The Brussels Post, 1892-12-16, Page 3DEO. 16, 1892 TBE BRUSSELS POST
.ffi tnea r.n1115025dt rllearieet Sora' eleadMisAnAr ? letteeteri t 'W oma ceseti let'err'ridet SF31111814aealfee naelalreei eel W,se csM8Fertele 19181 freer l
Praise the Lord my Obrfsbien friends,
That I am with yon still,
Though standing like stn old log haueu
Upon a west side hill,
The mesio has gong out you know,
The timbers have demised,
But sunshine on 'ens just as warm
As when the Bret wap laid.
Almost a hundred year's have passed
Sinop I was born, and then
'Twas only fifteen further on
And I was born again.
I've aeon the forest molt away,
Nino izousee have been reared,
The world bas quite onteeripped the
I'm very muolt afearod. ichnrch,
They used to tell a'Methodist
As far as eye could satin,
No gew-naive on a woman then
No dickey on a man.
Bat now our congregations are
So much by fashion led,
They look just like a rainbow
Wrecked upon a posey bed.
The circuit riders of them days
Were not so fine and grand,
They took degrees ethaulin' logs
And elearinup the land ;
But when ono of 'en used to preach
I tell you wo could smell
The fragrant flowers of heaven
And the stifling smoke of hell.
We had an "amen corner" too
Beside the pulpit stairs,
And while ho raised his sermon bunts
Wo lifted with our prnyers.
We threw in many loud "Thank God 1"
And weren't ebliged to go
To give the Lord the glory
In a plass room down below.
Tho old grand quart'ly meetings wee
To all the brethren dear,
Jost like four ;;repo oasis in
The desert. of the year.
The people flocked for miles around,
My wife would take a snore,
And after supper they would prey
And sleep neon the floor,
I know the world's a movie' on,
Aa Galileo said :
For now Trent a cushioned pew
To hear an essay road,
But when through stainecl•glaes windows
The sun throws blue and gold,
I cannot help a thinkin' how
The glory shone of old.
They call me an "old fossil"
And a "relic of the past,"
A "fogy" and a "croaker" too,
But this wont always last,
I tread n trembling isthmus where
Two sous of glory roll,
And Boon the past and fnturo bliss
Will swallow up my soul.
And when I reach fair Canaan,
The Lord will doubtlese see
That mansions in the city will
Not do for such as we.
So He will lob me go among
01d -fashioned saints, I think,
And praise hire 'noetb the tree of life,
Upon the river's brink.
dl' d 01'3tfi 3; 3'O3f 18A0' DEAAt.
I wouldn't turn my head to look after
fine frocks, or impertinent teen.
I wouldn't forget to sow the braid
around the bottom of my skirt, or the
button on my shoe.
1 Wou:dn't conclude that every man
who said somothing pleasant to me, had
fallen i u lovo with ate,
I wouldu't feel that I was an ill.treated
personage bocauee, though 1 oculd play
pleasantly, ley friends didn't trotter me a
modern Mozart.
I would not when I could only have
one (rook, ohooso a conspionoas one that
would marls mo as the girl in the red
I would net, because I was tired and
nervous give snappy,111tatured replies
to questions asked me by those who
really cared for me.
I would not get in the habit of epeaking
itl a familiar way of the men I know ;
when you make then Tom. Diok or
]carry they are rapt to consider you as
Kate, Nell or Molly.
I would not permit any girl friend to
oontplaih to me of her mother—it in like
listening to blasphemy.
I would not when I brush the dust off
my hat forget the oobwebs of distrust and
suspicion in my brain,
I would not tell my private affairs to
my most iutimate girt friend, nor would
I ask her impertinent questions.
I would not write silly letters to young
men, or permit them to be familiar with
I would not grow weary in well doing'—
instead, I would keep on encouraging
thyself by trying to live up to my ideal of
a woman, and the very fact of my trying
50 hard would make me achieve that
which I wished.
