The Brussels Post, 1892-8-26, Page 4New Advertisements,
Fe.11 Goode --E. Rogers,
For Sale—G, A. Deadman,
Cheap Lines—Irwin an McBain,
G. T. R. Excursions, T. Fletcher.
Honey ou a Stick—G. A. Deadman.
Servant Wanted,—Mrs. J. T. Pepper.
CL be 3rltsst1: est,
FRIDAY, AUG, 26, 1892.
ON Saturday President Eerie= is-
sued a proclamation imposing a toll of
twenty omits a ton on Canadian vessels
using the Sault Canal, This ie in con-
sequence of our dlscrimination against
American ports by the rebate system.
The President's action is under authority
recently given him by Congress at his
own request.
REEVE BECK, of Colborne township,
hat visited the various looalitles in the
Co. of Huron advooating the claims of
Patrick Kelly, of Blyth, for a seat in the
Senate, so it is said. H. W. C. Meyer,
of Wingham, is also said to be an aspir-
ant. If this costly and nnneoessary
chamber is to be perpetuated we imagine
T. Farrow ex.21. P., of Brussels, has a
stronger claim and would fill the position
more oapabably than either of the above
mentioned gentlemen. 'But before any
person is appointed from this northern
country we would like somebody to rise
and explain what good the Senate is to
the Dominion of Canada ?
Coouadiau Ne3vr .
Natural gas has been struck at Cale-
donia, Ont.
A Dundee man has a thriving thick
possessed of four legs.
A boy named Pitt was drowned at
Wardsville on Monday while bathing.
The catch of whitefish on lake Winos -
peg this season is larger than ever be-
There are now over 80,000 people at
summer resorts among the Thousand Is.
The Great Western flour and oatmeal
mill in Woodstock, Ont., was burned
Saturday night.
C. Coughlin, of Montreal, shipped ou
Saturday a consignment of live hogs for
the old country.
John Roberts, the Kingston druggist
who died recently, leaves an estate of
over half a million.
The Royal Templars of Temperance
have raised their insurance to $8,000, an
increase of $1,000.
The wheat crop will average 20 bushels
to the acre all over Manitoba, according
to estimates of good judges.
Lacan, Middlesex county, boasts of a
brother and two sisters whose ages
united amount to 270 years.
The weather throoghont Manitoba and
the Northwest oontinues most favorable,
and hag ee'ing is progressing rapidly. A
big percentage of the wheat crop is now
George Daniels, formerly of Hamilton,
received what will likely prove fatal in-
juries by being run over by afi engine at
By Sir John Thompson's new Crimin-
al Code, the buyer of a lottery ticket
makes himself liable to a fine of $50 for
each offence.
L. L, Sovereign, of Waterford, thresh-
ed over 600 bushels of Early Red Claw-
son wheat from 12 sores, or 50 bushels
to the sore.
The Canadian Government has prohi•
bited the importation of rags from Ger-
many and Belgium as a further pre•
oantion against cholera.
A team belonging to Chris. Helmuth,
of East Zona, dropped dead the other
day, while attached to a binder. They
were overcome by heat.
Fred. Coveney was killed on the Grand
Trunk traoli at Sobaw station, near
Guelph, early Saturday morning. He
was walking on the track in an intoxioated
The supreme cashier of the Order of
the Iron Hall has petitioned for the ap-
pointment of a receiver. It is claimed
that there is a shortage of $200,000 in
the funds of the order.
James McKee, of Barrie, was fatally
Burt by the mail train from Toronto at
the crossing about a mile south of Allen-
dale on Friday of last week. His horse
was instantly killed, but Mr. McKee
lingered until Barrie was reached.
Henry Lunen, sobool teacher, was ar-
rested in the Globe officio, Toronto,
while calling for answers to an advertise-
ment for teaohere to go to the Northwest '
on good salaries. After receiving ans.
were Lunen would write to applicants re.
questing remittance of $1, to cover the
coat of registering their Ontario oertifi.
sates in the Northwest, which is a ab.
