The Brussels Post, 1892-11-4, Page 5it it Nov. 4, 1892 'Q i5ti ext Rebs, Weal toes - The cheese factory hos °lofteri for this season atter a very sn0000sful run, W, A. Edgar and wife are malting it visit among retativee and friends at De. troit and Essex County, Mr, Riley, of Ingersoll, purchased the het lot of oheese at 10 9/16 Dents per pound, The Direobors have ro,eoga god VIT. A. Edgar for next year. Ile has proved himself to be an A 1 maker and the people are well satisfied with his Work and pleased to know that ho to to Have ohergo during 1893, e 47 ranee s•cook. Balance of 1802 free to now subscribers to Tina POST for noxi year. James McIntosh, blaoltomith, loft title week for San Frenaiseo, California, whore a situation awaits him. Yonr Cranbrook ecribe would like to see Ab. Dames in the Township Council believing that he would make a first- oleas man. Roy. D. 33. and Mrs. Mena° attended the wedding of George Robb and Mies Maggie McCrea, of Brussele, last Tues- day evening. Lest week A. 0, Dames returned from a most enjoyable trip to Algoma. Ilio wont via "United Empire" from Kin- cardine and returned by the "Baltic" to W iarton. leiestovs, te1. Tho Travellieg Dairy visited Listowel on Tuesday. J, (3. Hay left last week for Chicago on a prospecting trip. A number of our town sports intend taking a deer hunting trip to Moekoka. The Night Sohool, under the auepioeo of the Mechanics' Institute, opened on Tuesday. The "King's Daughters" will give an entertainmenb in the town hall on Fri- day, Nov. 25th. Rev. James Livingstone was in To- ronto last week attending the dedication of the new Victoria University. Guy Brothers' Minstrels, the beet or- ganization of the kind travelling, appear. ed in the town ball on Tuesday evening. Rev. S. Nicbolis, having accepted a call to the pastorate of Olivet Congre- gational church, Toronto, preached his farewell sermon in the Congregational church here on Sunday loot. On Tues- day evening a farewell social was hold at the parsonage. Wiese ht,ni. Last Sunday the Methodist congre- gation held their services in the Temper- ance Hall. Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Belgrave, gave en address at bho W. 0. T. U. meeting last Monday night. Andrew Murray, blacksmith, was in- jured while shooing a horse last week and had to quit work for a few days. Mrs. Owen Hitchcock will commence a series of leoturss under the auspices of the W. 0. T. U. on Sunday, Nov. 13th. J. A. Kling, cooper at the salt block, made 100 salt barrels in 8d hours on Fri- day of last week. If anyone can beat this record he would like to hoar of it. The brick work of the new English ohuroh is completed. 11 is ono of the finest pie0e0 of work in town and refle0te aredib upon the contractor's, McGregor Bros. The interior of the building vacated by the Bon of Hamilton this week will be remodeled and taken possession of by IIaletead & Scott about Deo. 10th. Mr. Smith, the agout, will occupy the upstairs portion as a residence, A very nuusual 000urrenoe transpired on Thursday evening of last week, in tho assembling together of children, grand. children and great•grond-children to the number of thirty-seven at the residence of Mr. Nebterfield, senior, Winghani town plot, the occasion being the celebration of bhe sixty-second anniversary of the aged couple's wedding. Besides those present there wore eixtyseven descend. ants absent its different parts of the continent. Sixty•bwo years of marriod life is longer than usually falls to people on thisterrestrial • star., a her p e. They were made the reeipienbs of many substantial and useful presents. Both Mr. Netter- dold and his faithful wife are still hale and hearty, and we hope they will live to r). celebrate their diamond wedding. It is unneoeesary to say that an enjoyable evening was spent by those present,— Wingham Advance. Morris. Township Council will meet next Mon- day. Look out for the tax Collector, he will commence work next week, Miss Mary Knight, 8th line, has taken it poei1ion in E. 0, Dunford's tailor shop, Brossels. Mrs, Wm. MoArter, of this locality, was renewing aoquaintanoes in Tooker - smith lash wook. Wm. Wilson and family, who have lived on the plot known as the Richard IIingeton property, have removed to Pal- merston. ,Wn,. Carter, 0141 sou., has rented An- drew 14ioNioholl's lam, near Oronbrook, for five years. We wish Mr. Carter con - tin Ued