(Prom the Gunton New Era.) •
At most the present Local Legislature
will nob have more than two sessions, be-
fore an appeal must be made to the
people, and a good many are of the opin.
ion that perhaps only one will be held.
In anticipation thereof politioians are
"bo,kitt over the field," and oonsider.
able epeenlabion is being indulged in as
to the possibilities or probabilities. In
the South ].tiding of Hot'on there seems
to be a pretty general impression that
Mn, Bishop. who has ea long and so faith-
fully represented the Liberals, will nob
seek re election, We aro not speaking
"by ambborily," but we have conversed
with numbers of the Liberals of this
riding, end many of them tree under the
hinges -Moe from what Me, Bishop stated
at 4118 last nomination and from hints
that he has dropped eitloe—thab ito will
not he a candidate. Mr, Bishop has boon
tree to hie party at all tithes, and should
The retire, ho will carry with him Oho
good will and hearty esteem of all,
Should he, on Oho other hand, still bo a
ootidlaate, thele is no question but that
he wottld bo the tepresentabivo of South
Berea again, In the event of hie pos.
Bible retirement to number of canoe are
mentioned as likely su000ssors to him,
Among them ere De. Buchanan, oh Zee -
bob ; W. Doig, now of Landoshoro ; R,
]3, Mohan'and S. Smillie, of 'Punka-
smith1 1t. II. Contra, of Exeter ; Thee,
Mimi', of Stanley, and al, Y. McLean,
of Seaiorth, Alt of these are good men
and would make wortluy euaeeseors to
MIr, Bishop, but we are inclined to think
that tine one among the lob most likely to
get the nomination is 1kt. Y, Moldan, of
the Pxpositor. Wo ch not dispargo the
merits of the othere, by any means, bub
we think the people of South Intron will
endorse the statement that no man be
more entitled to rho nomination than the
011e we have named, and no one would
Make a better representative, The South
ltidhig is by n0 means a "me thin,;,"
it regniroe a etreng man to hold it for
the Liberal party, Mr, Bishop's popular.
ity was whit belt! it 80 long, and in thfe
and every respect lift'. McLean is porn•
ouhtt•ly a arena caadltbttu,
Aa bo IPIr. Gibson's intentions in the
East hiding wo know nothing further
than what is based on common report.
Every word that we have said concern.
lug Iir. Bishop applies fully to Mr. Gib-
son. Huron has beau honored by having
two ouch good men as its representatives
for such a continuous length of time,
Mr. Gibson being one of the few met,
outside of the miniotera, who have been
in the Mouse continuously for about 20
years. Should lie retro at the end of his
preoeut term, among the likely aepirants
for the seat ere W. II. Rork, of Tux
DimssisioPoer; A.Diolop, President of
the Reform Aoeoolntion ; Thos. Strath.
an, ex.Reevo, of Grey ; ID. ]litho, Peeve
of Grey ; Thos, Mckirllan, of ILnilett,
First class men every ono of them, and
persons among whom It le difiloult to
make a choice because all have earned
political performent. We would like to
sue rho choice fall noon our esteemed
friend Keer, of Tito Pose, beoanee there
would be no possible mistake made In
the soleotion.
In the, West Riding there is not likely
to he any change. 31r. Garrow having
only been in for the eurrett term, and so
far as wo know is likely to remain.
Certainly no bettor choice can be matte,
and he has the utmost conlidenoe and
support of his own political friends, and
many also whose politica are not the
came as hie.
In the South Riding, Mr. Weisrniller,
rho (Conservative candidate, is already in
the field, end we thinlc fh would not bo
premature to call a convention at an
early day in order that the Liberals
might know exactly where they stand.
'The secret Of A Lake 1,11'1'.
You sometimes see a woman whose old
age is es exquisite as was the perfect
bloom of her youth. Site seems atm-
cleneed sweetness end grace. Yon won.
der how this has come about. Yon won.
der how it is her life has been a tong and
happy one. here are some of the rea-
sons :—
She know how to forget disagreeable
She understood the art of enjoyment.
