The Brussels Post, 1892-11-25, Page 5Noy, 25, 1892 TTIE BRUSS ..TLS POST ttom k ottsrenrmsoctolmese arsessura souxnlr zvcrero sesstrrrrmrnrworereslrno.,'=11rarnsnsirswensoa!coleus&rnoxosztruartiomaotograntacn r> :r^• muco v€roxecst,ata. DISTRICT 1311uctval(1. T, J. Dillon, formerly cheese Maker at (the 1316001110 0 1103.0 fucinry, wee litho last weak. lie hate been in the Lower Provinces daring the past sumer, un Ilei the Dairy Comntiesionor, toaaltime the people deieying. Mr. Dillon ghee to Mount Elgin to conduce a winter dairy in that Owe. Cleo n1Dr oche. Fnot11nll seems to be tho only ammo. moat Imre just new. Thomas Ritchie arrived home last wools. He intends spending the Winter round here. Tbo Royal Templars of Temportenco bold their meetings every wools now, Thsv are not dead yet it seems. Winter i0 here once more 1,3318 in pined of the rabble of rho wag011e and buggies we boar the jingle of the sleigh bells. The oiler mill is still running. Jude. ing from appearances it will rut all win ter for totals of apples era to bo seen coming in every day. 7, J. A'litohell w le, J. Williams aro busy malting now sleights and cutters for winter use. Anyone desiring to got either would do well to give them a cell. Mrs. Thompson and illrs. Alex. Ping and family loll this week fnr Manitoba. Geo Green, of Gnclorinh, w1, stere lase week attending his mother's funeral, 00 was also his brother William, of Put :Elgin. Rev. John 7103131), who has been re. need no aogiln.lntan008 hem, was 0onan0(1 to hr'i for a few days last week by a severe (told. The Cenrt of the 0. 0. P. le in a flottele1ing condition with a membership OE ally and still growing larger. Tho names of the new officers may be rend on news 0 of this issue. oar Council ie said to be opposed to the TTnIO0 of Rafnge brit they dent repreeentall 'ho intelligence of TIowicic and who knows what an upheaval there may be in this line beioro 1903. The Directors of the itfeohanins' Institute have decided to hold evening olnsmes tiering the Winter, provided that a suficient number of pupils can bo obtained. J. B, Campbell has consented , to tette charge 1,e toaohor, Wm. Stinson, our enterprising cattle dealer, has poro11need lot 8, con. 0, lIowinit, from llIise Julia Strong for the sum of 34,600, she tenting Mr. Stiuson's place here in the village at 91,200. The farm consists of 100 Oer00 a mile !;net of here, with a good nrehn'd but the buildingeare not gond. Rev. 3. W. Ceti:cart, of the First Presbyterian 011nrc'h of McDonald, Pa., who Wits here attending the funeral of the Ittle Airs. Crean, 111,1 mether•in•laW, preached an impressive sermon on Sun. day evening last in the Baptist 01101.011. Rev. Me. Brownlee, Episcopalian, wns present and toolc part in the service. Ox'ietteetucm. Potatoes aro n somewhat seared (rti. ole 111 101011. Rev. 71Ir. Watson, pnetnr of the Con. greuali01111 church, Wingham, in 100,7111g Navin:+• received n call to Wondstonk. 4 h gear and concert will he given in Wi .3 Mans on or about the 111th of Deo. by the numbers of the Young People's Guild of St. Panl'0 church. The young people of St, Paul's church have f"rnMl a nncietY of Christian s1,1 a)1 En- deavor Tre nalr0re elected were : Ta . Mearaoken, President ; Mtge Millie Johnston, Treasurer ; Alias Kate Groves, Seero'ary. J. 1I. T)nlmage, after being out of the Brnnswiolt 110100 for a few untie•, stns agate taken possession (end will 0nitti1r10 to run the house. Dan. Mo0oetniok, the late m•oprietor, may become a commer- cial traveller. FIon. J, C. Patterson was moonlit, at Montreal consulting the C. P. R, officials in regard to the exteneinn of their lino from Wingham to Goderioh. 