The Brussels Post, 1892-11-25, Page 6easeatl7aaa'araata4 DISTRICT NEWS, S oral vvie le. Ja9.l3rown has created a stable and it is sued is going to start :t livery. Martin Bros„ of Mount Forest, have rented the storehouse at the station and will be prepared to buy all kinds of grain. They have secured the services of Thos. Gibson to buy for them. 9'iteB. T. of T. lodge intend holding an open Council ou the evening of Deo. 9th, at which will be given a grand pro. gram. Rev. S, C. I'Jdmunds, B, D., preaohed a sermon to thio body ou Sun- day evening. 'L'i''roxt,tter . The mill data ie reoeivieg some needed repairs. We will vote on the Haase of Refuge at the municipal election. At the last meeting of the Wroxeter Debating Club, it being election night the following officers were atoned ;-- President, Dr. Smale, jr. ; Vice-Presi. dont, Geo. E. Dane ; Secretary, Qeo, McIntosh ; Treasurer, Thos. Brown. ltobt. Miller, tho.fnspector for the C. P.R., while here loading ties on Monday of last week, hospitably entertained the men to supper at hie residence "Cat. moss." Mr. lliller has been very busy during the season, and his operations have extended over the main line front Owen Sound to Montreal and also over this branch. ° ocl.e rich. Wm. Lasham, of Saltford, is seriously ill. The Royal Tempters have a big concert on hand for the' 20th. Bates' cooperage has turned out 20,. 000 barrels this season. The orgnu factory won't be veneered with brick until next spring. Oo. Trensnrer's sale of land for taxes was postponed until Tuesday of next week. Blies Stratton has gone to spend the winter with relatives in Now York State. Ino. N, Naftel, all old an highly es• teemed resident was buried last week. He was 75 years of age. I. H. Colborne with hie brother W. A. were celled to Paisley last weak having received the sad intelligence of their mother's death. Rev. Mr. Turnbull and family have moved into the rectory. They reoefved a handsome brass piano lamp before leaving Kincardine. Frio leo isewo reit . Mrs. Stevenson has returned from To. ronto, Miss Sarah hoes left for her home in Lealburg. Thomas Robertson has again gone to Kansas City. Mies Maggio Livingstone jbas gone to learn tailoring in Brussels. Geo. Robertson has erected a new house on his farm. first the cage and then the bird. Our village was startled by being iu• formed that burglars were in their midst. They visited the residence of Mrs. Joe Vance, she being from home, When re- turning in the morning rho fnnttd the door open and the house as if some one had gone Lustily through is. They ouly got 25c. From there they went to the resid- ence of William Wood. He ontered the house by*anis unknown way and wee heard hen stetting to ascend the stairs, and the alarm was sounded and be start- ed for the door. Mr. Wood was just in time in see him go out et the door and make his esoape with hishorse and buggy. 3Foa•ricj. A night school is on the tapfe. It io reported that a Listowel gentle. man will shortly carry off one of Gorrie's fair damsels, John Stinson, showed the editor of the Vidette a carrot that grew in his garden and which measured 10 inches in circum. Terence. 59 is now expected that the Gowrie Methodist ebureh will be finished in time to permit the opening services to be held at Christmas. At the last regular meeting of C. 0. F. Court Go'rie No. 57, the following off!, care were installed :-0. It., W. G. Strong ; V. C., Ed. Janes ; Chaplain, John Stewart ; R. S., Jas. Armstrong ; F. S„ N. McLaughlin ; Treasurer, W. J. McLaughlin • S. W., F. Davidson ; J, W., John Arell; S. B., John Wilson ; 3, B., W. Doig ; P, 0. R„ J. B. Campbell ; Court Physician, Dr. Tuck. The Gazette says :—Flow any of the present committers c,n expect a vote from any one in Gerrie while the approaches to the town hall are in such u disgraoetel etate, is