of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, of On• tario, instituted a lodge of the Rebecca Degree in the Oddfellow's hall here last Friday evening. At the lmblie meeting of the oitizens in the Town Hall a motion was unanimous. ly passed endorsing the notion' of the vil- lage council in defending the snit at law of Roe vs, Luoknow, for injuries to a stallion owned by the plaintiff. The ao• aident took place last June. The trial name off et the County Courtin Ooderioh on Tuesday, lath inst. over -s ie a. G. Elliot, n lawyer, from Exeter, has opened en office in town for the penatiae of his profession. During last week two car loads of grain, one of dressed hogs, one of live stools and cue of Deux for Quebec, were shipped from thio station. At the lana regular meeting of the R. T. of T,, the following otlicere were elect- ed :-3. C., Bro. Watters ; P. C., Bro. Hepinstall ; V. C., Sis. Hoovey ; F. S., ' , ; R. 5. Bro, Brads n• IlR • M Lau h t Bro. c Herald, Bro Hooy ; Guard, Sin. Wig- gins ; Treas., Sts. Braden ; Sentinel, Bro. Cook ; Chap., Bro. Hinter. The following officers were elected at the last regular ,meeting of Fordwieb L. 0. L., No. 042 :-W. M. John H. John. sten ; D. M., Wm. McKee ; Ohap., ltobt. Mahood ; R. S. Thos. Goggin ; F. S„ Wm. Carter ; Treas., Arthur Spotton ; D. of 0., 13. S. Cook ; Lecturer, Dr. Spence, Saml. Braden ; Committee, W. A. Edwards, Elias Spring, Jno. Corbett, W. H. Newton, I. J. Barnett ; Tyler, John Fields, Win. Mee ; P. M., John Donaghy ; Lodge Pbysician, Dr. Spence. Olintoxa. Reeve Manning will not be a candidate for next year. There is talk of a billiard room being started in town. The ratepayers will likely vote on a Cow Bylaw at New Years. The Moistens Bank has put in ten in. candescent electric lights, and Dr. Turn. bull is lighting his office by the same method. It is intended to commence special religious services in Rattenbery street church, about the beet of the new year. The pastor will bo assisted by Rev. C. E, Staffer:I, of Toronto. Ibe amount subscribed towards the purebaee of a pipe organ for Rattenbury, street ahurob is now about $1,100, and it is altogether likely that au order will be planed for an organ in a few days ; it is w more than 1 800 or H intended to pay,� not t, ?1.500 for an instrument The following officers wore elooted in 1 Thorn Is a movement for oonatruotini; commotion with llritaimia Lodge :--P, a tunnel from Now York to Brooklyn, at M. Dr. Brune Smith ; W. M., Rev, J, an eetiiate expense of $2,000,000, Pte. W. Hodgins ; S. W., A. Ross ; J, W., liminary borings heve already been made, J. Reid ; S., J. 0. Rore ; T., L. G. Van at an expense of 1 0,000, and 11 ie expoob. Egmond t 0., R. N. 3rott ; S. D., le, B, ed that work will be oommeueed in Soott ; 3. 11„ Dr. Campbell ; S. S., R. earnest within a year or two. An Mercer ; J. S., Geo, Ewing ; I. G„ 11, English engineer, named Jacobs, has had Scarlett ; 0., Jos. Scott ; D. of 0., A. charge of the sonedhtge which have been Slintnton ; T„ Geo, Patterson ; 3., F. made, and be pronounced tho work G. Noelin and Julius Dunce,, entirely praatioable, So intimately are those two cities connected together that Groll•rie. snob a ready oommunieatiou would prove The Foresters hold a eonoort on Janu. of great advantage to both. Austin Cor cry 0th. bin, president of the Long Island rail - The bell is in position 'now in the new road is the leader m the movement. Methodist church. The story comes from Noblervilie, Church opening in connection with the Ind. f-•-IIenty Jackson's two children, new Methodist ohuroh on Christmas day. Charlie n{te lthel,transevenlctaug thefour milkofyears Driving sheds will be built in counee. old, a cow wh.died ch was bitten by a mach dog tion with tho Pcesbytorinn and English five months ago. The cow died iu con. churches. vole'.' a few days ago. Shortly attar Eight lambs belonging to Alex. Mille', wards the few were taken ill ander 5th con., Howlett, died from the effects, 16 is supposed, of eating frozen turnips. Miss Whitfield, a returned African Missionary, delivered an address in this village on Thursday evening of last week. The contest for the Reeveship of How- iok Township may be between B. S. Cook, of Fordwioh, and A, Dnlmage, of Lake. let. They are both well known men. The following officers were elected at the meeting of the Gerrie Orange Lodge : W. M. W. J. Greer ; D, M., W. J. Per. Ides ; 'Chap., Rev. W. F. Brownlee ; R. S., W. G. Stroug ; F. S., Jas. Perkins ; Treas., J. A. Strong ; Lect., Henry Hard- ing ; D. of C„ B. Scott ; Committee, Geo. Walker, Jae. Elliott, Thos, Nash, Robt, Stinson, Wm. Andison, N�Yx•oxe.Cel'• Mr. Cameron and family, of the Durham. ' 1 have left the town for t Centra a Preparations are being made for the opening of the naw Presbyterian ohuroh on Christmas day and the following Monday. The following officers were elected in connection with the Royal Tempters of this place:-Rec.