The Brussels Post, 1892-10-14, Page 1• _41,-3, ,,: sk.,,,., n PRIA ,,>r_T.VU
Vol. 20. No. 14,
utk l:l.u•n.N. 1.140,0:C.T<.4@ILL•^[,as','.:,,xcurutu4v.,.'cumv:urrmc•W11.41. n1.7,...V . 110. J.xu,Gu xW4 ,WT.aruwuor`ma 5:,,.a4aiiryG.c''M .`J vaiu,cnkm:'. 'Fa'rtwt• :il¢e1 ,i'..rtu'NJkE6iYM
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Thursday of last week was the open.
Mg day of East Huron fall lair. From
early morning to 1 p, m. there was a
constant prooeselon 01 man and women
from near and far entering exhibits f.r
the inside department anti prating the same
in plana. Tho building whore the mote,
'vegetables, &a„ aro shown was crowded
re full that recourse was made to the
larger building with different varieties of
fruit. Persons who attended the Inclose
trial and Western Fairs say no suoh ex-
hibit was made at dither planes. The
Julies work was good and the bread, but-
ter, cakes and pies were never equalled
before here. Attractively arranged dia.
plays of photos were made by C. E.
Perry and H. J. Strong, In the evening
a musical program was given by the town
Band, and violin, organ and harmonica
selections were also rendered. During
the a1 ernoon the entire stook misjudged,
nam or of excellent animals in the
horse end enttle kind being on the
ground. The prize list will bo read elre-
where. As announced a 2 mil° bicycle
rade took pleas on the rase track. The
following was the result :-Jamas Bal-
lantyne, 1st ; Thos, Knoohtel. 2nd ; A. I.
McColl, 3rd. friday morning the airy
was overcast and during the forenoon
showers of rain fell keeping a large
number of people at home, no doubt, but
notwithstanding this the crowds poured
in until nearly 3,000 people were on the
Fair ground. The out -door exhibition
;. was not behind, although the rain pre.
' 'rented some intending exhibitors getting
their stook in, yet there was lively com-
petition in all classes. A. more tasty dis•
play of buggies, wagons, °otters, carts,
tic-, is very seldom seen at Provinbial
Faire. East Huron takes no emend
plaoe for good horses and cattle and
some splendid animals were on the
ground on Friday. The sawing match
was keenly contested. A hard maple log,
21 inches in diameter was provided and
the six contestants went at it in 0
tborougb business -like style, Bath pair
bad two outs to make off the log. The
prizes were awarded as follows :-Fraser
& Eggert, Blyth, 1st, time 70f seconds ;
Ramsay & Hanle, Grey, 2nd, 71O sem
ands. Ramsay Bros., of Grey, also com-
peted their time being 115/ seconds,
Speeding in the ring attracted the crowd
to the bait mils track. In the team race
T. F. Coleman's browns, of Seafortb,
won handily with P. Scott and A..
Koenig close behind. The buggy rade
was won by horses owned by Gus. Goebel,
Mitchell, T. F. Oolemau and Jas, Bell,
Entente, and the 3 minute race was in
the same order. Objection was mads to
Cashel's horse ou amount of it being a
pacer but it was quite evident it was too
speedy for the rest of the party, Mise
Cameron, of Tuckersmibh, was awarded.
let place for best lady driver, and Mrs. W.
Cameron, of MolCillop, took 2nd. Heavy
showers of rain prevented the foot races
announced. Speoe will not permit us to
make mention of the many commend-
able exhibits but we refer you to the act.
oompenying prize list for further de.
tails :-
IIoness.-Heavy draught -Stallion over
three years; A. Spate, T Calder ; stallion
under three years, D M¢Lauahlin, T
Simpson, A Speir; brood mare baying
raised a foal in 1892, J B Aitchison, Ino
Sbortreed, II Hamilton ; horse colt, J B
Aitchison ; mare oolt, Wm Pollard, Jno
Shortreed, A Dundee ; 2 year old filly, A
Speir, T MaLauehlin ; 2 year old gelding,
Jae McCallum, E Olvar, D MoLauchlin ;
Yearling filly, Neil Duncanson, Jas Ire-
land, W Watson ; yearling gelding, A
Knight, H Hamilton ; heavy draught
t: am, W Pollard, Amos Smith. General
purpose -Brood more having raised a
foal iu 1092, Jae Simpson, D Milne, E
Giver ; bora° colt, A Smith, J Brown &
San, D Milne; mare oolt, Jas M¢Onllum,
Wm Dark, Nell Dunaansou ; 2 year old
Blly, Jno Robb, See Ireland, W Cameron;
2 year old gelding, W McAleer, A Ross,
W Taylor' 1 year old filly, Geo Bender•
sou, Alex Gardiner, Jno Currie ; 1 year
old gelding, Jae Malallitm ; span of gen.
eral purpose horses, Jno Young, R Pol-
lard, J Bolger ; walking team, A Gardi-
ner, Wm Pollard. Roadsters -Stallion
over three years, Robb. Wilson, Gus Goo.
bol ; stallion under three years, W Rod-
dick ; brood more having raised a foal in
1802, W J Dickson, A Crioh, Geo Thom-
son ; spring foal (0010 or filly), A Orioh,
Geo Thomson, 11 Leatherdale; 2 year old
filly, E McNamara ; 2 year old gelding,
A Gardiner ; 1 year old filly, E MoNa-
mars ; 1 year old gelding, Jno Lambkin i
boggy horse, W J Dickson, Bobt Wilson,
J 0 Johnston ; roadster team, R Loather•
dale, A Kmnig, Carriage --Stallion over
three years, P Soott, F McIntosh ; stal-
lion under 3 years, A Knight ; brood
mare 16 hands high, 0l Johnston, Sas
Campbells carriage span 16 hands high,
Jno, Lambkin, R Pollard ; spring foal
(coltPollard ; yoariing gelding, , J o SibbeJno n'
It P , Y g g g,, ,
Jas Ireland ; 2 year old gelding, Jno
ben, Sas Jas Ireland ; 2 year old filly, Robt
Wilaon 1 & 2, T Wilkinson.