All tbe'immigration officers in Winni.
peg are in receipt of telegrams daily
from farmers asking for help during
harvest and threshing. The supply does
not nearly equal the demand, and but
a small proportion of the requests are
filled. Wages are good throughout the
oountry, $45 a month and board being
offered, but even with this inducement
men are not to be found.
Edwin 0. Bartley, of Harrington, has
favored the Stratford Herald with a
sample of raspberry known as Shafer's
Colossal, a cultivated cross between the
common red and black varieties. The
vine is exceedingly thrifty and has been
known to attain the height of 25 feet,
while the fruit is folly twice the size of
the ordinary raspberry. It is also a
heavy oropper and should be popular
with the onitivator of small fruits.
I ' x]xoitemeut is high in 0.0. F. eirolee
in Galt over the mysterious dieappearaneo
of $211.95 of the money belonging, to the
demonstration committee. T night of
the dAmonetration the moneyfcollected
during the da', some $1,200, was counted
by flue of the committee and put in a
vanes and looked in the shoe store of
Charles Boos. Upon opening it in the
morning the valise was found open and
6212 short. There were no windows or
doors broken open and the mystery is
how did the money get out 7 It is said
that only three know the combination of
the safe. A. deleotive will be hired to
ferret out the Dass.
The Y, M. C. A., Seaforth, are having
rooms fitted up in Sarong's new block.
Messrs. Blow and Clegg have the On.
tract for the new Foragers' Hall, Gerrie.
Whitely cC Todd, will disolve pert-
nersbipp as proprietors of the Clinton
News -Record..
Hon. J. O. Patterson has donated 815
towards the funds of the Huron Central
Fair, Clinton,
Rev. john Rose, of Cape Breton, has
aooepted the Dell from Ashfield Prseby-
terian eongregation.
The Roman Catholics of Winnipeg
hove decided to carry on their separate
Schools by private subscription.
Wm. Mahood and Milton Carter,
Fordwioh pupils, won the gold and silver
medals, respectively, at the Harrieton
High Sohool exam.
W. H. Olegg'e bankrupt stoop of hard-
ware and groceries, Gorrte, was purchas-
ed by Thos. Rae, of Wroxeter. hard-
ware 41i Dents on the $, groceries 68
oento 011 the $.
Who ever heard of a oow being frigh-
tened to death ? It occurred over ab
Niagara Damp a few weeks ago. The
Guelph Field Battery paraded on the
wide common and fired a salvo of four
guns. A hundred yards in front stood a
oow contentedly chewing her ottd, totally
oblivious of what was going on or how
soon she was going to be a oberub.
Bang! went the big guns with a roar,
and down dropped the oow—dead. Doc•
tors and vetenrnary surgeons marvelled,
and Dr. Hilliary, brigade surgeon, had to
make an otitoial report of Lieut..Col.
Otter, D. A. G„ in command of the
camp, to the effect that the cow's sudden
death was undoubtedly due to a nervous
As au example of fast running it may
be mentioned for the first time that No.
13 on the 4811 inst., made the run from
Windsor to St. Thomas, a dietanoe of
112 miles, in one hour and 58 minutes,
including stops, Engineer Cooper at the
throttle. This train slowed up for three
railroad orossmgs, including a stop of
five minutes at Fargo for water. Let us
deduct, say two minutes for each oro0s•
ing, a very fair average, in all eleven
minutes, whioh leaves as a result a record
of 112 miles in 107 minutes, a regular
brain at that. When we figure the lost
time in starting and stopping it will
readily be seen that a speed of nearly 65
miles per hour was maintained during
the entire dietanoe.
Even Smith, of Alex.