more than we can see. The ratepayers and their families are 1,0111x• ed to destroy $200 worth of boots awl skirts in the mud every year in order that the "eeonotuie" 00:t.1011 miry "save" $15 by refusing to build a cross•walli up• smite their township hall. e.t-.4.50"1•. A new grist mill is talked of for Fleeter. Join, Crochet' is back from a visit to Mauftaba and Dakota. Ile NMI away seven months. A. nigoon shooting match io announced for tbe20th inst. 100 birde have been preen ed. C. Gilley wee presemte:I with a foul. tain pen by tilo Royal Tempter's for faithfnhi, ss in di.charging his duties an Treasurer. Joseph IIegg, who for over a year has been tavai,tiug erreet meter a werrent charging him obtaining money under false pretence from oto Willoughby Adams, was nabbed by constables Gill. Creech and Bissett, It will be remelt. beredthat ,To.acted as constable in it yu'aotioel jolto worked on y„un5 Adams, The joke however had rather a serious ending for Mr. Hogg, He got off, we tindorstaud,by paying $16. The very sudden deatlt of Jessie, bo - loved wifo of David Miller, caused deep regret throughout the town when the sad news temente generally known. Decoae. ed had been a sufferer of asthma for fifteen long years and bore the affliction bravely. OIs'I'nesday of last week she tyae ta'den w01/9e but nothing serious was entertained, and did not retire that night but remained in a reeking chair until early morn, when ono of the family was horror stricken to find her dead, and am parently had passed away without a groan- She was 63 yeare of ago. THE T3RUSSLLS POST taae anseanewe to 11en rre etr0eittOrerenneessermemanseest7twee:C,cresr,'nseemasrL•W,4"kidb'G>J1tt.'1tesetemssersttint`1Mt""'nt �sse _ s Ontario i';[iltl?a l L1fet MONEY 1'0 LOAN. rat <'ltu o w. Phonograph 00.leert in the Methodist church noxi Friday teeming. St. Andrew's Ball and supper in the Ctaledotlien hall on Nov. 30th. Wm. Wilson, of the 13th con. of West 1Vaw'anosh, brought to the editor of the Sentiusl a white Belgium curet that is a curiosity, the three route of whi0h are entertwined around each other In a re- markable mangier', The Curling Club Lae secured the nee of the largo Agrioultrusd building ill Somerville's park for a curling rink dur- ing the coining winter, Thio will make a first -plass leak and its soon as the weather is 000l ouough to make ice the lovers of the "roring !game" can "supe her up" to their hearts content. Mies Morrison, the only female survi- vor of the i11•fated Asia, sunk in Georgi- an Bay 10 years ago, and when Captain John Savage, brother of Mrs. G. W. Ber- ry, of this village, lost his life, has mar- ried Mr. Fleming, a farmer residing near Owen bound. 9. more romantic mato& would have been how marriage to Mr. Tinkise, the other survivor of the terrible disaster, but they didn't seem to think that companions in peril and suffering they must necessarily get married and the heroic Miss Morrison has now laaneh• ed on the matrimonial sea and will lead the quiet life of a farrer'e wife after her adventure on the Georgian Bay. Clinto n. Mayor Doherty wilt probably be re- elected by acclamation. W. II. Boyd was fined e2 and costs for selling oysters on Sunday, Mr. Smithson disposed of thirty of his ladders at Woodstock the other day. Thomas Calbick, who has just finished apple pecking, intends to return to the Pacific coast. In the stable of a nertate hotel the other night a dog was traded for a live horse—value not mentioned. The ladies and young people of Ontario St. church purpose malting sonic improve- ment to the basement by papering it. Bert Hovey, son of 0, E. Hovey, of this town, is a pretty big boy for his age. He is only 15 years old and yet measures 0 feet 2e inches. The other day a gentleman, who is making up a herd of thoroughbred short. horns for the World's Fair, inspected the stock of W. J. l3iggins, Loudon road, with a view to purchasing. Miss Wintemute, a lady who has re- cently returned from the Japanese mis• sion fields, will deliver ate address on Mission Work, under tine auspices of the W. M. A., in ltattenbury St. church shortly. Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock, the Es - tato of John Horigens telegraphed to a wholesale house in Montreal, via C. P. R. Telegraph, for some goods they wanted, and the goods were received here by the 1:20 train on Wednesday. OlkenSoa'tla. Over $8,000 taxes have been paid in this year already. The Sots of Scotland will give a con- cert on St. Andrea's night. George Whitely, who left on the last harvest excursion to the west, has re. turned home well satisfied with his trip. It is expeoted that Miss Jessie Alexan- der, Canada's great elomttionfet favorite, will pay our town a visit about New Years. The Strong block on Main street is nearing completion and will in the course of a few weeks bo ready far occupancy. It is the only red brick block in town, and will whoa completed present a flue appeerauee. The fire and water committee hove purchased twelve robber coats for the use of the firemen, also a new controlling nozzle and hydrant shut off, wbioh will put the company in bettor shape to handle a fire. Mrs. Needham, widow of the late George Needham, lett on Saturday of last week for Orelin, where elle will in future reside with her patents. A large number of friends assembled at the station to see her off. A eirele of the order of the King's Daughter's was formed in eonneetion with St, Thomas' oburoh. The following ars the officers:—Presidont, Airs. Kentp; Vice President, Miss Bowewell ; Score. ta•y, Miss Brooke ; Treasurer, Miss Oleg 19. Annual temperance sermon at the Methodist church by the pastor, Rev. J. Galloway, on t5anday morning last, Nov. 20th, Royal Tempter's end members of sister temperance sooieties met at the Oddfellow's Hall at 10:3') to attend church service in a body. In the after. noon at 8:18 in Cardno's Hall, John Mc. Mullan, M. P., for Huron county address. eel a la mperauoe mass meeting. At the last Council meeting a bylaw was posed exempting the now form - dry buildings, being erected by Dr. Colo. tnan, and the machinery to be contained the ein, from taxation for a period of ten years. This exemption was unasked for, and was given voluntarily and nnani. tnou dy by the oonncil as a recognition of the enterprise of tlio tliooers, Coleman in establishing this new and important industry, Brotherly feladi:css. A London paper 'gays that a yotwg man had a younger Pieter by the name of Jessie; who was out to a fashionable boarding settee!, When she went away he remarked that he hoped site tvouldu't aolniro any of lbo effeotatione so often learn d fu such places. For almost a year he had no fault to hurt upon this snom Then came a letter signed Jessica instead of Jessie. He replied as follows : Dun Sso'rza JsiNatcA,—Your woloono letter received. Afamuica and papists aro well. Aunt Maryut and thele Gee'gioa stated for Glesgowfia :miters clay, I have bought a new horse. You ought to see it. It is a b: auty, Ito name is Maudioa. Your aft,atlonate brother, SAMOA. The eieter's next loiter was signori Jessie, On Moroi 1, 180;3,25 seats in the U. S. Senate booante vacant, and the Demo- crats expect to capture enough of them to metro control, The executors of the late Charles Stewart Parnell have cleeidod to publish n, selection of hie private political docu. Wrests and correspondence. Selecting A 'froggy, One dry reoently it powerfully built young roan, to wheat, arin was Stilted a tall, thin girl of eighteen, with a sharp noeo, tale blue oyes and hair the color 01 00 Old Ituife handle, mitered a Sixth avenue store with their eyes fall of bust' Hess. As the