Taoio'•nnuto CArrnu.---Durham-Bull
over 2 years with registered pedigree,
Amos Smith, Nelson Brinker ; bull Om
der 2 years, T MaLaucbliu, Wm Taylor,
11 J McArthur ; imieb now having calved
since lest Show, Jno Armour, A Smith,
Ii Oorloy ; 2 'year old heifer, P Robert-
son, 1t Corley, Jno Elision ; 1 year old
heifer, 5 Dickson, R Corley ; bull calf,
Jse McLauchlan, W Watson ; heifer
onlf, 5 Diokson, Amos Smith 2 & 8,
Joreeye-Bull over two years with eagle -
tared pedigree, G A Deadman ; mnoh
cow having salved since leaf Show -Geo
Thomson, 0 A Deadman, 1 R Smith ;
yearling holler, J R Smith ; heifer calf,
Goo Thomson ; bull calf, J R Smith, G A
1)°adman. Natio° or grade onttio-Goes
Laing calved 001100 last Show, P Robert -
eon, It Corley ; 2 yea)/ old heifer, D Me-
Lauohlin, 1t Corley ; 1 year old heifer, It
Gurley, P Itoberteon ; 2 year Old steer,
Thee Roes 1 & 2 ; 1 year old oboe, Thee
Ross, Mary A1itolteil ; steer Oalf, It Cor.
ley 1 & 2 ; heifer calf, :It Corley, 1.1 Itob•
ertson ; fat cow or boffer, '1' Calder, 1)
McLauehlin ; fat ax or steer, Thos Ross
Sunin',-L•icesters and grades -Aged
ram, 1 Cameron, 0 Calder ; 'Meath's
ram, J Spelt, I) Milne ; ram lamb, N
Cumming, Jno Barr ; pair ewes, having
raised htmbe ie 1592, N Cumming ; pair
shoaling ew00, N Cumming, 91 David
SO/1 ; pair otvo lambs, D Milne, N Cunt•
ming. Downs and grades--Agnd ram,
Geo Hislop ; shoaling ram, Geo Stewart;
rain lamb, A Ross, Jas 09011", pair of
ewes, having raised lambs in 1592, ,Tohn
Currin, Geo Stewart ; pair of shoarhng
owes, A Ross, Geo Stewart ; pair of ewe
lambs, 11 McGowan, dos Speir,
ei'ros,-B3rkehire----73oar, aver one
year, age to be given, Jno Armour ;
Boer, raider one year, Jno Sharked! ;
Sow, having litered in 1802, Soo Brown
& Son, S Burgess ; Sow under one year,
A Smith, H Edwards. Yorkshire. -
Boar, over one year, age to be given, 11
Nichol ; Boar, nutter one year, Jno Ar-
mour; Sow having littered in 1802, R
Nielsen ; Sow, under one year, IL Nicholl
1 & 2. Chester Whites.• -Boar, over ono
year, ago to be given, S Snell ; Boar
under one year, T Davidson, H Edwards ;
Sow, having littered iu 1892, S Snail ;
Sow, ruder one year II Edwards.
PourmnY.-Guinea fowl, Jos Hari son,
T Heffernan ; dark Brabmas, 0 Hendee -
eon & Son, Fred MoGraoken ; light
Brabmas, Walter Taylor, Jas Harrison ;
Black Spauieb, 0 Henderson & San, Jas
Harrison ; Plymouth Rake, Jae Harri-
son, Fred McCracken ; White Leghorne,
Walter Taylor, Jas Harrison ; Silver
Spangled Homburgs, Jas Harrison ;
Blaolc Homburgs, II Edwards, C Hendon
sun & Son , Polunde, Jas Harrison, Fred
McCracken ; Bantams, Walter Taylor,
Chas Henderson & Son ; Houdaus, Jas
McCallum ; Dorking, Jae Harrison ;
Lengthens, C Henderson & Son 1 & 2 ;
Cuchiue, Chas Henderson Si Son, Fred
McCracken ; Wyandottes, Walter Taylor
1 & 2 ; turkeys, 'T Wilkinson, J J Gilpic ;
geese, 0 Henderson & Son, Jas Harrison;
Rouen duoke, Tbos Wilkinson ; Pekin
ducks, 0 Henderson & Son 1 & 2 ; can-
aries, S Burgess, Mee T Ballantyne ; aol-
leotion of pigeons, Charlotte Davies, T
Heffernan ; game fowl, Inc Harrison 1 &
2 ; brown Leghorn, Walter Taylor 1 & 2.
Ixeseaczxrs.-Patent arm wagon, S
Plum ; one horse buggy, open, Sas Walk-
er, Jno Wynn ; one horse boggy, covered,
Jas Walker 1 & 2 ; cutter, S Plum, Jae
Walker ; road car, Jas Walker 1 & 2 ;
field roller, T T Coleman ; iron harrows,
S Plum, D Ewen ; turnip smaller, J J
Gilpin ; two horse cultivator, 1 J Gilpin ;
turnip clutter, T T Coleman ; wide furrow
plow, T T Coleman, J J Gilpin ; general
purpose plow, J J Gilpin, T T Coleman ;
double mould board plow, J J Gilpin, T
T Coleman ; set doubletrees and ueck-
yolte, 5 Plum ; farm gate, Jas Walker ;
set of horse 'hoes from hemmer, S Plum
1 & 2 ; wheelbarrow, Jas Walker.
