The Brussels Post, 1892-10-28, Page 9atTID
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The annual fall allow took plane on
Saturday, October 15th. It was a de.
aided euaoese in every respect. The ef-
forts of the managers were crowned with
success in every sense of the term and
everyone went away feeling satisfied that
they had got the worth of their money.
This show is the outoome of enterprise
only. The 13luevale boys took it in hand
4 years ago and every year it has in-
areaeed over 50 per cent. However this
ie the first year the managers have been
able to give suitable prizes. This year
the plaoe was found to be far too small
to accommodate the large crowd that
thronged the ticket office to secure
tickets. It was inadequate to supply the
room necessary for a good display of
painting, fancy work, dairy produce, eon.
silting of butter and cheese, hens,
turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, rabbits,
vegetables, etc. The exhibit of horses
and sows was excellent while those of
the canine kind was fairly represented.
In the baby :how the competition was so
keen that the judges were unable to tell
which was No 1 baby so they gave the
prize to the mother. Excellent muaio
was furnished by Mies Annie Stowe, A
Graig and W H Stewart. A half dozen
disguised boys played a few humpty
dampty and Punch and Judy trioks. Mr.
Craig, our genial wagon maker, had an
excellent exhibit on the grounds. Robb.
MoPhereon, Huron County's harness
maker, had some harness on exhibition.
Geo. McDonald, the gentleman who
succeeded in taking let prize for cheese
at the London exhibition had au exhibit
of his celebrated cheese. Atter the ex-
hibition a game of foot ball was indulged
in by the lovers of that manly game.
Also some horse racing by some of Blue -
vale's fastest horses. As this was not on
the bills no prize was given. In all
shoat $33 will be given in prizes lees the
expenses. The inclemency of the
weather no doubt caused many to stay
in doors who otherwise would have at.
tended and witnessed ono of Bluovale's
most successful faire. The following is
the prize list :—
Roadster, J C Johnston, J Robertson ;
Saddle horse, II Johnston, Geo MoDon-
aid ; Yearling, general purpose, 0 Mills,
W Donnell; General purpose, year old,
M Smith, W Stewart •, Draught colt, E
Nicholson, W Connell ; Boadater colt,
W J Kerswell ; Roadster, yearling,
Peter Robertson.
Milch onw, R N Duff, J McIntosh ;
Calf, John Farrow, J. Pugh.
Leghorn, J Coultas, D Patton ; Ply-
mouth rooks, Geo Henry, W Littlejohn ;
Black Spanish, 0 Oouites, W Higgins ;
Bantams, P Patterson, .A. Duncan ;
Geese, Tom Diment, 0 Coultes ; Ducks,
F Scott, T Diment.
Black Spaniel, F Timmins, L B Doff ;
Blank Spaniel pups, P Patterson, 0 Hart-
Spies, J Pugh; Alexanders, W Ma.
Donald ; St Lawrenoe, Mrs Crawford ;
Snow, J Patterson ; Maiden's blush, ,M
Johnston •; Russet, W Bailey ; Tolman
sweets, W Bailey ; Collection of apples,
W Bailey.
noED mora.
Turnips, Swede, A Moldwan, M
Robertson ; Turnips, white, M MoEwau ;
Mangolda, 0 Mills, L Menzies ; Potatoes,
Elephant, W Haney ; Bell potatoes, M
Smith ; Rose potatoes, F Hartley, (.3
Coultea ; Pumpkin, A Patterson, A Dun-
kin ; Squash, I' Hartley.
Peppers, L Robertson ; Turnip baste,
A Patterson, W Higgins ; Long beets,
W Haney, Carrots, short red, I' Hartley,
A Patterson ; Carrots, white, J Pugh,
A Patterson ; Carrots, long red, H Pat-
terson ; Cabbage, Mrs W Stewart, W
Huggin ; Cabbage, red, W Huggin, Mrs
W Stewart ; Cauliflower, Mrs W Ste-
wart, W Huggin ; Tomatoes, Tom Di-
ment, E Nicholson ; Totnatoea, Plum,
M MoEwen ; German rape, A McEwen ;
Pop corn, W Burgess, F Hartley ; Yellow
corn, D Patton ; Sweet oorn, A Mo-
o even.
Collection house ;rowers, Miss M
Robertson ; Hanging plant, Mies M Di.
Mitts, Mrs Munn ; Fanny chair, F
Timmins ; Painting, A Rutherford, J
leukins ; Log cabin quilt, Mrs J l toDon•
aid, Lizzie Robertson ; Fancy gallt, Mrs
Hugh Moss, M Diment ; Fanny cushion,
Miss Nellie Collie, Oheeter Pugb ; Carpet,
Mao Messer, J Roberteon.
Collection canned fruit, I' Hartley, H
Patterson ; Broad, Mrs J McDonald,
Walter Rutherford ; Butter, Mee J Mo.
Donald, Mrs Hartley, Catsup, H Patter-
Rabbits, Minnie MoEwee.
