The Brussels Post, 1892-12-16, Page 44TIiIi; BRUSSELS POST New Advertisements I,00als--T. FleiOher. .'Gopal—J. R. Gregory. Looal.—H. L. Jackson, Local—Jas. 1lloAlpino, Royal Crown Remedy. Locals—Dr. J, 0. Ayer, Changed Hands -3. Leather, Nol,riay Presents—D. Hoge, Locals—Ferguson & Halliday. Japanese China—J, T. Pepper. Tenders Wanted—J. T, Pepper. Christmas Goods—Posr Bookstore. Walton Factory—Lewitt McDonald. Notice to Creditors—Wm. Slemmon. Handkerchiefs—Ferguson & Halliday. Ci:i)C �T11 Sti rust FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1892. TOE Toronto World is having a big time nominating candidates to oppose Mayor Fleming at the corning civic elec. tion. Up to date the nominees have de• alined the honor of crossing swords with the present occupant and the indications appear to be that Mayor Fleming will have a second term with little or no op. position. AraaAUT bids are being made for the military camp next year. In the list at present is Goderioh, Windsor and Lan don. The first and second places depend on Hon. J. C. Patterson, M. P. for West Huron, and a former resident of Windsor, to do something for them especially now that he le Minister of Militia in the new cabinet. If the camp did not meet for ten years to come the country would be many dollars ahead. Tun Exeoutive Council, of Quebec Province, sat Tuesday morning. Hon. Messrs. DeboaohsrviUs, Flynn, Beaubien, Nantel and Pelletier. The Ron. C. B. Deboucherville shortly after noon handed the Lieut. -Governor his resignation of the office of First Minister, which, of course, includes his colleagues in the Cab. inet. It is understood the Lieut.-Gover. nor has the resignation of his advisers under consideration until Wednesday, when, if it is aooepted, His Honor will consult the outgoing Premier as to the choice of a gentleman to form a ministry. Mr. Taillon has been called to Quebec by his colleagues, it is said, dor ooueultation. It is rumored Mr. Nantel will resign his portfolio and be succeeded by Mr. Villeu- nattve. Ar a meeting of the Young Liberals', Association at Stratford the resolution of which copy is appended, was passed after having been debated then and at two previous weekly meetings.—"Free- dom to trade with foreigners as well as with fellow citizens is the birthright of every citizen of a free state, and the existing infringements upon such rights should cease ; therefore this Assooiation, to attain such end, will hail with delight all measures (I) For the reduction of the present extravagant national expendi tore. (2) For the increase of t,xation upon intoxicating liquors and other luxuries. (8) For the immediate reduc- tion and ultimate extinction of tariff dues upon all goods of British production, not being suob liquors or luxuries. (4) For the like rednet,ou and extinction of tariff dues to favor of any country ex• tending to us the like privilege. (5) And for so amending our fiscal system as to render Ibis trade program practicable, not shrinking from the substitution of so much direst or indirect taxation as may be found needful to accomplish it safe. 13,." PEEamtNT HARRISON is anxious to per. soade the United States to hinder or pre- vent Canadian railways from parbioipat. ing in the carrying trade of the United States. In order to do this he has ap. parently been looking about for some- thing in the Canadian laws which could be made a ground on which to arouse Canada of hindering American railways from taking part in the oarrying trade of Canada. He discovered that there was a dieoriminating duty of ten per cent. im• posed on teas and coffees imported from the United States as against teas import• ed directly from the land of growth. He naturally jumped to the conclusion that the purpose of this duty was to encourage the importation of teas by way of the Canadian Pacific route. This is a mis- take, however, me the purpose was merely to encourage direct importation of tea from China and Japan by our own whole. sale merchants, inatsad of purchases from American wholesalers and importa• tions from New York, This distinction existed lung before the Paciile Railway did. If Canadians buy in the land of production, they can have their goods brought by way of San Francisco and New York without titers being subjected to this discriminating