a.000000. Richard Armstrong, F. Embury and J. Rutledge are away to the Bruee penin- sula with their guns and hounds on a hunting expedition. The Howlett Mutual Insuranoe Go. settled the olaim of W. J. Garter, whoso barn was brained Dome time ago, by pay- ing him $800 on been and $315 on eon - tents, 1)615 in all. Carter Bros., who recently disposed of their forme, had an auction eels of their stook and implements on Friday last, It was well attended and good priced were roalizod, Mr. Kirkby was tho'auotioneer, John Gray, of Lindsay, who was visit• ing hie half brother, James Duncan, for several weeks, hag returned home, He hag been, in poor health for some time from uervon0•exhaustion bub was much improved by his slays hero, Last Sunday John Mooney lot out his horses to have a run in a pasture field, In the evening his son went after them and the animals started on a rum along the field next the lane, All of a sudden a fine aheabnub mar i s o sl pp cl and fell and when Ilr. Mooney got up to her she was just breathing her last. She had bteekon her teak, the vonebroe being g severed 01000 tor tlia head. Thebe ad met did not even offer V to lticlt after s1 lee tui 4 I wag a most peettliar eceide0t mal tee field woe he level as a floor.fie .' icm a ,K3` A tisrst.,. I/ Mir tleiris741e ereitmerma etar;tmeeetes,"'• %,...+'`4aeratiie I3olenoo of 1892 free to .new eubeoribere to Tins Poor for next year. Send along your name or that of your neighbor, Dungan Laidlaw, of leveeing, Welton Co,, was elsi ilau friends iu thio township last week. Dolman is evldenely enjoy ing himself and Is 6110 pletnr0 of health, Barroom I6avowT.—'rho following are bho pipits of H. B. No. 10 who took the high- est number of merits in their a:epootive °lassos as shown by the weekly oxamin- atioes ,held clueing the month of Oob. The names are in order of merit 4th plass—Milton McVety, Mary Poa• cook, Serial Wilson ; Jr. •nth close—A. Messer, Aggio Forrest, Andrew Wilson ; Sr. 8rd class—Roubon Snell, Rebecca Vernet, Sarah Thornton ; Jr. 8rd class— Walter Breckenridge, Geo. Johnston, Walter Smillie ; Sr. 2110. oleos—Mary Simpson, Martha Johnston, Godibha Combos ; Jr. 2nd clans—Maggio Wilson, Mary Woodrow, Chita. Forrest ; Part god aloes—Percy Snell and Mary Wilson, (equal) Willie Moses, Ina Bryans. WAS. L. Wmeox, Teacher. SouooL Minim—The following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Morrie, for the 10011th of October, based on proficiency, good °enduot and attendance. 8rd Class—James 1I1c0e11, George 11loOall, Tillie Clonnan, Hanna Kelly; senior 2nd Claes—Jennie MoArter, David McCall, Maud Sholdioe, .Robert Moore ; junior 2nd Claoe—Maggio Olenuan, Ada Searle, Sara Taylor, Bella McCall ; senior part 2nd—Edith Jaokeon, 1/11/6011 MoArter, Sandie McArter ; junior part 2nd—Ella MoArter, Daviel Moore and Maggie Mc- Call, Laura Gear, Roy Jaoltson ; senior part 1st—Lizzie MoOal1, Willie Kelly, Maud Jackson ; junior part 1st—Rosy Searle, Emma McCall, May Taylor, Lily Bewley ; primary Class—Florence But- ton, Menne Jackson, Lyle Jaoltson, Ray- mond Fear. M. Bunsen, Teacher. -As Mies Lily Rogers, of Dungannon, bee been visiting friends in Atwood. Last tveelt D. Murray had the misfor- tune to out his knee with a drawing knife. The new kitchen erected to the rear of Jas. Stevens' residence is a decided im• provement. Wm. Marshall has rented the upper flat of H. Roar's blacksmith shop for a carriage paint shop. Wm. Donn has disposed of his com- fortable residence, "Dunnemere Hall," to W. F. Forrest, for $1,200. The latter takes possession next May. John Rogers returned to Atwood last week from Denver, Colorado, where he and Mrs, Rogers have been spending the summer in the hope of recruiting her health. 10 ti rut. Episcopalian service is held every second Sabbath now. The Presbyterian Sabbath school has purchased a fine new library. Reeve Milne went to Muskoka last week on a combined bosinese and pleas- ure trip. He took his gun along. They intend pushing the manufacture of shingles at lively rate on their new par - obese this season. The boys had a big time ou Monday evening hiding gates, Yon should bo (moral boys and not leave your neigh. bor's crop exposed to the ravages of the town cattle, You would not like it your- self. The Township Hall is putting on quite a finished appearano outside as the wood. work has received its coat of plant and the scaffolding has bean token down. The contractors and his men are bast. lees. 