-Secretary, Brent liazle. wood ; Vice -Councillor, Miss Jennie Al- len ; Treasurer, Miss Jennie Glbsou ; Chalain, Alex, McMaster ; I. G„ Alex. Munro ; Sehtinel, Allen Bong ; Herald, John Gibson ; Select Connoillor, John Fox. Some time ago a valueble two•year old Dolt belonging to Thos. Evans, while trying to jump a picket fence, got staked, one picket running into it on the inside of the fore leg passing upwards and for- ward in its breast. Mr. Evans at once summoned R. II. Fortune, who after two hours hard work removed the obstruction which measured 18 inches long and five iuuhes iu airoumference at the bottom end and tapering to a point dt the other and was broken cif three inches from the surface of the wound. After the picket bad been removed the wound Nas probed and measured 10 inches deep. Bileceter, The skating rink since the collapse is undergoing repairs and will be fitted up for the winter as an ice rink. Robt. Cooper and John Glavin, charged with burglnry at Shipka, have been dis- charged on suspended sentence. 51,800 has been subscribed on the now list toward, the erection of the new grist mill. $2,000 is the ret uired amount. i A. telegram in the daf;ies announce the The insolvent Bis.ett estate has bean fatal shoaling of It Mrs. Storey, at weed no and will pay 131 coots of the dollar, Not near as much at tuns antici- 1 pated. naiei A. J. Snell a::d W. Julius while out sporting canto across a large owl, meas. Wring over four feet from tip to tip. It EMS currying a mink trap on its foot which apparently Karl been there for some title. Jas. Gonld met with a painful accident, He was engaged in winding up a carcass of beet on the premises of Wesley Snell, Stephen, when by some means the handle slipped from his grasp and cane bank with terrible fovea, striking him on the nose and breaking il. At the annual meeting of the Exeter Fire Company No. 2, the following ofli- sere were elected for the ensuing year :- Jas. Weeks, Capt. ; Silas Hanford, let Lieut. ; Rioh. Farmer, 2nd Lieut. ; D. Spencer, Seo.-Treas.; John Randle, 1st Branchmen ; Eli Snell, 2nd Branehman ; Goo. Hill, Foreman of Hose ; Ed. Treble, asst. Foreman of Hose. At the regular convocation of the "loyal Arch Chapter, No. 85, the following offi- cers were elooted :- E. Com. M. littoral t, let Principal 11. H. Oo:line 2nd t' S. Sweet 3rd G. A. K. MoLsocl, Soribe E. ' 33. S. O'Neil " N. " Wm. Lovett P. S. Seattle, by a man she refused to marry. h is 7ougl,ter of Rev. It is saidthats a al -last r of St. eft:, John.l;an, o tamer pastor Paul's church, Clinton. She Leaves three children, the youngest a girl, about nine. The man who shot her, killed himself a'-ao. Godes rich, Angus Matheson, who was injured in lifting a bag of flour at the Big 11Ii11 recently, is recovering. De!�ntyregistrer Dickson hes been quite indisposed for a week, but is now able to attend to business again. Janes isleKgy and sister, hiss McKay, will shortly tape a trip to Florida to spend a portion of the winter months. Dr. Clarice, V. S., is experiencing the effects of a broken rib which he sustained by a horse crushing him during an riper. Mien. The evangelists, Revile, Messrs. Oros. slay and Hooter, are expected to oom- menee services here on Chri-turas Day, Sunday, Deo. 25th. The General Sessions of the Peace were held here on Monday, His Honor Judge Doyle presiding. The :Allender was a very light one. There are now 183 pupils attending Goderieh Collsgiete Institute, and the trustees are looking for a sixth teacher to enable the staff to keep up with the work. John Ford, claiming to be recently from Liverpool, and John Kenley, from WOodatomlt, two viterattts, were Pent to jail for 00 days by Meyer Butler, They are both pure tr'imps. Jas. A. Molutosh, of ''Vest-st„ received a very curious prey nt from a friend in Seattle, VVaah., in tho form of a scrap book containing as etmpl••s, leaves of all the different shrubs and plants of that district. 