81 miles in length, and subsidised by the Dominion to the extent of 900.200. It is likely flint Gm 0. P. R. will start the work at nn early day. Walter Green, of the Wingham Pico. trio Light Co., has shown his good will in the temperance cause in a pranlionl man'er, hexing placed an are light on the post emoted some 111110 0)10 at the north corner of the market square, to light the road on the way to the temper• anon hall last week, and has also sus- pended another from the stage Gelling in the hall. J,. 84t:ce-vv . About 10,000 barrels of apples have been shipped from hero this Fall. Some lime ago the official Board of the Methodist 01131x011invited the Raw, Dr. Willoughby, of Toronto, to beoomo the successor 10 Rev. Mr. Livingstone, whose term expires at the else of June next. Dr, Willoughby hoe tempted the invitation, subject to the approval of conference. A grand commit will be given in the 1,w hall n the 9th r Doo. ander the town 1. 1 0 f l O n110pi000 of Knox church 011010, when the following pereon1 will talre part : Mise Knee Slrnrlg, mezzo soprano, vocalist; Prof, Fred. Warrington, baritone, from Toronto; Captain Jamieson and hie cadets ; Mies Lily Beane, one of Oath. dobe favorite elocutionists, from Kincar- dine ; Jus. MoM11110n, M. P., Mt, Forest, chairman. A well altendod meeting 6.310 held in the town hall Monday eveeing to hone the 90006100 of continental inion dis• cussed by Elgin Myers, of Toronto, and D. MoGillionddy, of Guderieh. There was a fair representation of Indies in the audience. The .chair was oocnvied by W. G. Ilny and the best of order obtain- ed throughout the meeting. The pro• madden of the case by the speakers of the evening was favorably received by the „11dienee and at the close Itov. Jamoe Livfngeto0e, although not approving of the poiioy adopted, paid a tribute to the manner is which the sub:beet had been plated by the speakers, A veto of thalls's wee moved by Tilos, Male, 0000nde(1 by Ur. Bradley and both gonelemon, in 0p0akieg of the motion, Anted that they bad rooeived new light en the subject and bad received te number of new ideas Which roads thou morn favorably Bis• posed townede continental union then they had hitherto been. The motion was earthed, NEWS, W13114)31. What's the wetter with the lie T, of T. y Next Sunday afternoon Rev. 113r, Riley, of Obosley, is expected to preach in St, Goorgo'e church lu 11110 01110310. endny school Convenlion 111 Duff's 1buroh next `l'huraduy aftermen and evening. The program was given in Tun, Post last week. A night school will be oarriod on in this village, under the (Ur0otlon of Prin. cipal Kersey. This will afford rho young people who 03114 attend public 0011001 00 line opportunity of brushing 1,p. The Mole ellet 0hnrah in malting pre- liminary arrangements for, their Now Year's ann,veesary. Rev. W. l'. Camp. bell, of Blyth, will preach the Remora. The annual tea will be hold the following 111onc1313' evening, The Georgetown paper save :—It is reported that Rev. Thos, Gee, 000t•ge• town who bite for some time been suffer - Mg from an affection of the throat, in. tends, in obedionoo to his phyeiolano, to spend the whiter in the 13001,11. 1LUa1;51'0t•vn. Geo. IValo11 returned from Newmarket; last weep. Mee. AI. Pear01) has rented her honeo to ono of the Wren worsting at the mill. ltov. J. 13. Dyke was in Kincardine Loeb Sabbath. J. L, lluutar supplied his work here. Look out far leotare in Belgf6v0 on Monday, Dec. 641, anbjeot "iilanlino,o," by Rev. S. Sellery, M. A,, 13. D. Airs. J. Ciuff leaves for her home- in Brandon, IlI(te., this 100011, having event the 017rm1100 among relatives in than v10iuitV. Wm. Love had hie hand bully out by a stroke from the band Cutter's knife while reeding a threshing machine at W. Raath's, on Ftid31y. The election of offl00r( in the Belgravo I. 0, G. T. resulted as follows :- C. T„ D. Mloklejolnn ; V, T., A, Brandon ( ('h ti,, K. 1V1;;htmen ; Soo„ N.13ra6don ; A. Sec., N. Wilkinson ; F. -Sec„ R. An- derson ; T., K. 111iekiejohn ; M„ J. Stebbs ; D. 3f„ 117. 