Gnats -White fall wheat, A Gardiner,
Chas Henderson & Son, Wm Taylor ;
red fall wheat, A Gardiner, H Edwards,
Geo Johnston ; spring wheat, any vari-
ety, dos McCallum, Geo Johnston, Geo
Moffatt; barley, 2 rowed, Jas Wilkinson,
0 Henderson & Son, Jno Stafford ; barley,
4 or 6 rowed, Geo Moffatt, W Cameron,
0 Henderson & Son ; black care, Geo
Moffatt, John Brown & Son, Jas. Modal.
lum ; white oats, Geo Johnston, II Ed-
wards, W Cameron ; emelt peas, H Ed.
wards, A Smith, Goo. Moffatt ; medium
peen, Jae Speir ; large peas, Geo Moffatt ;
bimothy seed, R Inglis, A Smith, Juo
Robb (r,
Fnorr.-Baldwins, Sao Barr ; Fameuse,
Geo Moffatt ; King of Tompkins 00, Geo
Moffatt; Mann, A Hove; Monmouth
Pippins, Jno Robb jr ; Northern Spies,
Jno Hewitt ; R I Greenings, Ed Garvin ;
Spitzeubnrg, Mrs T Ballantyne ; Seek no
Further, A Gardiner ; Tolman Sweets,
W Cameron ; 20.oz Pippins, lilts Telfer ;
Wealthy, Ed Garvin ; llibstou Pippins,
Mark Oardiff ; Oolverts, W Cameron ;
Roxbury Russets, F 8 Soott ; Alexander,
A Smith; Duobess of Oldenburg, 0 Hen.
dorm & Son ; Fall Pippins, Geo Moffatt ;
Gravenstien, W Smith ; Maiden's Blush,
Walter Richardson ; Porter, Alex Smith ;
St Lawrence, A Smith ; Chenango Straw.
berry, Geo Kelly ; 6 varieties winter ap-
ples, Inc Hewitt, Jae Evans ; 4 varieties
fall apples, Jas Levans, T Davidson ; win-
ter pears, A ROSS, Jno Wynn ; plums, U
A Deadman, W H McCracken ; grapes,
D Stewart, S Burgess ; crabs, T David.
sol ; Fallowater, Jno Sibben ; 5 apples
any named variety not in the above list,
Geo Johnston.
ROOTS AND Han Mmes. -Bushel early
pot00008, named, Walter Taylor ; Bushel
tete potatoes, named, Jno Sibben, Jno
Mowbray, Walter Taylor ; Collection of
pctetoes, 1 pook of oath', named, Chao
Henderson & Son, Walter Taylor, W II
McOraokon ; Swede Turnips, Jas Simp-
eon, Jas Spoil/ ; Turnips, any other
variety, Theo Davidson, Jae Ferguson ;
White Field Carrots, Geo Johnston,
Jas Modellnrn ; Altringbam Carrots,
Walter Taylor, W II MoGra0k-
on ; Scarlet Nantes, Jae Callum, Walter Taylor ; Early horn
Garrote, Jae Modallum, Walter Taylor ;
Long Blood Beats, Jae McCallum, Goo
Jobnstou ; Blood Turnip Boots, W II
Motr'aoken, See MoCalhun ; Whito Sugar
Beets, W II MoOraolcou, T Davidson ;
Parsnipe, Alox ROSS, A Smith ; Mongol
Wtmzole, long rod, W H McCracken, Geo
Johnston ; Yellow Globe Mangele, W H
McOraoken Geo Johnston ; Rod Globe
Alangelo, AV 10 ato0raoken, 0 Hondsr-
eon, & Son ; Long Yellow Mongols, W II
Madnaolten, 0 Ilendereon c& Son,
[Cleo/newsy tet SarrLsstetr•j
A very orient fire tools piano Saturday
night at the rosideuee of Pater teen,
living at Langsids, a few miles from
Luoknow. Aboub 11 O'olook the in-
mates of tho house wolco tip to find that
the' house was burning. All the family
were badly burned tempting one boy.
Mro, Heel' was badly burned about the
nook and arms' ; Mr, Hall hal both his
feet badly burned, and a little girl 11
years of ago was burned to a °resp,
Gauge of fire unknown. Loss 010111 $1,-
000 ; no ineurano,
Illyth always has a tremendous arnied
Ill their fail Show and thin your was no
exception, unities that it vitae larger than
USUAL TI/O weather was beautiful awl it
le estimated that 0,000 people were woe.
on on Wednesday afternoon, Thera was
a gacd display In the wines cleans, par-
ticularly in the horse ring, The pt'i•ro
list is as foliose(' :---
ileums. -•Heavy draneht---Team mares
or gvldiugtn, J If Dale, Jae Reynolde ;
brood mare having raised foal in 1892, J
B Aitohoson, Jas Snell ; mare foal, 3
Shearon', J T Dale ; !torso foal, Jas
Snell, J Williams ; 2 year old gelding, J
F D:ale ; 2 year old filly, J T Dale, Jno
Bell ; 1 year old gelding, J 1' Delo ; 1
1 year old filly, J Scott, General pur-
pose --Teem mares or geldings, H Ross,
W Wintry, Jas Coloton ; brood mare hav-
ing raised foal in 1802, R Pollard, J Mo.