MoDonald, of Cincinnati, for years oon.
fidential man and bookkeeper for the
Consolidated Tank Line Company and
Standard oil Company in Cincinnati,
who disappeared so mysteriously last
April, has been looated by detectives in
Belmore, Bruce county, Ont. McDonald
has ordered that be be arrested and
brought back to Cincinnati, but refuses
to give the reason for such action. Ex-
perts have examined Smith's accounts
and pronounce them straight. Smith,
when found, was living in luxurious style,
though when he left so mysteriously he
had only a few hundred dollars on his
person. Friends of Smith and McDon-
ald say he will be planed in a sanitarium,
his mind having been affected by the
strain resulting from his responsible
Wm. Trotter, stove dealer, received in
the way of trade, a second-hand stove,
whioh is safe to say, is the oldest in this
section of country. The stove was the
property of Mrs. Wells, who resides on
the McAlister farm, Flespeler road. It is
a square box stove, with en old fashioned
Dutch oven on top, and weighs nearly
700 lbs. Its sides are ornamented with
the British coat of arms end the ends
with Prussian eagles. It hears neither
date nor maker's name. In conversation
with Mrs. Wells our reporter learned
that her mother was born at Sugar Loaf
Hill, U. 0., in 1797, and was married to
Jonathan Baker, at "Little York" (now
Toronto) then a mere hamlet, in 1317,
Mrs. Wells' parents purchased the stove
and a "grandfather" clook from a man
who had some years previously emigrated
from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, paying
therefor farm produce to the value of
$155. The stove was at that time au
old one and it is quite likely was made
before the Revolutionary war. Mrs.
Wells still retains the olook and would
not part with it on any oonsideration.—
Galt Reformer.
G enera.l Newts.
NOW York City has got rid of small-
The first photograph was made in July
Oscar Wilde will visit Amerioa next
The Queen has elevated Sir Lyon Play -
fair to the peerage.
Texas fever hes broken out among
cattle in Indianapolis.
Glanders is very prevalent among
horses in London, England.
A Cincinnati doctor recommends eat-
ing lemons for rheumsation.
Physioians' carriages have the right of
way in the streets of Berlin.
Queensland, Australia, owes the largest
national debt, $310 a head.
Baron Houghton, the new Irish Vioo-
roy, has £10,000 a year inoome.
Judge Vail, of Chicago, last week grant-
ed eight divorces in thirty minutes.
The first frost of the season prevailed
in New Hampshire on Monday morning.
The St. Louis Chief of Police requires
the 1,000 Chinese in that city to be
The 2,000 students of the Normal Col.
lege are holding a national convention at
Valparaiso, Ind.
Aaron Howell, a farmer ab Goshen, N.
Y., successfully employs monkeys .to
pick bis cherries.
Mormon missionaries are carrying on
work in Old London and have made
quite a number of converts.
About 1,000 sawmill employees at Eau.
claire, Wis., have struck for a ten-hour
day with eleven hours' pay.
At a recent spiritualistic seance in
London the ghost of Voltaire misplaced.
his h's and was unable to understand
The Romans used the first Shaving
brush and razor, B. C, 800, and Pliny
tells us that Scipio Afrioians was the
first individual Roman to shave.
Charles F. Vincent and James Welsh,
two convicts, attempted to escape from
Sing Sing, N. 3t'., prison on Monday.
The guards fired on them,, killing Vin.
Gent and wounding Welsh in the leg.
Mrs. Michael K. Mills, wife of l rinoe
Miohaol of flying roll fame, has been
granted a divorce in Detroit, on the
ground that hat husband had been cow
vioted of a felony and sentenced to more
than three years' imprisonment.
Fifty thousand tailors in London have
been looked out owing to a dispute with
the employers regarding piece worlr.
Dr. 1Sooh has been oomnlissionsd by
the German Government to study the
new disease whioh lute appeared in
Persia and whioh accompanies (Molera,
though it seems to be a distinct malady.
Maud S. is no longer queen of the
trotting turf. The position whlob she
has held so long has been wrested from
her, and Nanoy Hanks reigns in Iter
stead. Tuesday, Aug. 16th, at Washing.
ton Park, Chicago, in the presence of
10,000 spectators, Budd Dobls drove his
mare to beat her record, bat lowered the
world's trotting reoord from 2,086 (the
time of Maud S.) to 2.07I-. The traok
was a trifle dusty in places, but as fast
as is oould well be. The mare was in
BXO011ent condition, and there was noth-
ing to prevent her from doing her best.
The official time for the mile, which was
as honest a toile as WW1 ever trotted, is
814, 1.086, 1.86 , 2.07}. The last quarter
was trotted in 306 seconds. At the end
of her great exploit the mare did not
appear disturbed hi the least degree.