5 4e.et t,nrtl An office for the oanvenianee of the wheat buyers has been ereuted near the railway track. The xet,forth Quartette Club has tn. organize.' for the •e soiewith W. Beattie, Chap. Willis; Fred. Clarkson and H. Caml.hell as members. An the funds of the band are nearly exhausted they will endeavor to t•oplen. ish th it Freese' y by giving a grand o•n,. cert eons:dime in the neer future A Dub.ttiug Society has been organized unrb r favorable auspices. Th., following is the list of office's elected t -President, W. Pre,'lcrgreot, 13. e. ; Vice•Pres„ M. Morris ; Sec. -Tr, as , 13. 13eattio ; Coon. eillor-, Jas. Watson, C. Sperling, James Klltaras John Living torn. The R. T. of T. sleeted their officers fir the ensiling half ye;u' as follows ;•— James Beattie, S. 0. ; Edith Cash, V. 0,; It. Haxby, P. C. ; Sister Hite, C. ; II. Dickman, R. S, ; 11. Young, F S. ; S. Trott, T. ; J. Doyee, h, ; 20, Daly, G. ; S, Brodie, S. At the 1901 reghler mooting of L. 0. L. No, 825, Seaferth, the following of fere were cleated for the eusning vest;—W, 31„ J. Bcintnell ; W. D, 143`., 13 . Smite ; chap., Jos, Bell ; It. Seo., Peter &nalCty ; F. fi., J. Brunner ; Len., 11. Smith ; Ist !'s evict -at IV evvrel. At Winnipeg it young Englishman paid $2 to a pawnbroker for an old gun and on cleaning it found 5100 in the barrel. A wildcat jurn.,ed through an open window of the Hamburg, Cams., school house just as the school visite' had finished the examination of one of the olassee• At eight of the animal the children ran eoreaming to o corner of the room and huddled together on top of thec eks. The school isitor, a man le V 1 r 111 1 well a ou,, n years, ole ,ed upon the teacher's dealt. and called fur the leacher to do the soma. Miss Griswold, the te,cher, was too pluolty to do that. She -toed near the stove std grabbing the pekoe foug;�1 with the animal. During the m,'lee e. dog came in and was van• :visited by the eat. The wild beast attached the sobool visitor but the little sobool mistress Dame to hie rescue and together they flintily dispatched the vicious animal. The penny.in•the•elot machine ]las been adapted to the use of rho elephants at the Manchester ZOO. When a visitor gives an elephant n penny the animal d•ops it in a slot and gots n biscuit. There is no use to try to deceive the anima] with half pennies. Those do. epieed coins are always flung in the face of the giver, The other clay a visitor gave the baby elephant a number of half ponteea in succession. All were thrown bank, Then two half putties were given to the animal at the same time The oreeture's demeanor charged. For more than five minutes he held rho two coins in his thunk rubbing them together, and seeming to be poidering deeply. At last it dropped the two halfpence in the box together, with the result that the Dom• bined weight gave him the desired blip Com„ J. Pinkney 1 2nd Com,, A. L. chit, at which he gambolled about in a 13011 ; 3rd Com., 0, Walker ; 4th Cont., I tnalnor which exhibited extravagant de. S. It lot a ; 9th Con., T. Pinkney. light. 1, 11 9 A RE SOLUTION. . HECOQ .'SBEST'FRIEND !..'+RGEST SALE I05 CANADA. OAK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A manor dlssovory by an old physician, Su000aefnl- ly ueod monthly by ohoue- atds of nnnnts, Ie tba �uty petfeotly sato and _""ft.'Y,til!?:P•"• reliable medicine dlsoav- suffered intense agony from convulsions. eyed, Beware of uu13 1,01pled dyne; ,els lobo nlTor lnforie• modNNOOS ll! rime of ehia Aelt Tl ey were thrown into spasms when t Orem COTTON Roo? ouvrrorNn take na shown a cup n ar nn e t of water, and Charlie substttnte ; or inoloeo ;t1 ilea 4 tIroo-cent pleaded with hie parents to bind him lest Onmada ,nnlsne abumpe in horror, and WO Will some, sealed, by return mail. Full seal- ed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address pseud lily coin - 140. 