Gee ; mare foal, Jas itlaOalhmn, T Mo-
Michnel ; horso foal, J Williams', R Pol-
lard ; '2 year old gelding, 11 Kirkby,
Taylr Bros; 2 year old filly, Taylor
Bros, A Parses's ; 1 year old gelding, T
Ross, J McCallum ; 1 year old filly, 3
Williams, Jno Barr. Road or menage -
Spite roadster horses, R Leatherdale, J
B Kennedy ; brood mare having raised
foal in 1892, Jno Sibben, R Pollaad ;
horse foal, 11 Pollard, Jas Carter ; mare
foal, Jno Sibben, W Levy ; 2 year old
gelding, Inc Sibben, W Lovy ; 2 year old
filly, H Taylor, W Levy ; 1 year old
filly, E McNamara ; best 4 oohs foaled in
1802, 1V Levy ; best Bingle driver iu bug.
gy, W J Dickson, W Pinkney ; saddle
horse, Dr Cartier, R E Samisen ; Sweep•
etalcee, best mare or gelding, J F Dale ;
lady driver, Mise Fisher, Mies Cameron.
CA•rmLo.-Durham-Miloh cow, raised
calf in '92 or with calf, Inc Armour, N
Gaming ; Two year old heifer, J Web-
ster, R Corley ; One year old heifer, J
Webster, R Corley ; Heifer oaf, Inc Ar-
mour ; Bull calf, N Coming, D Cook ;
Milch cow or heifer of any other register.
ed breed, J AIe(3regor 1 & 2 ; Bull calf,
J McGregor. -Grads Cattle -Milch cow,
having raised calf in '92 or with calf, R
Corley 1 & 2 ; Two year old heifer, G
McGowan, J Armour ; One year old
heifer, Jas Webster ; Heifer calf, R G
MoGowen, R Corley ; Best steer calf, R
Ferris, R Corley ; Two year old steer,
Thos Ross 1 & 2 ; One year old steer,
Theo Ross L& 2 ; Fat ox or steer, Thee
Ross 1 & 2 ; Fat now or heifer, butcher,
G McGowan,
Surma. -Cotswold -Aged ram, Ins
Potter, Joo Gaming; Sheorliug ram,
Jno Gaming 1 & 2 ; Ram Larnb, Jas Pot•
ter 1 & 2 ; Pair of aged ewes, having
raised lambs in '92, Jas Potter 1 as 2 ;
Pair ewe lambs, Jae Potter 1 & 2 ; Pair
shearling ewes, Jno Coming 1 & 2.-Lei-
eester-Aged ram, W Cameron, 1 Geary ;
Shoaling ram, Inc Snell, Jas Henry;
ram lamb, jas Snell, jno Barr ; pair
shearling ewes, jas Snell 1 & 2 ; pair of
aged ewes having raised lambs in 192, jas
Snell 1 & 2 ; best pair of ewe Iambs, N
Ginning, jae Henry ; beat fat sheep, Jae
Scall. -Southdown -Aged ram, Glen
Bros ; shearling ram, Glen Bros ; ram
lamb, Glen Bros 1 & 2 ; pair of aged
owes having raised lambs in '92, Glen
Bros 1 & 2 ; pair 'Moarling ewes, Glen
Bras 1 & 2 ; pair ewe lambs, Glen Bros
1 & 2.-Sbropebirodown-Aged ram,
Glen Bros, W Snell ; shearling rain, Geo
Stewart ; ram lambs, W Snell ; pair of
aged ewes baring raised lambs in '02, W
Snell, Geo Stewart ; pair sboarling ewes,
Glen Bros 1 & 2 ; best pair ewe lamb',
W Snell, Glen Bros,
Pies. -Suffolk -Brood sow having lit-
tered in '92 cr with pig, Ed Haggit sow
littered in '92, Ed Haggit. Large or
medium -Aged bona, Rogerson Bros, R
Nichol ; brood sow having littered in '02
or with pig, Rogerson Bros, R Nichol ;
boar littered in 'Oil, Rogerson Bros, H
Edwards ; sow littered in '92, Rogerson
Bros, H Edwards. Berlcsbire: Sow lit-
tered in '92, 11 Edwards.
Gerno.-Fall wheat, red, Geo MoGow•
nn, Geo jeokeon ; fall wheat, white, Wal-
ter Soott, R 13 Laidlaw ; epriug wheat
any kind, Geo McGowan, W Cameron ;
fall wheat any kind, II Edwards ; 0 row-
ed barley, W Cameron, Geo Moffatt ; 2
rowed barley, T j Hays ; large whits oats,
W Cameron, II L'dwarde ; black cats, jae
Harrison, R B Laidlaw ; email white
oats, W Cameron, Holmes ; small
peas, H G Hibbs, D Cook'.'
large parte, R
B Laidlaw, Geo Moffatt ; timothy seed,
R 13 Laidlaw, jas Harrison ; barrel of
hour, Kelly & Son ; Bax seed, R B Laid.
Roars. -Rose potatoes, jas MaGeo, T
Hamilton ; eleghant potatoes, Walter
Taylor ; potatoes any kind, Walter 'l;ay•
tor, W Hlolmee ; oolleotion of potatoes,
Walter Taylor, W II MoOraokeu ; field
garrote, jas MoCallnin, W Cameron;
garden rod parrots, Jas Mooallum, 4V
Taylor ; Swede turnips, R B Laidlaw,
J Willie ; aolleotion garden prodttoo, W
111o0raokeu, W Taylor ; mangold
Weetzele, (special) jas Logan, j00 McGee ;
beets, W H ,MoOraaken, Ed Haggit ;
mongol(' wortzalo, jae McCallum, 1t Sol-
lars ; pumpkins, IV H MoOraokon, jas
MoCnllum ; squashes, W H McCracken ;
red onions, Jno Stafford, W H McCrack-
en ; yellow onione, jno Stafford, J DI0-
Millon ; silver skin onions, IV II Mo.