'three of them put on the ceiling in six bouts and forty minutes or two clays for one man. It required 1,650 feet of lumber and the widest boards are 8e Welles. There is another Inspeotor at the hall every clay. He wears a light brown slouch ,tat and Mike very fast. Gerrie. A nock Parliamont is talked of in town. Mr. Gartloy is putting up a cider mill in connection with the Gerrie evaporator, The briokworh of the new Foresters' 111 11 is about completed and the oorpen- ters are pushing their work forward as fast as po0eible. The cermet on the 0th of Nov. prone• Wes to be it good One. The talent secur- ed is Jas. Fax, Miss Kate Strong and Miss Lily Evans. A. McKay, of Hamil- ton, will preside as chairman. The following °facers were elected in connection with the Women's Foreign Missionary Sooioty of the Presbyterian church :—Mrs. T. H. MaLauohlin, Peed. dent ; Mrs. S. T, Fennell, Vice -Presi- dent ; Mrs. J. Armstrong, Seo.; Mrs. N. MoLanohlin, Trees. The freight train Monday evening of last week brought a carload of apple barrels. Although it teas nearly ten 0- olook when the train reaohed hare there were thirty or forty farmers' wagons on the spot and inside of 40 mlm0tes there was not a barrel it the yard and quite a number of teamsters mut away die - appointed, Bluth Holy Communion in Trinity ohuroh on Sunday morning next. Quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist ohuroh on Sunday, The gale on Friday night wee the means of blowing down the smokestack of the flax mill. Hallowe'en passed off vary quietly in this burg excepting a few tricks played by the young gaffers. Several of one oitizons oontsmplato taking in bhe box sealed at Belgrave 011 Saturday evening under bhe It, 0, L. and the Lady True Blues in honor of the Gunpowder Plot. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather on Friday evening the social under the auspices of the Juvenile 'Tem- plars, held in Telnperanoo hall, tva0 a 0uoce001inanoially and otherwise, At the last meeting of the members of F. the 0, O. 1. No. 89, the following ofliaers were elected for the ensuing term :--0. R., T, S. McKinnon ; V. C R., A, Stehle toff ; 1t, S., J. W. Bell F. S., R, Slater ; Tress, M.31. Hammond; Chap., Rev. T. 33, Higley ; S. W„ Wm. Sims ; J. W., John Scott ; S.B., Malcom MoLarby ; J. B„ Thos. Morahan, Joseph Gougon, a baker from Blyth, locally known as "French Joe," wee up for brie/ before Judge Tome, charged With feloniously aesouitieg John Kelly, hotel -keeper, Blyth, on the morning of 1110 12111 of Oct. The counsel Por ptloon• or peactioally admitted ttod that there was no dofonee, and the judge sentenced the priao000 to jail for throe months with luted labor. ...eel 5, THE BRUSSELS POST reldatarHOWNSIZWISISAIIIISCH401XklentlettatestlavantalellalleatilaN411SISMININSWanntirianalalallellinitarearlinnaNni 113ttfrgee rtwo. It, big time is expa0ted on the evening of Nov, 0011, J. Itobertaoa, of IIa mitten, wart vielting relatives here this we alt, S. Irvine and Jos, Olegg shipped, a oar load of l,tnlbe oault front this station last week, Messrs. GanagIlor and Brandon will hold a shooting match here on Friday, Nov, 4th. E. Livingston Ston has taken po00osaion of the sawmill recently purohaeed from Tyner Bros, and fs having it refitted for the coming winter, Melte £loll.. Well grounded rumour says that on One of our commission lines there are two notable oases of, a dirooh violation of the VIII Commandment. This style of life has gone on for years, during which a 'oar and feather" sealable was once held. The people of the neighborhood are nob any boo well pleased ab the stand- ard of morality set up and would advise them to sell their revolvers and break rip housekeeping. Teen BLvas,—Tho laliee of Princess Aline True Blue lodge, No, 21, Winthrop, held a very successful aoodal at the reel - dense of Jia. Mornay, District Master of Mullett and W. 101. of L. 0. L. No. 818, Moltillnp, when a very enjoyable time was spent, After tho inner -man was satisfied with the good things pro• vided by the ladies P. 0, M., 13ro, Jno. Soarlett, was called to the chair and a program of meek, singing and recitation were gono through with, when all joined heartily it singing 'Cod save the Queen' and each returned tomo well pleased With the night's proceedings. ff31tt c vale. George McDonald has been re•itgaged as oheese maker