She kept her nerves well in hand and
inflicted them 0n] no one,
She believed in the goodness of hoe
own daughters and in that of hor neigh.
She cultivated a good digestion.
She mastered the art of saying pleas.
ant words.
She dial not expect too much from her
She matte whatever work came'ato her
Sho retained all her illusions aed alit
not believe that all the world was wished
and unkincl.
She relieved the miserable and sympa-
thized with the sorrowful.
She retained an even disposition and
made the beat of everything.
She did whedever came to her cheer-
fully and well.
Site never forgot that kind words and
a smile most nothing, but are priceless
teen:ewes to therliscnuragett.
Oho aid 51110 others as aito would bo
done by and now that old urge Ince come
to her and there is a halo of white hair
about her head she is loved and con.
This is the seoret of n long life and a
happy one
_ c
The 111on4oal WrrNuss, which 18 to
move into its own building next spring,
will bo by far the b et e1oipped news-
paper in a mechanical point of view in
Canada. Its immense Hoe quadruple
machine will be oepable of turning out
00,000 eigbb•page or 80,000 twelve or six.
toen-page papers an boor, printed emu -
pieta on both sides, out, pasted, and
counted in piles of 13fty. This will be
one.third faster than any other press in
Canada. In addition, its matter will be
set on the 1Me'gontheler Linotype, which
gives a now, olean face of type every issue,
and its form will be compact and beano•
fug. The Winless, although old and re-
liable, is up to the front le respect of en-
terprise, and its readers expect and are
not satisfied with anything but the best.
The price of rho DAILY WxTNmes 18 three
dollars a year, the Wmmsm Wirxatoo
one dollar, and theNouwmmRx Mtie8mx01;o,
pobiiobod from the same louse, is thirty
oonts. Agents wanted in every town,
village and P. 0. Specimen copies will
be sent free to any of our, readers, on ap.
plioabion to the publishers, Jona Donna,
,b Sox, Montreal.
The aebse ihers of Tum Pose can have
10 and the 141unt1.o51 DAILY WITNsse for
30.00 ; Tina Po01' and the Moiety Wrr.
x081 for 1,32,20, and the Non'rumuN Alms•
oitxe0n with Dither of then for twenty.
five cents extra.
404- to 86e 11n dir4ilay.
A. sohoolboy's oonpooitiou on "The
Editor" ran as follows :
The editor is one of the happiest in.
dividuals in tbo world. Ile can go to
any ohhoes in the nftornooa and evening
without paying a penny, also to inqursbs
ttncl hangings ; has free tioliets bo thea.
tars, gets wedding cake strut him, and
sometimes gate a licking, Inst not often,
for he see take things bask in the next
issue, which be generally does, While
othot folks have to gu to bed early, the
editor soli eft up tato el0ight met sloe all
that is going 0n, When I ate a (110,2
moan to be an edits', so that I may stay
ont late at might, That will be jolly.
The wonderful °area offeobod by the
Royal (lettere ilomedy in Kidney, Blad-
der, Womb, Ovarian and 'Urinary Ole,
patios, its rapid ollioionoy in promoting it
tree and healthy diechargo of urine, go
marvellous power in diesolvieg stone and
calculous eonorotiona, oaring gravel, gleet
and disohaeges front the genital glands,
its power over the kidneys in ostablioh.
in, a healthy semetion of mine, oaring
Diabetes, Inllatnmetion or Irritation of
the Bladder, Albumitmas and Ilrioit•duet
deposits; ou deposits of White Sand, etc„
establish its chars/Aar act a ttiltAT 004011
1'U1100NAr, 011115DY,
d OI'Il476Y d'It'50O 3a4.
Greater wright row be ;$00n; ed with
roosters' than with hens.
flee limo freely about the poultry
houoets, it io a good dlsinfeottonb as well
as a destroyer of vermin.
While liens will go in a dant plane to
lay eggs, they will rarely hunt in 911o11 a
place for something'to oat,
Sweet oil is rouommendod for reap,
rub well over the heads and give a half
teaspoonful inwardly.