Ornoken ; potato onions, Jno Stafford,
W H MoOracken ; field beans, jae Har.
risen W 11 MoCraolcen ; Dorn, jno Rioh-
xnohd, jno Stafford ; eitron0, Ib Sellars,
P Willows ; watermelons, 1V II Mo.
Craoken ; drumhead cabbage, W 'Taylor,
jno Stafford ; rod pickling oabbage, 1V
Taylor, jae McCallum ; cabbage, any
other kind jas OtIoG,0, W `Taylor ; cantle
flowers, I Taylorjno Stafford.
Dtzar- tbMatey butter,
tub of butter, j Willis, T Hamilton ; 60
1b tub of butter, T Hamilton; eroalc but-
ter, H Edwards, T Hallam ; butter
ante, jas McCallum, Mrs j Brigham ;
factory choose, P Papinoau ; dairy theme,
jas Symington ; oxtraoted honey, jas
Riobmond, Geo jaokson ; honey in oenb,
Et Hammond ; horne made bread, T Our,
rie ; plain tea biscuits, T Onrrie, jas
Harrison ; maple syrup, T Cade, W 13
MoOt•aokott ; maple assay, jas MoClellum,
W IT McCracken ; canned fruit, FV II
'.AtoCraoloon, Mrs H Walker ; grape wino
home nude, D Moore, Ono janlcsou ; to
mato eatanp, 1V Taylor, 0 Metall ; pick•
les mixed, 3 Ilamilt.on, W Taylor ; pick•
les any other kind, W fi McCracken, Goo
l3'nuxr,--Winter apploe, jae Potter, jno
Barr ; fall apples, jae Potter, R Laidlaw ;
baldwin, T IIamilton, j 13arr ; king of
tonpltins, j Hewitt, jae jealteon ; north-
ern spy, j Barr, 11 Roes ; 'Mode island
groeninge, It Corley, it G ?Leaman ;
ribaton pippin, R G McGowan, 0 Levy ;
russet golden, Geo jaakeon, 11 B Laidlaw ;
rued roxboro, j MuGregnr, A Carr ;
sok no further, It B Laidlaw, Geo Mof-
fat ; swear, N Cunning, Geo jokson ;
wagner, Mto j Brigham ; bendavis, jas
Barr, 0 Cameron ; vatorvere, j Potter,
A Garr ; mammoth pippine, j Barr, Geo
jeakson ; epitzenbnrg, Geo jaokeon,]
Garret ; fallawator, 11 13 Laidlaw, Geo
jaokeon ; tolman sweet, j jaakson, Mrs j
Brigham -; mann, W Lovy, 1) Moore ;
maiden blush, j Barr, D moore • snow,
Slater & Sims, Geo Moffatt ; dno'hess of
oldonborg, jas Potter, Mae Shortroed ;
°elven, 11 13 Laidlaw, A Carr ; alexaudor,
Shorrit, j Barr ; 5 20oz pippins, j Grayy,
j Williams •,6 any other kind, A Carr, 11
Corley ; collection of apples, Mee Brig-
ham, A Garr ; winter pairs, 11 B Laid-
law, 11 Shortreod ; fall pears, R Short -
reed, A Carr ; variety ofplume,W II Mc-
Cracken ; tomatoes, W Taylor, le 13
Laidlaw ; grapes, R D Laidlaw, j Sym-
ington ; peaches, j jaokson, j Symington.
POCLTnx - TGrkeys, W Irwin, jas Pot.
ter ; geese, Ed Haggit, jas Harrison ;
ranee ducke, jae Potter, Ed Haggit ;
dunks, any other kind, W Irwin, Gc F
Dale ; brown legborne, jas Harrison, Ed
Haggit ; white legborns, W Irwin, W
Taylor ; blaok spanish, jas Harrison ;
light Brahma', NV Taylor, W Irwin ;
dark brabmae, W Irwin 1 & 2 ; Ham -
burgs, W Irwin 1 & 2 ; games, Ed Hag-
git, W Irwin ; dorkina, jas Harrison ;
buff, °oohins, Ed Haggit, NV Irwin ; part-
ridge coohins, W Fl MoOraken ; Ban -
tame, W Irwin, W Mason ; Polancls,
ins Harrison ; plymouth rocks, jas Har.
riser ; Collection of pigeons, Ed IIaggit,
W H Mcdrauken ; Colleotion of fowl
apart from all entries, W Irwin, jas Etats
risen ; guinea fowl, jas Harrison, H
Itumesumee.--Lumber wagon, jno
Brunsdan, Slater & Sims ; bob sleighs,
heavy, Slater & Sims, jno Phillips ; Iron
beam sow plow, jno Brunadon ; Iron
bean general purpose plow, D Marsh 0,
Hamilton ; gang plow, jas Murray, C
Hamiton ; iron harrows, jas Murray,
Slater & Sims ; Single open buggy, jno
Brunsdon, Slater & Sims ; single covered
buggy, 1110 Ferguson 1 & 2 ; Double
baggy or jump seat, ooverecl, Slater <&
Sims ; cutter, Slater at Sims 1 & 2 ; set
of horse shoes, Slater c& Sims 1 2 ;
cabinet work, jos Walker, J Il Chellew ;
wooden pump, P Willows, farm gate, H
Edwards ; stove and furniture, j 0
Moser ; land roller, 0 Hamilton, j Blur.