Running race, H Johnston, Geo Mc-
Donald ; Trotting rase, J Haines, J
C atnndia>.ei .Le 'w.
The potato rot has been very extensive
in fields north of Barrie.
The village of Kegawong, Manitoulin
Island, has been destroyed by fire.
Dr. LaOhapelle, Conservative, was
elected by aeolamation in Hoehelega Que.
Wm. McRae, of Longford, while ad-
justing a belt in a mill, had his arm torn
Ten carloads of hay were shipped at
Kingston on Friday for the English
Hon. John Costigan is being boomed
for the Lieutenant.Governorship of New
The new Masonio Hall, at Barrie will
be dedicated by Hon. 3. M. Gibson,
grand master, on Nov. 1.
The Canadian ticket agents at their
annual meeting in Peterboro' decided to
meet in London next year.
Hon. Edward Blake has been invited
by Irish Canadians to addreea a meeting
in Montreal at an early date.
Thomas Small, butcher, of Harrieton,
fell off a ladder while picking apples the
other day and broke three ribs.
A Harrieton cooper was taken for a
squirrel while lying on the ground by a
shooting companion, and peppered with
Bridget Glynn, a girl reported to be a
bad lot, nearly killed a little boy named
Simpson, in Walkerton the other day
with a stone.
At Winchester Springs three men and
a boy named Eddy Liberty were after a
fox in a hollow log when one of the men
aocidentally shot the boy, oaneing his
The eleven Maekononge converts who
recently joined the Baptist denomination
wrote to a local French paper denying
they intend to return to the Roman
Oatholio faith.
The writ for a new election in Selkirk,
Manitoba, for the seat rendered vacant by
the appointment of Hon. Thos. Daly to
the Cabinet has been issued. Nomina-
tion Nov. 3, polling Nov. 10.
Hon. John Coatigan was the recipient
of a silver -mounted Irish black thorn
stink, Bent to him by Messrs. W. O'Brien,
John Dillon and Sir Thos. Esmonde as a
token of appreciation of his influence and
services on behalf of home rule.
A Montreal dispatch says :—Apple ex-
porters are losing heavily in the old
oountry on their Mall frail. Many ship.
merits do not bring the freight and some
agents in England have cabled here to
atop the shipping.
At a special meeting of the omoial
board of the First Methodist church, St.
Thomas, it was deoided to invite Rev.
Janes Hannon, D. D., of Norfolk street
church, Guelph, to the pastorate at the
close of bhe present conference year,
when the present pasto0'e term expires,
subjeot to the approval of the transfer
and stationing committees,
Chas, Currie, of Parkhill, to whom
McPherson has just forfeited the title of
obamplon shot-putter of the world, on
Saturday of lash week, in the presenoe of
a large crowd, broke several world's re-
cords at Winnipeg. He put the 21. -pound
shot 39 feet 10 inches, beating the record
nearly a foot. The 18 -pound shot he put
43 feet 2i inches, beating the world's
record of 41 feet 0} inches, made by G.
R. Gray, of Coldwater, Ont, The 12•
pound shot he put 54 feet 111 inches,
beating the world's record over a foot.
The Walkerton Telesoope tells the fol-
lowing story, from which pure, unman!.
terated Irish stinks out like a sore
thumb :—Quite an excitement was clamp
ed in the neighborhood of the Truax
factory on Tuesday morniug by the un-
timely and vigorous ringing of the fee -
tory bell, and a large number of half
dressed people were soon on the spot, ex.
peoting to find the plaoe on fire. It
seems that Mr, Truax wanted to take the
early train that morning and told the
nighbwatohman, Jerry Bolden, to ring
the bell at G o'clock. Mr. Truax meant
the door bell, but as the particular bell
had not been specified, Jerry quite
naturally pulled the rope of the factory
bell. It proved a very efsotive alarm,
Golden, B. O., is excited over one of
the greatest mineral diecoveries over
made in Canada. A party consisting of
A. P. Cummings, gold commissioner ; W.
0, and J. H. Wood and Leslie Hill, M.
E., have returned from Mort Steel, on
the St. Mary's river, 500 miles above
which the fled is situated, The vein con-
sists of solid stool galena, measuring, as
fa,r as uncovered, 23 feet and soma inch-
es across. Tho lead is called "The North
Star," and the assay nertitoate gives 50.-
06 onnees per ton. Ib will probably un=
cover a mine of silver almost unogcalled
in extent and comparative richness by
any silver property in America.
Thomas Cowan, postmaster ab Galt, is
suffering greatly from a serious affection
of the eye.
A new bell in the Church of the
Snored Heart, Barrie, will be consecrated
by Archbishop Walsh on Oct. 30th.
The grape harvest in Essex county has
been phenomenal. About 1,500 tone were
shipped and 1,000 tone made into wine.
It is thought that the family of the late
Deteotive Phair will secure from the
Police Benefit Fend in the neighborhood
of $1,300.