She had finished fresh and strong. Dob -
le weighed 150 pounds and the sulky 62
pounds. Nanoy is a bay, six years old,
156 hands high. She was sired by Happy
Medium mut of a Dictator mare.
Next Mondayleveniog T. MsGillionddy,
of Toronto, will deliver a lecture in the
Baptist church, Winghant, on "head and
Heart?' It is highly spoken of.
Good going Aug. 25 to 29.
From Brussels and Return to
MONTREAL, - - $9,35
KINGSTON, - - 6.35
QUEBEC, - - - 11.35
Good to return bo Sept. 1985.,
Detroit International Fair
Ang. 60, Single First,alass Fare, good re.
turning on Sept. 3rd.
Manitoba Excursions
Sept. Oth to Points Advertised at Cur-
rent Rates.
For Tiokobs going and returning via G.
T. and 0. P. Rys. call on
All Baggage checked through witho ut
change of check.
Auction Salle
Valuable Mills, Stores, Resi-
denoes & Farm Property.
Liao os 1301155EL0.
A rooant discovery by an
old physician, Successful-
ly used monthly by thous-
ands of 0611105, Is the
Duly psrfsotly safe and
reliable medicine disoov.
orod. Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer inferiorniodieinos in plaoe of this, Ask
for Ooox'o COTTON Room 00)1M01111D, take no
substitute 1 or inclose 91 and d three•eent
Oauede postage stamps iu letter, and we
will send sealed, by return mail. Full sold -
ed partloulars in plain envelope, to ladies
only, 2 stamps. Address rend Lily Coru-
peny, No. B Fisher Bleak, 181 Woodward
ave„ Detroit, Mich,
larSo1d in Brussels by J. T. Pl•]hIE11, G.
A, D2ADMAN and all responsible druggists
'Under and by virtue of the powers of sale
contained 1u a certain mortgage, whioh
mortgage will be produced at the time of
sale, there will be offered for sale by public
auction, at the AM2RI0AN HOTEL in the
Village of Bra seals, on
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m„ by Finlay S.
Scott, Esq., Auctioneer, the following prop-
erties, namely ,-
Parcel No. 1.—All that property Wage.
1n the townsVillage
profGrey, n Brussels,
is and
the frame grist mill and BOW mill, known as
the National Mills, owned by the late Wil-
liam Vanstone, together with the mill dem,
water power and all other privileges 000,1
oditeilassdoinhl1gtfiong hthe
same, with
river, and more partloularly desoribed in the
said mortgage from William Vanstone to
the mortgagees, which laude form part of
Lots Nos. 1, 2 & a in the 10th concession of
the Township of Grey and part of Lot No. 2
in the 11th oonoessiou of the said Township
of G
Threyye NutiSnsl Mills are said to be fitted up
with the latest desortphon of machinery for
manufacturing Patent process Flour, with a
capacity. of 75 barrels per day, The water
power is also said to be supplemented with
a 75 b. p. engine and 100 h. p. steal boiler, all
of whioh could be put in repair at a moder-
ate outlay. The saw mill adjoins the grist
mill and is supplied with power from the
same process,
Parcel No. 2.—That certain farm property
situate iu the said Village of Brneseis and in
the Township of Grey, being parts of Lots
Not. 1, 2 & 8 in the 10th 50000551on, and Lot
No, -2 is the lith concession of the said town-
ship of Grey, more particularly described 10
the said mortgage, containing in all about
thirty -ave sores, occupied Gy Mr, George
Thomson, tenant, at 000.00 for the season,
Parcel No. 8.—Lobe 157 & 158 and part of
Lot150 in the said Village of Brusuals situ-
ated almost directly opposite the mill pro-
rerty, There are said to be erected on those
lots, tbree frame houses and a frame barn
and stable occupied by tenants at a rents'
amounting to 07,50 per month,
Parcel No. d,—Part of Lot 108 fronting on
Turnborryy street in the said Village of Brus-
sels, on w111ob is °rooted the Vanstone Buoolt
consisting of two bre stores With plate
glass fruits. Ous of
Ghe stores is vacant int
ahem Office, and the other
oocuplied has
by W ,211,vSin-
clair, and a Jewe(1y store, oosupiod by Sas,
Jones, The s000nd storey is fitted up for
MUGS and a Lodge room and is occupied.