ray ; spooineen coopers work, W Taylor ;
scaler, D Marsb, j Murray ; pulper, T
T Coleman,
MAvu Aorunza. mull cloth home spun,
Geo Nott, Miss Pollook ; home made all
wool flaunei, Geo Nott; Miss Pollok ;
flannel, union, Geo Nott, Mrs D Stewart;
home made all wool blankets, j Syming-
ton, T Hamilton ; blankets, union, Mrs
D Stewart, Geo Moffatt ; pair horse
blankets home spun, Mu D Stewart, G
Nott ; ooverlet home spun, W Taylor,
Mee D Stewart ; rag mat, Mrs H Walker,
Geo Nott ; yarn mat, Mrs H Walker ;
rag carpet, Mrs H Walker, Geo Nott ;
stocking yarn home spun, T Hamilton,
W H McCracken ; pear coarse boots, j
Sheritt 1 2 ; pair hand made gent's
boots, j Sheritt 1 & 2 ;'set double harness,
I 0 Richards ; set aingle harness, I 0
LAMBS' WORK.-Arrasene work, Miss
McFarlane, Goo Nott ; pillow and street
shame, Geo Nott, j Symington ; patch
quilt, Om Nott, N Coming ; oroobet
quilt, jno Hewitt, j Symington ; gents
white shirt hand made, T Hamilton, Geo
Moffatt ; fianuel shirt hand made, T
Hamilton, Geo Moffatt ; peer woollen
socks or stockings hand trade, T Hamil-
ton, Geo Nobt ; gents mita, jas Syming-
ton, 1V II MOGraoken ; Berlin wool work
flat, Mrs 0 Oampbell, jas Symington ;
Berlin wool work raised, j Symington,
airs 0 Campbell ; embroidery, Mrs D
Stewart, Mrs Dr Chador ; braiding on
wool or cotton, T Straohen, Geo Moffatt ;
sofa cushion, Mise Moi'arlane 1 & 2 ;
aolleotion of ladies work, Miss Miser -
lane, j Symington, Mrs 0 Campbell ;
fancy slippers, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss Mc-
Farlane ; prno or table soarf, Mrs Me -
'tartans, Geo Nott ; fancy panel, jas
Symington, Mise Mcarlane ; best novel-
ty in fanny work, Mrs De Chador 1 & 2 ;
mantle drape in embroidery, Miss Mo.
Venom, Geo Nott ; mantle drape in
pniuting, jas Symington ; old Indies dol•
lection any kind of hand work, jae bytn-
ingtou, Mrs D Stewart ; oroolust work
Ootton Or wool, Mrs D Stewart, j Sym•
iugton ; orobet work wool or silk, Mrs C
Campbell, j Symington ; crazy work, j
Symington, Mrs D Stewart ; °rowel
work, Goo Nott, elm 0 Campbell ; eau.
broidery on eilk or satin, Mrs D Stewart,
Miss McFarlane ; java canvas work jns
Symington, Mrs 0 Campbell ; home
made Meow hat, Mb's 0 Campbell ; bast
piaci fanoy work not on list, 11 Strachan,
11Ire 0 Campbell ; 1001 piece plain sew -
ins', las Symington, Mrs C Campbell
three patches on old panto, T Hamilton,
Miss patches
; ribbon work, j Syming-
ton; darning on socks os' stockings', T
Hamilton, Geo Nott ; keneington em-
broidery, Kee 0 Campbell, Mee Dr (lard-
er ; goats heir chain Mies McFarlane, T
Strachan ; parlor serene, Mre 0 Camp.
boll, j Symington ; toilet set Mise M0 -
b eriae°, Geo Nott ; ottoman, Geo Nott,
Mrs '0 Campbell ; toot stool, jas
Symington jae Walker ; wax work, Mrs
C Campbell, j Symington ; drawn work,
Miss lbieQuarrio,
Funs Aure.-Colleotion of oil paintings,
Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss Mob'arlane;
figure painting in oil, airs C Cainp1boll,
A:Iiee McFarlane ; animele grouped or
single in oil, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Ma-
10arlane ; water color painting any slob -
jest, Mee 0 Campbell, Miss McFarlane ;
crayon in portraits, Miss Mo1f'arlane
Goo Zenithal orayon drawing, j E
Henry, W (iannpbell ; paintings on pot.
tory, lilts C Campbell, Mee Dr Carder ;
pencil drawing, Sire 0 Campbell, Mrs
Dr Carder; Maud painting of e11k, satin
or plush, Mrs Ii Walker, Mee 0 Camp-
bell ; painting an glans', Aire C Campbell,
Hies McFarlane ; pastello any subject,
Miss 11'loP'atlaue 1 & 2 ; ell painting
marina view, arts 0 Campbell, Nfiee Pol.
lock ; beet reelection pltotagraples Geo
Jenkins ; best picture In oil, Mrs C
Campbell, Mime MaTavio1 ; collodion of
foliage plants', 1) Marsh, jas Harrison ;
geraniuns, D,Marsh 1 & '2 ; fuclilas, D
Marsh 1 & 2 ; hanging ba-ket, D Marsh,
jas Harrison ; table boquot, Cleo Stewart,
Walter Taylor ; hand briquet, W Taylor,
jas Harrison ; floral design or ornament,
jas Harrison, D Mar,.h ; collection of
dahlias, jas Harrison, W Taylor ; collo°.
tion of pansies', D Mesh, jas Harrison,
Speounen of pupile writing, Tonle
Lagan, Nettie Anderson, Nellie Ander-
son ; Organ competition, Aggie McLean,
Wingbetn ; Lily Kaake, Luoknow ; Miss
Hammond, Blyth ; Buatuees penman-
ship, W Cameron ; Ornamental penman.
ship, W Cameron; Pipers, Duncan Ma-
A'IaKay, Kintal; inn Dingwall, East
Wawanosh ; Boys' dancing, W hays, Mo.