for another year at the same salary. He's well up to his busi- nese. A. Bruce and wife moved into Blue - vale last Monday from Brussels. He has heti his residence greatly improved and has a comfortable home. He will follow his trade as shoemaker. On Saturday evening, Oct. 22nd, a special meeting of the Foresters' Court was held at which adctressee were deliver- ed by High Treasurer Noelands, of Wing - ham, and Chief Organizer Gartowu. Last Friday the real estate in Bluevale belonging to T. Farrow, of Brussels, was offered for sale but it was not sold as the bids were too low. Jno. Patterson dis- posed of household effects on the same day. The cheese for September and October has been sold for 11 cents per pound. The September cheese will he shipped this week. Total shipment will weigh about 9,000 pounds. The factory closed Monday of thio week but cheese will be manufactured for patrons for few weeks yet, Gree•. Some talk of forming a Christian En. deavour Society at Shine's school house. A strong society might be formed here, D. Querongosser is bnildine it house on lot 27, con. 15. Can yon guess who Davie has engaged to keep it warm for him this winter 7 A. MntliObol, 12011 lino, has leased Ills farm for a term of years to Wm. Carter, Morris. The present tenant, E. Jacktiu's, term having expired. Large flocks of wild gesso have been seen passing southward of late. This is a sign that their food supply is becoming exhausted in the north. Itis reported that the "Habkirlt" 100 aura farm on the 9011 con. has been sold but the name of the purchaser is tot known to the writer yet. Joseph Shaw and Peter Bishop, 5011 line, have gone to Manisbique, Mdoh., where t hey are engaged Withering. They 1005 in damp No. 51. Richard Mille, who had the Slemmon farm near Cranbrook rented for a term of years, hoe purchased a farm on the 8011 line and will remove there shortly, Thos. and Wm. Watson intend having an auction sale on the 10th inst. The former intends removing bo the vicinity of Galt aid his brother will go to Mani- toba next Spring, Jas. Calder, Win. Watson and John McNeil, who have been in Manitoba for several months, arrived hone last week. Much as they like the Prairie Province they say it is uo where to be compared with old Tlurou. The Joke -makers Union purpose hold. ing a meeting shortly. These meetings are generally followed by some startling s,nnouneement, When you see fire balls Sitting about therm dark nights keep a sharp look oub. Robert Menades has disposed of his farm, north halves of lots 7 and 8, Doc, 18, containing 116 acres, to Conrad Ba- gel, of this township. The prime receiv- ed was $4,000. This is considered e bargain as the farm is a very good one. J. Ooolt, D. MoOallunl and J. Smith packed linty -two barrels of apples in ten hours on 301111 Oliver's farm, Gth line, lash weep. This is good work as they did not boot' they even being timed and perhaps could have done better bad they known. Mrs. Dtrnoa11 Livingstone and child. ren have purehaoed the late residenoe of Mrs. McLean, l/ miles north of Boas. sale. There is ale more of land, house, stable, ,to. in ooine0lirn with the prem- ises. The pride was 9,300. Mrs. McLean now resides in Brussels. Luke Speraln has been building a kit. niton to his house. Last week he engaged J. W. Fogel and his on and there was It rattle of saws and hammers on Friday putbing 011 ceiling lumber, but it was down to bho cluieb hutu of the farm life on Sabnr'day as the men had finished their wont and were away to fresh fields of labor, Last week Robort, eon of Thornas Stroohai, went to Toronto to oonsalt n speoialdst abort hie failing eyesight. Ile will remain in the Queen ray for a few weeks to undergo the proscribed trent- moth; whioll tum Dr. says will prove elfe' miens. A. Strachan, morohant, Bros - sole, ecoompanied tis brother to Toxon. to, The residmme:of J. B. Heritage, Lon. don township, was the seen of asurprise phrby on Monday oveniog. The mem• bete of the London West Epworth League took it neon themeelveg bo "sur. prise" tho host and hostage, J, B. and Mee. Heritage, mho htbve latoly united thou' hearts and hands in the bonds of motehn n Y About 40 yonng people 100,1 fosse duo h i ss o f their once and With 1 tv games and other amusements peened it pleaset05 evening. Alt united in wisring there eng life and prosperity..fftl',,, reIAS Jaokldn Bros„ of the 446 lino, were do• ing some