On account of being easily;oleaned, nae.
By removed and lose liable to break the
eggs,sewduet fs reoommended as is mater
lel for good nests.
Itis always best to feed the deeps all
that they will eab of fattening foods for a
week at least before sending to market.
It is too often the ease on the farms
teat no mare le taken to keep any Amount
of the ages of the fowls, and in ooise-
quanoo too many old hens aro kept.
Tho crumbs and sorape from the table
and the parings and waste of vegetables,
all of whish usually go into the garbage
barrel, will be greatly relished by the
hens and bo mannfao' urod by them into
fresh eggs.
Somebody has given the following di.
reetiotts for plaiting and marketing tun.
Isoy feathers :--In picking, nave all the
feathers that grow on the tail of the ter.
key ; also those nn the two joints of the
wings next to the body. Tho pointed,
onaedrd quills that grow on the oubeide
or tip of wings sell at a low prion, and
should surely be kept separate horn the
others, Lay the feathers straight, in ea
light boxes too possible ; do not stuff
them in bags, as it broako them. Before
packing weigh your boxes with the
covers, and marls the weight in plain
figures on the side of the box.
Grip has issued thirteen almanacs dur-
inas many years and his fourteenth
ranched us to -day. The first one was a
good one for 111 years ago and they have
Rept on getting better over since, '03 bo-
ron handsomer and funnier than any of
its predecessors. A very handsome
cover, printed in two oolors from an
original design, contains thirty. two pages
of illuseratod aphorisms which are
guaranteed to knock one the worst case
of blues on record. The large cartoon,
which as usual, oecnpies two pages, illns-
bt'aOns Ooltmboa discovering the moss.
back politicians of this part of America.
This gives the artist a eplendid oppor-
tunity to work in the leading men of
both parties, and he Inas done full justice
to the occasion. Some of the beet talent
in Canada and Oho II. S. have contribut-
ed skeltthoo, and the number is easily
worth two or three times the price (10
calla,) which is tasked.
The postoflico ab Springfield, Elgin
county, was robbed of 330 worth of
stamps early Wednesday morning,
There is no clue to the thief.
The charge of inoendiariom against
four Peterboro' firemen has been drop'
pod, no evidence whatever being offered
in support of the allegation.
There is a rumor that the controlling
interest in the Louden Street Railway
company has been sold out to the syndi.
nate which has bought tbo street railway
franchises in Montreal, Toronto, Cleve-
land and other cities.
Weekly Free Press
$1,00 Both Papers for $1.00
Enlarged told Improved.
A High -Class Family Paper,
EACH N810013338t 10'18,8 CONTAIN :
Rev, Dr. Tex000t's Salmon delivered the
Stnday previously.
WAItanNN'o W,Lvst o Noe,
AttnIOUL'runAL MATToa—Illustrated.
LAnrss' Peels—Illustrated
A Smitotn Teem, and other intereebiog
reading matter.
Prlee, Ono D011111• a vont in advattso for the
Wt4t•;30LY 3/311113 l'0iutiti and 0,8.3033 AND
810888—in ail 10 eagee.
Balance nt 1903 tree to new subscribers,
Agents wanted in every unropreaonbaddia.
tact to solicit sebsariptiotia,
Lemon, - GNTAl1I0.
'That it is not wise to experiment
with cheap compounds purporting to
bo blood.pnrifiors, but which have
no real medicinal value. To make
use of any other than the old stem-
dard AI''f;f Sarsaparilla—the Su-
porior Blood-jmuifier—ns simply to
invite loss of time, money and health,
If you are afflicted with Scrofula,
Catarrh, Dhoumatiem, Dyspepsia,
Idonoma, Bunning Soros, Tumors,
or any other blood disease, be assured
tit Pays to Use
AAEB'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S
only. AYEIt'S Sarsaparilla can al-
ways bo depended upon. It does not
vary. It is always the same in
quality, quantity, and effect. It is
superior in ooinbination, proportion,
appearance, and in all that goes to
build up the system weakened by
disease anti par. 10 searches out
all impurities in the blood and ex.
polo them by the natural channels,*
Sart"' ra
Peoparotlby Or,J, C,A ycrkdo„town]] h0asa,
Heid by all l)ructtato, taloa 51; six bottles, a au.