Killop ; Girls dancing, Minnie MaOra-
gar, MoKillop ; Nellie McLaren, Jemima
McLaren ; Hornpipe, R Bloomfield,
JUDGES. -Sheep, Chas Proctor, Bol.
grave, Jae Scott, Westfield, Hogs, Ed
Bell, Londesboro', Light horses, A Par-
son, Matlock, Tbos Durnin, Dungannon,
jno Scarlett, Winthrop, jno Grieve S. V,
Seafortb. Heavy horses, Wm Cameron,
Brussels, jno Marquis, Goderioh town-
ship, A Gardiner, Walton. Cattle, A
Nichol, Brussels, j joltnston, Loodesboro',
jno Mills, Auburn, Poultry, Mos Carl-
ing, Clinton, Thos F Collis, Blyth,
Implements, P Scott and R Williams,
Brussels. Grain, Archy Taylor, Blyth.
Roots, John Stafford, Welton, Dairy
and Provisions, D 13 MoKioon, S Her-
rington, Blyth. Flowers and Fruits, 3 A
Morton, Wingham. Manufactures, P
Purvis, Blyth. Ladies work, Miss Reid,
Belfast, Miss McClelland, Belgrave.
Fins Arts, R Crochet, Goderioh. Piping
and Dancing, D Stewart, Brussels, F
Anderson, Belgrave.
Mies Orem Gerry is visiting at Dur-
hire. Belied, of Seafortb, is visiting at
J, Shaw's.
Mrs, A. Currin ie visiting relatives in
London and vicinity,
Reuben Jewett was home from (Minton
Model school lest week,
Mrs, Jno, Pelton, and son, of Atwood,
were visiting relatives in Brussels.
Rev, W E. herr and wife, of Thames -
ford, are visiting relatives in town.
Rev. E. W. Hunt, wife and daughter,
of. Southampton, were iu town for a visit
this week.
Mies Bertha McCullough has gone to
Loudon where sho has a situation in a
tailor shop,
Tillie, Lizzie and Tammy McRae, of
Cranbrook, were visiting Miss McKay
this sveek.
D. Lowry and wife were away this
week at Walkerton attending the funeral
of Mrs. Lowry's sister.
Mrs, Robt, Burns was at Lnoknow
this week attending the funeral of her
nephew, Joachim Grenaohe.
1. W. Yoe, formerly of Brussels, has
removed from Toronto to Goderioh where
he will look after farm property lately
T. A. Hawkins is enjoying a holiday
outing for a week or so with relatives
and friends at Trowbridge, Goderioh and
outer plena.
Mrs. Won, Thompson, is oriouely i11 we
regret to hoar. Her daughter, Mrs.
Bleak, of Wroxeter, came over to wait on
her on Wednesday.
A. Bruce and wife intend removing to
Bluevale where they have property. He
has rented his house and shop in Brus-
sels to George Edwards,
Edward Danford arrived home last
Friday from a six weeks visit to Mani-
toba, Dakota and Michigan. .Ho sate the
Danford boyo, MaLean'e, Works', Mo•
Lauchlin's, &e, and report them all do-
ing well.
Among the former Brusselites visiting
here during the Fair were;-Jno, Felton,
Gluts. Grower and R. S. Felton, Atwood ;
A, Currie, Jas, Grieve and wife, of Sea.
forth ; R. Bleak, Wroxeter ; T. A. Ma-
Lauohlin, Brnoefield ; W. Sloan, Blyth,
A despatch from Preston, Ont., says
of a former resident of Brussels :-"A
man named Ohristian Pellet, while
threshing with Wallace Bross near New
Dundee, was ou top of the machine fix•
ing a belt, when he slipped and welt pa -
to the cylinder feet first, and was
mangled into pieoee up to his hips, He
lived for 20 minutes only, llo leaves a
wife and three small children," The de-
ceased was married to Mise Jeanet Wel-
laos of this plans,
Ward Farrow, eon of Postmaster Yar-
row, of Brussels, being about to leave
there for Winnipeg, was honored by n
party being gotten up as a ferewoll, and
about twenty five young people journey
ed to Wingbam on Friday evouing last•
hors' they were the guests of tbo Misses
S. and IL Rodents, to pleasant evening
being spent by those assembled. Ward is
a favorite with all who know him, and
his friends both old and yonug will learn
with pleaeure of hie S11003ae iu the Prairie
provinoo's oepital city,-Wiegham Ad•
This tveok Alex. 1,., oldest son of
Daniel Stewart, left Breesels for Detroit,
whoa ha parposeo nuking his home if a
suitable Openingoffors, Mr. Stewart is it
gontleutauly, level headed young man,
not afraid of work and we venture to
prediob that be will be a very suoceesful
oittzon of Lhnole Satn's ouutly, The
said i1, S. is taking too many of the
youths who 8h0u1d tannin !taro to build
op Canada if remunerative positions
were to be had, Mr. Stowert will be
greatly missed in connection with Mel.
ville l'resbytoriau church where he was
specially useful ho the oltoir, Sunday
school and Young Fooplae' Sooioty. Tint
POST wishes him prosperity,
Mrs. Creighton ail untold wern away
at Guelph and llamilton this week.
Oliver Smith hag ;tempted a remuner-
ative position with the well known firm
of GaldM St McCulloch, of Galt, Mr
Smith will not remove Itis family from
Bruneels, fur a time itt least, ave aro
plea c'1 to hear. Ile ie a first-class
macho -Me.