1'intater ; S., ,7. Wightman ; G., M. Russel ; P. 0. T., D. Scott. rIee a:nul -(lu Wt 1ne.dor, 11 11 1131'., the town of 1k,.l0l•1c11 (06(3 111,3 9e11i,1 of ow of then. happy events which uinally email; a Mutter ofeontlintillg hopes and Imre 111 the minds of moat of the ;tartlet - pantie, On the day mentioned at 8:30 p. in. Nellie, oldest daughter of helm 11111im', metabolit, was jellied in wed• lock's silken Ronda to It. 31. Putt, of Meadow Milli farm, Grey township, at 1,110 0e011011311 1,13 13111, 61'1330'0 3!41'3.1110. Rev. Mr. Torrance, of (1od.rloh, perform. 0d the ceremony, The invited guests were OOnl11010 10 immediate relatives end fri0ud0, The bride ryas 110at'y attired in °ream 00rge trimmed with 0illi hoe, ribbon tend pearls, She also wore u beautiful tulle vell and a wreath of orange blossoms and 00.1110(1 a hand• some bog0ot of natural flowers in 11031 hand, The bride's ulster, Minnie, who MS 104 OA her attenJant, also wore cream serge trimmed with sills lace and ribbon and loolt031 charming carrying her baguet of natural (3owe,s. The groom was supported b,y hie brother, John Gull, '1'110 ceremony over which made them in the sight 01 God and man heel/and and wife, they 10eelv031 the Congratulations of (hoes auiombied, lifter this the party adjourned to We spacious dining• room where, amid a "feast of reason and flow Of soul," 1,116 good things provided with the well known liberality of the host 0011 11081000, 171r, and Aire. Hillier, were datouse0(1 ite a manner which loft lei room to think thio jocund tine with its iutel)3)11tutel and sentimental sou. colnetant0 lead palled the material palate. The happy couple left on the 7 o'clock train friday morning for their home, followed by the good wishes of nil who lt00w them. The presents were in, quantity and value a high testimony to the popularity of the bridal couple. The following is the list :- 3.100.00, the bride's father ; china tea set, the bride's mother ; } cLoz. silver ferns, alis Lou Hillier ; f may cushion, Miss 13101031 hillier ; carving knife and steel, ,131100 Minnie Hillier ; * dog. silver 0poo00, Miss Sadie hillier ; majolica pitcher•, Miss Birdie IIfllfor ; 3 doe. chairs, Mrs. Cute and Jno. Cut ; clook, Thos. Chat ; silver Greet stand, Jas. Cott and wife ; silver butter (1101), T. M0Ewen and wife ; wine set, J. E. Coombs and wife ; *doe. 0tivee knives, ,los. Coomber and wife ; 811003 3101110 cruet, A. McDonald and wife ; silver sugar spoon and batter knife, Geo. Gooinbes and wife ; rocking o11air, Wm, Mo$olvsy nn(L toile ; family bible, harry A3tYY:i1 Horton ; rocking chair, Jus, Horton 11)1(1 wif0 ; butter knife, Arthur Horton and A wedding is on the tapis and will wife ; bread pall, James Horton ; bake come off shortly. beard and utensils, 301113 Horton ; 2 1V4111an1 Twain was visiting friends in fancy cups and 0au0000, Hillary Horton ; Gerrie this week. * dor 8;100 teaspoon, Mrs. 11. Hutton ; Several additlou0 have been made framed family photo, Ere. Ino. Horton ; lately to the English oburo1 choir. hot biscuit dish, II. Morton and wife ; Mr. 