thrashing ou the 12th lino with their horse power maohiu0 Net week, It was anluwwledgod by soma diet they did the best threshing of the 00000)1, bo. ing ahead of the steamers. Horse power and the 1a1004 improved separator matte a wouderful dflferenue on the old hind used in years gone by, Jaultlin Brae. may they gat all the thr0obing they want to do right among the eteamers, Jas. Brown and Mtse 19. Smith were united 112 marriage on Wednoeday of brat weak at the residence of Mee- le, Brown, 003) eon, Miss Smith comes from Perth Go, The wedding gifts maria to the bride were useful and valuable. The happy couple have the hearty good wishes of a large oirole of frlends for Dude future happiness and prosperity. Rev, D, B. Moltee was the officiating olsrgymeo. We are not a prophet, neither are the the son of a prophet but' we say here, notwithstanding the fact that snow Hakes were falling around us at time of writing and big snow storms have occurred re• cantly in the Western States as well as in bho British Isles and, some pens of Europe, that Winter will not set in here until very late. Ootober was just whet we predioted--an unusually fico Fall n30)1,11 and the signs from which we matte our foreoaste gives us weather something similar for Nov. but if it is not as we say we will apologize later on. Sra;VEn Will/DING AT M.tPLEwooD FAUN :— A Colborne township oorrespondent writes :—Friday, Oet. 21st, was a gala clay a4 Maplewood Farm. Early in rho afternoon the many relatives and friends began t0 arrive to celebrate the 25111 an. niversary of the marriage of Thos. and Mrs. gallows. The day was all that could be leaired. During the afternoon 5championship game of quoits was play- ed between D. Wise and A. Morris repre senting Colborne, and J. Bellows and 0, Smith representing Grey. The latter wen by 21 points to 14. In the evening the guests were treated to a sumptuous repast after which the time was spent in social intercourse, recitations and sing. ing. lllany numerous and mostly presents wore preseu0ed to the host and hostess. The oonepany broke up about one o'olock, after wishing Mr. and MIS. Sallows many happy returns of the day, The death of Robert Grant, professor of astronomy do the University of Glas- gow, at the age of 78 is announced. A reign of terror has been inaugurated at Holneestead Pa„ since the troops were withdrawn. The strikers are blamed. Rev. F.G. Newton, of Bayfield, bas, at the request of the congregation of St. John's church, Strathroy, been appoint- ed as rector of that parish. Mr. Newton will enter on his duties about the first of December. Dir. Yeo, of Colborne township, while loading some purchases last week, beld MD horse by twisting the lines around one of the wheels. The animal being startled by something, started off, but the tura of the wheel brought the animal down on its shoulder, breaking the Dollar bone. The anirnai, for which the owner had been offered one thousand dollars, was so serion.ly injured that it had to be killed. ilLONEll TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight .Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. 0013 COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by au old physician. Saoeossfub ly used monthly by thous- ands of LAmM6. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine discov- ered, Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in plane of tilts. Ask for Coon's COTTON HOOT 0011000ND. take n0 substitute; or inclose 81 and 4 three -pout 0auada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, solved, by return maul, ,null seal- ed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address P01111 Lily Cum. pally, No, s Fisher Sleek, 101 Woodward uvo.,Doti'oit, IDioh. I—Bold in Bin mole by J. T. PEPPER, G. A. DD+ADh1AN and all responsible druggists everywhere. it7 i.ee ea, :let it is not wisp to exporlment vi.,i, cheap compelmcle purporting to to ltlood•puriilers, but which have i o rood medicinal value. To make 11::.1 of any other than the old stan- (lard A :•'.R'S Sarsaparilla—the Su - 1 11101 l)iood•turider—is simply to invite loss of time, money and health. 