pair took seats a clerk in, 'Vitiated that he woe ready to make hot. tom prices on nny goods in the store, from the fittest silk to tho gluiest calico, "This ie kinder dolleate business for es," replied the young man, casting sheep a ayes at the girl, "That is to say—this—yes—ahem I" stammered the clerk, "But I guess well live through it, Molly, and so hero goes. What we want is a nosey for tide hero girl—a bridal troesy, I believe thoy call it." "That's exactly what they oall it," re- plied the clerk, "and now tell oro what articles you want ttnd I will give our low- est figures." The pair looked at eaoh other in a foolish way for a minute and then the girl lull her face bellied a stack of goods. "A little okeery, bat she'll get over it," mused the lover. "Tho first tiring I sup. pose is a dress." "From one to sixteen dresses, as yon lilte. You'll take blaok sills, perhaps ?" "And perhaps I wont. There's no style about us. We marry for lore and we've got to matte a little bit of money go a long way. Is calico party lots ?" "011, Zeke 1" gaspot( the girl, sudden- ly showing her face. "Well, we'll go a leetle bettor, then, though celioo is my motto. Hand us down something about 20c. per yard. Give us dove color, for doves are meek and lovely and so is Molly.' Twelve yards of dove-oolored goods sons out off and Zeke loolsocl around and said :--"Lots see ! I spoae a back comb, two yards of blue ribbon, a bunch of hair pins and two or three collars ought to figure in sonewhore." The clerk agreed and they wore figured in. "Lets see 1 She'll wear her sinter's bat to stand up in, and tier shoes wont show if she has a long dress on and I guess that's about all, isn't it, Molly ?" The girl blushed very real, beckoned him closer and after a minnte he turned to the clerk and said ; "It's kinder throwing money away, but she's party good and gentle and I dont mind. She thinks she ought to hove a boe. corset and two pairs of stockings." The ortioles were bought, inspected and placed with the "nosey," and after the lovers had held another whispered consultation, Zeke observed : "Well, that's all. Figger 'er up and there's your cash. We've got to go and 511 some hair oil, a dollar gold chain with a locket to it, a pair of sleeve buttons and shoe strings, and you see the outfit is going to stlueece nee hard." "When does the marriage come off ?' asked the Glaris. "In about ten da)s. She's a good girl and loves me and I'm trying to do the fair thing by her, 'Taint many young men who put up seven or eight dollars for a bridal trossy for his girl ; but when I make up my mind to marry I'm almost reckless as to wealth. She didn't need any corset any more than I need suspen- ders but she had a sister married with a corset on and she dont want to be behind her." el hope you'll be happy." "We shall be—oan't help it. This ere girl can sling more enthusiasm into o mess of raters than any gaoen in Europe and as for her fried &tun—yum 1 She can compose poetry, chop wood, draw pictures, milk a cow, build a suit of clothes or spell down anyone that stands on legs, and when winter howls round our tittle home we'll sit with our foot in the oven,chaw apples and remember that I had to take her old dad by the collar and jerk his heels to the ceiling before he'd consent to the marriage. Well, good -by. Come gal," Cv'r us 001 P TION '6s+' 441 ra O'nel , cwt rl This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medi- cine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure eau successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitic, use it, for it will cure you. If yocr child has the Croup, or Whooping Clough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMP• TION, DON'T FAIL to use it, it will cure you oe cost nothing. Asti your Druggist for :IIIILOH'S CURE, Price 100., 60c. and $1,00 If your lungs aro euro or bank lnnne,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, 25o. F og� —DEALER IN -- R E, Mum ]'swiss, to. Special Attention given to Undertaking rices Moderate. &male's Block, BRUSSELS. unto na=> of l3, • tV.t rattta,°v, 014'0'' Any Amount of Money to Loan on Form or Village Pro. perty at 6 & 6 ; Per Cent., 5'early. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Assurance le force Jan'y,'09, $11,931,207 Now business written in 1001 2,1101,1)60 Inoreaso over 1820 110,800 Clash income for 18111. , .. , . , 047,020 luoroaso over 1000 57,020 Liberal Conditions of Policies. Cash Ana Paid-up value geeennteed 1311 eaotn policy. All divi,lesls belong to and ale laid ouly to policy holders, Premiums payable crowing the mouth Iu winah they fall thio. Policies are incontestable two years fro m date of issue. No rostrlotiolt on travel, residence or ea, oupation, Lapsed potlalea may be revived within six ;ton tits after lapse, Death claims paid at oeoo o; completion of claim papaws. J, A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel. y'er' Haiti Vigor Makes the hair soft and glossy. "I have used Ayer's Bair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state 0,'prc::. ervation, I am forty years old, and brave ridden the plains for twenty sive years." —Wm, !leery Ott,all,tr"aloctans Newcastle, V,'yo. yo° rgs Hair Vigor Prevents hair from falling out. "A number of years ago, by recom- mendation of a friend, I began to 9110 Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop rho hair frau, falling out and prevent its turning gray, The first effects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have kept my hair thick and of a natural color." - 11, E. Basham, Mcliinney, Texas. Ayer's _ ir Vigor Restores hair after fevers. " Over a year no I had a severe fever, and when 1 recovered my hair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to use Ayer's hair Vigor, and not/ my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color."—Mrs, A. Collins, Dighton, bfass. yer Hairtfigi' Provouts hair from turning gray. "My hair wits rapidly turning gray and falling out ; one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my heir is now its original color and full- ness."—B, Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. * Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 10 Co„Lowell, Masa, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers, B©N'T OVERLOOK THIS ADVT. To make room for luras Novelties a number of Lines of Goods will be al- most HVEN AWAY ST Bookstore, CAT ,1_,) School Supplies, Bibles, Hymn Books, Stationery, Photo Albums, &c., always in stock. Diel you/ ever rear. the Pansy Series ? One Dollar - One Year, THE TORONTO `meekly ItTows. SUBSCRII31I - NOW 1 The Best Family Newspaper published its Canada. Tho 'send - le Pi Ws And a ohoiac of the following Premiums untilJANUs.ltY 1st, 1804, Inc the price of One Year's Subscription, One bullar ; No. 1.—Etching—Christ Leaving the Prmtorium. No, 2—Tinted Etching -- Tho Retreat from Moscow. No. 13— Photo-Gravure—Woucn and Children First. No, 4—Photo.Gravuro -- The Fathers of Confederation. No. 6—Sou- venir Album of Canadian Statesmen. No.0—L'ngraving--L'irdb-Eye Viow of Toronto, 28e14, Or one of the fellowing literary imam. Vona i 1'e'i11e09S sunshine, Airs, Riddell , Loves a Tyrant, Atlnte 'Thomas; Curb .and Sr alae, Sir Kendall Roberts; Baling Quart, b'rauk Barron l Soul of Countess Aavian • Ctrs, Campbell Praod; lltes Shane, W. 19 lvnrris; The Piaondilly pnsale, IDm'gns Manta ' Every filch a Soldier, W J Ool j,ihoun ; Daughlai•auf Belgravia, klrs Alex Eraser ; Roll of honor, Ample Thomas; Bootle's 011, rib, Jnln, 8 Wintnr Beyond (ompat•e, (.bas (l lubou ; Vint Love Mrs, liit1ftu11 Englishmen of the Eno Oain 7flurm,co Warden ' iloodtviukud, T W dap