'Hamilton, of Ripley, was visiting pin cushion end toilet mats, Alias Edict brother Charles Hamilton, tentage. e. llortou ; lruit besk81, H. Phillips and matter, this week, wife ; silver caste basket, le. Duff and Jas. lltuigh and Ales. Symonds intend wife; salt and pepper cruet, Miss 0. leaving here fm• N 'rth Shore this week. Rye ; napkin ring, AI 18 L. Jefferson ; Miss Curtis has returned to the Ladies salt and pepper cruet, Chas. Jefferson ; College ie Whitby, after a very pleasant ward receiver, Miss A. Kiel(palriok Th .misgiving vacation, cheese dish, blies Amelia Kirkpatrick ; John Denholm expects his large staff 3 doz. tab a napkins, Miss Al. Pothering. of apple packers to be through with rho ham ; table teeth and 1 doz. napkins, L. canteen's work this week. II. Harris ; white counterpane, Mrs. W. Our public school inteude to give a McAllister ; framed hand paiotiug, Aries concert shortly. Priu0fpal rammer 931. iJre ; hat rack and mirror, Juo. ha- the full man0gem0et of it. IGrunt • fruie btlskot, S03,clny 0ohool On Tuesday evening, 20111 inst., the f class ; silver pie knife, Miss Annie members of the C. 0. P. of this burgs Hillier. intend having a public installation of —.--� their officers for next term, after which their frlonl0 will be provided with re- Ereehmlents and an entertainment. On Friday evening a meeting of the ratepayers was held in Industry hall for the purpose of disonesiug the advisability tree, with electricity. OE lighting our taw e t ., p Y 110010 1:0111 111011 occupied the chair. Several of 0111' 1111100(10 spoke fnr a length of line both for and tegalus1 it, after which a vote was taken resulting in a large majority of ratepayers preemie be- ing in favor of o'ir 00011011 taking action and having our town lighted by electricity as 00011 as possible. Grove John Strachan is ill with typhoid fever. George Ostobv fell from the wagon the other day end injured hie ribs by strip- ing the double.tree. All or nearly all of the root crop has been got 1ndee Dover. It was a dist-twee- Ole job all through owing to the oontintt- ed wet weather. The trust0.s of 13, S No. 4 have on gaged E. G. 1110Douald as teacher for next year 14t nn increased 8a1111(y. A11 !examination find public entertainment will be held in the school house on Tllnrsdey, Deo, 2211d. Miss Lizzie Strachan, who has been Laid up for several weeks with typhoid fever, is improving. Her department in Teeswutor public school is in charge of a young lady from WWingham during her illness. We 1ie11 hot a speedy recovery. It is said that Arch. Hislop will op• pose Reeve Milne and that the two Deputy Reeves will also nava opposition. Amon:( the new names mentioned 1,e probable olndiciete0 for seats at the Board are, Ranee Cummfugs, L. Aro- Neil and A. 0. Damns, A. lively time i0 sntioi weed. Morethan IIS° usual interest has been 6.113 a b 6 t. taken in Br1Orela school matters by our Peen') Atm.—The following obituary people of late, Many have pat tbomeelveo 1101100 refers to the father of Mrs. Goo. • 1 t Nom time time to � lit •—Au thee of Huron's considerably abut o 0 to t o Henderson, Bld le, o H send their boys and girls to 7)1us00111 1(0001od pioneers, in the p010031 of WW1, 10h001 and in Lille way the Prinoipai is Lowrie, of IIulle41, near Kluburu, has known, and highly spoken of in all been gathered 10 his 181hers. Mr, Lowrie pats of tho Town+hip so that 4110 feeling died very suddenly on Tuesday evening, le decidedly aettinst the re00110 a0tio)1 of 8th Mee. Ho had been suffering solve• the Trustees. whiLt from heart fahto ainuthe 0 04u of We noticed at item in last weeks September last, het was never confined Poon', taken from the Clinton "News- t0 bed, and although 110 suffered eon - Rowed," having reference to tipple pack. retriarably he W110 111w143,0 