0 Fisher Mock, 107, Woodward ave., Dotroit, Mob, a 'Sold 10 li,useeie by T. 1', PEPPER, G. A, DEADIAAN and all resnnslble druggists every,vbe•e. he injure his playmates, The children died within a few hours of each other. No other members of the family have yet heeu affected. Jackson is a farmer of Hamilton County. His cow and many other cattle were bitten by a mad Newfoundland dog which roamed about the country several days before being ki!lad. e..-- - ThN IP0LLIELi. let -To think the more a man sate the fatter and stronger he will become. 2nd -To think the more hours child- ren study at school the faster they learn. NOM TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 3rd -To conclude that if exeroiso is 6& 61• PerCent. Yearly. healthful the more violent or exhausting 3 y' '0 gond it is doing. it is, the more g g t taken 4th -To imagine that suety hour t from sleep is an hour gained. Straight Loans with privilege of 5th -T0 aot on the presumption that repaying when required. the smallest room in the hoose is large enough to sleep in. 6th -To argue that whatever remedy causes one to feel immediately better is good for the system, without regard to mere interior effects. 7th -To commit an act which is felt in itself to be prejudicial, hoping that some• how or other it may be done ill your ease with impunity. Stlh-To advise another to take a remedywhioh you have tried on yourself, or without speoial inquiry whether all the conditions are alike. 0th -To eat without any appetite, or to continue to eat after it has been satie. fief, merely to gratify the taste. 10th -To eat a hearty supper for the pleasure experienced during the brief time it is passing down the throat, at the expense of a whole night of disturbed sleep and a weary 001110g in the morn. ing. No mat can carry personal prejudice in his henrt and be a good man. It has two objeotn. Its own elevation and the degredatian of another. No man of great and magneuimous soul is a man of strong or violent prejudices. It grows in intensity by indulgence and the accum- ulation of years, till its 'subject becomes a sooial outlaw. In the objects against whom the man of prejudice levels his hate, be they men or saints or angels, be sees no good, because he will not. Without ashaow f a cause, 4V o t e ho lets his prejudice drive him to the persecution of some poor, innocent 1, now being and hounds him be the death. Clothe hint with a little brief authority, ri o t and be will 1r . 1 ' ns f at Dna thew ui el a Nero, and mail • fest the asinine instincts of his nature. It buries every good and uncovers every evil. Ontario Iutiial Life, 1151.0.15 0200051, - WATER DIM OW, Assurance in force Jan'y,'92..514,934,S07 New business written in 1801 2,804,990 Increase over 1890 340,800 Cash inootne for 1891 547,020 Increase over 1890 51,020 Liberal Conditions of Policies. emelt and. Paid-up Values guaranteed on each policy. All dividends belong to and ale paid only to policy holders, —Premiums payable during the month in which they fall due, Policies are incontestable two year's from elate of issue. No restriction on travel, residence or oc- cupation. Lapsed petioles may be revived within six mouths actor lapse. Death claims paid at once OM completion of claim papers. J.. A. YOUNG District Agent, Ethel. AT 1.4 51 In a clangorous ewer; envy, AVEER'S Connn,,Y PECTORAL is prompt to acct and sure to cure. 3. close taken on the firnt nymptat:ie. of Croup or Bronchitis, cheeks further progress of these complaints. It softens the phlegm, e ersoothe the in- ' flamed menbra© d induces sleep, Asa remedy for colds, coughs, logs of voice, la g'r'ippe, p .1 ttntOnitt, and even consumption, in its early stages AVER'S Ohorry Pectoral e....Is all similar preparations. IL is endorsed by leading physicians, is a5r00- ttblc to the taste, does not interfere with digestion, and needs to be taken usually i•1 stall doses. "Prom repeated teats at my own family, Ayrr's C'h:rr • Pectoral has proved itself a very efficient remedy for colds, coughs, and the vnt•aa,s d;s. orders or the throat and Lungs."—A. W. Barnett, 'ittsfield, N. H. "Fes the Int n5 years l have been tatting Aycr's flurry Pectoral for hag troubles, and am assured that iia LINO hila Savedy wife 1 have rrremmendod ;t to hundreds. 1 find the s .-et efiectt c way of tnlolng this mod;c;ne is In set ell .tui frequ, ill doses."