The propeller Canada, built in Hamil
ton in 1872, was burned at Port Huron
on Friday. She was sold last spring to
a Sarnia man.
Capt. Mulling, a well-known farmer of
East Oxford, had his ekull fractured by
a kick from a horse. His injuries are
considered fatal.
A proposal is on foot among the mem-
bers of Knox church, St. Thomas, to sup-
port an ordained missionary in the North-
west or British Columbia,
Robb. Miller, jr., has been chosen can-
didate by the Conserv calves to oppose
Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agricul-
ture, at the next Ontario elections.
The prisoners Wilson and Burke were
formally charged at London Police Court
with the murder of Deteotive Phair.
They were further remanded for a week,
Brigadier Margette, of Toronto, bas
been named to succeed Major Morris, in
charge of the Salvation Army in Mani-
toba, the Northwest and British Colum-
The G. T. R. oarehops in London are
at present very busy, 300 men being at
work, several of whom have recently
gone there from Brantford and Strat-
Rov. Dr. and Mrs. McCulloch, of Truro,
have just celebrated their golden wed-
ding. Dr. McCulloch was for half a
century pastor of the First Presbyterian
ohurch at Truro.
The Quebec Provincial Board of Health
has instituted proceedings against 60
municipalities out of the $45 in the Prov.
ince for neglecting to establish Local
Boards of Health.
The offioers elected for the Christian
Endeavor at London last week are
as follows :— President, Thomas
Morris, jr., Hamilton ; Vice•Preeidents,
Rev. Canon Richardson, London, G.
Tomer Ferguson, Toronto ; Rev. A. M.
Phillips, Toronto, and Rev. A. F. Mo.
Gregor, of Forest ; Secretary, E. A.
Hardy, Toronto, (re-elected) ; Treasurer,
Rev. H. W. Barker, Toronto ; Superin-
tendent of junior work, 0. J. Atkinson,
Toronto ; Editor, Miss Effie Carson,
London, (re.eleoted) ; Councillors, Rev.
J. R. Diokson, Galt, Rev. R. J. Boville,
Hamilton, and Rev. G. H. Oobbledick,
System nenov toi
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate,
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold by J. T. PEPPER.
Druggist, Bruseele.
Ontario Mutual Life.
Assurance in force Jan'y,'02$14,904,807
Now business written in 1891 2,604,950
Inoreaee over 1890 846,800
Cash income for 1891 547,620
Increase over 1990 57,020
Liberal Conditions of Policies.
Gash and Paid-up Valnea guaranteed on
each policy.
All dividends belong to and ate paid only
to ppolicy holders,
Premiums payable during tho mouth la
which they fan due.
Poliotee aro leeoubeebablo two years fro m
date of issue.
Stn restrletiou ou travel, residence or oo-
Lapsed policiesmay be revived within six
months after lapse.
Doatb claims paid at once en eomplation
of olaim papers.
Dietrich Agnt, Ethel,
,�i{1 ! AN D p�U ,
ANT ® D. L. CAvnN Restores Fading hair to its
Ii -I Toronto, Travoning Pomona. Agent, 0 P R.. original color.
Sara: Anti.Landrnai.aperfectroamvorofDm. Stops touring of hair.
p� p� nawnDDP�Crntlo'nano aNtythoroughlyrmoovo� Keeps the Scalp clean.
GUADAO1T_,EDa raw the dandruff accumulation but stopped
Makes hair soft and Pliable
e ill,t x11112 r, rate lteoa and pliable and
yromotad a .11elblesrowtb. Promotes Growth.
WEEKLY !':LOBE, balance 1892 FREE.
Wet feet again, and al
because you did'nt come
in and get a pair of
Rubbers or a good pair
of Boots that would
keep your feet warm, dry and comfortable. It's the cheapest in-
vestment you can make so don't put it off any longer. We have a
good assortment of all classes—from a cheap Eastern make up to
the best goods manufactured by Cooper $e Smith, and J. D. King
& Co.
A Suit. of Clothes or an Overcoat you can get from us, also
a Hat or Cap—Keep the boys warm.
Colne in and see what we have got to suit you.
Dress Goods of all kinds, cheap and stylish and
a Pattern given away FREE.
GENTS' FURNISHINGS—Hats, Caps, Shirts and Drawers,
Top Shirts, Braces, Ties, Collars, &c.
A special line of heavy All Wool Tweed at 50e. per yard—just the
thing for heavy winter pants, suits or overcoats.
GROCERIES—Try our 80c. Japan Tea or 4 lbs. for $1.00. It can't
be boat for flavor and quality. A call solicited.
x Stracha
18 E J. TR NG,
TE ��o"i 1 ,TOG 1F� t�, 1 7 1 E4i r f wt
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A look at his photos.
will convince you that they are first-class. Tho public
aro invited to ea11 up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Enlarged to ant/ size
in, Cray077, ai i'easonalale Prices.
A Specialty made of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistalFe the place, W. W. Burg ass' old stand
over Standard. Ranh.
. t7-• BTRRON G