able to be about ing in Grey. The 'item, among other 111e hoes.. 011 the night of his death he things, contained a few witty (7) 0nyfngs had been flitting betide the stove and teas of two teen, who, with others from the chatting pleasantly with his wife, and western townships, were here packing did not se0111 to be worse that neuel. and mulling during the s03 -on, Ltd us He 11a(1 barely got into bed, however, say in the outset that experience and when, without any warning, he fell for• precept toaohos lee that all wise mon ward and without an apparene straggle come from the Plast, Says the00 gentle. 1110 spirit tools its flight. 131r. Lowrie men to the newspaper elan, "The root wits a native of Berwickshire, S0otlend, crop..uffereil while elm owners wa4clted IIe ean10 to Oapada about 48 yeaar0 ago the apple 01311000," Now, ono of the gen• and settled on the farm 1r1 jlullott, whore Hamel wan too young to lumw that the he 00utinued to reside until the tem of root crop cone gr() 119 011 rho while, and hie death. 'Pita whole surrounding of cenr00 Peek's bad boy uoecls no oom• country was 111011 little 11011011' 111011 a Mont, In me11y blatancies some extra donee forest, but Mr, Lowrie was spared dollars ev0(0 made, by looking 01o0e1y to see it uoneerted into 0110 of the sleet after those fellows, some of whom teens., beautiful and (011110 0oetion0 in Oanada, 03 to bo new at tho b110111808, Thee all and Mr, Lowriele farm ie one of the hest thaw \V00ternites loft "on good terms in the settlement, He was al oxooed• with everybody" w0 do scot dispute, hub ingly robust roan in his Say, and by dint they might have loft on bettor term of industry and fragalify ha succeeded 3)1 1311131) everybody if all eareemohts had laying up etiffiolenb to have those depend - bon faibhfidly 000110d mut. ing upon him In independent circum. i111caD-t r.- Geerge Ealcot is away to 8,101e Ste. Marie. Wm. Forrest lute gone to Orillia on a holiday visit. i y John Little has 1000011 his farm to his brother.iu law for a term orY ears. Taxes must bo paid en or before the dates Hied by the 0 dlert„r, The Conn- ell have made this rule and want it cum. plied with. The trustees of S. S. No. 6 have pur- 011100ed half an nom of laud from Chas. Proctor whioh they intend adding to the prosect geoun1. D. Campbell, soa•iu•law of John A. @IoEtveu, of the 1st 0011., arrived home last week from Manitoba, a0oonipalied by his wife and family. Mr. Campbell sloes not intend 0010011131g to Manitoba again. A. 131. McAlister' new brink residence, 2nd lino is tow completed and Mr. Mao. and family moved in this week. The house is a good one and 83eake well for the contr,otore, Messrs. Pugh, Haney and W. Rcddiek. Oint•.—On Wednesday ev0111119 of this week Je8310 A., daughter of Alex. and Mary L'ureyth, posed (war the river with the silent boatman. Three years ago the deceased had n bad attack of inflammation of the lungs, at which time her life was 310Opair0C0 of but by good nursing she Dante theon3h it. About two !months ago she bad the searlot fever and 0outraeting a cold at the same tilne it wee anon apparent that quiok consumption was doing its dewily work. Calmly and peacefully she awaited the coming of the Master anis had 110 ward of 0omplaint to offer. Je00de was nearly tett year0 of age. The funeral will lettye the 11omo of lour parents, lob 110, con. 8, one Sateeday aft01•r11O1r 1413 1(330 o'clock. Service at 1 ei. m. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth seed family are deeply eympethhsed ataleee, 111,1 WIN a quiet, ntllteelllning men, end wee of is kind diapealti'111, and was deme-v.1L y eet001110(1 by all wile Knew 111m, He 6.1,13 honorable and straigbt.Gn'ward in ani 1111 doal1ugs, Rod few men 0/303011 mere fully the o0n11. dopes of 11113 follow•mon, while hie ever cheerful d,;l,:,1113813 made hien 13 imitate. sat favorite. In polities he was an en. thueiastio Liberal, and in re11910,1 a eo11- ei06ent member of tlu, Prosbyterian de nomination. The r 3311113 6'311 a Laid t0 met on Thursday, and, despite the un- favorable weather and beet roads, a very large number paid their last tribute of respect 10 one Who Was well worthy of being remembered alnleng t11o0', who have honestly done their shorn toward.' mak. tag 111e world bolter than they found It. lIis aged partner in life, together tvitlt two 310ne and four daughters, still sta. vivo him. Mr, Lowrie had reached the good age of. 76 years. He was an elder brother of Charles Lowrie, of Seaforth. AT.ttniecomen,—"It is not good that man should be alone," was a 01141801001 made by Hfg11 authority in the Carden of Eden and in these latter days, as of yore, men are exemplifying their belief in the same doctrine by seeking the daughters of lave 111 marriage. The 8rd line, on Wednesday evening of this week, taw the consummation of an expected matrimonial alliance, 11 tools place 01 the oomfortable residence of Richard Armstrong when his (laughter, Miss Mary, was wedded to Joel Jr, Sollars, a resident of the same line. Rev. 3, W, Pring, of Blueval0, was the bfti0iatfng minister. After the ceremony the large number of poste, about 100, sat clown to an elaborate spread, to which ample jueti0e was done. Tho wedding gilt0 amply evidenced the esteem in which 111r. end Mrs, Sellars ere held. A 8001111 and enjoyable evening was spent, the company expressing their base wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the bride and groom as they took their departure for their new home. By the •'lldling and cooing" of some other young People present 1t would be eel., to pre. dict that other marriages will follow before the winter is past. A,tWoote. The following olli0ers were appointed in 0onneetion with the recently organized 111001180100' Institute :---President, Rev. A. Henderson, k9. A. ; Al. E. Needs, Secretary• Treasurer ; Rev. J. S. 'Fisher, W. Dunn, 7. Johnston, 7. W. iefeBain, Dr. Bice, Dr. Cowan, 11,. S. Pelton, Dr. Roo and 0. J. Wynn, Directors. I. 0. G. T.—The following °Mears were elected for the ensuing term :-0, T., 1Vm, Wherry ; V. T„ Nellie Hamilton ; Soo., R. J. Farrell ; A. S., A. McBoin ; I'. S„ A Campbell ; Treas., Lizzie Switzer ; Chap„ Rev. J. S. Fisher ; 111•, Wm. Hollis ; D. M., Nettie Robertson ; G., Minnie Robertson ; S., W. Marshall; P. 0. T., A. Campbell ; T, D„ 1i. 13. Hamilton. • The following are the 11011100 of the officers of the C. 0. I'., Atwood:—C. R., H. Hoar ; V. C. It., J. K. Beim ; P. S., James Stearn ; R. 3„ 1.')10,3, Fullerton ; Treas., Jas. Longmire ; Chap , Wm. 'Marshall ; Sen. -W„ David Whiting,1 Jan. -W., 1. H. Wilson ; See. B,, J. Sanders ; Jun. B., A. Cameron ; Physi- cian, Dr. Cowan, The Bee save :—The place t,, get a gaud, clean 01iav8 or a hair cut, is at the Atwood tonsorial parlor. During the months friend Grewar has b,en in our midst 11e has conducted 111s besinose in a manner (me(litnble to himself. Ever obliging, neat and tasty in bis work, Oherlio will ellrely emceed. 