1i' you are afflicted with Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, llezemtb, Running Soros, Tumors, or any other blood disease, be aesm'ecl that ts, Pyr taw' Use AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S only, AYER'S Sarsaparilla can al- ways be depended upon. Ib (boa nob vary. It is always the same in quality, quantity, and offeot. It is superior in combination, proportion, appearance, and in all that peg to build up rho system weakened by disease and ram, 70 searches out all impurities in tho blood and ox. pals them by the natural channels,* Sarsaparilla ProPsredbyDr. J.O,Ayer .bOa,Lowell Matt, Bold by ailDruggists. Pelee 131; Ilx botblos, 60. Cures others,wili ours you Private Funds to Loan. $2O,0O O Ilavo been placed in my lianas for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, Ilio Commission. Borrowers can have 10a113 com- pleted in Throe Days if title satisfactory. W. AT, SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels.. fSEILO.3,tlerf 0017M PMMO T fir° !d r ■ This GREAT COUGH CURB, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medi- cline. All druggists aro authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other pure eau soocessfully steed. 11 you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, MO 10, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMP- TION, 11x'1 mon, to use it, it will curd you or poet nothing, Ask your Druggist for SIIILO}I'S CU11I0, Price 100., 500. and 91.00 If your lungs aro sore or back lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25o, Me LEO D'S System Renovator AND 0011310 -- TESTED REItIEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate• tion of the Heart, Livor Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularbilities and General De- ity LABORATORY SOOEROCH, ONT, J. M. MoLLOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, BI assets. PEOPLE'S MILE ® lad artieop —1'0— ETU 0018114 WASNNNOTON, In Tottrist Sleeping Oars, Toronto to Seattle Without Change, leaving Toronto Every Friday at 11:20 p. ,o. NOV. 4, 11, 1S, 20 1892 DEC. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Vii' Apply to any 0. P. R. Ticket Agent for It ll p MI artioulars. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. "Backache means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills Glue prompt relief. "75 per cent. of disease is fret caused by disordered kid- neys, 'Might as well try to haue a healthy city without sewer- age, as good health when the kidneys are (logged, they are the seauengers of the system. "Delay 1s dangerous. Neg- Ieoted /ridnelt l troubles testi in Bad Blood Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint and the most dan- gerous of all, Br/ghts Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy," The above diseases cannot 'I exist where Dodd's Kidney +, Pills are used.' Sold by ell dealers oreontby Milos receipt 01 price so cents. per box or six for 60.50, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto, Write for book called Kidney Tallt. 6 THF CQOK"S BEST FRIEND LARGEST MALE IN CANADA. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at .LOWEST a,LTr,s. Private and Company Funds. W. 11. DICKSON, Solicitor, oEc., BRUSSELS, ONT. Ontario Italia]. Life, LICA A, OFFICE, - WATERLOO, ONT. Assurance in force Jan'y,'02..$14,934,807 New business written in 1891 2,694,050 Increase over 1890.., 348,800 Cash income for 1801 017,620 Increase over 1800 67,620 Liberal Conditions of Policies. Cash and Pald-up Values guaranteed on ouch policy, All dividends belong to and ale paidonly to policy holders. Premiums payable during the month in which they fall due. Poliales are incontestable two years from date of issue. No restriction on travel, residence or oc- oupation. Lapsed policies may he revived within six mouths after lapse. Death claims paid at ones on completion of claim papers. J, A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel. T}1O8, FLETCHER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in tiOkEl IMO OMR WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers frilly warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest .Design JEWELRY 1 WNDLIxo RINGS, LADIES Geer Keene, BnoocnEs, EAnnnNes, &c. r"Also a Full Line of Vronxxs and Violin Strings, etc., in stock. Y. It.—Usurer of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. Apii1 —AT TUE— BRU SSELS EVAPO ATM FACTORY. The undersigned has en- larged his Factory to double the capacity and is open to buy any quantity of Apples. Shall apples Will not be ac- cepted. Windfalls, sweet or sour, tIlat are of any size will be taken. Winter Apples 25 cts, per bag. L. Mahler, 1.4.4 BRUSSELS.