duty. There is no duty against direct importations via the United Statue, but only on importations from the United States of teas imported by Americans and resold to Canadians, This discriminating duby 18 a vexatious one and bee a very aggressive appearance to Americana which is bound to provoke retaliation. It ought therefore lc be abolished, Why should Canadians be prevented from "sorting up" or even buying wholeeato quantities of tea in New Yorls if they find that the cheapest market l While visiting at Samuel McAltieter's, Elite, Mfrs. Wm. Little, er., had the misfortune to fall and break her area about half way between the wrist and ei boW. Only about two weeks ago bion, Little Yell down the Dollar stairs at home, inuring {tersely severely in the gide. Perth County. Elms Reform Association will meet at ,Atwood on the 23rd inst. Airs. Daly, wife of llon, T. M. Daly, has arrived at Stratford and will be the guest of her father, 1'. 11. Jarvis, for a time, Kirbton creamery had 180 patrons during the month of August, and the total amount of butter meJo was 0205 lbs. The new Catholic nlinroh at Tleseon, Perth county, will be opened by Bishop O'Connor, of London, on the 8th of December. A wild duck has taken up with a num• ber of tame ducks an R. P. Rilyea'e farm in Blanshard, and eats, swims and sleeps with the flock, Joint Wilson, of Manitoba, sou of llu;li Wilson, 10th eon. Etma, had the misfor- tune to have his barn and all the season's orop destroyed by fire The St. Mary's Collegiate Institute Board pays $10 annually to each of the local papers for publishing the results of the monthly pupils' examinations. One night recently a girl of about 11 Years, hailing from Steven, Huron Co., was looked up by the polka+ at Stratford, her condition indioabing too close an sequaintance with the whiskey bottle. She gave her name as Lizzie tfacdonald. After an experience of one year in pub. Baling a daily paper of the Stratford Beacon's size at the price of 1 Dent per oopy, lbs proprietor has found that it cannot be done profitably, and has there. fore deoided to return to the original price of 2 cents per copy after the 1st of January. Dr. P.R. Shaver, Stratford's oldest medical praotitiouer, and for many years a prominent citizen, died on Friday, Dec. 2nd, after a lone and painful ill. nese. Hse death will awaken feeliugs of profound regret among a wieiely.extended acquaintance. Dr. Shaver Dame of United Empire stook, his grandfather serving in the revolutionary war, while his father was a veteran of the war of 1812. He was a ptominent member and trustee of the Methodist oharch, and one of the oldest Masons ie Stratford. For over 25 years he acted as coroner and gaol surgeon. A widow and a family of six sons mourn their lees. The funeral took plane with Masonic honors on Monday at 8 o'oloolt. It was attended by Tecumseh Lodge, A. F. at A. M., in a body, and by several members of Stratford Lodge, se well as by a large concourse of citizens. The service at the house was conducted by Rev. Mr. Holmes, of the Central Methodist Church, and was very impres- sive. The pallbearers were Bros. John Welsh, G. J. Waugh, Juhn E. Harding, Q. C., 0. atoLennan, J. Neill and P. R. Jarvis. The cortege was nearly a mile long, and afforded ample evidence of the high esteem in which the deceased gen. tleman was held. ftra #1 6 rc. ASER Ibas now on hand a full line of FRUITS that will'pleaso everybody. Figs, Dates, Oysters, Nuts and Confectionery in all its branches TRY MoCORMICX' S CHOICE CREAMS. Also a full line of Cigars and Tobaccoes. Give him a Call at mutxt e s t aurant. In Looking Over Your Circle of Friends regarding the Donation of Christmas Pres- ents it is perhaps hard to decide IH.htE and WHAT To Buy, and to aid you we beg. leave to call your attention to the Beautiful Stock of Choice Novelties lvl:lieh aro being clisplayod at our store. '1 co rte This week, including Christmas Cards and Booklets which ate Very Pretty and Exceedingly Cheap. MISS GAUL ", Tarnborry St., Brussel. o1iy Presellts Ne'w liesl��r�ol Fancy and Staple FURNITURE —AT— D. O G G-' S, I31Z1USSILL ie . Secretaries, Fancy Tables, Music Racks, Easels, Mirrors, Brackets, bc., at Holiday Prices. Large stock of Mouldings for Picture Framing See our Rocking Chairs. A nine Xmas Gift. D. H O G G, Smale'a Block. I have opened out a prime stock of now Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, &c., in the Vaiastono Block. OY'T •msS Cooked, Raw or by the Glass. Ilot Tea and Coffee Served at all hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and sold at close prices. Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. Before Buying your Holiday Confection- ery and Fruits call on me. JAS. IcALTINE. Having purchased the Grocery Business of R aZZ,REMA Consisting of General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods and everything generally kept in a First-class Grocery, I am prepared to meet the requirements of the public in a Straightforward Manner. Cask Paid for Eggs. .Hijlaest Price for Butter and Poultry. My Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. Hoping to merit a share of your Patronage and Confidence and wishing all a Merry Xmas, I am, Yours, &c., THE POPULAR STE 11,8:: Begs to announce the arrival of her Xmas and New Years Goods, comprising Silk Handkerchiefs both plain and embroidered of the very newest designs, Lace and Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ribbons, Silk Scarfs and Fancy Woollen Goocls, Table Lin- ens and Table Napkins, and a host of other fancy goods suitable for presents for the coming Season. We are now doing the best business in Brussels and Why ? Be- cause we have the Newest, Cleanest and Best Assorted Stock and sell every class of goods at the lowest living profit. Our Dress Goocls this Season have been a great success from the fact that we always keep the largest stock to select from and the moat Fashionable Styles. We make a specialty of our Dress Goocls Department and are always on the look -out for something new. The balance of our stock we are now selling at greatly reduced prices so as to clear out to make room for our now Spring Goods which will begin to arrive at New Years. G-ROOE RTE S. We have just. received our Groceries for the Xmas Trade. Dur- ing the Holiday Season we intend giving our Customers the benefit of low prices and will sell 20 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00 22 se Light Coffee 11 1.00 2ti ca Nice Clean Brown " 1.00 re And every other kind of Groceries at the same low prices. We will pay 18c. per dos. for Fresh Eggs and 1.Ge. per lb. for good Roll Butter, Should the prices advance we will give our cus- tomers the advantage of the rise. We will also give the highest price for every kind of Poultry, Ea ROGERS9 rusield, Dec, £tb, 1802. BRUSSELS, Drs. 10, 1892 JAPAESE CFUA IN Five O'clock Ten Sets, Porridge Sets, Vases, Fruit Plates, Calve Plates, Ten and Coffee Cups and Saucers, Cared Receivers, Terra Cotta TenKettles Artistically Decorated in Charming Designs. The above goods are my own direct importation from. Yokohama, Japan, and myself and clerics wish. all peo- ple to visit our store and see these beautiful goods from far -distant Japan -- Thio is Tour Oppoxtzmimy. PHOTOGRAPH Ab.BUIII , IN Plushand Leather. A good Plush Album for $1.00. Come and see. FLIPS 15c., Ilahna, Crickets. Snap -Dragon, Checkers, Dominoes, Cuckoo, Parlor Croquet, &c., &c. TOYS and DOLLS. SER our Flies, Alligators, White Elephants, Spelling Boards, Iron Cars, 25c. to 50c. Dolls from 5c. to $1.00. Books, Bibles, Bilinn Books, Ch,ristin as Cards, 4-e., 4.o• AT PE ``PER'S DRUG STONE BRUSSELS. i"See my Ad. in last week's r'PosT." SECO\D TO NONE. IH\ViNS5 SECOND TO NONE. '? The Stock is Coniplete in all lines and is SECOND TO NONE in Quality and Price. If you want Winter Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Mantles, Yarns, Hosiery or Gloves, We can Interest You. WE HAVE TIE GENUINE i'JSEI'llINE° SEAMLESS Sia GLOVES. Our Fins are selling fast ---the rea- son --Our values are the best. If you want a Readymade Overcoat or Suit, we have the styles, quality and price that will suit you, Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots for Everybody. Cardigan Overshoes for Women and Children, Full lines of Crompton Corsetsr We keep no other. A special drive in these goods, six doz. pairs to sell at 25 per cent. below regular price. It will Pray you to get owe' prices before Buying. JAS. IRWIN, bate Irwin 86 lYIoBain, S.BCOND I SECOND TO Next Door to American TO NONE, hotel. NONE,