—T. M. Matthews, 1'. Sherman Ohio, uy wife .suffered from a cola; nothing helped her hut, Avcr's Cherry Pectoral widen ellccled a cure," -•d:: Ainert', Plympton. 14, S. (Ayer' a Cherry Pootoral Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer 5e Co„ i.owe0 Mass. p'1•lyllt•t?.At to act, sura 'to owe Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. SILELOES CFO V l'af'T M r53 TION CUBE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medi- cine. A11 druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can secosssfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMP- TION, DON'T unix to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CUBE, Price 100„ SOe. and 51.00 If your lungs are sore 0r back Iame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 250, li Stone X11 , 'g �011__1� 1011 ] 1\11211E1 OFFICE: 32 Church St., TORONTO. Branch Offices at 1TONTRE AL, O,Iin., VICTORIA, B. C., MADISON, Wm. Nurseries : FONTHILL, ONT. Largest in Canada, Over 700 Acres. Special Attractions this Season. Prices Greatly Reduced. The New Russian Apple, the Ritaon Pear and Grand Duke Plum., ADAM GOOD, AGENT. vi ti �yS X .rrr f.i rn k+yc; ;! `1F AS ! P1i 0ti] 311 i YJ 3 F OR XMAS --AT— ear s! Leave your order early for your Xmas photographs. Our prices are as low as any and our. work the best. C, E PERei RY, Gallery Next the American Hotel. 11'IIEI1itAS : A Groat Liquidation Salo is now going on of the big stocks of Boots and Shoes at George Good's stores, Brus- sels and Seltfortll, AND WHEREAS : It is absolutely necessary to elem. out the en. tin stooks at once ; ANI) WHEREAS : The balance will be sold at f1'o1n 20 to 30 per cent. below regular cash prices. Therefore bo it RESOLVED : That we, the citizens of Brussels and Soaforth, and all people of the surrounding country will embrace this opportunity of getting our supplies of winter boots and shoos, Overshoes and Rubbers, hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Fancy Goods, &c., at those reduced prices, thereby malting money by saving money. This is indeed a sensible resolution on the part of the people, and we on our part will see that the people are benefitted by acting in accordance with it. A set of Light Bob -sleighs for sale cheap. J. R. GREGORY, Liquidator. 1 EXCUSE But don't you want to 0 I get a nice piece of Dress Goods Cheap and Stylish, and l Y + • r . t a suit h .� m something ince to , ult the perhaps also so et „ Cllildrt.n ? We will give you good bargains now and a good assortment -of all kinds to choose from. Coatings for Children, Misses and Ladies. Overcoats and Suits for Boys—All sizes, Overcoats and Suits for Men—All sizes and Very Cheap. Bo ofs, Shoes and Rubbers for old and young. A good line of Fresh Groceries always on hand. Oin' 30o. Tea, or 4 lbs. for $31.00 Beats the Record. le �11� SII (VC THE 110 POST BOOSTRE'S .crl'OCI‹ oFl .•.. r !. ms Is now Complete, Comprising in part a large selection. of Albums, plush and loather, Authors, and other card games, Alphabet blocks and carves, Axes, Alleys, . Banks, iron tin and wood, Brooms, Balls, Bicycles, '. Baskets, Ballios, Building blocks, Cups and saucers, at cost, Cradles, Carts, Checkerboards, Chimes, Clothes horses, Combs, Chickens, Dolls in china, wax and bisk, Dolts heads, Drums, Drawing slates, Disbes, all sizes, Dominoes, Elephants, Fire engines, False faces, Fruit dishes, Figures (mechanical), Guns, shoot cork and arrows, Games, largo variety, Harmonicas, Horns, Hymn books, Irons, Jack knives, Jew's Harps, Kaiaks, a 11Tu 8, china ta and tin n e Mirrors,ver. h Y cheap, Magic lanterns, throe 0308, Music lls, Noah's AroL'1ts, Necklaces, Pocket books, Pluses, Pails, Paint$, Pistols, Paper Caps, Rockiilg horses, Ranges, Rattles, Sleighs, Stoves, Surprise boxes, Santa Claus (1011s, un- breakable, Swords, Swiss cottages, Scrap Albums, Scholars companions, Trains, iron and tin, Trumpets, Tool boxes, Tin dishes, Tops, musical, &e., Tiddledy-winks, Tin whistles, Valet=g uns Wagons, Watches, Wash tubs, Washboards, Work boxes, Writing desks, Wooden dishes, Whips, Work baskets, Whisks, Xmas cards, less than. Cost,&c,, &c. eautifu1, Album, um, Bibles, &o. Complete series of Palest' Books, Annuals and Picture books. Ask to see the Mechanical Savings Banks. See our Parlor Ganges, Select goods early and have t11e111 put away until wanted. POST witaaortstrfcrarL,