CL1res othors,wm euros you
f1' ,ovauol
^----ANU 01111(11 --
Nor Impure, Weals and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleopiessneoo, Pafpata-
tl0li at the heart, Livor Complaint, Nouz'.
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitis, Gen.
eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundfoe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Danes,
Female Irregalaritles and General De -
Prop, and Manufacturer.
Sold by J, T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Bi uaeolo.
Private Funds to Loan,
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission,
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.'
rE ?LElgl F[FIIL B
—T0 --
on Ulna, LEM=
In Tourist Sleeping Cites, Toronto to
Seattle Without Change, leaving Toronto
Every Friday at 11:20 p. no.
DLC.1f1, ' :3, 30 `
Apply to any 0. P. R. Ticket Agent
for full particulate.
Arent, Brussel:).
Now that Jacic Frost has re-
sumed business and Winter has
coma to hand a well matte, com-
fortable, stylish cutter will be a
3h.Sm vrALIEEn,
Can lltake your old Cutter
almost as good as new.
Repairs neatly and promptly ex-
ecuted. Old rigs refitted, paint -
e11 and trimmed.
Jas. Walker,
Practical TVa.t e/t,,za7>;er
Land Jeweler.
Thanking the publio for past favors and
support and witching still to se0ure
your patronage, we tiro opening
out hall Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and ltoliablo Mattera
folly warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest .Df signs
WNnscso Rlxntl,>nao QOM Rum,
EAnarces, c&'a.
f-'eAlso o Full bine of Vrontxs and
Violin Strings, 0,0., in stools,
N, it,' --1 ou t sir ttllaMake Mee:tog.
T, Fietcher, - Brussels.
regime amen:rtartere rete, ,a ni
3 1892-
Our lino of Base Burners is more complete than over before.
"Radialit Home,” "Ari Garland," "Art Pelliidsnlar," "Radiant
Poninsular," &e. T11eso stoves are constructed in the most modern
style, and are the most powerful Rouble Beaters made. They are
finished in the highest style of the art ltlld we warrant everyone
good baking ovens. If you aro in need of a Parlor Cook, bo sure
and see our stock before purchasing.
"Evening Light" and "Lyndon" Heaters
Aro greatly improved this season and are selling fast and giving
good satisfaction. Wo will take your old stove.
Handsome Ranges 1
We carry a Stock of the best in this line, all prices. Call and inspect.
Second Hand Stoves!
Our second Hand stoves are going oft' fast. If you want one, you
must secure it early. They are good ones and cheap.
Just opened out Hanging and Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night
Lamps, cheaper than cosi'. Tea Knives, Tea Spoons, Tea Trays.
pic" graft
This old, reliable institution is still in the van of' progrc+ awl
is- well prepared to cater to the wants of the public at this Season.
A Fine Stock of
In Stone and China. They are dandies. Elegant dishes in Eng-
lish Stoneware selling Cheap. Also Glassware, &c.
Teas, Coffees, Spices, Fruits,
Sugars, Canned Goods, 6'c.,
Fresh, Nice and sold at Close Prices.
Highest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and
20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $ •L
25 lbs. Good Yellow Sugar for $1
A large assortment of the Choicest
Fruits of the Season.
Oi Tem ar.d. Ooffee , are too well k o EL
to teed any Reoer, endation.l
The Largest Assortment of Glassware and Crockery ever
shown in Brussels, consisting of'
Pain and l0toiicy China and Glassware,
.Decorated and Printed Tea and _Dinner Sets,
Decorated and Printed Toilet Sets.
9reeh Bread. and, Ogg es alwayg on h i dt
Wedding Cakes a ,Specialty.
Any Orders left for Christmas Cakes will
have our Prompt Attention.
ho d,
.L]l i.J SS EELS.