131613301. Drywood oCl i9n scarce rti a ale. A wedding is mooted, the 0000mmly to take place about Christmas, Fred. Laird fs attending the Seaforel, Collegiate Institute. He is a good student. Wo regret bhnl Miss Sterritt is leaving our pnblie school. Her successor has not yet been appointed. Several AI. 1)'13, have been making in. 9ni0ies about Ethel and its surroundings sine' the decease of Dr. Cale. 360 has been granted by the Council for the p1) 3)0013 of fitting oat the new Township Had w1113 table, chairs, oto. Reeve Milne intends pushing the saw mill business here as neral, WI and his partners had an opportunity of disposing of their recently aoquit•r(I timber limits at a good advance, on 1011111 they paid. The Temperanoo cause is having quite a boom in this plane. Last meeting there were ten 011'1didates initiated. Sides have been (1110se1, with Allen 8000101 and Goo. Dobson as captains. 3xoe11ent pro- grams are being riven and the good work is likely to continue, 7)101.77 Socceve,—A public meeting in tbo interests of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in the Presbyterian ehural7, Ethel, on Monday evening, Doo. 6th. Thos. Strachan, President of the Brussels Branch, wit preside. Ad(1resees will be delivered by Revds. D. 111i11ar and It. Paul, of Brussels, and Revds. 1)1000rs. Moline and Newcombe, Everybody Wi11 be welcomed. rJi'I Stir iis1aurui E. K �AISEA Has purchased iness from H. tends making improvements and increasing the above bus• Kelly and ili- a !lumber of in the shop the Stock, New Goods Ordered, Choice Confectionery, Oysters, j'e. E, H. KAISER PROI'UI r"I'011, -rand Exhibition of 0 AT SPECIAL PRICES_ SPECIAL LINES OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENT One of the Largest and Richest Assortments of' U 1 1 Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Brooches, Rungs, &c., in the County. All the Novelties in Jewellery for Ladies wear. Anyone Wanting a present will do well to call on us before making their selection. Engraving (lone on articles FREE. H. L. JACKSON, JEWELLER. OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL. s±i E ?rr;ARoA8f-�ta��e ,re 0.0 MAYS. Is to the front again with a Full Line of Tweeds, You will find it pays to see Suitings, Overcoatings, lea Ly Stock .A. Fit Guaranteed, I Pantings. Latest Styles Eat%1 Cain) PUN, Ss IlUhbu Coat& In Gents' Furnishings I take no Second Place. Yon will find Lin- derelothiug and Top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Collars, Titan, Braces, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., in well bought Goods and sold at close Prices. Our reputation for First Class Ordered Clothing. is well known. Consnit your own interests by calling all D. C. EVOIS,44v Brussels, Ont. The Leading Tailor. ll�P "Bob Ill�b 99 1 f Ui e This old, reliable institution is still in the van of progress and is well prepared to cater to the wants of the public at this Season. A rine Stock of INNER AND TEA SETS In Stone and China. They are dandies. Elegant dishes in Eng- lish Stoneware selling Cheap. Also Glassware, &c. Teas, Coffees', Spices, Fruits., Sugars, c(1's, Canoed Goods, N., cF'c• J Fresh, Nice and sold at Close Prices. Highest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. THE HUSTLING GROCER. n. 101.1,10121. h 0.0 et- , F imt»xatranrar¢vm}erasnc maa•.�+,3.e'nra aa,�•....,...rm,atramee,nmi.1.e er:amrxr:xw;m'omra.'rmn A7tl LICA'TIONS,T1•lORO9 GHLY REMOVES ,..,_. DANDRUFF L. (I Ya. L. C1AT.1wN. 1 Toronto, Trnrrlling 0nnsnn0,, Agnnt,11 r a,. 13990 ,,, Amid/ l /A'renro10,011lnno000001100. arca-Its netinn In nlnrvnlioi a-Innyy own Chen 8 rownrpncannn( not Only thorooknly ,mmbvat ��'iVggryry±y����qq ��qq�ig m(�j oy0wn,vo dandruff' 1101mnaln18,1, 3 at /topped Cdstl6''J5t 13)6 6 I�I9 ilutotedanv3 aiLigvihisuanmli,atl7vnad 1101100000 ledln0 holo to Its 0)01001 Dolor. Steps failing of hair. Hoes the Scalp dleen, Makes hair soft 001,1161,a Promotes Growth. Soto ny G. A, DEA1»1AN, 131tussNLs,