The Rideau Record of Smith's Palls,
publisho.l on Sept. 2901, epeake of a
former I3ruseelita as follows :-Robert
Wynn, who loft here on Tuesday to talcs
a position with Will Barrios, of the Gold-
smith Hall, bas a reputation ae a watch-
maker eocood to none in the history of
our town. Hie work hes always given
the very beet satisfaction, not even the
t hronio grumbler Budin;; the least fault.
As a young man he hes won golden
opinions of our oitizene and especially
with the young ]adieu. Alr. Wyton will
be missed very nmoh from the Methodist
choir as be has been quite an active
member of it for the past year, C. Poe-
tletbwalte, in whose employment Mr.
Wynn has been for the past year and a
half, will still continue the business and
continue to satiety tho pnblic as' lie is
now quite an expert iu the trade.
Additional oca1 News.
IIran Sara Lord Bailey in the Metho-
distchurch this (Friday) evening.
Now that the fall Showe are over we
give a resume of W. 11. eloCracken's
prize winnings for I892 as follows ;-
Wingham, 10 ; Seaforth, 20 ; Belgrave,
20 ; Brussels, 46 ; end Blyth, 23, a total
of 1.33 in all. Alan, owes the newepapers
of the county a good sum for writing and
lotting his name so many times in a few
Nrxr•, members of St, John's Lodge, A.
F. & A. M„ Brussels, attended the funer-
al of Dr. Nichol, a well known and bigh-
ly respected resident of Listowel. The
deceased was interred with Masonio
honors. Among the Brueselites in at-
tendance were: -J. T. Pepper, Jno.
Shaw, G. P. Scholfield, Jas. Irwin, S.
Wilton, J, T, Ross, Tao. Hewitt, T, Fer-
guson and Geo, Hallidey.
Peon, Scoox heel a 845 00 house at his
concert in Brussels last Friday evening.
The talent consisted of Miss Maud
Stevenson, an excellent soloist, Miss
Evans, elocutionist, of Kincardine and
himself. Sone of the audience were an-
noyed at a number of pieces on the pro-
gram being exchanged for those of more
ancient date. Mise Evans diel her part
well eupecially in the lighter seleotions.
IT MAY Be Pon You. -There are quite
a number of subscribers to Tae Poar
who have not paid for 1802, and some
W110 owe for several years. This para-
graph is inserted as a reminder to such
and we hope they will at once put them-
selves straight on our books, as we do
not want to be oompelled to resort to
"dunning." We have done little of it in
the past and we hope our patrons will
not foroe us to continue it. Country
papers should be paid in advance, same
as city weeklies. We should like to Bay
that every copy of TIM POST sent out
this year is paid. Our patrons can pet
us in snots a position. We would be
pleased if they would use their best men
tions in this matter.
Snotma man aan lse.-The Wingham
Advanced an unbiased apeotator at the
Belgrave Fell Fair remarks ;-in the
oonteet for carriage teems there were
three entries, the owners being T. Bridg-
ea & Son, R. Leatherdale, R• Molndoo,
The rod ticket was awarded to the form-
er, who showed a splendid pair of black
oalts with white feet and white faces,
two and three years old respectively. At
so young an age they are scarcely more
than broken, and could not be °spaoted
to do to team's work, nor yet is looks
everything in a horse. They were car.
Welly not shown in their proper elasa,
R. Loatherdale's team are a handsomely
matched pair of blacks both in appear-
ance and notion, and it was generally
conceded that he had a "cinch" on the
first prize. Mr, llolodoo was consider-
ably surprised at the decision of the
judges, and remarked that Mc. Luther -
dale's team were worth as mnoh as his
and the colts pat together, and he knows
a good horse when be sees it.
Jxo, P. Ausrre's Pet/Ms.-The follow-
ing referenoe to Mrs, Rodoriok Rosa'
brothem.iu-law f0 clipped from the Lis-
towel Banner :-The remains of the late
John P. Austin. whose sad death in San
Antonia, Texas, we noted lest week, ar.
rived here at noon on Monday last and
were oonveyod to the residence of Andrew
Olimie, \Vallee° etreat, Mrs. Anetin and
her throe young daughters were suet at
Detroit by John M, Olimie and Mrs.
Adam Austin and arrived hone at the
same time. After to ehort service at the
house in the afternoon by the Rev, Sirup.
eon Nicholls, the remains worn taken to
the now cemetery and the last sad rites
performed amid a circle of sorrowing
friends and relatives. Mee, Austin was
mush worn by her bard experience but
speaks very gratefully of the great kind.
nese extended to her 11 the distant city.
Mr. Austin's late employer dict everything
fn hie potver to lighten her burden, while
the presence of T. A. Austin relieved her
of the caro of the funeral arrangements.
A local paper in Lotedo has the follow-
ing ;•- 3. P, Austin, general superinten-
dent of the F. P. Collins Manufaoburing
Company, died of tyypbosmalaria fever at
hie roeidence on Oaliforuia street yostor.
day, Deceased had boon sink only two
weeks. IIe was only 30 years of age but
enjoyed the confidence of the company
by which ho was employed ea well as the
respect of all who canna in contact with
him. no leaves' a wife 0031 throe child-
ren lo mourn his untimely loss, Itis
brother, T. A, Auatin, the agent of the
Mexican National Express at Laredo, was
telegraphed for and arrived last evening.
Doceased had lived hero only pne year
and the remains will be shipped this
evening to Omteda whore he was born.
The Ontario Government Mas appoint-
ed Samos Whyard, 1)nngenuon, to be
Meth of the Sixth Division Court of the
County of Huron, ih rho roan ani stead
of Won. Moirthur, resigned.