Parcel No, 0,—Lot 002, 000000 of Flora 8t„
on whioh there is said to be emoted a frame
dwelling house, formerly Oooupi02 by Mr, W
pl'nsis 01 6AL10,—Tenor out, o1 the pur-
ohase money to be paid in cash ou the day
of said to the Vendor's solioitors. and suit!•
oient, with su011 deposit, to make ,up ono•
third of the purchase monoy, to be paid
Within thirty uws thereafter; the balance
to bo soourOd by a first mortgage outhe
property, payable in Ave years with inter -
MA at Seven per cont, bal1.yoariy,
Tho property will bo offered for file in
separate parcels, and snbj tat bo a Reserve
Rid as to (m010 pareol.
The purchaser wall bo required to accept
the property subj oat to tau Otos,
Further terms and conditions made known
on day of sale,
For further particulars apply to, the Aui.
Maimed, or to W. M, Sinclair, le52.,11arrisbor,
81107 D 1& 20D03311b1 3, DAnVIDSON lLb
18 Toronto St„ Toronto
Vendor's 8olioibore, +
System 'Renovator
AND 0001:11
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop, and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER.
Druggist, Brussels.
means the kid-
neys are in
trouble. Dodd's
Kidney Pills giue
prompt relief."
"75 per cent.
o disease is
rst caused by
disordered kid-
"Might as well
try to have a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
the scavengers
of the system,
"Delay is
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
"The above
diseases cannot
exist where
Dodd's Kidner
Pine are used.'
Sold by all dealers or sent by ineiloe receipt
of price so cents. per box or six for $a. -o.
Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for
book celled Ridney Talk.
7111811 • ARRIVALS
Star Restallllaut
Do You :Know
That C. E. Perry makes as
fine photos. as are maclo in the
Conn ty?
That he
Finishes all photos. on the
new permanent aristo paper
That ho
Can't be boat on family
and other groups 2 110
Copies and enlarges old
pictures to any size 2
That his
Cabinet Photos. aro excep-
tionally find ?
That his
Baby Photos. are unoquall•
eel, and if you want a first-class,
finely finished photo. you enn't
clo bottor than call on
0. E. PERRY,
Noxt to American Hotel,
Aue, 26, 1892
F01) 'T'.E3 H
ruich oolcn Mill
f, i d Vi{{OF
{ {P011'o:i6 'v
50®�.� �
In Exchange for Goods.
,amcm2i4 tammmamv
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed,
we have a rine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Prints,
Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
Yarns, &o.
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, Whether rolls or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
Satisfaction - Guaranteed.
Having acicleci new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A look at his photos.
will convince you that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Enlarged to anzl size
in Crayon at reasonable rices.
A Specialty made of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank.
H. J. Srrr-Zc7 C-.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
solicitors, (C"C.,
BnusBisLs, ONT.
CO1 t7 P %MIN
su000seful CONSUMPTION CURE, ie
without a parallel in the history of unodi-
ofne, A11 druggists are authorized; to sell
it on a positive guarantee, a teet that no
other cure oat sucoessfully.stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronohibis,
use it, for it will cure you. If your child
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is Faure. If you
dread that insidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, DON'T 1'AIL 80 use it, it will cure
you or cost nothing-. Ask your Druggist
for SIITILOH'S CURE, Price 10o., 50o.
and $1,00 If your lungs are sore or book
lame,use Shiloh's Porous plaster, 250.
Sept. 151h to 24th, 1892.
$2,000 added to the Prize List,
Over 81,500 going to the nurses., Cattle
Shoop, L'igs 81111 Poultry classes.
Visite re and Exhibitors are promised more
for thou money this year than ever before.
Stabling and space allotted on receipt of
and elaborate 1iinA s will b0 of an attractive
Spatial EEV.01111010110 011 all Railways,
For Prize Lisb and all information apply to
Copt. A. 'W. Porte, Pros.
Thos. A. Browne, Soo,