dent 1 St. Cuthbet'sll'over, - llo1etoo Warden ; Klan with a Secret, Forgns 1lumo 11 Tt orostallod Mrs Illation ; The lion disc L a1oatle' Prluso Sorge Peon°, Geo allotLeglo'frown, Sarah tllylIt i ; ''ho Witness of the Bun, Amolio loves; Without Lova or Meuse, Ilawle 0 kart 1 llloocl White Rosa, 13 L Fav poi ; The It0gne,W 11 'Norris 1 Sew- ing too Wind, Airs 14 Lynn Linton ; A Copper Ctasb,Prank Danbyi Arm Moll, .11ev R B Gould 1 Little Chatelaine, Earl or Dosart' Bock or the Nye, Mrs 111 Teenuard ; The Last Ooup, Hawley Smart 1 By 1011sadvotltluio, I.'rttnk Barrett; Blade Buslloss, Hawley Smart; Man from Manchester, Melt Dono- van; Itival Princes Janda aloCiarthy' Bing of .1 eaelo Karl of Lytton ; Tho log Priam, 15loronco'�warden ; Old B1oor's Doro D 0 hurray ! For Ona and aho World , ill 1l Ed- wards ;The areatMissionary Tjailero, 110V, Canoe Tayto'; PulelSutrow,rel A Mao, 0 ewrl 1o> Nov, 213, 1802 NI COTTON .00T Nt COMPOUSI). A mount cllscol•otc byoa an Y lolil y,'on'u tau, tineoossftd- t l v maul 1,11n 10thly , them - ands )1,, of I,Aipl7:9. 1a fits may perfectly safe and r'1''Io a modlulue deseev. es'o, , Bowaro 01 tmpt, 111 i'ed eb•unniht9 w11n Hire' Inferior nlotll190, 1 in place of this. Ask tet' 10,, 99 eolll'IW Itn,'t' 1 and take no en 1,1,10 to ; or Melee° el and d tltrec•cont Canada postage stamps In letter, null we will sena, seated, by return mail, Full seal- ed particulars le pine envelope, to ladles only, 2 stamps, Ad,.lross Pond ally Slim palm,'. No, a fisher Sleek, 1st Woodward ave„ Patrol% Mich. r.veRold in 131 a;wens by J. T, PEPPER, (0, A, DEAII0IAN and all reanouslble druggists everywhere. o -0 0 • 0 o to 15 a n uvv (1® t°q' vl !' w7 02 ro W ro 0 ` ” . g 02 a TH.-s LEA)ERS �;. ala � Our line of Baso Burners is more complete than ever boron, "Radiant Home," "Art Garland," "Art Peninsular," "Radiant Peninsular," &c. These Stoves aro constructed i11 the most mocder11 style, and are the most powerful Double Heaters made. They are finished in the highest style of the art and wo warrant everyone good baking ovens. If you are in need of a Parlor Cook, bo sure and see our stock before purchasing. "Evening Light" and "Lyndon" Heaters Are greatly improved this season and are selling fast auci giving good satisfaction. We will take your ol(1 stove. Handsome Ranges ! WWe carry e, stock of the best in this line, all prices. Call and inspect. Sec and Hand Stoves Our second hand stoves aro going off fast. If you want One, you must secure it early. They are good ones and cheap. Just opened out Hanging and Table Lalnps, Bedroom and Night Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea Knives, Tea Spoons, Tea Trays. BALL TYNE & WILTON. iii /j� ��7E 11 i� But don't you want to i1La "'J ,.J -'r get a 11i(.L' piece of 1 c . Dress Goocls C lea � and �t 'nigh (turn r 1 y a perhaps also something Slice to suit the Children 7 We will give you good, bargains now and a good assortment of all kinds to choose from. Coatings for Children, Misses and Ladies. Overcoats and Suits for Boys—All sizes. Overcoats and Suits for Men --A11 sizes and Very Cheap. Boots, Shoos ad,tbbers for old and young. A good line of Fresh Groceries always on hand< Our 30e. Tea o7' 4 lbs. for $1.00 .Beats the Record. lex. Str 11-1 CAla CJS "A Son of Mud" describes the condition of the town and coun- try present. .L' question arisos—How 1'� try at tit pies 1t The s s know a o we to avoid it ? The answer is easy—GO to Geo. Good's Stores, Brussels and Seaforth 1 During the Weal; Liquich.1ion Sale and get your :BOO 1S AND SHOES, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Rubbers and Socks. Men's. and Boys' Long Boots of all kinds cheaper than ever. A lot of Ladies' Fine Shoes, 0 scuds and Slippers, will he cleared out at Big Reductions, Brussels store to Rent. J. R GREGORY, LIQUIDA'TOR',